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List of 90210 characters

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This is a list of the characters featured on 90210.

The series revolves around the Wilson Family's transition from Kansas to California, similar to how the original series revolved around the Walsh family's recent move to California from Minnesota.

Main characters

“Pretty, cool, and popular” back in Kansas, and is in culture shock as her family moves to Beverly Hills. She’s an aspiring actress who desires to have her own place in the in-crowd, but will have to start from scratch. Annie is befriended by the rebellious Silver after a rough start. She also befriends Ethan Ward, her summer fling from two years prior, and her feelings for him resurface, leading to him eventually becoming her boyfriend but before that she dates Ty a wealthy student at the school, with whom she breaks up with following Adrianna's manipulation of the pair. Annie celebrated her 16th Birthday November 11, 2008, supposedly marking her date of birth as November 11, 1992. She finds a love Interest in Ethan and they start to date, declaring their love for each other in "Love Me Or Leave Me" Annie became distraught when she failed to claim the lead role in her school's new play, as the part went to Adrianna. While she and Ethan were later chatting over the phone, he became distracted at the wheel and wound up colliding with another car. Upon visiting the injured driver's hospital room, Ethan was introduced to a fellow West Beverly student named Rhonda.

As Ethan observed the girl's recovery and began getting to know her, he started to express interest in living life to the fullest and opening himself up to new experiences. This attitude was in contrast to Annie's, as she continually expressed interest in theater, and resisted Ethan's suggestion to explore other activities as well. As Rhonda continued to recover, she and Ethan became increasingly friendly. Unbeknownst to Ethan, however, Rhonda was secretly more healed than she'd revealed herself to be—hiding the truth as she grew fond of his visits.

Later, Ethan chose to leave the school play—which he'd entered in order to be around Annie—deciding to mainly devote time to pursuits which he felt were worthwhile.

Annie began to grow annoyed by the amount of time Ethan spent with Rhonda following her recovery. Soon afterwards, Rhonda revealed to Ethan that she was more healed than he believed her to be. She then apologized for the charade, explaining that she'd maintained it because she enjoyed his company. The two then agreed to be honest with each other from then on.

Annie, Ethan, and Rhonda later had a discussion at The Peach Pit, during which Rhonda revealed that she didn't plan on attending the Valentine's Day dance. When Ethan wondered why, Rhonda relayed a story in which she'd been asked to a previous dance on a secret bet, and then made fun of in public when the truth came out. Afterwards, she'd nearly overdosed on sleeping pills while grieving, but had been found in time by her mother.

Following a string of botched performances in her theater class, a frustrated Annie eventually used Rhonda's story as material. She then noticed an outraged Ethan looking on from behind her classmates. As Ethan stormed off, Annie followed him and expressed regret for her actions. Still angered, Ethan walked away, and ignored Annie's phone calls throughout the evening.

After going to the Valentine's Day dance alone, Ethan was surprised to find that Rhonda had showed up after all. As the two began talking, he expressed anger toward Annie, and attraction to Rhonda. At the end of the night, Rhonda kissed Ethan in the parking lot. Following a pause, Ethan pulled away, stating that the two of them were just friends and that he had a girlfriend. Confused, Rhonda explained that she'd thought Ethan had broken up with Annie due to the resentment he'd been expressing. She also declared that he'd been eyeing her with romantic affection throughout the evening, and reminded him of the pledge to be honest. Ethan stated that he was sorry if he'd led her on, and the two parted ways after Rhonda drove off.

When a new school day came along, Ethan exchanged quiet glances with both Rhonda and Annie at their lockers.

. Annie's acting aspirations, background, and personality are based on Brenda Walsh in the original series. Annie begins to have problems in her relationship with Ethan Ward following a car accident, after which he befriends the victim of the crash, Rhonda. Rhonda shares some closely guarded information about herself with Annie and Ethan and Annie uses it as a story in her acting class, but pretended that it happened to her. Meanwhile, Ethan was watching from the door and refuses to listen to Annie's explanation.

The adopted son of Harry and Debbie Wilson, who holds a strong bond with his sister Annie. At the beginning of the series, Dixon is concerned that his adoption is obvious as he is an African American living with a white family. He soon develops a crush on his sister's best friend Silver and becomes her boyfriend after helping her with the school play. Dixon feels threatened by the sudden appearance of Harry's supposed biological son in "Games People Play." He eventually makes peace with his adoptive father and explores his cultural heritage by attending a Gospel music party at an African American classmate's house. In "By Accident" he breaks up with Silver but then reconciles with her in "Help Me, Rhonda" when Silver indicates that she's in love with him. He loses his virginity to Silver on Valentines Day. After finding out that Silver got a tattoo of his name, he is uneasy and has second thoughts about her. He seems to resemble Brandon Walsh from the original series since he is the female lead's athletic brother and is hired at the Peach Pit, like Brandon.

Naomi Clark

Naomi is described as “a hot, spoiled, rich girl” who rules the social scene. She appears to be selfish and shallow, but throughout the series her character develops and we learn the truth behind her facade. She begins as Ethan's girlfriend, but their relationship soon encounters many problems which eventually cause them to break up for good. She starts to become good friends with Annie but tells her that Annie won't be able to go out with Ethan if they are going to be friends. Annie's dismissal of this statement leads to a rift in their friendship. Naomi seems to resemble Kelly Taylor from the original series due to her "in-crowd" status and constant arguments with Annie, after she dates Ethan, her ex, behind her back (in much the same way that Brenda and Kelly argued constantly.) Naomi's parents divorce and she continually tries to encourage them to reconcille. Naomi was attracted to a bar tender in the hotel that she stays at and sends him wine when she mistakenly assumes that he is older. Naomi discovers that the bartender is actually her age and working without his mother's knowledge.

Ethan Ward

A lacrosse star and top athlete who is known as the “likable jock.” He has a younger brother who is autistic. He dates Naomi at the beginning of season 1, although the pair break up several times before ending their relationship permanently. He and Dixon are rivals at first, but eventually become friends. Although Ethan is attracted to Annie and kissed her two summers before the start of the show, he does not become her boyfriend until "There Is No Place Like Homecoming." Ethan seems to carry traits of Dylan McKay from the original series since he dated both Annie and Naomi, just like Dylan dated both Kelly and Brenda. In "By Accident" he is involved in a car accident. Ethan's self-absorption is revealed when he does not recognize Rhonda, the girl in the other car, even though they are in the same French class. He befriends Rhonda in an attempt to reform. When he overhears Annie presenting Rhonda's painful story as her own, he becomes angry and spends the Valentine's dance with Rhonda. However, when Rhonda attempts to kiss Ethan, he refuses her and clarifies that he is still going out with Annie.

Erin "Silver" Silver

  • Played by: Jessica Stroup
  • Appeared in Beverly Hills, 90210 S3 onwards, previously played by April & Ariel Peterson, Paige & Ryanne Kettner, Megan Lee Bradley and Mercedes Kastner.

Originally introduced in the first series, Erin (commonly called by her last name), is Kelly Taylor and David Silver’s half-sister. She publishes her own blog called The Vicious Circle, which she uses to discuss intimate details (truth or fiction) about her peers at West Beverly High School. She becomes best friends with Annie and develops a romantic interest in Dixon, which quickly blossoms into a relationship. Before the start of the first season, we learn that Silver has shared the information of father's affair with her then-best-friend Naomi. Naomi makes this public knowledge, causing Silver's mother to turn to drink. In "By Accident" Dixon dumps her after taking advice from his mother Debbie, but later in "Help Me, Rhonda" they get back together after Silver says that she loves him. She loses her virginity to Dixon on Valentines Day.

A student of Persian/Iranian descent as well as also being Jewish who is West Beverly Hills High's politico. Known as the one who runs the school newscast, and gets the juice on his fellow classmates. He has had feelings for Adrianna since middle school, which he eventually tells her about after he pays for her to go to rehab, leading to them becoming a couple afterward. He later breaks up with her after finding out that she is pregnant because he doesn't know how to make it work and begins dating an Iranian girl. Howver he gets back with Adrianna on Valentine's day as he realizes that he wants her in his life.

A theatre "goddess" who is Naomi Clark's best friend. She suffers from a serious drug addiction and is under a lot of strain to further her career. After she overdoses, she receives help for her drug addiction from Navid, who pays for her to go to a renowned rehab center for the best treatment possible. As a result, she starts spending more time with him and they begin a relationship. After discovering one of her ex boyfriends has relapsed after finding out he was HIV positive, she undergoes a test. She is negative for HIV, however, the results do reveal she is pregnant. The paternity is unknown for some of the season. Navid's virginity rule him out as father of her unborn child, however, she has stated she had sex with various men during her addiction. She and Navid break up as she reveals that she is pregnant in "Love Me or Leave Me". In the "By Accident", we find out that the baby's father is not Hank (whom she had slept with a few times when she was in rehab), but Ty, her co-star in the school play. In "By Accident", she does not take the pregnancy well. Naomi says she thinks she should get an abortion while Kelly thinks she should raise it or give it up for adoption. She drives all night and ends up at a clinic, where they tell her she's too far along to get an abortion. Naomi supports her after Adrianna tells her. Naomi convinces her to tell Ty, and he tells his parents. Ty's parents tell Adrianna that they will pay for the doctor and other things like that. They also said that when she starts to show, they will send her to a retreat in New Mexico, so that nobody finds out. She readily agrees. Later, Ty gives Adrianna a contract which states that Adrianna must keep the whole pregnancy a secret. Her mother has to sign the contract. Unfortunately, Adrianna doesn't want to tell her mother, as she thinks that she will throw her out. Naomi convinces Adrianna to call Ty, as she thinks that the contract is unfair. Adrianna does, and Ty's mother comes over to Adrianna's house to discuss things with Adrianna's mother. Adrianna's mother, Ty's mother, and Adrianna sit down to talk and Adrianna tells her mother that she is pregnant. Ty's mother gets kicked out of the house due to arrogance and Adrianna no longer gets her help. Her mother talks to Adrianna and sort of apologizes for her being a bad mother. Adrianna forgives her. Adrianna goes to school and decides to tell everyone her "secret". She gets the help of Navid, to put her onto the school intercom system and tells the whole school that she is pregnant. In Of Heartbreaks and Hotels, Navid shows up at Adrianna's house and asks her to be his Valentine and she accepts.

Ryan Matthews

A cool 23 year old English literature teacher at West Beverly High whose unorthodox teaching style puts him at odds with his fellow teachers and sometimes too close with his students. He was suspended for a brief time when it was discovered that he was having an affair with one of his students, who was actually an undercover cop trying to bring down a drug dealer who was dealing at West Beverly. Once he came back from his suspension, his attitude changed from positive influencer to strict, take-no-B.S. enforcer, going as far as kicking Silver out of his class as revenge for what she said about him on her blog. He has served as a love interest of Kelly Taylor (who is roughly between 10 and 12 years his senior) and Kimberly McIntyre. He also had a one-night stand with Brenda while Kelly was away visiting Dylan.

Debbie Wilson

Wife of Harry Wilson and mother of Annie and Dixon Wilson, who works as a fashion photographer. She has a good relationship with her husband and children, but clashes with her mother-in-law Tabitha. She feels her and Harry's positions as the parents are threatened by the fact that they live in Tabitha's house, a feeling which is exasperated when Tabitha contradicts Debbie's wishes in raising her children. Debbie dislikes Tracy Clark, who had a son with Harry 25 years ago and who, more recently, kissed Harry.

Harrison "Harry" Wilson

He is the son of Tabitha Wilson, Kelly Taylor's old neighbor, and a graduate of West Beverly Hills High. He decides to move back to 90210, accepting a position as the principal at his old high school. He dated Naomi Clark's mother, Tracy Clark, in high school, and also fathered an illegitimate son with her who was put up for adoption many years ago. Also alluded to having had a relationship with Kelly when both were younger teens.

Tabitha Wilson

The matriarch of the family, is a 60ish actress (and alcoholic), who was very famous during the 1970s. She is the cause of the Wilson family’s departure from Kansas. She doesn't get along too well with Debbie, often clashing about house rules. She then leaves Beverly Hills to do a TV show.

Having earned a master's degree in Psychology, Kelly becomes a guidance counselor at West Beverly Hills High. Along with Dylan McKay, she is the parent of a four-year- old son named Sammy, and has a romantic interest in Ryan Matthews. Her relationship with Brenda along with both girls' lingering feelings for Dylan have become focal points for the two best friends.

After gaining success as a theater actress and stage director in London, Brenda returns to Beverly Hills to star in a play and takes the opportunity to spend time with Kelly. She subsequently agrees to direct a high school musical at West Beverly Hills High when the original director is no longer available. Her relationship with Kelly along with both girl's lingering feelings for Dylan have become focal points for the two best friends. Brenda then finds out that she can never become pregnant.

Donna will make her first appearance in episode 18. Donna returns to Beverly Hills after experiencing some problems in her relationship with David. She later finds herself in a dilemma when she must decide between returning to Japan and being with David or moving back to Beverly Hills and bringing their daughter, Ruby, with her.

Secondary characters

George Evans

A West Beverly High resident, and a lacrosse teammate of Ethan Ward, who becomes a rival to Dixon Wilson. He also catches Ryan with Kimberly which costs him his job for a while.

Christina Worthy

A biracial cheerleader introduced in "That Which We Destroy." She befriends Dixon and, as his only friend of African American descent, exposes him to African American culture through music. Silver feels threatened by her budding friendship with Dixon until Christina reveals that she has a girlfriend. She is the only known bisexual character on the show.

Ty Collins

A West Beverly High resident, who is the "richest guy in school," and is the first boy to date Annie after she moves to Beverly Hills. He returns in episode 14 and appears to be jealous of Ethan and wants Annie back. He is the father of Adriana's baby stated in "By Accident."

Tracy Clark

Naomi's mother, described as a "Beverly Hills MILF" who is known to be promiscuous. She has a child with Harry Wilson but he was put up for adoption. (It is revealed Harry knew she was pregnant before he left, as she had told him she was going to have an abortion, but she later decided against it and gave the baby up for adoption without Harry's knowledge.) Appears to want Harry back. Was written of January, 20th 2008, as being on a trip in New York to recover from being scammed out of 200,000.

Charles Clark

  • Played by James Patrick Stuart

Naomi's uptight, businessman father, who spoils his daughter and gets her whatever she wants. He is spotted having an affair by Naomi. When she confronts her mother she discovers she already knew and has known for a long time. He and his wife decide to get divorced, so he can be with Gail, much to the disappointment of Naomi. And is once again spotted having affair with his realtor.

Constance Tate-Duncan

Adrianna's overbearing mother and a former actress, whose constant pressure has apparently driven her daughter to do drugs. She also has serious financial problems and depends on Adrianna to bring in money from acting gigs.

Kimberly McIntyre

A 25-year-old undercover cop posing as a new teenage transfer student from Las Vegas who, while undercover, loves to stir up trouble for the gang at West Beverly High, especially Ryan Matthews. She is also hired by Harry during the school drug bust. She secretly has a relationship with Ryan, before student George Evans secretly observes their actions and ultimately costs Ryan his job for a while.

Sean Cavanaugh

Harry's supposed "biological son" with Tracy Clark. He turns out to be a con artist and leaves town when Annie and Debbie suspect him.

Rhonda Kimble

Introduced in "Help Me, Rhonda," a West Beverly High student with whom Ethan Ward collides in a car accident. Ethan and Rhonda bond over the accident, inciting jealousy in Annie. Rhonda exaggerates her injuries so that Ethan will spend more time with her but confesses the truth later. She tells Ethan and Annie a painful story about her attempted suicide, which Annie presents as her own in her acting class. After the Valentine's Day dance, Rhonda tries to kiss Ethan, mistakenly believing that Ethan and Annie have broken up, but Ethan refuses her.

The owner of the Peach Pit diner, who often acted as a father figure and a voice of moral support to the entire gang in the original series.

Hannah Zuckerman-Vasquez

Daughter of Andrea Zuckerman and Jesse Vasquez. She is a student at West Beverly Hills High and host of the school's “West Beverly Blaze “ news show.

Jackie Taylor

She is the mother of Kelly Taylor and Erin Silver. She has since separated from Mel Silver and has relapsed into drinking again.
