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User:Ignacio2403/Digital platform

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A digital platform it is a place on the Internet that serves to store different types of information, both personal and business level. These platforms work with certain types of operating systems and run programs or applications with different content, how can games be, images, text, calculations, simulations and video, among others.[1]

Digital platforms can also be conceived as systems that can be programmed and customized by external developers, as the users, and in this way can be adapted to innumerables needs and issues that not even the creators of the original platform had contemplated.[2]


Digital platforms have positioned themselves in the virtual field through the beginning of the Web 2.0, which defined new alternatives on the use of the web platform for collaborative work. Through the new interaction between users and virtual systems, digital platforms have become blurred, giving rise to the diversity of websites that support this line of virtual work.

It is important to bear in mind that through digital platforms, regardless of the focus of each of them, it is possible to manage content and perform a wide variety of activities through web portals.In this way it has been taking quite this type of applications and is currently still in continuous development.[3]


Digital platforms aspire to position the web as the main channel to acquire content. Among its features include: mong its features include:

  • They are creators of contents and services: meet in different providers, applications, services, content and developers. Its value grows as supply increases, both in quantity and quality.
  • They can be open or closed. Apple is the dominator between closed or proprietary platforms, while Androidor several telecommunications companies aspire to create open platforms with different degrees of control over the developments of third parties).
  • They offer preferential access to content premium.<meta /> That is, with higher quality content, bandwidth, resolution, interface, etc.
  • They are multe support and multichannel. It allows access through web, mobile phones, video game consoles, televisions connected to the Internet, etc.
  • They give more control of the contents and of their intellectual property rights and use to the suppliers, in addition to gathering more data from the clients and they are managers of the final user.
  • Payment business for access or charge for content: several business models coexist with payment for content, access subscriptions, micropayments, licenses for content associated with equipment and supports, etc.
  • They allow access to packages of contents or services: no platform is content with a single offer, the contents are profitable in packages (such as pay-TV), as well as the services (the Internet, fixed, mobile and pay TV packages of telecommunications operators).[4]

Advantages and disadvantages of digital platforms[edit]


  • Autonomy of publication and production to the network of resources and contents by the participants.
  • They allow hosting information because other users obtain it.
  • Access different types of information through a login.
  • Connection interfaces with several users.
  • Facility to the users of incoprorar-se in the call Telecommuting.
  • Use from anywhere in the world.


All the academic processes require a continuous self-learning, therefore the only tangible disadvantage is the lack of knowledge of the tools of its operation.

In addition we can also consider that some of its disadvantages are:

  • The slow loading speed for data transmission.
  • No-direct interaction with a user.
  • Theittle privacy with our files.

Different sales within a platform[edit]

Each provider determines their business model within the platform, from the free offer, one-time payment. The access to the contents through technological platforms or social networks are the new models that are opened for the future. In them, the web loses the centrality of which it has enjoyed in recent years and uses the Internet infrastructure to build intelligent networks where the neutrality of the network is replaced by a greater offer, more transparent, with different access prices in function of the content and services contracted.

It advances from the open and free Internet of recent years to a model of platforms in search of increasing the digital business for operators, manufacturers, large Internet and media.

Type of digital platforms[edit]

Educational platforms[edit]

It is a tool that allows us to offer interaction between one or several users for educational purposes based on pedagogical and multimedia techniques, among many others.

These tools can be software developments, tailored to educational institutions, or they can be hardware components or the combination of the two.

With the integration of technology our way of life, we must consider new ways of interaction between teaching staff and students. But it is a priority task for teachers to capture content effectively, managing learning activities that contemplate classic methods with the advantage of computer applications.

But it is a priority task for teachers to capture the content effectively, managing learning activities that contemplate classic methods with the In addition, it is considered a process that contributes to the evolution of learning and teaching processes, which complements or presents alternatives in traditional education processes. Within the range of educational platforms, the best known are:

Social and publishing platforms[edit]

Social platforms are websites that serve to store various types of information related to the social interactions of users. In addition, they are social networks that facilitate contact with family friends and others. These platforms work with certain types of operating systems and run programs and applications with very broad content (images, text, audiovisuals, calculations, etc.).[5]

Main social networks.

As important examples of social digital platforms today we can highlight in the field of social networks:

Some audiovisual content platforms are:


  1. ^ {{cite web|url=https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-digital-platform-And-how-does-it-differ-from-campaigns-or-branding}
  2. ^ http://www.slideshare.net/lore-olaya/plataforma-digital. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  3. ^ http://plataformas-digitales.wikispaces.com/. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  4. ^ http://definicion.de/plataforma-virtual/. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  5. ^ http://www.slideshare.net/iracemis/plataformas-sociales-39881510. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
