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srМатерњи језик овог корисника је српски језик.
Maternji jezik ovog korisnika je srpski jezik.
fi-4Tämä käyttäjä osaa suomea äidinkielen tavoin.
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
bs-0Ovaj korisnik ne govori bosanski jezik.
This user comes from Republika Srpska.
This user is a member of the
Orthodox Church.
This user sends regards, signed... From Russia with Love.
BIOThis user's favourite subject is Biology.
DEThis user's favourite subject is German.
HISThis user's favourite subject is History.
PSYThis user's favorite subject is Psychology.
ЯThis user's favourite subject is Russian.

Hi! I am Vilma Vlasic, I am a Herzegovinian Serb girl from Trebinje, living in Finland. I live with my beloved hungarian dog, Arika and my mother.