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| Yemi || Adetokumboh McCormack || Mr. Eko (Brother) || [[Episodes of Lost (Season 2)#The 23rd Psalm|The 23rd Psalm]]
| Yemi || Adetokumboh McCormack || Mr. Eko (Brother) || [[Episodes of Lost (Season 2)#The 23rd Psalm|The 23rd Psalm]]
| Goldie || Ronald Revels || Mr. Eko (drug dealer) || [[Episodes of Lost (Season 2)#The 23rd Psalm|The 23rd Psalm]]
| Goldie || Ronald Revels || Mr. Eko (drug dealing associate) || [[Episodes of Lost (Season 2)#The 23rd Psalm|The 23rd Psalm]]
| Olu || Pierre Olivier || Mr. Eko (unknown) || [[Episodes of Lost (Season 2)#The 23rd Psalm|The 23rd Psalm]]
| Olu || Pierre Olivier || Mr. Eko (drug dealing associate) || [[Episodes of Lost (Season 2)#The 23rd Psalm|The 23rd Psalm]]

Revision as of 20:27, 12 January 2006

This article contains character information for the American drama/adventure television series Lost.


Main Characters

Secondary characters

The following characters are other crash survivors or island residents who play a supporting role in the plot.

Mid-section crash survivors

File:Rose Lost.jpg
Rose played by L. Scott Caldwell
Image source: http://www.lost-media.com


Rose, a resident of The Bronx, New York, was seated across the aisle from Jack, who spoke with her during the flight, promising to take care of her until her husband, Bernard, who was in the bathroom in the plane's rear, returned. After the crash, she maintained that Bernard was still alive and continues to wear his wedding ring around her neck (he took it off on the plane due to his fingers swelling up). Rose and Bernard were reunited when the tail-section survivors joined the main camp in "Collision".

She also befriended Charlie after his abduction by Ethan and near-death experience, urging him to return to his faith. When Hurley struggled with rationing food in the hatch, Rose assisted him with the inventory and prevented him from blowing up the food with leftover dynamite, eventually helping him reach a better solution.

File:Vincent Lost.jpg
Vincent played by Madison
Image source: http://www.lost-media.com


Vincent is Walt's dog (a Yellow Labrador Retriever). Originally, Vincent belonged to Brian, Walt's stepfather, but when Michael came to take Walt, he said that Brian was giving Vincent to Walt. Vincent has proven to be a handful. After the crash, he was spotted by Jack in the woods near the beach but ran off. In an effort to help Walt find Vincent, Locke fashioned a dog whistle and used it to draw Vincent back to the beach. Later, Vincent again ran off into the woods, possibly in pursuit of a polar bear. It was during a search for Vincent after this escape that Locke and Boone happened upon the missing Claire. Vincent returned again shortly before Ethan killed Scott. When Walt left the island on the raft, he left Vincent in the care of Shannon. However, Vincent also ran off from Shannon; she followed into the jungle, where she saw Walt. Vincent was later found again, and remained under Shannon's care until her death in Abandoned. Upon returning back to the mid-section survivors' camp in Collision, both Vincent and Michael are reunited.

Aaron Littleton

Born to Claire Littleton in the jungle of the island with the help of Kate, Aaron Littleton was originally going to be adopted after he was born. However, a psychic told Claire that she must raise the baby herself. He said that if the child were raised by any other, something bad would happen. Later, after Claire refused to listen to his demands, the psychic told her there was a couple in Los Angeles, California who would raise the baby, and even arranged the tickets for her, on Flight 815. After the crash, this coincidence led Claire to believe that there may never have been a couple at all, and the psychic had foreseen what would happen to the airplane. What danger surrounds the baby is still unknown.

After the birth, Charlie briefly referred to him as "Turnip Head." For a time, the only thing that could calm Aaron was the sound of Sawyer's voice. Aaron was believed to be the child that the "Others" wanted, and was kidnapped by Rousseau, who wanted to trade him for her own child, Alex. However, it appears the "Others" did not want Aaron. They wanted Walt.

Edward Mars

U.S. Marshal Edward Mars had been pursuing and been tormented by Kate for several years, before finally capturing her in Australia. He was on Flight 815 to escort her back to the United States, presumably to stand trial. However, he was badly injured during the crash, only regaining consciousness for a brief period. Though Jack operated on him, he would not recover, and eventually he dies at Jack's hands after Sawyer's mercy killing attempt failed. He was buried, though his remains were later exhumed by Jack and Kate to recover the key to the gun case in his wallet.

Kate got away from him at least once, in "What Kate Did", but Mars caught her in the end. The crime he pursued her for was murder, although none of the crash survivors (except Jack and Hurley) know this. In Born to Run, Kate finally revealed to everyone that she was the fugitive with Mars.

Leslie Arzt

Leslie Arzt, who asked to be addressed as "Doctor", was previously a ninth grade science teacher. He first appeared offering advice on the sailing of the raft, explaining that the coming monsoon season, determined based on an estimation of their location and the direction of the winds, would take the raft straight to Antarctica. After Rousseau arrived in the camp, he accompanies the team going to the Black Rock to assist in the retrieval of the dynamite. After the journey through the jungle, Arzt waits outside the Black Rock and complains to Hurley about, among other things, the cliquishness of Hurley and his friends, while Kate, Jack, and Locke head inside to find the dynamite. When they bring it outside, a panicked Arzt explains to them the dangers of dynamite in 90°F or higher temperatures. After wrapping a stick of dynamite in Kate's shirt, Arzt is then killed in an explosion that knocks the other survivors to the ground.

Tail-section crash survivors


Rose's husband, Bernard is found among the few remaining tail-section survivors, and introduces himself to Michael, Sawyer, and Jin when they arrive at the bunker in which they have taken refuge. Thanks to Michael he is aware of his wife's survival on the other side of the island. It was Bernard who talked to Boone over the radio transmission in from the Beechcraft in "Deus Ex Machina".

Rose refused to believe that Bernard was dead. She mentioned that Bernard's weak spot is his incredible sweet-tooth and love of candy. When the fuselage survivors feasted on the food from the hatch, she put aside an Apollo chocolate bar to give to him.

Rose and Bernard were reunited when the tail-section survivors joined the main camp. Hurley later comments to Jack that he did not expect Rose's husband to be white.


Cindy was a flight attendant on Flight 815 who gave Jack alcohol just before the crash, and who also pursued Charlie through the plane with her colleagues. She is the only known surviving crew member of the crash. She landed with the tail section survivors and out of the 23 of them, was one of only five to have not been killed or taken by the "Others" - until she disappeared in the episode "Abandoned".

Other crash survivors

The following other survivors have been named or clearly identified in at least one episode.

  1. “Tourniquet man” - Treated by Jack for a leg wound just after the plane crash in “Pilot”.
  2. “Turbine Man” - Sucked into the still-running jet engine in “Pilot”.
  3. Pilot - Killed by the “monster” in the jungle in “Pilot”.
  4. Barbara Joanna Miller - Drowned at the beginning of “White Rabbit”.
  5. Sullivan - Treated by Jack for heat rash in “Solitary”, he is also believed to be a hypochondriac.
  6. Scott Jackson - He is often confused by survivors with Steve Jenkins. Killed by Ethan Rom in “Homecoming”.
  7. Steve Jenkins - He is often confused by survivors with Scott Jackson.
  8. Lance - According to Hurley, Lance is a little skinny guy with glasses and red hair.
  9. Tracy - Her message in a bottle says she has a husband and two children in Fresno, California.
  10. Nathan - One of the tail section survivors. He was suspected of being one of the “Others”, but was killed by Goodwin, the actual “Other” in “The Other 48 Days”.
  11. Emma - Zack's sister. Young survivor of the tail section crash, and then abducted by the “Others” in “The Other 48 Days”.
  12. Zack - Emma's brother. Young survivor of the tail section crash, and then abducted by the “Others” in “The Other 48 Days”.
  13. Donald - One of the tail section survivors. His broken leg is set by Libby after the crash but he dies of infection on the fifth day after the crash in “The Other 48 Days”.
  14. Nancy - One of the tail section survivors, she was pulled out of the water by Mr. Eko. She was abducted by the others in “The Other 48 Days”.

Island inhabitants

Ethan Rom

The dangerous Ethan Rom claimed to be from Ontario, which Hurley assumed meant Ontario, Canada; he did not give a last name until asked. He initially appeared to be a survivor of the crash, helping Locke with boar hunting. However, in the aftermath of an attack on Claire at the caves, Hurley decided to take a census of the survivors, and upon comparing the names he had with those on the flight's manifest, discovered that Ethan was not listed as a passenger.

About the time Hurley revealed this to Jack, Kate, Locke, and Sayid at the caves, Ethan kidnapped Claire and Charlie, setting off a frantic manhunt searching for the trio. Jack, Kate, Locke, and Boone remained on his trail for some time, but split up to make sure that one of the possible tracks was not a diversion. Jack and Kate caught up to Ethan, who easily bested Jack in a fistfight, threatening to kill Charlie or Claire if the pursuit continued. Making good on his promise, Ethan hung Charlie from a tree, but he was rescued by Jack and Kate.

When Claire somehow escaped Ethan, he returned to the beach and, after attacking Jin, demanded that Charlie bring Claire to him or he would kill the survivors one by one. When the group failed to do so the first night, Ethan again followed through by killing Scott, breaking his neck and both of his arms. Finally, with Claire as bait, Ethan was ambushed by an armed group of Jack, Sayid, Locke, Sawyer, and Kate, hoping to take him prisoner and find out why he wanted Claire so badly. This time, Jack successfully subdued Ethan. Before he could be interrogated, he was shot and killed by Charlie, using the gun Jack had dropped. When he was later asked why, Charlie simply responded, "Because he deserved to die."

Ethan is suspected by the survivors to be one of the dreaded "Others" mainly due to his desire for Claire's child and his survival skills.

Danielle Rousseau

The French woman responsible for the distress call, Danielle Rousseau has been stranded on the island for approximately 16 years. After Sayid discovers a cable extending from the ocean into the jungle, he stumbles into a snare trap, likely set up by Danielle, who subsequently cuts him down and captures him. While holding him prisoner, Danielle initially suspects that Sayid may know something about "Alex," asking him "Where is Alex?" in a variety of languages. When Sayid insists that he knows nothing about anyone named Alex, Danielle tortures Sayid with electric shock. She eventually softens, however, and begins asking Sayid about the picture he's been carrying around. After Sayid explains his story, Danielle shows him her broken music box. When Sayid offers to repair it, she sedates him and moves him to a chair, where he is bound but still able to work on the box.

While he repairs the box, Sayid asks her how she came to be on the island. Danielle and her science expedition, which included her husband Robert, were shipwrecked on the island, which by her estimate is at least three days out from Tahiti. She also discusses strange whispering voices in the jungle, which she attributes to a group she simply calls the "Others". When she asks if Sayid thinks she is insane, he replies that she has simply been alone for far too long.

Eventually, Sayid and Danielle hear a roar outside of her camp. When Sayid asks if it is the monster, she replies that there are "no such thing as monsters." In a later episode she calls the "monster" a "security system....for the island." He steals her maps and other notes about the island, grabs her other rifle, and follows her. In the standoff that follows, Sayid threatens Danielle, and when she refuses to back down, he fires the gun. When it fails to go off, Danielle mentions that her husband Robert had not noticed it wouldn't fire either, when she shot him. She then explains that she had killed the other survivors of her shipwreck because they had become sick.

When Sayid says he's not infected, she agrees, but doesn't want to let him go because she's alone. Sayid then insists that she should return with him to the other survivors of the crash, but she demurs. However, she leaves Sayid with a warning: he must be certain to watch the other survivors closely. As she turns to walk away, Sayid asks who Alex is. In response, Danielle simply says, "Alex was my child," and walks away.

Several days later, Hurley discovers that her notes contain the same numbers that he had used to win the lottery, repeated several times. This prompts Hurley, claiming that he wants to get a battery for Michael, to head into the jungle, with Charlie, Jack, and Sayid in tow. His real motive, however, is to find Danielle in the hopes that she can explain the meaning of the numbers to him, giving him insight as to why they may be "cursed".

Eventually, Hurley and Charlie are separated from the other two when Danielle shoots at them. Hurley and Charlie run in different directions, but Hurley falls down when running. At this point, Danielle catches him and holds him at gunpoint. He asks her about the numbers, but she admits that she does not know what they mean. Instead, she explains to Hurley that it was the numbers that brought her expedition to the island. Sixteen years earlier, the numbers were being broadcast by the radio tower on the island. At this point, Hurley breaks down, feeling he'll never understand these numbers, especially since everyone tells him they are not cursed. When Danielle concurs with his assessment that they may be cursed, however, he grabs her in a giant bear hug. When Hurley returns to the group, he gives the battery and notes to Sayid, remarking: "She says, 'Hey.'"

When Danielle became trapped on the island, she was seven months pregnant. She was forced to deliver the baby herself, and named the girl Alex. A week after being born, Alex was taken by the "Others" while Danielle went to investigate a large plume of black smoke.

After a similar plume appears in the distance, Danielle warns the survivors that the "Others" will be coming. After leading some of the survivors to the wreckage of a large wooden sailing ship, the "Black Rock", Danielle returns to the beach camp and notices Claire's baby and asks to hold him. Claire repeatedly refuses, obviously spooked by Danielle's demeanor. Danielle knocks Claire unconscious and abducts the child, disappearing into the jungle. During the struggle, Claire seems to remember being responsible for the scratches that appeared on Danielle's arm during either a foiled assault at the caves or her abduction by Ethan. Sayid and Charlie pursue Danielle, ultimately finding the source of the black smoke: a large, crude brazier that bears no clue as to who lit it. They confront Danielle, who claims she heard voices saying that "they were coming for 'the child.'" Danielle then reluctantly returns Claire's baby, admitting that she had hoped to offer him to the "Others" in exchange for her own daughter, Alex.


Desmond, who seems to be of Scottish descent, claims to have been living within the bunker for three years.

In addition to being an island resident, Desmond crossed paths with at least one of the survivors a few years prior. While training for a race around the world, Desmond met Jack, who was running in the same stadium he was. When Jack tripped and fell on the steps, Desmond stopped to help, claiming that he was "almost" a doctor. During the brief chat that followed, they discussed Jack's operation on Sarah. He left Jack with the advice to lift up his leg and told him, "See you in another life, yeah?"

During his solo race around the world, he crashed on the island. Shortly after his arrival, a man named Kelvin emerged from the jungle and took Desmond back to the hatch. Desmond watched as Kelvin input a code into a computer. Kelvin told him he did this to save the world, and soon, Desmond started to enter the code as well. The code consists of Hurley's numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. After Kelvin died, Desmond was left alone to push the button, living in increments of 108 minutes.

So it went, until the survivors blew open the hatch. After the survivors initially entered the bunker, Desmond captured Kate and interrogated Locke, eventually forcing Locke to enter the code as well. When Jack arrived to check on Locke and Kate, Desmond held Locke hostage during a brief standoff, until Kate struck him from behind. As he fell, he fired his weapon, accidentally shooting the computer needed to enter the code. This prompted an already jumpy Desmond to frantically begin fixing the computer, during which time a visibly angry Jack forced Desmond to tell him his story. During this discussion, Jack asked him if he ever thought that the whole "pushing the button" situation was a mind game. Desmond replied that he thought so every day, and truly hoped that it was, but that he pushes the button anyway, just in case.

After failing to fix the computer, Desmond fled the hatch, taking with him some supplies and his injections. While escaping, he was again stopped by Jack, who demanded to know why he is running. It is at this moment that Desmond finally remembers why Jack seemed familiar, recognizing him from the stadium some years earlier. After talking with Jack, he managed to sway him to lower his gun by asking about Sarah. With Jack having relented, Desmond continued running, telling Jack that he'll see him in another life.

Inside the hatch, a picture was seen of Desmond, prior to coming to the island, on a boat with a woman in front of the Sydney Opera House. Who the woman is has yet to be explained.

While Desmond has been alone for a long time, he still appeared to retain his sanity. It is not known where Desmond ran to after he left the hatch.


Goodwin was a spy for the "Others" who lived among the tail section survivors of Flight 815 claiming to be a former member of the Peace Corps. On their first night on the Island, Goodwin starts a small fire by rubbing sticks together. When he mentions he was in the Peace Corps to Ana-Lucia, he seems surprised and glad that she knows what it is. After Nathan is accused of being a traitor and thrown in a pit-cage, Goodwin releases him and then breaks his neck, killing him instantly. Later, in the bunker with the arrow logo, Ana-Lucia and Goodwin find a radio. Goodwin insists that they need to go to higher ground in order to get a signal, and begins to set out to accomplish this alone, but Ana-Lucia insists on accompanying him. They trek off to a secluded spot. While there, Ana reveals that she knows Goodwin is one of the "Others." On the first day, she noticed that he ran out of the jungle with his clothes completely dry, ten minutes after the plane crashed in the ocean. When Goodwin implies that the abducted children are still alive and claims that they are "better off," Ana-Lucia attacks and kills him. When Ana-Lucia returns to her compatriots, she is asked about the whereabouts of Goodwin. "We're safe here now," she replies.

Before Goodwin dies, he implies that the survivors who had been abducted, presumably including Eko, were "good people." "Nathan was not a good person," Goodwin tells Ana-Lucia. "That's why he was not on the list."

In an earlier episode of Lost ("...And Found"), when Goodwin's body is discovered by Jin, Eko states, "his name was Goodwin." He does not mention that Ana-Lucia killed him, and it is currently unclear whether the other survivors fully understand what happened between Goodwin and Ana-Lucia.

Flashback characters

These characters have appeared through the main characters' flashbacks, and are not on the island. See IMDB for a complete listing of all guest and flashback characters.

Character Name Actor Name Main Character Connection Episodes
Dr. Christian Shephard John Terry Jack (father) White Rabbit, All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues, Outlaws, Do No Harm, Man of Science, Man of Faith
Margo Shephard Veronica Hamel Jack (mother) White Rabbit
Sarah Shephard Julie Bowen Jack (patient, wife) Do No Harm, Man of Science, Man of Faith
Liam Pace Neil Hopkins Charlie (elder brother) The Moth
Lucy Sally Strecker Charlie (ex-girlfriend) Homecoming
Tommy Darren Richardson Charlie (friend) Homecoming
Noor "Nadia" Abed Jazeem Andrea Gabriel Sayid (girlfriend) Solitary
Essam Tasir Donnie Keshawarz Sayid (friend) The Greater Good
Thomas Keir O'Donnell Aaron (father),
Claire (ex boyfriend)
Raised by Another
Richard Malkin Nick Jameson Claire (psychic) Raised by Another
Rachel Jenny Chang Claire (friend) Raised by Another
Susan Lloyd Tamara Taylor Walt (mother),
Michael (girlfriend)
Special, Adrift
Brian Porter David Starzyk Walt (stepfather) Special
Hibbs Robert Patrick Sawyer (partner) Outlaws
Frank Duckett Jeff Perry Sawyer (target) Outlaws
Mr. Paik Bryon Chung Sun (father) ...In Translation
Mrs. Paik June Kyoto Lu Sun (mother) ...And Found
Mr. Kwon John Shin Jin (father) ...In Translation
Carmen Reyes Lillian Hurst Hurley (mother) Numbers, Everybody Hates Hugo
Leonard Simms Ron Bottitta Hurley (friend) Numbers
Martha Toomey Jayne Taini Hurley (informant) Numbers
Johnny DJ Qualls Hurley (friend) Everybody Hates Hugo
Starla Marguerite Moreau Hurley (friend) Everybody Hates Hugo
Randy Billy Ray Gallion Locke (supervisor),
Hurley (supervisor)
Walkabout, Everybody Hates Hugo
Emily Locke Swoosie Kurtz Locke (mother) Deus Ex Machina
Anthony Cooper Kevin Tighe Locke (father) Deus Ex Machina, Orientation
Helen Katey Sagal Locke (girlfriend) Orientation
Adam Rutherford ? Shannon (father),
Boone (step-father)
Man of Science, Man of Faith, Abandoned
Sabrina Carlyle Lindsay Frost Boone (mother), Shannon (step-mother) Abandoned
Ray Mullen Nick Tate Kate (informant) Tabula Rasa
Tom Brennan Mackenzie Astin Kate (boyfriend) Born to Run
Diane Jansen Beth Broderick Kate (mother) Born to Run, What Kate Did
Wayne Jansen James Horan Kate (biological father) What Kate Did
Sgt. Maj. Sam Austen Lindsey Ginter Kate ("dad", first husband of Diane Jansen) What Kate Did
Jason McCormick Aaron Gold Ana-Lucia (attempted murderer) Collision
Captain Cortez Rachel Ticotin Ana Lucia (mother) Collision
Big Mike Michael Cudlitz Ana Lucia (partner) Collision
Yemi Adetokumboh McCormack Mr. Eko (Brother) The 23rd Psalm
Goldie Ronald Revels Mr. Eko (drug dealing associate) The 23rd Psalm
Olu Pierre Olivier Mr. Eko (drug dealing associate) The 23rd Psalm

Characters in other media

The following characters have been named or identified in other media related to Lost:

  1. Janelle Granger - a woman who kept a diary during the first season of Lost on ABC's official website.
  2. Larry - a man whose odd behavior bothered Janelle.
  3. Faith Harrington - an environmentalist who survived the crash. The novel, Lost: Endangered Species, is written from her point of view.
  4. George - another crash survivor who is mentioned in Lost: Endangered Species.
  5. Dexter Cross - another crash survivor in Lost: Secret Identity which is written from his point of view.

Island census

Current number of inhabitants: at least 54 (46 remaining crash survivors including Aaron and at least eight remaining island residents) as of "Collision." Fourteen more survivors are currently unaccounted for.

Oceanic 815

At least 72 people survived the crash of Flight 815:

Front: (1) The pilot of Flight 815 is seen alive during "Pilot",
Middle: (49) In "Pilot", Jack told the pilot of Flight 815 that there were "at least 48" mid section survivors. (According to Lost Writers Assistant Matt Ragghianti, the initial 48 referenced do not include "Turbine Man" (who survived the crash but died before Jack met the pilot), the pilot (who was in the front section), or Ethan Rom (who was never on the plane)). In Exodus Pt. 1, Rousseau says that "there are 40 of you [survivors]".
Tail: (22 or 23) Libby states, in "Everybody Hates Hugo", that 23 people from the tail section survived the crash. However, it is possible that Libby included Goodwin in this tally. Twelve tail-section survivors were taken by Others. Nathan and Donald died, along with three unnamed survivors mentioned in "The Other 48 Days." In "Abandoned," five tail section survivors (Ana-Lucia, Eko, Cindy, Libby, and Bernard) are living in the Dharma "Arrow" bunker. If Libby did not include Goodwin, then there is an unaccounted-for tail section survivor.

The survivors who have died since the crash:

  1. "Turbine Man" - Sucked into the still-running jet engine in "Pilot". (Day 1)
  2. Pilot - Killed by the "monster" in the jungle in "Pilot". (Day 2)
  3. U.S. Marshal Edward Mars - Died in "Tabula Rasa". (Day 3)
  4. Three tail section survivors prior to Donald.
  5. Donald - The fourth tail section survivor to die. He dies of a leg infection. (Day 5)
  6. Barbara Joanna Miller - Drowned at the beginning of "White Rabbit". (Day 6)
  7. Nathan - A tail section survivor killed by Goodwin in "The Other 48 Days". (Day 23)
  8. Scott Jackson - Killed by Ethan Rom in "Homecoming". (Day 29)
  9. Boone Carlyle - Died in "Do No Harm" from injuries in "Deus Ex Machina". (Day 41)
  10. Leslie Arzt - Killed in an accidental explosion in "Exodus: Part 2". (Day 44)
  11. Shannon Rutherford - Shot by Ana-Lucia Cortez in "Abandoned". (Day 48)

Survivors who are missing since the crash but not confirmed dead

  1. "Blond guy" - Taken by the "Others" during the first night. (Day 1)
  2. "Curly-haired guy" - Taken by the "Others" during the first night. (Day 1)
  3. "German" guy - Taken by the "Others" during the first night. (Day 1)
  4. Emma - taken by the "Others" two weeks after the crash. (Day 12)
  5. Zack - taken by the "Others" two weeks after the crash. (Day 12)
  6. Nancy - taken by the "Others" two weeks after the crash. (Day 12)
  7. Six other tail survivors taken by the "Others" two weeks after the crash. (Day 12)
  8. Walt Lloyd - Taken by people assumed to be the "Others" in "Exodus: Part 2". (Day 44)
  9. Cindy - A tail section survivor who disappeared, apparently taken by the "Others," in "Abandoned". (Day 48)
  10. Possible unaccounted-for tail-section survivor, if Libby did not include Goodwin in her tally of 23. Fate unknown.

This brings the remaining number of people from Flight 815 known to be alive to 46 (including Aaron Littleton, who was born on the island a month after the crash). However there are an additional 14 survivors who are not confirmed dead (13 tail survivors and Walt).


The following people were presumably already on the island at the time of the crash:

  1. Ethan Rom - Falsely claimed to be a Flight 815 mid section survivor. Killed by Charlie.
  2. Other 1 and 2 - Killed by Eko. (Day 1)
  3. Other 3 - Killed by Ana-Lucia during the second raid on their camp. (Day 12)
  4. Goodwin - Falsely claimed to be a Flight 815 tail section survivor. Killed by Ana-Lucia.
  5. Danielle Rousseau - A member of a shipwrecked French science expedition.
  6. Desmond - A shipwrecked sailboat racer, then operator of the Dharma Initiative's Station 3
  7. Boat Captain - The member of the boat crew who spoke.
  8. Boat Henchman #1 - The member of the boat crew who grabbed Walt.
  9. Boat Henchman #2 - The member of the boat crew who hit Michael.
  10. Boat Henchwoman - The member of the boat crew who threw what seemed to be a home-made explosive device.
  11. Alex Rousseau - Danielle's daughter, taken by the "Others" as an infant 16 years prior to the crash. Her fate is unknown.
  12. Several "Others" seen only from below the waist in "...And Found" and "The Other 48 Days". One or more of these may in fact be survivors of Flight 815 taken from the tail section camp.

With Ethan, Goodwin, and three "Others" dead, this gives an island resident count of at least eight.

Former residents

The following people lived on the island but died or went missing before the crash of Flight 815

  • Crew and slaves aboard the Black Rock, fate unknown
  • "Adam" and "Eve" - Died 40-50 years before the crash, bodies found in the cave by Kate.
  • Robert Rousseau - Husband of Danielle Rousseau and member of the expedition, killed by Danielle.
  • Montand - A member of Danielle's team who lost his arm in the Dark Territory, killed by Danielle.
  • Brennan - A member of Danielle's team, killed by Danielle.
  • Two other members of Danielle's team, killed by Danielle.
  • Kelvin - Former operator of Station 3, died of unknown causes.
  • One of Eko's Nigerian mercenaries, who died after parachuting from the Beech 18 aircraft.