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1138 is the number of a B1 battle droid that appears briefly in The Phantom Menace during the battle between droids and Gungans. It loses power when Anakin destroys the droid control ship. It's name is a reference to George Lucas' film THX 1138.



4-A7 is a protocol droid serving Asajj Ventress voiced by James Arnold Taylor. He appears in The Clone Wars film, where Ventress sends him to meet Anakin and Ahsoka, pretending to be a caretaker of the B'Omarr monastery in order to trap them. They later see him loading supplies onto a Separatist ship and, realizing he is a Seperatist droid, kill him.



Mas Amedda


Mas Amedda is a Chagrian politician living on Coruscant. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace, played by Jerome Blake, as Chancellor Valorum's vice chair in the Galactic Republic.

Amedda reappears as Chancellor Palpatine's vice chair in Attack of the Clones, now played by David Bowers. In Attack of the Clones, Amedda is shown aiding Palpatine in manipulating the Senate into granting him extra powers.



Amee is a human girl living on Tatooine who appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, where she makes fun of Anakin's podracer. She is played by Katie Lucas, but the credits attribute her portrayal to "Jenna Green".

Padmé Amidala

Main article: Padmé Amidala

Mari Amithest


Mari Amithest is a Force-sensitive human. She appears as a child in Attack of the Clones, where Yoda is overseeing her Jedi training on Coruscant. She is played by Phoebe Yiamkiati.

Passel Argente


Passel Argente is the Koorivan senator for the Corporate Alliance. He first appears as a background character during scenes featuring the Galactic Senate in The Phantom Menace.

Argente reappears in Attack of the Clones, played by Steven Boyle. Argente is one of many senators who meets with Count Dooku on Geonosis to transfer their loyalties from the Republic to the Separatist Alliance.



Hermoine Bagwa


Hermione Bagwa is a human waitress at Dex's Diner on Coruscant. She appears briefly in Attack of the Clones, played by Susie Porter.

Kitster Banai


Kitster Banai is a human boy living on Tatooine who appears in The Phantom Menace, played by Dhruv Chanchani. Kitster is friends with Anakin, helping him work on his podracer, and attending the Boonta Eve race to cheer him on.

Sio Bibble


Sio Bibble is the human governor of Naboo. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Oliver Ford Davies. He is held hostage by the Trade Federation during their invasion of Naboo and chooses to stay rather than flee with Queen Amidala. The Federation later force him to send Amidala a message begging her to give into the Federation's demands. He appears at the celebrations following the Federation's defeat.

Bibble reappears in Attack of the Clones, where he and Queen Jamilla receive Padmé, who is fleeing from assassination attempts on Coruscant.

Depa Billaba


Depa Billaba is a Chalactan Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where she is played by Dipika O'Neill Joti. She attends Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral.

Billaba is again featured as a background character in Attack of the Clones, however Joti was unavailable for filming. Footage from The Phantom Menace is edited into scenes of the Jedi Council, and another actress was hired to portray her in the battle scenes of Geonosis. As the new actress looked very different from Joti, it was eventually decided that her character would instead be Billaba's sister, Sar Labooda.

Jar Jar Binks

Main article: Jar Jar Binks



Blackout is a clone trooper, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, who appears in Cat and Mouse, where he assists Anakin in running supplies to Christophsis.

Dud Bolt


Dud Bolt is a podracer pilot who competes in the Boonta Eve race in The Phantom Menace, losing to Anakin.

Bolt's podracer is seen briefly racing through the snow on a screen in a Coruscant nightclub in Attack of the Clones.




Main article: C-3PO



Chopper is a clone trooper who appears in The Hidden Enemy, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He is stationed on Christophsis under the command of Sergeant Slick. When Rex and Cody interrogate the clones to find out who has been selling secrets to the Separatists, they discover that Chopper had disobeyed orders and gone back to a battle scene to collect battle droid fingers for a necklace, feeling as though "they owe [...] [him]". Although Chopper is revealed to not be the spy, his disobedience is similarly significant in that it shows the clones are not as obedient and mindless as the Jedi (and the audience) had initially been lead to believe they were.



CC-2224, nicknamed Cody is a clone marshal commander paired with Obi-Wan.

He reappears in The Clone Wars film, set before Revenge of the Sith, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He is involved in a large battle against the Separatist droids on Christophsis at the beginning of the film. After the clones defeat the droids, Cody and his men go with Anakin to Teth to rescue Jabba's son Rotta.

Cody makes numerous appearances throughout The Clone Wars TV series. Cat and Mouse and The Hidden Enemy cover the events leading up to the battle of Christophsis shown at the start of The Clone Wars. In The Hidden Enemy, Cody and Rex interrogate a clone battalion, knowing that one of them has sold secrets to the Separatists. They eventually discover the spy is Sergeant Slick and arrest him.

Cody reappears in Rookies, where he and Rex are sent to check on the station on the Rishi moon, only to discover it under attack from droids. The two senior clones meet up with the surviving inexperienced clones and manage to destroy the base, alerting the Republic that the station is under siege. Impressed by the rookies, Cody promotes them and takes them into the 501st Legion.



Cordé is one of Padmé's human handmaidens. She appears briefly in Attack of the Clones, played by Natalie Portman and Veronica Segura. Cordé acts as Padmé's decoy as they land on Coruscant to discuss the creation of a Republican army, and she is killed by an explosion masterminded by Jango Fett on the behalf of Nute Gunray.



Lott Dod


Lott Dod is a Neimoidian politician who acts as senator of the Trade Federation in the Galactic Senate. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Silas Carson and voiced by Toby Longworth. He attempts to stop the Senate from forcing the Federation out of Naboo, claiming that no invasion took place.

Dod reappears in The Clone Wars episode Supply Lines, set between The Phantom Menace and Senate Spy, where he is sent by Count Dooku to discourage the Toydarians from allowing the Republic to use their airspace to run supplies to Ryloth. King Katuunko pretends to agree with Dod while secretly granting the Republic access. Jar Jar Binks distracts Dod by constructing a conceptual art piece out of cups and plates to honor him while Republic vessels fly behind him.

The Neimoidian who appears alongside Gunray on Geonosis in Attack of the Clones was identified as Dod in the credits, despite not looking or sounding anything like he did in The Phantom Menace. The now non-canon HoloNet News web series attempted to explain this by reporting that Dod had been involved in a speeder crash and went through extensive cosmetic surgery. Other sources have identified this character as Rune Haako, or as a new character called Gilramos Libkath. The character is wearing senator's garments, supporting the theory that he is Dod. Dod's appearances in The Clone Wars have been modeled after his appearance and voice in The Phantom Menace, rather than that of the other Neimoidian in Attack of the Clones.

Daultay Dofine


Daultay Dofine is the Neimoidian captain of the Trade Federation fleet blockading Naboo in The Phantom Menace. He is played by Alan Ruscoe and voiced by Chris Sanders. He is killed when Anakin destroys his ship.

Dofine's mask was reused for a character in Attack of the Clones eventually identified as Rune Haako.

Porro Dolphe


Porro Dolphe is a human fighter pilot from Naboo. He appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, played by Benedict Taylor, as one of the pilots sent to destroy the Trade Federation's droid control ship.


Main article: Count Dooku





Eirtaé is one of Queen Amidala's handmaidens in The Phantom Menace, played by Liz Wilson. She flees Naboo to Coruscant and returns with Amidala. She is also seen at Qui-Gon Jinn's funeral.

Dineé Ellberger


Dineé Ellberger is a human pilot fighter from Naboo. She appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, played by Celia Imrie, as one of the pilots sent to destroy the Trade Federation's droid control ship.



Onaconda Farr


Onaconda Farr is the senator for Rodia. He is introduced in a brief appearance, played by Zuraya Hamilton, in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. He later appears in a cameo in The Clone Wars film.

He may have been one of the Rodian senators who made cameo appearances in The Phantom Menace.

Boba Fett

Main article: Boba Fett

Jango Fett

Main article: Jango Fett

Kit Fisto


Kit Fisto is a Nautolan Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. He first appears in a non-speaking role in Attack of the Clones, played by Zac Jensen and Daniel Zizmor. Fisto was initially designed to be a Sith but was changed to a Jedi when it was decided Darth Sidious and Darth Tyrannus would be the only Sith in Attack of the Clones. Fisto is present at the battle of Geonosis, and is one of the few Jedi to survive. During the battle, he uses the Force to push over C-3PO, whose head is attached to a battle droid body.

Fisto appears briefly in The Clone Wars film, set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

Fode & Beed


Fode and Beed are a two-headed Troig podrace commentator. They appear in The Phantom Menace, played by Greg Proops and Scott Capurro, where they commentate the Boonta Eve race.

Bib Fortuna


Bib Fortuna is Jabba the Hutt's Twi'lek majordomo.

He reappears in The Phantom Menace, set long before Return of the Jedi, played by Matthew Wood. He and Jabba spectate the Boonta Eve podrace.



CC-1010, nicknamed Fox, is a clone commander voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He first appears in The Clone Wars film, where he arrests Ziro the Hutt.





G8-R3 is an astromech droid aboard Queen Amidala's ship in The Phantom Menace. It is sent to repair the ship while it is under fire from the Trade Federation and is destroyed in the process.

Adi Gallia


Adi Gallia is a Tholothian Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. She is introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where she is played by Gin Clarke.

Clarke did not return for Attack of the Clones, however Gallia still appeared. Footage from The Phantom Menace was edited into her scenes with the Jedi Council, and Nina Fallon was hired to portray her in battle scenes on Geonosis. It was later decided to retcon Fallon's scenes into a new character - Stass Allie.



Gardulla is a Hutt crime lord on Tatooine. She makes a brief appearance in The Phantom Menace, where she spectates the Boonta Eve podrace with Jabba. Anakin mentions that he and his mother were once Gardulla's slaves, but that she lost them to Watto in a bet.



Gasgano is a Xexto podracer who competes in the Boonta eve race in The Phantom Menace.

Nute Gunray


Nute Gunray is the Neimoidian viceroy of the Trade Federation. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace, where he is portrayed by Silas Carson. Gunray has struck a deal with the Sith lord Darth Sidious and is organizing a blockade of Naboo to protest the Galactic Republic's trade laws. Under Sidious' order, Gunray launches an illegal invasion of Naboo and is responsible for countless deaths. After the droid army deactivates following Anakin's destruction of the control ship, Queen Amidala and her forces corner and arrest Gunray.

Gunray reappears in Attack of the Clones. It is eventually revealed that Gunray is behind Jango Fett's attempts on Padmé's life, hoping for revenge over his failed invasion of Naboo. Much of Gunray's life since The Phantom Menace is explained by Count Dooku. After realizing that Sidious had used him to become chancellor of the Senate, Gunray went to Dooku for help, not realizing he was secretly Sidious' apprentice, and became a high-ranking member of the Separatist Alliance, despite the Trade Federation remaining part of the Republic.

Gunray was named after former president Ronald Reagan in response to his unauthorized use of the "Star Wars" name as a nickname for the Strategic Defense Initiative.

Mars Guo


Mars Guo is a Bardottan podracer who appears briefly in The Phantom Menace. He competes in the Boonta Eve race, where his podracer is destroyed after Sebulba tosses a tool into his engine.



Gus is a clone trooper under the command of Sergeant Slick on Christophsis who appears in The Hidden Enemy, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.



Rune Haako


Rune Haako is a Neimoidian lieutenant serving under Nute Gunray in the Trade Federation. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Jerome Blake and voiced by James Taylor. Like Gunray, Haako serves Darth Sidious and organizes a blockade and eventual invasion of Naboo. Although Haako and Gunray intend their blockade and invasion as a protest against the Galactic Republic's trade restrictions, they are in fact being used by Sidious to have his alter-ego, Senator Palpatine, elected chancellor of the Republic. After Anakin destroys the droid control ship, Haako and Gunray are arrested.

Haako was slated to reappear in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, portrayed by Alan Ruscoe. The Haako mask, however, had been lost, and Ruscoe played the role in the Daultay Dofine mask. It was decided to make this into a new character, Gilramos Libkath, and a distinct voice was provided by Chris Truswell. After this, however, it was decided that the character would be Lot Dodd, the Neimoidian senator from The Phantom Menace, and Ruscoe is credited as Lot Dodd in the Attack of the Clones credits. In-universe sources are divided as to whether this character is Haako, Dodd, or Libkath. Leland Chee has stated that it is officially considered to be Haako, and Dodd's appearance and voice in The Clone Wars has been modeled on The Phantom Menace character, rather than the Attack of the Clones character. Although the character in Attack of the Clones is officially considered to be Haako, it remains unexplained why his face and voice changed drastically between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, and then back to his original face and voice by the time of Revenge of the Sith.



Hawk is a clone trooper pilot, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He is introduced in The Clone Wars film, where he escorts Anakin.

He reappears several times in The Clone Wars TV series, again usually escorting Anakin from place to place. He appears in The Hidden Enemy, Darkness On Umbara, A War On Two Fronts, and Crisis At the Heart.

San Hill


San Hill is the Muun head of the Intergalactic Banking Clan. He is introduced in Attack of the Clones, where he is voiced by Chris Truswell. He meets with Count Dooku on Geonosis to formalize the Banking Clan joining the Separatist Alliance.

He is indirectly mentioned by Padmé in The Clone Wars first season episode Destroy Malevolence, where she states the Banking Clan is considering leaving the Separatists and returning to the Galactic Republic. It is revealed her mission to meet with Hill was merely a ruse by Palpatine to allow General Grievous to kidnap her, although whether or not Hill really intended to leave the Separatists is left uncertain.

Clegg Holdfast


Clegg Holdfast was a Nosaurian podracer who took part in the Boonta Eve race in The Phantom Menace.

Tey How


Tey How is a cyborg Neimoidian from the Trade Federation. She appears in The Phantom Menace, where she is played by Tyger, a pseudonym for Amanda Lucas. How serves aboard the droid control ship under Daultay Dofine. She is killed when Anakin destroys the ship.






Main article: Jabba the Hutt



Jamillia is the human queen of Naboo, succeeding Padmé. She appears in Attack of the Clones, where she is played by Ayesha Dharker. She meets with Padmé to discuss the growing Separatist threat.



Jester is a clone trooper serving under Sergeant Slick on Christophsis in The Hidden Enemy. He is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

Dexter Jettster


Dexter Jettster is a Besalik who appears in Attack of the Clones, where he is voiced by Ronald Falk. Dex is an old friend of Obi-Wan's who had once worked as a prospector, an occupation which allowed him to gather a large amount of knowledge of the Outer Rim. By the time of Attack of the Clones, Dex is the owner and chef at Dex's Diner on Coruscant. Obi-Wan visits him to identify the dart that killed Zam Wessell. Dex tells him that it is a Kaminoan sabre-dart, and explains the nature of the Kaminoans to him.

Qui-Gon Jinn

Main article: Qui-Gon Jinn



Jira is a human green grocer on Tatooine. She appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, played by Margaret Towner. Anakin purchases fruit off her and she warns him that a sand storm is approaching. Jira appeared in a deleted scene where Anakin says goodbye to her as he leaves for Coruscant.



Obi-Wan Kenobi

Main article: Obi-Wan Kenobi



Ki-Adi-Mundi was a Cerean Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. He first appears in The Phantom Menace, played by Silas Carson. He is skeptical of Qui-Gon's claims that Darth Maul is a Sith, and later attends Qui-Gon's funeral.

Ki-Adi-Mundi reappears in Attack of the Clones, where he is skeptical of Padmé's claims that Count Dooku is behind the recent attempts on her life. He later travels to Geonosis alongside several other Jedi to battle Dooku's droid armies. He is one of a minority of Jedi who survived the battle.

Rya Kirsch


Rya Kirsch is a human fighter pilot from Naboo. He appears in The Phantom Menace, played by John Knoll, as one of the pilots sent to destroy the Trade Federation droid control ship. He is killed in the ensuing battle.

Plo Koon


Plo Koon is a Kel Dor Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. He first appears as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Alan Ruscoe. He was also known as Plonkoon during production.

Plo reappears in Attack of the Clones, where he is played both by Ruscoe and Matt Sloan. He is one of many Jedi who fights during the battle of Geonosis.

He has another minor appearance in The Clone Wars, set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.

Plo's character is expanded in The Clone Wars TV series, where he is voiced by James Arnold Taylor. It is revealed he discovered Ahsoka Tano and organized for her to begin Jedi training. Plo is portrayed as a bizarrely calm individual with an immense level of respect for life in all its forms. In Rising Malevolence, Plo and a battalion of clone troopers are stranded in space when the Separatist ship Malevolence disables their escape pod using an ion cannon. Plo and the clones set about repairing the pod and searching for remaining life. They are attacked by a group of battle droids just before being rescued by Anakin and Ahsoka.

In Shadow of Malevolence, Plo joins a fleet lead by Anakin to track down and destroy Malevolence. As they find themselves greatly outnumbered by vulture droids, Plo convinces Anakin to change their mission and instead disable the ship's ion cannon, saving a clone medical facility. He also appears briefly in Destroy Malevolence, where he oversees the fleet attempting to destroy Malevolence.

Eeth Koth


Eeth Koth is an Iridonian Zabrak Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. He is introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Hassani Shapi. Initially, Koth was slated to be the head of the Council, before his role was greatly decreased.

Koth reappears in Attack of the Clones, however Shapi was unavailable for filming. Scenes involving the Council had Koth digitally inserted using archival footage of Shapi from The Phantom Menace, and he was played by Tux Akindoyeni in the Geonosis battle scenes. Akindoyeni's character was later retconned into being a separate individual, Agen Kolar. Despite this, production material for Revenge of the Sith often referred to Kolar as Koth.



KRONOS-327 is a sentinel droid who worked as an assassin for Ziro the Hutt. He appears in The Clone Wars, voiced by Corey Burton. Ziro says he is his most trusted assassin, however after he fails to kill one of Ziro's rivals on Yout 12, he has him killed.



Cliegg Lars


Cliegg Lars is a human moisture farmer living on Tatooine, and the father of Owen Lars. He appears in Attack of the Clones, where he is played by Jack Thompson. Cliegg purchased Shmi from Watto and freed her. The two fell in love and married. Shmi was kidnapped by Tusken Raiders a few months before the events of Attack of the Clones. Cliegg went to rescue her but lost his leg in the process and gave up. In Attack of the Clones, he meets Anakin and explains the situation to him. Anakin goes to find Shmi and brings back her dead body, which they bury. Cliegg farewells Shmi and thanks her for their time together.

By the time of A New Hope, Cliegg is no longer living on the Lars homestead, and he has presumably died.

Owen Lars


Owen Lars is a human moisture farmer living on Tatooine.

Owen reappears in Attack of the Clones, set long before A New Hope, where he is played by Joel Edgerton. Owen meets Anakin and seems apprehensive about him.



Liam is a human boy who appears in a non-speaking role in Attack of the Clones. Liam is among the children being trained as Jedi by Yoda on Coruscant.

Whorm Loathsom


Whorm Loathsom is a Kerkoiden general in the Seperatist military. He first appears in The Clone Wars film, where he is voiced by Corey Burton. Loathsom leads the Seperatist military on Christophsis, and he is eventually defeated by the clones.

Loathsom makes several cameo appearances in The Clone Wars TV series. Firstly in The Hidden Enemy, set before The Clone Wars film, and then in The Jedi Who Knew Too Much, where he is shown on a security camera screen to be imprisoned in a Republic jail.



Ody Mandrell


Ody Mandrell was an Er'kit podracer from Tatooine. He appears in The Phantom Menace, voiced by Matthew Wood. Mandrell competes in the Boonta Eve race, before a pit droid is sucked into his podracer's engines and it shuts down.

Darth Maul

Main article: Darth Maul



Mawhonic is a Gran podracer who appears in The Phantom Menace, portrayed by Mark Coulier. Mawhonic competes in the Boonta Eve race, and his podracer is continually rammed by Sebulba until it crashes.



Melee is a human girl living on Tatooine. She appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, played by Megan Udall, where she makes fun of Anakin's podracer.

Aks Moe


Aks Moe is a Gran politician. He appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, played by Mark Coulier, at which point he is the senator for Malastare in the Galactic Republic. Moe agrees with Lott Dod that that the Republic should send a commission to investigate the Trade Federation's presence on Naboo rather than immediately forcing them out based on Queen Amidala's testimony alone.





Boss Nass was the leader of the Gungans on Naboo who ruled from the underwater city of Otoh Gunga. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace, where he is voiced by Brian Blessed. Nass is introduced as a stern leader, distrusting the human Naboo and refusing to help them fight the Trade Federation, and banishing Jar Jar for his clumsy behavior. He is known for shaking his head, releasing an excess of spit, whenever he has a change of heart. Nass reluctantly allows Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Jar Jar to borrow a bongo transport to get to the capitol and assist the human Naboo. Later, the Trade Federation invades Otoh Gunga and Nass and the other Gungans flee to an above-ground sacred place. Queen Amidala visits him here and begs for assistance, and Nass is pleased that she no longer thinks the humans are smarter than Gungans, agreeing to send the Gungan military into battle against the Trade Federation battle droids. Nass later attends Qui-Gon's funeral, and establishes a formal celebration commemorating the humans and Gungans' new-found alliance.

Jocasta Nu


Jocasta Nu is a human Jedi knight who serves as the chief librarian in the Jedi Archives on Coruscant. She is introduced in Attack of the Clones, where she is played by Alethea McGrath. She helps Obi-Wan look for the planet Kamino in the Archives, only to find it is not there. When Obi-Wan suggests that it may exist despite not being in the Archives, Jocasta becomes offended and leaves.



Odd Ball


Odd Ball is a clone trooper pilot.

He reappears briefly in The Clone Wars film, set before Revenge of the Sith, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He escorts Obi-Wan from Christophsis to Yularen's ship.

Barris Offee


Barris Offee was a Mirialan Jedi Padawan. Offee was created for the Star Wars Legends novel The Approaching Storm and was introduced into canon in Attack of the Clones, where she is played by Nalini Krishan. She is present at the battle of Geonosis and was one of the few Jedi to survive it.

Offee appeared in early drafts of Revenge of the Sith, where she would be killed by clone troopers during Order 66, however her scene was cut.

Ric Olié


Ric Olié is a human pilot from Naboo who appears throughout The Phantom Menace, played by Ralph Brown. Olié is held hostage by battle droids during the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo, but he is freed by Captain Panaka so he can pilot Queen Amidala's ship. Olié flies the ship through the Trade Federation's blockade and makes an emergency stop on Tatooine before continuing on to Coruscant. Olié teaches Anakin about flying the ship, and notes he is a fast learner. After reaching Coruscant, Olié returns to Naboo and is one of the pilots sent to destroy the Trade Federation's droid control ship.



OOM-9 was a battle droid that leads the force against the Gungans in The Phantom Menace. It was presumably destroyed at some point during the battle.

Bail Organa


Bail Organa is the human senator of Alderaan. His name was mentioned in very early drafts of A New Hope. He appeared in early versions of The Phantom Menace, where he seconds Queen Amidala's call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum. He was played by Adrian Dunbar, but his scenes were ultimately cut from the film.

He made his first canon appearance in Attack of the Clones, where he is played by Jimmy Smits. Organa is a fierce loyalist to the Galactic Republic, however he appears apprehensive about the creation of a Republic army.

Organa makes many appearances in The Clone Wars TV series, set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, where he is voiced by Phil LaMarr. He is usually seen overseeing relief missions. In Cat and Mouse, he is leading the relief effort on Christophsis.

In Supply Lines, he attempts to use Toydarian airspace to run a relief mission to Ryloth. King Katuunko allows this so long as the Trade Federation senator Lott Dod does not find out. Organa gets Jar Jar to distract Dod while his ships fly past Toydaria.



Teemto Pagalies


Teemto Pagalies is a podracer pilot who appears briefly in The Phantom Menace. Pagalies competes in the Boonta Eve race, before his podracer is shot down by Tusken Raiders.


Main article: Palpatine



Captain Panaka is the human head of Queen Amidala's security on Naboo. He appears throughout The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Hugh Quarshire. Panaka accompanies Amidala to Coruscant and then returns with her to defeat the Trade Federation. As the Gungans distract the battle droids, the Jedi fight Darth Maul, and pilots are sent to destroy the droid control ship, Panaka and Amidala make their way into the palace to capture Nute Gunray.



Archduke Poggle the Lesser was a high-ranking Geonosian politician and important figure in the Separatist Alliance. He is introduced in Attack of the Clones, where he is voiced by Marton Csokas. Poggle hosts an important meeting where several senators formalize their transitions from the Galactic Republic to the Separatists, and he organizes for Padmé, Anakin, and Obi-Wan to be put to death in the coliseum. As battle breaks out on Geonosis, Poggle entrusts the plans for his ultimate weapon with Count Dooku.

Po Nudo


Po Nudo is an Aqualish politician. He first appears as a background character in The Phantom Menace as the senator for Ando in the Galactic Republic.

Po Nudo reappears in Attack of the Clones, again as a background character, as one of the many senators meeting with Count Dooku on Geonosis to formalize their transferal from the Republic to the Separatist Alliance.

Po Nudo's name comes from the Star Wars Legends novel Cloak of Deception, but it was brought into canon by the reference book Star Wars in 100 Scenes.

Yarael Poof


Yarael Poof is a Quermian Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council who appears as a background character in The Phantom Menace.

Even Piell


Even Piell is a Lannik Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. He is introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Michaela Cottrell.

Piell reappears briefly in Attack of the Clones from edited archival footage from The Phantom Menace.



Punch is a clone trooper serving under Sergeant Slick on Christophsis in The Hidden Enemy. He is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.



Ben Quadinaros


Ben Quadinaros is a Toong podracer living on Tatooine. He appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, where he competes in the Boonta Eve race, however his podracer does not take off and, after a short period of time, explodes.




Main article: R2-D2



Rabé is one of Queen Amidala's human handmaidens on Naboo. She appears as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where she is played by Cristina da Silva. Rabé flees Naboo during the Trade Federation with Amidala to Tatooine and then Coruscant, before returning to Naboo.

Oppo Rancisis


Oppo Rancisis is a Thissipiasian Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. He is introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Jerome Blake.

Rancisis reappears as a background character in Attack of the Clones. As Blake was unavailable for filming, he was digitally inserted into scenes of the Jedi Council through edited archival footage of Blake from The Phantom Menace.



CT-7567, nicknamed Rex, is a clone captain assigned to Anakin, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He is known for his distinctive blue armor and twin pistols. He is introduced in The Clone Wars film, where he and Cody lead the battle on Christophsis, and later join Anakin on his mission to find Jabba's son on Teth. He is hypnotized by Asajj Ventress, who attempts to use him to trap Anakin.

Rex reappears throughout The Clone Wars. In The Hidden Enemy, set shortly before The Clone Wars film, he and Cody investigate a clone battalion on Christophsis to find a Separatist spy. They eventually discover Sergeant Slick is the spy.

In Rookies, Rex and Cody visit the Rishi moon to perform a routine check on the clone base, only to discover it has been overrun by battle droids. The two meet up with the surviving clones from the base and manage to defeat the droids and signal to the Republic that the base has fallen, by exploding it.

Boles Roor


Boles Roor is a podracer on Tatooine who competes in the Boonta Eve race in The Phantom Menace.



Rotta is a baby Hutt, the son of Jabba. He first appears in The Clone Wars film, where he has been kidnapped by Ventress as part of a plot by Count Dooku and his great-uncle, Ziro. Anakin and Ahsoka rescue Rotta on Teth and cure an illness he has contracted, before returning him to Jabba on Tatooine.





Sabé is one of Queen Amidala's human handmaidens on Naboo. She appears throughout The Phantom Menace, where she is played by Keira Knightley. Sabé flees Naboo with Amidala, and shortly after takes on the role of decoy, with Amidala taking on the role of handmaiden. They switch back when they reach Coruscant. Sabé again switches place with Padmé when they return to Naboo, until Padmé reveals her true identity to gain Boss Nass' trust. Sabé later joins Padmé in attempting to capture Nute Gunray. The two confuse Gunray by both dressing in royal garments so he is unsure who is real and who is the decoy.



Saché is one of Queen Amidala's human handmaidens on Naboo. She appears as a background character in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, where she is played by Sofia Coppola. Saché flees Naboo for Coruscant with Amidala and later returns with her. She is also seen at Qui-Gon's funeral.



Sebulba is a Dug podracer living on Tatooine. He appears in The Phantom Menace, where he is voiced by Lewis MacLeod. Sebulba is bad-tempered and has a feud with fellow podracer Anakin Skywalker. He attacks Jar Jar when he accidentally spits food into his drink, but is called off by Anakin. Sebulba later competes in the Boonta Eve race, with Watto revealing he is a crowd favorite. It quickly becomes apparent that this is due to Sebulba's dirty tricks and aggressive racing style. Sebulba leads for most of the race, until Anakin overtakes him, damaging his pod and causing it to explode.

Aayla Secura


Aayla Secura is a Twi'lek Jedi master. She was initially developed as a Legends character, but George Lucas decided to introduce her into canon in Attack of the Clones, where she is played by Jennifer Hale. She is present at the battle of Geonosis.



Seek is a human boy living on Tatooine. He appears briefly in The Phantom Menace, played by Oliver Walpole, where he makes fun of Anakin's podracer.

Aurra Sing


Aurra Sing is a near-human bounty hounter. She is introduced in a brief cameo in The Phantom Menace, played by Michonne Bourriague, where she is seen spectating the Boonta Eve race on Tatooine.



Sketch is a clone trooper serving under Sergeant Slick on Christophsis in The Hidden Enemy. He is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

Anakin Skywalker

Main article: Darth Vader

Shmi Skywalker-Lars

Main article: Skywalker family#Shmi Skywalker-Lars



Sergeant Slick is a clone trooper positioned on Christophsis in The Hidden Enemy. He is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. After a lengthy interrogation process, it is established that Slick is a spy selling secrets to Ventress. He attempts to escape, but Cody and Rex trick him and eventually arrest and imprison him. Slick reveals that it was not just money that enticed him into spying, but the promise of freedom. Slick believes that the Jedi are enslaving the clones and resents them for it.



CT-1284, nicknamed Spark, was a clone trooper who appears in Cat and Mouse, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He assists Anakin in running supplies to Christophsis.

Lama Su


Lama Su is the president of Kamino who oversees the creation of the Galactic Republic's clone army. He first appears in Attack of the Clones, where he is voiced by Anthony Phelan. He gives Obi-Wan a tour of the cloning facility and tells him that the army is finished.

Su reappears in The Clone Wars TV series, where he is voiced by Bob Bergen. In Clone Cadets, he suggests to Shaak Ti that the slow-to-learn Domino Squad be terminated.



Orn Free Taa


Orn Free Taa is a Twi'lek politician who serves as senator for Ryloth in the Galactic Republic. He is introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Jerome Blake.

He reappears in Attack of the Clones, again as a background character, this time played by Matt Rowan.

Wat Tambor


Emir Wat Tambor is the Skakoan head of the Techno Union. He is introduced in Attack of the Clones, where he was played by Chris Truswell. Tambor meets with Coutn Dooku on Geonosis to finalize the Techno Union's transferal from the Galactic Republic to the Separatist Alliance.

Ahsoka Tano

Main article: Ahsoka Tano



Captain Tarpals is the captain of the Gungan military-cum-police force in Otoh Gunga, Naboo. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace, where he is voiced by Steven Speirs. Tarpals is an experienced and courageous warrior who is sick of Jar Jar's clumsy behavior. When Jar Jar returns to Otoh Gunga with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, Tarpals brings him before Boss Nass. Later, Tarpals and Jar Jar work together to command the Gungan military during the battle against the Trade Federation battle droids. Tarpals and Jar Jar then lead the celebrations to commemorate the new-found alliance between the Gungans and humans of Naboo.



TC-14 is a protocol droid serving the Trade Federation. She appears in The Phantom Menace, where she is played by John Fensom and voiced by Lindsay Duncan. TC-14 greets Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan when they board the Trade Federation ship, and informs Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, and Daultay Dofine that she believes they are Jedi.



TC-17 is a protocol droid serving Jabba who appears in The Clone Wars film, voiced by Nika Futterman.

Shaak Ti


Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi master. She first appears as a background character in Attack of the Clones, where she is played by Orli Shoshan. She is present at the battle of Geonosis.

Shaak Ti's character is expanded upon in The Clone Wars TV series, where she is voiced by Tasia Valenza. In Clone Cadets, it is explained that Shaak Ti oversees the training of clone troopers on Kamino. She is torn between Bric and Lama Su, who believe the slow-learning Domino Squad should be terminated, and El-Les, who believes they can get better. El-Les eventually convinces Shaak Ti to give Domino Squad one more chance, and they manage to pass the test.

Saesee Tiin


Saesee Tiin is an Iktotchi Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council. He is introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Khan Bonfils.

He reappears in Attack of the Clones, again as a background character, this time portrayed by Jesse Jensen. Tiin is present at the battle of Geonosis and is one of the few Jedi to survive it.



Tikkes is a Quarren politician. He is introduced as a background character in The Phantom Menace, where he acts as senator for Mon Calamari in the Galactic Republic.

He reappears in Attack of the Clones as one of the senators who meets with Count Dooku on Geonosis to defect to the Separatist Alliance. Production material from Attack of the Clones also refers to him as Tessek.

Tikkes was initially slated to appear in season four of The Clone Wars, however it was decided not to include him so as to not contradict other content that had handled his story between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. After this material was moved under the Star Wars Legends banner, it was decided to include Tikkes in The Clone Wars, however the series was cancelled before his episodes went into production.



TJ-55 is a tactical droid who leads a Separatist droid battalion in The Hidden Enemy. He is voiced by James Arnold Taylor.



Admiral Trench is a notorious Harch naval commander, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. He is introduced in Cat and Mouse. Although the Republic considers him deceased following a battle above Malastare, he is leading a blockade of Christophsis on behalf of the Separatists. Anakin engages him in battle and eventually destroys his ship by leading his own tracking missiles towards him.

Ratts Tyerell


Ratts Tyerell is an Aleena podracer living on Tatooine. He appears in The Phantom Menace. where he competes in the Boonta Eve race. He flies his podracer into a cave wall and it explodes, killing him. After the race, his family can briefly be seen grieving.

Gregar Typho


Captain Gregar Typho is the human head of Padmé's security, taking over from Captain Panaka. He is introduced in Attack of the Clones, where he is played by Jay Laga'aia. Typho accompanies Padmé to Coruscant and is assisted in her protection by Obi-Wan and Anakin.



Luminara Unduli


Luminara Unduli is a Mirialan Jedi master. She is introduced as a background character in Attack of the Clones, where she is played by Mary Oyaya. She appears at the battle of Geonosis.

Luminara appears throughout The Clone Wars TV series, set between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, where she is voiced by Olivia d'Abo. She first appears in Destroy Malevolence, where she contacts Obi-Wan and Anakin via hologram.



Finis Valorum


Finis Valorum is a human politician from Coruscant. He is introduced in The Phantom Menace as supreme chancellor of the Galactic Republic, played by Terence Stamp. Valorum attempts to mediate between Queen Amidala who claims the Trade Federation has invaded Naboo, and Lott Dod, who claims they have not, by suggesting a search party investigate the situation. Amidala is unhappy with this, insisting that her people are dying. Palpatine uses the situation to increase his own power within the Republic, telling Amidala that Valorum is a weak leader who has allowed the Republic to become controlled by corrupt bureaucrats serving the Trade Federation, and convinces her to call for a vote of no confidence in him. Valorum loses the vote of no confidence, and Palpatine becomes chancellor.

Asajj Ventress

Main article: Asajj Ventress

Quinlan Vos


Quinlan Vos was a Kiffar Jedi knight. He first appears as an unnamed background character on Tatooine in The Phantom Menace. Various Star Wars Legends stories expanded on the character, naming him Quinlan Vos, and explaining that he was a Jedi on a mission to Tatooine. George Lucas became interested in the character of Vos and decided to include him in Revenge of the Sith, however he was cut from the film early on. Obi-Wan mentions that Vos has moved his forces to Boz Pity in Revenge of the Sith. Again, it was decided to formally introduce Vos' character to canon in The Clone Wars second season episode Bombad Jedi, but again was cut.





Wald was a Rodian boy living on Tatooine. He appears in The Phantom Menace, where he is played by Warwick Davis. Wald is Anakin's friend, helping him fix his podracer, and then spectating the race with Kitster.


Main article: Watto

Taun We


Taun We is a Kaminoan and the aide to president Lama Su. She appears in Attack of the Clones, where she is voiced by Rena Owen. She gives Obi-Wan a tour of the cloning facilities and introduces him to Jango Fett.

Arven Wendik


Arven Wendik is a human pilot from Naboo. He appears in The Phantom Menace, played by Clarence Smith, as one of the pilots sent to destroy the Trade Federation's droid control ship.

Zam Wesell


Zam Wesell is a Clawdite bounty hunter played by Leeanna Walsman in Attack of the Clones. She is hired by Jango Fett to kill Padmé on behalf of Nute Gunray, planting bombs on her landing platform on Coruscant. Zam continually fails to kill Padmé, angering Jango. By Jango's suggestions, she sends a droid to Padmé's quarters to disperse poisonous bugs. When the droid returns with Obi-Wan hanging on to it, she attempts to flee. Obi-Wan and Anakin chase her through Coruscant until she crashes her speeder and retreats into a nightclub. She sneaks up behind Obi-Wan attempting to shoot him, before he slices her hand off with his lightsaber. The Jedi take her outside to interrogate her. She is about to give away Jango's identity before he fires a poisonous dart at her, killing her almost instantly.

Mace Windu

Main article: Mace Windu







Yaddle is a Jedi master and member of the Jedi Council from the same species as Yoda. She appears as a background character in The Phantom Menace, as a puppet operated by Phil Eason.



Yané is one of Queen Amidala's human handmaidens on Naboo. She appears as a background character in The Phantom Menace, played by Candice Orwell. She accompanies Amidala to Tatooine and Coruscant, and returns to Naboo with her.


Main article: Yoda

Wullf Yularen


Wullf Yularen is a colonel in the Imperial navy present on the Death Star in A New Hope. Played by Robert Clarke, Yularen was a background character, initially without a name. He was presumably killed when Luke destroys the Death Star. He was given the name Wulff Yularen by the Star Wars Legends source the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

He was introduced into the canon in The Clone Wars film, set long before A New Hope, at which point he is an admiral serving the Galactic Republic, voiced by Tom Kane. Yularen commands the clone forces on Christophsis and later Teth when Anakin is sent to rescue Jabba's son.

Yularen reappears multiple times throughout The Clone Wars TV series. He is portrayed as a strict, disciplined man, who Kane has compared to Erwin Rommel. Kane also narrates the series in the voice he uses for Yularen. In Cat and Mouse, he sends Anakin on a relief mission past Admiral Trench's blockade of Christophsis.

In Rising Malevolence, Shadow of Malevolence, and Destroy Malevolence, he pursues General Grievous' ship Malevolence, stopping it from destroy a clone healing facility, and eventually sending Anakin and Obi-Wan aboard it to destroy it.

In Rookies, Cody, Rex, and the Domino Squad alert Yularen that their base on the Rishi moon is under attack by droids by exploding the base.





Ziro is a Hutt crime lord based on Coruscant who is voiced by Corey Burton. Ziro is purple and speaks in a camp accent similar to that of Truman Capote. He is introduced in The Clone Wars film, where it is revealed he has helped Count Dooku kidnap Jabba's son Rotta in order to lead the Jedi to kill Jabba so he can gain control of the Hutt clan. Padmé reveals Ziro's betrayal to Jabba, after which the Hutts imprison Ziro and promise to punish him "most severely".