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IronCrow has been known to search up homemade videos of dog owners anal raping their pets, Ironcock has also been known to suck at life and label every band in the world LIEK TOTALEE SCREEM0 D00D!!11!! lol he's a douche

About IronCrow

IronCrow supports Invisible Children Inc., To Write Love on Her Arms, and Blood:Water Mission. "Vi de udødelige inviterer dere til å slå dere sammen med oss." ~Horde, Hellig Usvart

Editing Style

IronCrow prefers to actually use books as references as much as he can. Though websites and internet sources are much more numerous; books, magazines, and other sources that are written on paper are just a prefered type or source.

IronCrow is a WikiDragon, one who often makes bold statements that are often large in size. They often leave grammar behind for the WikiGnomes to fix, however, this one tries the best he can. This user also doesn't like anyone touching his page.

This user is a WikiDragon.
...one of the last of a dying breed...


IronCrow's favorite band is Showbread. Raw Rock Kills. He also loves bands such as As I Lay Dying, Project 86, Norma Jean, U2, Killswitch Engage, As Cities Burn, Haste the Day, and Family Force 5. An avid Metal and Rock fan, his favorite genres include Metalcore, Post-Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Hardcore, Screamo, and elements of Mathcore.


Not an avid reader, but a reader nonetheless. IronCrow's favorite books include books by Stephen King, C.S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien.


IronCrow grew up in a mixed political family. His dad is a Libertarian but does not like the libertarian Party, while his mother is a staunch Republican. Being in the middle of the political spectrum, IronCrow supports Democratic ideals such as opposition to tax cuts for oil companies, budget control, publicly funded college, etc. Republican ideas include protection and aid to wildlife, pro-life, prayer in school, improved child education laws, etc.


IronCrow is a Christian with Universalist leanings, neither Protestant, Orthodox, or Roman Catholic. His dad was raised Roman Catholic and his mother a Baptist. However, both parents became members of the United Pentecostal Church, then Baptist again (His father still holds many Roman Catholic ideaologies). IronCrow was different. He grew up a Christian, however, became an agnostic. However, his beliefs changed upon reading Darwin's book and then Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis). He then became a non-religious theist/Deist, and eventually, a Christian yet again. "I tried to find every reason I could to not be a Christian," He told friends, "But my stuburness got me nowhere." About evolution, IronCrow does not believe in it, but is no creationist. He believes whatever happened as man's origin is just something we do not need to fight over, what matters is the realization of Christ's teachings. Though he does believe "God did it," how is unknown to him, as Adam and Eve's story could be symbolism, but it could be true. "God's law, Christ's teachings, to me, is more important than the facts that do not merit whether we enter His kingdom."

Various Topics

IronCrow shows skepiticism towards scientific consensus, UFOs, Radical environmentalism, SETI programs, and radical atheism. He believes that the role of science in policy making in the United States is very much the same as allowing religion to do so. He states, "I don't hate atheism or atheists, just the ones that think their atheism makes them somehow superior to others. You know, people like Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, and others. I'm cool with an atheist or a Muslim, I don't care what you belief really. A friend is a friend and respect is respect."

On Consensus Science:

"As for consensus science, I think it's ridiculous. As Michael Crichton once said, 'The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus... There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus...' I agree. I'm not a big fan of Chrichton, but he is right in that respect. I believe that to be dependent on scientific consensus is similiar to dogma, the very thing many scientists or radical atheists reject. That goes for Evolution, global warming, and all those other theories. I think we are in a period of time in which the world of consensus science can attack anyone because those who do not believe in what they do are now some sort of delusional heretic. "

On Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design:

"I'm not going say that 'Evolution has no facts behind it' or that 'Creationism is delusional.' It's not my place to say. For one thing, I do not care about evolution, I do not care if we were created in mere seconds, I do not care if it took millions of years. I don't want to limit humanity with that. Evolution isn't going to cure cancer, ID isn't going to feed the hungry. I don't care where we came from, I just want to be content with my life. I want to respect others, and I hope they can respect me. The only people I am aware of that forced me to belief in either one has been some atheists. They insult creationists, call them delusional, and disrepect them. They always seem to be at my throat. Creationists, for the most part, just don't care what I believe, so long as I have Christ in my heart. That much I can do. It was atheists that made me into a religious guy, and I thank God I am no longer a proponent of bigotry."

On Global Warming:

"I think Global Warming is of course, happening right now. I do not, however, believe it is as bad as people make it. It's pretty obvious that it's part of our world, but our world also cools and heats, cools and heats. I think we are contributing to the rise in temperature, but I do not think we are to blame, nor are we the primary cause. We will not believe wetaher predictions, so to believe a weather, or climate prediction in the future seems ridiculous to base out investments on. Though I believe in Global Warming, to expect it has such a huge effect is incredibly unrealistic."

On UFOs and Extraterrestrials:

This topic interests me greatly. I love reading about aliens, creatures from space, etc. Movies about aliens seem to be very exciting, such as Star Wars. I do not think that aliens exist as we think of them. Sure, somewhere out there, there may be a civilization of intelligent creatures, but to look for them through our scientific eyes is futile. Basically, what I am trying to say is... SETI is ridiculous and it is not really science. It's a study of some sort, but science? Can it be repeated? I think I'm skeptical towards that."

Philosophers, Scientists, Theologians, and others I enjoy reading about:

  • Francis Collins - A genius in terms of genetics. His Language of God was an interesting read, though I never finished it completely and I have neglected to pick it up again.
  • Antony Flew - Philosophia Christi is an interesting read. His views on God before his Deist conversion were slightly odd, but tough (not impossible) to counter. His views aren't the sloppy ideas of an old man at the end of life, making one final desperate attempt at salvation. He doesn't even believe in salvation or an afterlife of any kind.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. - Amazing civil rights leader. I don't know too much about him, at least not enough to edit his Wikipedia article, I do think he was one of the greatest minds of the 20th century though.
  • Gandhi - Need I say more? Brilliant pacifist and intellectual. His views on war and humanity often helps me to cope with the reality that humans are, at heart, peaceful in nature; even though we often do stupid things.
  • Leo Tolstoy - The greatest proponent of anarchy I have ever read about. I haven't read his actual books, but from what I have read about him, I've found that people either like him or don't like him. I don't agree with anrachy, but he's still an interesting person.

Favorite Quotes


"Any user can change any entry, and if enough users agree with them, it becomes true." ~Stephen Colbert on Wikipedia again.

"...everyone knows that God is an Englishman..." ~Colin4C

Religion and logic

"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." ~Mohandas Gandhi on war.

"For the reservations I harbor about Evolutionism, I have been accused of being a Creationist. I am not: if I am allowed, I would only aspire to being a creature." ~Giuseppe Sermonti on Evolution and Creationism.

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~C.S. Lewis on his religious beliefs

"Come to me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest." ~Matthew 11:23

"All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love." ~Leo Tolstoy on his life.


"Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong." ~Richard Armour

"George Washington is the only president who didn't blame the previous administration for his troubles." ~Author Unknown

"The only difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats allow the poor to be corrupt, too." ~Oscar Levant

Character Quotes

"The eyes of common perception do not see far. Too often we make the most important decisions based only on superficial information... Science: The creation of dilemmas by the solution of mysteries... Science: Lost in its own mythos, redoubling its efforts when it has forgotten its aim... Creativity follows its own rules." ~Norma Cenva of Frank Herbert's Dune series

"Bart, with $10,000, we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things like...love!" ~Homer Simpson of The Simpsons

Article Contributions

My Edits This user has over 1024 edits in the Article namespace.

I have contributed to many articles, the ones listed are major contributions.

Credited Articles

I only create articles if they need to be created. That's simple, because that's the only reason to do it on Wikipedia anyways.

Article Rewrites

Most of the article rewrites are because they either were incredibly biased, read like an advertisement, or they were just plain ridiculously written.

* = article is on my watchlist.

Other Significant Contributions

These contributions are the ones I've done on subjects I know about. They either had paragraphs, statements, etc that were biased or otherwise wrong, or they had parts that were poorly written.


Also a member of the "Weird Al Wikiproject."

This user is of multiple ancestries.
This user is of
Native American ancestry.
This user is Irish.
🇩🇪This user is of German ancestry.
This user is a participant in WikiProject Music.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user feels so alive.
This user is a participant in
WikiProject China.
This user can solve a Rubik's Cube without cheating.
band-3This user likes Showbread.
This user is interested in conspiracy theories but does not believe in them.
This user is straight.