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Wikipedia:WikiProject Academic Journals/Danish journal list/18

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Antropologi, Etnologi, etc

! Journal ISSN
0065-0897 Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi
1216-9803 Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
0106-0937 Acta Jutlandica. Samfundsvidenskabelig Serie
0862-1209 Acta Musei Moraviae. Supplementum: Folia Ethnographica
1024-0969 African Anthropologist
1568-1777 African Dynamics
1544-9793 Alaska Journal of Anthropology
1177-1801 AlterNative
0121-5914 America Negra
0002-7294 American Anthropologist
0094-0496 American Ethnologist
0095-182X American Indian Quarterly
0221-8852 Amerindia
0185-1225 Anales de Antropologia
0570-2259 Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie
0084-6570 Annual Review of Anthropology
1083-7264 Anthropoetics
0003-5459 Anthropologica
0254-9212 Anthropologica
0066-4677 Anthropological Forum
1755-2923 Anthropological Journal of European Cultures
1408-032X Anthropological Notebooks
0003-5491 Anthropological Quarterly
0918-7960 Anthropological Science
1463-4996 Anthropological Theory
0003-5521 Anthropologie
0702-8997 Anthropologie et Societes
0003-5548 Anthropologischer Anzeiger
1364-8470 Anthropology & Medicine
1061-1959 Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia
1559-9167 Anthropology and Humanism
0967-201X Anthropology in Action
1541-6151 Anthropology News
1054-4720 Anthropology of East Europe Review
1609-9168 Anthropology of Food
0268-540X Anthropology Today
0257-9774 Anthropos
0892-7936 Anthrozoos
0906-3021 Antropologi
0870-0990 Antropologia Portuguesa
0873-819X Antropologicas
0066-6513 Archiv für Völkerkunde
0373-3009 Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia
1502-8119 Arina -Nordisk tidskrift for kvensk forskning -Pohjoismainen kveenitutkimuksen aikakausjulkaisu
0212-0372 Arxiu d'Etnografia de Catalunya
1444-2213 Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology
1463-1369 Asian Ethnicity
1882-6865 Asian Ethnology
1744-1730 Asian Population Studies
1035-8811 Australian Journal of Anthropology
0005-3856 Baessler Archiv
0332-270X Bealoideas
0178-7896 Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Mitteilungen
0006-4246 Black Scholar
1600-6836 Border Region Studies
0251-2920 C E P A L Review
0715-3244 Canadian Journal of Native Studies
0717-7356 Chungara (Arica)
0893-0465 City & Society
1943-2550 Collaborative Anthropologies
0350-6134 Collegium Antropologicum
0733-4540 Comparative Civilizations Review
0256-0046 Critical Arts
0308-275X Critique of Anthropology
0886-7356 Cultural Anthropology
0921-3740 Cultural Dynamics
1048-4876 Culture and Agriculture
0165-005X Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry
1956-984X Cultures Sud
1871-1162 Cultuur. Tijdschrift voor etnologie
0011-3204 Current Anthropology
0932-4747 Das Zeichen : Zeitschrift für Sprache und Kultur Gehörloser
1133-8032 Demofilo
0304-4092 Dialectical Anthropology
1044-2057 Diaspora
1617-5247 E C M I Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
0012-8686 Eastern Anthropologist
0141-9870 Ethnic and Racial Studies
1010-5832 Ethnic Studies Report
1419-8177 Ethnica
1468-7968 Ethnicities
0014-1798 Ethnographia
0257-1692 Ethnographica. Periodic Publication of the Peloponnese Folklore Foundation
0336-1438 Ethnographie
1466-1381 Ethnography
0014-1801 Ethnohistory
0111-0411 Ethnologia Balkanica. Journal of Southeast European Anthropology
1210-1109 Ethnologia Europae Centralis
0355-1776 Ethnologia Fennica
0137-4079 Ethnologia Polona
1335-4116 Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica
1106-0972 Ethnologia. Journal of the Greek Society for Ethnology
0046-2616 Ethnologie Francaise
0014-1828 Ethnology
1744-9057 Ethnopolitics
0014-1844 Ethnos
0091-2131 Ethos (Malden)
0921-5158 Etnofoor
0071-1861 Etnografia Polska
0873-6561 Etnografica
0869-5415 Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie
1335-5074 Etnologicke Rozpravy
0351-1944 Etnoloska Tribina
1122-6234 Etnosistemi
0014-2492 Europa Ethnica
1827-8361 European Diversity and Autonomy Papers
1570-7865 European Yearbook of Minority Issues
1060-1538 Evolutionary Anthropology
0014-5815 F F Communications
0348-971X Fataburen
1525-822X Field Methods
1796-6582 Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration
0920-1297 Focaal
0430-8778 Folk Life
1406-0949 Folklore
1552-8014 Food, Culture, and Society
0015-7902 Forschungen zur Volks-und Landeskunde
1815-8927 Forum for Anthropolgy and Culture
1741-8283 Francophone Postcolonial Studies
1474-774X Globalizations, online
0230-0044 Ház ès Ember
0175-3479 Hessische Blaetter für Volks-und Kulturforschung
1136-1700 Historia, Antropologia y Fuentes Orales
0942-8704 Historische Anthropologie
0275-7206 History and Anthropology
0439-4216 Homme
1098-6995 Hopscotch
0300-7839 Human Ecology (New York)
0018-7259 Human Organization
0949-4723 I M I S -Beitraege
0105-4503 I W G I A Documents
1070-289X Identities
0261-9288 Immigrants and Minorities
1024-3283 Indigenous Affairs
1024-0217 Indigenous World
1683-0296 Indilinga
1042-7562 In-Site
0211-5557 Institut Catala d'Antropologia. Quaderns
1220-5230 Institutul de Etnografie si Folclor Constantin Ibrailoiu. Anuarul
0393-9383 International Journal of Anthropology
1447-9532 International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations
1750-0028 International Journal of Intercultural Information Management
1747-9894 International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
1385-4879 International Journal on Minority and Group Rights
1817-4574 International Journal on Multicultural Societies
0020-7985 International Migration
0197-9183 International Migration Review
1393-8592 Irish Journal of Anthropology
0032-4000 J P S
0941-8563 Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung
0171-9904 Jahrbuch für Volkskunde
1570-7997 Jewish Identities in a Changing World
1156-0428 Journal des Anthropologues
0891-7124 Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement
1397-0658 Journal of anthropological psychology
0091-7710 Journal of Anthropological Research
0891-2416 Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
1369-183X Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
1537-7938 Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice
1533-2640 Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse
0278-0771 Journal of Ethnobiology
1746-4269 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine
1095-8606 Journal of Human Evolution
1747-5767 Journal of Intercultural Communication Research online
1751-3065 Journal of International and Intercultural Communication (Routledge) online
1488-3473 Journal of International Migration and Integration
1472-5886 Journal of Modern Jewish Studies
0306-6150 Journal of Peasant Studies
1880-6791 Journal of Physiological Anthropology
1932-2887 Journal of Psychological Trauma
0951-6328 Journal of Refugee Studies
1474-0591 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, online
1429-0618 Journal of Urban Ethnology
1076-156X Journal of World-Systems Research
1693-167X Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia
1212-8120 Kult
0023-5172 Kultura i Spoleczenstwo
0790-8318 Language, Culture and Curriculum
1246-2314 Les périphériques vous parlent
1776-3150 Lianes
1392-4028 Lietuvos Etnologija
0076-1435 Lud
1556-8547 Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft
1217-9833 Magyar Nepmuveszet
0025-1569 Man in India
0104-9313 Mana
0025-2344 Mankind Quarterly
0145-9740 Medical Anthropology
0745-5194 Medical Anthropology Quarterly
1367-4676 Mental Health, Religion & Culture
1873-9857 Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication
0721-2887 Migration
1741-8984 Migration Letters
1081-9908 Migration News
0305-6252 Minority Rights Group International. Report
0892-8339 Museum Anthropology
0231-844X Naprstek Museum. Annals
0090-5992 Nationalities Papers
1354-5078 Nations and Nationalism
0077-6599 Neprajzi Ertesito
0950-2378 New Formations
0121-7550 Nomadas
0822-7942 Nomadic Peoples
0802-7285 Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
1502-4008 Norsk Tidsskrift for Migrasjonsforskning
0185-0636 Nueva Antropologia
0078-7809 Paideuma
0362-1596 Parabola
1388-4433 Passages
1210-762X Perspectives
0032-0447 Plains Anthropologist
0720-5058 Pogrom
1081-6976 Political and Legal Anthropology Review
1138-9761 Quaderns Del CAC
1741-3109 Qualitative Research, online
0306-3968 Race & Class
1935-8644 Race/Ethnicity
0865-557X Regio (Budapest, 1990)
0190-1281 Research in Economic Anthropology
0093-8157 Reviews in Anthropology
0486-6525 Revista Colombiana de Antropologia
1131-558X Revista de Antropologia Social
0034-8198 Revista de Etnografie si Folclor
0556-6533 Revista Espanola de Antropologia Americana
0870-0206 Revista Lusitana
0765-0752 Revue Europeenne des Migrations Internationales
0391-9099 Ricerca Folklorica
1359-0987 Royal Anthropological Institute. Journal
1543-1304 Safundi (Online Edition)
1729-0376 Sahara J
0375-3050 Sarawak Museum Journal
0036-7400 Schweizer Monatshefte
0325-6669 Scripta Ethnologica
0387-6004 Senri Ethnological Studies
1651-5455 Skrifter från Centrum för samisk forskning
1335-1303 Slovensky Narodopis
0155-977X Social Analysis
0037-7651 Social and Economic Studies
0964-0282 Social Anthropology
0253-3952 Social Dynamics
1681-4363 Social Evolution & History
1363-0296 Social Identities, online
1563-1036 Social Justice
1474-2837 Social Movement Studies
0300-953X Societe des Oceanistes. Journal
0258-0144 South African Review of Sociology
1743-9612 South European Society and Politics (Routledge), online
1235-1954 Studia Fennica. Ethnologica
0282-6623 Studia Multiethnica Upsaliensia
1473-8481 Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
0355-3930 Suomen Antropologi
1794-2489 Tabula Rasa
1392-2831 Tautosakos Darbai
0248-6016 Techniques et Culture
0760-5668 Terrain
1745-8935 The Senses and Society (udgivet af Berg) (online)
1018-8185 Torture
1997-3322 Torture (on-line udgave af Torture Journal)
0352-0447 Traditiones
1051-0559 Transforming Anthropology
1420-7834 Tsantsa
1743-9663 Turkish Studies online
0041-9354 University of Alaska. Anthropological Papers
0894-6019 Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development
0894-9468 Visual Anthropology
1058-7187 Visual Anthropology Review
1551-7268 Voices (Schenectady)
0749-6427 Wíčazo Ša Review