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Quaker Council for European Affairs

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Quaker House in Brussels

The Quaker Council for European Affairs (QCEA) was founded in 1979 to promote the values of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in the European context. QCEA, based in Brussels, is an international, not-for-profit organisation under Belgian law.

What QCEA does

QCEA engages in advocacy and lobbying. It publishes briefing papers, reports and studies on themes of European and Quaker interest. These are read by politicians and decision makers as well as Quakers.

The organisation publishes a newsletter, Around Europe, which serves both to let those in positions of influence know what QCEA is thinking, and to give other readers information they might not easily find about things that are happening in Europe. It is sent ten times a year to addresses around the world.

QCEA also cooperates with other non-governmental and church organisations which share some of its ideals. Among these are the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, European Bureau for Conscientious Objection, Kairos Europa, the Mennonite Centre in Brussels, the Ecumenical Centre, the Centre for European Security and Defence.

QCEA interacts with Members of the European Parliament, and with the activities of the Council of Europe. The organisation participates in seminars and conferences when these help to advance its aims.

It arranges its own seminars and conferences, and each year it holds a Study Tour to help Quakers and non-Quakers learn more about what is happening in Europe.

Recognition as a consultative body

QCEA frequently submits evidence and comments to European Union consultations. QCEA is a Member of Civil Society and Democracy in Europe Grouping of NGOs recognised by the Council of Europe[1] and is entitled to lodge complaints of violations of the European Social Charter with the European Committee of Social Rights[2]

Partnerships and Collaborations

QCEA works closely with the Quaker United Nations Office,[3] Geneva and runs a biennial conference on peacebuilding with QUNO.

QCEA is one of 20 Partner organisations in The European Peacebuilding Liaison Office. [4]

QCEA is a member or The Human Rights and Democracy Network. [5]

QCEA also provides the secretariat for the Quaker youth organisation the European and Middle East Young Friends.[10]


It has four main programme areas:

  • Peace[6]
  • Human Rights[7]
    • Women In Prison
    • The Right to Conscientious Objection in Europe: A Review of the Current Situation
    • EU Asylum and Immigration Briefing Papers
    • Strangers in a Foreign Land
  • Economic Justice[8]
    • EU Consultation on Energy and a European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Briefing Papers on the EU and External Trade
  • Democratic Governance[9]
    • Europe’s values and ambitions – an opportunity for action – now!
    • Briefing Papers on the Constitutional Treaty and Referendums
    • Briefing Papers on the Militarisation of the EU
    • Spiritual Values and Citizenship Project
  • Sustainable Energy Security[10]
    • Briefing Papers on Energy Efficiency and Savings
    • Briefing Papers on Sustainable Growth vs. Sustainability
    • Briefing Papers on Poverty, Inequality and Climate Change
    • Evaluation of the Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan (SCPAP)
    • Security of Supply
  • Palestine & Israel[11]
    • Briefing Paper on Arms Trade
    • Briefing Paper on Security Co-operation
    • Briefing Paper on CSDP Missions
    • Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
    • Freedom of Movement
    • The economic and political role of the EU
    • Co-operation with Palestinian, Israeli, and International NGOs

Presentations and Reports

QCEA presentations and reports that are currently available (at 15 December 2011):[12]

  • The EU and the Western Balkans Grassroots Peacebuilding and Enlargement (2009) - Available Online
  • Mainstreaming Conflict Prevention (2008) - Available Online
  • People are Party to Building Peace QCEA/EPLO publication (2008) - Available Online
  • The Right to Conscientious Objection in Europe: A review of the Current Situation (2008) - Available Online
  • Peace and Peacebuilding – Some European Perspectives (2006) - Available Online
  • Women in Prison (2004-2007) - Available Online
  • Effective Counter-Terrorism: A Critical Assessment of EU Responses (2007) - Available Online
  • The European Prison Rules – A Gender Critique (2006) - Available Online
  • The Right to Conscientious Objection in Europe: A Review of the Current Situation (2005) - Available Online
  • Working towards Economic Justice - article in The Friends Quarterly Vol.34 No.6
  • Papers from the QCEA/QPSW conference in Brussels 2004
  • Values matter - Quakers Reflect on Europe :Final report of the Spiritual Values and Citizenship Project (2003)- Available Online
  • Offenders As People: Learning from one another’s experience across Europe: Report of a conference held at Woodbrooke, Birmingham from 17-19 September 1999.
  • Biotechnology and Ethics New European Laws and Proposals by Anna Franziska Schröder (1997)
  • The Common Wealth By Ed Mayo and A Double Strategy for Alternatives to Europe's Economic Structures and Policies By Ulrich Duchrow - Keynote speeches from the QCEA-Woodbrooke conference "Sharing, not Taking", held in March 1996.
  • Between Hope and Disaster - Aspects of Neo-Fascism in Europe (1993)
  • An Essay Towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe by William Penn.


QCEA claims the following achievements

  • "There is an anti-discrimination clause in the Amsterdam Treaty. Why?" Because QCEA, along with other non-governmental organisations in Brussels, campaigned for it.
  • "The Council of Europe asked the governments of all its member states what provision they made for conscientious objection. Why?" Because QCEA raised the matter in September 1996 and the Committee of Ministers acted on QCEA's initiative. A brochure of good practice in handling conscientious objection was prepared, and distributed to all the member states in 2002.
  • "The Greek Government had to reply to the Council of Europe about the way it treats those doing alternative service. Why?" Because QCEA has participatory status at the Council of Europe and has the right to bring collective complaints under the Council of Europe's Social Charter. QCEA used this right to bring a successful complaint against Greece.
  • "There is now a European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) in Brussels. Why?" Because QCEA had the idea in 1996, and has succeeded over the past few years in getting EPLO established as a respected network organisation with 17 member NGOs who work together to further a culture of peace in Europe and in the European Institutions' dealings with other countries.
  • "There is a campaign to co-operate with the EU to enable it to use its civilian capabilities in crisis management, conflict transformation, and long term peacebuilding. Why?" Because QCEA has worked hard with other NGOs in EPLO to make proposals on how such a development of civilian capabilities can be furthered and has engaged in active dialogue with EU decision makers. QCEA will continue this campaign in order to help to develop realistic and practical alternatives to military intervention.
