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<ref>{{cite web|last=Weber|first=Joachim|title=HIGH FREQUENCY OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT-ISOLATED JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS IN CHILDREN WITH ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT NEED|url=http://www.eos2011.com/po.html|work=OP46 @ EOS 2011, Istanbul, Turkey|publisher=European Orthodontic Society|coauthors=Weber D., Tzaribachev N.|language=english}}</ref>

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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
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This article does not deal with the more general topic of childhood arthritis.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common form of persistent arthritis in children. (Juvenile in this context refers to an onset before age 16,[1] idiopathic refers to a condition with no defined cause, and arthritis is the inflammation of the synovium of a joint.)

JIA is a subset of arthritis seen in childhood, which may be transient and self-limited or chronic. It differs significantly from arthritis commonly seen in adults (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis), and other types of arthritis that can present in childhood which are chronic conditions (e.g. psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis). it is an auto immune disorder


The Terminology used is evolving, and each term has some limitations.

According to some sources, JIA replaces the term juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA).[2] Other sources still use the latter term.[3]

JIA is sometimes referred to as juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA),[4] a term that is not precise as JIA does not encompass all forms of chronic childhood arthritis.

A majority of cases is rheumatoid factor negative, which leads some to consider the "chronic" or "idiopathic" labels more appropriate.[5] However, if a cause was determined, then "idiopathic" may no longer be appropriate (making JIA a diagnosis of exclusion), and if the course was self-limited, then "chronic" may no longer be appropriate.

Adding to the confusion, the term rheumatoid itself lacks a consistent, unambiguous definition.

MeSH uses "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis" as the primary entry, and uses "chronic" and "idiopathic" in alternate entries.[6]

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of JIA are often non-specific initially, and include lethargy, reduced physical activity, and poor appetite.[7] The first manifestation, particularly in young children, may be limping. Children may also become quite ill, presenting with flu-like symptoms that persist. The cardinal clinical feature is persistent swelling of the affected joint(s), which commonly include the knee, ankle, wrist and small joints of the hands and feet. Swelling may be difficult to detect clinically, especially for joints such as those of the spine, sacroiliac joints, shoulder, hip and jaw, where imaging techniques such as ultrasound or MRI are very useful.

Pain is an important feature of JIA, but young children may have difficulty in communicating this symptom. Morning stiffness that improves later in the day is a common feature. Late effects of arthritis include joint contracture (stiff, bent joint) and joint damage. Children with JIA vary in the degree to which they are affected by particular symptoms.


Eye disease: JIA is associated with inflammation in the front of the eye (specifically iridocyclitis, a form of chronic anterior uveitis), which affects about one child in five who has JIA, most commonly girls.[8] This complication may not have any symptoms and can be detected by an experienced optometrist or ophthalmologist using a slit lamp. Most children with JIA are enrolled in a regular slit lamp screening program, as poorly controlled chronic anterior uveitis may result in permanent eye damage, including blindness.

Growth disturbance: Children with JIA may have reduced overall rate of growth, especially if the disease involves many joints or other body systems. Paradoxically, individually affected large joints (such as the knee) may grow faster, due to inflammation - induced, increased blood supply to the bone growth plates situated near the joints


JIA is a chronic disorder which if neglected can lead to serious complications. Proper follow up with health professionals can significantly reduce the chance of developing complications.[9]

Eyes can be affected in some types of JIA. The inflamed eyes if left untreated can result in glaucoma, scars, cataracts and even blindness. Often the eye inflammation occurs without symptoms and thus it is important for all children to get regular eye checkups from an eye physician.

Growth retardation is common in children with JIA. Moreover, the medications (corticosteroids) used to treat JIA have potent side effects that can limit growth.

Children who delay treatment or do not participate in physical therapy can often develop joint deformities of the hand and fingers. Over time hand function is lost and almost impossible to recover.


So far the actual cause of JIA remains a mystery. However, the disorder is autoimmune [10] - meaning that the body's own immune system starts to attack and destroy cells and tissues (particularly in the joints) for no apparent reason. It is believed that the immune system gets provoked by changes in the environment or perhaps there is an error in the gene. Experimental studies have shown that certain viruses that have mutated may be able to trigger JIA. JIA appears to be more common in young girls and the disease is most common in Caucasians.[11] Associated factors that may worsen or have been linked to rheumatoid arthritis include the following:

  • genetic predisposition; it appears that when one family member has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, the chances are higher that other family members or siblings may also develop arthritis
  • females are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than males at all ages
  • there is a strong belief that psychological stress may worsen the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. However, when the emotional stress is under control the arthritis symptoms do not always disappear suggesting that the association is not straightforward
  • even though no distinct immune factor has been isolated as a cause of arthritis, there are some experts who believe that the triggering factor may be something like a virus which then disappears from the body after permanent damage is done
  • because rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women, there is a belief that perhaps sex hormones may be playing a role in causing or modulating arthritis. Unfortunately, neither sex hormone deficiency nor replacement has been shown to improve or worsen arthritis.[12]

The cause of JIA, as the word idiopathic suggests, is unknown and currently an area of active research.[13] Current understanding of JIA suggests that it arises in a genetically susceptible individual due to environmental factors.[14]


The 3 major types of JIA are oligoarticular JIA, polyarticular JIA and systemic JIA.[15][16]

Oligoarticular JIAPolyarticular JIASystemic JIA


Oligoarticular (or pauciarticular) JIA affects 4 or fewer joints in the first 6 months of illness. Oligo means few.

Oligoarticular is used with JIA terminology, and pauciarticular is used with JRA terminology.[17]

Patients with oligoarticular JIA are more often ANA positive, when compared to other types of JIA.[18]

Accounts for about 50% of JIA cases. Usually involves the knees, ankles, and elbows but smaller joints such as the fingers and toes may also be affected. The hip is not affected unlike polyarticular JIA. It is usually not symmetrical, meaning the affected joints are on one side of the body rather than on both sides simultaneously. Children with pauciarticular JRA are at risk for developing a chronic iridocyclitis or an anterior uveitis, which is inflammation of the eye. This condition often goes unnoticed; therefore these children should be closely monitored by an ophthalmologist or optometrist, generally involving 6 monthly examination under a slit-lamp.[19]


Affecting 5 or more joints in the first 6 months of disease. This subtype can include the neck and jaw as well as the small joints usually affected. This type of JIA is more common in girls than in boys. Usually the smaller joints are affected in polyarticular JIA, such as the fingers and hands, although weight-bearing joints such as the knees, hips, and ankles may also be affected. The joints affected are usually symmetrical, meaning that it affects both joints on both sides of the body (such as both wrists.) Children with polyarticular JIA are also at risk for developing chronic iridocyclitis or uveitis (inflammation of the eye) and should also be monitored by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.[19] Rheumatoid factor may be positive in children with polyarticular JIA and is rarely positive in children with systemic JIA.


Is characterized by arthritis, fever and a salmon pink rash. Systemic JIA can be challenging to diagnose because the fever and rash come and go. It affects males and females equally, unlike the other two subtypes of JIA.

Systemic JIA may have internal organ involvement and lead to serositis (e.g. pericarditis).

It is also known as "systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis".[20]

A polymorphism in macrophage migration inhibitory factor has been associated with this condition.[21]

It is sometimes called "adolescent-onset Still's disease", to distinguish it from adult-onset Still's disease. However, there is some evidence that the two conditions are closely related.[22]

Other types

Some doctors include two other, less common forms: enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic JIA. Enthesitis is an inflammation of the insertion points of the tendons. This form occurs most often in boys older than 8, characteristically causes back pain, and is linked to ankylosing spondylitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Psoriatic JIA occurs most often in girls, in conjunction with psoriasis, although joint problems may precede the skin manifestations by several years.[7]


Diagnosis of JIA is difficult because joint pain in children can be from many other causes. There is no single test that can confirm the diagnosis and most physicians use a combination of blood tests, x rays and the clinical presentation to make an initial diagnosis of JIA. The blood tests measure antibodies and the rheumatoid factor. Unfortunately, the rheumatoid factor is not present in all children with JIA. Moreover in most children the blood work is usually normal. X rays are obtained to ensure that the joint pain is not from a fracture, cancer, infection or a congenital abnormality.

In most cases, fluid from the joint is aspirated and analyzed. This test often helps in making a diagnosis of JIA by ruling out other causes of joint pain.[23]


The treatment of JIA is best undertaken by an experienced team of health professionals, including pediatric rheumatologists, nurse specialists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists. Many others in the wider health and school communities also have valuable roles to play, such as ophthalmologists, dentists, orthopaedic surgeons, school nurses and teachers, careers advisors and, of course local general practitioners, paediatricians and rheumatologists. It is essential that every effort is made to involve the affected child and their family in disease education and balanced treatment decisions.

The major emphasis of treatment for JIA is to help the child regain normal level of physical and social activities. This is accomplished with the use of physical therapy, pain management strategies and social support.[24]

There have been very beneficial advances in drug treatment over the last 20 years. Most children are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and intra-articular corticosteroid injections. Methotrexate is a powerful drug which helps suppress joint inflammation in the majority of JIA patients with polyarthritis[citation needed] (though less useful in systemic arthritis).[25] Newer drugs have been developed recently, such as TNF alpha blockers, such as etanercept.[26] There is no controlled evidence to support the use of alternative remedies such as specific dietary exclusions, homeopathic treatment or acupuncture. However, an increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids proved to be beneficial in two small studies.[27][28]

Celecoxib has been found effective in one study.[29]

Other aspects of managing JIA include physical and occupational therapy. Therapists can recommend the best exercise and also make protective equipment. Moreover, the child may require the use of special supports, ambulatory devices or splints to help them ambulate and function normally.

Surgery is only used to treat the most severe cases of JIA. In all cases, surgery is used to remove scars and improve joint function.

Home remedies that may help JIA includes getting regular exercises to increase muscle strength and joint flexibility. Swimming is perhaps the best activity for all children with JIA. Stiffness and swelling can also be reduced with application of cold packs but a nice warm bath or shower can also improve joint mobility.[30]

Occupational therapy

The best approach to treating a child with JIA involves a team of medical professionals including a rheumatologist, occupational therapist (OT), physical therapist, nurse and social worker.[citation needed]

The role of the OT is to help children participate as fully and independently as possible in their daily activities or "occupations",[31] by preventing psychological and physical dependency. The aim is to maximize quality of life, and minimize disruption to the child’s and family’s life. OTs work with children, their families and schools, to come up with an individualized plan which is based on the child’s condition, limitations, strengths and goals. This is accomplished by ongoing assessments of a child’s abilities and social functioning. The plan may include the use of a variety of assistive devices, such as splints, that help a person perform tasks. The plan may also involve changes to the home, encouraging use of uninvolved joints, as well as providing the child and their family with support and education about the disease and strategies for managing it.[31] OT interventions will be changed depending on the progression and remission of JIA, in order to promote age-appropriate self-sufficiency. Early OT involvement is essential.


OTs can provide many strategies to assist children in their dressing routine. Clothes with easy openings and Velcro, as well as devices, such as buttonhooks and zipper pulls can be used. For children who have difficulty bending, a long handled reacher and sock aid is recommended. OTs may also show children how to sit during dressing so less strain is put on their joints.[32]

OTs can help children maintain cleanliness through recommending assistive devices. For children who have trouble reaching all areas of their body, a long handled sponge with a soft grip can be provided. If children find it difficult to sit in a bath or stand in a shower, an OT can prescribe a bath bench or bath seat to be installed to help the child remain in a pain free position. If tooth brushing is challenging, a toothbrush with a larger, soft grip or an electric toothbrush may be recommended. For flossing, a flosser with an adapted handle may be provided.[32] Long handled hairbrushes may be used by children who have difficulty reaching the back of their head. Razors handles can be adapted for easier grip, or an electric razor may be used for shaving. The OT can also show girls wishing to use make-up, ways of increasing the sizes of the handles of make-up application tools for easier grip.[32]

For children with pain in their hands and wrists, utensils and devices that are lightweight with large handles as well as other devices (such as angled knives, strap-on utensils, jar and bottle openers, turning handles, door knob extensions, etc.) can be provided to make the task easier, less painful and more enjoyable.[32] Tilted glasses can be used for children who have neck stiffness. Education can be provided about good eating habits that help control bone loss caused by inactivity and drug side effects. Occupational therapists provide a myriad of strategies to assist children with JIA in performing self-care tasks.


One of the best ways OTs can help children with JIA participate in activities with their friends is by helping them make their home exercise programs into play. Exercises are prescribed by both physiotherapists and OTs to increase the amount a child can move a joint and strengthen the joint to decrease pain and stiffness and prevent further limitations in their joint movements. OTs can provide children with age appropriate games and activities to allow the children to practice their exercises while playing and socializing with friends. Examples are crafts, swimming and non-competitive sports.[33]

OTs will often prescribe custom made orthotics which are devices that support and correct body position and function. Orthotics help keep the child’s body in good alignment. Orthotics reduce discomfort in the legs and back when the child participates in physical activities such as sports. Splints can be used to support the joints during activity, to reduce the child’s pain and increase participation in their preferred leisure activities. Resting splints may be prescribed for children to wear during the night to reduce swelling and stiffness in joints, allowing children to have less pain and stiffness while participating in play activities.[34] Furthermore, working splints are used to support the joint and relieve pain while working the with hands such as during crafts. A series of casts might be used to gradually extend shortened muscles allowing for increased participation in leisure activities.

OTs can help a child learn how to interact with their classmates and friends by collaboratively brainstorming strategies, role playing and modeling. OTs also help children see what activities they are good at and which ones give them difficulty. Furthermore, OTs can help children learn to communicate their pain to others. Benefits of OT treatment include: improved social interaction, improved self-confidence and a positive self-image. OTs can help children build friendships with other children suffering from similar diseases to help them feel less alone or less different from others. Many OTs run summer camps for children with similar diseases so children can get to know others with their disease.[35] Education sessions on JIA and leisure, and activities such as swimming, canoeing and nature trails are common.

For children who find that cool or damp weather make it hard to play with friends outside, OTs can give ideas for clothing that will keep the child warm and dry without limiting movement. An example of this is biking gloves which allow children to move their fingers while still keeping their hands warm, as opposed to large winter gloves which limit hand function.[35] Warm pajamas and electric blankets can reduce pain and improve sleep.


Children with JIA often require school activity modifications due to disease symptoms.[36] OTs can work with families and schools to improve attendance at school.[37] Therapists help children to succeed by providing ways for full participation at school by working with staff, taking part in activity planning and assessing the need for accommodations and adaptations.

OTs work with children, families and schools to develop strategies for helping children manage pain, stiffness and tiredness, which may sometimes limit their ability to participate in school related activities. A balanced plan will allow children to get enough activity that they do not stiffen up, but also enough rest that they do not tire. For example, a plan might be worked out with a teacher so a child will be allowed to stand and stretch during prolonged sitting, perform modified gym activities or take rest breaks during gym classes.[38] Other common management strategies taught by OTs include waking up early before school and taking a hot bath and then doing exercises to reduce stiffness and pain throughout the day. Using proper body movements when performing activities helps reduce strain on joints and thereby decrease pain and stiffness.[36] OTs can also teach children how to relax their muscles.

OTs may prescribe special equipment for children at school to make them more comfortable. Desks and chairs of a proper height for children are very important. The desk may have the ability to tilt into a comfortable position for writing. Pencils and pens with larger, softer grips can be used to make writing easier and less painful. Special keyboards may be prescribed to keep a child’s arms in a position that will reduce strain on joints when using a computer.[31] OTs can work with teachers to educate them about a child’s condition, limitations and ways they can help make school a positive experience for the child. Recommendations might include two sets of textbooks, one for home one for school, to prevent carrying a heavy load of books. Additional recommendations may involve a reduced amount of writing and typing, sitting on a chair instead of the floor, extra time to move between classes and extra time to complete assignments.

As teenagers become adults, OTs can start working with them regarding their future education and employment plans. OTs can assist teenagers in finding ways to tell their employers about their disease in a positive way. OTs can also help teenagers understand their rights as an employee with a disability. Assistance with obtaining funding for post-secondary education might be provided. OTs may help teenagers set up volunteering in the community, to gain experience and self-confidence in their abilities. It is important that teenagers with JIA understand how to take care of themselves and manage their disease when working full time or attending university. OTs can help teenagers develop strategies that will allow them to function at their greatest ability by taking care of their health.[39]


With proper therapy, some children do improve with time and lead normal lives. However, severe cases of JIA which are not treated promptly can lead to poor growth and worsening of joint function. In the last two decades, significant improvements have been made in treatment of JIA and most children can lead a decent quality of life. The prognosis of JIA depends on prompt recognition and treatment. Finally, it is important for both the child and family member to be educated about the disorder. The more educated the person, the better the care you can receive. Chronic JIA is no longer the dreaded disease where one remains home bound. Many children with JIA have gone on to play professional sports and have a variety of successful careers.[40]



JIA occurs in both sexes, but, like other rheumatological diseases, is more common in females. Symptoms onset is frequently dependent on the subtype of JIA (see Types of JIA) and is from the pre-school years to the early teenage years.


Juvenile idiopathic arthritis affects somewhere between 8 and 150 of every 100,000 children, depending on the analysis.[7] Of these children, 50 percent have pauciarticular JIA, 40 percent have polyarticular JIA and 10 percent have systemic JIA.


  1. ^ "Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): Joint Disorders: Merck Manual Professional". Retrieved 2008-12-15.
  2. ^ Ringold S, Burke A, Glass R (2005). "JAMA patient page. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis". JAMA. 294 (13): 1722. doi:10.1001/jama.294.13.1722. PMID 16204672.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
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  20. ^ "systemic onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
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  23. ^ "Juvenile Arthritis: Arthritis Is A Children's Disease Too". Retrieved 2010-04-19.
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  1. ^ Weber, Joachim. "HIGH FREQUENCY OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT-ISOLATED JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS IN CHILDREN WITH ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT NEED". OP46 @ EOS 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. European Orthodontic Society. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)