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* [http://www.crtc.gc.ca/ Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)]
* [http://www.crtc.gc.ca/ Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)]
* [http://fixppp.org/ Tomato/MLPPP]
* [http://fixppp.org/ Tomato/MLPPP]
* [http://www.bravotelecom.com/en-CA/residential/internet-phone-residential.php unlimited internet canada] - Offers unbeatable unlimited internet Canada solo plans and telephone solo plans for more informations and discounts.
{{North America topic|Network neutrality in}}
{{North America topic|Network neutrality in}}

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Net neutrality in Canada is a hotly debated issue. In Canada, Internet service providers (ISPs) generally provide Internet service in a neutral manner, some notable exceptions being Bell Canada's, Eastlink's, Shaw, and Rogers Hi-Speed Internet's throttling of certain protocols and Telus' censorship of a specific website critical of the company.

History of net neutrality in Canada

In 2005, when Telus blocked access to labour union blogs during an employee strike, the question of net neutrality became more prominent.[1]

In March 2006, the federal government updated the Telecommunications Policy Objectives and Regulation with new objectives to focus on three broad goals:

  • promoting affordable access to advanced telecommunications services in all regions of Canada, including urban, rural and remote areas
  • enhancing the efficiency of Canadian telecommunications markets and the productivity of the Canadian economy
  • enhancing the social well-being of Canadians and the inclusiveness of Canadian society by meeting the needs of the disabled, enhancing public safety and security, protecting personal privacy and limiting public nuisance through telecommunications networks.[2]

In November 2008, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) scheduled a review of the internet traffic management of ISPs and is still in the review process. The CRTC took comments from the public until Monday, February 23, 2009.[3]

Types of net control

Bandwidth throttling

Typically an ISP will allocate a certain portion of bandwidth to a neighbourhood, which is then sold to residents within the neighbourhood. It is common practice for ISP companies to oversell the amount of bandwidth as typically most customers will only use a fraction of what they're alloted.[4] By overselling, ISP companies can lower the price of service to their customers per gigabit alloted. On some ISPs, however, when one or a few customers use a larger amount than expected, the ISP company will purposely reduce the speed of that customer's service for certain protocols,[5] thus throttling their bandwidth. This is done through a method called Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), which allows an ISP to detect the type of traffic being sent and throttle it if it is not high priority and using a large fraction of the bandwidth.[6] Bandwidth throttling of certain types of traffic (i.e. peer-to-peer file sharing) can be scheduled during specific times of the day to avoid congestion at peak usage hours. As a result, customers should all have equal internet speeds.[7]

Encrypted data may be throttled or filtered causing major problems for businesses that use Virtual Private Networks (VPN)s and other applications that send and receive encrypted data.[8]

IP blocking

IP blocking by an ISP company is purposely preventing its Internet service customers access to a specific website or IP address. In Canada, certain ISP companies have been found to block certain websites. While some blocking (e.g., of child pornography sites) is considered acceptable or required[9] and is even stated in an ISP company's acceptable Internet use policy.[10] ISP companies have absolute control over the content transmitted over their wires, without adequately informing service subscribers,[11]


Telus vs. Telecommunications Workers Union

In July 2005, while its union workers were striking, Telus blocked its subscribers access to 'Voices for Change'—a community website run by and for Telecommunications Workers Union (TWU) members.[12] Telus claimed that the site suggested striking workers to jam Telus phone lines, and posted pictures of employees crossing the union picket lines. A Telus spokesperson said advocating jamming lines hurts the company (and its customers), and access to those kinds of pictures threatened the privacy and safety of employees.

Telus said in news release that it would unblock access to the website only when all postings, including photographs, posted with the intent of intimidating or threatening Telus employees had been removed as ordered in an Alberta court injunction.[13]

Bell Canada traffic shaping

On April 3, 2008, the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) requested that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) require Bell Canada to immediately cease its traffic shaping and Internet traffic throttling.[14][15] On November 20, 2008, the CRTC ruled that Bell's traffic shaping was not discriminatory, as they were applied to both wholesale and retail customers. The CRTC also called for public to ensure that that network management practices are administered fairly in the future.[16]

On May 28, 2008, the federal New Democratic Party (NDP) introduced a private member's bill, C-552,[17] to the House of Commons that would entrench the principle of "net neutrality" and enact rules to keep the Internet free from interference by service providers.[18] This bill died on the order paper at 1st reading on September 7, 2008, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper asked the Governor-General for the dissolution of the 39th Session of Parliament.

On June 8, 2008, a private member's bill, C-555,[19] entitled "The Telecommunications Clarity and Fairness Act" was introduced by Liberal MP David McGuinty (Ottawa South) that sought to undertake, among other things, "an assessment of network management practices that favour, degrade or prioritize any packet transmitted over a broadband network based on source, ownership or destination". Like the NDP bill, this proposed legislation fell after the 39th Parliament was dissolved by the Prime Minister.

A new decision on January 25 of 2011, the CRTC (Canadian Radio, Television, Telecommunications Commission) ruled that usage-based billing could now be introduced. CRTC Prime Minister Harper signaled that the government may be looking into such a ruling: "We're very concerned about CRTC's decision on usage-based billing and its impact on consumers. I've asked for a review of the decision".[20] Some have suggested that this adversely affects net neutrality, since it discriminates against media that is larger in size, such as audio and video.[21] The new ruling significantly throttles the availability of access by small business owners as they would have to pay for services.

Arguments for and against


SaveOurNet.ca Coalition

Led by Steve Anderson and the Non-profit organization OpenMedia.ca the SaveOurNet.ca is a coalition of citizens, businesses, and public interest groups fighting to protect our Internet's level playing field. We're calling on lawmakers and industry to protect openness, choice, and access for ALL Canadians — and stopping lobbyists and special interests from ruining Canada's Internet.

The “SaveOurNet.ca coalition” launched in May 2008 consisting of public interest groups, labour, businesses and individuals. The SaveOurNet.ca Coalition began providing information about the issue of net neutrality, rallied the public to support the CAIP submission, and helped organize a net neutrality rally on Parliament Hill in May 2008.

In 2009, there were SaveOurNet.ca “Open Internet Town Hall” events in four cities, and over 12,000 citizen comments calling for net neutrality were sent to the CRTC. Formal submissions sent to the CRTC were overwhelmingly in favour of net neutrality, with stakeholders ranging from consumer groups (the Public Interest Advocacy Centre), labour (the National Union of Public and General Employees), cultural groups (the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) and domestic and international businesses (Zip.ca, Open Internet Coalition). OpenMedia.ca (then called the Campaign for Democratic Media, CDM) and the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) made a submission including support from one of the original architects of the Internet, Dr. David Reed of MIT, and network experts Dr. Andrew Odlyzko of the Minnesota Internet Traffic Studies (MINTS) project, and Bill St. Arnaud, Chief Research Officer for CANARIE Inc., Canada’s Advanced Internet Development Organization.

Wholesale Internet Service Providers

TekSavvy Solutions Inc., Velcom, Acanac Inc. argue that throttling by Bell Canada at the ISP level makes it difficult to differentiate their services against Bell Canada, concerning issues about Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) and security, and the quality of service.[22] According to TekSavvy Solutions Inc., Bell Canada’s congestion report to the CRTC shows that the “data suggests no congestion problems for at least 95 percent of the network in Ontario and Quebec.”[23] Wholesale ISPs do not throttle bandwidth,[24] but since wholesalers do not have a full network infrastructure, they rely on Bell Canada’s network for the last stretch of cabling to customers. When Bell Canada receives packets on the network, it may be throttled, slowing down the connection between the wholesale ISP and the customer.

TekSavvy Solutions Inc. and Velcom support MLPPP which circumvents Bell Canada's throttling.[25]

Content providers

Yahoo! and Microsoft argue that net neutrality law is necessary because without such a law ISPs will destroy the free and open nature of the Internet and also create a tiered, dollar-driven net that favours the wealthiest corporations over everyone else.[26]

Michael Geist

Michael Geist has been writing about net neutrality in The Toronto Star. When he had an interview with CARTT.CA, he said that "from a policy and law perspective, we ought to be thinking about what kind of rules the government might consider to help facilitate some of that."[27]

Political parties

The federal NDP has been a vocal advocate of the principles behind net neutrality, with MP Charlie Angus (Timmins—James Bay) whose role of digital spokesperson[28] for his party has drawn attention to this and other related issues, such as copyright reform. Mr. Angus has raised this issue many times in the House of Commons and in committee.

On June 18, 2009, federal Liberal Party MP Marc Garneau (Westmount—Ville-Marie), the Official Opposition critic for Industry, Science and Technology,[29] declared Liberal support for Network Neutrality during Question Period by asking the Conservative Government to do the same.[30] Until this point, the Liberals had been mostly silent on the issue.[31]

As of June 18, 2009, the ruling federal Conservative Party under Stephen Harper (Calgary Southwest) remains non-committal, contending that free market competition is more favourable than regulation.[32]

While the current position of the Bloc Québecois remains unclear, former Bloc MP Paul Crête (Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup) has come out in support of net neutrality.[33]

The Green Party of Canada states its support for net neutrality in its policy statement.[34]


Bell Canada

A spokeswoman for Bell Canada, Jacqueline Michelis said "Our position on network diversity/neutrality is that it should be determined by market forces, not regulation"[35] in an e-mail to The Canadian Press.


  1. ^ Perry&Margoni. "Interpreting Network Discrimination in the CRTC and FCC". ssrn.com. Retrieved 2011-09-07.
  2. ^ "Telecommunications Policy Objectives and Regulation". Government of Canada. March 20, 2006. Retrieved 2008-07-31.
  3. ^ "2008-11-20 - #: 8646-C12-200815400 - Public Notice 2008-19 - Review of the Internet traffic management practices of Internet service providers". Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. November 20, 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  4. ^ iNetPublication.com. "Unlimited Bandwidth and Overselling". Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  5. ^ "Net neutrality: FAQ The battle over whether the Internet will remain open in Canada has begun in earnest". CBC News. April 1, 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  6. ^ "Michael Geist - Bell's 'Throttling' Plan a Threat to a Competitive Net". Michael Geist. April 1, 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  7. ^ "Michael Geist - Bell's 'Throttling' Plan a Threat to a Competitive Net". Michael Geist. April 1, 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  8. ^ Geist, Michael (April 16, 2007). "ISP must come clean on `traffic shaping'". The Toronto Star. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  9. ^ http://www.protectchildren.ca/app/en/
  10. ^ Shaw Communications (June 18, 2007). "Acceptable Use Policy Internet". Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  11. ^ Perry&Margoni. "Interpreting Network Discrimination in the CRTC and FCC". ssrn.com. Retrieved 2011-09-07.
  12. ^ "Telus cuts subscriber access to pro-union website". CBC News. July 24, 2005. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  13. ^ "Alberta court grants interim injunction against posting TELUS employee photos". TELUS media relations. July 28, 2005. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  14. ^ "2008-04-03 - #: 8622-C51-200805153 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) - Application requesting certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from throttling its wholesale ADSL Access Services". Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. April 3, 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  15. ^ "Canadian CAIP Cries Internet Foul". eCanadaNow. April 14, 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-28.
  16. ^ "CRTC Allows BCE Traffic Shaping, Calls for Further Debate on Net Neutrality". Telecommunications Industry News. November 22, 2008. Retrieved 2008-11-24.
  17. ^ "C-552 Private Member's Bill". House of Commons of Canada. Retrieved 2008-07-27.
  18. ^ "NDP to introduce 'net neutrality' private member's bill". CBC News. May 27, 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  19. ^ "C-555 Private Member's Bill". House of Commons of Canada.
  20. ^ Chase, Steven; Marlow, Iain (2011-02-01). "Harper steps into Web dispute - The Globe and Mail". The Globe and Mail. Toronto.
  21. ^ Pinto, Lindsey. "What does Usage-Based Billing mean for Net Neutrality?". Retrieved 4 July 2011.
  22. ^ "Michael Geist - Bell's 'Throttling' Plan a Threat to a Competitive Net". Michael Geist. April 1, 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  23. ^ "Bell's Congestion Problem". neutrality.ca. June 25, 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  24. ^ "Tomato/MLPPP - About". fixppp.org. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  25. ^ "Tomato/MLPPP". fixppp.org. Retrieved 2009-02-22.
  26. ^ "Battle over 'net neutrality' arrives in Canada". CBC News. November 2, 2006. Retrieved 2008-07-28.
  27. ^ "Michael Geist on Net Neutrality". cartt.ca. September 11, 2007. Retrieved 2008-07-29.
  28. ^ "NDP calls for net neutrality". CBC News. 2008-04-21.
  29. ^ "Monsieur Marc Garneau Westmount--Ville-Marie". liberal.ca. 2009.
  30. ^ "Liberals speak out in support of net neutrality (Press release)". liberal.ca. 2009-06-19.
  31. ^ "Liberals called on to support net neutrality". CBC News. 2008-04-28.
  32. ^ Geist, Michael (2007-02-12). "Bernier's troubling stand on net neutrality". Toronto Star. Retrieved 2010-05-20.
  33. ^ "Edited Hansard, No. 105". House of Commons of Canada.
  34. ^ "Supporting the free flow of information". greenparty.ca. Retrieved 2010-06-07. [dead link]
  35. ^ "Battle over 'net neutrality' arrives in Canada". CBC News. November 2, 2006. Retrieved 2008-07-28.