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==Māori role==
==Māori role==
The [[Treaty of Waitangi]] guaranteed the [[Māori]], the indigenous people of New Zealand, “undisturbed possession” of the fisheries until they chose to dispose of them to the Crown. They have been provided with a substantial stake in commercial fishing as part of the Treaty Settlement. After the quota management system was established, the government purchased back ten percent of the quota share and gave it to the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission for the benefit of Māori. In 1992, the government allocated a cash settlement to Māori which they used to buy a half share of Sealord, the countries largest fishing company. In addition, the government has given Māori twenty percent of the commercial quota share of new species introduces to the quota management system, and the equivalent of twenty percent of all marine farming space created around New Zealand coasts and harbours. In 2004, Parliament approved the allocation of additional significant fisheries assets to [[iwi]]. [http://teohu.maori.nz/ Te Ohu Kai Moana] is implementing this allocation. Māori have now built their commercial stake to the point where they control or influence more than thirty percent of the commercial fisheries.<ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Publications/State+of+our+fisheries/Maori+Fisheries/ Māori Fisheries]</ref><ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Commercial/About+the+Fishing+Industry/default.htm?wbc_purpose=bas The New Zealand Fishing Industry]</ref><ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Maori/Details+of++Settlement/Providing+Settlement+Assets.htm Providing Settlement Assets]</ref><ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Maori/Details+of++Settlement/default.htm?WBCMODE=PresentationUnpublished%2cPresentationUnpublished Maori Commercial Aquaculture Claims] Settlement</ref><ref>[http://www.aquaculture.govt.nz/maori_development.php Māori Development in Aquaculture]</ref>
The [[Treaty of Waitangi]] guaranteed the [[Māori]], the indigenous people of New Zealand, “undisturbed possession” of the fisheries until they chose to dispose of them to the Crown. They have been provided with a substantial stake in commercial fishing as part of the Treaty Settlement. After the quota management system was established, the government purchased back ten percent of the quota share and gave it to the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission for the benefit of Māori. In 1992, the government allocated a cash settlement to Māori which they used to buy a half share of Sealord, the countries largest fishing company. In addition, the government has given Māori twenty percent of the commercial quota share of new species introduces to the quota management system, and the equivalent of twenty percent of all marine farming space created around New Zealand coasts and harbours. In 2004, Parliament approved the allocation of additional significant fisheries assets to [[iwi]]. [http://teohu.maori.nz/ Te Ohu Kai Moana] is implementing this allocation. Māori have now built their commercial stake to the point where they control or influence more than thirty percent of the commercial fisheries.<ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Publications/State+of+our+fisheries/Maori+Fisheries/ Māori Fisheries]</ref><ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Commercial/About+the+Fishing+Industry/default.htm?wbc_purpose=bas The New Zealand Fishing Industry]</ref><ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Maori/Details+of++Settlement/Providing+Settlement+Assets.htm Providing Settlement Assets]</ref><ref>[http://www.fish.govt.nz/en-nz/Maori/Details+of++Settlement/default.htm?WBCMODE=PresentationUnpublished%2cPresentationUnpublished Maori Commercial Aquaculture Claims] Settlement</ref><ref>[http://www.aquaculture.govt.nz/maori_development.php Māori Development in Aquaculture]</ref>

* 1300s: Arrival of [[Māori]]
* 1642: [[Abel Tasman|Tasman]] is first European to reach New Zealand.
* 1769: New Zealand mapped by [[James Cook]], and the [[Brown Rat|Norway rat]] believed to have arrived in New Zealand aboard his ship, the [[HM Bark Endeavour|Endeavour]].
* 1790s: Sealers and whalers arrive.
* 1867: Trout and Salmon Protection Act passed - made provision for "the preservation and propagation of Salmon and Trout in this Colony".<ref name = SoE>[http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/ser/ser1997/html/chapter9.8.html MfE State of Environment Report, 1997]</ref>
* 1875: Seal hunting restricted to a short annual season.<ref name = SoE/>
* 1893: Rainbow trout successfully introduced by the Auckland Acclimatisation Society.
* 1894: Protection of [[fur seal]] population due to declining numbers.
* 1967: [[Rudd]] is illegally introduced into New Zealand.<ref>[http://www.doc.govt.nz/templates/page.aspx?id=33411 ''Rudd facts''] DOC website, retrieved 16 September 2007.</ref>
* 1971: [[Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand|CoEnCo]] formed <ref>[http://eco.org.nz/about.asp ''About ECO''] ECO website.</ref>
* 1976: CoEnCo renamed as [[Environment and Conservation Organisations of Aotearoa New Zealand|ECO]] <ref>[http://eco.org.nz/about.asp ''About ECO''] ECO website.</ref>
* 1977: The "Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act" is passed. <ref>[http://www.legislation.govt.nz/libraries/contents/om_isapi.dll?clientID=677538328&infobase=pal_statutes.nfo&jd=a1977-028%2fs.1&record={711AAE28}&softpage=DOC]</ref>
* 1979: Marine Mammals Protection Act came into force.
* 1983: Fisheries Act comes into force (establishes a fishing quota system).
* 1986: [[Environment Act 1986|Environment Act]] passed (establishes [[Ministry for the Environment|Ministry for the Environment (MfE)]] and [[Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment|Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment (PCE)]]) <ref>[http://www.legislation.govt.nz/ NZ Govt. Legislation]</ref>
* 1986: [[Individual Transferable Quotas|Quota Management System]] (QMS) introduced to conserve fish stocks within the [[Exclusive Economic Zone]].
* 1987: Conservation Act comes into force (establishes DoC, Fish and Game)
* 1989: Mäori Fisheries Act passed.
* 1990: Creation of [[Te Wahipounamu]] [[World Heritage]] site. <ref>[http://whc.unesco.org/heritage.htm UNESCO]</ref>
* 1990: [[Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand]] is formed. <ref>[http://greens.org.nz/about/history.htm Greens history]</ref>
* 1996: [[Fisheries Act 1996]] is passed (though parts of it come into force only spasmodically over the next few years).
* 1998: Creation of New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands World Heritage site.<ref>[http://whc.unesco.org/heritage.htm UNESCO]</ref>
* 2000: Moratorium on new [[marine farming]] applications, initially for two years.
* 2003: [[Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (New Zealand)|Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry]], [[Ministry for the Environment]], and [[Fonterra]] sign the [[Dairying and Clean Streams Accord]].<ref>[http://www.ew.govt.nz/newsandevents/agendas/documents/878059.pdf Clean Streams Accord]</ref>
* 2003: Environment Minister addresses pollution in the [[Rotorua]] lakes. <ref>[http://www.beehive.govt.nz/ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=17810 Rotorua Lakes]</ref>
* 2004: [[Didymosphenia geminata|Rock snot]], an invasive freshwater weed, is found in some New Zealand rivers. <ref>[http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/pests-diseases/plants/didymo/ Didymo]</ref>
* 2004: 13,000 litre diesel spill in [[Milford Sound]].
* 2004: Moratorium on marine farms lifted after the passing of the Aquaculture Reform Bill. [http://www.beehive.govt.nz/ViewDocument.cfm?DocumentID=21842]
* 2005: First criminal conviction for killing a [[fur seal]] is handed down.
* 2005: ''[[Didymosphenia geminata|Rock snot]]'' found in the [[Buller River]].<ref>[http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/pests-diseases/plants/didymo/ Didymo]</ref>
* 2005: Thirty five [[squid]] boats ordered to return to port from their sub-[[Antarctica|Antarctic]] fishing grounds for breaking a voluntary code of practice designed to protect [[seabird]]s.<ref>[[Wikinews:New Zealand recalls squid boats|(Wikinews)]]</ref><ref>[http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3271720a7693,00.html (Stuff)]</ref>
* 2006: New Zealand is rated top in the [[Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index]]. <ref>[http://www.yale.edu/epi/ Environmental Performance Index: Redirect]</ref>
* 2006: The New Zealand fishing industry proposes limits on bottom trawling.
* 2006: The [[World Wide Fund for Nature|WWF]] ''Living Planet'' report ranks New Zealand with the ninth largest per capita [[ecological footprint]]. [http://www.panda.org/news_facts/newsroom/press_releases/index.cfm?uNewsID=83520] [http://www.panda.org/news_facts/publications/living_planet_report/lp_2006/index.cfm]
* 2006: [[New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries|New Zealand Fisheries]] officers' request to be allowed to carry [[Club (weapon)|baton]]s and [[pepper spray]] is denied.<ref>[http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=1&ObjectID=10404904 NZ Herald]</ref>
* 2006: [[Great white shark]]s will be protected within New Zealand's [[Exclusive Economic Zone|EEZ]] from April 2007.<ref>[http://www.beehive.govt.nz/ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=27925 Beehive - Full protection for great white sharks from April 2007]</ref>
* 2007: [[Bottom trawling#Current bottom trawling restrictions|Bottom trawling]] prohibited in selected areas.<ref>[http://www.beehive.govt.nz/ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentID=28925 Beehive - Groundbreaking initiative to protect underwater habitats]</ref>
* 2007: The [[orange roughy]] fishery is closed to allow stocks of the fish to recover. <ref>[http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/nz+and+australia+close+orange+roughy+fishery Beehive - NZ and Australia close orange roughy fishery]</ref>
* 2008: ''Environment New Zealand 2007'', a [[State of the Environment]] report, is released.

==See also==
==See also==

Revision as of 10:43, 18 June 2009

Sea floor map around New Zealand.

As with other countries, New Zealand’s 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone gives its fishing industry special fishing rights.[1] It covers 4.1 million square kilometres. This is the sixth largest zone in the world, and is fourteen times the land area of New Zealand itself.[2][3]

The zone has a rich and unusually complex underwater topography. Over 15,000 marine species are known to live there, about ten percent of the world's diversity. Many of these are migratory species, but New Zealand's isolation means also that many of the marine species are unique to New Zealand.[4]


New Zealand's wild fisheries captured 441,000 tonnes and earned over NZ$1 billion in exports in the fishing year 2006/07. The aquaculture of mussels, salmon and oysters earned another $226 million. This made seafood the country’s fifth largest export earner.[5]

There are about two tonnes of fish in the New Zealand fisheries for every New Zealander. Just under ten percent of this stock is harvested each year.[6] In the fishing year 2006/07, there were 1,316 commercial fishing vessels and 229 processors and licensed fish receivers, employing 7,155 people.[7] About 1.2 million or 31 percent of New Zealanders engage, at least occasionally, in recreational fishing with an annual recreational take of about 25,000 tonnes.[8]

Historical development

Traditionally New Zealand's fishing industry was an inshore one largely confined to the domestic market. From 1938 to 1963, there was a licensing system operating, involving gear and area controls[9]. Starting in the 1960s, the offshore waters, outside the then 12 nautical mile territorial sea, were exploited by Japanese, Taiwanese, South Korean, and Soviet trawlers.[10]

In 1977 the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone was established. These zones were established because countries wanted protection from foreign fishing vessels. Because New Zealand’s territory includes the Chatham Islands and other outer islands, its EEZ is 4.1 million square kilometres, the sixth largest fishing zone in the world.

This was a huge resource, and expectations were high. The inshore fisheries had become over exploited, and the search was on for new offshore fisheries. New Zealand companies embarked on joint ventures with foreign companies. Trawling crews from other nations taught New Zealanders how to fish deep waters and in return got a share of the catch.[11]

Squid jigger in Cook Strait

Deep-water trawling is highly mechanised and massive capital investment is normally required to operate modern factory trawlers. These ships process everything caught on board. Even the guts and heads are processed into fishmeal, which is so valuable it is known as "brown gold". Elsewhere, major fisheries, such the northern hemisphere cod fisheries, were collapsing. Fishing companies in New Zealand were able to buy or lease the redundant trawlers cheaply. At the same time, the collapse of northern fisheries resulted in an unmet need in the world market for quality whitefish. Hoki and orange roughy from New Zealand were in demand.[12]

In 1986 New Zealand became the first country to introduce a property-rights based Quota Management System (QMS) system.[13][14] There are currently (2008) 129 species which are targeted commercially. There are about 60 species groups with a QMS allowance for customary Māori fishers, with a similar number for recreational fishers. The fisheries are managed through the Fisheries Act 1996, which sets out the rules and regulations and the QMS administered by the Ministry of Fisheries.[15]

The fishery in the 2000s

By 2000, the industry had developed from being a domestic supplier to exporting over 90 percent of the fish harvest.[16]

Fishing grounds

New Zealand is surrounded by a rich and unusually complex underwater typography.

Coastal estuaries dot New Zealand's 15,000 km coastline. Coastal fisheries have access to a large continental shelf, and further afield are large continental rises. Together these relatively shallow fishing grounds occupy about thirty percent of the area of the EEZ. Yet further out in the deep ocean lie undersea mountain ranges and volcanoes, and deep oceanic trenches. The 10,000 metre deep Kermadec Trench is the second deepest trench on Earth.[17]

High seas fishing

The high seas are those areas of ocean that not covered by any country’s Exclusive Economic Zone. New Zealand has international obligations to ensure New Zealand flagged vessels are aligned with proper conservation and management of the high seas fisheries. These are met in Part 6A of the Fisheries Act 1996. These obligations come from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 1995 Straddling Fish Stocks Agreement.[18]

Māori role

The Treaty of Waitangi guaranteed the Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, “undisturbed possession” of the fisheries until they chose to dispose of them to the Crown. They have been provided with a substantial stake in commercial fishing as part of the Treaty Settlement. After the quota management system was established, the government purchased back ten percent of the quota share and gave it to the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission for the benefit of Māori. In 1992, the government allocated a cash settlement to Māori which they used to buy a half share of Sealord, the countries largest fishing company. In addition, the government has given Māori twenty percent of the commercial quota share of new species introduces to the quota management system, and the equivalent of twenty percent of all marine farming space created around New Zealand coasts and harbours. In 2004, Parliament approved the allocation of additional significant fisheries assets to iwi. Te Ohu Kai Moana is implementing this allocation. Māori have now built their commercial stake to the point where they control or influence more than thirty percent of the commercial fisheries.[19][20][21][22][23]


See also


  1. ^ *United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - Part V
  2. ^ New Zealand’s marine area Ministry for the Environment.
  3. ^ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2007) Environmental Performance Review:New Zealand p. 207.
  4. ^ Fisheries and their ecosystems. NZ Ministry of Fisheries. Retrieved 13 June 2008.
  5. ^ New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries: NZ Fisheries at a Glance Retrieved 11 June 2008
  6. ^ Seafriends: Why is New Zealand so special?
  7. ^ New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries: NZ Fisheries at a Glance Retrieved 11 June 2008
  8. ^ New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries: NZ Fisheries at a Glance Retrieved 11 June 2008
  9. ^ Guerin, K. (2003). Property Rights and Environmental Policy: A New Zealand Perspective.Wellington, New Zealand: NZ Treasury
  10. ^ The New Zealand fishing industry
  11. ^ Carl Walrond. Fishing industry. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 21-Sep-2007
  12. ^ Carl Walrond. Fishing industry. Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 21-Sep-2007
  13. ^ KELLY Lock, Kelly and Leslie, Stefan (2007) New Zealand's Quota Management System: A History of the First 20 Years. Motu Working Paper No 07-02.
  14. ^ Quota Management.
  15. ^ Status of New Zealand Fisheries
  16. ^ The New Zealand fishing industry
  17. ^ Fisheries and their ecosystems. NZ Ministry of Fisheries. Retrieved 13 June 2008.
  18. ^ NZ Ministry of Fisheries: High seas fishing
  19. ^ Māori Fisheries
  20. ^ The New Zealand Fishing Industry
  21. ^ Providing Settlement Assets
  22. ^ Maori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement
  23. ^ Māori Development in Aquaculture
  24. ^ a b MfE State of Environment Report, 1997
  25. ^ Rudd facts DOC website, retrieved 16 September 2007.
  26. ^ About ECO ECO website.
  27. ^ About ECO ECO website.
  28. ^ [1]
  29. ^ NZ Govt. Legislation
  30. ^ UNESCO
  31. ^ Greens history
  32. ^ UNESCO
  33. ^ Clean Streams Accord
  34. ^ Rotorua Lakes
  35. ^ Didymo
  36. ^ Didymo
  37. ^ (Wikinews)
  38. ^ (Stuff)
  39. ^ Environmental Performance Index: Redirect
  40. ^ NZ Herald
  41. ^ Beehive - Full protection for great white sharks from April 2007
  42. ^ Beehive - Groundbreaking initiative to protect underwater habitats
  43. ^ Beehive - NZ and Australia close orange roughy fishery

Further reading

External images
image icon EEZ map 1
image icon EEZ map 2