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Statue of Liberty

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Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island
Statue of Liberty National Monument
LocationLiberty Island, New York, USA
Nearest cityJersey City, New Jersey
Area12 acres (49,000 m²)
EstablishedOctober 15 1924
Visitors4,235,595 (includes Ellis Island NM) (in 2005)
Governing bodyNational Park Service

Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in the late 19th century, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a gesture of friendship between the two nations. The sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, and Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal supporting structure. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the U.S. worldwide [5], and, in a more general sense, represents liberty and escape from oppression. The Statue of Liberty was, from 1886 until the Jet age, often the first glimpse of the United States for millions of American immigrants after ocean voyages from Europe.


The Statue of Liberty is located in New York Harbor, about 1.6 miles (2.6 km) southwest of the southern tip of Manhattan. The island was officially called "Bedloe's Island" until it was renamed in 1956, but was popularly called "Liberty Island" much earlier;[1] O. Henry refers to it by that name in a 1911 story.[2]

Lady Liberty holds a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left. The tablet shows the inscription JULY IV MDCCLXXVIJuly 4 1776, the date of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

One of her feet stands on chains, symbolizing the acquired freedom. The seven spikes in the crown represent the seven seas and seven continents.[3]

The height from ground to the top of the torch is 305 feet (93 m); this includes the foundation and the pedestal. The height of the statue itself, from the top of the base to the torch, is 151 feet (46 m). The statue weighs 204 tons and the pedestal weighs 24,500 tons.[4][5] The statue was built from thin copper plates hammered into wooden forms through a process known as repoussé.[6][7] The formed plates were then mounted onto a steel skeleton.

Statue of Liberty from a vantage point near the base

A museum on the second floor of the pedestal, presents the history of the statue.[8] Inside the statue, a spiral stairway with rest seats at every third turn winds up to the observation deck in the crown. Before 1916, the ladder in the right arm holding the torch was open to the public, but it has for many years been restricted to staff use, for maintaining the lighting equipment in the torch. The interior of the statue has been closed to the public since 2001 (see below).

The poem "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus was engraved on a bronze plaque in 1903, after Lazarus' death, and 20 years after it was written. The plaque is located on a wall of the museum, which is in the base of the statue. (It has never been engraved on the monument itself, despite such depictions in editorial cartoons[9]).

In its famous final lines, it says:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Although Liberty Island is closer to New Jersey than to New York, and its physical location is within the borders of Hudson County, New Jersey, Liberty Island has been part of New York since the issuance in 1664 of the colonial charter that created New Jersey (see charter text). Portions of nearby Ellis Island that were formed by subsequent landfilling are, under a Supreme Court decision, part of New Jersey, but that decision had no effect on Liberty Island. The island is owned by the federal government and is administered by the National Park Service. (For additional details, see Liberty Island).


Agitation in France for a suitable French gift to the United States to mark the Centennial of the American Declaration of Independence was headed by the politician and sympathetic writer of the history of the United States, Édouard René Lefèvre de Laboulaye. French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to design a sculpture with the year 1876 in mind for completion. In 1869 The Ottoman Turks had purchased a statue for the entry of the recently built Suez Canal to Bartholdi and he prepared a scale model of a giant statue of a lady holding a torch. The statue was to be placed in Port Said and was designed as "Egypt carrying the light of Asia". The inspiration came from the giant statues at Abu Simbel. The project would have gone further if the Khedive Ismail, the Ottoman governor of Egypt at that time, hadn't deemed it too expensive, though the advance payment was settled by the Ottoman Empire. The idea for the commemorative gift then grew out of the political turmoil which was shaking France at the time. The French Third Republic was still considered as a "temporary" arrangement by many, who wished a return to monarchism, or to some form of constitutional dictatorship which they had known under Napoleon I of France. The idea of giving a colossal representation of republican virtues to a "sister" republic across the sea served as a focus for the republican cause against other political opponents.

Various sources cite different models for the face of the statue. One indicated the then-recently widowed Isabella Eugenie Boyer, the wife of Isaac Singer, the sewing-machine industrialist. "She was rid of the uncouth presence of her husband, who had left her with only his most socially desirable attributes: his fortune and... his children. She was, from the beginning of her career in Paris, a well-known figure. As the good-looking French widow of an American industrialist she was called upon to be Bartholdi's model for the Statue of Liberty." (Ruth Brandon, Singer and the Sewing Machine: A Capitalist Romance, p. 211) Another source believed that the "stern face" belonged to Bartholdi's mother, with whom he was very close. (Leslie Allen, "Liberty: The Statue and the American Dream," p. 21) National Geographic magazine also pointed to his mother, noting Bartholdi never denied nor explained the resemblance. (Alice J. Hall, "Liberty Lifts Her Lamp Once More," July 1986.)

Original torch, replaced in 1986.

It was agreed upon that in a joint effort the American people were to build the base, and the French people were responsible for the Statue and its assembly in the United States. However, lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the Atlantic. In France, public fees, various forms of entertainment, and a lottery were among the methods used to raise the 2,250,000 francs. In the United States, benefit theatrical events, art exhibitions, auctions and prize fights assisted in providing needed funds. Meanwhile in France, Bartholdi required the assistance of an engineer to address structural issues associated with designing such a colossal copper sculpture. Gustave Eiffel (designer of the Eiffel Tower) was commissioned to design the massive iron pylon and secondary skeletal framework which allows the Statue's copper skin to move independently yet stand upright. Eiffel delegated the detailed work to his trusted structural engineer, Maurice Koechlin.

On June 30, 1878, at the Paris Exposition, the completed head of the statue was showcased in the garden of the Trocadéro palace, while other pieces were on display in the Champs Mars.

Back in America, the site, authorized in New York Harbor by Act of Congress, 1877, was selected by General William Tecumseh Sherman, who settled on Bartholdi's own choice, then known as Bedloe's Island, where there was already an early 19th century star-shaped fortification.

Bartholdi's design patent

On February 18 1879, Bartholdi registered US design patent No. D11023 on "a statue representing Liberty enlightening the world, the same consisting, essentially, of the draped female figure, with one arm upraised, bearing a torch, and while the other holds an inscribed tablet, and having upon the head a diadem, substantially as set forth." The patent described the head as having "classical, yet severe and calm, features," noted that the body is "thrown slightly over to the left so as to gravitate upon the left leg, the whole figure thus being in equilibrium," and covered representations in "any manner known to the glyptic art in the form of a statue or statuette, or in alto-relievo or bass-relief, in metal, stone, terra-cotta, plaster-of-paris, or other plastic composition."[10]

Fundraising for the pedestal, led by William M. Evarts, was going slowly, so Joseph Pulitzer (noted for the Pulitzer Prize) opened up the editorial pages of his newspaper, The World, to support the fund raising effort. Pulitzer used his newspaper to criticize both the rich, who had failed to finance the pedestal construction, and the middle class who were content to rely upon the wealthy to provide the funds[citation needed]. Pulitzer's campaign of harsh criticism was successful in motivating the people of America to donate. (It also promoted his newspaper, which purportedly added ~50,000 subscribers in the course of the statue campaign effort.)

Statue on Grenelle Island in Paris

Financing for the pedestal, designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt, was completed in August 1885, the cornerstone was laid on August 5, and pedestal construction was finished on April 22 1886. When the last stone of the pedestal was swung into place the masons reached into their pockets and showered into the mortar a collection of silver coins.

Built into the pedestal's massive masonry are two sets of four iron girders, connected by iron tie beams that are carried up to become part of Eiffel's framework for the statue itself. Thus Liberty is integral with her pedestal.

The Statue was completed in France in July, 1884 and arrived in New York Harbor on June 17 1885 on board the French frigate Isere. To prepare for transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. (The right arm and the torch, which were completed earlier, had been exhibited at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1876, and thereafter at Madison Square in New York City.) The Statue was re-assembled on her new pedestal in four months' time. On October 28 1886, the dedication of the Statue of Liberty by U.S. President Grover Cleveland took place in front of thousands of spectators. (In a bit of irony, it was Cleveland, as Governor of the state of New York, who earlier had vetoed a bill by the New York legislature to contribute $50,000 to the building of the pedestal.) [11] In any event, she was a centennial gift ten years belated.

In 1916, the Black Tom Explosion caused $100,000 worth of damage to the statue, embedding shrapnel and eventually leading to restricting access of the torch to visitors. The same year, Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor of Mount Rushmore, modified the original copper torch by cutting away most of the copper in the flame, retrofitting glass panes and installing an internal light[citation needed]. After these modifications, the torch severely leaked rainwater and snowmelt, accelerating corrosion inside the statue. Financing for the pedestal, designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt rededicated the Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary (October 28 1936).

As with all historic areas administered by the National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument, along with Ellis Island and Liberty Island, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on October 15 1966[citation needed].

In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was added to the World Heritage List. [12]

Origin of the copper

Historical records make no mention of the source of the copper used in the Statue of Liberty. In the town of Visnes, near Stavanger, Norway, tradition holds that the copper came from the French-owned Visnes Mine.[13][14] Ore from this mine, refined in France and Belgium, was a significant source of European copper in the late nineteenth century. In 1985, Bell Laboratories used emission spectrography to compare samples of copper from the Visnes Mines and from the Statue of Liberty, found the spectrum of impurities to be very similar, and concluded that the evidence argued strongly for a Norwegian origin of the copper.

Liberty Centennial

Statue against Manhattan

In 1984, the statue was closed so that a $62 million renovation could be performed for the statue's centennial. Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca was appointed by President Reagan to head the commission overseeing the task (but was later dismissed "to avoid any question of conflict" of interest).[15] Workers erected scaffolding around the statue, obscuring it from public view until the rededication on July 4 1986. Inside work began with workers using liquid nitrogen to remove seven layers of paint applied to the interior of the copper skin over the decades. That left two layers of tar originally applied to plug leaks and prevent corrosion. Blasting with baking soda removed the tar without further damaging the copper. Larger holes in the copper skin had edges smoothed then mated with new copper patches.[citation needed]

Each of the 1,350 shaped iron ribs backing the skin had to be removed and replaced. The iron had experienced galvanic corrosion wherever it contacted the copper skin, losing up to 50% of its thickness. Bartholdi had anticipated the problem and used an asbestos/pitch combination to separate the metals, but the insulation had worn away decades before. New bars of stainless steel bent into matching shapes replaced the iron bars, with Teflon film separating them from the skin for further insulation and friction reduction. Liquid nitrogen was again introduced parts of the copper skin in a cryogenics process which was treated by a [now extinct] Michigan company called CryoTech[citation needed] to ensure certain individual parts of the statue were strengthened and would last longer after installation.

The same picture at sunset

The internal structure of the upraised right arm was reworked. The statue was erected with the arm offset 18" (0.46 m) to the right and forward of Eiffel's central frame, while the head was offset 24" (0.61 m) to the left, which compromised the framework. Theory held that Bartholdi made the modification without Eiffel's involvement after seeing the arm and head were too close. Engineers considered reinforcements made in 1932 insufficient and added diagonal bracing in 1984 and 1986 to make the arm structurally sound.

Statue's of Liberty profile in front of the sun.

A new torch replaced the original, which was deemed beyond repair because of the extensive 1916 modifications. The 1886 torch is now located in the monument's lobby museum. The new torch has gold leaf applied to the exterior of the "flame," which is illuminated by external lamps on the surrounding balcony platform. Upgraded climate control systems and two elevators (one to the top of the pedestal and a small emergency elevator to the crown) were added. The Statue of Liberty was reopened to the public on July 5 1986.

David L. Wolper produced the centennial extravaganza,[16] which lasted three days, drew 12 million people, and is said to have been the largest public event in the world as of that date. Following Rooselvelt's example, President Reagan attended and made a speech reopening the restored statue. Liberty Fanfare, composed by John Williams, was commissioned to celebrate this event.

After 9/11

Until September 11 2001, the statue was open to visitors, who arrived by ferry and could climb stairs into her crown, which provided a broad view of New York Harbor.

Liberty Island closed on September 11, 2001 and reopened in December, and the statue itself reopened on August 3 2004. Currently, the museum and ten-story pedestal are open for visitation. The interior of the statue remains closed, although a glass ceiling in the pedestal allows for views of Eiffel's iron framework.

Visitors to Liberty Island and the Statue are subject to restrictions, including personal searches similar to the security found in airports.

That was not the first time, however, that the Statue of Liberty had been threatened by terrorism. On February 18, 1965, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced it had uncovered a plot by three commados from the Black Liberation Front who were connected to Cuba and a female co-conspirator from Montreal seeking independence for Quebec from Canada were sent to destroy the statue and at least two other national shrines - the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia and the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.

In May of 2006, a bill was passed for re-opening the crown and interior of The Statue of Liberty. If this bill is approved, the crown and interior will be open to visitors. Approval or disapproval of this bill will probably happen in early or mid-2007.[citation needed]


At 2:45 p.m. on February 2 1912, steeplejack Frederick R. Law successfully performed a parachute jump from the observation platform surrounding the torch. It was done with the permission of the army captain administering the island. The New York Times reported that he "fell fully seventy-five feet like a dead weight, the parachute showing no inclination whatsoever to open at first," but he then descended "gracefully," landed hard, and limped away.[17]

The first death occured on May 13 1929. The New York Times reported a witness as saying the man, later identified as Ralph Gleason, crawled out through one of the windows of the crown, turned around as if to return, "seemed to slip" and "shot downward, bouncing off the breast of the statue in the plunge." The body landed at a patch of grass at the base, just a few feet from a workman who was mowing the grass.[18]

Replicas and derivative works

The Statue of Liberty copy on the river Seine in Paris, France. Given to the city in 1885, it faces west, towards the original Liberty in New York Harbor.

Hundreds of other Statues of Liberty have been erected worldwide. There is a sister statue in Paris and several others in France; they exist in Austria, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Vietnam; one existed in Hanoi during French colonial days. There are replicas in theme parks and resorts, replicas created as commercial advertising, and replicas erected in U.S. communities by patriotic benefactors, including no less than two hundred donated by Boy Scout troops to local communites. During the Tiananmen Square protest of 1989, Chinese student demonstrators in Beijing built a 10-m image called the Goddess of Democracy, which sculptor Tsao Tsing-yuan said was intentionally dissimilar to the Statue of Liberty to avoid being "too openly pro-American"[citation needed].

File:Statue of Liberty in Planet of the Apes.jpg
The Statue of Liberty famously appears in the final scene of Planet of the Apes (the Lincoln Memorial was used for the 2001 remake).
February 1979: Statue of Liberty apparently submerged, Lake Mendota (Madison, Wisc.)
American WWI poster "Remember Your First Thrill of American Liberty".

The Statue of Liberty quickly became a popular icon, featured in scores of posters, pictures, motion pictures, and books. A 1911 O. Henry story relates a fanciful conversation between "Mrs. Liberty" and another statue; it figured in 1918 Liberty Loan posters. During the 1940s and 1950s, pulp Science Fiction magazines featured Lady Liberty surrounded by ruins or by the sediments of the ages. It has been in dozens of motion pictures, such as the 1942 Alfred Hitchcock movie Saboteur, which featured a climactic confrontation at the statue. It was the subject of a 1978 University of WIsconsin prank in which Lady Liberty appeared to be standing submerged in a local lake. It has appeared on New York and New Jersey license plates, and on the uniforms of at least one sports team. It was the subject of magician David Copperfield's largest vanishing act. Video games have used it as a setting. For details and references, see The Statue of Liberty in popular culture.

See also


  • Holdstcok., Robert. editor Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Londo: Octopus books, 1978.
  • Vidal, Pierre. Frédéric-Auguste bartholdi 1834-1904: Par la Main, par l'Esprit. Paris: Les créations du pélican, 2000.
  • Smith, V. Elaine, "Engineering Miss Liberty's Rescue." Popular Science, June 1986, page 68.
  1. ^ "Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition: New York City". 1911. Retrieved 2006-05-31., "Bedloes Island (sometimes called Liberty Island from the Bartholdi statue on it of Liberty Enlightening the World)..."
  2. ^ "The Lady Higher Up," from: Henry, O. (1920) [1911]. Sixes and Sevens. Doubleday, Page and Company. p. 214; and
    • The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems at Project Gutenberg; p. "Three hundred and sixty-five feet above the heated asphalt the tiptoeing symbolic deity on Manhattan pointed her vacillating arrow straight, for the time, in the direction of her exalted sister on Liberty Island." (The story is a fanciful dialog between the statue of Diana then at Madison Square Garden and the Statue of Liberty.
  3. ^ USIA. "Portrait of the USA: The Statue of LIberty". Retrieved 2006-05-29.
  4. ^ Feuerstein, Gary, personal web page: Statue of Liberty Facts (weight of statue and pedestal)
  5. ^ National Park Service (1954): Dimensions of the Statue: "Weight of copper used in statue, 200,000 pounds (100 tons); Weight of steel used in statue, 250,000 pounds (125 tons) l Total weight of statue, 450,000 pounds (225 tons)"
  6. ^ Killikelly, Sarah Hutchins (1886). Curious Questions in History, Literature, Art, and Social Life. David McKay. p. 231, "The statue is made of repoussé copper, one-eighth of an inch in thickness...."; online[1]
  7. ^ Valle, Yolanda Carranza (2003). Metal Embossing: 20 Simple Projects in Aluminum, Copper & Brass Foils. Lark Books. ISBN 1579904025., p. 21; online[2]; "One of the largest and most famous repoussé sculptures in the world can be found on Liberty Island in the New York City harbor...."
  8. ^ National Park Service (2006-04-27). "STLI Product 2 Data Sheet: The Statue of Liberty Monument and Ellis Island". Retrieved 2006-05-31. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  9. ^ e.g. Barry Shelton (2000-06-02). "New Statue of Liberty". Retrieved 2006-05-28. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  10. ^ UTPTO website: [3]; and Khan, B. Zorina (2005). The Democratization of Invention: Patents and Copyrights in American Economic Development, 1790-1920. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 052181135X. p. 299 [4]
  11. ^ "On This Day, The New York Times, May 2, 1885, "Harper's Weekly featured a cartoon about construction of the Statue of Liberty"
  12. ^ http://whc.unesco.org/pg.cfm?cid=31&id_site=307
  13. ^ "Karmøy Kommune". Retrieved 2006-05-29. (Tourism website) "Vinsnes Mining Museum: The copper mines at Visnes were in operation until as recently as 1972. The copper for the Statue of Liberty in New York was extractad here."
  14. ^ Copper Development Association. "Copper Facts". Retrieved 2006-05-29. A U. S. copper industry website. "The Statue of Liberty contains 179,000 pounds of copper. It came from the Visnes copper mines on Karmoy Island near Stavanger, Norway, and was fabricated by French artisans."
  15. ^ Robert Pear (1986-02-14). "Iacocca and Secretary of Interior Clash Over Statue Panel Ouster". The New York Times. Retrieved 2006-06-06. "Interior Secretary Donald P. Hodel... dismissed Mr. Iacocca on Wednesday from the commission 'to avoid any question of conflict' of interest arising from Mr. Iacocca's simultaneous service as head of a private foundation that has raised $233 million for restoration of the statue and Ellis Island. The foundation also awards contracts for the restoration work."
  16. ^ Geist, William E. (1986): About New York; from Jellybeans to Wigs, Liberty Season Is On.The New York Times, July 18, 1896, section B, page 3: "William L. Fugazy, chairman of the State Statue of Liberty Centennial Commission..." "David L. Wolper, executive producer of Liberty Weekend..."
  17. ^ "Parachute Leap Off Statue of Liberty; Steeplejack Had First Thought of Jumping Off the Singer Building. Steers With His Arms And Lands Safely on Stone Coping 30 Feet from Water's Edge—He Won't Talk About It." The New York Times, February 3, 1912, p. 4
  18. ^ "Youth Plunges Off Statue of Liberty Crown, 200 Feet High, in First Suicide at That Spot." The New York Times, May 14, 1929, p. 1

Some resources in French