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==Good Faith Effort for a NPOV Article==
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If you're claiming to be fair, then you should also keep the alert tag that lets the reader know there's a controversy being sorted out here.[[User:KnessetP.R.Guy|KnessetP.R.Guy]] 12:55, 29 January 2006 (UTC)
If you're claiming to be fair, then you should also keep the alert tag that lets the reader know there's a controversy being sorted out here.[[User:KnessetP.R.Guy|KnessetP.R.Guy]] 12:55, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

== ==Good Faith Effort for a NPOV Article== ==

Below was the article I was trying to assemble before Cannon's lock. (I think your lock will only clutter this talk page.) A lot of subjects on the current article need to be moved to articles dealing with Christianity and Orthodox Judaism. I'm all for a brief and to-the-point article. I assume, however, OpenInfo and Eliezer want the article to express objections to Messianic Judaism. It is in the spirit of accomodating them that I tried preserving much of their original and lengthy article:

<!-- Let's work together in a spirit of cooperation and respect to create an article that doesn't need alerts from anyone-->

'''Messianic Judaism''' is a controversial religious movement which considers [[Yeshua]] or [[Jesus]] to be the [[Messiah]].

While the movement did not officially adopt the Messianic Jewish label until the early 1970's, they trace their history to the First Century C.E. Ancient sources including the [[New Testament]], [[Flavius Josephus]] and [[Talmud]] record the beginning of this religious expression over 300 years before the birth of [[Christianity]]. Since then, there has been an unbroken history of Messianic Judaism worldwide including; [[Ethiopia]], [[India]] and [[Assyria]] (modern day [[Iraq]] & [[Iran]]). Messianic Jews assert there has been an unbroken history in Europe - most notably during the [[Spanish Inquisions]]. By the 1860's the Hebrew Christian Alliance had formed through the Church of England with the primary goal of evangelizing the Jewish people. This 19th century phenomenon evolved throughout the 20th century into postmodern Messianic Judaism.

==Self Definition==
In 2002, The Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC) published the statement, "Messianic Judaism is a movement of Jewish congregations and congregation-like groupings committed to Yeshua the Messiah that embrace the covenantal responsibility of Jewish life and identity rooted in Torah, expressed in tradition, and renewed and applied in the context of the New Covenant," ("Defining Messianic Judaism", p.3). The International Messianic Jewish Alliance (IMJA) and International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS) support this statement. These organizations represent over 95% of the global Messianic Jewish movement.

The Statement for Faith from the New Jerusalem Messianic Jewish Congregation is typical of Messianic theology. It follows the 13 Principles of Faith by [[Maimonides]] with Messianic Judaism's interpretations of principles three and twelve. Overall, the statement strictly follows the wording and description of the 13 Principles with the above-mentioned variations. The following three sections describe the controversy surrounding such a variation and interpretaion.

==Critics of Messianic Judaism==
While many Messianic Jews are ethnically Jewish (and as such would be considered Jews even by traditional Jewish standards), Messianic Judaism is not seen as a legitimate form of [[Judaism]] by its critics. Critics assert Messianic leaders are ordained clergy of various Christian denominations and a number of the Messianic clergy have no ethnic connection to Judaism. A number of Christian denominations, such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of God movement, actively plant Messianic congregations as part of their efforts to evangelize the Jewish people. At the present time, more than ten different Christian denominations count Messianic congregations as members of their denomination. Critics conclude Messianic Judaism has closer relations to Christians than Jews.

Jewish critics point out that the second and third princpiples of the Jewish faith by [[Maimonides]] state there is only one G-d who has no physical resemblance. They assert Messiah could not be divine. Therefore, Messianic Judaism could not be a legitimate expression of Judaism.

The relationship between the Messianic Movement and organized Christianity has been patchy, too. Many [[Evangelicalism|Evangelical]] and [[Pentecostal]] groups have welcomed and supported the movement and some have actively founded "Messianic" congregations. These congregations almost by definition begin at the far evangelical pole (if they can be considered Messianic at all), but often move towards the Torah pole. Some Christians, mostly liberal, feel that Messianic groups are guilty of false advertising. In [[1977]], for example, the Board of Governors of the Long Island Council of Churches (New York) accused [[Jews for Jesus]] of "engaging in subterfuge and dishonesty," and of "mixing religious symbols in ways that distort their essential meaning." The Jews for Jesus organization filed a lawsuit, which was ultimately rejected, against the 600-member council in the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan. (''The [[New York Times]]'', July 2, 1977). ''(In New York State, a Supreme Court is a general trial court equivalent to a District Court in most other states.)''

Another organization critical of the Messianic Movement is the [[Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington]]. In 1997 this group, comprising liberal Christian, as well as Jewish and [[Muslim]] leaders, put out [[Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington|a strongly worded statement]], condemning the proselytization efforts of the Messianic Movement. Most Evangelicals reject the criticism and defend evangelism among Jews.

Some Evangelicals, however, have criticized the Messianic Movement on entirely different grounds. Some consider the movement to be "too Jewish" for holding on to parts of the Old Testament that many Christians believe are not applicable today. This criticism is not widespread in Evangelical circles, but appears to be growing, especially as the movement defines itself as a Judaism.

==Supporters of Messianic Judaism==
Supporters of Messianic Judaism compare the Apostles' Creed accepted by most Christian denominations with Maimonides' 13 Principles of Faith. They conclude Messianic Judaism more closely resembles the 13 Principles than the Apostles' Creed. Supporters also point out mainstream Messianic Judaism rejects the ''sola scriptura'' banner of Protestant Christianity. Unlike Protestant Christianity, Messianic Judaism allows similar authority to it's leaders to establish halacha as most expressions of Judaism. They point out Acts 15 as the first recorded example of this authority excercised by Messianic Jews.

While supporters admit the majority of the Jewish community inteprets the second and third of Maimonides' 13 principles similar to the Jewish critics; they point out messianic theology within Orthodox Jewish groups like [[Chabad]] and Bresslever [[Chassidim]]. Many in these groups believe their leaders; namely Rabbi Schneerson, Rabbi Nachman and Rabbi Israel Ben Odesser, will rise from the dead with similar divine authority as Messianic Jews ascribe to Yeshua. Supporters conclude the second and third principles of the Jewish Faith allows such a divergent interpretation.

Some supporters, especially [[Humanistic Judaism|humanistic Jews]], hold that Messianic Judaism should be considered a viable approach to Judaism. [[Reconstructionist Judaism|Reconstructionist]] Rabbi [[Carol Harris-Shapiro]] wrote in her book ''Messianic Judaism'' that it could be considered an authentic branch of Judaism. Reform Rabbi [[Dan Cohn-Sherbok]], author of ''Messianic Judaism'' and editor of ''Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement,'' also regards it as a valid expression of Judaism.

==Messianic Judaism and the Israeli Supreme Court==
In 1989 the Beresford Case forced the Israeli Supreme Court to determine whether Messianic Judaism is a form of Christianity or Judaism. The judges analyzed evidence given both by critics and supporters of Messianic Judaism mentioned above. Supporters added to the body of evidence the results of the Dahaf Report, which represented the attitude of Israeli society in general. This report demonstrated an overwhelming support for Messianic Judaism and even a majority support for Jewish converts to Christianity. In a split vote, the judges ruled; while Messianic Judaism is not an expression of Christianity, it is also another religion distinct from Judaism. The 5/4 split ruling of the judges was a microcosm of the global controversy surrounding Messianic Judaism.

== Messianic religions in general ==
The use of the term "Messianic" is not new. Diverse religious groups have [[Messiah|messianic]] beliefs which are not compatible with what has come to be commonly referred to as Messianic Judaism. Most notably, Rabbinic Judaism, including all the modern [[Jewish denominations]], have a variety of beliefs about a future Messianic Era. Some Jewish groups whose beliefs stress the messianic aspects are known in the literature as "Messianic Jews", but that is not the topic of this article. <!--If this isn't the topic, why mention it?--> For messianic beliefs within traditional Judaism, see the entries on [[Jewish eschatology]] and [[Jewish Messiah]].

==Organization and beliefs==
The organized Messianic Movement consists of approximately 200 congregations in the United States, with approximately one hundred thousand members. Global membership is more difficult to quantify; Messianic groups claim considerable growth in the past five to ten years in [[Israel]], [[Russia]], [[Ukraine]], and even in [[Mexico]] and [[Argentina]], but accurate statistics are difficult to come by. Estimates of the number of ethnic Jews who worship Jesus as the Messiah generally put the global figure at around a million, but only a minority of these are affiliated to any organized Messianic organization.

The Messianic Movement comprises several streams, each with its own views and emphases, but in general all consider it important to express their belief in Yeshua in a way consistent with their Jewish culture. The Messianic Movement as a whole can be seen as a mixed-continuum, with some Messianic organizations drawing more heavily from Jewish tradition, and others from Christian sources, to varying degrees.

===The "Torah"-pole===
The Messianic movement generally makes a determined effort to cling not only to '''''Jewishness''''' but also to '''''Judaism''''', with the addition of Jesus. Adherents of this relious expression often consider Pagan Christianity to be an irrelevance; except on the question of who Jesus/Yeshua is. They regard themselves as having more in common with Judaism than with Christianity. They strictly observe the [[Sabbath]] and the dietary laws ([[Kashrut]]) of the [[Tanakh]]. Many of the number that follow this mindset ignore, and even oppose, celebration of such Christian festivals as [[Christmas]] and [[Easter]] because of their origination in Gnosticism and Paganism.

<!--Paragraph deleted because it dealt with Gentile Christianity and does not belong in an article dealing with Messianic Judaism-->

Aside from differences over the necessity of [[Torah]] observance, some Messianic groups have also adopted views of [[Yeshua]] that would not be acceptable to most Messianic groups. Some small movements believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, but do not accept that he is G-d. Some do not accept the [[Trinity]] as they do not believe that the [[Holy Spirit]] was a being but rather a force, while others also believe that Yeshua was G-d in the flesh. Most Messianic groups assert that Yeshua never intended to found another faith (Christianity). A small number believe Yeshua was only a human prophet, not Messiah or G-d. Such belief does not represent mainstream Messianic Judaism.

A small group rejected by mainstream Messianic Judaism is the Two-House Movement. These are people who claim to be mostly blood decedents from the Ten Lost Tribes. They form this belief from the claims of Ephraim mixing with many gentile groups and the prophecy that states Ephraim will become a multitude of nations. One notable verse is Deuteronomy 1:10-11 which says "HASHEM, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times as many as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!". There are different degrees of [[Torah]] observance in this group as well with some bordering more towards Christianity like MIA (Messianic Israel Alliance) while others are closer to Judaism like YATI (Your Arms to Israel).

The major Messianic organizations reject those holding these positions, but are in turn criticised by these movements for pulling Jews away from Torah.

===The Evangelical pole===
The Hebrew Roots, Jewish Roots movement and Hebrew Christians are much more comfortable with the [[Evangelicalism|Evangelical]] [[Christian]] tradition, although they express it with a Jewish flavor. [[Jews for Jesus]] is one such group.

Perhaps the best known of the Evangelical groups, is the controversial [[Jews for Jesus]] organization, officially founded by the [[Baptist]] minister [[Moishe Rosen|Martin Rosen]], who prefers to be called "Moishe" Rosen, in [[1973]]. This missionary outreach from the Baptist denomination is often mistaken with Messianic Judaism. Its stated aims are to educate Evangelicals concerning the Jewish origins of their Christian faith, and to, "We exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide," (http://www.jewsforjesus.org/about). Many of the mainstream Messianic movement do not consider the Jews for Jesus to be an actual Messianic organization.

Their theology, as reflected in their statements of faith, is solidly within the ambit of Evangelical Christianity. They believe in the inerrancy of the [[New Testament]], [[salvation]] by [[divine grace|grace]] through faith in Jesus alone, the divinity of Jesus whom they believe is Christ, and the Trinity. Believers of this school have a much closer affinity to Evangelical and Christianity than to any recognized branch of Judaism. They regard observance of the Sabbath and the Jewish dietary laws as entirely optional, although some of them do in fact try to observe them as an expression of their Jewish identity.

===The Mainstream Messianic movement===
Within the Messianic movement, both of the positions described above are widely regarded as extremes, but they demarcate the two poles of a continuum. Most Messianic believers see themselves as lying somewhere between the two extremes. The two largest Messianic organizations, the [[Messianic Jewish Alliance of North America]] (MJAA) and the [[Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations]] (UMJC), accept from both Jewish and Christian sources anything they see as scritpurally verifiable. The writings of theologians [http://www.godonthe.net/kingdom-order/ Dan Juster], and [[Paul Liberman]] <!--Paul Liberman was not a UMJC founder--> two top leaders in the Messianic movement, have helped shape the direction of the mainstream Messianic Movement, with an uncompromising belief in the [[Trinity]], but drawing heavily on Jewish sources to interpret the [[New Testament]] as well as the [[Tanakh]] ([[Old Testament]]).

Messianic Jews share with most Christians a belief that ''Yeshua'' will someday return to the earth and establish his kingdom here. Much more widespread among Messianics than Christians, however, is the belief that the return of ''Yeshua'' is dependent on his acceptance by the Jewish people. Many Messianics interpret [[Matthew]] 23:39 ''("I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord'")'' to mean that the Jewish people, or at least a very significant number of them, must believe in ''Yeshua'' as the Messiah before he can come back.

A growing interest among some streams of Messianic Judaism is outreach to [[Gentile|Gentiles]], as well as Jews, in order to fulfill what they believe was G-d's original purpose for the Jewish people, to be G-d's model people and reveal the knowledge of the true G-d to the whole world. This also reflects an increasing attraction on the part of [[Gentile|Gentiles]] to the Messianic movement. <!--by definition, one cannot "evangelize" and Evangelical Christian--> Some are attracted because they are in a relationship with a Jew and feel the movement is a "compromise" between [[Judaism]] and [[Christianity]], but many are devout Christians who feel that the movement is a way to better appreciate the [[Hebrew people|Hebrew]] roots of Christianity while still maintaining their faith. While Messianic Jews do not use the "Christian" label, Hebrew Christians do.

==Religious practices==
The following practices are common among Messianic Congregations. They reflect an effort to express their faith in Jesus as Messiah within Judaism.

*Worship services are generally held on Friday evenings and Saturday, rather than Sunday, as they recognize that "HaShem" blessed only the seventh day as a day to be set apart for Him by Jews. <!--Mainstream Messianic Judaism agrees with traditional halacha that Gentiles are only obligated to the Noahide Laws--> ([http://www.messianicworship.com Video clips of a Sabbath morning Messianic worship service.l])

Mainstream Messianic Judaism celebrate Jewish festivals, including [[Pesach]] ([[Passover]]), [[Hanukkah]], [[Purim]], [[Rosh hashana|Rosh HaShanah]], [[Yom Kippur]], [[Simchat Torah]] and the [[Feast of Tabernacles]], among Hebrew Christians, Hebrew Roots and Jewish Roots movements, however, many of them celebrate a Christian version of these holidays, in which Jesus is the main focus. For example, see [[Christian Passover]]

*Although individual Messianics who have Christian relatives may celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc., to preserve family harmony, holidays added by the gentile Church are not officially recognized by Messianic Judaism.

Messianic Jews call their places of worship ''congregations'', ''ke-hi-lot'' (Hebrew for congregations), ''synagogues'', ''shuls'', or ''Beit Knesset''.

*Many recognize that the Bible is a book in continuum, not a book divided into two sections, one of which called "old", while the other is called "new". They see the whole book as vibrant and relevant to modern life. In order to relate this, many use the term "Hebrew Scriptures" or ''Tanach'' for what Christians call the Old Testament, and the Hebrew term ''Brit Chadasha'' (meaning "New Covenant")

*They display [[Menorah]]s and [[Star of David|Stars of David]].

*They use Hebrew [[Torah]] scrolls in their services.

*They recite or cant (''see'' [[cantillation]]) traditional Jewish prayers such as the [[Shema]], [[Amidah]], [[Aleinu]], [[Kaddish]], [[Kiddush]], [[Motzi]], ''Shehecheyanu'', ''Adon Olam'', ''Avinu Malkenu'' and the ''Birkhat-HaKohanim'', also called the Priestly Blessing or the Aaronic Benediction.

*Many wear [[kippah|kippot]] (Jewish head coverings), prayer shawls and [[tzitzit]].

*They call their clergy ''rabbis'' or teachers or "Congregational Leaders".

*They perform [[bar mitzvah]]s for boys and [[bat mitzvah]]s for girls.

*They perform the [[brit milah]] (covenant of circumcision) for Jewish male babies.

*Unlike [[Catholicism]] and some [[Protestant]] denominations, some practice "believers only" [[baptism]] (no infant baptism) and only by immersion, not sprinkling or pouring. Others use the term [[mikvah]] teshuvah.

*They refer to Jesus and to apostles by their [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]] names. Thus, Jesus is called ''Yeshua'' (Y'shua), John is called ''Yochanan'', Paul is called ''Sha'ul'', James is called "Ya'akov", Peter is called "Shimon". etc.

*Messianic Jews observe the Jewish dietary laws ([[kashrut]]). Among Messianic groups (but not Hebrew Christian groups), this is compulsory; it is held that the laws of kashrut are still G-d's will for Jews today. It is argued that faith in Yeshua should make them more Jewish, not less. While there is diversity among the groups related to Jews, neither Messianic Jews nor Hebrew Christians oblige Gentiles to keep Moses' standard of kashurt. However, most Messianic Jews say that Gentiles need to keep Noah's standard of kashrut. (see Acts 15)

*[[Circumcision]] is not required for Gentile men to join (see Acts 15). However, Messianic Jews encourage Jewish males to be circumcised.

==Messianic Judaism or Hebrew Christianity?==
Messianic Jews consider their primary identity to be "Jewish" and belief in [[Jesus]] to be the logical conclusion of their "Jewishness". They try to structure their worship according to Jewish norms, and generally follow some parts of [[halakha|Jewish law]]. Many (but by no means all) do not use the label "Christian" to describe themselves.

[[Hebrew Christians]] identify themselves primarily as [[Christians]]. They are (mostly) members of [[Protestant]] and [[Catholic]] congregations, generally do not practice any aspects of Jewish law, and are typically assimilated culturally into the Christian mainstream, although they retain a strong sense of their Jewish identity which they, like Messianic Jews, strongly desire to pass on to their children. Though the boundary between the two movements is sometimes blurred, because of their differences they are often treated separately.

==Concluding Remarks==
Messianic Judaism is controversial in Jewish and Christian circles alike. They are a unique religious expression often mistaken with Jews for Jesus.

<!--Parallels to Baal Teshuva deleted because it belongs in an Orthodox Jewish article and not a Messianic Jewish article-->
==See also==
*[[Judaism and Christianity]]
*[[List of Messianic Jews and Hebrew Christians]]
*[[Lost Ten Tribes]]
*[[Christianity and anti-Semitism]]
*[[Christianity and Biblical prophecy]]
*[[Christian Zionism]]
*[[Jewish Christians]]
*[[Mormonism and Judaism]]
*[[Unification Church and anti-Semitism]]

==External links==
*[http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=421252 Haaretz article on Messianic Jews in Israel]

===Messianic websites===
*[http://www.messianic.com Messianic Bureau International]
*[http://www.mjbi.org Messianic Jewish Bible Institute]
*[http://www.messianicworship.com MessianicWorship.com - Worship service video clips]
*[http://www.YashaNet.com YashaNet (Includes list of Messianic congregations)]
*[http://www.therefinersfire.org The Refiner's Fire]
*[http://www.ariel.org/ Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum's organization, Ariel Ministries]
*[http://www.MessianicAssociation.org/ Association of Messianic Congregations - "AMC"]
*[http://www.BaruchHaShemSynagogue.org Baruch HaShem Synagogue - Dallas]
*[http://www.beitshalom.org BeitShalom Julio Dam's webpage]
*[http://tzion.org/ Tzion Messianic Congregation]
*[http://www.israelinprophecy.org/live_site/english/brief_list-most_famous_messianic_jews.html A Brief List of famous converts to Christianity and Messianic Jews]
*[http://www.cometozion.org/ Come to Zion Ministries Israel ]
*[http://www.DidGodLie.com Did God Lie?]
*[http://www.hashivenu.org Hashivenu]
*[http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Holidays/holidays.html Hebrew Calendar and festivals from Messianic perspective]
*[http://www.jewsforjesus.org Jews for Jesus]
*[http://www.menorahministries.com Dr. John Fischer's Menorah Ministries]
*[http://www.petrine-noahide.info Messianic Gentiles Homepage]
*[http://www.messianichome.org Messianic Home Magazine]
*[http://www.mjaa.org/ Messianic Jewish Alliance of America]
*[http://www.mjti.org Messianic Jewish Theological Institute]
*[http://www.messianicjews.info Messianic Jews.Info]
*[http://www.messianicoutreach.com Messianic Outreach Literature]
*[http://www.tamj.org Toward A Messianic Judaism]
*[http://www.umjc.org/ Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations]
*[http://www.levitt.com Zola Levitt Ministries]
*[http://www.iamcs.org The International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues]
*[http://www.kkcj.org King of Kings Community Jerusalem]
*[http://www.therefinersfire.org/rabbi_jacobs.htm What is Messianic Judasism?] by "Messianic Rabbi" Loren Jacobs
*[http://mcu.edu/papers/mess_jud.htm The Ascendance of "Messianic Judaism" in the Context of "Hebrew Christianity"&mdash;A History of the 20th Century Movement in America of "Jewish Believers" in "Yeshua Ha Mashiach" (Jesus Christ)] by William Greene, Ph.D.

===Counter Messianic websites===
*[http://www.jewsforjudaism.org/ Jews for Judaism]
*[http://www.outreachjudaism.org/ Outreach Judaism]
*[http://www.tfmc.us/ Task Force on Missionaries and Cults]
*[http://www.messiahtruth.com/ Messiah Truth Education]
*[http://noahide.org/ Noahide]
*[http://www.aish.com/jewishissues/jewishsociety/Why_Jews_Dont_Believe_In_Jesus.asp Why Jews Don't Believe in Jesus] Aish.com
*[http://www.chabad.org/article.asp?AID=160992 Can a Jew believe in Jesus?] chabad.org

===Some Essays About Messianics by Non-Messianics===
*[http://www.crosscurrents.org/eisenbaum.htm Eisenbaum essay]
* [http://www.AllAboutReligion.org/Messianic-Jew.htm Messianic Jew] A Christian Perspective.

==Books on Messianic Topics==
Brown, Michael L., Ph.D. (publisher: Baker Books)
# ''Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: General and Historical Objections'' (January, 2000), ISBN 080106063X
# ''Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Theological Objections'' (November, 2000), ISBN 0801063345
# ''Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Messianic Prophecy Objections'' (March, 2003), ISBN 0801064236
# (Per Brown, a fourth ''Answering Jewish Objections'' volume is in preparation)<br>
[[Dan Cohn-Sherbock|Cohn-Sherbock, Rabbi Dan]], ed.; ''Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement'' pub. Messianic Jewish Resources International (June, 2001); ISBN 1880226936<br>
Feher, Shoshanah "Passing Over Easter: Constructing the Boundaries of Messianic Judaism" pub. AltaMira Press (1998); ISBN 0761989536; 0761989528
Fischer*, Rabbi John, ed.; ''The Enduring Paradox: Exploratory Essays in Messianic Judaism'' pub. Messianic Jewish Resources International (July, 2000); ISBN 1880226901
(* Earned degrees: B.S. in Bible, M.S. in Communications, M.A. in New Testament, B.J.S. in Jewish Thought, Ph.D. in Education/Religion--Dissertation: ''The Development of a Core Curriculum for a Messianic Jewish Yeshiva'', Th.D. In Judaic Studies--Dissertation: ''Messianic Services for Festivals and Holy Days'')
Juster, Daniel, Th.D.; ''Growing to Maturity: A Messianic Jewish Guide''
pub. Union of Messianic Congregations; 3rd ed. (1987); ISBN 0961455500<br>
Kinzer, Mark Ph.D. (publisher: Brazos)
# ''Postmissionary Messianic Judaism'' (November 2005), ISBN 1587431521<BR><BR>
[[David H. Stern (Messianic Jewish theologian)|Stern, David H.]], Ph.D., M.Div. (publisher: Messianic Jewish Resources International)
# ''Messianic Jewish Manifesto'' (May, 1988), ISBN 9653590022
# ''Jewish New Testament Commentary'' (October, 1992), ISBN 9653590111
# ''Complete Jewish Bible'' (June, 1998), ISBN 9653590154

[[Category:Jewish Christian topics]]
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[[de:Messianische Juden]]
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[[he:יהדות משיחית]]
[[pl:¯ydzi Mesjanistyczni]]-->

Revision as of 13:28, 29 January 2006

I looked at this article nearly 6 months ago and I hardly recognize it. I did not realize this article is deserving of so many words. It has been expanded greatly.

who cares to write so much on messianic judaism?

  • Interested people.

messianic vs Messianic

I disagree, there are clearly jewish groups from the time of the maccabees down to the destruction of the second temple that believed that their leader was the messiah. Said leader was certainly not Jesus in most cases, but such groups are properly described as a form of messianic judaism.J.F.Quackenbush

You are right. Ignore RK here, who is not qualified to comment on any issue of religion.
Please do not misunderstand I totally agree with you. You are saying that these Jewish groups had messianic beliefs, so you point out that one may describe these groups as "messianic Judaism". Perhaps so, but I was referring to the fact that in common useage the phrase "messianic Judasm" has a specific meaning: It refers to 20th century groups, that's all. RK
This is the reason that I made the distinction between usage towards matters of antiquity and usage in modern English. I agree with you, most people who say "messianic Judaism" nowadays really mean to say "Christianity". This does not, however, alter the fact that the term has a secondary, and possibly older usage that is not sourced in evangelism.J.F.Quackenbush

Furthermore, historians make a clear distinction between the jewish, aramaic speaking "jesus movement" in judaea and the romanized, greek speaking "christian movement" of paul that took hold in Greece, Turkey, and northern Africa. The former is occasionally referred to as messianic judaism.

I was not aware that this was a common useage. RK
I don't know how common it is, but I know I've seen it used in reference to the followers of Simon ben Kosiba at the very least.J.F.Quackenbush

I'm certainly open to a different way of stating that first paragraph, but there should be some mention of this simple fact. Furthermore, I think the article as it now stands is a bit to polemical, but that's just my opinion.

Could be. I just hope that people note the polemics are not about the beliefs of these groups, but rather about truth-in-advertising concerns. (I.E. I am sure that the Christian groups with these concerns are just as Christian as the messianic Jewish groups. They certainly are not arguing against Christianity.) RK
none the less, I'm still not sure it's appropriate in this venue. Then again, I'm new.J.F.Quackenbush

Do they mean Jews for Jesus? messianic vs Messianic Part 2

The article either has NPOV problems or was written by someone who has no understanding of the difference between Jews for Jesus (an evangelical christian organization) and messianics amongst Judaism. It is a well known fact that some prominent Zionists were messianic in their beliefs. Messianic Jews are not organised as the article suggests and are a common phenomenon amongst the Reform Judaic movement. The reform Jewish support for Israel itself is a messianic practice. Messianics usually keep their beliefs to themselves and interact as usual with whatever communities they belong to in the usual ways. Moreover there are many varying degrees of messianic Jew which is totally ignored by the article if Zionists are at the right then the midway messianics regard John & Jesus as reformistic rabbis and consider their words along with the idea that messiah is a spirit within us unlike people at the extreem left end of the scale (although very few other messianics would consider such as still Jewish in anything but perhaps ethnicity) perhaps approaching in belief the extreeme "Jews for Jesus" who accept all the Christian doctrines and cannot really be considered Jewish. And in fact even non Jews can be messianic if they are active workers for mankind's bright future. This article needs a complete overhaul. Preferably by not by a Christian, nor a mainstream Jew, nor a Jew for Jesus but by a Messianic Jew.

"Messianic Judaism" is, in the English language, for better or for worse, in fact, an Evangelical Christian movement. Maybe that isn't the way that it ought to be, in a perfect world (I happen to think it's a good thing), but it is simply so. Run the google test on "Messianic Judaism", and you will see that you are proposing an overhaul not only of this page, but of 99% of the internet. Thank God, there is more to the world than the internet; but, it is a good indication of how mistaken you are, about this terminology. It has been captured by Evangelical Christians, reducing Messianist (non-Christian) Judaism to an appendage. So rein yourself in, before you undertake a "complete overhaul". Mkmcconn 16:38, 30 Nov 2003 (UTC)
I agree with Mkmcconn. RK 01:23, Dec 1, 2003 (UTC)

Actually, when I first found this page I assumed it would be about messianic Judaism, not about Messianic Judaism. It needs to have the disambiguation more clear. The problem is that I don't know if we have a good article on messianic Judaism to send people to. --Zero 00:44, 1 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Um, what do you mean? I am not familiar with any difference in meaning due only to capitalization. RK 01:23, Dec 1, 2003 (UTC)

This article was originally about Christian Jewish groups; that is, groups that practice Christianity, but aspire to preach to Jews and to gain an ethnically Jewish membership. The goal of these groups is to convert Jews to Christianity. Over time, this article has recently come to include messianic quasi-Christian, quasi-Jewish groups that believe that Jesus was the messiah (which puts them outside the bounds of Judaism as it is known today) yet which also deny that Jesus is God or part of the Trinity (which puts them outside the bounds of Christianity.) This expansion of topic seems reasonable, and I just wish to caution that we make clear the distinctions between these groups. However a new person is confused about the terminology, and seems to think that this article should deal with any form of messianism inside Judaism. That would be very misleading. Traditional rabbinic Judaism does have certain beliefs about a person they call "moschiach", usually translated as "messiah"; others within traditional rabbinic Judaism believe in the coming of a future messianic era. These beliefs are not discussed here; they are discussed in the entry on Jewish eschatology and the Jewish Messiah. Traditional rabbinic Judaism is never called "messianic Judaism". That term is used only for the Christian groups, or the quasi-Christian groups. RK 01:23, Dec 1, 2003 (UTC)

Ok so what word am I to use to describe the kind of Jew I described above? Messianistic Judaism? Or messianic Judaism (small m as an adjective). Personally today is the first time I have heard Messianist but if that is the word being used to describe us these days then so be it. I have no time to check out all the sites with the term Messianic Judaism (actually I am curious about how you know that 90% of them are evangelical sites). Certainly the ones which get the most hits (i.e. the ones at the top of the lists on google) do seem to be more like Jews for Jesus than anything else. However on the later pages I could find references to Rabbi Joshua as nothing more than a teacher and Jewish reformist. I think I noticed that the major difference seems to be in whether they use the protestant bible as "the inspired word of god" or whether they simply critically analyse any and all relevant early christian writings in order to de-fog the situation. Perhaps Evangelicals are attempting to arrest the term for themselves to give a misconception of the term, but the fact is they are just schizmatic Branches of "Jews for Jesus" and are not really Judaic at all. How can anyone be Judaic if they claim that a human messiah is the creator of the Universe? I think it is only fair to NPOV to have a disambiguation page with Messianic and messianic if necessary and mention messianists if that is the correct term and Jews for Jesus on the page and move all relevant info to the relevant pages. Even just last week I was speaking with some friends about messianic jews like the Zionists and none of us had any inkling about these evangelicals you speak of. Such are Jews for Jesus as far as we knew and now I hear that we have to find a new adjective to describe ourselves. I wonder what Webster's has to say about it. Is anyone guilty of changing the use of language here? I shared Zero's confusion.

I change I made just now is all I think it needs. There is no doubt that the phrase "Messianic Judaism" has come (esp. in the US) to mean the Jesus types. My only concern is that the academic literature is prone to use the phrase "messianic Jew" for any Jew with an especially emphasised messianic outlook. For example the Yemenite Jews pre-1950 are often called "messianic" and the large (large, not tiny as often claimed) group within Chabad that thinks Schneerson is/was the messiah are also called "messianic". By the way, Zestauferov, please sign your comments here so we can keep track of who said what, thanks. --Zero 05:08, 1 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Folks, "Messianic Judaism" refers invariably to Christian groups. There may be dozens of other Jewish groups following a different Messiah; but they are not _ever_ called "Messianic Judaism". The religion of the non-Christian groups is called "Judaism", and they are called "messianists", or "followers of ...". There have been dozens of messianist Jewish movements. Where are ANY of them called "Messianic Judaism", other than these modern Christian groups, except (for the moment) on Wikipedia? Certainly, we can mention the other messianic groups; but the normative use of the term is not that generalized reference. It has a more specific reference. Mkmcconn 20:45, 25 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Mkmcconn is obviously correct. Messianic Judaism refers specifically to Christian groups. Lubavitch, or earlier, Sabbateans, are not Messianic Jews, nor are the followers of Bar Kochba 132-135 C.E., Reubeni, Molcho, Luzzatto, or any other historical figure with messianic pretensions. Also, Messianic Judaism is not "within" the Jewish community. It is universally rejected by Jews. Danny 14:42, 18 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Law Suit

"" "Jews for Jesus" filed a suit in a State Supreme Court in Manhattan against a 600-member Council. The Rev. Jack Alford, the executive director of the Council, said the suit "proves the point we were making about their tactics.""

What is that "point"? That Jews don't sue, and Protestants do? This is extremely stupid, and probably doesn't belong here.

Al Mohler

I removed the bit about Al Mohler. As insidious as it may or may not be, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Messianic Jews consider themselves adherents of Judaism, who accept Jesus as the Messiah. Mohler was talking about converting Jews to Christianity, not to Messianic Judaism--a distinction even many Messianic Jews would make. Put it in an article about Missionary efforts to the Jews, if you want (personally, I don't think it makes the cut), but this isn't the place for it. Danny 14:14, 19 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Obviously Messianic Jews would make a distinction between them and "christians", just about everyone else however understands that converting a Jew to Messianic Judiams amounts to converting him to christianity.- MCHAS

Change "understands" to "agrees" and I'm okay. Just because we disagree with you doesn't mean we're confused... NathanZook 02:21, 11 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Not Judaism but Jews Nonetheless

"most Jews regard them as Christians who have merely adopted the outward and cultural trappings of Judaism". Almost certainly not the case. Almost all Messianic Jews were Jews before they were Messianic, (there being no incentive for a Christian who is not ethnically Jewish to adopt Jewish customs or practice). I'm going to replace it with something which is more correct and I hope acceptable. DJ Clayworth 22:10, 29 Oct 2003 (UTC)

The intention of the sentence appears to be that, Messianic Judaism is not considered Jewish by any branch of Judaism (and that is true). "Racial" jewishness is not a factor, in this judgment (there are Buddhists of Jewish ancestry, too. But, Buddhism has nothing to do with Jewishness). Exactly so - in my irrelevant opinion, unjustly - Christianity is judged by all branches of Judaism to have nothing to do with Jewishness, either, except a long ago and now expired status as a Jewish 'sect'. On the other issue, it is not true that Christianity + Jewish practice is unattractive to some, or even many, Gentile Christians. Mkmcconn 01:50, 30 Oct 2003 (UTC)
Many Israelis are atheistic by religion but not discounted as Jews. This is because Jewishness is considered an ethnic identity. Ergo, it is likewise illogical to deny that people who are Christians by religion but have Jewish ethnicity are Jews. 04:30, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)
You've missed the point; Jews can practice Buddhism and Hinduism too, and many do; but that doesn't turn Buddhism and Hinduism into Judaism. Jayjg (talk) 04:43, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)

According to the law of Judaism, if you were born Jewish, but then accepted Jesus, you are no longer Jewish. In many cases, to become Jewish again, you would need to convert.OpenInfo 20:45, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, it's quite the opposite. Jewish law is very clear that a Jew who converts to another faith is still a Jew (though sinning), and does not require conversion when returning to Judaism. Jayjg (talk) 20:48, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

However, I am prety sure they would have to renounce any belief in Jesus before being considered Jewish again. OpenInfo 21:56, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

They would have to renounce worship of Jesus before being considered part of the community again, and eligible for various honours (e.g. being called up to the Torah, buried in a Jewish cemetary). They would always be considered Jews. Jayjg (talk) 22:31, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Nazarenes & Ebionites

It seems like such an odd omission to leave out any mention in the first two paragraphs of Ebionites or Nazarenes, that the omission ( purposeful?) should be noted and explained. Wetman 07:28, 17 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Humanistic Judaism

I have changed the part about Reconstructionism accepting the Messianic movement as a valid form of Judaism. That is incorrect. The Reconstructionist school does not accept the Messianic movement, any more than Orthodox Judaism does. A few voices within Reconstructionism accept it - but that's a far cry from saying that Reconstructionism as a whole does. Davidcannon 22:25, 19 Feb 2004 (UTC)

My mistake, I was basing that on a discussion I had with some Reconstructionists. Their comments seemed to be about what you have termed Notzrim Netzarim messianists and not others. Apparently nothing in the Netzarim belief system goes against Reconstructionist ideas of what Judaism really is. Or even Orthodox Judaism I now discover, whereas Many Reform schools are considered just as Apostate as Messianic Jews. Zestauferov 18:17, 29 Apr 2004 (UTC)

Orthodox Netzarim Beit Din

"The Orthodox Netzarim Beit Din excepted, the Orthodox Beit Din system (the only universally recognised body of Jewish authority)."

does the Orthodox Beit Din system recognize Netzrim Beit Din and if so why? what makes Orthodox Netzarim Beit Din an exception that even reform and reconstructionists do not enjoy?

Not as far as I am aware. This article seems highly suspect vis a vis NPOV when it comes to the "Orthodox Netzarim", which, as far as I know, is a tiny and marginal group even within the Messianic movement. For example, it also appears to denigrate the major counter-Missionary movements, and states that only the "Netzarim Bet Din" has been effective in getting Jews out of Messianic congregations. Not only is this not documented anywhere I know, but one could obviously argue that moving from some other Messianic congregations to the "Netzarim" congregation is not "getting out". Jayjg 00:03, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Dear, please disregard Jayig's comments as he really doesn't know what he is talking about. For a full explanation of why please see Talk:Nazarene Judaism.Zestauferov 06:07, 15 Aug 2004 (UTC)

i would imagine the only way this movement can "grow" is through missionary work, but isn't that illegal in israel?

No, it's not illegal. That's a common misconception. What is illegal in Israel is to offer financial or material incentives to change one's religion. Open missionary work is discouraged, and missionaries can have a tough time getting work or visitor permits renewed. Citizens doing evangelism, however, are free to do so. Charges have often been brought against messianic groups by their opponents, but have seldom stood up in the courts. As most Messianics continue to regard themselves as Jews, they seldom change their registration from "Jewish" to "Christian," and therefore those proselytizing them cannot be convicted of offering incentives to "convert," as conversion in Israel is a formal legal process. Where Messianics do suffer official discrimination is under the Law of Return: the courts have ruled that the right of return guaranteed to all Jews does not apply to Messianics. Messianics who are physically in Israel as citizens, however, suffer no official persecution, although there is considerable social prejudice and discrimination. David Cannon 09:53, 23 May 2004 (UTC)[reply]

The law of return restriction on messianics is because they are considered christians but it does not apply to legitimate Jewish Netzarim who are considered by the legal bodies that matter to be legal Jews.Zestauferov 08:41, 22 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Do you have any evidence that there have been rulings by the Israeli government that the Law of Return applies to "Netzarim"? Jayjg 19:53, 22 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Yes the certification that the Yirimeyahu and his wife openly confessing their beliefs made Aliya to Israel under the law of return. You can purchase a copy here http://www.netzarim.co.il/Mall/NetzShop/NetzShop.htm#Netzarim%20Papers Zestauferov 04:55, 23 Aug 2004 (UTC)
So I have to buy their book to see their claim that they did so? And in any event, how does the book prove this? Confirmation directly from a government source, particularly one that this is a general policy for "Netzarim", would be vastly more persuasive. Jayjg 14:44, 23 Aug 2004 (UTC)

No are you visually impaired? Before you get all huffy again, that is not ad-hominem it is a genuine request for info to help me understand why you can never find any of the references I give you on a page. You can buy a copy of the evidence you request precisely look under the papers section. You don't get anymore government source than government issued legal papers. Don't tell me now you actually are going to have the cheek to ask someone to fax you a copy for free. The source is there if you want it in black and white as solid as any traceable ISBN number. If you have any friends in Israeli immigration ask them to check it out for you. Do you realise if anyone gave a book reference it would be acceptable even if the book is untraceable or out of print so that no one can track it down. It is accepted on good faith. Now here you are so irritated by the fact that Netzarim are real Jews and allowed to emigrate to Israel under the Law of return. Why is this? What is so grating that you cannot stand the truth? Why are you in particular more than any of the other people interested in Jews & Judaism on wiki unable to accept the facts? I am interested to know.Zestauferov 15:07, 23 Aug 2004 (UTC)

As before, I have strongly suggested not using the word "you" in any responses to me; this will help avoid the steady stream of Ad hominems, something which have been used and defended liberally in this Talk: page in the past, with apparently little comprehension of the term. Regarding the points raised, first I am obviously correct that the documents in question will have to be purchased. Second, the documents in question, if valid, will merely document the fact that the founder of this tiny sect made aliyah under the Law of Return, is considered a Jew, and was at one time a member of an Orthodox synagogue. They will not confirm that this individual made aliyah under this Law while proclaiming a belief in Jesus as the Messiah, nor will they confirm that the Israeli government has a policy of allowing "Netzarim" to make aliyah under the Law of Return. The original question was whether you had any evidence that there have been rulings by the Israeli government that the Law of Return applies to "Netzarim"; these documents, even if valid, will not in any way show that. Finally, the last half of the paragraph, dealing with various irrelevant and ad hominem questions regarding my motivations, emotional states, abilities, etc. is, as usual, ignored. Jayjg 15:49, 23 Aug 2004 (UTC)

You are clutching at straws. The point is that Netzarim are not distinguished from other orthodox Jews. Kol Tov.Zestauferov 19:42, 23 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Well, except for the facts that the movement was founded in the 1980s by a former Baptist preacher and his wife, and that they consider Jesus to be the Jewish Messiah, facts not true of any Orthodox Jewish movement but quite common in Messianic Judaism, it is possible that you are correct. Unfortunately, we have no way of really knowing that. Jayjg 14:25, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Yes we do and I have toled you repeatedly how CYLOR. Or go through OU. Kol TovZestauferov 17:23, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)

As I've told you repeatedly, I've spoken to several Orthodox Rabbis on the subject. They all say that they've never heard of the movement (which is hardly surprising, considering that it consists at most of a few dozen individuals). They also all say that a belief that Jesus is the Messiah is incompatible with Orthodox Judaism. Jayjg 18:47, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Jayig wrote: " (which is hardly surprising, considering that it consists at most of a few dozen individuals)." Please give specific details of the source for this. I do not understand precisely (since my own understanding of messiah hampers me), but as usual, as with everything else, they do not go against the Halakhah just very much in fact like the Lubavitchers (whom I also don't understand). Your "several" rabbis didn't say they would check it out for you? How strange. I wonder precisely how you worded your question.Zestauferov
As I've explained in other Talk: pages, I assert that they consist of at most a few dozen individuals because they are mentioned nowhere except on their website. I'd love to be proven wrong; if you have any evidence whatsoever about their membership numbers, I'd be very happy to see it. Regarding "they do not go against the Halakhah", one of the 13 Fundamental Principles of Orthodox Jewish belief is that the Messiah has not yet come; insisting that Jesus is the Messiah contradicts this Fundamental Principle. Regarding Lubavitchers, many Haredi Rabbis (including the most senior Haredi Rabbi) have indeed been saying for years that they are also not part of Orthodox Judaism. Regarding my questions, I asked several Orthodox Rabbis "1. Have you ever heard of a movement known as Netzarim or Nazarene Judaism? 2. Is this group part of Orthodox Judaism? 3. Can a group which, or person who, believes that Jesus is the Messiah, but not God or part of a Trinity, be part of Orthodox Judaism?" Their consistent answers were "1. No, 2. I've never heard of them, and 3. No". Jayjg 17:50, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Oh, and the OU website, on the topic of Messiah in its "Jewish Philosophy and Belief" [1] links to two articles, both at the Aish HaTorah website (another Orthodox organization). The first, titled "Why Don't Jews Believe in Jesus?" explains (not surprisingly) why Jews don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah. [2] The second, titled "The Messiah", makes it clear in that in Jewish belief the Messiah has not come. [3]. It also lists, as its first item, the 13 Principles of Jewish Faith", the fundamental beliefs of an Orthodox Jew. Principle 12 states "I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah. How long it takes, I will await His coming every day." [4] In other words, according to Orthodox Jewish belief, the Messiah has not yet come. This would rule out from Orthodox Jewish belief that notion that Jesus was the Messiah. Jayjg 22:32, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Thankyou, I am well aware. I told you that you could check out the netzarim through the OU and you can. Good Luck.Zestauferov 17:15, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Why would the OU insist that Orthodox Jews must not accept that Jesus is the Messiah, and indeed must accept that the Messiah has not yet come, and still include "Netzarim" (a group which insists that Jesus is the Messiah) as a legitimate Orthodox group? Also, who specifically should I speak to or e-mail at the OU for this information? Please provide a phone number of e-mail name for me to contact; the name of the person there that you spoke to about this would be best. Thanks. Jayjg 17:39, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)

For what it's worth, I got spammed in a Messanic discusison by one of these Netzarim. I decided to track down their web site to see what they were claiming. Their position appeared to be that Yeshua, while the Messiah, was (their POV) not God, and not arguing for any substianial changes to rabbinic Judaism. They then made a bit deal about their acceptance by certain OJ groups, and of the immigration. I don't find this hard to believe--they claim that He was Messiah, but that this makes no difference, and that everyone should convert to a belief system equivalen to OJ. NathanZook 02:53, 21 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Hebrew Christianity

I wonder is anyone will object to my redirecting Messianic Judaism Here. Hebrew Chrsitianity does seem to be the more PC term.Zestauferov 06:05, 15 Aug 2004 (UTC)

If there are any objections of course please feel free to undo.Zestauferov 06:08, 15 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Hebrew Christianity is not the same as Messianic Judaism. Hebrew Christianity is an old term for a congregational movement of Jews who believe in Jesus. Hebrew Christianity differs from Messianic Judaism in that it was more evangelistic and did not adopt Jewish practice.

Don't merge with Jewish Christians

Please don't take this personally, Sam, as you're not the first to suggest this merger. I have reverted the comment, however, as I know quite a lot of people in both the Messianic and Hebrew Christian movements, and many if not most of them would not agree that they are one and the same thing. Messianic Jews and Hebrew Christians have a lot in common: both are (mostly) persons of acknowledged birth or ancestry who (a) believe that Yeshua/Jesus is the Messiah, and (b) are proud of their Jewish heritage and want to retain it. But there are also significant differences between the two movements - differences that are big enough to justify the case for separate classification, in my opinion. A parallel case would be Baptists and Methodists: both are Protestants, but that doesn't make them the same thing, and Wikipedia rightly has separate articles for those two denominations.

I'm grossly oversimplifying things, I know, but in a nutshell:

  • Messianic Jews consider their primary identity to be Jewish, and belief in Yeshua to be the logical conclusion of their Jewishness (the nearly unanimous disagreement of their fellow-Jews notwithstanding). They try to structure their worship (in varying degrees) according to Jewish norms, they circumcise their sons and (mostly) abstain from pork and other nonkosher foods, and (often) observe the Sabbath. Many (but by no means all) do not use the label "Christian" to describe themselves.
  • Hebrew Christians identify themselves primarily as Christians. They are (mostly) members of Protestant and Catholic congregations, (usually) are not so strict about observing kosher or the Sabbath, and are (generally) assimilated culturally into the Christian mainstream, although they retain a strong sense of their Jewish identity which they, like Messianic Jews, strongly desire to pass on to their children.

The boundary between the two movements is blurred; some individuals (e.g. Moishe Rosen) seem to straddle it effortlessly, but it is there nonetheless. Because of the differences between the two movements, I do not think it fair to treat them as one, any more than I would treat Baptists and Methodists as a single entity. David Cannon 05:29, 26 Dec 2004 (UTC)

David, I think you have stated the distinction correctly and adequately. Your observations coincide with mine (and I believe that of most people who are well acquainted with people in both groups). While I understand that those who stand in opposition to both groups would find it easy to lump both groups together as "them", to merge the two groups seems to me to be like a Muslim wanting to merge Protestant Christians and Roman Catholic Christians into one unified group of infidels. But regardless, Wikipedia is about defining and explaining what actually IS, not about redefining reality in terms of our POV. Merging the two groups would be such a POV redefinition. Chad A. Woodburn 10:20 pm EST, Dec. 26, 2004.

There is a real easy way to find out whether someone is practicing "Messianic Judaism" or "Hebrew Christianity"--invite a gentile Christian to attend a worship service. If he feels fairly at home, it's "Hebrew Christian". If he feels like it's foreign, it's Messianic Jewish.
For a list of some differences between Messianic Jewish and Christian practices--including Hebrew Christian, see these pages on my website www.MessianicWorship.com: Is a Congregation Messianic? (as opposed to either a "Messianic wannnabe" group or a "pseudo-messianic" group, i.e., a Protestant congregation that tries to pass itself off as "Messianic"), and FAQ-Messianics and Christians
There's another thing no one is considering: What about us Messianic gentiles? I am Messianic but I am not ethnically Jewish and I have not gone through a conversion to Judaism. I attend both a Protestant church and a Messianic synagogue and they are quite different, even though both believe Jesus is the Messiah, died to pay for men's sins, rose from the dead, etc.
RickReinckens 07:03, 31 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Well, if you go from low church to high, or high church to Charismatic, you get the same effect. An old-line Presbyterian who knew Hebrew might actually do okay in an Artscroll-derived service. As I've stated before, it should be called a Judaism if it doesn't vary from what is known as Judaism much more than the various known Judaisms vary from each other.
I'm GPoMJ too, and I'm still very much lacking a decent noun. "Grafted One?" Maybe. But some have made a great deal of our presense.
Please, please, PLEASE don't set yourself up as the Keeper of All Things Messianic. That's my title. Get another. :D
NathanZook 04:09, 11 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Do these words mean anything?

When my wife and I were looking for a church home eight years ago, she came across a denominational listing, "Messianic Synagogues". She asked, "What are they?" I answered, "Jews who follow Jesus". What I meant was, "Jews who practice Judaism and follow Jesus". I figured that if they called it a synagogue, they practiced Judaism, even if the yellow pages didn't exactly see it that way. If the OU rejects our claims to be a Judaism, then we must also have the ability to reject the claims of others practice "Messianic Judaism".

If we admit that the term "Messianic Judaism" is not a contradiction in terms, then as a matter of English construction, it refers to a Judiasm which honors the Galilean as Messiah. The problem is that this is a very young movement, and bottom-up. We did not start as an academic disagreement, ala Lutheranism, but as individuals who realized that they don't see things the same way that others in their prior groups do.

  • I believe that following the "Torah made flesh" and the "Written Torah" (aka "the law") are incomplete without each other.
  • I believe that God's special calling of the Jews remains in full effect, and that gentiles that accept the work of Messiah are "joined in" to this calling.

Whatever this is, it is in no way "Evangelical Christianity".

The youngness of the movement, its bottom-up evolution, and the natural tendency of continuum make this problemactic, because it seems likely to me that most self-professed practitioners of Messianic Judaism are in fact practicing Evangelical or Charismatic Christianity with minor changes.

To me, the question should be answered anthropologically. Is there a group of religious adherants whose practice and beliefs differ from various forms of Judaism about as much as these forms vary from each other while accepting the Galilean as the Messiah? If so, then that group should be classicified as "Messianic Judaism" whether or not it is accepted (a political issue) by these groups. Please note that there is a whole lot of rejecting of various groups as "legitamate Judaisms" by other groups within Judiasm.

Likewise, a "church in a prayer shall" would be Hebrew Christian.

Which brings up the whole "Jews for Jesus" thing. I don't blame an uneducated person for classifying them as a part of Messianic Judaism, but they reject Torah & want to see Jews in Church. How can this be a Judaism? (I accept Torah & want to see Gentiles in synagogue, btw.)

I've edited the beliefs statement to reflect the "Torah pole" mentioned in the article.

NathanZook 04:24, 21 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Traditional Judaism has always been Messianic, in that it anticipates and desires the coming of a Messiah. Christianity has always stated that that Messiah was Jesus, and generally also stated that Jesus was God. In addition, it has added a set of scriptures (the Greek Scriptures) to the Hebrew Bible, which describe Jesus, and outline various articles of their faith, primarily as promulgated by Paul. These all are hallmarks of Christianity which distinguish it from Judaism, and also apply to 99% of all "Messianic Jewish" congregations and individuals. In addition, the movement itself has been far more successful at attracting non-Jews (particularly practising Christians) than it has been at attracting Jews (and those have typically been non-practisiing). A movement which is comprised of a majority of practising Christians, and a minority of non-practising Jews, and which follows the basic tenets and scriptures of Christianity, is fairly easy to characterize to the outside observer, regardless of the "pole" of the individual church. Jayjg (talk) 15:44, 21 Mar 2005 (UTC)
"Traditional rabbinic Judaism is never called `messianic Judaism'. That term is used only for the Christian groups, or the quasi-Christian groups. RK 01:23, Dec 1, 2003 (UTC)" (above)
Yes. How does this address my point? Jayjg (talk) 07:30, 27 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Nathan Responds

No Good Choices

I dislike the term "Messianic Judaism" being used exclusively to refer to those who follow a particular Messiah. Certianly Rabbi Akiva, who kicked out the followers of the Nararene in favor of his messiah has equal title. But we are stuck with an imperfect use-mention. I know of no competing term. Actually, the term "Christian" is almost as bad, since "Christ" is merely Greek for "Messiah".

The "competing term" is "Hebrew Christian". Jayjg (talk) 14:53, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Not for those of us who pray from the Artscroll Sidur! I fully agree that many people who say they practice Messianic Judaism would recoil if you say, "Oh, so what you do is a form of Judaism?" Likewise, many might accept the term "Hebrew Christian" for themselves or even claim that they are equivalent. (If either of us thought they were, we would be done...)

I understand that you would like for us to accept the term "Hebrew Christian". But we cannot, for reason previously stated. NathanZook

Artscroll Siddur? Read pages 178 through 181 very carefully. Jayjg (talk) 07:30, 27 Mar 2005 (UTC)

When I read the Thirteen Principles the first time, my immediate reaction was, "This looks like a point-by-point refutation of Scholasticism". That's of course not entirely accurate. For purposes of our discussion, however, I submit that Reformed, Reconstructionist, and Humanist Judaism (and probably even Conservative) are going to have at least as much trouble with this (minimal) formulation of medevial Judaism as I am. My only problem is with #7, which I can skate if I have to. NathanZook 08:12, 27 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Nazarene as Messiah ==> Not Judaism?

Maybe I can break an impasse. Do you consider Jacov ha Tzadik (James the Elder) and the "myriads zealous for Torah" around 50 CE to have been members of a Jewish sect? If not, you argue against their contemporaries. If so, then you agree that a Jewish sect can accept the Nazarene as Messiah, Messiah as "Son of God", and the writings of Paul as scripture. Yes, I'm reaching back a long ways. But I have to. I disagree with almost everything that has happened since then.

Please read strawman. At the time thinking Jesus was the Messiah did not mean that one's faith was not Judaism. There have been 2,000 years of water under the bridge since then. Jesus is much more than a Messiah to Christians, and Paul's innovations and Christianity's new Greek Scriptures are not part of Judaism either. Jayjg (talk) 14:56, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Who says? Paul was Jewish and a student of Rabbi Gamaliel. The New Testament was written entirely by Jews (including Luke). Therefore the NT is just as Jewish as the Talmud. 04:33, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Paul claimed to be Jewish, and a student of Gamaliel, but he was an inherently unreliable fellow. Luke, of course, was not a Jew, nor is there much evidence that the other authors were. More importantly, of course, what difference does it make if the books were written by Jews? Just because a Jew writes a book it doesn't make it a Jewish book. And most importantly, what difference does it make to this Talk: page or article? Jayjg (talk) 04:41, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)
  • This debate about what 'Jewishness' is or is not, is one of the central issues of the Messianic Judaism movement. You are sorely missing the point: 'Hebrew Christians' have been told, quite forcefully, for almost two thousand years, that they can NOT be Jewish. Messianic Jews, on the other hand, have been told for just as long, that they can NOT become Christians. So, there has been a two-millenia pincers movement in force to keep Jewish people from freely deciding for themselves that Yahshua (Jesus) is and was the Jewish Messiah, either by forbidding this conclusion by force or by the with-holding of relevant information, or by stripping the descendants of Abraham who declare for Jesus the Messiah of their 'Jewishness'. Their historic dilemma has been: "How do we retain both the Jewish Messiah, and our Jewish-ness?" 23:13, 3 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Anon, what in god's name are you talking about?- "Hebrew Christians' have been told, quite forcefully, for almost two thousand years, that they can NOT be Jewish", ignoring the fact that christians were considered a jewish sect for the first few centuries, this whole deal about Messianic Judaism and Hebrew christians has only been around since the victorians, you make it sound like there is a whole glorious history of Jews for Jesus which includes much discrimination. I would hate to burst your bubble.- Mosh Constantine

Messianic Judaism vs Christianity

1) I disagree that you must accept Bar Kokhba as Messiah to stay in the Jewish community. (Our rejection is what got us kicked out.) 2) I disagree that either the Nazarene or Paul ever intended their followers to abandon Torah. 3) I disagree with the move from Sabbath to Sunday, (good book, btw) and from Passover to Easter. Let alone Christmas and the rest. 4) I reject the authority of the so-called Ecumenical councils. I reject the "two natures" formulation of the Chalcedon Council, and have serious problems with usual formulation of the Trinity. (I really like what Kaballah has to say on it, btw.) 5) I reject dispensationalism and replacement theology.

In short, my disagreements with Christianity go back to within 75 years of my disagreements with Traditional Judaism, and they do so in a manner that consistently prefers Judaism.

0) Please read strawman. Really.
1) Not accepting Bar Kokhba as messiah was not what got early Christians "kicked out".
2) Unprovable and irrelevant.
3) Irrelevant.
4) Irrelevant.
5) Irrelevant.

--Jayjg (talk) 14:59, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Actually, Dr. Michael White in Jesus to Christianity makes a very strong case that Paul's innovations were pretty much confined to bring Torah to the Gentiles (who needed a LOT of help) without requiring conversion to Judaism.

2) By this point, most Gentile proto-Christians did nothing to support the Bar Kokhba revolt. The Jewish ones did, until Rabbi Akiva declared (not "contemplated", as the [Bar Kokhba] page erroneously asserts) that he was Messiah & that to support the revolt was to support him as Messiah. That was when the "Nazarenes" got kicked out of Judaism. In a few decades they would be effectively kicked out of Christianity.

Sigh. Whatever. The Talk: pages are not the place to debate these matters, unless you feel it is somehow relevant to article content. Jayjg (talk) 08:00, 27 Mar 2005 (UTC)
  • Then where, pray tell, is the proper place for debate, if not the 'talk' page? Discussion related to the same general topic is not 'irrelevant'. The talk pages are very interesting, providing a novel forum unmatched on most other 'web' pages. 23:08, 3 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Emerging Definition?

My definition of Messianic Judaism? A Judaism that honors Torah--written, oral, and made flesh. I'm not alone, btw. A recent posting for a rabbinic position at one of our (UMJC) congregations stated, "applicants must have a high opinion of Oral Torah." How many Reformed Rabbis make that cut?

"Made flesh" is not part of Judaism; it's Christian man-worship. Jayjg (talk) 15:00, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Attraction verses Searched Out

I'm not sure that I can accept the charge that I was "attracted" to Messianic Judaism. I reached a point in my walk where I would have willed it into existance if it were not already there. What I mean is that I came to the conclusion that the Christian repudiation of the Feasts in particular & Torah in general was unwarranted (and with tragic results), and does not please God, that my only real problem with traditional Judaism is its rejection of the Nazarene (and its hoarding of Torah). That is, I wanted a Judaism that honored the Nazarene as Messiah.

Why are you putting this here? Jayjg (talk) 15:02, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Facts on the Ground

Yes, our congregations are by and large majority Gentile. I believe Rashi said the ratio would be about 280,000 to 1. But just as there are majority Jewish organizations that are refered to as "goyish", the opposite is possible. In this last statement, you seem to demand that there be no place between Hebrew Christianity (as mentioned above) and traditional Judaism. That was probably almost true up until the 1960's, but "times, they are a-changin'".

A majority Gentile movement, following the Christian messiah, using the Christian Bible. As for "majority Jewish organizations", please read red herring. Jayjg (talk) 15:05, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Yea your right anon, times are changing, us Jews should accept that theer is no place for Jews who are "not for Jesus" in today's world. Give me a break douche.- Moshe Constantine Hassan Al-Silverburg | Talk 09:53, 2 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I wasn't at all anon when I wrote that, and I stand by what I wrote. What I want to know is how in the world what I wrote has to do with what you have written? And upon what basis do you refer to me with such a disparaging term? NathanZook 04:41, 11 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Messy Result

Again, this movement is not a denominational split within Christianity or Judaism. It is an organic movement which is very much in the process of defining itself. People whose beliefs have not changed have nevertheless changed their self-identification. People whose beliefs have changed radically have clung to their old self-identification. While there were a few prior pioneers, this movement is in practice less than forty years old. Was Christianity well-defined by the fall of the second Temple? Did Luther, et al have their doctrines in place in forty years? I think that an accurate description needs to emphasize the youth of this development, so far as religious movements go.


Don't forget--it's "Blessed is Mordichai, cursed is Haman".

NathanZook 04:11, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

I don't think you're using the Talk: pages for the purpose they are intended. What outcome do you hope for based on your comments? Jayjg (talk) 15:06, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

I object strenously to the tone and implications of the overview, as well as several parts of the body. I'm not stupid enough (nor properly prepared by my own estimation) to attempt a major rewrite of any portion myself, though, so I felt it best to come here and attempt to address specific concerns.

NathanZook 00:31, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Famous Declaration of Jewish Support for Jesus as Messiah

  • In his Jewish Antiquities, the 'Roman' (Jewish) historian, Flavius Josephus, had this to say about Jesus: "At this time appeared Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one should call him a man. For he was a doer of startling deeds, a teacher of the people who receive the truth with pleasure. And he gained a following both among many Jews and among many of Greek origin. He was the Messiah. And when Pilate, because of an accusation made by the leading men among us [the Roman-appointed Hasmonean priesthood], condemned him to the cross, those who loved him previously did not cease to do so. For he appeared to them on the third day, living again, just as the divine prophets had spoken of these and countless other wondrous things about him. And up until this very day the tribe of Christians, named after him, has not died out." (Flavius Josephus, 'Jewish Antiquities', 18. 63-64.) 23:02, 3 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Great. Quote the traitor Josephus to Jews. I really appreciate your technical edits, but your edits (of 3/12/05) seem to swing wide of NPOV, and this comment is just...weird. NathanZook 01:13, 20 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Josephus is a lousy source on this. It is pretty much universally agreed by scholars that the part about "He was the Messiah", appeared after death, etc., is a later addition by Christians. Keep in mind that, unlike the Bible, we do not have a large number of ancient copies of Josephus made within a few hundred years after the original was written so that we can compare copies and determine what was a later addition. RickReinckens 07:40, 31 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Request to persons not in the movement

It is plain from some of your edits and comments that many of you have had little or no contact with our leaders. I understand that many of you consider what we do to be illegitemate. I feel the same way about many others, perhaps some of you. But your non-npov edits do nothing to aid your cause. While I don't accept responsibility for other's edits, I base mine on first-hand observation. Please leave your polemics off the main page.

All religous movements have their fringe elements and evolve over time. This movement is quite young. You could argue that the formation of the UMJC in the mid 80's represented the formal inception of Messianic Judaism as separate from Hebrew Christianity. There is still a tremendous debate about what should be called Messianic Judaism. When I find a link refering to itself as "Messianic Jewish" in some way, I immediately check to see if they consider themselves to be part of Judaism, and their view of Torah. If their answers aren't "yes" and "high", then I consider them to be Hebrew Christian and confused. Aren't we to give others the benefit of the doubt?

NathanZook 23:30, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I don't know why someone insists on deleting my comments when you make statements such as this.

a) I have had plenty of contacts with some of your highest leaders. I can tell you that they present a lot of "information" as factual, however they do not allow any open debate. If someone does try to debate them, that person is quickly ridiculed, and excommunicated. Also, members of the cult are told that that person is "negative" and "evil".

b) Polemics - I have never seen more Polemics against rabbis and Judaism, than inside a Messianic group.

c) Judaism does not consider Messianicism a part of them. However, Messianics are considered by Christians and Jews alike to be part of Christianity. This can be evidenced by the large funding of Messianicism by Organized Christianity (to the tune of $100s of millions), and by the fact that Pastors are called to speak in Messianic congregations, and vice versa.

d) There is hardly any group today that can truly be called "Messianic". In fact, Messiah is just a work used instead of "Christ", to make Jews feel more comfortable in their choice to convert to Christianity. The majority of Messianics worship Jesus as God, not Messiah. This, by definition, IS CHRISTIANITY, regardless of how you name it otherwise.

e.g. Presbytarians, Baptists, etc. doesn't have Christian in their name, but they are Christians nonetheless because they worship Christ. I can find you written documentation from inside of Messianic organizations, showing that they chose to use to the word Messiah instead of the word Christ. Therefore, they are fundamentally the same as Hebrew Christian. OpenInfo 15:32, 27 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


This section was originally done by an IP address NathanZook

I think this article overlooked the fact that Messianic "Judaism" is used as a method of resolving intermarriage conflicts where one spouse is Jewish (usually a member of the Reform movement), and the other spouse is Christian (church-going).

This allows the church-going spouse to attend a congregation that is acceptable to them, since Messianic worship usually involves singing songs about Jesus.

It also allows the Reform Jewish spouse to attend a congregation that has the word "Jewish" in it's name, therefore making them feel its acceptable, even though they know its wrong.

If people have no more connection to their faith than to marry outside it, then they don't have any faith at all. That can change as they grow up, however, (especially if they have kids) and some have suggested that Messianic Jewish congregations could be ideal for such couples. Frankly, no congregation in the world is going to deal with the fundamental problem: "How can two walk together unless they agree?" They are going to be a problem for whatever congregation they attend. NathanZook 01:32, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A couple of important edits

Nice anonymous edit there, Openinfo. Please read wiki policies.

There is no Messianic "Judaism" close to Orthodox Judaism. It is merely a simulation of Judaism (as is the whole Messianic movement). The entire intent of this movement was created to deceive Jews into converting to Christianity.

Yep, and we control all of the newspapers, and the banks, and the army.

Actually, there is a group planning this thing. It is called the MJAA (Messianic "jewish" Alliance of America), and they are funded in excess of $150 million a year by Baptist organizations, in addition to billions of dollars in funding by private and other donations, within the Christian community and their own members. OpenInfo 20:34, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

If you have studied the movement at all, you would know that there is no person or group of people planning this thing. If it were, we would have our act much, much more together. A number of late twentieth-century Jews became convinced that the Nazarene is the Messiah. As they examined scripture, however, they could find no warrant for the abrogation of Torah. These men observe Torah and Halacha, some so extremely that other Jews are intimidated. You can call them what you want. They call themselves Messianic Jews, and their religion Messianic Judaism. I know full well that Christianity has often defined itself as "not Judaism", and Judaism as "not Christianity" for almost two thousand years. I disagree. NathanZook 00:58, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

"Messiah" = "Yeshua" = Jesus = Christ

Messianic = Jesus worship = Christianity

Christianic Judaism??? It's an oxymoron.

Actually, no. "Christ" derives from the Greek Kristos. Messiah doesn't wear a toga, and never did. That's why I don't call myself a Christian. My beliefs are no longer derived from a goyish view of Messiah. NathanZook 00:58, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's good to hear that you no longer believe in Jesus !!! (As you are saying, you now have a Jewish view of Messiah, which is that he has not arrived yet).

Christian "Passover"

read the Messianic Haggadah. It is a holiday to celebrate and talk about Jesus. It is unrelated to the Jewish holiday of Pesach.

Which one? I know one of the guys that did one of those about twenty years ago. He's now embarassed by it. (He's used the Carlibacher Haggadah the last three years.) Of course, at the time, he was Hebrew Christian. NathanZook 01:22, 18 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Article nominated to be checked for its neutrality (because of edits by people INSIDE of this movement)

I am the one who nominated this article to be reviewed for its neutrality. This was mostly due to edits posted by NathanZook, who claim to have a NPOV, when in fact he is editing this article to remove factual information that disagrees with his own poin of view.OpenInfo 20:34, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

QUOTE FROM NathanZook: "While I don't accept responsibility for other's edits, I base mine on first-hand observation."

Sorry to say, but this actually violates Wikipedia's "No Original Research" policy. The editors of this page should be reviewing the article and removing any of these "first-hand observations". Instead, some of the research can be used, based on organizations that do research and study these missionary groups.

Wikipedia was expressly set up to defy the oracular model. If you don't understand what that means, then you are going to be quite frustrated here. Yes, the Southern Bapist messianic whatsit is set up as a missonary group. Their charter states that their purpose is, AIR, "To promote the Baptist Faith and Message", so they are Baptists. And they have been critcized by UMJC leaders for doing so. 04:19, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Nobody mentioned baptists in this section, however since you are talking about Baptists and the UMJC leaders, the UMJC was CREATED by Baptist and Presbytarian evangelists. If UMJC leaders are criticizing Baptists, then they only criticize themselves. OpenInfo 14:19, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

There are no polemics involved on my end. All posts I have made were based on external research, and reinforced by contact made with leaders in high ranking within the MJAA.

Keep in mind, that I am not a member of any Jewish group, nor am I a member of any Messianic group, nor do I have anything to do with the MJAA. However, I have had extensive dealings with leadership in both groups(Reform Jewish, Conservative Jewish, and Orthodox Jewish, as well as within the "Messianic" groups). Therefore, I am posting from a NPOV, as well as with an informed POV. OpenInfo 20:34, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The closest one can say that these congregations get to "acting Jewish" would be Reform Judaism. Even then, with all the talk about Jesus, one cannot say they are Jewish at all.OpenInfo 20:34, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

So what exactly ARE your relgious views? You certainly have taken the OJ pov wrt the movement. And why is the content of this article so important to you?
Interesting that you ask for a neutrality check & then do the work yourself. Particularly interesting since you insist on factually inaccurate statements regarding our beliefs.
Did you ever ask if the MJAA considers itself to be a part of Judaism? In any event, our primary debate revolves around the Torah pole, which is UMJC. We broke off from the MJAA because it was not moving sufficiently towards Judaism.
As for "no polemics", how about the following: ("passover" in this religion is a celebration of Jesus. This is completely unrelated to the Jewish Pesach.) I call it a polemic because it is 1) counterfactual and 2) provocative.
NathanZook 02:19, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


wow, i'm amazed at the carelessness with which this article was written! to say there are no legitimate jewish groups that consdier messianic judaism to be a legitimate expressionof judaism is careless and irresponsible. there have been several books written by the most respected reform scholars that legitimize messianic judaism. also, the article admits the messianic jews don't consider themselves to be anything other than jewish - yet asserts they are christians. the article does this very flippantly without explaining WHY they're christians. as others have pointed out in this discussion, orthodox jewish groups like chabad and bressler khassidim claim messiah has already come and even atribute divine identities to their messianic leaders. do we ignore the fact that they consider themselves orthodox and start flippantly calling them christians? of all the articles i've seen on this (usually very helpful) web site - it one is by far the poorest.

Can you name the "several books written by the most respected reform scholars that legitimize messianic judaism"? Thanks. Jayjg (talk) 21:09, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not going to look up who you are, anonymous. There are a total of two authors, with one book each on the subject, both of whom conclude that MJ can be considered both Christian and Jewish. These are mentioned in the article. If you try to edit the article to say otherwise, you can look forward to quite a race to revert the edit. NathanZook 02:21, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

sorry for the delay in responding. i am "annonymous" only because i don't yet know how to identify myself on this site.

1. to answer the question concerning books written by highly respected reform scholars: we could start with harris-shapiro's "messianic judaism: and cohn-sherbok's book by the same name. both highly-respected scholars conclude messianic judaism is the seventh branch of judaism. if you really did unbiased research as they did, you would reach VERY different conclusions. i won't even delve into the growing number of conservative rabbis who legitimize messianic judaism.

2. your claim that the founders of the umjc are baptists, much less southern baptists, is outragous! i know these guys personally and very well. while two mid-level leaders were part of the general baptist conference 30 years ago, the umjc denomination has absolutely no history stemming from anything baptist. if i were to apply your logic universally and fairly to all jewish groups, then the orthodox come from the baptists. i personally know repsected orthodox leaders who were originally baptist pastors that converted. i have attended an orthodox shul that meets in a baptist church. let's be just a little repsonsible about our claims around here.

3. let's define what it means to be "jewish" and what it means to be "christian". if the distinction is believing messiah has come and is divine, then we must conclude chabad is a christian missionary group and the unitarian church is modern orthodox jewish. we can't be so simplistic with complex issues. concluding messianic jews are baptist christian missionaries because of one tenant in their faith ignores everything else that makes them is unique group. it is unfair to apply this overly-simplistic standard to messianics without applying it universally. what is chabad jewish and why is the unitarian church christian? the standard you use to answer that question needs to be the same standard in defining messianic judaism. please, i exhort you - be scientific, thorough and unbiased in your research. end of anonymous contributions

Silly arguments. A Christian organization created with the sole intention of converting Jews to believe in Jesus, will always be a Christian organization. This will be true no matter how much they try to pretend to be Jewish, and call themselves "rabbi". A priest is a priest. If they want to convert to Judaism, they would need to have full Jewish beliefs. The same is true for someone born Jewish. If you want to pray to Jesus, then by definition, you are following Christianity (After all, Jesus' last name is Christ).

now my comments get deleted - why?

Between 1% and 25% of members are Jewish

From my own firsthand experience, most member of these groups are not Jewish at all. They may have had a Jewish great-grandfather or grandfather, but are no more Jewish than the Pope.

This is especially true of people involved in leadership. A good background check will reveal that they are not Jewish at all, based on matrilineal descent. OpenInfo 21:27, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This is even more true of second generation Messianics, or ones who have come from the church and claim to have "Jewish roots". Usually, they are born of a non-Jewish mother. OpenInfo 21:28, 19 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

So your edits are based upon original research? Should I ask for arbitration & revert your edits based upon this statement? In any event, I don't know about the MJAA, but the UMJC numbers are WAY higher than that. NathanZook 02:25, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Are you sure? There are many people who claim to be Jewish, but as my quick check on any names mentioned on the UMJC website reveal, the alleged "rabbis" were actually ordained Priest or Ministers. Can you explain that about the UMJC?

Can you also explain, when you are touting the differences between these various organizations, that they were all started by the same group of people, and are primarily funded by Christian groups?

As far as I can see, when one group gets exposed, a new group jumps up, with basically the same leadership as the old group. OpenInfo 04:06, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Main article bias

i wish to reiterate this article is highly opinionated, subjective and inaccurate. i exhort you to do a thorough, scientific and unbiased article on messianic judaism. my comments keep getting buried at the bottom of the discussion. this web site has to maintain a high standard of accuracy and neutrality. this article either needs to be rewritten from scratch without any anti-messianic bias. perhaps reassigning the article to a truly neutral third party would result in an accurate and unbiased article. (see see my other comments buried at the bottom of the discussion for more detailed explanation.) if we apply this author's logic fairly to all religious groups, we would be forced to conclude that chabad and bresslever chassidim are christian missionaries and the unitarian church is actually modern orthodox jewish. such conclusions are patently absurd - as are the inaccurate and specious arguments in this article. (again, see my other comments buried at the bottom of the discussion) . Unsigned comments!!

removed the above unsigned comments -which by the way I largely agree with from the main article to the discussion page as normal. :: Kevinalewis : (Talk Page) 13:27, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Statements by anonymous ARE absurd. However, I stand by my previous statements that the UJMC was created by Christian and Baptist organizations. Those people are not even Jewish.

I was involved with Messianic Judaism for a number of years and my mother was Jewish...my father was not, but as I understand it, by Jewish law I am fully Jewish. I agree that there are a large number of Christians involved in Messianic congregations, but by Jewish law, are they not considered as Jewish as the next Jew if they convert? Please note, I am no longer involved with the Messianic movement, as their bias towards homosexuality drummed me out. JonMoore 20:42, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

That is a very good question. Yes, if someone is Christian, and they convert to Judaism, then they would be Jewish. However, in order to be considered a true convert, they would have to practice Orthodox Judaism. OpenInfo 22:54, 23 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

PROOF OF NON-JEWISH ROOTS in various Messianic organizations

This was put into the discussion page on January 20. Someone deleted it, however. Just because there is evidence you don't like, please don't delete it. Thank you.

This proves that UMJC was founded by non-Jews

I took a quick look at the UMJC website. There I found a video, introducting UMJC, and what it was all about. Well, they were claiming a history involving Jews deciding to become "Messianic". They showed a couple of people talking, most of whom looked completely unJewish. I picked one person, at random, because I could clearly see that he had no connection to Judaism whatsoever, yet he was calling himself a "rabbi". His face, his words, his mannerisms, and many other cues led me to think he was some kind of Christian Evangelist. Yet, here he was, saying he was Jewish.

That person's name was Richard Nichol. A quick check found that, in fact, I was 100% right. This man was an ordained Christian Minister, complete with degree.

reference [5]

"Richard C. Nichol, M.A., M.Div., D.Min., Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, serves as the Messianic Rabbi of Congregation Ruach Israel in Needham MA., and is past President of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and Vice President of the International Messianic Jewish Alliance (IMJA).

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary is an educational institution serving the Lord and His Church. Its mission is to prepare men and women for ministry at home and abroad. The Seminary undertakes this task as a training partner with the Church so that what is learned on campus may be complemented by the spiritual nurture and the exercise of ministry available through the Church." 03:13, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Then, I decided to check out the next President of the UMJC, Dan Juster. He had a beard, but didn't look Jewish at all. Surprise! Guess what I found?

reference [6]

Dan Juster is the Executive Director of Tikkun Ministries. Unfortunately, few people realize that Dan Juster was an ordained Presbyterian minister! He has been active in various Christian churches and colleges since he was an adolescent, and was later ordained by the Presbyterian denomination of Christianity.

OpenInfo 03:21, 20 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A couple of problems with all this. First the people you are checking on may have been Jewish by race rather than Jewish by religion. Secondly have you checked that these people were not Jewish before the became Christian minister. They might (for example) have been practicing Jews. Then at some point decided that Jesus actually was the promised Messiah, and that becoming a Christian would be the best expression of that belief, and become a church leader. Then they may have found that regular Christianity denied too much of their Jewish heritage and started a Messianic Jewish oganisation. Of course I only speculate.
Incidentally, basing you jedgements on 'he didn't look Jewish' is really not going to win you any friends. DJ Clayworth 17:38, 24 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I didn't base my judgement on "he didn't look Jewish". I merely checked out his background based on a hunch, which turned out to be 100% correct.

I highly doubt the people I have listed were born Jewish. If you check the reference links that I have provided, you will clearly see that these people have links to Christianity for generations, one of them even has a Minister for a father.

The links I gave also clearly show that Christian ministries have special schools where they teach Ministers how to convert Jews, using methods that include pretending to be Jewish.

Sorry if you don't like this evidence, but that is the truth, and it needs to be told. That is why REAL Jews are upset about this movement. OpenInfo 17:44, 24 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It also doesn't help that both the references you cite are in fact attack sites, devoted to discrediting the organisations you are talking about. They are also falling into the No true Scotsman fallacy; i.e. "this person claims he is a Jew, but he went to such-and-such college and no true Jew would go to that college, so he can't be a Jew". DJ Clayworth 17:46, 24 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]
That is the silliest argument I have ever heard. If someone is born to a long line of Christians, then they are not Jewish. That's like calling a banana a fork. No matter how hard you try, and how many books you write, a banana will never turn into a fork. Even if you send it to college.
We are talking here about the founders of the modern movement, and the evidence is quite clear that this was not founded by Jews. Nobody is arguing that some unfortunate Jews were tricked into joining.

They are not attack sites, but rather evidence sites. Read the following paragraph, which quotes a Presbyterian publication, regarding the founding of the Messian Jewish movement in the 1970's

:But we read more about Daniel Juster's education and his evangelization of the Jews in Theology Matters, a Presbyterian publication. In an article on the Presbyterian attempts to convert Jews and the founding of Presbyterian "Messianic" congregations, the author, Jonathan Kaplan, writes:

"Interestingly, two of these Presbyterian congregations served as incubators for the development of Messianic Judaism in the early 1970s. Dr. Daniel Juster, a graduate of McCormick Theological Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, served as pastor of First Hebrew Christian Church of Chicago in the early 1970s."

Explanation of Alert Tag

It has come to my attention that this article is:

1. Seriously biased toward views espoused by Outreach Judaism (a self-defined anti-Messianic group).

2. Dominated and controlled by and Orthodox Jew who often promotes an anti-Messianic agenda.

3. Highly inaccurate.

4. Often contradicts itself as it presents misinformation.

As a public relations worker for the Israeli knesset, I can assure you that "mainstream" Judaism in Israel is mostly secular and humanist. This Orthodox administrator pretends he represents "mainstream" Judaism when he is, in fact, part of a 20% minority. True mainstream Judaism is pluralistic and and, according to the Dahaf Report, 78% of Israelis view Messianic Judaism as a legitimate expression of Judaism.

Among Orthodox Jews, I can assure you that most here in Jerusalem do not share this administrator's anti-Messianic zealousness. Furthermore, over 90% of Knesset members have no objection whatsoever to Messianic Jews - including the Datim (Religious). We Israelis - especially in the Knesset - are growing impatient with a very small percentage of datim who marginalize Messianic Jews and arrogantly claim all the rest of us support their views and behavior. Let it be known, the radical views expressed and dominated in this article do NOT represent the views of most Jews, Israelis and certainly most in the Knesset.KnessetP.R.Guy 17:57, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

We are not talking about Israel here at all. Yes, it is true that many Israelis consider themselves Humanists, and do not follow the Jewish RELIGION at all. We are not talking about the Jewish ethnicity here. We are talking about RELIGION.

You claim to work for the Knesset, however don't provide any evidence of that.

All I can say, is that you seem to be highly against Judaism in general. Outreach Judaism cannot quite be defined as anti-Messianic, they are simply "PRO-JUDAISM" as far as I can tell. Many Jews are vulnerable to missionaries so long as they don't have a good understanding of what it means to be Jewish. OJ is just one of many groups that works to prevent people from being victimized and from getting deceived.

OpenInfo 18:54, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Dahaf report does not claim that 78% of Jews view Messianicism as a legitimate form of Judaism. What it does report, however, it that 78% of those surveyed would agree to allow a person born to a Jewish mother ENTRY into Israel, despite the fact that the person has been BAPTIZED and believes in JESUS CHRIST.

It definitely does not legitimize a religion that requires BAPTISM as a form of Jewish worship. OpenInfo 18:57, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. Israeli is not synonymous with Judaism. Humanism, as well, is not quite a recognized branch of Judaism itself, but rather sits on the margins.OpenInfo 19:24, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This page is really interesting!!! I had never heard of any of this... Are all these movements based in the US?? This is why Americans use the phrase, "judeo-christian civilisation" so much...--Burgas00 19:08, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I believe Judeo-Christian values simply refer to the fact that both religions follow the same general moral principles, as well as believe in the divinity of the Torah (five books of Moses). I don't think the term has any relation to Messianicism. OpenInfo 19:24, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Openinfo, please listen to my explanation that differs from your assumptions. 1. If you research my IP address, you will trace it to the ISP server commonly used by Knesset members and workers. 2. Israel is the one and only JEWISH state in the world. As you pointed out, the Dahaf Report deals with entry - ALIYAH ENTRY. As you should know, this entry privilage is only for Jews and their families. 3. If Israelis were willing to allow BAPTIZED Jews (a Christians term), wouldn't we be all the more willing to accept any Jew who went through a MIKVEH (term used by Messianics)? 4. If you had any education about the Israeli government, you would know I could not function in any capacity with the Knesset if I were against any form of Judaism as you speciously claim. You simply have trouble accept mainstream Judaism's pluralistic views. KnessetP.R.Guy 19:51, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have no trouble accepting that someone who is born a Jew will always remain a Jew (except in certain extreme cases). However, "mainstream", and "pluralism" aside, I think there should be a clear line here. Judaism, as I see it, is a religion, whose rules, by definition, are decided by the religion itself.

Ethnic Judaism is something entirely different, and that is what you are referring to. I have witnessed Messianicism firsthand, and it is nothing more than a thinly (and sometimes thickly) veiled disguise to deliver Christianity to Jews.

There is entirely no difference between a BAPTIZED JEW and a MESSIANIC JEW. It is exactly the same thing, and should be treated equally. Ethnically they ARE Jewish, however do not follow the Jewish RELIGION. That is all.

And if you are from the Knesset, then do this during working hours from your work computer. It is almost midnight in Israel. OpenInfo 20:26, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

What are you disputing here?? The article says that Mesianic Jews are not practicing the Jewish Religion, according to Mainstream Jewish Denominations. That is all. I don't think you have shown that fact to be in dispute. Any other objections to the article itself???

3RR violations in this article and talk page

There has been numerous 3rr violations in the editing of this talk page and this article, any edits in the future that continue this edit war will lead to blocking under the 3rr rule. --Eliezer | £€åV€ m€ å m€§§åg€ 20:30, 26 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Explanation of Alert Tag Part 2

I attempted to finish my comments Eliezer unfairly blocked me and prevented me from expressing a realistic view of the subject. He freely allows OpenInfo to vandalize my comments. Hopefully these two users will allow my 10 years research and expertise on Messianic Judaism a little space below.

1. Let's start with the opening paragraph. Denominations of any religion officially registered and recognized by the US and Israeli governments cannot be called "loosely connected". Wording such as "claiming connection with Judaism" is highly derrogitory. Such language only serves to make this article read like propoganda for Tovia Singer. This article spends no time interacting with "Defining Messianic Judaism" - the official publication of the UMJC. That is the final authority on how Messianic Jews define themselves and why. 2. Even the most basic understanding of and interaction with: a. the Apostles' Creed; b. Maimonides' 13 Principles of the Jewish Faith and; c. Mainstream Messianic Judaism, would reveal Messianic Judaism is most definately an expression of Judaism and certainly not an expression of Christianity. Not once does the article address this comparison yet uses inflammitory language to cast doubt upon the legitimacy of Messianic Judaism. The language of the article needs an overhaul to be neutral. 3. The article inaccurately claims the Messianic Jewish movement "began" in the 1800's. We know from every first century source the Messianic Jewish movement existed 2,000 years ago and predates Christianity by over 300 years. We see Messianic Judaism throughout the last 2,000 years. Sometimes and in some places they existed in smaller numbers and other times and places they existed in larger numbers. Connecting Messianic Judaism to the Chruch of England in the 1800's is not only factually incorrect, it is academically irresponsible. 4. Further down the article, the author spends a lot of energy asserting Messianic Jews are evangelical Christians in disguise with no facts to back up such claims. He uses more derrogitory language such as "the self-described Messianic Jewish movement." Again, he does not interact with "Defining Messianic Judaism" - the official "self-definition" of the Messianic Jews; nor is this publication anywhere in his bibliography. How could he pretend to know how and why Messianic Jews define themselves when he hasn't bothered to read their official position? 5. Later he makes a sweeping statement, "Messianic Judaism is not seen as a legitimate form of Judaism by any recognized Jewish organization or leaders whatsoever" then contradicts himself, "Some individuals, especially Humanist [and Reform] Jews hold that messianic Judaism should be considered a viable approach to Judaism." First he says absolutely no recognized Jewish organization recognizes Messianic Judaism, then admits organizations that happen to represent the majority of the Jewish community recognize Messianic Judaism. In fact, the Israeli government recognizes Messianic Judaism as legitimate. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Israeli government a recognized Jewish organization consisting of recognized Jewish leaders? 6. He makes sweeping generalizations about "evangelism" and "evangelistic tools" without any facts to back up his statements. 7. He contradicts himself on who Messianic Jews "really are." In one place he wrongfully asserts they're from the Church of England, in another place he wrongfully claims they're Baptists then in another place he wrongfully claims they're Pentacoustal. He finally generalizes they're a Protestant evangelism tool. It is painfully obvious this writer has no idea who these Christian groups are in how they differ from each other. 8. He makes strange comparisions saying Messianic Jews don't use terms like "Reverend" or "Priest". Okay . . . neither do they use terms like "Comrade", "Cleric" or "Dali Lama". What could such ridiculous statements do other than to insult the integrity of Messianic Judaism. If this article is supposed to insult Messianic Jews, then it doesn't belong in an unbiased and neutral enclyopedia. 9. He wrongfully describes debates in Messianic Judaism concerning halacha for Gentiles. While Messianic Jews are working out some issues related to Gentiles, the examples the author gives are laughable. I've spent 10 years travelling around the world and interacting with the widest variety of Messianic Judaism. I know beyond any doubt this author has no idea what issues are really debated between Messianic Jews - especially concerning Gentiles. 10. Finally, I'd like to know why "See also" links include "Anti-Semitism" and the like. It seems to imply Messianic Judaism is an anti-semeitic group of Jews. Perhaps I am mistaken, but my misunderstanding here is legitimately based upon reading an entire article by somebody who obvioulsy wants to do everything possible to discredit Messianic Judaism and is capable of stooping so low as to equate them with anti-semitism and the like. KnessetP.R.Guy 19:35, 28 January 2006 (UTC) p.s. in anticipation of your friviouls attack against my integrity, OpenInfo; 1. I am writing this Motze Shabbat in Jerusalem and not during Shabbat (whether or not the time stamp shows something different); 2. Believe it or not, Israel is highly techologically advanced and most Knesset workers can and do have high speed connections in our homes. Radical though it may be for OpenInfo to accept, I probably have a much higher speed internet connection in my home than you have at your office; 3. Governing any country is NOT a 9-5 job (except maybe in Texas). The Knesset is open 24 hours a day for workers (though not the public). It is VERY common to be called to the office in the middle of the night, on Shabbat and Yamim Tovim. 5. I'll let you guess whether I'm writing from my home or office - my IP address is the same in both places.[reply]


It's nice to see someone following the Wikipedia rules, i.e. adding comments at the bottom, not deleting other person's comments, etc.

It's great to see how technologically advanced you are, and I'm sure you have a high speed internet connection at home. Not that I see what that has to do with the subject matter. Typical for Canada, my home connection is 7 megabits, which is about the same as the high speed in Israel. Our office connection is many times faster than than.

Anyways, my final word on this subject, is that if you are quoting the UJMC as the "authority" on Messianicism, then you should read my postings regarding the founders of that group. UJMC was founded entirely by Christian movements, therefore there is no way that it can be construed as a Jewish group.

There is no doubt that Jews are coerced into joining the UJMC, thinking that it is a Jewish movement. However, the UJMC, is just another Christian organization masquerading as Jewish.

OpenInfo 23:10, 28 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's UMJC not UJMC KnessetP.R.Guy 06:39, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Israeli Government in bed with Evangelical Christianity

The Israeli Government's official position on Evangelical Christianity does not exactly allow it to have a neutral P.O.V. on this issue. As we all are too well aware, the Messianic movement is almost entirely funded by Evangelical groups.

As this article from Christianity Today will prove [7], Israel needs strong ties with powerful Christian organizations in order to influence American Foreign Policy, and get the big bucks in U.S. funding (as well as the tourism $$).

Therefore, it will bow down to pressures from Messianic groups, who have a very powerful lobby. OpenInfo 01:19, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

1. Sounds like you're describing Rabbi Yechil Eckstein's ORTHODOX ministry IFCJ. 2. Your anti-Israel biases are coming through such comments. KnessetP.R.Guy 06:39, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]


I've reverted a whole spate of edits. I have been approached by persons wanting me to take sides in this argument; I have decided not to. What I have decided is to "freeze" the article for a few days, hoping that a consensus version will emerge on the talk page. Apart from minor edits, I am likely to revert any changes, representing ANY point of view, to the article for he next week or so. As I said, I'm not going to take sides. I'll declare my interest: I'm an evangelical Christian who is sympathetic to Messianic Judaism. I'm telling you that so that you know where I stand. I will NOT allow that POV to pervade the article however: this is not a propaganda bulletin, fan club, or online tract resource. In keeping with Wikipedias rules, we need to QUOTE all points of view (with REFERENCES). Any controversial POVs that are not sourced will be deleted. Frankly, the theological question of whether MJ is an expression of Judaism, or of Christianity, or of something else altogether, is not for Wikipedia to settle. If you can link assertions for such viewpoints to reputable sources, fine. But as an encyclopedia, WE are not going to answer that question. Until a consensus emerges, I'm locking the article. David Cannon 12:46, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

If you're claiming to be fair, then you should also keep the alert tag that lets the reader know there's a controversy being sorted out here.KnessetP.R.Guy 12:55, 29 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

==Good Faith Effort for a NPOV Article==

Below was the article I was trying to assemble before Cannon's lock. (I think your lock will only clutter this talk page.) A lot of subjects on the current article need to be moved to articles dealing with Christianity and Orthodox Judaism. I'm all for a brief and to-the-point article. I assume, however, OpenInfo and Eliezer want the article to express objections to Messianic Judaism. It is in the spirit of accomodating them that I tried preserving much of their original and lengthy article:

Messianic Judaism is a controversial religious movement which considers Yeshua or Jesus to be the Messiah.

While the movement did not officially adopt the Messianic Jewish label until the early 1970's, they trace their history to the First Century C.E. Ancient sources including the New Testament, Flavius Josephus and Talmud record the beginning of this religious expression over 300 years before the birth of Christianity. Since then, there has been an unbroken history of Messianic Judaism worldwide including; Ethiopia, India and Assyria (modern day Iraq & Iran). Messianic Jews assert there has been an unbroken history in Europe - most notably during the Spanish Inquisions. By the 1860's the Hebrew Christian Alliance had formed through the Church of England with the primary goal of evangelizing the Jewish people. This 19th century phenomenon evolved throughout the 20th century into postmodern Messianic Judaism.

Self Definition

In 2002, The Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC) published the statement, "Messianic Judaism is a movement of Jewish congregations and congregation-like groupings committed to Yeshua the Messiah that embrace the covenantal responsibility of Jewish life and identity rooted in Torah, expressed in tradition, and renewed and applied in the context of the New Covenant," ("Defining Messianic Judaism", p.3). The International Messianic Jewish Alliance (IMJA) and International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS) support this statement. These organizations represent over 95% of the global Messianic Jewish movement.

The Statement for Faith from the New Jerusalem Messianic Jewish Congregation is typical of Messianic theology. It follows the 13 Principles of Faith by Maimonides with Messianic Judaism's interpretations of principles three and twelve. Overall, the statement strictly follows the wording and description of the 13 Principles with the above-mentioned variations. The following three sections describe the controversy surrounding such a variation and interpretaion.

Critics of Messianic Judaism

While many Messianic Jews are ethnically Jewish (and as such would be considered Jews even by traditional Jewish standards), Messianic Judaism is not seen as a legitimate form of Judaism by its critics. Critics assert Messianic leaders are ordained clergy of various Christian denominations and a number of the Messianic clergy have no ethnic connection to Judaism. A number of Christian denominations, such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of God movement, actively plant Messianic congregations as part of their efforts to evangelize the Jewish people. At the present time, more than ten different Christian denominations count Messianic congregations as members of their denomination. Critics conclude Messianic Judaism has closer relations to Christians than Jews.

Jewish critics point out that the second and third princpiples of the Jewish faith by Maimonides state there is only one G-d who has no physical resemblance. They assert Messiah could not be divine. Therefore, Messianic Judaism could not be a legitimate expression of Judaism.

The relationship between the Messianic Movement and organized Christianity has been patchy, too. Many Evangelical and Pentecostal groups have welcomed and supported the movement and some have actively founded "Messianic" congregations. These congregations almost by definition begin at the far evangelical pole (if they can be considered Messianic at all), but often move towards the Torah pole. Some Christians, mostly liberal, feel that Messianic groups are guilty of false advertising. In 1977, for example, the Board of Governors of the Long Island Council of Churches (New York) accused Jews for Jesus of "engaging in subterfuge and dishonesty," and of "mixing religious symbols in ways that distort their essential meaning." The Jews for Jesus organization filed a lawsuit, which was ultimately rejected, against the 600-member council in the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan. (The New York Times, July 2, 1977). (In New York State, a Supreme Court is a general trial court equivalent to a District Court in most other states.)

Another organization critical of the Messianic Movement is the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington. In 1997 this group, comprising liberal Christian, as well as Jewish and Muslim leaders, put out a strongly worded statement, condemning the proselytization efforts of the Messianic Movement. Most Evangelicals reject the criticism and defend evangelism among Jews.

Some Evangelicals, however, have criticized the Messianic Movement on entirely different grounds. Some consider the movement to be "too Jewish" for holding on to parts of the Old Testament that many Christians believe are not applicable today. This criticism is not widespread in Evangelical circles, but appears to be growing, especially as the movement defines itself as a Judaism.

Supporters of Messianic Judaism

Supporters of Messianic Judaism compare the Apostles' Creed accepted by most Christian denominations with Maimonides' 13 Principles of Faith. They conclude Messianic Judaism more closely resembles the 13 Principles than the Apostles' Creed. Supporters also point out mainstream Messianic Judaism rejects the sola scriptura banner of Protestant Christianity. Unlike Protestant Christianity, Messianic Judaism allows similar authority to it's leaders to establish halacha as most expressions of Judaism. They point out Acts 15 as the first recorded example of this authority excercised by Messianic Jews.

While supporters admit the majority of the Jewish community inteprets the second and third of Maimonides' 13 principles similar to the Jewish critics; they point out messianic theology within Orthodox Jewish groups like Chabad and Bresslever Chassidim. Many in these groups believe their leaders; namely Rabbi Schneerson, Rabbi Nachman and Rabbi Israel Ben Odesser, will rise from the dead with similar divine authority as Messianic Jews ascribe to Yeshua. Supporters conclude the second and third principles of the Jewish Faith allows such a divergent interpretation.

Some supporters, especially humanistic Jews, hold that Messianic Judaism should be considered a viable approach to Judaism. Reconstructionist Rabbi Carol Harris-Shapiro wrote in her book Messianic Judaism that it could be considered an authentic branch of Judaism. Reform Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok, author of Messianic Judaism and editor of Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement, also regards it as a valid expression of Judaism.

Messianic Judaism and the Israeli Supreme Court

In 1989 the Beresford Case forced the Israeli Supreme Court to determine whether Messianic Judaism is a form of Christianity or Judaism. The judges analyzed evidence given both by critics and supporters of Messianic Judaism mentioned above. Supporters added to the body of evidence the results of the Dahaf Report, which represented the attitude of Israeli society in general. This report demonstrated an overwhelming support for Messianic Judaism and even a majority support for Jewish converts to Christianity. In a split vote, the judges ruled; while Messianic Judaism is not an expression of Christianity, it is also another religion distinct from Judaism. The 5/4 split ruling of the judges was a microcosm of the global controversy surrounding Messianic Judaism.

Messianic religions in general

The use of the term "Messianic" is not new. Diverse religious groups have messianic beliefs which are not compatible with what has come to be commonly referred to as Messianic Judaism. Most notably, Rabbinic Judaism, including all the modern Jewish denominations, have a variety of beliefs about a future Messianic Era. Some Jewish groups whose beliefs stress the messianic aspects are known in the literature as "Messianic Jews", but that is not the topic of this article. For messianic beliefs within traditional Judaism, see the entries on Jewish eschatology and Jewish Messiah.

Organization and beliefs

The organized Messianic Movement consists of approximately 200 congregations in the United States, with approximately one hundred thousand members. Global membership is more difficult to quantify; Messianic groups claim considerable growth in the past five to ten years in Israel, Russia, Ukraine, and even in Mexico and Argentina, but accurate statistics are difficult to come by. Estimates of the number of ethnic Jews who worship Jesus as the Messiah generally put the global figure at around a million, but only a minority of these are affiliated to any organized Messianic organization.

The Messianic Movement comprises several streams, each with its own views and emphases, but in general all consider it important to express their belief in Yeshua in a way consistent with their Jewish culture. The Messianic Movement as a whole can be seen as a mixed-continuum, with some Messianic organizations drawing more heavily from Jewish tradition, and others from Christian sources, to varying degrees.

The "Torah"-pole

The Messianic movement generally makes a determined effort to cling not only to Jewishness but also to Judaism, with the addition of Jesus. Adherents of this relious expression often consider Pagan Christianity to be an irrelevance; except on the question of who Jesus/Yeshua is. They regard themselves as having more in common with Judaism than with Christianity. They strictly observe the Sabbath and the dietary laws (Kashrut) of the Tanakh. Many of the number that follow this mindset ignore, and even oppose, celebration of such Christian festivals as Christmas and Easter because of their origination in Gnosticism and Paganism.

Aside from differences over the necessity of Torah observance, some Messianic groups have also adopted views of Yeshua that would not be acceptable to most Messianic groups. Some small movements believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, but do not accept that he is G-d. Some do not accept the Trinity as they do not believe that the Holy Spirit was a being but rather a force, while others also believe that Yeshua was G-d in the flesh. Most Messianic groups assert that Yeshua never intended to found another faith (Christianity). A small number believe Yeshua was only a human prophet, not Messiah or G-d. Such belief does not represent mainstream Messianic Judaism.

A small group rejected by mainstream Messianic Judaism is the Two-House Movement. These are people who claim to be mostly blood decedents from the Ten Lost Tribes. They form this belief from the claims of Ephraim mixing with many gentile groups and the prophecy that states Ephraim will become a multitude of nations. One notable verse is Deuteronomy 1:10-11 which says "HASHEM, the God of your fathers, make you a thousand times as many as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!". There are different degrees of Torah observance in this group as well with some bordering more towards Christianity like MIA (Messianic Israel Alliance) while others are closer to Judaism like YATI (Your Arms to Israel).

The major Messianic organizations reject those holding these positions, but are in turn criticised by these movements for pulling Jews away from Torah.

The Evangelical pole

The Hebrew Roots, Jewish Roots movement and Hebrew Christians are much more comfortable with the Evangelical Christian tradition, although they express it with a Jewish flavor. Jews for Jesus is one such group.

Perhaps the best known of the Evangelical groups, is the controversial Jews for Jesus organization, officially founded by the Baptist minister Martin Rosen, who prefers to be called "Moishe" Rosen, in 1973. This missionary outreach from the Baptist denomination is often mistaken with Messianic Judaism. Its stated aims are to educate Evangelicals concerning the Jewish origins of their Christian faith, and to, "We exist to make the Messiahship of Jesus an unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide," (http://www.jewsforjesus.org/about). Many of the mainstream Messianic movement do not consider the Jews for Jesus to be an actual Messianic organization.

Their theology, as reflected in their statements of faith, is solidly within the ambit of Evangelical Christianity. They believe in the inerrancy of the New Testament, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus alone, the divinity of Jesus whom they believe is Christ, and the Trinity. Believers of this school have a much closer affinity to Evangelical and Christianity than to any recognized branch of Judaism. They regard observance of the Sabbath and the Jewish dietary laws as entirely optional, although some of them do in fact try to observe them as an expression of their Jewish identity.

The Mainstream Messianic movement

Within the Messianic movement, both of the positions described above are widely regarded as extremes, but they demarcate the two poles of a continuum. Most Messianic believers see themselves as lying somewhere between the two extremes. The two largest Messianic organizations, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of North America (MJAA) and the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC), accept from both Jewish and Christian sources anything they see as scritpurally verifiable. The writings of theologians Dan Juster, and Paul Liberman two top leaders in the Messianic movement, have helped shape the direction of the mainstream Messianic Movement, with an uncompromising belief in the Trinity, but drawing heavily on Jewish sources to interpret the New Testament as well as the Tanakh (Old Testament).

Messianic Jews share with most Christians a belief that Yeshua will someday return to the earth and establish his kingdom here. Much more widespread among Messianics than Christians, however, is the belief that the return of Yeshua is dependent on his acceptance by the Jewish people. Many Messianics interpret Matthew 23:39 ("I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord'") to mean that the Jewish people, or at least a very significant number of them, must believe in Yeshua as the Messiah before he can come back.

A growing interest among some streams of Messianic Judaism is outreach to Gentiles, as well as Jews, in order to fulfill what they believe was G-d's original purpose for the Jewish people, to be G-d's model people and reveal the knowledge of the true G-d to the whole world. This also reflects an increasing attraction on the part of Gentiles to the Messianic movement. Some are attracted because they are in a relationship with a Jew and feel the movement is a "compromise" between Judaism and Christianity, but many are devout Christians who feel that the movement is a way to better appreciate the Hebrew roots of Christianity while still maintaining their faith. While Messianic Jews do not use the "Christian" label, Hebrew Christians do.

Religious practices

The following practices are common among Messianic Congregations. They reflect an effort to express their faith in Jesus as Messiah within Judaism.

Mainstream Messianic Judaism celebrate Jewish festivals, including Pesach (Passover), Hanukkah, Purim, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah and the Feast of Tabernacles, among Hebrew Christians, Hebrew Roots and Jewish Roots movements, however, many of them celebrate a Christian version of these holidays, in which Jesus is the main focus. For example, see Christian Passover

  • Although individual Messianics who have Christian relatives may celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc., to preserve family harmony, holidays added by the gentile Church are not officially recognized by Messianic Judaism.

Messianic Jews call their places of worship congregations, ke-hi-lot (Hebrew for congregations), synagogues, shuls, or Beit Knesset.

  • Many recognize that the Bible is a book in continuum, not a book divided into two sections, one of which called "old", while the other is called "new". They see the whole book as vibrant and relevant to modern life. In order to relate this, many use the term "Hebrew Scriptures" or Tanach for what Christians call the Old Testament, and the Hebrew term Brit Chadasha (meaning "New Covenant")
  • They use Hebrew Torah scrolls in their services.
  • They recite or cant (see cantillation) traditional Jewish prayers such as the Shema, Amidah, Aleinu, Kaddish, Kiddush, Motzi, Shehecheyanu, Adon Olam, Avinu Malkenu and the Birkhat-HaKohanim, also called the Priestly Blessing or the Aaronic Benediction.
  • Many wear kippot (Jewish head coverings), prayer shawls and tzitzit.
  • They call their clergy rabbis or teachers or "Congregational Leaders".
  • They perform the brit milah (covenant of circumcision) for Jewish male babies.
  • Unlike Catholicism and some Protestant denominations, some practice "believers only" baptism (no infant baptism) and only by immersion, not sprinkling or pouring. Others use the term mikvah teshuvah.
  • They refer to Jesus and to apostles by their Hebrew names. Thus, Jesus is called Yeshua (Y'shua), John is called Yochanan, Paul is called Sha'ul, James is called "Ya'akov", Peter is called "Shimon". etc.
  • Messianic Jews observe the Jewish dietary laws (kashrut). Among Messianic groups (but not Hebrew Christian groups), this is compulsory; it is held that the laws of kashrut are still G-d's will for Jews today. It is argued that faith in Yeshua should make them more Jewish, not less. While there is diversity among the groups related to Jews, neither Messianic Jews nor Hebrew Christians oblige Gentiles to keep Moses' standard of kashurt. However, most Messianic Jews say that Gentiles need to keep Noah's standard of kashrut. (see Acts 15)
  • Circumcision is not required for Gentile men to join (see Acts 15). However, Messianic Jews encourage Jewish males to be circumcised.

Messianic Judaism or Hebrew Christianity?

Messianic Jews consider their primary identity to be "Jewish" and belief in Jesus to be the logical conclusion of their "Jewishness". They try to structure their worship according to Jewish norms, and generally follow some parts of Jewish law. Many (but by no means all) do not use the label "Christian" to describe themselves.

Hebrew Christians identify themselves primarily as Christians. They are (mostly) members of Protestant and Catholic congregations, generally do not practice any aspects of Jewish law, and are typically assimilated culturally into the Christian mainstream, although they retain a strong sense of their Jewish identity which they, like Messianic Jews, strongly desire to pass on to their children. Though the boundary between the two movements is sometimes blurred, because of their differences they are often treated separately.

Concluding Remarks

Messianic Judaism is controversial in Jewish and Christian circles alike. They are a unique religious expression often mistaken with Jews for Jesus.

See also


Messianic websites

Counter Messianic websites

Some Essays About Messianics by Non-Messianics

Books on Messianic Topics

Brown, Michael L., Ph.D. (publisher: Baker Books)

  1. Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: General and Historical Objections (January, 2000), ISBN 080106063X
  2. Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Theological Objections (November, 2000), ISBN 0801063345
  3. Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus: Messianic Prophecy Objections (March, 2003), ISBN 0801064236
  4. (Per Brown, a fourth Answering Jewish Objections volume is in preparation)

Cohn-Sherbock, Rabbi Dan, ed.; Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement pub. Messianic Jewish Resources International (June, 2001); ISBN 1880226936

Feher, Shoshanah "Passing Over Easter: Constructing the Boundaries of Messianic Judaism" pub. AltaMira Press (1998); ISBN 0761989536; 0761989528 Fischer*, Rabbi John, ed.; The Enduring Paradox: Exploratory Essays in Messianic Judaism pub. Messianic Jewish Resources International (July, 2000); ISBN 1880226901

(* Earned degrees: B.S. in Bible, M.S. in Communications, M.A. in New Testament, B.J.S. in Jewish Thought, Ph.D. in Education/Religion--Dissertation: The Development of a Core Curriculum for a Messianic Jewish Yeshiva, Th.D. In Judaic Studies--Dissertation: Messianic Services for Festivals and Holy Days)

Juster, Daniel, Th.D.; Growing to Maturity: A Messianic Jewish Guide pub. Union of Messianic Congregations; 3rd ed. (1987); ISBN 0961455500

Kinzer, Mark Ph.D. (publisher: Brazos)

  1. Postmissionary Messianic Judaism (November 2005), ISBN 1587431521

Stern, David H., Ph.D., M.Div. (publisher: Messianic Jewish Resources International)

  1. Messianic Jewish Manifesto (May, 1988), ISBN 9653590022
  2. Jewish New Testament Commentary (October, 1992), ISBN 9653590111
  3. Complete Jewish Bible (June, 1998), ISBN 9653590154

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