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Psychic surgery

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Psychic surgery is allegedly a paranormal surgical procedure, practiced chiefly in the Philippines and Brazil. It is performed by self-styled psychic doctors or psychic surgeons, who claim to extract "tumors" or other presumed pathological objects (pus, bones, and so on) from the patient's body through a bloody but painless and invisible "incision", often made with bare hands and without the use of antiseptics or anesthetics.

Psychic surgeons often claim special magical or paranormal abilities. Practitioner Leony Romero claims an innate ability to "raise the vibration" of his hands so that they can pass through the patient's tissues, and turn "diseased energy" into physical matter.

Psychic surgery should not be confused with psychosurgery.

Psychic surgery in the Philippines

In the Philippines, the procedure originated in in the 1940s with Eleuterio Terte. Terte and his student Tony Agpaoa trained others in his techniques. Terte and many of his students were associated with a religious organization, the Union Espiritista Christiana de Filipinas (The Christian Spiritist Union of the Philippines.)

In 1959, the procedure became widely known in the U. S. through the publication of Into the Strange Unknown by Ron Ormond and Ormond McGill. They called the practice "fourth dimensional surgery," and said "[we] still don’t know what to think; but we have motion pictures to show it wasn’t the work of any normal magician, and could very well be just what the Filipinos said it was — a miracle of God performed by a fourth dimensional surgeon."

Perhaps the most famous psychic surgeon is Alex Orbito, who became well-known in the U. S. through association with actress Shirley MacLaine. On June 14, 2005, Orbito was arrested by Canadian authorities and indicted for fraud [1].

Psychic surgery made U. S. tabloid headlines in March 1984 when comedian Andy Kaufman, diagnosed with lung cancer, traveled to the Philippines for a six-week course of psychic surgery. Practitioner Jun Labo claimed to have removed large cancerous tumors and Kaufman believed the cancer had been removed. Kaufman died of metastatic carcinoma on May 16, 1984.

Psychic surgery in Brazil

The origins of the practice in Brazil are obscure; it may derive from Candomblé rituals, or it may have been inspired by reports from the Philippines. In any case, by the late 1950s several "spiritual doctors" were practicing in the country. Many of them were associated with Kardecism, a major spiritualistic religion in Brazil, and claimed to be performing their operations merely as channels for spirits of deceased medical doctors.

The most famous Brazilian psychic surgeon was José (Zé) Arigó, who claimed to be channeling for a certain Dr. Fritz. Other psychic surgeons who claimed to channel for Dr. Fritz were Edson Queiroz and Rubens Farias Jr.. The most popular one today (especially abroad) is João de Deus, who operates in Abadiânia, state of Goiás.

According to the descriptions of Y. Omura (1997), current Brazilian psychic surgery appears to be different from that practiced in the Philippines. Omura refers to practitioners using using techniques resembling Qi Gong, Shiatsu massage, and chiropractic manipulation. Many patients were injected with a brown liquid, and minor surgery was performed in about 1/5 of the cases observed. While Arigó performed his operations with kitchen knives in improvised settings, Omura reports that the clamping of the blood vessels and the closings of the surgical wounds are now performed by licensed surgeons or licensed nurses.

Psychic surgery around the World

There are a handful of practitioners in the U.K., notably Stephen Turoff, who operates the Danbury Healing Clinic in Chelmsford, England.

A San Francisco Chronicle article refers to psychic surgery as being practiced within "a kind of psychic underground in America, England, Russia and many other countries."

Fraud and Sleight-of-Hand

Psychic surgery was discredited by the U. S. Federal Trade Commission in 1975. In a unanimous opinion, the commission declared that "'psychic surgery' is nothing but a total hoax." Judge Daniel H. Hanscom, in granting the FTC an injunction against travel agencies promoting psychic surgery tours, said: "Psychic surgery is pure and unmitigated fakery. The 'surgical operations' of psychic surgeons ... with their bare hands are simply phony."

James Randi, a stage magician turned psychic debunker, has repeatedly exposed psychic surgery as a fraudulent sleight-of-hand confidence trick. He has stated that in personal observations of the procedure, and in movies showing the procedures, he can spot sleight-of-hand moves that are evident to experienced stage magicians. He has replicated the effects himself by sleight-of-hand [2] [3] [4]. Professional magicians Milbourne Christopher and Robert Gurtler have also observed psychic surgeons at work, and claim to have spotted the use of sleight-of-hand.

In 1990, the American Cancer Society stated that it found no evidence that "psychic surgery" results in objective benefit in the treatment of any medical condition, and strongly urged individuals who are ill not to seek treatment by psychic surgery.

While not generally hazardous to the patient, medical fraud of this kind carries considerable risk of the patient delaying or forgoing any competent medical help — sometimes with fatal consequences.

See also


  • Andy Kaufman's death certificate "Metastatic carcinoma"
  • Filipino faith healing as described on a healer's website
  • "F.T.C. Curtails the Promotion Of All Psychic Surgery Tours" New York Times October 25, 1975 p. 27. (FTC: "nothing but a total hoax...")
  • "F.T.C. Curbs Philippines Flights For Cures by 'Psychic Surgery'"; New York Times March 15, 1975, p. 11 (Judge Hanscom: "pure and unmitigated fakery... simply phony")
  • Omura, Y (1997): "Impression on observing psychic surgery and healing in Brazil" Acupunct. Electrother. Res. 1997;22(1):17-33. Abstract
  • Pyramid of Asia German Wikipedia article with photo
  • [5] Repairs to Pangasinan’s pyramid

to start next year, says healers group] Manila Times article on late-2004 status of Orbito's Pyramid of Asia