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Social Networks Addiction


Social Networks Addiction is a more specific, Internet addiction, although nothing is set in stone, there are many psychologist and researchers discussing this specific area, for example Michael Fenichel, a US Psychologist, who uses he’s unofficial term, Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD), within an online paper.[1]

The way in which a social network addiction works, is a gradual rewarding process, similar to a dog learning new tricks, each time the trick is acted out, the dog is rewarded, in terms a social network, a user posts or tweets, when they receive feedback, comments, retweets or likes, this acts like a reward in approval and acknowledgment from others.[2] [3] Other example being social network works resembling a drug in which yearnings to follow and watch stories develop and evolve in front of your eyes is captivating and difficult to ignore. Although the manner this rewarding cycle works, it can correspond alongside gamification, making a social networks link back to gaming addiction. [4]

Social networks can be argued that it may not be an addiction, as it could just be part of our daily life in the 21st century. Yet as this argument for either side will continue for many years, it’s easy to see, the immediate effect of a social network Internet addiction, which many theories and authors, write about concern. For example Jaron Lanier within ‘You Are Not A Gadget’, and many others including Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler and Sherry Turkle


  1. ^ , Fenichel. M (2013) Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) Paper.
  2. ^ Poh, M (2012) The Psychology Of Facebook.
  3. ^ Jayson, S (2009) ‘Flocking’ behavior lands on social networking
  4. ^ How Videogames Changed the World

