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File:Coat of arms of the Norwegian Armoured Battalion 4th Assault Squadron.svg|[[Armoured_Battalion_(Norway)#Organization|4th Assault Squadron]]
File:Coat of arms of the Norwegian Armoured Battalion 4th Assault Squadron.svg|[[Armoured_Battalion_(Norway)#Organization|4th Assault Squadron]]
File:Coat of arms of the Norwegian Armoured Battalion 5th Cavalry Squadron.svg|[[Armoured_Battalion_(Norway)#Organization|5th Cavalry Squadron]]
File:Coat of arms of the Norwegian Armoured Battalion 5th Cavalry Squadron.svg|[[Armoured_Battalion_(Norway)#Organization|5th Cavalry Squadron]]
File:Coat of arms of the Norwegian Armoured Battalion Combat Support Squadron.svg|[[Armoured_Battalion_(Norway)#Organization|6th Combat Support Squadron]]
File:Coat of arms of the Norwegian Armoured Battalion 6th Combat Support Squadron.svg|[[Armoured_Battalion_(Norway)#Organization|6th Combat Support Squadron]]
File:Coat of arms of the Finnmark Land Command Staff.svg|[[Finnmark Land Command|Finnmark Land Command Staff]]
File:Coat of arms of the Finnmark Land Command Staff.svg|[[Finnmark Land Command|Finnmark Land Command Staff]]
File:Coat of arms of the Porsanger Battalion 2nd Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron.svg|[[Porsanger Battalion|2nd Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron]]
File:Coat of arms of the Porsanger Battalion 2nd Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron.svg|[[Porsanger Battalion|2nd Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron]]

Revision as of 06:58, 25 September 2023

Gallery of Norwegian military heraldry. Norwegian version. To be posted in Armorial of Norway (English) and Avdelingsmerke (Norwegian).

List of Missing Coat of Arms
- Air Force: 130 luftving (can't find any images)
- Navy (currently working on these): Korshamn fort, Visterøy fort
- Navy (not currently working on these): KNM «Hessa», KNM «Stord», KNM «Vigra» http://tor-willy.net/238%20U-OFF.%20MARINE.htm
- Army: Defence Administration School
- Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon: Mottak- og transportbataljonen (can't find any images)
- All the commandants of fortresses: https://www.heraldry-wiki.com/heraldrywiki/index.php?title=Category:Norway_Military_heraldry_(images) (waiting for a response from Hans Cappelen)
- NSM (2003): https://nsm.no/getfile.php/133792-1592988787/NSM/Filer/Dokumenter/Rapporter/rst_2003.pdf
- Militær idrett: File:Militær idrett Værg dit Land (Norwegian military sports) Bordfane (Table banner) Riksvåpen Riksløve (Norwegian coat of arms). Torås Fort Military History Museum Tjøme Norway 2021-08-15 IMG 4739.jpg and https://www.facebook.com/velferdidrettterningmoen/photos/a.548117921950425.1073741825.548115795283971/570952969666920/?locale=nb_NO
- Velferdstjenesten i Forsvaret: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=185663387159762&set=a.185663367159764&locale=de_DE and http://tor-willy.net/fellesemblemer.htm
- Historical Army:
  - Hærens stabskole (gamle)
  - Kompetansesenter infanteriet
  - Kompetansesenter luftvern
- Historical Navy: https://www.yumpu.com/no/document/read/18347656/uniformsreglement-for-sjforsvaret-sap-7-f
  - Kyststridsflotiljen
  - Taktisk Båtskvadron (I bruk av Fartøysdivisjonen?)
  - 1. Patruljebåtdivisjon


North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Ministry of Defence

Defence Staff

Joint Headquarters

Joint Support Services

Former arms of the Joint Support Services

Joint Medical Services

HR and Conscription Centre

Defence Logistics Organisation

Independent Defence Agencies

Norwegian Army

Former arms of the Norwegian Army
Unofficial arms of the Norwegian Army

Royal Norwegian Navy

Former arms of the Norwegian Navy
Ship arms of the Norwegian Navy

Royal Norwegian Air Force

Norwegian Home Guard

Former arms of the Norwegian Home Guard

Cyber Defence Force

Special Operations Command

Defence University College

Intelligence Service