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==Use of E. G. White Manuscript Materials==
==Use of E. G. White Manuscript Materials==
During the later years of her life, Ellen White often drew upon her unique 50,000-page manuscript file in the preparation of published works. The White trustees have continued to draw upon this for the compilations made since her death. These manuscripts constitute an invaluable basic file of historical records and of counsel to the church. As of 2012, approximately half of these manuscripts and letters have been published in full, with about two thirds of the collection published in full or in part.<ref>Catalogue of Ellen White Letters and Manuscripts with Publication Details [http://www.scribd.com/doc/112415943/Ellen-White-Letters-and-Manuscripts-Files]</ref> In 2003, the copyright on the unpublished letters and manuscripts expired according to U.S. Copyright law and these materials are now legally in the public domain.<ref>[http://www.copyright.gov/pr/pdomain.html US Copyright Law for Unpublished Works]</ref>
During the later years of her life, Ellen White often drew upon her unique 50,000-page manuscript file in the preparation of published works. The White trustees have continued to draw upon this for the compilations made since her death. These manuscripts constitute an invaluable basic file of historical records and of counsel to the church.

While all of Ellen White’s writings are available for research, the unpublished letters, manuscripts, and other materials in the Ellen G. White files do not constitute a public archive. The sacred nature of the files generally and the confidential nature of many of the communications in the files require that they be cared for and used responsibly. Even manuscripts whose primary value is historical in nature must not be used in a solely secular manner.<ref>''The Desire of Ages'', p. 55: “Spiritual things are spiritually discerned”; see also {{bibleverse|1|Cor|2:14}}</ref> Because of this, during the first few decades following Ellen White’s death, careful policies governing the use and release of unpublished materials were set up, ultimately resulting in the publication of 21 volumes known as ''Manuscript Releases''. In recent years the earlier restrictive policies have been adapted to accommodate the needs of increased research. Between 1995 and 2001, the White Estate intended to release the unpublished writings on CD-Rom.<ref>Ellen White Unpublished Writings Planned for Release in 1990s by White Estate [http://www.scribd.com/doc/115749437/Ellen-White-Unpublished-Writings-Planned-for-Release-in-1990s-by-White-Estate]</ref> This work was completed in 2002, however for unknown reasons the project was abandoned and instead an annotation project was begun to release the documents with heavy annotations. The first volume of this project was announced in the [[Review and Herald]] 2005 as being near completion,<ref>[http://www.adventistreview.org/issue.php?id=47&action=print Review and Herald, 2005]</ref> but none have been released as of 2012.
While all of Ellen White’s writings are available for research, the unpublished letters, manuscripts, and other materials in the Ellen G. White files do not constitute a public archive. The sacred nature of the files generally and the confidential nature of many of the communications in the files require that they be cared for and used responsibly. Even manuscripts whose primary value is historical in nature must not be used in a solely secular manner.<ref>''The Desire of Ages'', p. 55: “Spiritual things are spiritually discerned”; see also {{bibleverse|1|Cor|2:14}}</ref> Because of this, during the first few decades following Ellen White’s death, careful policies governing the use and release of unpublished materials were set up, ultimately resulting in the publication of 21 volumes known as ''Manuscript Releases''. In recent years the earlier restrictive policies have been adapted to accommodate the needs of increased research.

Controversy over the restrictions placed upon the unpublished materials has existed since the early days of the White Estate. Gilbert Valentine reveals in his book 'The Struggle for the Prophetic Heritage' that Ellen White's son, W. C. White frequently disagreed over the policy voted by the other trustees and was even reprimanded when he prepared unauthorized compilations from these writings and distributed them. Claude Holmes, an employee of the Adventist periodical Review and Herald, had his employment terminated in 1917 after he convinced personnel that he had permission to access the materials and acquired hundreds of personal testimonies, including those addressed to the chairman of the trustees, A. G. Daniells.<ref>[http://sdanet.org/atissue/books/1919bc/hal-3.htm Burt Haloviak, 'In the Shadow of the Daily']</ref> In the 1950's, when Adventist pastors Robert J. Wieland and Donald K. Short were researching the [[1888 General Conference]], they were forbidden access to the manuscript vaults and were forced to conduct their research in privately held collections of the unpublished writings, over which the White Estate threatened legal action.<ref>[http://www.scribd.com/doc/22830461/Faith-on-Trial Faith on Trial, p. 14]</ref>

In 2012, the White Estate initiated legal action in Australia and the United States against individuals they believe hacked into their online archives and downloaded the unpublished manuscripts and letters.<ref>[http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/08/22/49525.htm Courthouse News, 'Adventists Claim Hacker Swiped Manuscripts']</ref> The group, calling themselves SDAnonymous, claim to represent the wishes of beneficiaries of Ellen White's will who wish to have unrestricted access to the writings. The group later began to compile and sell ebooks of these materials for a small price to Seventh-day Adventists who were eager to have these materials.<ref>Spectrum Magazine, 'White Estate Hacker Group SDAnonymous Issues Statement' [http://spectrummagazine.org/node/4719]</ref> Injunctions in the legal action have suspended this activity until the court case is decided. Negotiations have been attempted between SDAnonymous, led by lead defendant Brendan Knudson, and the White Estate to have the trustees take the initiative to release the materials and remove the reason for SDAnonymous existence.<ref>[http://www.scribd.com/doc/112303226/White-Estate-Lawsuit-Negotiation-Correspondence White Estate Lawsuit Negotiation Correspondence]</ref> A petition has been started online to show the public support among Seventh-day Adventists for the release of these materials.<ref>[http://www.change.org/petitions/the-ellen-white-writings-release-petition The Ellen White Writings Release Petition]</ref> Ironically, in taking recourse to civil legal action without initially trying to resolve things out-of-court, the White Estate have violated the teachings of Ellen White.<ref>Ellen White. Selected Messages, Volume 3, Chapter 37, 'Seventh-day Adventists and Lawsuits' [http://text.egwwritings.org/publication.php?pubtype=Book&bookCode=3SM&lang=en&pagenumber=299]</ref>

== List of chief officers ==
== List of chief officers ==
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* [http://www.whiteestate.org/ Ellen G. White Estate], the official Ellen White website
* [http://www.whiteestate.org/ Ellen G. White Estate], the official Ellen White website
** [http://www.whiteestate.org/about/estate.asp About the White Estate]
** [http://www.whiteestate.org/about/estate.asp About the White Estate]
** [http://egwdatabase.whiteestate.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=templates$fn=default.htm$vid=default The Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White] Online Search
** [http://www.whiteestate.org/books/mol/Appendix%20N.html#Appendix%20N Last Will and Testament of Ellen G. White] from ''Messenger of the Lord'' by [[Herbert Douglass]]
** [http://www.whiteestate.org/books/mol/Appendix%20N.html#Appendix%20N Last Will and Testament of Ellen G. White] from ''Messenger of the Lord'' by [[Herbert Douglass]]

Revision as of 04:49, 17 January 2013


The Ellen G. White Estate, Incorporated, or simply the (Ellen) White Estate, is organization created in 1933 by the five trustees named in Ellen G. White's last will and testament to act as the custodian of her writings, which are of importance to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Based at the General Conference in Silver Spring, Maryland, with which it works closely, the White Estate has branch offices and research centers at Adventist universities and colleges around the world.

The mission of the White Estate is to circulate Ellen White's writings, translate them, and provide resources for helping to better understand her life and ministry. At the Toronto General Conference Session in 2000, the world church expanded the mission of the organization to include a responsibility for promoting Adventist history for the entire denomination.


Other duties include handling her properties, "conducting the business thereof," "securing the printing of new translations," and the "printing of compilations from my manuscripts."[1] Her will, dated February 9, 1912, named five church administrators to serve as a board of trustees:[2] Arthur G. Daniells, William C. White, Clarence C. Crisler, Charles H. Jones, and Francis M. Wilcox. Appointment of the trustees was for life, Ellen White providing that “if a vacancy shall occur for any reason among said trustees, or their successors, a majority of the surviving or remaining trustees are hereby empowered and directed to fill such vacancy by the appointment of some other fit person”;[1] or if this provision were to fail, the General Conference Executive Committee should appoint someone to fill such a vacancy. The will dedicated the major portion of the existing and potential royalty incomes from her books to the work of the trustees.

At the death of Ellen White, July 16, 1915, this self-perpetuating board began to function. It soon sold Ellen White’s real estate, consisting mainly of Elmshaven, her home property near St. Helena, California, then began the continued care of her literary properties. Under the terms of the will, such responsibilities fell into three areas:

  • possession of the copyrights to her writings and the care and promotion of her books in the English language
  • preparation of manuscripts for, and the promotion of the translation and publication of her writings in other languages
  • custody of the files of manuscripts and other files, and the selection of matter from the Ellen G. White manuscript files for publication.

The board now carries a fourth responsibility, which has developed naturally through the years—acquainting Seventh-day Adventists and others with Mrs. White and her work.


The Original Board. When the board was organized in 1915, A. G. Daniells served as president. The secretaryship, after being held for a short time by C. C. Crisler, passed to W. C. White, the only member of the board devoting full-time to the work of the trustees. He filled this office until his death in 1937. From 1915 to 1937 the work was carried on at Elmshaven in a rented office building with a vault that was used to house the E. G. White materials.

During the 19 years they worked together, the original members, in addition to routine tasks, (1) published 10 posthumous compilations; (2) produced an 865-page Comprehensive Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White, published in 1926; (3) carried forward the thorough indexing of the Ellen G. White manuscript files; and (4) in counsel with the leading officers of the General Conference in 1933 and 1934, laid the foundation for continuing the trusteeship in perpetuity. The steps taken to ensure the perpetuation of the trusteeship were: (a) in 1933 the trustees, as the constituency, formed a corporation under the laws of the state of California “to carry out and perform the provisions of the charitable trust created by the last will and testament of Ellen G. White deceased”; (b) the General Conference agreed to provide adequate financial support for the work of the trustees in the form of an annual budget; the trustees, in turn, assigned to the General Conference all royalty incomes produced by the Ellen G. White books; (c) it was agreed to move the property and work of the trustees at some appropriate future time to Washington, D.C., thus placing it close to the world headquarters of the church.

Period of Transition

When three of the original trustees died—one in 1935 and two in 1936–the vacancies were filled in harmony with the provisions of the will and the bylaws of the 1933 corporation. The full-time secretary, W. C. White, died September 1, 1937. He was replaced by his son, Arthur L. White, who for nine years had served as his secretary and for four years as assistant secretary of the White Estate. The work of the White Estate was moved to the General Conference, Washington, D.C., in January, 1938.

Present Organization

With the demands upon them increasing steadily with the growth of the church and numerous constituencies to be represented, in 1950 the trustees increased the board’s membership from five to seven, and in 1958 amended the bylaws of the corporation to provide for a constituency and board of nine, seven to be life members and two to be elected for a term corresponding to that of General Conference elected personnel (originally four years, but now five). In 1970 the board was increased to 11; in 1980, to 13; and, in 1985, to 15. The number of life members is currently five. At quinquennial meetings the board also elects the secretary and associate secretaries, as well as officers of the corporation, as provided for in the bylaws. Relationship to General Conference. Through the years a close working relationship has obtained between the White trustees and the General Conference. Most of the trustees are members of the General Conference Executive Committee. Various matters, such as promoting the overseas publication of the Ellen G. White material, appropriation of funds to assist in the foreign language publication of Ellen G. White books, and overall planning of Spirit of Prophecy promotion, including preparation of materials for the annual Spirit of Prophecy Sabbath, although intimately related to the work of the White trustees, are beyond the sphere of their direct responsibility. These are handled by the General Conference Committee through a sub-committee known as the Spirit of Prophecy Committee. This committee includes several of the White trustees. The duties of this subcommittee and the working relationship between the General Conference Committee and the White Estate are currently set forth in a joint agreement adopted by the General Conference Committee and the White Estate trustees on October 10, 1957. There is an interlocking and at times overlapping of responsibilities; nevertheless, a smooth and efficient working relationship between the two organizations is maintained.

Routine Work

The paid staff members:

  1. safeguard and maintain the records in the custody of the trustees, and the indexes thereto, in such a manner as to serve the church
  2. handle the copyrights to the Ellen G. White works
  3. conduct such research in these works and the related historical materials as may be called for
  4. respond to questions that may be directed to the White Estate in personal interviews and in a worldwide correspondence
  5. assemble, when authorized by the trustees, materials for compilations from Ellen G. White’s writings
  6. foster, in conjunction with the Spirit of Prophecy Committee, the ever-widening publication of these writings in various languages and at times make selections or abridgments as called for and authorized
  7. fill assignments in church, institutional, and field visitation as the needs and best interests of the advancing work of the church require
  8. conduct tours of historical sites of denominational interest, especially in the New England states
  9. prepare articles, correspondence lessons, and text materials.

Productions of special value to the church include the four-volume Comprehensive Index to the Writings of Ellen G. White (1962, 1992); the six-volume facsimile reprints of the Ellen G. White Present Truth and Review and Herald articles; the four-volume Ellen G. White Signs of the Times articles; the Ellen G. White Youth’s Instructor articles; the Periodical Resource Collection volumes; the six-volume biography of Ellen G. White, by Arthur L. White; and The Published Writings of Ellen G. White on Compact Disc (CD-ROM), a tool of inestimable value to users of computers.

Branch Offices and Research Centers

Beginning in 1974 the White Estate began to set up "Ellen G. White-SDA Research Centers" on the campuses of Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities. These offices contain duplicates of the Ellen White documents and other historical materials housed in the main office at General Conference headquarters. The three branch offices are located at:

It has local research centers around the world, including a center opened in 2004 at

and 14 others outside North America, in:

Use of E. G. White Manuscript Materials

During the later years of her life, Ellen White often drew upon her unique 50,000-page manuscript file in the preparation of published works. The White trustees have continued to draw upon this for the compilations made since her death. These manuscripts constitute an invaluable basic file of historical records and of counsel to the church.

While all of Ellen White’s writings are available for research, the unpublished letters, manuscripts, and other materials in the Ellen G. White files do not constitute a public archive. The sacred nature of the files generally and the confidential nature of many of the communications in the files require that they be cared for and used responsibly. Even manuscripts whose primary value is historical in nature must not be used in a solely secular manner.[3] Because of this, during the first few decades following Ellen White’s death, careful policies governing the use and release of unpublished materials were set up, ultimately resulting in the publication of 21 volumes known as Manuscript Releases. In recent years the earlier restrictive policies have been adapted to accommodate the needs of increased research.

List of chief officers

The two chief officers of the board are the chair and the secretary. The chair is also president of the corporation. The secretary serves not only as secretary of the board but as executive secretary of the organization, being responsible for the day-to-day operations of the office and staff. Beginning in 1915, when the terms of Ellen White’s will went into effect, the White Estate has had 10 chairs and 7 secretaries. During the first meeting of the White Estate board, Oct. 28-29, 1915, the trustees elected A. G. Daniells as the first chair, but at the next meeting on Nov. 22, 1915, elected F. M. Wilcox. At that same meeting (Oct. 28-29, 1915) they elected C. C. Crisler who served as the secretary until July 27, 1917, when W. C. White replaced him.



See also


  • "From Z File to Compact Disk: The Democratization of Ellen White Sources" by Ronald Graybill. Unpublished paper, 1988
  1. ^ a b "Ellen G. White Estate". Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. Review and Herald Publishing Association. 1996.
  2. ^ Appendix N: Last Will and Testament of Ellen G. White
  3. ^ The Desire of Ages, p. 55: “Spiritual things are spiritually discerned”; see also 1 Cor 2:14

Further reading

  • The Struggle for the Prophetic Heritage, by Gilbert Valentine, ISBN 974-8343-00-6