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The Patriarchate of Peć in Hvosno, seat of Serbian Orthodox church from the late 13th century to 1766.

Hvosno ( variant Hvostno ) was a mediaeval Serbian župa (district) located in the northern part of the Metohija region, in Kosovo.[a] It roughly encompassed the areas of the modern Istok and Peć municipalities. It was surrounded by the Jelci župa to the north, the Budimlja and Plav župas to the west, the Zatrnava župa to the south and the Draškovina and Podrimlje župas to the east and southeast. The name of Hvosno is derived from the Old Slavic word hvost, meaning 'thick wood', probably due to dense forests that grow on the slopes of surrounding mountains.[1]

Early history

Area of Hvosno was settled by the Serbs in the 6th century during the mass Slavic migration to the Balkan peninsula. In the 9th and 10th century it was part of the Serbian state of Vlastimirović dynasty, it is believed that Serbian city of Dresneik mentioned in Constantine Porphyrogenitus' De Administrando Imperio is identical with the village of Drsnik in Hvosno.[2] After the fall of Vlastrimirović dynasty Hvosno probably felt under the Bulgarian and latter, after the fall of Bulgarian empire in 1018, it came under the Byzantine rule for the next two centuries. Hvosno is first time mentioned as Χoσνoς ( Hosnos ) in 1018. as place under the jurisdiction of bishop of Prizren in three charters of emperor Basil II donated to the archbishop of Ohrid.[3]

Under the Nemanjić dynasty

In the second half on 12th century Serbian Grand župan Stefan Nemanja managed to gain independence from Byzantine empire and started to expand on its expense, capturing Hvosno among other Byzantine territories as well. Hvosno was mentioned in the Life of Saint Simeon [4], written between 1201 and 1208 by his son and first Serbian archbishop Saint Sava, as one of the districts that Serbian Grand župan Stefan Nemanja (Saint Simeon) conquered from the Byzantine Empire between 1180 and 1190.[5]

(in Serbian) И пошто је обновио очеву дедовину и још више утврдио Божјом помоћу и својом мудрошћу даном му од Бога, и подиже пропалу своју дедовину и придоби од поморске земље Зету са градовима, а од Рабна оба Пилота, а од грчке земље патково, све Хвосно и Подримље, Кострц, Дршковину, Ситницу, Лаб, Липљан, Глбочицу, Реке, Ушку и Поморавље, Загрлату, Левче, Белицу. То све мудрошћу и трудом својим све ово придоби што му је припадало од српске земље, а одузето му некада насиљем од своје дедовине[6]
(in English) And after he had restored his father's patrimony and fortified it with God's help, and with his God given wisdom, he resurrected his grandfather's land and he conquered: from Littoral land: Zeta with its cities, from Raban (Albania): both districts of Pilot, and from the Greek land: Patkovo, all Hvosno and Podrimlje, Kostrc, Draškovina, Sitnica, Lab, Lipljan, Glbočica, Reke, Uška and Pomoravlje, Zagrlata, Levče, Belica. All those areas, which belonged to him of the Serbian lands and were, at one point, taken by force from his patrimony but recaptured with his wisdom and effort.

— Saint Sava, on Serbian conquest of Hvosno

It appears that beside the župa (district) of Hvosno, there was also a larger territory called zemlja (land) of Hvosno, which encompassed not only the District of Hvosno but some of the surrounding districts as well such as: Kujavča, Zatrnava, Podrimlje and Kostrc. The land of Hvosno later corresponded to the territorial spread of diocese of Hvosno.[7]

After the Serbian conquest it seems that Hvosno was given as apanage to Stefan Nemanja's elder son Vukan Nemanjić. In an inscription dated 1195 in the church of St. Luke in Kotor Vukan is titled as King of Duklja, Dalmatia, Travunia, Toplica and Hvosno (Latin: Velcani, regis Diocle, Dalmatie, Tripunie, Toplize et Cosne).[8]

After the civil war between Nemanja's sons Vukan and Stefan Nemanjić which ended with Vukan's defeat and Stefan's ascension to the Serbian throne Hvosno became part of his royal domain. In 1220, King Stefan Nemanjić donated several villages in Hvosno, namely: Peć, Crni Vrh, Strpezi, Trebovitići, Goražda Vas, Naklo Vas, Čelopeci, Labljani and Ljutoglav (with the nearby castle which served as the district's centre), to his newly founded monastery of Žiča, which served as a seat of the Serbian archbishop.[9] Soon afterwards, Archbishop Sava founded the monastery of the Holy Virgin of Hvosno near the village of Studenica and made it a seat of the newly founded Diocese of Hvosno, one of the 7 suffragan dioceses of Serbian archbishopric created in 1219. When the seat of Serbian archbishopric was transferred from Žiča to the town of Peć around 1290, Hvosno became one of the religious and cultural centres of the Serbian medieval state. During the Medieval period, Serbian kings and emperors continued to donate villages and lands in Hvosno to major Serbian monasteries: king Stephen Uroš I of Serbia (1243-1276) donated the villages of Štupelj and Zahak in Hvosno to the Serbian Hilandar monastery in Mount Athos; in 1330 king Stefan Dečanski donated several villages in Hvosno to his newly founded monastery of Dečani; in 1348 emperor Stefan Dušan donated the villages of Kosorići, Dnepolje, Doljani and Češkovo to the Hilandar monastery [10] and in 1379 Serbian prince Lazar donated the village of Jelšanica (Jošanica in modern Serbian) in Hvosno to Hilandar.

After the Nemanjićs

After the collapse of Serbian empire and extinct of Nemanjić dynasty in 1371, Hvosno came briefly under the control of House of Balšić family but in 1378, after the death of Đurađ I Balšić, Hvosno came under the control of Serbian nobleman Vuk Branković and remained under the rule of his family until the Ottoman conquest in 1455. By the end of the Mediaeval Serbian state most of Hvosno was in possession of Serbian Archbishopric and Patriarchate, Diocese of Hvosno and various Serbian Orthodox monasteries while the town of Peć served as a seat of Serbian Orthodox Patriarchate from 1346 to 1766.

Nemanjic’s Serbia, 1150–1220 showing the location of Hvosno

Notes and references


a.   ^ Template:Kosovo-note


  1. ^ Miloš Blagojević,Srpska administrativna podela Kosova i Metohije u srednjem veku,131.
  2. ^ Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Administrando Imperio, ed. Moravcsik & Jenkins, London 1962,p.161
  3. ^ H.Gelzer,Ungedruckte und wenig bekannte Bistumerverzeichnisse der orientalischen Kirche II, Byzantinische zeitschrift, Leipzig 1893, page 54
  4. ^ Life of Saint Simeon in: S.Hafner, Serbisches Mittelalter. Altserbische Herrscherbiographien, Graz 1962, p.35-36, 48-51.
  5. ^ Fine, John Van Antwerp (1994). The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. University of Michigan Press. p. 7. ISBN 0-472-08260-4.
  6. ^ Life of Saint Simeon in: S.Hafner, Serbisches Mittelalter. Altserbische Herrscherbiographien, Graz 1962, p.35-36, 48-51.
  7. ^ Miloš Blagojević. "Српска административна подела Косова и Метохије у средњем веку" (PDF) (in Serbian). Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. p. 136.
  8. ^ Ćirković, Sima M.; Tošić, Vuk (20044). The Serbs. Blackwell Publishing. p. 38. ISBN 0-631-20471-7. {{cite book}}: Check date values in: |year= (help)CS1 maint: year (link)
  9. ^ F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica, Vienna 1858, p.11.
  10. ^ F. Miklosich, Monumenta Serbica, Vienna 1858, p.138