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This is an ongoing participatory effort to co-create and enrich a Glossary on Open GLAM. It is intended to be a starting point for people who want to find description for GLAM terms. It may also serve as a resource for newcomers. This co-creation and enrichment of the Glossary on Open GLAM is a project that started in 2022 by Working Group 6: Open GLAM Resources of the CCGN Open GLAM Platform.

A first list of terms was created based on some GLAM Glossaries.[1][2][3] Then information in the Glossary has been jointly authored for public reference and research purposes. While every effort is made to see that no inaccurate or misleading data appears herein, the authors and contributors accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any inaccurate or misleading data and information.



This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

Article on Wikipedia Description Edit the description
Central European Initiative forum of regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe, counting 18 member states; formed in Budapest in 1989 Q392805
Connecting Europe Facility European Commission fund for investments in transport infrastructure, energy and digital projects of the European Union Q28137049
Creative Commons non-profit-organization creating copyright licenses for the public release of creative works Q43449
Digital Decade 2030 EU funding Q111448863
Digital Preservation Coalition UK-based non-profit limited company which seeks to secure the preservation of digital resources Q5275956
European Citizens' Initiative one of the major innovations of the Treaty of Lisbon Q52857
Europeana digital collection of European cultural heritage operated by the Europeana Foundation Q234110
Europeana Data Model interoperable framework for describing digital cultural heritagedata Q110672270
Europeana Foundation non-profit organisation that operates the Europeana platform Q20875125
Europeana Network Association voluntary association Q46599485
GLAM acronym for "galleries, libraries, archives, and museums" that refers to cultural institutions that have access to knowledge as their mission Q1030034
OpenGLAM initiative and community focused on Open Access in GLAM institutions Q17073125
RightsStatements.org statement any one of the set of statements published by RightsStatements.org consortium to communicate the copyright and re-use status of digital objects Q47530706
Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) committee Q108546368
Text and data mining automated process of selecting and analyzing large amounts of text or data resources for purposes such as searching and semantic analysis Q70708084
The 20th century black hole the effect of copyright law on making cultural heritage available online Q115132544
World Intellectual Property Organization specialized UN agency focused on intellectual property protection Q177773
activity series of actions done by an agent which results in an external change of state Q1914636
archive agency or institution responsible for the preservation and communication of records selected for permanent preservation Q166118
art gallery place where art is exhibited and sometimes also sold Q1007870
audience group of people who participate in a show or encounter a work of art Q211198
author a writer of a book, article, or document (subclass : literary works: writer [Q36180]) Q482980
best practice method or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to alternatives either because it produces results that are better or because it has become a standard way of doing things Q830382
breakout room isolated sessions that are split off from a main event Q115132672
capacity building process by which individuals or organizations improve their capability to produce, perform or deploy Q1417724
carbon footprint total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent Q310667
change pathway an impact tool to connect the activities and outputs of an organisation with the outcomes experienced by the stakeholder Q115132898
collection set of purposefully gathered physical or digital objects with some common characteristics Q2668072
community social unit of human organisms who share common values Q177634
consortium organization of natural or legal persons to achieve common goals; often informel; often established to deal with a particular problem Q15783838
content matter or entity that is contained Q12488383
controlled digital lending library practice of circulating digitized works, instead of print versions Q61937323
convention meeting of a group of individuals and/or companies in a certain field Q625994
copyright legal concept in common law regulating rights related to original creative work Q1297822
cultural heritage physical artifact or intangible attribute of a society inherited from past generations Q210272
customer recipient of a good, service, product or idea obtained from a seller via a financial transaction Q852835
data collection process of gathering and measuring information Q4929239
data set collection of data Q1172284
delegate individual who speaks or acts on behalf of an organization Q994779
digital object in information science, a digital representation (i.e. computer file, such as a JPG) of a described object or record, which may be associated with its descriptive metadata Q59138870
digital object identifier ISO standard unique string identifier for a digital object Q25670
digital representation result of the digitalisation of an object Q42396623
digital tool tool related to digitization and data mining Q107894005
digital transformation adoption of digital technology by a social entity Q4252370
digitization process of creating a digital representation of a document or object Q843958
eLending the practice of lending an born-digital ebook to a borrower for a limited period of time Q115132528
edit-a-thon Wikimedia term to describe a collaboration on a specific topic in real life among Wikimedians Q16022392
end-user person who ultimately uses or is intended to ultimately use a product; stands in contrast to users who support or maintain the product Q528074
environmental effects factors affecting environment Q2022868
evaluation systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth, scope or significance Q1379672
fair dealing a limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work found in many of the common law jurisdictions of the Commonwealth of Nations Q427047
fair use limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work Q131562
freedom of panorama limitation to copyright Q918113
hackathon event in which groups of software developers work at an accelerated pace Q46855
impact assessment formal, evidence-based procedures that assess the economic, social, and environmental effects of public policy Q6005872
innovation application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs, or existing market needs Q174165
library institution charged with the care of a collection of literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials, such as books, manuscripts, recordings, or films Q7075
license set of permissions and restrictions to use something Q79719
linked open data linked data available under an open license Q18692990
metadata data about data Q180160
metadata mapping an expression of rules to convert structured data from one format or model to another Q59163916
metadata record the information that makes up an entry in Europeana, typically comprising a title, description and other information about a Digital Object Q59163959
museum institution that holds artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance Q33506
name word or phrase used for identification Q82799
network analysis use of graph theory to solve network problems Q4417999
open content content that is openly accessible and modifiable to others Q1293664
open data data that is openly accessible and usable to others Q309901
open mic live show at a variety of different clubs Q256869
orphan work status status of a work: claimed, partial orphan, orphan, not orphan work Q60733235
out-of-commerce work works that are still protected by copyright but are no longer commercially available because the authors and publishers have decided neither to publish new editions nor to sell copies through the customary channels of commerce Q78788564
output what comes out of something (input) Q1150771
panel discussion group of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an audience Q2100278
physical tool physical item that can be used to achieve a goal Q39546
presentation process of presenting a topic to an audience Q604733
problem statement concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by a problem solving team Q4374193
proprietor one who owns something, such as enterprise Q12794619
public domain no exclusive intellectual property rights apply Q19652
reference work publication to which one can refer for confirmed facts Q13136
remix piece of media that has been edited and re-released Q214272
reuse using an item again after it has been used, instead of recycling or disposing Q846574
rights holder person or organization who possesses certain rights over a work Q63378287
round table form of academic discussion Q896903
size magnitude or dimension of a thing; concept abstracted from the process of measuring by comparing a longer to a shorter or vice versa Q322481
social impact effect on society Q107340055
stakeholder anyone who has a 'stake' in something, including the outcome of a process or work of an organisation or project. Stakeholders can support the work of organizations including government, trade unions, owners, investors, etc. Q852998
tag metadata used for classifications or adding of informations Q658349
task force group or formation established to work on a single defined task or activity Q1637368
technical protection measures technical measure for protection of copyrighted digital works Q56753289
thumbnail reduced-size versions of pictures or videos Q873806
traditional knowledge knowledge systems in the cultural traditions of communities Q1428168
training acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of teaching Q918385
user-generated content online content created by users Q579716
web scraping data scraping used for extracting data from websites Q665452
webinar seminar through web conferencing services Q442781
webometrics study of the quantitative aspects of the construction and use of information resources, structures and technologies on the Web Q1929715
work individual intellectual or artistic creation Q386724
work of art aesthetic item or artistic creation; object whose value is its beauty only, not practical usefulness Q838948
workshop classroom training courses, of short duration, for training on specific topics with a typical duration of 1 day Q27556165

∑ 98 items.

End of auto-generated list.


  1. ^ Wallace, Andrea (2020-10-19). "Words Mean Things (A Glossary)". Open GLAM. doi:10.21428/74d826b1.51566976.
  2. ^ "Glossary of Terms". Europeana Pro. Retrieved 2022-11-09.
  3. ^ "SAA Dictionary: A". dictionary.archivists.org. Retrieved 2022-11-09.