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Paranoia (role-playing game)

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25th Anniversary Troubleshooters edition
25th Anniversary Troubleshooters Edition
DesignersGreg Costikyan, Dan Gelber, Eric Goldberg, Allen Varney(current edition)
PublishersWest End Games, Mongoose Publishing
Publication1984 (1st edition)
1987 (2nd edition)
1995 (Fifth edition)
2004 (Paranoia XP)
2009 (25th Anniversary edition)
GenresHumor, Sci-fi

Paranoia is a dystopian science-fiction tabletop role-playing game originally designed and written by Greg Costikyan, Dan Gelber, and Eric Goldberg, and first published in 1984 by West End Games. Since 2004 the game has been published under licence by Mongoose Publishing. The game won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Rules of 1984[1] and was inducted into the Origins Awards Hall of Fame in 2007.[2]


Paranoia is a humorous role-playing game set in a dystopian future similar to Nineteen Eighty-Four, Logan's Run and THX1138 among others; however, the tone of the game is rife with black humor, frequently tongue-in-cheek rather than dark and heavy.


The game's main setting is an immense and futuristic city called Alpha Complex, which is controlled by The Computer, a psychotic civil service AI construct. Following an unspecified apocalyptic event, civilisation outside of the Complex is presumed to have collapsed (although in a few editions of the game other Alpha Complexes exist, with their own Computers - and these Complexes are inevitably hostile towards each other). The citizens of Alpha Complex are produced via cloning, with multiple clones being made of each individual in order to provide a certain amount of redundancy. (The default number of clones is 6, although in some editions wealthy citizens can obtain additional clones, either through underhanded means or, in later editions, through entirely legal channels.)

Citizens are subjected to barrages of propaganda and medication in order to keep them sedated, and are told that they are living in the happiest epoch of mankind's history and there is absolutely nothing of value in the Outdoors. They are also encouraged to inform on one another for acts of treason, the definition of which has expanded to the point where almost all citizens of Alpha Complexes are technically guilty of treason. Most citizens have little to no knowledge of history; the in-game year is believed to be 214 AC (Age of the Computer), but the authorities have tampered with the official record so much, with some years repeated over and over again and others excised from the records entirely, that it is effectively impossible to tell how long the Computer has ruled Alpha Complex.

The Computer serves as the game's principal antagonist, but is not evil so much as extremely confused. Originally it was a civil service computer, but it has taken on functions that its original programming was never intended to deal with, and it exhibits a number of eccentric habits as a result. For example, it often queries citizens to ask whether they are happy, even while simultaneously accusing them of treason and ordering them to report for execution. The Computer was presumably damaged to some extent by the trauma of the apocalyptic events which drove humanity into Alpha Complex in the first place and has also suffered various acts of sabotage over the years, so a number of its subsystems are damaged or unreliable.

Moreover, the citizens it trusts to adapt, modify, and add to its programming, the so-called High Programmers, are all products of Alpha Complex society and consequently engaged in their own secret agendas. Therefore, they are almost always programming at cross-purposes to each other. Finally, since the Computer is known to be erratic in its behaviour and imposes severe punishments for perceived infractions, many citizens of Alpha Complex provide inaccurate information in response to the Computer's queries, either because they are attempting to cover up their personal failings or because they are afraid to tell the Computer anything it does not want to hear. As a result, the Computer is highly fragmented, often unaware of half the things its subsystems are doing, and frequently forced to make decisions on the basis of incredibly inaccurate information. It therefore acts in an extremely arbitrary and unpredictable manner. This, in turn, makes Alpha Complex society even more dysfunctional, ensuring that those who rise to the top to become High Programmers are even more unhinged and that citizens are even less inclined to make honest reports to the Computer, which in turn reinforces and intensifies the Computer's insanity.

The Computer is completely paranoid and fears a number of threats to its 'perfect' society, such as The Outdoors, mutants, and secret societies (especially Communists). To deal with these threats, The Computer employs Troubleshooters, whose job is to go out, find trouble, and shoot it. Player characters are usually troubleshooters, although later game supplements have allowed the players to take on other roles. The current edition of the game consists of three different self-contained rulebooks, each with a different premise: Paranoia: Troubleshooters presents the classic Troubleshooter concept, Paranoia: Internal Security casts the player characters as mid-ranking security agents, and Paranoia: High Programmers places the player characters as high-clearance members of the upper echelons of Alpha Complex society who direct their underlings to accomplish missions from a "Situation Room".

Regardless of the edition or concept, the player characters are charged with undertaking missions on behalf of the Computer in order to ensure the safety of Alpha Complex. Frequently, the player characters receive missions that are incomprehensible, self-contradictory, or potentially fatal, equipment that is dangerous, faulty, or experimental, and side-missions which conflict with any other instructions the players may have received. Additionally, each player character is generally an unregistered mutant and a secret society member, and has a hidden agenda separate from the group's goals, often involving stealing from or killing teammates or sabotaging the mission. Each mission inevitably becomes a comedy of errors, as everyone on the team seeks to double-cross and expose everyone else while keeping their own secrets. The game's manual encourages suspicion between players, offering several tips on how to make the gameplay as paranoid as possible.

Every player's character is assigned six clones, known as a "six-pack," which are used to replace the preceding clone upon his or her death. As a result, Paranoia features characters which are routinely killed while allowing players to continue to play instead of leaving the game. This easy spending of clones tends to lead to frequent firefights, gruesome slapstick, and the horrible and humorous demise of most if not all of the player character's clone family.

The Paranoia rulebook is unusual in a number of ways; demonstrating any knowledge of the rules is specifically forbidden for players (and punishable by the summary execution of their character) and most of the rulebook is written in an easy, conversational tone that often makes fun of the players and their characters, while occasionally taking digs at other notable role-playing games.

Security clearances

Paranoia features a security clearance system based on colors of the visible spectrum which heavily restricts what the players can and cannot do; everything from corridors to food and equipment have security restrictions. The lowest rating is infrared but the lowest playable security clearance is red.

The full order of clearances from lowest to highest is Infrared (visually represented by Black), Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, and Ultraviolet (visually represented by White). Within the game, infrared-clearance citizens live dull lives of mindless drudgery and are heavily medicated, and those with Ultraviolet clearance are almost completely unrestricted and have a great deal of access to The Computer; in fact, they are the only citizens that may (legally) access and modify the Computer's programming, and thus Ultraviolet citizens are also referred to as "High Programmers". Higher level citizens, especially those of Blue and above, can demote and or even summarily execute lower level citizens. Security clearance is not related to competence or even authority, though there is often a correlation; clearance is instead a measure of The Computer's trust in a character.

Secret Societies

In the game, Secret Societies tend to be based on sketchy and spurious knowledge of historical matters. For example, previous editions included societies such as the Seal Club (that idolizes the Outdoors but is unsure what plants and animals actually look like), the Knights of the Circular Object, the Trekkies and the First Church of Christ Computer Programmer. In keeping with the theme of paranoia, a lot of secret societies have spies or double agents in each other's organizations.

Of special notice is the secret society known as the Wobblies. The game's backstory indicates that the Computer was worried about this society, and sent a pack of Troubleshooters to investigate. Since the society didn't actually exist, the Troubleshooters found nothing to report, and were terminated for laziness and insubordination. After a couple of Troubleshooter groups were thus disposed of, a newly sent group founded the society themselves in order to have something to report on. By the time the game setting takes place, a number of other secret societies have sent spies to join the Wobblies and the end result is a group that consists entirely of spies for other groups. The in-joke for the Commie-hating computer is that this group is loosely modeled on the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), the original "wobbly" trade union movement that attempted to stand up to the robber barons at the start of the 20th century.

The Paranoia XP book and The Traitors Manual supplement include the following societies. The actual societies which would be encountered in a game, like the mutant powers available to PCs, depends on the playstyle; some societies are more suited for more light-hearted games (Zap-style, or the lighter end of Classic), whereas others represent a more serious threat to Alpha Complex and are therefore more suitable for Straight or the more dark sort of Classic games.

  • Anti-Mutant: A hate group who hates mutants above and beyond the social norm. They attack registered and even 'suspected' mutants in dark corridors with lead pipes and funball bats. Their members are constantly trying to ferret out the mutant menace that hides among them, and a good percentage are even more paranoid than the average citizen. Ironically, many of them are actually mutants themselves, but remain unregistered.
  • Communists: This secret society was formed based on the theory that, if the Computer hates Communism so much, then there must be something to it. Their knowledge of historical Communism is poor, leading to Alpha Complex Communists adopting stereotypical Russian accents and clothing. Further confusion about Communism leads to Alpha Complex Communists carrying pictures of Groucho Marx and listening to the 'revolutionary' songs of John Lennon.
  • Computer Phreaks: Composed of hackers, crackers, computer geeks, and computer game addicts, the Computer Phreaks practice programming in secret — and try to show off how very l33t they are. This can be a very dangerous hobby in Alpha. The line between 'hacker extraordinaire' and 'terminated traitor' is a fine one.
  • Corpore Metal: Corpore Metal members believes that humans are inferior and outdated. Machines are the wave of the future. CorpMets are obsessed with attaining the perfection of 'bothood', going as far as intentional self-maiming to obtain cybernetic replacements. This secret society, unsurprisingly, also has a large number of rogue bot members.
  • Death Leopard: Their motto is "live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful set of 6 corpses." Death Leopard is into loud music, explosions, and parties. They are not so much a coherent secret society as a collection of gangs. There are frequent wars within the society, but they will usually band together to deal with outside threats — if only to get back to settling their turf wars in peace.
  • First Church of Christ Computer Programmer (FCCC-P) (also referred to as The Assemblers of God in some editions): They believe that the Computer is God. They have their own hymns, services, and worship, and obey the Computer much more than the average Alpha Complex citizen. While secret society membership is still against the law, the FCCC-P is generally ignored, or only given a punitive slap-on-the-wrist. There are interfactional conflicts between different sects of the church, and even simple differences in interpretation can lead to bloodshed.
  • Frankenstein Destroyers: This Luddite society believes that robots are the cause of all mankind's problems. Some blanket this hate to all technology, but the society is mainly focused on destroying the shiny, soulless AI menace.
  • Free Enterprise: In earlier editions Free Enterprise represents capitalists in The Computer's more communist society. With the increasing amount of authorized capitalism in Paranoia XP, Free Enterprise has become a pseudo-mafia organization, sometimes adopting stereotypical Italian accents. Free Enterprise runs the Infrared markets in Alpha Complex.
  • Humanists: The Humanists are aware of just how flawed Alpha Complex is ...at least to some degree. They realize the Computer is insane, and strive to make Alpha Complex a better place for people. They do this by installing hidden backdoor codes in The Computer, reprogramming rogue bots to serve humanity, and planning for the day when they rise up and restore power to the people. That day is just around the corner — and has been for centuries; the Humanists never seem to get much done, as the society is bogged down by process, meetings, and committees.
  • Illuminati: The Illuminati is a secretive organization whose goals are so well hidden that most members don't know them. No one knows what the goals of this society are, or even how it goes about them. Members may be given orders as simple as 'deliver this', or 'kill him/her', or as unfathomable as 'Take the cap off the pen in the briefing room XLJ11, and dispose of it down the trash chute in X corridor'. Most Illuminati also pose as members of another secret society, in order to keep their true society a secret.
  • Mystics: Supposedly founded by those seeking enlightenment, the Mystics focus on recreational drug use. Another example of an un-society, there is no grand Mystic goal. Some limit themselves to their own personal visions, while others try to drug food or water supplies to try to enlighten as many as possible.
  • Pro Tech: Pro Tech members enjoy high technology. They research new technology and steal research by others. Pro-techers can sometimes be identified by the sheer number of beeping nifty gadgets they tend to carry.
  • Psion: Psion is the pro-mutant group. They believe mutants are superior beings. Heavily run by the 'Controls', a separated and hidden network of telepathic mutants, Psions seek to pave the way for a better, brighter (mutant-run) future.
  • PURGE: PURGE is an active terrorist organization seeking to violently overthrow The Computer. They have no real ideology about what comes after; they just want the Computer destroyed. In previous editions, PURGE was as slapstick as all the others. In XP, particularly Straight-style games, PURGE is a terrorist organization, out to destroy the hated Computer no matter how many innocents are lost in the fight.
  • Romantics: Enticed by the forbidden lore of the "Old Reckoning" (the days before Alpha Complex and the Computer), the Romantics scavenge what details about the past they can. However, due to the suppression of this information, their information is rather flawed, and different sects focus on different aspects of the past.
  • Sierra Club (referred to as Seal Club in some editions): The Computer restricts leaving Alpha Complex to Green clearance and above, and then only for good reasons. So, aside from Troubleshooters who may be sent into the great Outdoors, almost no one in Alpha Complex has seen so much as a blade of grass. This great mystique has led to the formation of the Sierra Club, devoted to sneaking out. Some want to escape forever, while others try to bring the wonders of nature to the less fortunate inside.

The 1st Edition also included secret societies such as Spy For Another Alpha Complex and Programs Group (Programs Groups being the personal agents and spies of the High Programmers at the apex of Alpha Complex society).


Five editions have been published. Three of these were published by West End Games - the 1st, 2nd, and "Fifth" Editions - whereas the later two editions (Paranoia XP and the 25th Anniversary editions) were published by Mongoose Publishing. In addition to these five published editions, it is known that West End Games were working on a "Third Edition" - to replace the poorly-received Fifth Edition - in the late 1990s, but their financial issues would prevent this edition from seeing the light of day.

1st edition

Cover of 1st edition
Cover of 1st edition

1st edition (ISBN 978-0-87431-025-2) - written by Greg Costikyan, Dan Gelber, and Eric Goldberg - published in 1984 by West End Games. In 1985, this edition of Paranoia won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Rules of 1984.[1] This edition, while encouraging dark humour in-game, took a fairly serious dystopian tone; the supplements and adventures released to accompany it emphasised the lighter side, however, establishing the freewheeling mix of slapstick, intra-team backstabbing and satire that is classically associated with a game of Paranoia.

2nd edition

Cover of 2nd edition
Cover of 2nd edition

2nd edition (ISBN 978-0-87431-018-4) - written by Greg Costikyan, Dan Gelber, Eric Goldberg, Ken Rolston, and Paul Murphy - published in 1987 by West End Games. This edition can be seen as a response to the natural development of the line towards a rules-light, fast and entertaining play style. Here, the humorous possibilities of life in a paranoid dystopia are emphasised, and the rules are simplified considerably from the first edition.

Dragon magazine issue #132 gave the initial 2nd edition release a glowing review while discussing some of the perceived shortcomings of the first edition:

"[The first edition of Paranoia...] promised hilarious fun and a combat system that didn’t get bogged down in tedious mechanics. It soon found a following among gamers looking for something different in their role-playing adventures. Still, a close inspection of the combat system revealed that it was slow moving and cumbersome. The mechanics were hard to grasp in places, making it difficult to get into the freewheeling fun."

Now, all that’s changed. The PARANOIA game has been treated to a revamp, and this time the rules are slick. All that tricky stuff which made the combat system such a pain to run has been shelved off into optional rules. If you want the extra complications, you’re welcome to them, or you can do what most people did anyway and simply ignore them.[3]

The review does offer one common reservation about the game: "It doesn't lend itself easily to long-term campaign play. This game is best treated as a succession of short adventure sessions in which players get to enjoy themselves doing all those despicable things that would spoil a more 'serious’ game.". However the conclusion of the review stated that "As a tongue-in-cheek science-fiction game, this one is hard to beat."[3]

Metaplot and the Second Edition: Many of the supplements released for the Second edition fall into a story arc set up by new writers and line editors that was intended to freshen up the game and broaden roleplay possibilities. While they undoubtedly did so, giving roleplayers the opportunity to transcend time and space, play in a post-apocalyptic Computerless Alpha Complex, or play in a post-post-apocalyptic Alpha Complex in which the Computer battled for control with other factions, many fans felt these new settings ran counter to the spirit of the game. In particular, many felt the removal of the Computer - and thus the power structure associated with it - and the greater freedom given to PCs effectively wrecked the very premise of the game, which required that PCs had little freedom, had to appease the demands of the Computer, and were presented with insane situations that arose from the ludicrous rules of Alpha Complex society. Second edition supplements can generally be divided into four eras:

  1. Classic: No metaplot.
  2. Secret Society Wars: Introduced in The DOA Sector Travelogue, and supported by a series of Secret Society Wars modules. Individual missions can be run in the Classic format, but running themes and conspiracies persist from book to book.
  3. The Crash: Detailed in The Crash Course Manual, and supported by the Vulture Warriors of Dimension X series of time-travelling modules. Adventures occur in a fractured Complex in which there is no Computer, possibly as a result of the Secret Society Wars, possibly not.
  4. Reboot: Detailed in The Paranoia Sourcebook, and supported by a few modules and supplements. The Computer returns, but does not control all of Alpha Complex - plays as a hybrid of the other eras, with players free to choose sides.

"Fifth" Edition

Cover of Fifth Edition
Cover of Fifth Edition

"Fifth Edition" (ISBN 978-0-87431-171-6) - published in 1995 by West End Games - was in fact the third edition of the game released. (The game skipped two editions as a joke, and possibly also as a reference to the two major revisions to the game released during the lifetime of the Second Edition with the Crash Course Manual and the Paranoia Sourcebook.) It has since been declared an "un-product" (cf. "unperson") by the writers of the current edition, due to its extremely poor commercial and critical reception. Almost none of the original production staff were involved, and the books in this line focused less on the dark humor and oppressive nature of Alpha, and more on cheap pop culture spoofs, such as a Vampire: The Masquerade parody. As well as the lighter, sillier atmosphere, fans also disliked the lower production values of the new edition, in which most of the internal art consisted of extremely cartoonish and sketchy illustrations as opposed to the more detailed and thematically-appropriate Jim Holloway illustrations of previous editions.

In his introduction to Flashbacks, a compilation of Paranoia adventures from the West End Games era, Allen Varney fully details the management decisions which led, in the eyes of many, to the decline of the Paranoia line, and cites rumours that the line saw a 90% decline in sales before West End Games went into bankruptcy:

"Art director Larry Catalano left West End in 1986. Catalano’s successor fired (illustrator) Jim Holloway and brought in a succession of increasingly poor cartoonists. (Writer/editor) Ken Rolston left shortly thereafter for unrelated reasons. In Ken’s wake, developers Doug Kaufman and Paul Murphy in turn briefly supervised the PARANOIA line. After they too departed, editorial control fell to—how do I put this tactfully?—people with different views of the PARANOIA line."[4]

Unreleased West End Games Third Edition

Following the extremely negative reception of the Fifth Edition, West End Games began planning a new edition of the game, which would be released as the "Third Edition". Pages from this planned edition were exhibited at Gen Con in 1997[5] - this being a mere two years after the release of the Fifth Edition, suggesting that work began on the Third Edition extremely soon after the ill-fated Fifth Edition release. Due to West End Games' financial issues this edition was never completed. In an interview in 1999[6] Scott Palter of West End expressed hopes that the Third Edition would be published that summer; however, he also disclosed that court proceedings had been begun by the original designers in order to reclaim the rights to the game. The designers would ultimately succeeding purchasing the rights to the game, putting an end to any possibility that the final West End Games edition would be released.

A single adventure has surfaced which contained a brief summary of the third edition rules.[7]

Paranoia XP

Cover of XP Edition
Cover of XP Edition

Following the bankruptcy of West End Games, the original designers of Paranoia banded together and purchased the rights to the game from West End in order to regain control of the line. The designers in turn granted a license to Mongoose Publishing to produce a new version of the game, with the result that "Paranoia XP" (ISBN 978-1-904854-26-5), written by Allen Varney, Aaron Allston, Paul Baldowski, Beth Fischi, Dan Curtis Johnson and Greg Costikyan, was published in 2004. In 2005, Microsoft requested that the XP be removed. As such, the name was shortened to just Paranoia. This edition of the game has received a much warmer critical reception, as well as selling well.

This edition also introduced three different styles of play, with some game mechanics differing between the various modes to support the specific tone being sought-after:

  • Zap is anarchic slapstick with no claims to making sense and little effort at satire. Zap represents Paranoia as popularly understood: troubleshooters who open fire on each other with little to no provocation. It is often associated with the "Fifth Edition". The symbol of this game style is two smoking boots, much like the front cover.
  • Classic is the atmosphere associated with the 2nd edition. While conflict inside of troubleshooter teams is common, it is less common and less frequently lethal. The symbol of this game style is a computer (representing The Computer).
  • Straight represents a relatively new style for Paranoia, although it is not entirely without precedent in the darker portions of the original 1st edition rules. Straight Paranoia is more serious and focuses more on dark, complex satire. In Straight Paranoia, players are punished for executing other characters without first filing evidence of the other character's treason; this encourages slower, more careful gameplay and discourages random firefights and horseplay. The symbol of this game style is an enormous eye, much like the eye on the front cover.

Primary designer Allen Varney, in the designer's notes, explained that his aim with the new edition was to return to the game's roots whilst updating both the game system and the satirical setting to take account of twenty years of game design progress. In both the core rulebook and the Flashbacks supplement - a reprint of classic adventures originally published by West End Games - Varney was highly critical of West End Games' handling of the product line in its latter days. In a posting on RPG.net he explained that the point of including the three playstyles in Paranoia XP was to counteract the impression that "Zap"-styled play was the default for Paranoia, an impression which had in part been created by the more cartoonish later supplements in the West End Games line (as well as "Fifth Edition").[8]

In order to distance the new edition from the less commercially and critically successful aspects of the West End Game line, and to discourage new players from wasting time and money on what he considered to be inferior products, Varney additionally used the designer's notes to declare many West End products, including the "Fifth Edition" and everything published for the 2nd Edition after The People's Glorious Revolutionary Adventure, to be "unproducts" - no longer part of the game's continuity, and not recommended for use with the new edition. An upshot of this is that the much of the poorly received metaplot established late in the West End Games line, from the Secret Society Wars to the Reboot and beyond, was disposed of. Varney has explained that this is due mainly to his distaste for the direction the metaplot took the game line in, a distaste he asserts is shared by the game's fan community.[9] He has also stated that he personally has little affection for the "Zap" style,[10] and therefore may have given it short shrift in the main rulebook, although later supplements for Paranoia XP did provide more support for Zap play.

Long-time Paranoia artist Jim Holloway, called "the master of the fun-filled illustration"[3], drew the cover art and much of the internal art for the game until 1986. His art for the series generally portray comedic scenarios that capture the essential "deathtrap" feeling of Alpha Complex. Paranoia XP marked his return to the line as well; he's designed every cover of the XP edition, and many books contain both his classic and new Paranoia art.

While Paranoia XP kept Communists as the big bad scapegoat in spite of the Cold War being long over, the updated edition integrates several 21st century themes into its satire. Troubleshooters carry PDCs (Personal Digital Companion) that are reminiscent of PDAs and smartphones and can try to acquire gear by bidding on CBay (obvious pun on Ebay). New threats to Alpha Complex include file sharing, phishing scams, identity theft and WMDs. Consumerism in Alpha Complex has been tooled into its economy and has taken on an element of patriotism, echoing sentiments expressed after 9/11 along similar trends. A mission pack released in 2009 titled War On (Insert Noun) lampoons government initiatives like the War on Drugs and the War on Terror.

In writing the new edition, Varney, Goldberg and Costikyan reached out to and actively collaborated with Paranoia's online fan community through an official blog and through Paranoia-Live.net.[11] In addition, Varney ran an online game, the Toothpaste Disaster, where players took the role of High Programmers documenting the titular disaster in a Lexicon format. Many ideas established in the Lexicon game were written into the rulebook. Later, some of the best players and writers from the game and a few other places were formally integrated as the Traitor Recycling Studio to write official Paranoia material; their first credited work was the mission supplement Crash Priority.[12]

In 2006, Varney's fellow Paranoia writer, Mongoose Publishing employee Gareth Hanrahan, took over as primary writer for the Paranoia line. During the lifetime of the XP line Mongoose released numerous supplements and adventures for the game. Notable amongst the supplements was Extreme Paranoia, which provided ideas for scenarios based around characters of security clearances Orange to Violet, with premises differing greatly from the standard Red-clearance Troubleshooter concept but remaining thematically appropriate to the game's setting at atmosphere. (This included an updated reprint of the 1st Edition supplement HIL Sector Blues, which focused on playing Blue-clearance IntSec agents.) The idea of devising new and varied concepts to base Paranoia adventures and campaigns around would be revisited for the next edition of the game.

25th Anniversary Editions

For the 25th Anniversary of Paranoia in 2009, Mongoose Publishing has announced a new edition of the rulebook as well as two new rulebooks, one casting the players as higher-clearance Internal Security investigators and one where the players get to be Ultraviolet High Programmers.[13] In June 2009, Mongoose announced that they would be retiring the books in the XP line at the end of the month to clear the way for the 25th anniversary edition line. They stated that the XP material would "maintain a 90% compatibility rating with the new Paranoia books".[14]

The three books have now been released, each of which is an entirely self-contained and playable game: Paranoia: Troubleshooters, Paranoia: Internal Security, and Paranoia: High Programmers. The Troubleshooters volume presents a slimmed-down version of the XP rules, the most notable difference being the removal of the Service Firms and the advanced economy of the XP edition, with the focus firmly on the game's traditional premise of casting the player characters as Red-clearance Troubleshooters. The Internal Security volume casts the player characters as Blue-clearance Internal Security agents, a refinement of the premise of the 1st edition supplement HIL Sector Blues (reprinted in the XP line as part of Extreme Paranoia). The third game, Paranoia: High Programmers, casts the player characters as the Ultraviolet-clearance elite of Alpha Complex society and focuses on the political plotting and infighting that dominates the High Programmers' lives, a premise not dissimilar to the Violet-level campaign ideas presented in Extreme Paranoia.

The Troubleshooters volume retains the play styles of the XP rulebook, whilst the Internal Security and High Programmers volumes both include three new styles tailored for their respective premises. However, the Troubleshooters volume assumes the "Classic" playstyle by default and includes the "Zap" and "Straight" styles in an appendix, whereas the XP edition included all three playstyles throughout the book. Allen Varney, designer of the XP edition, explained in a posting on RPG.net[15] that this decision came about as a result of the XP edition successfully convincing the wider gaming public that "Zap" was not the default playstyle for the game; since it was now generally accepted that Paranoia could have a variety of playstyles and each GM would interpret it somewhat differently, it was considered no longer necessary to emphasis the different playstyles in the main text.

First edition
Title Author(s) Pub. Date ISBN Notes
Paranoia Dan Gelber, Greg Costikyan, and Eric Goldberg 1984 0-87431-025-3 First edition of the game. Consists of Player Handbook, Gamemaster Handbook, and Adventure Handbook with introductory adventure Destination: CBI Sector. Boxed set also includes two 20-sided dice.
Paranoia (Games Workshop) Dan Gelber, Greg Costikyan, and Eric Goldberg 1986 1-869893-01-8 A Games Workshop printing of the first edition. Contains all three books of the basic set in one hardcover volume, as well as the three short adventures (Robot Imana-665-C, The Trouble with Cockroaches and Das Bot: Nearly a Dozen Meters Beneath the Sea) from the first edition Gamemaster Screen.
Acute Paranoia Ken Rolston and various 1986 0-87431-034-2 Articles on supplementary rules and flavor material, including Sanity Tests, Playing Robots, New Secret societies and Better Living Through Chemistry. Contains the full-length adventure Me and My Shadow, Mark IV, mini-adventures Botbusters, Warriors of the Nightcycle and The Harder They Clone, and 8 short missions designated "Code 7": An ARD Day's Night, Reboot Camp, Whitewash, The Second Coming, Plumber's Helper, Miami Laser, Paranoid Clones in Savory Vulture Stew, and Outland-ISH. "Code 7" refers to a mission that takes Troubleshooters seven clones to finish; ergo, in 1st through 5th editions with a finite six clone limit, a suicide mission.
Clones in Space Eric Wujick 1986 0-87431-042-3 An adventure in which the player characters are sent into space by The Computer. The covers are not stapled to the rest of the book and may be used as a small gamemaster's screen (the reference tables for this adventure are printed in
Double Paranoia John M. Ford and Curtis Smith 1986 1-86989-303-4 Contains The YELLOW Clearance Black Box Blues and Vapours Don't Shoot Back (British spelling) reprinted in one volume by Games Workshop in the UK.
Gamemaster Screen Ken Rolston and Steve Gilbert 1985 Gamemaster's screen and three short adventures: Robot Imana-665-C, The Trouble with Cockroaches and Das Bot: Nearly a Dozen Meters Beneath the Sea. The player side of the screen contains reference tables for players.
HIL Sector Blues Ken Rolston 1986 0-87431-051-2 A campaign pack for playing and gamemastering Blue-clearance Internal Security troopers. Contains three short adventures: First Blood and Then Some, IntSec Agents at the Earth's Core, and One of Our Petbots Is Missing. Also includes "Cardstock Commies" (cardboard stand-up figures) and rules for using miniatures. The name of the supplement references Hill Street Blues. The covers are not stapled to the rest of the book and may be used as a small gamemaster's screen (new reference tables are printed on the inside covers).
Orcbusters Ken Rolston 1986 0-87431-050-4 An adventure in which an inter-dimensional portal causes a stereotypical fantasy roleplaying dungeon and its residents to appear in Alpha Complex. Dungeons & Dragons parody, takes place in the "DND sector". The covers are not stapled to the rest of the book and may be used as a small gamemaster's screen (the reference tables for this adventure are printed in
Send in the Clones Warren Spector and Allen Varney 1985 0-87431-033-4 An adventure in which the player characters track Commie traitors through the sewers while someone is singing treasonous old hit songs over the Alpha Complex public address system. The covers are not stapled to the rest of the book and may be used as a small gamemaster's screen (the reference tables for this adventure are printed in
Vapors Don't Shoot Back Curtis Smith 1985 0-87431-026-1 An adventure containing three missions in which the player characters attempt to carry out contradictory, incomprehensible, and usually lethal instructions from The Computer and a High Programmer. The covers are not stapled to the rest of the book and may be used as a small gamemaster's screen (the reference tables for this adventure are printed inside).
YELLOW Clearance Black Box Blues, The John M. Ford 1985 0-87431-027-X An adventure in which every secret society is after a black box of unknown content. Winner of the H.G. Wells Award for Best Role-playing Adventure of 1985[16]. Includes a two-page cardboard gamemaster's screen with reference tables for this adventure.
Second edition

[rp 1] [rp 2] [rp 3] [rp 4]

Title Author(s) Pub. Date ISBN Notes
Paranoia Second Edition Dan Gebler, Greg Costikyan, Eric Goldberg, and Ken Rolston 1987 0-87431-063-6 Second edition of the game. Includes new introductory adventure Into the Outdoors with Gun and Camera.
Paranoia Second Edition (Games Workshop) Dan Gelber, Greg Costikyan, and Eric Goldberg 1987 1-869893-21-1 Parameter error in {{ISBNT}}: checksum A Games Workshop printing of the second edition of the game. Same as the West End Games original, but hardcover. (The ISBN printed on the cover is invalid.)
Alice Through the Mirrorshades Ed Bolme 1989 0-87431-154-3 First adventure in the "Vulture Wariors of Dimension X" arc. Crossover with Cyberpunk as the player characters travel back in time to pre-Alpha San Francisco. [rp 2][rp 4]
Alpha Complexities Ed Bolme 1988 0-87431-080-6 An adventure that takes the player characters into the Outdoors hunting for invisible Commies.
At Your Service, Citizen… West End Games 1992 N/A A series of official Paranoia newsletters with articles by various authors. Five issues published from 1992 to 1993 in addition to the issue "zero" that appeared in The Paranoia Sourcebook.
Bot Abusers' Manual, The Ed Bolme 1992 0-87431-164-0 Revised rules for bot player characters (updates those in Acute Paranoia for ReBoot Alpha). Also contains the adventure Been Hurt: A Sporting Adventure for Mostly Bots. [rp 3]
Compleat Troubleshooter, The Steven Gilbert and Doug Kaufman 1987 0-87431-018-0 Introduces Mandatory Bonus Duties for Troubleshooters. Included with 2nd edition boxed set.
Computer Always Shoots Twice, The Ken Rolston, Warren Spector and Allen Varney 1988 0-87431-087-3 Consists of Send in the Clones and Orcbusters updated for second edition.
Crash Course Manual Doug Kaufman and Jonatha Caspian 1989 0-87431-153-5 The Post-MegaWhoops (crash of The Computer) campaign setting. Includes introductory adventure A Passage to NDA Sector by Ed Bolme and Peter Corless. [rp 2]
Death, Lies and Vidtape Allen Varney 1990 0-87431-159-4 The final "Secret Society Wars" adventure, in which Elizabeth-R is trying to bring the secret societies together to form a government in Post-MegaWhoops Alpha. [rp 1][rp 2]
DOA Sector Travelogue, The Steve Gilbert 1989 0-87431-078-4 A campaign pack detailing the DOA sector of Alpha Complex. Contains some background for the "Secret Society Wars". Includes a poster-sized map of DOA sector. [rp 1]
Don't Take Your Laser to Town Malcom Mouvis and Vern G. Hargett 1988 0-87431-104-7 An adventure set in old WST sector, an Alpha Complex re-creation of the American Old West (based on movie clichés) for amusement of citizens.
Form Pack Steven Gilbert 1988 0-87431-079-2 Contains multiple copies of three Alpha Complex forms in triplicate, and a short bureaucratic adventure, A Hole in The Complex, which revolves around filling and filing these forms.
Gamma-LOT Grant Boucher 1990 0-87431-158-6 An adventure in which a part of medieval England has been teleported to the LOT sector of Post-MegaWhoops Alpha. A sequel to Orcbusters. Contains parody of King Arthur, Knights of the Round Table and Robin Hood. [rp 2]
Iceman Returneth, The Sam Shirley 1989 0-87431-152-7 An adventure featuring a frozen High Programmer from the past, who tries to "fix" The Computer. Includes one possible explanation for The Crash, which also forms the basis for Alice Through the Mirrorshades. Part 3 of the "Secret Society Wars". [rp 1]
Mad Mechs Paul Murphy 1991 0-87431-160-8 An adventure featuring the return of The Computer after the Crash, and in which the player characters are sent to Australia to bring back a former Commie mutant traitor in order to save Alpha Complex. A parody of Mad Max. [rp 2][rp 3]
More Songs About Food Vats Karl Hughes 1989 0-87431-151-9 An adventure in which the player characters are assigned to prevent sabotage to the Food Vats. Part 2 of the "Secret Society Wars". [rp 1]
Paramilitary Dave Lemon 1993 0-87431-167-5 A campaign setting for player characters in the Armed Forces of ReBoot Alpha. [rp 3]
Paranoia Excessory Pack 1987 0-87431-064-4 Contains a gamemaster's screen for the 2nd edition rules, 12 character sheets, 9 forms in triplicate (three different forms with three copies of each), and "Cardstock Commies" (cardboard stand-up figures). The player side of the screen contains reference tables for players and lyrics for "Alpha Complex Battle Hymn" (a parody of The Battle Hymn of the Republic).
Paranoia Sourcebook, The Ed Bolme 1992 0-87431-163-2 Campaign setting and sourcebook "update" for the world of ReBoot Alpha (where The Computer has returned but does not control all of the pre-MegaWhoops Alpha Complex). Includes Emergency Services Manual and issue "zero" of the Paranoia newsletter At Your Service, Citizen…. [rp 3]
Paranormal / CTV Ed Gibson, Charles Ginsburg, Brian Schomburg, Jesse Van Valkenburg, and Bill Olmesdahl 1994 0-87431-169-1 An adventure flip-book. Contains three short adventures in the world of TV and two short adventures in the world of the paranormal.
People's Glorious Revolutionary Adventure, The Ed Bolme 1989 0-87431-150-0 An adventure in which the player characters are Commies in the CCCP (Communist Controlled Complex Population), under supervision of Tovarich Computer. Part 1 of the "Secret Society Wars". [rp 1]
R&D Catalog, The Ed Bolme and C. J. Tramontana 1990 0-87431-157-8 A catalog of items sold by R&D in the Computer-less Post-MegaWhoops Alpha. Includes the mini-adventure Have Gizmo, Will Travel. [rp 2]
Recycled Pack 1989 N/A Contains multiple forms in triplicate, "Cardstock Commies" (cardboard stand-up figures), and a selection of 56 plastic miniatures. The contents of each pack are different.
Twilightcycle: 2000 Sam Shirley 1990 0-87431-155-1 "Vulture Wariors of Dimension X", part 2. Crossover with Twilight 2000 as the player characters travel back in time to World War III. [rp 2][rp 4]
Vulture Warriors of Dimension X Joseph Anthony and David Avallone 1990 0-87431-156-X Time-travelling campaign pack, including the adventure Dr. Whom and the Paranoids of Alpha ("Vulture Wariors of Dimension X", part 3). A parody of Doctor Who. [rp 2][rp 4]

  1. ^ a b c d e f Part of the "Secret Society Wars" arc.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i Part of "The Crash" arc, also called the "MegaWhoops".
  3. ^ a b c d e Part of the "ReBoot Alpha" arc.
  4. ^ a b c d Part of the "Vulture Warriors of Dimension X" arc.
Fifth edition
Title Author(s) Pub. Date ISBN Notes
Paranoia: the Fifth Edition Ed Stark, Greg Farshtey, and Daniel Scott Palter 1995 0-87431-171-3 Main rulebook of the "Fifth Edition". Contains new introductory adventure Back from the Outdoors, which is a sequel to the 2nd edition adventure Into the Outdoors with Gun and Camera.
Creatures of the Nightcycle Jennifer Brandes and Chris Hepler 1997 0-87431-172-1 An adventure spoofing Vampire: The Masquerade. The player characters are turned into "vampclones".
BUG Sector Chris Helper and Jennifer Brandes N/A N/A An unreleased adventure. The manuscript has been leaked on the Internet.
Paranoia XP
Title Author(s) Pub. Date ISBN Notes
Paranoia XP Allen Varney and various 2004 1-904854-26-5 Main rulebook of the "Paranoia XP" edition. Reprinted in 2005 with errata as Paranoia XP Service Pack 1. "XP" dropped from later printings, making the final title of this edition just Paranoia. Contains the new introductory mission Mr. Bubbles by Dan Curtis Johnson.
Alpha Complex Nights Gareth Hanrahan 2007 1-906103-06-2 Contains the missions My First Treason, Sweep of Unhistory, and Spin Control.
Alpha Complex Nights 2 Gareth Hanrahan 2008 1-906103-80-1 Contains the missions Viva La Revolution! and The Communist Cafeteria Conspiracy.
Big Book of Bots, The Gareth Hanrahan 2008 1-906103-60-7 A sourcebook on bots in Alpha Complex, including rules for bot characters. Includes a Mission Unthinkable, an adventure for bot characters.
Citizen's Guide to Surviving Alpha Complex Mongoose Publishing 2009 N/A Contains a condensed version of the basic rules and Alpha Complex background, and the introductory mission Tube Jam.
Crash Priority! Traitor Recycling Studio 2004 1-904854-35-4 Contains five short missions showcasing the different styles of play introduced in Paranoia XP: Stealth Train (Straight), Traitor Backup (Straight), Patch Job (Straight/Classic), Random Access Mission (Classic), and Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk (Zap). The Zap-mission Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk takes inspiration from The Three Stooges.
Criminal Histories Bill O'Dea and the Traitor Recycling Studio 2006 1-905176-80-5 Supplemental rules for character background generation. The new rules replace the chapter on character creation in the main rulebook, and include the optional additions from Service, Service! and The Mutant Experience. Also includes Prehistory Pachinko, a set of over 50 tables for random background generation.
Extreme Paranoia Traitor Recycling Studio 2005 1-905176-24-4 Supplemental rules for characters of security clearances higher than Red. After an introduction to security clearances in Paranoia, there is a section on each security clearance from Orange through Indigo. The Blue section contains a condensed and updated version of HIL Sector Blues, including two short missions.
Flashbacks Various 2005 1-904854-40-0 Contains updated versions of Robot Imana 665-C, The Trouble with Cockroaches, Das Bot, Vapors Don't Shoot Back, The YELLOW Clearance Black Box Blues, Send in the Clones, Me and My Shadow Mark 4, Alpha Complexities, An ARD Day's Night, Reboot Camp, Whitewash, and the new introductory mission Pre-Paranoia by Jeff Groves. Updates to old missions include removal of puns from character names, but the original names are given in an appendix.
Flashbacks II Various 2007 1-905850-04-2 Contains slightly updated versions of Orcbusters, Clones in Space, and The People's Glorious Revolutionary Adventure. Does not include the original pre-generated player characters of any mission.
Gamemaster's Screen & Mandatory Fun Enforcement Pack Aaron Allston, Allen Varney and members of Paranoia-Live.net 2004 1-904854-49-4 Contains a gamemaster's screen and the Mandatory Fun Enforcement Pack, which includes 6 forms and "Mission Blender" tables for generating random missions. The player side of the screen contains humorous one-liners ("fortune cookies") about the game.
Little RED Book, The Allen Varney 2006 1-905471-56-4 Abridged core rules containing just the information cleared for players (designated "RED clearance" in Paranoia materials; hence the title).
Mandatory Mission Pack Gareth Hanrahan 2008 1-906103-81-X Contains gamemaster ideas and aids for constructing Paranoia missions.
Mutant Experience, The R. Eric Reuss 2005 1-904854-65-6 A sourcebook on mutants in Alpha Complex. Introduces new mutant powers and elaborates on the ones described in the main rules. Also includes rules for mutagens and medications affecting mutant powers.
Sector Zero Gareth Hanrahan, Saul Resnikoff, and Jeff Groves 2006 1-905471-52-1 Contains three Classic-style "Sector Zero" missions: Bubblegum Run, The Dinner Party, and Lightning Rod. The term "Sector Zero" is introduced as jargon for punishment duty, or a dispiriting assignment nobody else wanted.
Service, Service! Traitor Recycling Studio 2005 1-905176-72-4 A sourcebook on the service groups and service firms of Alpha Complex. Contains eight Classic-style missions, one for each service group: Spurious Targets (Armed Forces), The Lightbulb Missions (CPU), Rockumentary (HPD&MC), Nightcycle Shift (Internal Security), Going Postal (PLC), Both Sides Now (Power Services), Troublebots (R&D), and Three Up, Three Down (Technical Services).
STUFF Eric Minton and the Traitor Recycling Studio 2005 1-904854-86-9 A sourcebook of equipment available for purchase in Alpha Complex, presented for players in the form of "CBay" listings with comments from "other buyers".
STUFF 2: The Gray Subnets Eric Minton and the Traitor Recycling Studio 2007 1-906508-16-X A sourcebook of (mostly) illegal/treasonous equipment, presented for players in the form of "CBay" listings with comments from "other buyers". The gamemaster's section lists the "real" properties of the same items.
Sweep of Unhistory / My First Treason Gareth Hanrahan 2007 1-906103-04-6 A flip-book containing the adventures Sweep of Unhistory and My First Treason. The adventures were re-published in Alpha Complex Nights together with Spin Control.
Thin Green Line, The Gareth Hanrahan 2008 1-906103-76-3 A sourcebook on running missions for player characters in the Armed Forces. Includes One Man Army, a short mission for Armed Forces characters.
Traitor's Manual, The Gareth Hanrahan 2004 1-904854-27-3 A sourcebook on secret societies, detailing all 16 secret societies presented in the main rulebook of this edition. Includes the short Classic-style mission Down and Out in Alpha Complex.
Underplex, The Paul Baldowski 2006 1-905471-13-0 A sourcebook on the abandoned and forgotten parts beneath and between the populated sectors of Alpha Complex. Includes the short Classic-style mission The One.
War on [Insert Noun] Gareth Hanrahan 2009 1-905850-60-3 Contains three linked missions: Null Mission, War on [Insert Noun Here], and Heck of a (Screw) Job Citizen. In these missions the player characters are assigned to an entirely new service group, "Department of Complex Operational Defence".
WMD Traitor Recyclying Studio 2005 1-905176-14-7 Contains four Straight-style missions: Infohazard, Hunger, WMD, and Hot Potato. Hunger is based on The Great Leap Forward of the People's Republic of China, and places the player characters in charge of a new "miraculous" method of food production.
25th Anniversary Edition
Title Author(s) Pub. Date ISBN Notes
Paranoia: Troubleshooters Allen Varney and Gareth Hanrahan 2009 1-906508-55-0 Self-contained rulebook for Paranoia games involving Troubleshooter player characters. Includes two missions: Robot Imana-665-C (from the 1st edition Gamemaster Screen supplement), and The Quantum Traitor (new).
Paranoia: Troubleshooters: Black Missions Allen Varney and Gareth Hanrahan 2009 1-906508-62-3 A limited edition (1,000 copies) of Paranoia: Troubleshooters, featuring a black cover and including a CD-ROM with interviews of Paranoia authors, a selection of Paranoia sound effects, a Paranoia screensaver for Microsoft Windows, and PDF versions of most supplements published for the previous edition (Paranoia XP).
Paranoia: High Programmers Gareth Hanrahan 2010 1-907218-09-2 Self-contained rulebook for Paranoia games with Ultraviolet-clearance High Programmers as player characters. Includes the mission Disaster Management.
Paranoia: High Programmers: White Washes Gareth Hanrahan 2010 1-907218-09-2 A limited edition (100 copies) of Paranoia: High Programmers, featuring a white cover in the same style as Troubleshooters: Black Missions.
Paranoia: Internal Security Gareth Hanrahan 2009 1-906508-69-0 Self-contained rulebook for Paranoia games with Internal Security Troopers as player characters. Includes two short introductory missions: Six Clones Before Breakfastcycle (new), and IntSec Agents at the Earth's Core (from HIL Sector Blues, but tweaked).
Paranoia: Internal Security: Blue Line Gareth Hanrahan 2009 N/A A limited edition (100 copies) of Paranoia: Internal Security, featuring a blue cover in the same style as Troubleshooters: Black Missions.
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Termination Booth, A Gareth Hanrahan 2010 1-907218-17-3 A mission for Troubleshooter player characters.
Mr. Bubbles Dan Curtis Johnson 2010 1-907218-41-6 A mission for Troubleshooter player characters, involving trouble with e-mail spam, scrubbots and malware. Originally published in Paranoia XP as the introductory mission.
None of This Is My Fault Gareth Hanrahan 2010 1-907218-22-X Three missions for High Programmer player characters.
Paranoia Forms Pack Gareth Hanrahan 2009 1-906508-85-2 A collection of Alpha Complex forms. Includes 9 generic forms, 6 forms for Troubleshooters, 6 forms for Internal Security, and 3 forms for High Programmers. The forms are presented as a book, not loose forms in the style of the 2nd edition Form Pack.
Paranoia Games Master's Screen Gareth Hanrahan 2010 1-906508-67-4 A game master's screen for Troubleshooters, Internal Security, and High Programmers.
Termination Quota Exceeded Gareth Hanrahan 2009 1-906508-71-2 Three missions for Paranoia: Internal Security: Where's the Beef about the theft of a genetically engineered organism, The Survivor, in which a team of Troopers ends up in an isolated town inspired by The Prisoner, and Termination Quota Exceeded, in which a large number of termination vouchers must be used before they expire in a matter of hours.
Treason in Word and Deed Gareth Hanrahan 2009 1-906508-70-4 Three missions for Paranoia: Troubleshooters: Treason in Word and Deed, in which a team of Troubleshooter characters is locked in a vault for 72 hours of loyalty tests, Heroes of Our Complex, in which a vid-show action hero is assigned to series of suicide missions along with the player characters, and Little Lost Scoutbot, in which the Troubleshooters are sent outdoors to find a missing bot or its remains.
Other Game Products
Title Author(s) Pub. Date ISBN Notes
Paranoia: The Mandatory Card Game Steve Gilbert 2005 N/A A card game for 3 to 8 players. Won Gamer’s Choice Best Traditional Card Game of the Year, 2005 Origins Awards[17]


Originally a "pen-and-paper" game, Paranoia has since evolved to be playable over the internet. JParanoia is freeware fan-made software specifically created for playing Paranoia in such a way and can be downloaded from the fansite Paranoia Live. It runs on Java and consists of a client and a server with built-in features for character and gameplay management. In September 2004, both attracted some mainstream attention when the UK edition of PC Gamer magazine ran an article about Paranoia as one of their "Extra Life" columns and showcased JParanoia and Paranoia Live; coincidentally the publicity came right before the site was poised to celebrate the launch of the new Paranoia edition from Mongoose.[18]

Paranoia was also made into a video game called The Paranoia Complex released in 1989 by Magic Bytes. It was available for Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum. It took the form of a top-down maze shooter dressed in a Paranoia plot and trappings; reviews of the game from hobby magazines of the period pegged it as mediocre to poor.

Finally, a Paranoia-themed piece of "choose-your-own-adventure" hyperfiction (or gamebook) was published in issue #77 of SpaceGamer/FantasyGamer magazine in the late '80s. Since then, various unauthorised automated versions of the story (a Troubleshooter's assignment to undermine the subversive activity known as Christmas) have been circulating through mainframes and PCs, with machine-independent ports to C, Python and Inform as well as to Adventure Game Toolkit and for Applix, CP/M and the Cybiko.


  1. ^ a b "1984 List of Winners". Academy of Adventure Gaming, Arts & Design. Retrieved 2009-06-09.
  2. ^ "2007 List of Winners". Academy of Adventure Gaming, Arts & Design. Retrieved 2009-06-09.
  3. ^ a b c Bambra, Jim (1988). ""Role Playing Reviews: Playing it for Laughs"". Dragon Magazine. XII (132). Lake Geneva WI: TSR, Inc.: 8–9. ISSN 0279-6848. {{cite journal}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |journal= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  4. ^ Varney, Allen. Paranoia: Flashbacks. Mongoose Publishing. p. 2. ISBN 1-904854-40-0.
  5. ^ Costikyan, Greg (2004-02-19). "Paranoia Returns". Games * Design * Art * Culture. Retrieved 2007-01-17.
  6. ^ Haring, Scott D. (16 April 1999). "Pyramid Interviews: Scott Palter". Steve Jackson Games. Retrieved 2007-04-24.
  7. ^ Hepler, Chris. "Down the Tubes". Retrieved 2007-08-28. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  8. ^ Allen Varney. "Sell me on Paranoia 5th..." Retrieved 2010-03-31.
  9. ^ Allen Varney. "Sell me on Paranoia 5th..." Retrieved 2010-03-31.
  10. ^ Allen Varney. "Sell me on Paranoia 5th..." Retrieved 2010-03-31.
  11. ^ Varney,, Allen. "Player-Prompted Paranoia". The Escapist magazine. Retrieved 2009-06-04. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  12. ^ Varney,, Allen. "Crash Priority (Official PARANOIA Blog)". Retrieved 2009-06-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  13. ^ Mongoose Publishing. "State of the Mongoose". Retrieved 2009-06-04.
  14. ^ Mongoose Publishing. "Babylon 5 & Paranoia - Last Chance for Books!". Retrieved 2009-06-09.
  15. ^ Allen Varney. "Re: Paranoia 25th Anniversary Edition". Retrieved 2010-03-31.
  16. ^ "Origins Award/H.G. Wells Award Winners (1985)". Retrieved 2007-09-28.
  17. ^ "2005 List of Winners". Academy of Adventure Gaming, Arts and Design. Retrieved 6-11-2009. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  18. ^ Cobbet, Richard (2004). ""Treason for Dummies"". PC Gamer UK'. 11 (9). Bath, Sommerset, UK: Future Publishing, Ltd.: 114. ISSN 1080-4471. {{cite journal}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |journal= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)