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AuthorBrian Lumley
CountryUnited Kingdom
GenreHorror/Science fiction/Adventure novel
Media typePrint (Paperback)

Necroscope is the title of a series of horror novels by British author Brian Lumley.

The term necroscope, as defined in the series, describes someone who can communicate with the dead (coined Deadspeak later in the series). Unlike necromancers, who attempt to command the dead through rituals, spells, bodily mutilation and sometimes necrophilia, a necroscope simply communicates with them without any physical interference.

The term "necroscope" originally (in Greek) meant someone that can "see" (scope) into the dead (necro). It was used as a formal legal and scientific term for "Coroner" up to the middle of the 20th century. After the 1950s it ceased to be used, but can still be found in early 20th century books and encyclopedias (see Helios' Encyclopedia, 1954 Athens). Necroscope, as a term for Coroner, came to be considered distasteful as it was associated with the coroner's "tools" of the day, knives, saws and drills, and today is not in use. Notably, in the series the "necroscope" communicates with the dead without any tools, or bodily mutilation, an ability normally attributed to a "necromancer" (in Greek), whereas the "necromancers" in the series use tools like those used by the real "necroscopes", the coroners.

The abilities of a necroscope are defined as a type of ESP.

Harry Keogh, Necroscope

The hero of the Necroscope series- or antihero, as the story unfolds- is Harry Keogh. Keogh's grandmother was a Russian immigrant who settled in Great Britain. His father died when he was very young. His mother later remarried and was eventually killed by Harry's stepfather. During his early childhood Keogh lived with an aunt and uncle in County Durham in North East England. Keogh would eventually return to exact vengeance on his Russian stepfather.

While at school, and not particularly popular or academically inclined, Harry discovers his ability to speak to people who have died. He also, in most part due to his ability to talk to dead people, showed great aptitude in the fields of mathematics and creative writing.

The author also puts forward the idea that death is not the end, and that whatever someone was or wished to be in life, he or she continues to be in death, within the restraints that death imposes. For example, a mathematician would continue perfecting his math, an inventor would keep inventing new things, and a psychic would continue to practice using their powers.

Not only can Harry speak to the dead (thus earning him their eternal admiration, almost amounting to worship), but he can also form a bond with them which allows them a degree of control over him when he permits. For example, when faced with a dangerous situation, Harry hands his mind over to the control of a former gym teacher who was an army sergeant, and learns martial arts skills. He does not forget what he learns, and continues to use this skill and many others throughout the series. In addition, if the dead are nearby and the physical situation permits, they will literally raise themselves up out of the ground and fight for him. This gives him powerful allies as, being dead already, they have nothing to lose and almost nothing to fear.

Harry is also able to teleport anywhere in the world via the Möbius continuum. By employing advanced equations learned through his dead tutors and his intuitive mathematical mind, Harry can conjure a door in space and enter the Möbius continuum, he can then create another door to exit. There is no time in the continuum so teleportation is instant. Harry is also able to open a past or future time door and observe what may be, but he cannot appear there physically.


In total, Harry Koegh has 7 different ESP talents. They are as listed:



The Evil Eye

Impenetrable Mind




Harry Jr. /The Dweller

Son of Harry Keogh and his wife Brenda, Harry Jr. shows immense intelligence even as toddler and has even greater powers than his father.

Choosing to flee from Earth after attack by the vampire Yulian Bodescu, the baby Harry Jr. showing even greater mastery over the Möbius continuum than his father transports himself and his mother to the parallel universe of Starside/Sunside and also back in time twenty years.

Living on Starside with his mother Harry Jr. is vampirised by a stray wolf and becomes Wamphyri and is named The Dweller In His Garden by the worlds inhabitants. Hiding his Wamphyri features behind a golden mask and black cloak he shuns the Wamphyri lifestyle instead using his great mental powers to hold his vampire at bay.

The Dweller forms an alliance with the Szgany Lidesci but becomes infamous among the Wamphyri of Starside because of his mysterious powers, fearing him they form an alliance to attack him in his "Garden" in the mountains.

Injured during the battle his vampire leech morphs his damaged frame into that of a wolf with the exception of his hands so that the Szgany may know him. The change removes his ability to use the Möbius continuum, leaving him with just deadspeak and telepathy, his mind wanes and he loses touch with his humanity, preferring to take the company of Starside/Sunside wolves.

Nathan Keogh/Kiklu

Son of Harry Keogh and a Szgany traveller woman Nana Kiklu, born in the vampire world of Sunside/Starside with his twin brother Nestor, Nathan is at first the quietest and most withdrawn of the two and is thought of as dumb by some of the Szgany tribe due to his lack of confidence, his stutter and unwillingness to speak, only talking to those closest to him.

Inheriting his fathers deadspeak powers Nathan hears the thoughts of the dead in his dreams but they refuse to talk to him, wary of him as they had been his father at the end of his life. He also communicates with three friendly wolves which talk to him telepathically while he sleeps although not knowing why or understanding how Nathan takes them as just dreams.

Everything changes for Nathan when his village on Sunside is attacked by Wamphyri, seeking his lost brother he leaves on a long journey of discovery taking him across the whole of Sunside/Starside. Becoming strong and confident, losing his stutter, and learning to use his long dormant telepathy while on his travels, he eventually returns to his Szgany clan before being taken by the Wamphyri and is thrown through a wormhole (gate) to Earth.

Arriving in a Russian base he escapes and is found by the British E-Branch who teach him of his heritage and his true father and more importantly Nathan finally learns the ways of teleportation via the Möbius continuum like his father.

With the help of British E-Branch Nathan returns to his own world and wages war on the Wamphyri.

Jake Cutter

Jake Cutter is not a blood relative of Harry Keogh but becomes a Necroscope when the world is once again threatened by the Wamphyri.

Apparently chosen by the spirit of the dead Harry Keogh, Jake is spotted and recruited by the British E-Branch where he is tutored and taught about Harry's legacy and deadspeak and eventually masters the Möbius continuum.

Scott St. John

Also not of Harry Keogh's bloodline. While in mourning for his dead wife, Scott is struck by a fragment of Harry and becomes a Necroscope.

The Wamphyri

The main antagonists of the series, the Wamphyri are parasitic creatures, evil, vile and totally corrupted they are also vampires and have a taste for human flesh and blood. The Necroscopes and British E-Branch dedicate themselves to destroying the Wamphyri.

Wamphyri of Earth

Ferenczy Bloodline

Belos Pheropzis - A Starside original, he was exiled by Shaitan the Unborn along with Radu Lykan and karl and Egon Drakul to the Hell Lands -Earth-. He would become a citizen of the Roman Empire under a series of assumed names until his death at sea.

Thibor Ferenczy - Technically the first vampire to appear in the novels. Once a Wallachian barbarian transformed by Faethor Ferenzy. Conquers territories for hundreds of years until he is finally staked, chained, and buried beneath cruciform hills in Romania. Later discovered by necromancer Boris Dragosani.

Faethor Ferenczy - An old and very powerful Wamphyri residing on earth in the Dark Ages in a keep at the top of a mountain range in Szgany territory. After transforming Thibor he is attacked by his progeny one night upon his return to his castle. Burned almost to death, he plummets into a river and re-emerges centuries later, finally to die during a bombing raid during World War II.

Janos Ferency - Son of Faethor Ferenzy. Most noted for necromancy and telepathy powers which were even stronger than his fathers.

Fess Ferenc - A monstrous Wamphyri from the vampire homeworld of Sunside/Starside and the current head of the Ferenc Bloodline in the parallel world.

Yulian Bodescu - An infant who was infected with Vampirism by Thibor Ferenczy while still in his mothers womb. Infected from birth his vampiric powers and evil develop until he is destroyed.

Boris Dragosani - Eggson of Thibor Ferenczy. He is a necromancer in life and is destroyed before coming into full Wamphyri power.

Angelo Francezci - Father of Antonio and Francesco Francezci. A powerful vampire who lost control of his metamorphic powers and devolved into a shapeless mass. His sons keep him in a pit in their dungeon in Sicily, where they feed him and ask him to scry into the future. The minds of those he feeds on continue to live on within him, and constantly battle for control of his psyche.

Antonio Francezci - Son of Angelo Francezci. More in tune with his mental powers than his brother Francesco, but also inherits his father's rampant, unchecked powers of metamorphosis. Eventually killed by Harry Keogh and Radu Lykan while trying to escape Le Manse Madonie.

Francesco Francezci - Son of Angelo Francezci. More headstrong than his brother Antonio, he discovers the hiding place of Radu Lykan. However, he arrives too late to stop Radu's resurrection, and meets his fate at Radu's hands.

Luigi Castanello -

Other Wamphyri of Earth

Radu Lykan - Progenitor of the bloodline, Werewolf/vampire. A hunter in ancient starside before he was transformed by the leech of his companion wolf he was banished through the gate into our world over 2000 years ago along with ancient members of the Ferenczy and the Drakul bloodlines. Infected with plague by Faethor Ferenczy he was driven into a multicentury hibernation.

Bonnie Jean Mirlu - Also known as "BJ". Female thrall/lieutenant of the vampire Radu Lykan, who eventually ascends to full Wamphyri status. Adept in hypnotism, she mesmerizes Harry Keogh in an attempt to bring him to Radu. However, she begins to fall in love with Harry and decides to oppose Radu. She is eventually killed by Radu.

Draham Drakesh (Drakul) - The last remnant of the Drakul bloodline on Earth. He has disguised himself as a monk and resides in a mountaintop monastery in Tibet. He secretly plans to breed an army of "children" and aspires to cause World War III.

Vasily Agursky - Russian scientist stationed at Perchorsk, whose job is to guard and study a captive vampire leech. However, he is exposed to the vampire egg and becomes Wamphyri. After killing several of his fellow staff members, he is incinerated when the station's failsafe system is activated.

Harry Keogh - The necroscope, vampire hunter, champion of the dead, is eventually vampirized himself and flees to the vampire world rather than risk his humanity and humanity itself.

Wamphyri of the Vampire World

Shaitan Bloodline

Shaitan - the ORIGINAL Vampire in the parallel world and possible source of myths about Satan in ours.

Shaithis - Descendant of Shaitan and leader of the Vampire Lords as they battle Harry and Harry Jr.

Turgo Zolte - The eggson of Shaitan and a vampire hunter when alive, he later flees old Starside and establishes Turgosheim, in which his followers, "Zolteists," practice relative control of their vampire natures.

These next few were mentioned as a part of Shaitan's bloodline history but play no part in the series:

Shailar the Hagridden


Shaithar Shaitanson



Sheilar the Slut

Drakul Bloodline

Karl Drakul - An original vampire from Starside, who along with his brother Egon was thrown through the hellgate for treachery against Shaitan.

Egon Drakul - Brother to Karl, he is also an original vampire from Starside. Banished alongside his brother through the hellgate.

Doombody Bloodline

Dramal Doombody - an ancient vampire lord, known to have been egg father to Lady Karen and known to have slowly withered from leprosy.

Lady Karen Doombody - Female Wamphyri, one of few reigning in Starside at the time of The Source. She is described as having red hair and dressing in a provocative manner. She is also a Wamphyri mother, which means that her vampire leech can produce multiple eggs instead of only one. She assists the Keoghs in repelling the Wamphyri attack on the Garden, and all aeries but her own are destroyed during the battle. Afterwards, Harry (sr.) removes her vampire leech from her by starving her and luring it out with fresh meat. Bereft of her Wamphyri powers, Lady Karen apparently commits suicide by leaping from the balcony of her aerie.

Ferenczy Bloodline

Nonari "the Gross" Ferenczy - Bloodson of Lagula Ferenczy. The fingers on his left hand were malformed at birth and fused into a club. He was banished through the hellgate at the same time as Karl and Egon Drakul, as well as Radu Lykan. He is possibly the first Ferenczy to arrive on Earth.

Other Known Wamphyri

Maglore the Mage - Powerful Wamphyri thought-thief. Also known as the Seer Lord.

Volse Pinescu - Described as maintaining a series of sores and boils on his skin, in order to appear more terrifying to his enemies.

Vormulac Unsleep - also known as Vormulac Taintspore. Earned his "Unsleep" name by suffering from insomnia for 70 years.

Devetaki Skullguise - female Wamphyri who is missing the right side of her face due to injury. She covers her wound with a gold/lead mask- a smiling mask when her mood is good, and a frowning mask when her mood is poor. When she is enraged, she chooses to wear no mask at all.

Wratha the Risen - a Wamphyri lady who was once dead and buried. She returned and led a group of renegade vampires out of Turgosheim in order to take vengeance on those that killed her.

Nestor Lichloathe - The name given to Nestor Kiklu/Keogh once he becomes Wamphyri. His surname is a direct reference to his powers as a necromancer.

Vasagi the Suck/Gape - a Wamphyri lord who is missing his upper teeth and most of the skin on his jaw. His mouth is described as a pink tentacle with a flexible needle siphon on its tip.

Lesk the Glut - Known for his insanity, he once fought a full-size Wamphyri warrior-creature on a whim. In doing so, he lost an eye and suffered severe damage to his face. As such, he wears a leather patch to cover his disfigurement. Rather than replacing his damaged eye, he grew a new one on his left shoulder.

Spiro Killglance - Bloodson of Eygor and twin brother of Wran the Rage. He fled Turgosheim with Wratha the Risen.

Wran "the Rage" Killglance - Twin brother of Spiro, and known for his awesome fits of rage. He sets off for Sunside to duel Vasagi the Suck to the death.

Eygor Killglance - Father of Wran and Spiro, he possessed the power of the Evil Eye. Terrified of him, his sons blinded him and buried him.

Sigrid Dam - Also known as "Siggi." She is a telepath who seduces Nathan Kiklu/Keogh and then helps him escape.

Gorvi the Guile - Wamphyri Lord who fled Turgosheim with Wratha.

Canker Canison - Moon-worshipping Wamphyri hybrid with fox, wolf, or hound ancestry. He is able to view the future through dreams.

Menor Maimbite - Wamphyri lord, allegedly immune to kneblasch and silver. He has been known to season his food with these items, perhaps building up his resistance to them. Described as having an unusually large head and jaws.

Klaus Desculu - Eggson of Lesk the Glut. Banished from Starside through the "hell gate", he arrives in Perchorsk, where he is incinerated by the Russian military.

Lascula Longtooth - Described as having mastery over his own metamorphic powers, and therefore able to elongate his teeth and jaws at will.


It is theorized that the vampiric leech begins its original life cycle as a fungus similar to a mushroom. When a suitable host is detected (the ‘mushrooms’ seem to have some form of awareness), the caps burst open, releasing a cloud of spores which are inhaled (or otherwise absorbed) by the victim. The transformation is slow, as the spores must first adapt the body to suit the growth of a leech.

The only other means of infection are from direct transmission from a vampire, or by absorbing a leech’s egg, and becoming a full-blown "eggson" (or –daughter), or to be born the BloodSon/BloodDaughter of a vampire.

The process is slow, and the actual time between infection and full-blown vampirism varies greatly from host to host. Early symptoms include an aversion to light, red tinting of the eyes, a propensity for rare or uncooked meat, as well as developing allergies to silver and garlic.

When the body has grown enough to undergo the first change, or if the infecting vampire has personally seen to their becoming infected, the host enters a catatonic ‘death’ state. They awaken a thrall, and are psychically bound to their creators. This stage is skipped by Egg children, blood Children, and spore transformed, though in the case of egg children they often lose consciousness for a few hours due to the pain of the egg merging with their internal physiology.

This becomes the first stage of vampirism. Thralls possess enhanced speed, strength, and agility, but require more feeding than full-grown vampires. Some thralls possess other abilities, usually ones characterized in their masters. Thralls are also psychically slaved to their creators, unless they are transformed via spores or a leech’s egg. Vampires who are spore created or Bloodsons or are created with an egg skip this phase and go directly to full fledged “-son” stage.

At this point, the vampire takes one of two paths. It either ascends into a Lieutenant, or stops developing and remains as a thrall. This is usually based on the predilection of their master, and the strength of the host.

The next phase are vampire Lieutenants, who are basically vampire thralls with increased attributes and abilities.

They are stronger, larger, and live much longer. In some cases a Lieutenant can even develop into full Wamphyri without any further infusion (such as an egg) if allowed long enough (usually centuries).

The most powerful of vampires are known as Lords and Ladies, and are referred to as true “Wamphyri.” They possess a wide range of abilities: enhanced transformational skills, psychic powers, extreme physical prowess, and a host of other skills. They have fully adult Leeches. They have exaggerated effects from sunlight, garlic and silver, but are more capable of recovery (unless the leech itself is damaged). These are truly monstrous creatures.

Vampire leeches produce only a single egg in their lifetime, except for "mothers," who are highly feared due to their ability to produce a prodigious number of eggs and thus create many true eggsons/daughters to compete with the existing Wamphyri. However, becoming a "mother" is also a highly feared phenomenon, because the leeches of "mothers" (according to the legend of the one vampire "Mother") produce eggs until the vampire was drained to a lifeless husk.

Unless the leech is fully destroyed, the vampire remains immortal, and can regenerate itself multiple times, although the regeneration process from grievous injuries leaves the creature more vampire than humanoid.

The leech itself is a snake-like creature, resembling a shovel-headed worm with fangs and no eyes. If fed, the leech can survive without a host, but lacks high-level intelligence. Leeches can leave doomed hosts (only in extremely dire situations) and seek new hosts, including animals, but animals can only be vampirized so long until they die.


The Wamphyri are prideful creatures, quite concerned with status and elevating themselves among their fellow vampires.

On Starside, they are ever concerned with status symbols- a Wamphyri with more warriors or a better aerie is seen as dominant. They often engage each other in arguments or word-games to see which Wamphyri will be successful. Duels and blood-feuds are not uncommon among the Wamphyri of Starside. Likewise, Wamphyri on Earth are concerned with status as well, always seeking to have more money, power and influence than the average man and vampire. Territory and other possessions come before all others. Wamphyri lords do not experience the same emotions as humans- love, caring, and generosity are lost, and replaced with only greed and bloodlust.

However, the Wamphyri of Earth have come to know that "anonymity is synonymous with longevity." As such, most Wamphyri try to remain subtle in their activities, choosing to go into hiding after so many years, only to re-emerge later as the "son" of the last Lord. In doing so, they hide their unusually long lifespans from the eyes of men, ensuring their continued reign on Earth.


Warriors - Large, hybrid creatures created by the Wamphyri, bred specifically for combat. Typically bat-like and human in appearance. Capable of somewhat limited flight, and bred to have thick, armor-like skin. In addition to providing combat superiority, they are somewhat of a status symbol amongst the Wamphyri of Starside. Shaitan himself maintains a special breed of warrior, known as an Ingurgitator, which has needle-like weapons grafted onto its body for the purpose of drinking blood.

Flyers - Large manta-shaped or kite-shaped beasts specifically designed for transporting Waphyri lords. They, like the Wamphyri, are susceptible to sunlight. They possess a somewhat limited intelligence and are guided by telepathic commands from their Wamphyri riders.

Siphoneers - Creatures bred for the purpose of pumping water from the lower wells of a Wamphyri aerie to the top, via a system of veins which extend the entire length of the aerie.

Gas Beasts - Creatures bred and cultivated by the Wamphyri for the methane gas they produce.

Bats - A common creature used by Wamphyri both in Starside and our world, sometimes white or albino in color. They are controlled telepathically and will support their master in any way possible- even sacrificing themselves to attempt to put out the flames on a burning Wamphyri.


Disease - Wamphyri are succeptible to at least two major diseases- the Black Death and leprosy. Both diseases overwhelm the ability of their vampire leech to heal its host, leading to eventual death.

Fire - Wamphyri are susceptible to fire; in fact, its one of the few ways to ensure that a Wamphyri is truly dead. Assuming the damage is not too critical, a Wamphyri can regenerate from burns, but it takes longer than other types of injuries.

Kneblasch (Garlic) - Wamphyri are allergic to kneblasch. The strength of the allergy depends on how evolved the Wamphyri leech has become. In other words, a fully ascended Wamphyri lord would have a worse reaction than a Wamphyri that had just turned. Upon exposure, a Wamphyri will become physically ill. If an injury is caused to a Wamphyri with a weapon that has been coated in kneblasch, the wound will not usually heal on its own. Most often, the Wamphyri will have to shed the injured limb and completely regrow it.

Silver - Wamphyri are weak against silver. Silver chains can be used to bind a Wamphyri, and weapons coated or made of silver cause more damage than your average weaponry.

Stake - Typically speaking, a stake alone is not enough to kill a Wamphyri. However, it will pin the leech and Wamphyri in position so that the Wamphyri can then be beheaded and burnt.

Starvation - Provided they do not eat for an extended period of time, it is possible for a Wamphyri to eventually shrivel, die, and fossilize.

Sunlight - Sunlight affects Wamphyri differently, depending on how advanced their vampirism is. For example, a newly "born" Wamphyri will experience a burning sensation, but this can be mitigated by wearing clothing which covers the skin and sunglasses. However, a fully ascended Wamphyri lord will literally burn when touched by the sun's rays. Of course, the more direct the sunlight, the more harmful the effects on a Wamphyri.

Sword - Again, a sword alone is not enough to kill a Wamphyri, unless it is made of silver. However, it is a essential tool in the standard method of dispatching Wamphyri- the stake, the sword, and the fire.


Olden Wamphyri when defeated in a bloodwar were occasionally allowed to choose their fate, or assigned punishments that were seen as more fitting than death.

The Icelands - Occasionally a defeated lord would be banished to the Icelands. Such was the case of Shaitan the Unborn, Shaithis, Fess Ferenc, Volse Pinescu, Lord Schwart, Malinari the Mind, and Vavarra among others. These Lords in the main over time were frozen into the ice in an extended hibernation which ended when one of Shaitans beasts got to then, they eventually froze/starved to death after Millenia, or during the ice melt which briefly occurred after the event in the book BloodWar (Necroscope 10).

Banishment through the Gate - On occasion it was deemed appropriate to banish an enemy through the gate and into the "Hell Lands" aka our Earth. This was feared because no Vampire had ever returned from such banishment (the gates only work one way) but with the Wamphyri not able to understand that they assumed the lands beyond must be hellish and deadly. The original gate actually opened in our world in a cave with an underground river which was a tributary of the Danube under the Carpatians in Romania. The second gate, created thousands of years later by a Russian experiment sat atop the first and opened into another cave under the Urals.

Death - The means of most reliably carrying out a death sentence was to stake the offending vampire, behead them, then burn and scatter the ashes.

Staking out - A vampire might be staked out on the Sunside of the mountains during the night and left to be burned to death by exposure to the sun. This method however was unreliable as there was always the chance, however slim, of the vampire in question receiving help and escaping before sunrise.

Entombment - a Vampire could be staked, bound with silver chains, and left buried under the starside plains to slowly whither. These vampires might or might not actually die depending on how powerful and how long they were there, but would be effectively immobilized by the stake and even once it finally rotted away would still be held by the silver chains.

Plot summary


Harry is an English youth in school, and strange things occur as he grows up, such as a sudden increased intellect in mathematics, and the ability to fight beyond his experience after a teacher is killed. Eventually he marries his childhood sweetheart, Brenda, who slowly realizes there is more to her now-successful writer husband: that he can speak to the dead, whose collective consciences remain behind, at the location of dying.

These dead can talk only to Harry at first, but eventually, they can "deadspeak" to each other. Coinciding with Harry's evolving abilities, Boris Dragonasi is contacted by a long-chained vampire, Thibor Ferenczy. Boris gains the ability to become a necromancer, who can forcefully extract secrets from the dead by playing with their remains and even eating them.

Harry goes to visit his stepfather, who he knows killed his mother by drowning her in a river, and lives in a house at that river. Harry, realizing his stepfather is a Russian spy who plans to kill him for his talents, sabotages his stepfather, but both crash through the ice and fall into the frozen river. As he tries to get out, Harry discovers a new ability of the dead when his mother's corpse drags his stepfather down into the cold river, drowning him also.

Eventually, Harry is contacted by E-Branch, who deal with ESPionage using psychic investigators and spies, while Boris is hired by the U.S.S.R. equivalent, the Opposition. Boris tracks down rumors of vampires, finding a World War 2 veteran who killed one, Faethor Ferenczy, along with a Russian Mongul, Max Batu, whose talent is to kill someone just by looking into their eyes. Eventually, Thibor manipulates Dragonasi and reveals that he is in a symbiotic relationship with a vampire, and they can reproduce but once per lifetime. He gives his offspring to Boris, who later betrays and kills Thibor with Batu, and in turn kills Batu so he can gain the secrets of using the "Evil Eye".

Meanwhile, the head of E-Branch, who was killed by Boris, requests Harry's help in defeating the necromancer. Harry uses his ability to talk to the mathematician Mobius, who teaches him to travel time (and later space) by using the "Mobius Continuum". Harry uses "doors" to leap to places, and goes (teleports) to Russia where Boris is now the head of Russia's ESPionage unit, having killed the former leader. Using an army of walking undead, he eventually finds Boris, who tries to use his newly-acquired "evil eye" to kill Harry. However, one of Harry's undead followers interposes himself between the two, and Dragosani is killed because, as Max Batu had told him earlier, "one cannot curse the dead, for the dead cannot die twice". Unfortunately, Harry himself dies in the conflict from gunshot wounds, but his mind also lives on like his dead friends; and his body survives long enough to draw Dragosani back into the Mobius continuum and trap him in a recurring time loop for all eternity.

Necroscope II: Wamphyri!

The spirit of Harry Keogh now resides in his son, Harry Jr. When his infant son sleeps, Harry can roam the Continuum and speak to the dead, but is gradually losing his control as the son "reels" his father's spirit back in.

Roaming in his spare time, Harry discovers that Thibor had infected a pregnant woman with a small part of his flesh, which results in a lesser breed of vampire, albeit a still formidable one. This youth, Yulian Bodescu, retains many vampire abilities: hypnotism, increased lust, bodily transformation, regeneration, and creating thralls (lesser vampires that are infected with a shed body part of the master vampire).

Harry eventually contacts Faethor Ferenczy, a master manipulator (as all vampires are), who wasn't ready to die but was forced to when he was pinned beneath an unmovable column. When Faethor died, a small worm like (leech) creature left his body, which was also killed. Talking to Faethor, Harry discovers that the creature is the "true" vampire and source of the Wamphyri power, longevity, and when the two beings are merged, they are Wamphyri.

Faethor tells Harry about Thibor, who was a mighty warrior centuries prior, and how he infected Thibor with his sole wamphyric egg. Thibor was to watch over Faethor's castle and servants while gone, but after disobeying him, Faethor had him chained underneath the earth (leading to the events of the prior book).

Yulian is creating thralls out of his family, and Thibor uses telepathy to tell him Harry Jr. is a great enemy. Yulian sets out to kill the infant, and Harry informs E-Branch that Thibor has a piece of dead skin left behind, which could be used to further Yulian's mutation. E-Branch teams up with the current Russian head to destroy Thibor's remains and a "finger mutation" left behind in Castle Ferenczy.

After destroying the remains of Thibor Alec Kyle is captured by rogue Russian agents believing him to be a spy. With the assistance of Zek Foener they mindwipe him and steal his knowledge of British E-Branch and Harry Keogh. Afterwards Zek Foener learns she has been tricked and vows never to use her talents for the Russians again.

As Yulian prepares to murder Harry Jr, the infant, using powers he learned form his fathers mind slips through the Mobius Continuum, to E-Branch HQ with Brenda while the dead rise to slaughter Yulian Bodescu. Before he goes Harry Jr. releases his fathers consciousness, which is drawn to inhabit the now mindless body of Alec Kyle. Enraged at what the Russians have done to Alec Kyle, Harry destroys the Russian HQ once more.

It is unclear at the end of the Novel whether Yulian would have developed into "FULL" Wamphyri, however such seems likely as he had been able to shapeshift extensively among other talents that lesser vampires seldom possess to any great extent.

Necroscope The Lost Years

A two book mini-series covering the eight years between the second and third books of the Necroscope series where Harry Keogh searches for his missing son Harry Jr. and his wife Brenda.

Harry also has to deal with the resurgence of a long exiled Wamphyri Lord, the werewolf Radu Lykan.

Necroscope The Lost Years, Resurgence!

Continuing the story of Harry Keogh's search for his lost wife and son and his battle with the Werewolf Wamphyri Lord Radu Lykan. Harry Keogh has lost the use of his deadspeak and the Möbius continuum due to hypnotic beguilement by the Wamphyri Lady Bonnie Jean Mirlu. E-Branch must find a way to help him get it back.

Necroscope III: The Source

The series starts to explore the origins of the Wamphyri manifestation on Earth. * years after Harry's son left Harry has left E-Branch and been searching the world for them. The new head of E-Branch, Darcy Clarke, recruits him in a case of a British spy (Jazz Simmons) who similarly disappeared, while investigating a Russian base.

On investigation Harry discovers the Base is the result of a blowback of a high powered photon beam into the atomic pile which powered it and has created a "Grey" hole in space time, a harmless ONE WAY passage to another world which the Russians have been sending people through, and which monsters have emerged from.

Traveling through a parallel grey hole in Romania Harry enters the source world of the Vampires, a world known as Starside/Sunside, wherein Vampire overlords prey on gypsie inhabitants, and wherein his now adult son (his son having used time travel as well as interdimensional to avoid Harry) is infected as a Vampire/Werewolf and besieged by the worlds Vampire Masters as he seeks desperately to protect both himself and the worlds people without losing what remains of his own humanity in the process.

Teaming up the father son duo destroy the Vampire lords, using the power of the sun, but in the process Harry Jr is horribly injured but is up and moving again by the end of the book. Harry Sr. spends time with a female vampire Lord who is struggling with her one humanity. Harry cages her in her room in her castle after destroying or freeing all her servants. After starving her for many days he is able to lure out her Vamipre worm and killed it. Though the it cause her to commit suicide. The book leaves off with Harry Jr. becoming aware of Harry Sr. Watching him with his mind blocked off from his powers.

Necroscope IV: Deadspeak

Several Years after his return to earth Harry Sr. is trouble by nightmares of resurgent Vampires. These nightmares are messages from the dead who he is unable to communicate with when awake due to the actions of Harry Jr.

Separately E-Branch is investigating Drug smuggling in the Mediterranean when two of its agents are assaulted, one Vampirized and the other rendered insane.

Harry Sr's new girlfriend, Sandra, herself secretly a member of E-Branch plays a pivotal role in bringing Harry into the mix. She had been assigned to watch him and if possible restore his awesome psychic powers and reports to the head of E-Branch on his status. Unknown to everyone this head is a sleeper agent for the Russian E-Branch/KGB community.

Afraid that Harry may be recovering his old powers, or perhaps developing new ones the Russians choose to eliminate him. The plot fails due to the intervention of the dead, and in the process Sandras status as an agent is revealed, as is the fact that Ken and Trevor are in trouble, and that the dead want Harry in the Med.

Together Harry, Sandra, & Darcy, go out to check on the situation. During the course of the investigation they learn that the drug smuggler is a resurrected Janos Ferenczy, using the alias Jianni Lazarides. Sandra and Ken Layard are kidnapped and vampirized, and Janos uses his telepathy to force Trevor Jordan to kill himself. Despite being virtually powerless Harry moves to engage Janos on his home ground in Romania, but not before spending the night (what would later be revealed to be a very fateful night) in the ruins of Faethers house in Ploesti, where Faether was burned down to his essential fats.

When he awoke the next morning Harry discovered he was surrounded by odd black mushrooms that exploded at the slightest touch releasing their spores into the air which he breathed. Overnight Faether had restored his Deadspeak, and had untangled most of Harry's mental troubles. However not being a mathematician he was unable to restore the necroscopes command of numbers and the Mobius Continuum.

With his deadspeak restored Harry sought out and again spoke to Mobius himself, who recruited other mathematicians to help with the problem as Harry approached Janos lair slowly. Harry began showing signs of developing telepathy and possibly other powers in his own right. A fact he initially put down to his mind compensating for the long lack of his other abilities.

During the final confrontation against Janos and his vampire thralls a group of Thracians raised from their ashes by Janos to help him instead took Harry's side and assisted him. This along with the timely restoration of his teleportation abilities through the Mobius Continuum allowed Harry to defeat Janos. The book closes shortly after Harry and the last Thracian Bodrog(sp?) stake and behead the vampirized Sandra.

Necroscope V: Deadspawn

Harry Keogh discovers that he is being transformed into a member of the Wamphyri by the spores of the mushrooms he inhaled at the ruins of Faethors house in Ploesti. Additionally he experiments with Janos Ferenczy's "resurrection" necromancy to restore some people - notably Trevor Jordan and Penny Sanderson - to life. E branch begins to suspect Harry may have been infected, but Darcy calls Harry in anyway on a serial killer case.

Resolved to do one last favor for humanity, both the living and the dead, Harry hunts down and deals with the necromancer/serial killer/rapist Johnny Found.

Shortly after this Harry, and Penny who slept with him while he was literally asleep and thus infected herself, are driven from England by E branch, who cannot risk Harry being allowed to live as a vampire. Eventually Harry and Penny flee for starside, but in the process Penny is killed.

Arriving back in the Vampire world Harry finds Lady Karen alive, after he had thought her dead from an attempted cure. The two out of loneliness become lovers for a time. But Shaithis, banished after battle with Harry and Harry Jr to the icelands is returning at the head of a small but vicious army, along side his ancestor from time immemorial, the most feared Wamphyri of all time, Shaitan himself.

Unfortunately Harry JR, injured by the sun itself in that battle has now mostly devolved into a wolf such as the one who transmitted its egg to him. Gone are most of his powers, leaving his father and Karen to face Shaitan and Shaithis almost alone.

Harry and Karen are, after a brief battle, crucified at the gate. However in a last act Karen commits suicide to take Shaithis with her and Harry and Harry Jr, combine their powers one last time to send a plea for help to earth which results in the dead in the Russian complex sending a nuclear armed exorcet through the gate, destroying Harry, Harry Jr, and Shaithis in a nuclear explosion.

Blood Brothers

It is revealed that after the Battle in the Garden (Necroscope 3, The Source) while recovering from the ravaging of his mind by his son The Dweller, Harry Keogh fathered two sons unknowingly with a Szgany woman Nana Kiklu, in starside/sunside. This books covers in some part the boys growing up among the Szgany of Lardis Lidesci. With the vampires destroyed (Necroscope 5, Deadspawn) by Harry Keogh and Lady Karen with the help the wolf The Dweller the Szgany have stopped travelling and settled into towns. The boys grow up with their mother in the Lidesci town named Settlement with their friends and especially a girl named Misha and Lardis' son Jason. The boys suffer from dreams and sometimes nightmares of people whispering in their graves and they also talk to three wild wolves who for reasons unknown to them call the boys their uncles.

We also learn of a long forgotten part of the world to the far east of the known Starside/Sunside. Discovered a long time ago by an exiled Wamphyri Lords Turgo Zolte and now home to around 40 Wamphyri Lord and Ladies and similar Szgany tribes al under the command of the Lord Vormulac Unsleep. But whereas the Szgany of old Starside fight back against the Wamphyri, the Szgany in Turgosheim have become worn down and supplicant. Settling in towns and allowing the many Wamphyri to visit and take as they want, using a tithe system where they are forced to choose or find a certain number of "volunteers" to be taken and used by the Wamphyri. Aggravated and tired of the Turgosheim life and aware that the land in the west is free of vampires a group of six Wamphyri under the command of the Lady Wratha The Risen flee Turgosheim for the west.

As they grow older Nathan and Nestors once close relataionship deteriorates due in part because of their affections for Misha. While they are fighting over The Szgany girl their unprepared village is attacked by the Wamphyri lead by Wratha. After the attack Nathan journeys away from Settlement, believing his mother, brother and Misha have been taken by the Wamphyri he ends up alone, weary and destitute and ready to die in the desert. His deadspeak thoughts are answered by a dead elder of the underground desert dwellers the telepathic Thyre. Wanting to help Nathan the dead Thyre Rogei guides him to a resting place of their ancients where he is found by the guards there.

Nestor, also injured in the attack on the village ends up in the hills, his memory damaged due to a head injury and believing he is a Wampnyri Lord. Nestor witnessing a duel between two Wamphyri Lords, Vasagi the suck and Wran KIllglance, rivals and part of Wrathas group out of Turgosheim. His intervention in the form of a crossbow bolt fired into Vasagi allows the Killglance Brother to win. He is then "rewarded" by Wran for his help with Vasagi's egg and he becomes Wamphyri.

Nathan, previously shunned by the dead of the Szgany, is immediately taken in by the Thyre and becomes famous among them, communicating with their dead and making many friends. Nathan becomes a conduit for the dead Thyre to talk to and teach the living Thyre, reuniting lost loved ones and telling them of new contraptions and inventions they have designed while dead. Learning to use his telepathy while travelling east with the Thyre across their many towns and underground outposts Nathan eventually ends up in Turgosheim.

In Turgosheim Nathan finds a supplicant Szgany tribe and is put into the tithe where he is taken to the manse of the Wampnyri Lord Maglore The Mage. Intrigued by Nathans intelligence, colours and demeanour Maglore does not vampirise him, instead choosing to keep him around as a companion or "pet". Nathan spends many months in Maglores manse learning about Turgosheim and he also meets another untouched human, the female Szgany girl Orlea. All the time keeping his powers and mentalism hidden from the Wamphyri Lord Nathan eventually 'escapes' on a flyer and goes back to western sunside and the Szgany Lidesci. Where he is reunited with his mother and marries Misha.

Upon Nathan's return Nestor senses him and is enraged to find him back. Believing in his broken mind that Nathan is an "old enemy" Nestor attacks Nathan and Misha along with his lieutenant Zahar, injured in the brisk skirmish Nestors flyer crashes near a leper colony but not before Nathan is thrown through the Perchorsk gate by Zahar on Nestors orders.

The Last Aerie

Sixteen years in the past on Earth Ben Trask along with other members of British E-Branch awake to a nightmare and feel compelled to go to their HQ in London, where they find each other waiting. Once there they use their combined ESP powers to project a hologram of the nightmare into view. They see a body of a man all burned and blackened by fire spinning in the darkness, suddenly he explodes and disappears into golden shards of light, one of the shards seems to come right out of the image and fly out of the room. They realize they have witnessed the death of Harry Keogh in the vampire world. (Necroscope: Deadspawn)

Back in the present on Earth Nathan is trapped, stuck inside the entrance of the wormhole gate in Perchorsk in Russia. Unsure if Nathan is human or Wamphyri The commander of Perchorsk Turkur Tzonov, a telepath, contacts British E-Branch for help, Ben Trask and Ian Goodly agree to go to Perchork as advisors.

Once at perchorsk Bens talent immediately tells him Nathan is human and he is moved to a cell in the complex where Turkur begins interrogation but Nathan stays quiet only using his telepathy to talk to Ben, he understands the British knew his father (who he learned of from reading Turkurs mind) and wants to know more so he accepts their help. Another Russian telepath Siggi Dam feels sorry for Nathan and allows him to escape, he flees into the mountains where he is finally intercepted by a British special forces helicopter and taken to England.

Once there he is told about his father and speaks to some of Harrys dead friends. E-Branch also tell him of the Möbius continuum and how Harry could teleport, eager to learn this ability as he already has the numbers in him, Nathan starts to learn mathematics from a tutor but he soon surpasses him, he then starts taking lessons from members of the dead, in particular Harrys own teacher a dead British headmaster.

E-branch also tell Nathan of the second gate in Romania which he can use to go home, but Nathan must wait until the river there is at its lowest to get to the gate, so he spends many months with the British learning about the world and his father.

While Nathan and Zek Foener are on a trip to visit the grave of her husband Jazz Simmons, they are attacked by Turkurs men (still trying to recapture Nathan). Having nowhere to run they are forced to swim in the ocean. Meanwhile in England Ian and David Chung know something is happening and turn on a computer in Harrys Room of the E-branch HQ, from which a golden dart flies out of it and disappears. Back in the ocean and in danger Nathan is struck by the golden dart and learns Harrys knowledge of Möbius maths, he teleports himself and Zek to E-Branch HQ via the Möbius continuum.

While this has been happening on Earth, in the vampire world Nestor has ascended as the Wamphyri Lord Nestor Lichloathe and has discovered the power of Necromancy. He is also inflicted with leprosy from crashing his flyer into the lepor village. The Wamphyri of Turgosheim have also been busy, they have been making flyers and fighting beasts to follow Lady Wratha's group across to the west to wage war against them.





The Touch

Harry and the Pirates

The book includes a series of short stories and vignettes from the various Necroscope books. Notable mentions are the titular "Harry and the Pirates" and "Dead Eddy". The stories are based in and around Harry's Lost Year's.


Dinosaur Dreams

For the Dead Travel Slowly

Dead Eddy

Harry and the Pirates

Old Man with a Blade


Cover Art, by Bob Eggleton

E Branch

E-Branch, "E" Standing for ESP, is a top secret branch of the British government, classified so highly hardly anyone knows they exist.(Russia and China are also known to have E-Branch's of their own). Using their ESP abilities the members of E-Branch practice espionage much like everyday spies. Using their telepathy, future srcying and location skills among others they are very good at what they do. They have also been known to help the police and military with unsolvable and 'special' cases. Most have E-Branch members have their own unique abilities making them extremely valuable assets to the government and although sometimes skeptical, their untalented superiors hold them in very high esteem.

British E-Branch

Located on the entire top floor of a London Hotel, unbeknownst to the hotels owners who are unaware of what they do, believing them to be a group of international entrepreneurs. The branch is governed by a Commander in chief who reports directly to the usually untalented Minister Responsible. The British are a very talented group, known to have the best E-Branch in the world and are dedicated to using their ESP abilities to do good in the world.

British ESPer's

Sir Keenan Gormley - Spotter, can detect talented individuals.

Alec Kyle - Seer, has visions of the future. He is captured and has mind drained by the Soviet E-Branch. As a result, he is a body without a mind, and it is his body that Harry Keogh inhabits after losing his own.

Ben Trask - Human Lie detector, knows instantly if someone is lying or telling the truth.

Darcy Clark - Has an inbuilt "guardian angel" protecting him from harm.

Ian Goodly - Seer, has visions of the future.

David Chung - Locator, can locate a person anywhere in the world as long he is holding an item which once belonged to them.

Trevor Jordon - Telepath, communicates telepathically and reads peoples minds.

Ken Layard - Locator, can locate a person anywhere in the world just by thinking of them.

Millicent Cleary - Telepath, communicates telepathically and reads peoples minds.

Anna Marie English - Eco empathic, her body reacts to the health of the world.

Guy Pearce - Seer, has visions of the future.

Paul Garvey - Telepath, communicates telepathically and reads peoples minds.

Soviet E-Branch

The Russian E-Branch has been based in a number of locations, they are first based in Russia in an old military installation named "Chateau Bronnitsy". Much like the British branch the Russians are governed by one man who reports directly to the Russian President. Using their talents similarly for espionage but unlike the British the Russians have sometimes been known for somewhat unscrupulous practices.

Russian ESPer's

Boris Dragosani - Necromancer, tortures the dead for their secrets.

Turkur Tzunov - Eye to eye telepath, communicates telepathically and reads peoples minds.

Zek Foener - Telepath, communicates telepathically and reads peoples minds.

Igor Vlady - Seer, has visions of the future.

Victor Shukshin - Spotter, know when someone is talented.

Max Batu - Has the Evil Eye, can kill just by focusing his eye on a person.

Allies of Harry Keogh/Nathan Keogh/Kiklu/JakeCutter

E-Branch - see the E Branch section

Zek Foener - A Greek telepath. She first appears at the Perchorsk site as a member of the Soviet E-Branch. She helped "drain" Alec Kyle's brain, thereby making room for Harry Sr. to inhabit Kyle's body.

Jazz Simmons - A British spy with no extra-sensory talents. He was caught spying at the Perchorsk site and banished through the white sphere to Sunside/Starside. Eventually married Zek Foener.

Lady Karen - A Wamphyri Lady (female version of a Lord). She teams up with The Dweller and Harry Sr. in the fight at the Dweller's garden.

Harry Jr/The Dweller - Son of Harry Sr. and a very powerful Necroscope. He learned all he needed to know of his skills when Harry Sr. was out of body and temporarily "living" in Harry Jr. Since he learned his talents as a baby, he was able to take them further than his dad was ever able to.

Sandra Markham - A member of British E-Branch and almost love of Harry Sr. Her first job as a fledgling telepath was to "spy" on Harry. After spending so much time with Harry, she learned to love him and started to regret her "job" as a spy. She was later caught by Janos Ferenczy and vampirized, along with Ken Layard, and ultimately killed by Harry.

Penny Sanderson - First victim of Johnny Found. Harry first talked to her almost immediately after she was murdered and felt an urgent need to take care of her. After Harry learned his Necromancer skills, he raised Penny back from the dead. She was killed when E-Branch declared war on Harry after his vampire reached full ascendency.

Lardis Lidesci - Leader of the Traveller clan, the Szgany Lidesci. Mentor and some-time father figure for Nathan and Nestor Kiklu.


Trogs are cave dwellers of Sunside/Starside, residing in around the mountains. Not very advanced physically or mentally with minds like the early cavemen of earth. They are thought of as unmen by the rest of the vampire world. Although not very bright they are still adapt at fashioning clothing, weapons and armours.

Also targeted by the Wamphyri for their blood and flesh the Trogs do not travel instead choosing to hide deep in their caves. There are also some Trog tribes which are supplicant to the Wamphyri, they are the makers of the devastating Wamphyri gauntlets.

The Thyre

The Thyre live in the furnace deserts of the Vampire World. Believed to be unmen or trogs by the rest of the worlds inhabitants they are actually great mentalists and telepaths with a very civilised underground society. As no non-thyre has entered their underground world they have been kept secret for millennia and are untouched by outside interference, especially from the Wamphyri.

Nathan learns of the Thyre when he travels to the furnace deserts. Weary and having given up on life he is ready to die alone when his deadspeak mind is noticed by one of the dead Thyre ancients. Never having spoken to the dead of his own race because they fear him, Nathan is at first shocked but then gains a new direction in life via his connection with the Thyre.

Amazed by Nathan's ability the Thyre are quick to embrace him as one of their own. They care for him as he recuperates and he allows the living Thyre to communicate to their dead friends through him, earning him the respect and admiration of the whole race and becoming revered among them Nathan travels along their underground caverns and outposts for many months.

The Szgany

The Szgany of Sunside are a traveller race very much like the gypsies of Earth, but are far behind Earth (maybe 1500 years) in their advancement of technology as their growth is impeded by frequent Wamphyri raids. They are able to fashion metals into edged weapons, armour and jewelry (gold is plentiful on the vampire world), as well as bows and crossbows and are capable of building houses and cabins. Some Szgany were able to duplicate gunpowder brought from Earth from which they created rockets and bombs.

Wearing cloth and leather from animal skins they are forced to travel on carts and travois most of their time travelling during the long daytime and hiding during the night in fear of the Wamphyri.

They are a simple people with hardly any ESP abilities but on rare occasions mentalists have been born into a Sgany tribe but it is not common.

Some Szgany can also be found on Earth, ancestors of supplicant tribes exiled with their Wamphyri Lords, mainly the Ferencs. They may be the source of all gypsies on Earth but that is not proven.

The Great/Silent Majority

The Great Majority is the name for the teeming dead. When a person dies their body deteriorates and becomes dust, but the mind lives on. Writers keep on writing stories and architects are creating great structures in their minds but they have no one to build them. A Great Majority with their thoughts and minds still active in the places where they died.

Harry Keogh changed everything for the Great Majority, talking to them with his deadspeak they discovered they could also talk to each other..

Series bibliography


  • Necroscope (1986)
  • Necroscope II: Wamphyri (1988); US title: Necroscope II: Vamphyri! (1988)
  • Necroscope III: The Source (1989)
  • Necroscope IV: Deadspeak (1990)
  • Necroscope V: Deadspawn (1991)

Vampire World

  • Vampire World I: Blood Brothers (1992)
  • Vampire World II: The Last Aerie (1993)
  • Vampire World III: Bloodwars (1994)

The Lost Years

  • Necroscope: The Lost Years [Volume I] (1995)
  • Necroscope: The Lost Years Volume II (1996); US title: Necroscope: Resurgence The Lost Years Volume II (1996)

E-Branch trilogy

  • E-Branch: Invaders (1999); US title: Necroscope: Invaders (1999)
  • Necroscope: Defilers (2000)
  • Necroscope: Avengers (2001)


  • Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes (2003)

New Adventures of the Necroscope

Related role-playing games


  • Miranda Horner, Daniel Scot Palter, Brian Sean Perry and Jesse VanValkenburg. Deadspeak Dossier (1995)
  • Miranda Horner and George R. Strayton. The E-Branch Guide to Psionics (1996)
  • Edward Bolme and Andrew Heckt. Wamphyri (1996)
  • Mark Barnabo, Edward S. Bolme, Angel McCoy, and Christopher E. Wolf. Operation: Nightside (1997)

Related comic books and graphic novels

  1. The Necroscope series of comic books published by Malibu Comics, collected in a graphic novel titled Necroscope:
    • October 1992
    • December 1992
    • February 1993
    • April 1993
    • June 1993
  2. The Necroscope Book II: Wamphyri series of comic books was published by Malibu:
    • August 1993
    • November 1993
    • January 1994
  3. Another series of comic books entitled Necroscope was published by Caliber Comics:
    • 1997
    • 1998

Other media

  • Florida Death Metal Band Disincarnate released a song based on the Necroscope series titled "Deadspawn" on thier 1993 album "Dreams of the Carrion Kind"

External links