Olive (color)
Olive is a dulled, darker yellowish-green color typically seen on green olives. It can be formed by adding a little black to yellow dye or paint. As a color word in the English language, it is unexpectedly old, appearing in late Middle English. Shaded green, it becomes olive drab.
Usage, symbolism, colloquial expressions
Olive | |
Color coordinates | |
Hex triplet | #808000 |
sRGBB (r, g, b) | (128, 128, 0) |
HSV (h, s, v) | (60°, 100%, 50%) |
CIELChuv (L, C, h) | (52, 57, 86°) |
Source | HTML/CSS[1] |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
Sometimes people are said to be "olive-skinned", to denote shades of medium toned white skin with small hints of yellow and green. Olive can also be referred to as dark yellow.
In religion, olive is sometimes used as a Church color during Ordinary Time.
Shades of olive, such as Olive Drab, are frequently used for camouflage, or by the military in general. The complementary color of olive is lavender.