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List of Friday the 13th characters

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The following are major fictional characters in the series of slasher films Friday the 13th.


Alice Hardy

Alice Hardy is the final girl in the original Friday the 13th, played by Adrienne King. She is one of seven camp counselors hired by Steve Christy to reopen and work at Camp Crystal Lake. On Friday the 13th, the counselors are murdered one-by-one by a mysterious prowler. Alice is eventually left alone, the sole survivor, and is discovered by Pamela Voorhees. Mrs. Voorhees explains to Alice how her young son Jason drowned at the camp several years ago, and reveals herself to be the killer. After a long chase and a brief struggle, Alice is finally able to decapitate Mrs. Voorhees with a machete, before passing out in a canoe on the lake. There, she suffers a nightmare in which Jason's decayed corpse drags her underwater. When the police arrive and she tells them her story, they explain that they did not find a boy, to which she replies "Then he's still there..." [1]

Alice makes a brief reappearance in the opening scene of Friday the 13th Part 2, where she is stabbed in the temple with an ice pick by an adult Jason Voorhees, who evidently survived his childhood drowning. Later in the movie, Paul explains how Alice went missing and blood was found in her apartment. Her decomposed body is later seen in Jason's shack. [2]

Alice and her encounter with Pamela Voorhees and her death at Jason's hands are mentioned in the first issue of Wildstorm's Friday the 13th comic series. Alice also appears in a flashback in the final issue of the series, which depicts Jason's attack on her from the first film, with it being implicated that the attack had actually taken place, and wasn't simply a hallucination.

Adrienne King has stated she did not see the character of Alice as a victim, instead describing it as an "empowering position" due to her survival in the first film. [3]

As a part of their House of Horror division, New Line Cinema has released a screen grab statuette of Alice, which depicts the hallucination of Jason attacking her from the ending of Friday the 13th. [4] Alice's decayed corpse also comes as an accessory to the model of Jason's shrine to his mother from Friday the 13th Part 2 also released by New Line Cinema's House of Horror. [5]


Billy Boone

Billy Boone is a character from the novel Friday the 13th: Mother's Day. A high-school drop-out and prankster, Billy invites his friends and on and off girlfriend Carly McDonnell to Camp Crystal Lake on Friday the 13th, not telling them about the camp's violent history, which they only learn of while travelling to the camp. When Jason-possessed hunter Joe Travers begins to rampage through Camp Crystal Lake and kills all his friends, Billy encounters him several times, narrowly escaping him each time. Finding Carly as Joe tries to kill her, Billy fights him off and, along with Carly, tries to escape him on his motorcycle. While riding away, Billy dies after Joe shoots him multiple times from afar with his shotgun. [6] In the later novel Friday the 13th: Jason's Curse, Billy reappears as a malevolent ghost haunting Camp Crystal Lake. When his sister, Kelly Boone ventures to the camp with some friends to hunt Jason, Billy's ghost antagonizes them, doing acts such as leading Jason's newest host, Big Red Gleason, to them. Billy's spirit is vanquished when his sister destroys his corpse using Big Red's lucite prosthetic leg. [7]

Big Red Gleason

Big Red Gleason is the main antagonist of the novel Friday the 13th: Jason's Curse. An inhabitant of the Crystal Lake area, Big Red is a 45-year old mentally retarded man with a scarred face and missing eye and leg, injuries which have been sustained from abuse by his family. While fishing in Crystal Lake, Big Red discovers the hockey mask of Jason Voorhees and puts it on, which places him under the influence of Jason's soul. Setting out to kill all those he percieves as having hurt him, Big Red kills his parents, uncle and toddler nephews before beginning to murder a group of teenagers who have come to Camp Crystal Lake in search of Jason, with the help of the ghost of Billy Boone. After all her friends are murdered, Kelly Boone, despite being severally injured, manages to kill Big Red, shooting and impaling him before managing to hack him apart with an axe. Unlike the other character influenced by Jason in the Eric Morse novels, Big Red retains some level of his humanity, showing hesitation and unease about his actions several times. [7]


Carly McDonnell

Carly McDonnell is the final girl in the novel Friday the 13th: Mother's Day. After the death of her father when she was a toddler, Carly is left alone with her overprotective mother, who shelters her constantly, causing Carly to long for more personal freedom. Going on a trip with her friends and her boyfriend Billy Boone to Camp Crystal Lake on a Friday the 13th, Carly and her friends are at first oblivious to the legends surrounding the place, only being told about the Voorhees family enroute to the camp. It is there that Carly encounters Joe Travers, a hunter who kills all her friends while under the influence of Jason Voorhees' hockey mask and the reanimated head of Pamela Voorhees. After several attempts to flee from Joe and Pamela fail, Carly fights back, using Joe's own shotgun to blast Pamela's head apart before stabbing Joe to death. After killing Joe, Carly tears Jason's mask from his face and tosses it into a stream. [6]

A minor mention of Carly is made in the novel Friday the 13th: Jason's Curse, which reveals that after her experience at Camp Crystal Lake, she has managed to get her life back on track. [7]

Crazy Ralph

File:Crazy Ralph.jpg
Crazy Ralph, as played by Walt Gorney.

Crazy Ralph is a character from both Friday the 13th and Friday the 13th Part 2, played by Walt Gorney. A man who lives in the Crystal Lake area, Ralph rides around on his bicycle telling people to stay away from Camp Crystal Lake (which he refers to as Camp Blood) or they will be killed, claiming he was sent by God to warn people of the campground's "curse", always saying "Doomed. You're all doomed!" [1] Ralph is murdered in Friday the 13th Part 2 by Jason Voorhees, who strangles him with a length of barb wire and stuffs his body in a freezer, where Ginny Field discovers it. [2] [8]

Victor Miller claims that "the function of Crazy Ralph is to set the tone for this horrible geographic area." [3] Miller also states that in the original screenplay for Friday the 13th, Ralph was known as "Ralphie the Rat Boy" and describes the character as "one of those crazies you see in Deliverance, a demented person who knows the truth, a character who gives you the sense that the world you're in is not what it seems, a soothsayer right out of Shakespeare. Most people think people like Ralphie are nuts, but they are closer to reality in some ways than the 'normies'." [9]

An unnamed character similar to Crazy Ralph in appearance and demeanor appears in the Jason vs. Leatherface comic miniseries, warning workers of Linhart Amalgamated that by dredging and draining Crystal Lake they will disturb Jason. [10]

Horror film studio Crazy Ralph Films takes it's name from Ralph. Additionally, a reference is made to Ralph in Marvel Comics miniseries Marvel Knights: 4, where the Fantastic Four meet an eccentric man while camping with several children; after talking with the man, the Thing compares him to the "old coot who warns the campers to go home" from the Friday the 13th films. [11]

Chris Higgins

Chris Higgins is the final girl in Friday the 13th Part III, played by Dana Kimmell. A teenage girl who lives in the Crystal Lake area, she returns to her home two years after a traumatic event occurred there. It is later revealed through flashback that Chris survived an attack by a disfigured man who turns out to be Jason Voorhees. Jason, who is still living in the forest, attacks her again at her summer home and murders her friends. Chris manages to hit Jason in the head with an axe, before suffering a hallucination of Mrs. Voorhees dragging her into the lake, similar to the ending of the first Friday the 13th. She is then taken away by the police, severely traumatized. [12]

In an alternate ending of Friday the 13th Part III and in the 1982 novelization of the film, Chris' fate is changed; after hearing her boyfriend Rick's voice while canoeing to safety, Chris follows it to a cabin, only to be dismembered by Jason, who is waiting inside. [13]


Elias Voorhees

Elias Voorhees, as he appears in Jason vs. Leatherface #2, the first depiction of the character; the comic book version of Elias notably differs in several regards from the version described in Tom McLoughlin's original draft of Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives.

Elias Voorhees (or simply Mr. Voorhees) is the husband of Pamela Voorhees, who he fathered Jason Voorhees with sometime in the 1940's.

Virtually nothing is known about the character, making him one of few mysteries surrounding Jason in the series. The nature of Elias is much debated among fans largely due to what little information is given in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, which is the first installment to touch upon the character in any way. Though the scenes involving Elias were edited out of the theatric cut (but preserved in the novelization), it nevertheless is, to date, the most information given on the character.

According to Tom McLoughlin's treatment, the red haired Elias is depicted as being silent, but quite intimidating. The caretaker of Jason's grave makes sure not to touch Elias' hand when taking his payment and is careful not to look into his eyes. There is a general belief that Elias is quite aware of what Jason is. This evidence stems from the fact that Elias paid for Jason's burial rather than a cremation, which would have prevented Jason's resurrection. Additionally, at the end of the film and novel, Elias is seemingly aware of the fact that Jason's body is no longer in his grave (in the deleted scene, he peers into the camera; in the novel, he looks in the direction of the lake where he was left defeated in the film). [14] To further indicate Elias' motives is that in the original film, Pamela Voorhees is said to have only a single child: Jason. However, Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday introduces his sister, Diana Kimble. To tie this seeming error into the series continuity, many assume that she was conceived by Elias through another woman. The reasons for this remain unknown, though the existence of a sister is another link in the series that keeps Jason alive. Elias himself is present in an early screenplay of Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday, which portrays him as the film's main antagonist and Jason's brother, instead of his father. [15]

The reason for abandoning his family also remains unknown and left up to fan speculation, but the closest thing to an answer is given in and with the writer of the first film, Victor Miller. When he was asked about the background of the father, Miller says that there was no time allowed for a proper back-story when they made the film, including that of Jason's father. The only idea Miller had was that Mr. Voorhees simply ran off at least in part because he couldn't handle Mrs. Voorhees' slightly unbalanced obsession with their child. Miller's wording does not make it clear if it was due to how Jason came out, though it is of note that Miller didn't envision Jason with deformities. However, as this is only Miller's admitted assumption, the issue of discrepancies is moot. [9]

Because the information regarding Elias does not derive from what made it to film, its canonicity is unknown. However, the ninth film Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday does briefly mention Elias as the father of Jason, securing the name, at least, as canon. [16]

In the Jason vs. Leatherface comic miniseries, Elias (seen only in flashbacks caused by Jason witnessing Hitchiker's abuse of his brother Leatherface) is depicted as stereotypical "trailer trash" and is highly abusive towards a young Jason, beating him and calling him a freak and monster; [17] Elias is killed by his wife, Doris (a renamed Pamela) with a machete while trying to beat Jason once again. [17] A situation similar to this also occurs in Wildstorm's Friday the 13th: Pamela's Tale miniseries, which explains it was Elias' abuse of Pamela while she was pregnant (a fact Elias wasn't aware of) which caused Jason to be born deformed; Pamela later kills Elias with an axe in retaliation for his abuse of her and proceeds dumps his body in Crystal Lake, after blowing up the trailer they lived in. [18] [19]


Ginny Field

Ginny Field is the final girl in Friday the 13th Part 2, played by Amy Steel. A friend of Paul Holt, she arrives at Crystal Lake to partake in his counselor training camp. Familiar with the legend of "Camp Blood", she initially feels sorry for Jason Voorhees, sympathizing with his lonely childhood and the traumatic death of his mother. However, when Jason enters the camp and murders all the counselors, Ginny is forced to fight for her life. She eventually discovers Jason's shack in the woods, and dons Pamela Voorhees' old sweater in effort to convince him she is his mother. Jason's falls for her plan, and she manages to calm him down before driving a machete into his shoulder. One of the final scenes in the movie is of Ginny being carried away in a stretcher, crying out for Paul, whose fate is unknown. [2]

Ginny appears briefly in Friday the 13th Part III, using footage from Friday the 13th Part 2. She can be seen on a news report detailing the events of the last film. [12]


Jessica Kimble

Jessica Kimble is a character in Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday, played by Kari Keegan. She is the half-niece of Jason Voorhees and daughter of Diana Kimble. While searching for a host body, Jason tries to transfer his soul into Jessica's baby, Stephanie, but later claims Diana's life instead. Being a Voorhees, Jessica is the only one who can kill Jason, and is responsible for sending him to Hell after stabbing him with an enchanted dagger. [16]

Joe Travers

Joe Travers is a character in the novel Friday the 13th: Mother's Day. A hunter who lives in the Crystal Lake area, while hunting for deer, he finds Pamela Voorhees reanimated head in a shallow grave, brought back to life through the power of her son Jason's cursed hockey mask. Led to Jason's mask by Pamela, Joe puts it on and begins to be influenced by Jason's soul and proceeds to go on a killing spree under the orders of Pamela, murdering several members of a group of camping teenagers with a machete and shotgun. Joe is eventually killed by the final girl of the novel, Carly McDonnell, who destroys Pamela's head with Joe's own shotgun, before tearing Jason's mask off Joe and stabbing him to death. [6]


Kay-Em 14

Kay-Em 14 is a character in Jason X, played by Lisa Ryder. A gynoid created in the far future by a student named Tsunaron, Kay-Em 14 is indirectly responsible for the creation of ÜberJason. Defending her friends from indestructible murderer Jason Voorhees, she blows him to pieces, destroying his right arm, left leg and most of his head, and leaves him for dead. However, Jason's body rebuilds itself in an armored form using advanced nanotechnology, against which Kay-Em is no match for him. Kay-Em 14 is later decapitated, but continues to function and is rescued by her creator. [20]

Kelly Boone

Kelly Boone is a character in the novel Friday the 13th: Jason's Curse. The sister of Billy Boone, the character is first mentioned in the novel Friday the 13th: Mother's Day, with her brother Billy Boone stating that she is to sick to go on a trip to Camp Crystal Lake with him and his friends. [6]

After her brother is murdered by Jason Voorhees (actually Joe Travers possessed by Jason) on the aforementioned trip taken by him to Camp Crystal Lake, Kelly becomes obsessed with the place and the history of it, an obsession which essentially leads her to live a dead-end life. Kelly eventually decides to travel to Camp Crystal Lake with her roommates and boyfriend, intent on hunting Jason Voorhees and avenging her brother's death. While at the camp, Kelly's companions are murdered by the Jason-possessed Big Red Gleason and the evil ghost of her brother. After Big Red kills a policeman, Kelly encounters him and is forced into a fight against him. Despite being shot and stabbed by Big Red several times, Kelly manages to kill him by shooting him, impaling him and hacking him apart with an axe before taking his lucite prosthetic leg and using it to destroy her brother's corpse and vanquish his ghost. With her brother's ghost gone, Kelly takes Jason's hockey mask from Big Red's body and buries it, before dying due to the wounds she has obtained during her fight with Big Red. [7]


Lori Campbell

Lori Campbell is a character in Freddy vs Jason, played by Monica Keena. Being one of the few residents of Springwood who realizes Jason Voorhees is responsible for the recent string of murders there and not Freddy Krueger, Lori and her friends make several attempts to stop the latter's return to full power. After a failed attempt at retrieving the dream suppressant Hypnocil and after Jason is left comatose due to the machinations of Freddy, Lori volunteers to enter the dream world and confront Freddy there and bring him to Earth; after nearly being raped by Freddy, Lori does successfully force him into entering the real world, where he and the reawakened Jason battle in Crystal Lake. In the end, Lori blows up the dock the two are fighting on with gasoline and propane, and later decapitates Freddy, whose body falls into the depths of Crystal Lake, along with Jason. [21]

A brief mentioning of Lori is made in the novel A Nightmare on Elm Street: Suffer the Children, in which the protagonists of the book discover her online journal. [22] In Wildstorm's comic miniseries Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash, set five years after the events of Freddy vs. Jason, Jason tracks Lori down when she returns to Crystal Lake with her boyfriend Will, who Jason murders by disemboweling. After a brief battle against Jason with a handheld circular saw, Lori is killed by him when he slices her head open with his machete. [23] [24]


Maxi Wagner

Maxi Wagner is a character in the novel Friday the 13th: The Carnival. A juvenile delinquent who is pined after by most of her male classmates, Maxi comes from a troubled home, having an alcoholic mother and adulterous father. At first not wanting to attend Vince Fantana's Travelling Fun House and Carnival which has come to Crystal Lake, Maxi eventually does go with her friends and teacher due to boredom. When Jason possessed carnival mechanic Mitch Deever and his dog Stump go on a rampage through the carnival and kill her teacher and friends, as well as her father and mistress who were also attending the carnival, Maxi is forced to fight for her life alongside Selene Tokar, the daughter of the carnival's fortune teller. Maxi manages to kill Mitch by tearing Jason Voorhees' hockey mask from his face and hitting him on the head with an axe. Shortly afterwards, Maxi is killed by Stump, who mauls and dismembers her. Her body is presumably incinerated when the carnival catches fire and explodes. [25]

Megan Garris

Megan Garris is a character in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, played by Jennifer Cooke. A counselor working at the rebuilt and renamed Camp Forest Green, she is also the daughter of the local sheriff. Megan finds herself drawn to Tommy Jarvis, who claims to have brought local killer Jason Voorhees back from the dead. Rebelling against her father's wishes and more than slightly motivated by the fact that she knows Tommy didn't commit the murders as he was with her at the time one was being committed, she releases Tommy from jail and helps him track down and defeats Jason. When Tommy drowns trying to tie Jason to the bottom of the lake, Megan resuscitates him and saves his life. [26]

Mitch Deever

Mitch Deever is the main antagonist of the novel Friday the 13th: The Carnival. Mitch is the chief mechanic of Vince Fantana's Travelling Fun House and Carnival, a rundown traveling carnival which pitches it's tents near Crystal Lake. On a Friday the 13th, Mitch, while playing fetch with his pet rottweiler Stump, discovers Jason Voorhees' hockey mask when Stump digs it up. Later, after getting a call to fix a ride in the carnival, Mitch decides to use Jason's mask instead of a welding helmet and upon putting it on, becomes possessed by Jason, as does Stump. After killing a handful of people, Mitch goes on a rampage around the carnival after trapping all the employees and attendees in it by locking the exits and turning on the electric fence surrounding the place. Mitch meets his demise when a girl named Maxi Wagner strikes him in the head with an axe after tearing Jason's mask off his face, moments before being mauled to death by Stump, who in-turn dies by running into the electric fence while playing with Maxi's severed arm. Mitch's body is presumably incinerated when the carnival catches fire and explodes. [25]


Norwood Thawn

Norwood Thawn is a character in the novel Friday the 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat. A member of a cult known as the Redeemers along with his wife Penelope, he is also a serial killer who follows a warped moral code, believing he and his wife are emissaries of God charged with ridding the world of sinners. While being chased by FBI agents across the country for committing various murders, both Norwood and Penelope encounter Jason, who has just been accidentally released from Crystal Lake, and attempt to befriend him, believing he shares their same moral outlook and beliefs. Uninterested in the offer of partnership the two make, Jason kills Penelope with his machete and knocks Norwood unconscious, before massacring a Camp Crystal Lake campsite and trekking his way to the nearby Phoenix Heights Hotel. It is here that a recovered Norwood tracks Jason down and engages him in a vicious fight, wanting to avenge his wife's death. As the Phoenix Heights Hotel burns down around them, Jason manages to kill Norwood. [27]


Pam Roberts

Pam Roberts is the final girl in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, played by Melanie Kinnaman. The assistant director of the Pinehurst halfway house in Crystal Lake, she is forced to protect herself and a young boy named Reggie from machete-wielding killer Roy Burns. The film ends with the implication that Pam is killed by Tommy Jarvis, but her fate is never revealed in the series. [28]


Rennie Wickham

Rennie Wickham is the final girl in Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan, played by Jensen Daggett, and Amber Pawlick as a child. When she was young, Rennie was pushed into Crystal Lake by her father, in an attempt to make her swim, and nearly dies when a young Jason attempts to drag her underwater. During the events of the film, Rennie is travelling to New York on the cruise ship Lazarus when Jason climbs on to it when it passes through Crystal Lake. As Jason massacres the students, teachers and crew on the ship, Rennie, her dog and a handful of others manage to flee from him and reach Manhattan after Jason sinks the ship. Tracking Rennie and her boyfriend Sean down after killing the other survivors from the ship, Jason chases them through New York and into the city sewer system. It is there that Rennie and Sean beat Jason, flinging toxic waste at his face and climbing back to the surface as the sewer floods, sweeping Jason, who is regressed back to a child, away. Safe from Jason, Rennie and Sean reunite with Rennie's pet dog in the middle of Times Square. [29]


Rowan is a character in Jason X, played by Lexa Doig. The project leader of a group running experiments on Jason Voorhees, she is forced to cryogenically freeze Jason when he escapes and kills the rest of the team. However, when he breaches the containment with his machete, she too becomes frozen. Unfrozen in the year 2455 aboard a spacecraft, she is then forced to fight for her life when also Jason awakens and starts killing everyone on the ship. [20]

Roy Burns

Roy Burns is a self taught artist and his subject matter is mostly Irish seascapes especially of the north Antrim coast. He also paints abstracts, Irish in concept and execution. Recently he has started exploring and painting his interpretations of Irish Mythology.Irish Art by ROY BURNS.

Roy Burns, played by Dick Wieand when unmasked, and portrayed by Tom Morga when disguised as Jason, is the main antagonist Friday the 13th: A New Beginning. A paramedic, Roy, after discovering that his long-lost son Joey has been killed by a troubled teen at the Pinehurst halfway house, becomes unbalanced and decides to avenge his death by murdering all those he deems responsible, essentially everyone at Pinehurst and the surrounding area. Dressing as Jason (although with a different style hockey mask) as he goes on a massacre throughout the suburb where Pinehurst is, Roy's rampage is eventually stopped by Tommy Jarvis, who kills Roy by knocking him into a tractor harrow, which impales him through the chest. [28]

Russ Johnson

Russ Johnson is character in the novel Friday the 13th: Road Trip. The star lineman of the Carville High School football team, Russ, along with his fellow football players, several cheerleaders and football coach and mascot, becomes stranded in the Crystal Lake wilderness when the van they were riding home from a football game in crashes. Wandering off to explore with the cheerleaders and football team, Russ and them discover Camp Crystal Lake and become separated. When mascot Teddy Bateman becomes possessed by Jason Voorhees through his hockey mask and begins to kill the football and cheerleading teams for bullying him, Russ is found by him and knocked out along with cheerleader Summer Stone. Waking up sometime later, Russ tracks Teddy down to a cave in Crystal Hill and manages to stop him from cutting the heart of Summer out on a demonic altar by lighting him on fire and tearing Jason's mask, as well as his face, off. [30]


Sally Thomas

Sally Thomas is the main protagonist in Wildstorm's Friday the 13th comic series. As a result of being in a relationship with an abusive boyfriend, as well as witnessing the death of that boyfriend in a car accident, Sally suffers from various mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, psychotic depression and spontaneous panic attacks, all of which need medication to be controlled.

Sally is first seen in the comics fleeing from both Camp Crystal Lake and Jason, naked, injured and filthy. Finding a road, Sally collapses in the middle of it, where a traveling elderly couple find her and, seeing the condition she is in, hastily take her to their RV and drive away. As she is driven away, Sally sees through a window in the RV Jason calmly standing in the middle of the road, looking right at her as she escapes him. Taken to a hospital in the town near Crystal Lake, Sally begins to act irrationally due to suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder and is sedated and left in the company of the local sheriff, who begins talking with her in an attempt to discover what has happened to her. As the sheriff speaks with her, Sally lies semi-conscious and begins to have flashbacks.

Two weeks previously, Sally, along with several other people, who include Alisha Jackson, Nathaniel "Nate" Hobbs, Jerry White, Brian Evans, Sasha, Rico and Ryan, is hired by Camp Crystal Lake's newest owner, Trevor Gaines, to renovate the camp for it's reopening as both a summer camp and a tourist attraction. The workers are to live in the camp for two weeks, working under the supervision of Michael "Mike" Burns, a local who takes an instant attraction to Sally. Soon after entering the camp, Sally nearly dies, as, while swimming, she is dragged underwater by innumerable decayed, ghostly children and has a near-death experience in which Jason attacks her. Sally is saved from the ghosts in the lake by Mike, who brings her ashore and performs CPR on her. Regaining conscious, Sally has no recollection of being attacked by the children in the lake, believing her foot had simply become snagged on something.

When Jason begins his killing spree at the camp, Sally encounters him while driving with Mike in search of the missing Nate and Jerry. As Jason kills Mike while he is changing a tire on his jeep, Sally manages to flee from him and reach the camp, where she finds the others and tells them what has happened. While her friends elect to barricade themselves in the camp's rec cabin, due to all available vehicles having been sabotaged by Jason, Sally decides to venture out and find her medication, believing herself useless if she has break down during a crisis. Reaching and searching her cabin, Sally finds her pills in the toilet and urinated upon and reluctantly begins trying to scoop them out, only to be attacked by Jason. As Jason tries to kill her with a knife, Sally fights back and manages to beat him to death with a makeshift weapon - only realizing minutes later that the person she has killed was actually Brian, who she had hallucinated was Jason. Realizing what she has done, Sally suffers from a panic attack and tears off her bloodstained clothing before collapsing naked on Brian's corpse. It is in this position that the actual Jason finds her moments later and, instead of killing her, takes her away to a cabin, along with Brian's head. Waking up in the cabin, Sally runs from it in terror after finding Brian's head and Sasha's corpse in it. Outside, Sally finds both Ryan and Trevor's bodies on the ground and sees Alisha and Rico running into the woods away from Jason, who approaches her. Handing Sally his machete, Jason gestures in the direction Rico and Alisha have fled, implicating he wants her to chase and kill the two. Hesitating for a moment, Sally attacks Jason with his machete and runs into the woods, as he goes after and kills Rico and Alisha.

At this point, the flashbacks stop and the sheriff voices his opinion to the still semi-catatonic Sally that he believes she had committed the murder of her friends and bosses at the camp, not some non-existent zombie or death curse. As the sheriff rants about how she won't escape justice, Sally is roused to full consciousness when a blood covered Jason bursts into the room, having just slaughtered his way through hospital staff and patients. Grabbing the sheriff's keys as he fights with and is subsequently dismembered by Jason, Sally rushes outside and reaches the sheriff's car. Failing to unlock the car in time, Sally is grabbed and dragged away, kicking and screaming, by Jason. Her heavily decayed body is later shown near the shore of Crystal Lake six weeks later.


Teddy Bateman

Teddy Bateman is the main antagonist of the novel Friday the 13th: Road Trip. A student at Carville High School, Teddy is a stereotypical nerd who is often bullied by his peers, who have nicknamed him "Buzzy", due to him being the mascot of the school's football team, a giant bee. While Teddy and several football players, cheerleaders and the team coach are riding home in a van, the vehicle crashes in the wilderness surrounding Crystal Lake. As the coach leaves to seek aid, the football players and cheerleaders abandon Teddy with the van to explore the woods and Camp Crystal Lake. Left alone, Teddy begins to change a tire on the van when it suddenly starts and crashes into an old oak tree, the inside of which, Teddy finds the mask of Jason Voorhees, which he puts on, causing him to be possessed by Jason. Influenced by Jason, Teddy kills a corrupt state trooper who had moments earlier murdered his wife, best friend and the football coach before seeking out the football team and cheerleading squad. Murdering almost every member of the football and cheerleading teams, Teddy kidnaps cheerleader Summer Stone and takes her to demonic altar in a cave in Crystal Hill, planning to ritualistically slaughter her there. Before Teddy can kill Summer, he is attacked and killed by Lineman Russ Johnson, who lights him on fire and tears Jason's mask, along with his face, off. [30]

Tina Shepard

Tina Shepard is the final girl in Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, played as an adult by Lar Park Lincoln and as a child by Jennifer Banko. Possessing telekinetic powers, Tina accidentally killed her father as a child when she destroyed the pier he was standing on, causing him to drown in Crystal Lake. Returning to her home as a teenager to deal with the trauma, Tina attempts to resurrect her father with her powers, but instead succeeds in releasing Jason from his watery prison. When Jason murders Tina's mother, her doctor, and friends, she is forced to use her powers to defend herself, eventually raising a psychic manifestation of her father to drag Jason back underwater. [31]

The idea of giving Tina telekinetic abilities was proposed by Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood's screenwriter Daryl Haney, as a way of adding a new twist to the commonly seen final girl in the films. This plot point would cause film producer Barbara Sachs to compare Tina to Stephen King's telekinetic character Carrie White, and nickname the film Jason vs. Carrie [32]

Tommy Jarvis

Tommy Jarvis is notable for being one of the series' few recurring characters, and for being a significant rival to Jason Voorhees. He was portrayed as a child by Corey Feldman in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter and Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, and as an adult by John Shepherd in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning and Thom Mathews in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives. In an upcoming remake of the original Friday the 13th, mentions of Tommy possibly appearing have been made. [33]

In 1984, Tommy made his first appearance in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter as a young boy with an affinity for making his own masks and make-up effects. When Jason Voorhees brings his blood bath to the Jarvis cabin, Tommy is forced to fight for his life along with his sister Trish. In an attempt to trick Jason who is attacking Trish, Tommy shaves his head to make himself appear as Jason was when he himself was young. Distracted by Tommy's appearance, Jason is attacked by him with a machete and knocked to the floor, apparently dead. While embracing Trish, Tommy notices Jason beginning to stir and proceeds to go into a maniacal state, brutally attacking Jason with his machete while screaming "Die! Die! Die!", ignoring Trish's desperate protests for him to stop. The film ends with Tommy visiting Trish at a hospital an unspecified time after killing Jason and being hugged by her, while starring emotionlessly and blank-faced at the camera. [34]

Tommy returns in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning as an adult, now living in a halfway house, having spent the last three years in a mental institution. When Roy Burns begins committing murders in the style of Jason Voorhees, Tommy's sanity begins to slip away again and he starts suffering hallucinations and nightmares of Jason. Tommy is later forced to kill Burns in self-defense, and this seems to push him over the edge; the final scene of the film has a hockey-masked Tommy preparing to stab the halfway houses director, Pam. [28]

Sometime later in 1989, a more stable Tommy, with a friend from the institution, is ready to confront his demons - or rather the demon that is Jason. Wanting to see Jason's decayed body himself, he also wants to make sure that Jason will never rise again and attempts to cremate him. But his memories of his encounter with Jason still linger heavily and he madly attacks the body with a metal pole when the coffin is opened. Before Tommy can cremate Jason, the pole winds up attracting bolts of lightning that reawaken Jason and gives him a more powerful lease on life, becoming essentially unkillable. [26]

Trying to make amends for his mistake, Tommy warns the sheriff who, being familiar with Jarvis, locks him up thinking he's had another psychotic break (although the fact that nobody in Crystal Lake wants to remember Jason may also be responsible for this action). The piles of bodies Jason racks up only convinces the sheriff that the killer is Tommy (despite the fact that his own daughter can vouch for Tommy being somewhere else at the time of two of the murders). [26]

Time is running short as Jason makes his way to the renamed campgrounds. With a plan in mind, and aided by the sheriff's daughter Megan (a counselor at the newly-reopened Camp "Forest Green") Tommy lures Jason into the very same lake from which the Voorhees legend started. Although he nearly drowns in the process, Tommy succeeds in chaining Jason to the bottom of the lake by a large stone, encircled in fire, and having part of his face chewed by propeller blades. After regaining consciousness thanks to Megan performing CPR on him, he grimly notes that it's finally over, and Jason is at last home. [26]

It was Joseph Zito's original intention to have Tommy become the antagonist and "new Jason" in any subsequent Friday the 13th films created after the fourth. [35] The ending of Friday the 13th: A New Beginning leads up to this, although due to the negative reaction to that film, it's ending is essentially ignored in the sequel.

Trish Jarvis

Trish Jarvis is the final girl in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter, played by Kimberly Beck. A local of the Crystal Lake area, she lives with her mother and younger brother, Tommy. Trish and Tommy meet a man named Rob in the woods, who claims to be hunting bears but is actually searching for Jason Voorhees, the man who killed his sister, Sandra (a character in Friday the 13th Part 2). Trish and Rob discover that Jason has murdered a group of teenagers vacationing next to the Jarvis house. When Rob and her mother are killed, Trish is forced to protect herself and her brother from Jason, fighting him off with a machete while Tommy distracts him. She is last seen being visited in the hospital by Tommy. [34]

Trish can be seen briefly in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning along with her mother in a photo belonging to Tommy. Whatever happened to her is never revealed, however. [28]

See also


  1. ^ a b Sean S. Cunningham (Director) (1980). Friday the 13th (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  2. ^ a b c Steve Miner (Director) (1981). Friday the 13th Part 2 (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  3. ^ a b Sean Cunningham, Victor Miller, Adrienne King and Betsy Palmer (1980). "Return to Crystal Lake: Making of Friday the 13th" Friday the 13th DVD Special Features) (DVD (Region 2)). United States: WB. Cite error: The named reference "ReturntoCrystalLake" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  4. ^ The House of Mysterious Secrets :: Toys :: Cinema of Fear: Friday the 13th Screen Grabs
  5. ^ The House of Mysterious Secrets :: Toys :: Friday the 13th 25th Anniversary Box Set
  6. ^ a b c d Morse, Eric (1994-06-01). Friday the 13th: Mother's Day. Berkley Books. ISBN 0425142922.
  7. ^ a b c d Morse, Eric (1994-06-01). Friday the 13th: Jason's Curse. Berkley Books. ISBN 0425143392.
  8. ^ IGN: OCD: Crazy Ralph
  9. ^ a b Pit Of Horror.com - Interviews Cite error: The named reference "MillerInterview" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  10. ^ Nancy Collins (w), Steve Montano (i). "Goin' South" Jason vs. Leatherface, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 6/1, 3 and 4 (1995). Topps Comics, ISBN 4111600235.
  11. ^ Other Friday the 13th References
  12. ^ a b Steve Miner (Director) (1982). Friday the 13th Part III (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  13. ^ Bracke, Peter (2006-10-11). Crystal Lake Memories. United Kingdom: Titan Books. p. 92. ISBN 1845763432. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  14. ^ Simon Hawke (1986). Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives. New York: Signet. ISBN 0451146417.
  15. ^ Pit Of Horror.com - Interviews
  16. ^ a b Adam Marcus (Director) (1993). Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (DVD). United States: New Line Cinema.
  17. ^ a b Nancy Collins (w), Steve Montano (i). "A Day in the Life..." Jason vs. Leatherface, vol. 1, no. 2 (1995). Topps Comics, ISBN 4111600235.
  18. ^ Marc Andreyko (w). "Pamela's Tale #1" Pamela's Tale, vol. 1, no. 1 (2007-07-11). Wildstorm.
  19. ^ Marc Andreyko (w). "Pamela's Tale #2" Pamela's Tale, vol. 1, no. 2 (2007-08-15). Wildstorm.
  20. ^ a b James Isaac (Director) (2002). Jason X (DVD). United States: New Line Cinema.
  21. ^ Ronny Yu (Director) (2003). Freddy vs. Jason (DVD). United States: New Line Cinema.
  22. ^ Bishop, David (2005-04-26). A Nightmare on Elm Street: Suffer the Children. Black Flame. ISBN 1844161722.
  23. ^ James Kuhoric (w), Jason Craig (p). Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash, vol. 1, no. 1 (2007-11-07). Wildstorm.
  25. ^ a b Morse, Eric (1994-07-01). Friday the 13th: The Carnival. Berkley Books. ISBN 042515825X.
  26. ^ a b c d Tom McLoughlin (Director) (1986). Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  27. ^ Arnopp, Jason (2005-10-25). Friday the 13th: Hate-Kill-Repeat. Black Flame. ISBN 1844162710. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  28. ^ a b c d Danny Steinmann (Director) (1985). Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  29. ^ Rob Hedden (Director) (1989). Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  30. ^ a b Morse, Eric (1994-08-01). Friday the 13th: Road Trip. Berkley Books. ISBN 042514383X.
  31. ^ John Carl Buechler (Director) (1988). Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  32. ^ Bracke, Peter, pg.173
  33. ^ CHUD.com - A film site for the brilliant
  34. ^ a b Joseph Zito (Director) (1984). Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (DVD). United States: Paramount Pictures.
  35. ^ Pit Of Horror.com - Interviews