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Ilbe Jeojangso
Type of site
OwnerUBH Corp. (acquired from former owner Park Michael Yong(박용구))

Ilbe Storage (Korean: 일베저장소 Ilbe Jeojangso), also known as ILBE(Korean: 일베) is a website based in South Korea. The site, created in April 2010, began as a collection of the "daily popular" posts from the BBS of South Korean social website DC Inside. This gave the site its name Ilbe, which is short for Ilgan Best, Korean for popular daily. As of November 2013, it is the most popular Internet humor site in South Korea by daily traffic.[1]

Ilbe subculture

Ilbe's userbase has a strong libertarian/right-wing tendency, and thus puts a great emphasis on freedom of speech. As such, the website has very few rules, but it does prohibit users from mentioning each other by their username or getting too close to each other, in order to prevent new users or dissenters from being down-voted indiscriminately by existing users. This policy has effectively made everyone more anonymous (and equal), in contrast with other popular Korean forums where the old users are more respected and hold greater authority during discussions. The forums are largely unmoderated, with exceptions made for cases that may result in litigation or cases in response to complaints.

The lack of moderation, however, does result in problematic behaviors such as defamation or harassment, which are criminal under Korean Law. The website routinely comes under criticism for its users' actions, the most notable of which was the Korea Communications Standards Commission's request that Ilbe regulate problematic contents that are harmful for teenagers.[2] On the other hand, the website has been praised for its anonymity and free spirit: a spokesman of Saenuri Party mentioned Ilbe as "free space where innocent people can speak their minds freely".[3]

A large part of Ilbe's subculture comes from the users' collective identity as "losers" of a sort: until the founding of Ilbe, most of the large community forums on the Korean web were left-leaning to an extent where anyone with even a moderate right-wing opinion had to endure ridicule and name-calling by the majority including the moderators. Thus, Ilbe's userbase has embraced many of the derogatory terms used by the left to show pride in their dissent, in a similar way to African-American embracing of the term 'Black' during the American Civil Rights Movement. Due to their vocal users and strong political/cultural influence, Ilbe has gained widespread attention by social critics, with some labeling the website a social phenomenon,[4][5][6] and some critics consider Ilbe a Korean analogue of 4chan and 2 Channel.[7]

As a vocal minority of the users engage in questionable behavior both online and offline, the website has largely negative connotation, especially with the political left.[8][9] Thus, the users tend not to reveal their identity as an Ilbe user in the real world to prevent themselves from being ostracized. The term "일밍아웃(Ilming-out)", which is a portmanteau of "Ilbe" and "Coming out (of the closet)", describes a disclosure as an Ilbe user to the general public, and is avoided. Having to resort to more discreet measures to display their identity, Ilbe users use a hand sign that represents the Korean initials of the website's name.[10]


Ilbe's political stance generally ranges from right to far-right,[11] and Ilbe has raised controversy for its strong opinions, mainly from the left.[12]

In parliamentary inspection held in October 2013, member of Democratic Party Yu Seung-Hui criticized Ilbe's antisocial aspect. He released the information from Korean Communications Standards Commission, hundreds of submitted complains about harmful contents in Ilbe like suicide, crime, drug, sexism, violence, as well as defamation and discrimination against left-wing politics and Jeolla province [13]

Shin Hye-Sik, representative of right-wing online press 'Dokrip Newspaper' said "(Ilbe users) should make an apology for problematic claims". Kim Young-Hwan, current far-right critic and former pro-NK activist said "Right-wing is an attitude to inherit conservative awareness, but in this criteria Ilbe is not right-wing. Ilbe's radical argument will escalate social chaos.". Yoon Pyong-Joong, right-wing professor of Hanshin University defined Ilbe's far-right extremism as "Isn't worth saying at all". They shared the understanding that Ilbe should be criticized by public argument, not by legal action.[14]

Conservative monthly magazine 'Shindonga' released a special section to criticize Ilbe as 'close to fascism rather than normal right-wing' and 'antisocial'.[15]

Japanese journalist Yasuda Goichi, the author of 'The Internet and Patriotism(Netto to Aikoku)' diagnosed Ilbe as similar to anti-Zainichi association, one of Japanese cyber far-right group(Uyoku dantai).[16]

Denial of Korean democratization process

Although Korean government, judiciary and legislature officially concluded Gwangju Uprising as righteous civil movement by legislating special law, and it was also confirmed by UNESCO who registered records of Gwangju Uprising as UNESCO World Heritage,[17] Ilbe is propagating non-verified conspiracies about Korean democratization.

The May 18 Memorial Foundation(5.18 기념재단), one of Gwangju Uprising memorial organizations announced that Ilbe is spreading malicious false informations like,[18]

  • North Korean special forces were involved in Gwangju Uprising.
  • Gwangju Uprising was heavily-armed riot.
  • Military suppression against citizens was justifiable.
  • 5.18 Special Law(5.18특별법), which respects Gwangju Uprising is unconstitutional.

Claims similar to Ilbe's were disapproved by government many times. The Minister of National Defense Kim Gwan-Jin verified the allegation of North Korea's involvement during democratization as 'groundless'.[19] Korean Communications Standards Commission decided to take disciplinary action on right-wing television news program 'TV Chosun' and 'Channel A', which claimed allegation of North Korea's involvement during democratization.[20] It was accused of "both defamation and spreading false information".

In November 2013, Daegu District Court judged similar case of defamation against Gwangju Uprising victims not guilty, committed by 10 members of Jeonsamo(Chun Doo-Hwan fan group). But in this case judge admitted their claim is insufficient to become defamation, not accepting their claim as fact.[21]

Even far-right contemporary journalist Cho Gap-Je admitted Gwangju Uprising as a correct anti-communism democratic movement based on his testimony.[22]

Ilbe BBS officially adopted the term 'democratize' as a meaning of 'downvote' and 'opposition',[23][24] due to their denial and sarcasm against Gwangju Uprising.

Wide opposition against left-wing politics

Ilbe's far-right opinions are expressed as strong opposition to left-wing party, political figure, supporter alongside indiscriminate labelling of the left-wing as pro-communism, pro-North Korea, pro-socialism, and anti-national.

Ilbe also labels some far-right figures like former contemporary journalist Cho Gap-Je as '좌빨(Far-left communist)' due to his support of the Gwangju Uprising as justifiable movement.[25][26] Even though former president Roh Mu-Hyun and Kim Dae-Jung used neoliberal economic policies, and came under criticism from the left-wing for their conservative stance,[27] Ilbe considers both a 'communist' due to their conciliatory attitude toward North Korea in economy and diplomacy.[28]

Some of the labels that are applied are:

  • 좌빨(Jwa-ppal), "Leftist partisan" in Korea, to denote left-wing as communistic, anti-American and pro-North Korea.
  • 좌좀(Jwa-zom), "Leftwing zombie" in Korea, tend to unreservedly opposit aganist government.
  • 종북(Jong-buk), "North Korea followers" in Korea, basically leftist and pro-North Korea. differet from 좌빨(Jwa-ppal) and 좌좀(Jwa-zom), they are aggressively carving communuism, Marxism-Leninism and take lead anti-American demonstrators.

Hatred against Jeolla region

Ilbe users, being generally right-wing, have an intense disliking for the Jeolla region in the southwest of Korea.[29] This is due to several factors, including the fact that Jeolla province had a staggering 98% vote towards a regional (left-wing) party candidate Kim Dae-Jung, as well as their belief that the Gwangju Uprising has been placed on a pedestal by the locals to the extent that all other moments in the history of Korean democratisation are overlooked, and it was not democratization uprising or movement, it was a riot that North Korea made. The intense disliking manifests as verbal abuse against Jeolla and related political figures.[30] Some of the problematic terms are:

  • 홍어(Hong-eo): "Fermented Skate(fish)" in Korean, used as a derogatory term for the people from this region. The fish has a disagreeable odor to people not used to it, and is a delicacy in the region.
  • 슨상(Seun-sang):"Teacher Kim Dae-Jung" in Jeolla dialect, used to satirize the Jeolla population's "worship" of former President Kim Dae-Jung. But they usually use them to blame other people making them as Kim Dae Jung Worshiper.
  • 노운지(No-Unji):There was a commercial named "운지천"before, and the last scene was the man falling on the cliff. After President No mu hyun killed himself on the cliff, Ilbe users made a parody using "운지천"commercial. It's bad word, so please don't use it.
  • ~노(盧) words: They use it to make fun of No mu hyun.
  • Democratization,민주화(min-ju-wha):It was made in community site "Egloose",but today ILBE users use it most.

In July 9, 2013, Gangnam Police Office arrested 16-year-old boy for sexual defamation against music producer Park Jin-Young and singer Bae Suzy. He submitted a picture of sexual affair of two people on Ilbe.[31] Bae Suzy is from Jeolla province.

There was also similar case committed by 25-year-old man. In December 22, 2012, He spreaded the someone's photo named 'Skate(fish) breeding season' in Ilbe, which depicts one man insulting the signboard of Bae Suzy sexually. Bae Suzy's agency JYP Entertainment accused the suspect, but JYP Entertainment withdrew their accusation after suspect apologized his crime by visiting JYP Entertainment with his mom for 2 months.[32]

In November 28, 2013, There was a first trial of defamation committed by Ilbe user who injured the honor of Gwangju Uprising victims by disparaging their corpse photo as 'Skate(fish) parcel'.[33] Offender claimed that he feels sorry for his crime and he sent such apology to the victims by phone call, but the organizations related to Gwangju Uprising victims said there was no such apology. Offender requested the jurisdictional transfer of his case from Gwangju District Court to Daegu District Court and it was accepted.[34]

In September 30, 2013, 32-year-old male Ilbe user pushed ahead sandwich-man protest in front of Ewha Women's University. He was hanging a cardboard on his neck filled with sentences like insulting Ewha University students, comfort women, other Korean women, and their genitals, sexually. Also there were words like 'such women are communists and Pro-North Korea'. He was charged 1.5 million won of penalty from Seoul West Prosecutor's Office, but he blamed his guilt as 'wrong democracy'.[35][36]

Seoul Central District Court accepted the provisidonal injunction against Ilbe. It was petitioned by an Ilbe critic who was degraded and threatened from Ilbe user.[37] As a result, Ilbe was forced to delete some antisocial contents.

In November 7, 2013, former first lady Lee Hui-Ho, whose husband was former president Kim Dae-Jung accused some Ilbe users of degrading deceased president Kim by spreading false information.[38]

Possible misdemeanor

In April 2013, After Anonymous Korea released the member list of Uriminzokkiri, Ilbe users witchhunted massive identities from the list as 'communist' and 'North Korean spies'. There were also right-wing figures in the list, but Ilbe ignored the possibilities of identity theft and committed possible defamation without verification.[39]

A pre-service elementary teacher who depicted female elementary school students as '로린이(Lolita girl)' and wrote his experience of prostitution on Ilbe caused controversy. This was ended by giving up his appointment by himself. [40]

After the Seoul National University Student Council's protesting declaration against 2013 South Korea Election Meddling Scandal, Ilbe user released the photos of some members as an opposition and mentioned 'I don't care whether you guys lynch them or not'.[41] Seoul National University Student Council said they're considering lawsuit against Ilbe.

The website has also raised controversy by mocking the early death of boy-band singer Lim Yoon-taek from stomach cancer and former president Roh Moo-Hyun[42]

In November 22, 2013, student of Kangwon Provincial College who is self-claimed Ilbe user uploaded twitter which contains sexual harassment on female buddhist monk's virginity. Three days later, the monk Hyo-Jeon asked for follow-up action to the president of the college. But Ilbe user didn't apologize his crime and kept insulting her. After controversy he deleted his Twitter account and this is ended with an official apology from the president of the college.[43][44]


Ilbe takes an extremely hostile attitude toward a type of Korean women that it deems undesirable, and expresses hatred towards them.[45] The misogeny is expressed as Ilbe's lauguage subculture[46] which conveys criticism of and frustration at the Korean gender structure where men must serve in the army and work the longest hours in the world while the most commonly desired occupation for adult women is that of a stay-at-home wife. Some of the problematic terms are:

  • 보지(Bo-ji), "Vagina" in Korean, meaning women.
  • 보빨(Bo-ppal), "Sucking vagina" in Korean, used to make fun of males that will engage in various acts to court a woman.
  • 김치녀(Kimchi-nyeo), "Kimchi girl" in Korean, refers to a stereotype of a high-maintenance Korean woman unwilling to be independent.
  • 보혐(Bo-hyum), "Anti-vagina" in Korean, meaning aversion to women.

Such misogyny and male chauvinism is sometimes expressed as actual sexual harassment against women.[47][48]


In December 2013, some self-claimed Ilbe users start vandalizing hand-written posters in universities and colleges around Korea. Publicizing hand-written posters which criticizes political indifference, social disharmony, inequality, South Korea spy allegation, ongoing rail strike, and other political and social issues is started from Korea University and it spread among some Korean universities.[49] However, this culture is generally accepted as far-left, communistic and pro-North Korea by such Ilbe users.[50]

Hand-written poster in Korea University is vandalized by self-claimed Ilbe user.[51] He confirmed his vandalism by uploading his photo online with sexual degrade against original writer of the poster. After it became controversial, he uploaded an apology for his action. But he also announced that he will accuse people first who degraded him and his action and reveal his identity.[52]

Similar vandalism is ongoing nationwide such as Busan University,[53] Hannam University in Daejeon,[54] Sogang University.[55]

Ha Tae-Kyung, member of conservative Saenuri Party blamed Ilbe users who committed such vandalism as 'loser'.[56]


In 2012, Some Ilbe users attempted XSS script attack against TodayHumor, a website with left-wing stance. Administrator of TodayHumor announced that he will consider legal action against Ilbe.[57]

Cyberterrorism against Ilbe

Unknown hacker group made a distributed denial-of-service(DDoS) attack on the site on 7 April 2013.[58] The attack was reported as possible revenge of Anonymous for Ilbe's vandalism in #OpIsrael IRC(Internet Relay Chat). Anonymous Korea claimed on its Twitter account that it was not involved with the denial of service at Ilbe. However Anonymous Korea also mentioned that Ilbe members entered the chatroom used by Anonymous hackers and stirred them up, using insulting language and flooding the chatroom with repeated text. The relationship between Anonymous Korea and Anonymous remains ambiguous.[59]

Violation of political neutrality

Some police officers and soldiers who publicly admired former president and dictator Chun Doo-Hwan and Park Chung-Hee as 'patriotic' in Ilbe caused controversy because they violated the political neutrality required to public officers.[60]

Also police officer who degraded left-wing protesters as 'rioter' in Ilbe is brought to Yongsan police office disciplinary committee.[61]

Alleged vandalism on Comotomo feeding bottle

In December 10, 2013, an employee of Comotomo feeding bottle company who is self-claimed Ilbe user alleged that he interrupted feeding bottle manufacturing process by 'sucking' feeding bottles. He confirmed his employment in Comotomo Korea with his photo under the title 'Titty party' and commented "Sometimes I suck this feeding bottle when I miss female breast so much" in Ilbe. He raised outrage over childcare community not only for his vulgarism but also concerned hygiene. Comotomo Korea released an official apology for this controversy and mentioned their employment of such Ilbe user was 'fault'.[62] Also employee's accident report was revealed, confessing "I submitted vulgar contents on Ilbe. I caused economic and mental damage on company and consumers for my own entertainment. The feeding bottle terrorism what I claimed is totally false and I will take any legal responsibility.".[63]


Fact-based approach

Ilbe is known for advocating fact-based approach, which is called as '팩트주의(factism)'.[64] It is widely accepted in Ilbe as a countermeasure against alleged left-wing propaganda. It is originated from the idea that Korean left-wing is instigating this nation by propagating wrong information against right-wing politics.[65][66] However such factism is also controversial within Ilbe because of weakening fact-based approach and its lack of context.[67][68]


As Ilbe was the first major online community in Korea with a distinctively right-wing tone, it has been noted as a haven for the right-wing on the internet.[69]

Media attention

Agency of Korean K-pop dance group Crayon Pop mentioned Ilbe as 'antisocial' while denying alleged involvement with Ilbe.[70][71]

Some Ilbe members are alleged to have registered in SHINee world(fan club) for posting defamatory comments about Jonghyun after he voiced his support to a student cause in support of gay rights, which was one of above-mentioned hand-written posters around Korean universities.[72][73]

Korean professional gamer Hong Jin-Ho denied his alleged involvement with Ilbe, mentioning 'I never been to Ilbe. I heard about Ilbe and it is disagreeable. Such allegation is disgusting.' on his Twitter.[74]

Conservative Saenuri Party member Kim Jin-Tae raised controversy by accessing Ilbe with his laptop during parliamentary inspection at National Assembly.[75]

See also


  1. ^ Rankey 유머/재미 카테고리 순위 2013.11.06
  2. ^ [1] 'Ilbe is advised to enhance teenager protection activity by KCSC' (News1)
  3. ^ [2] (Joongang Ilbo)
  4. ^ [3] Newspaper editorial 'The Ilbe phenomenon and ideological populism' written by Hwang Yong-Seok, Professor of Konkook University (Seoul Economy Newspaper)
  5. ^ [ http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201306042217105&code=940202] 'The cause of Ilbe phenomenon is... expressing anxiety, feeling betrayed, anger from difficult life as amusement' (Kyunghyang Newspaper)
  6. ^ [ http://www.naeil.com/news_view/?id_art=86391] 'To understand Ilbe phenomenon' by journalist Kim Joo-Eon (Naeil Newspaper)
  7. ^ [4]'How to deal with troll websites like Ilbe' written by Hwang Yong-Seok, Professor of Konkook University (Hankyoreh)
  8. ^ [5] Money Today
  9. ^ [6] SBS News
  10. ^ [7] Psychologist Hwang Sang-Min said "It's a kind of play, to secretly reveal their participation in Ilbe which is not justifiable in society, and gain reputation among them." (Herald Economy News)
  11. ^ 정용인 (2012-06-19). "[표지이야기]그들은 왜 보수우파를 동경하게 되었나". 주간경향. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  12. ^ [표지이야기]온라인 극우파 결집 코드는 ‘혐오’ 주간경향 2012.06.19
  13. ^ [8] 'Ilbe, excess of antisocial contents like drugs and organ trafficking' (Kyunghyang Newspaper)
  14. ^ [9] Ilbe from right-wing prospect, 'It's a kind of disease, More than senselessness' (Weekly Kyunghyang)
  15. ^ [10] 'Ilbe, a mutant monster who tickles fascism within us' Shindonga July 2013
  16. ^ [11] 'Ilbe resembles anti-Zainichi association... maybe a phenomenon which revealed many Korean's heart' (Hankook Ilbo)
  17. ^ [12] UNESCO World Heritage
  18. ^ [13] '4 types of distorting 5.18 Gwangju Democratize Movement' (Yonhap News)
  19. ^ [14] 'Kim Kwan-Jin confirms the involvement of North Korean special forces in 5.18 uprising is not true' (Hankook iNews)
  20. ^ [15] 'KCSC gives a hard blow to TV Chosun and Channel A' (SisaIN News)
  21. ^ [16] Kyunghyang Newspaper
  22. ^ [17] Dokrip News
  23. ^ [18] Notice from Ilbe admin
  24. ^ [19] Notice from Ilbe admin
  25. ^ [20] Cho Gap-Je bashed from Ilbe (Joongang Ilbo)
  26. ^ [21] Causeless 'red-hunting' of Ilbe (Hankyoreh)
  27. ^ [ http://www.pressian.com/article/article.asp?article_num=60090604160957] Pressian
  28. ^ [22] Hankook iNews Opinion
  29. ^ [23] 'Cyber specter who tickles regionalism' (Sisa Journal)
  30. ^ [24]'"Eliminate all communists" to the classmate from Jeolla province' (Dong-a Ilbo)
  31. ^ [25] Herald Economy News
  32. ^ [26] Sports Kyunghyang News
  33. ^ [27] Yonhap News
  34. ^ [28] Hankook iNews
  35. ^ [29] Nocut News
  36. ^ [ http://news1.kr/articles/1341740] News1
  37. ^ [30] Hankook iNews
  38. ^ [31] Lady Lee accuses Ilbe users of degrading former president Kim Dae-Jung (Pressian)
  39. ^ [32] Financial News
  40. ^ [33] Dailian
  41. ^ [34] eToday News
  42. ^ The Korea Herald/ANN Korean singer plagued even in death by malicious Internet comments 13 February 2013 "Hateful online comments toward the late singer Lim Yoon-taek - who died Monday from gastric cancer - started to emerge on Tuesday, debasing Lim's premature death. On humor website Daily Best (Ilgan Best), a netizen posted a picture of Lim's wife with comments "My husband passed away. I was paid 1 billion won." This appears to be a parody of a life insurance commercial that depicts a wife being paid insurance money after her husband dies. Another posting from the Daily Best featured a picture of the late former President Roh Moo-hyun welcoming Lim. In the picture Roh tells Lim, "You're new. Sing me a song." Each posting received more than 500 "likes" on the website, which is notorious for crudeness among its members."
  43. ^ [35] Twitter Screenshot
  44. ^ [36] MoneyToday
  45. ^ [37] One sexual assault counsellor said "It is the combination of commodification of women and peer culture which lies beneath Korean society", and women organization Womenlink activist Lee Yoon-So said "Ilbe seems to express mysogyny behind anonymousity, and enjoying its propagation". (Nocut News)
  46. ^ [38] Kim Hak-Jun, who analyzed Ilbe and presented his paper 'Misogyny in cyberspace' at Korean Association Of Women Studies seminar said "The anxiety of conservative men caused by the extension of women's right is expressed in misogyny". (Kookmin iNews)
  47. ^ [39] Ilbe stirs controversy over spying their female family sexually (Kookmin Ilbo)
  48. ^ [40] 'Most of such contents are victimizing almost every Korean woman and express savagery over them' (MediaToday)
  49. ^ [41] '안녕들 하십니까(inquiring after nation's health)' hand-written poster created sensation (Kyunghyang Newspaper)
  50. ^ [42] Ilbe user who vandalized the poster mentioned "I ripped it because I don't want to see far-left communist schoomates putting this school to shame". (Hankook Economy News)
  51. ^ [43] Someone who acknowledge his vandalism against popular hand-written posters called as '안녕들 하십니까(inquiring after nation's health)' is vandalized by someone who claimed himself as Ilbe user. (Kyunghyang Newspaper)
  52. ^ [44] 'sexual harrassment, pretended apology, and preparing legal action' (Nocut News)
  53. ^ [45] Ilbe user who vandalized Busan University's hand-written poster confirms it with photo (Kookje Newspaper)
  54. ^ [46] Photo by Yonhap News
  55. ^ [47] 'Same thing happened in Sogang University' (Herald Economy News)
  56. ^ [48] Ha Tae-Kyung says "Anyone who rip the poster is loser" (Kyunghyang Newspaper)
  57. ^ [49] Joongang Ilbo
  58. ^ Major Korean community website attacked by hackers 8 April 2013-04-08 "An international hacking group is rumored to have attacked “Ilgan Best,” one of South Korea’s biggest online communities. Ilgan Best (Ilbe.com) is a humor-centered community website, producing jokes and political viewpoints."
  59. ^ Transnational hackers may have struck another Korean target "Right wing website Ilgan Best Jeojangso (Daily Best Storehouse: Ilbe) suffered connectivity issues after being the target of a DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack. Analysts suspect that Ilbe may have been attacked by Anonymous, the international hacker organization that hacked Uriminzokkiri, a North Korean propaganda website directed at South Korea."
  60. ^ [50] Segye Ilbo
  61. ^ [51] 'Police officer who mentioned 'war on riot' at Ilbe is finally brought to disciplinary committee' (Kookmin Ilbo)
  62. ^ [52] Comotomo's official apology for 'alleged feeding bottle terrorism by Ilbe user employee' (SBS CNBC)
  63. ^ [53] 'Comotomo's official apology... what happened?' (Sports Kyunghyang Newspaper)
  64. ^ http://weekly.chosun.com/client/news/viw.asp?nNewsNumb=002249100008&ctcd=C04
  65. ^ http://news.donga.com/3/all/20130516/55184786/1
  66. ^ [54] (Pressian)
  67. ^ http://weekly.khan.co.kr/khnm.html?mode=view&code=115&artid=201401141503431&pt=nv
  68. ^ [55] (Money Today)
  69. ^ http://newsmaker.khan.co.kr/khnm.html?mode=view&code=113&artid=201301151338241&pt=nv
  70. ^ [56] (Korea Herald)
  71. ^ [57] (Digital Times)
  72. ^ [58] (Yahoo Philippines)
  73. ^ [59] (In response to Jonghyun's support for hand-written poster,) 'In far-right website Ilbe, there are ongoing political condemn and verbal abuse against Jonghyun.' (Herald Economy News)
  74. ^ [60] (Money Today)
  75. ^ [61] (Kookmin Newspaper)

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