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Mongol invasions of Vietnam

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Mongol invasions of Đại Việt and Champa
Part of the Mongol invasions
File:Battle of Bach Dang (1288).jpg
The Battle of Bạch Đằng (1288) during the Third Mongol invasion
Date1258, 1285 and 1287–88

First Invasion: Đại Việt victory - Mongol forces repelled.

Second Invasion: Đại Việt/Champa victory - Mongol forces repulsed.

Third Invasion: Decisive Dai Viet victory - Mongol Navy totally destroyed.

Mongol Empire (1258)
Yuan dynasty (1285 and 1287–88)

Đại Việt under the Trần dynasty

Commanders and leaders
Möngke Khan
Kublai Khan
Toghan [vi] [1]
Umar bin Nasr al-Din (Yunnan)
Trần Thái Tông
Trần Thánh Tông
Trần Nhân Tông
Trần Hưng Đạo
Trần Quang Khải
Jaya Indravarman VI
3,000 Mongols and 10,000 Yi tribesmen in 1257[2]
Less than 100,000 in 1285
70,000 Yuan troops, 21,000 tribal auxiliaries, 500 ships in 1287–88[3]
Đại Việt more than 200,000–300,000 people in 1285
Champa about 60,000 people [citation needed]
Casualties and losses
Unknown but heavy in 1258
heavy in 1285 and heavy in 1288.

The Mongol invasions of Vietnam or Mongol-Vietnamese War refer to the three times that the Mongol Empire and its chief khanate the Yuan dynasty invaded Đại Việt during the time of the Trần dynasty, along with Champa: in 1258, 1285, and 1287–88.[4] The first invasion began in 1258 under the united Mongol Empire, as it looked for alternative paths to invade Song China. Mongol General Uriyangkhadai was successful captured the Dai Viet capital (Thang Long) however his army was weaken by unhealthy climate [5]. Knowing that situation, Tran Emperor grasp that opportunity. Đại Việt army counterattack Mongol at Dong Bo Dau, Thang Long. Mongol force lost Thang Long to Tran army and retreat back to China. On the way of the retreat, they got ambushed by a Tran general Ha Bong. Mongol force was weaken and demoralised so that they retreated without even thinking of looting along the way. As a result, Vietnamese called them as "Buddhist enemy" as a mockery.[6].

The second and third invasions occurred during the reign of Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty. By this point, the Mongolian Empire had fractured into 4 separate entities with Yuan Dynasty being the strongest and biggest empire. These invasions resulted in a disastrous land defeat for the Mongols in 1285 and the annihilation of the Mongol navy in 1288. However, both the Trần dynasty and Champa decided to accept the nominal supremacy of the Yuan dynasty and serve as tributary states in order to avoid further conflicts.[7]


By the 1250s, the Mongol Empire controlled large amounts of Eurasia including much of Eastern Europe, Anatolia, North China, Mongolia, Manchuria, Central Asia, Tibet and Southwest Asia. Möngke Khan (r. 1251–59) planned to attack the Song dynasty in South China from three directions in 1259. Therefore, he ordered the prince Kublai to pacify the Dali Kingdom. After subjugating Dali, Kublai sent one column under Uriyangkhadai to the southeast after conquering eastern Tibet. Uriyangkhadai sent envoys to demand the submission of Đại Việt, but the Trần rulers imprisoned the Mongol envoys.[8] This action led Uriyangkhadai and his son Aju to invade Đại Việt with 40,000 Mongols and 10,000 Yi people.[8]

The Trần Dynasty, with the marriage between the first emperor and the later queen of Lý Dynasty, succeeded in taking the reign and power. After the death of the rebel leaders like Đoàn Thượng, Nguyễn Nộn, the Trần Dynasty became the only ruler of Vietnam. Under the threat from the Mongols, the Trần Dynasty tried to negotiate with the Mongol delegation. However, the aim of the Mongol Empire was not only the exchange of delegations and trading, but also to conquer Vietnam and then and use this land as a supply source for the campaign against the Southern Song Dynasty in the first invasion, and as a base to attack other lands in Southeast Asia.

First Mongol invasion in 1258

Kublai Khan, the fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, and the founder of the Yuan dynasty

In 1258, a Mongol column under Uriyangkhadai, the son of Subutai, invaded Đại Việt. A battle was fought in which the Vietnamese used war elephants: their Emperor even led his army from atop an elephant. Aju ordered his troops to fire arrows at the elephants' feet. The animals turned in panic and caused disorder in the Đại Việt army, which was routed. The Dai Viet senior leaders were able to escape on pre-prepared boats while part of their army was destroyed at No Nguyen (modern Viet Tri on the Hong River). The remainder of the Dai Viet army again suffered a major defeat in a fierce battle at the Phu Lo bridge the day after. This led the Tran leadership to evacuate the capital. The Dai Viet annals report that the evacuation was "in an orderly manner;" however this is viewed as a embellishment because the Dai Viet must have retreated in disarray to leave their weapons behind in the capital.[9]

The emperor of Đại Việt fled to an offshore island, and the Mongols occupied the capital city Thăng Long (now Hanoi). When they found their envoys in prison, one of whom died, they responded by massacring the population of the capital. With the Dai Viet court effectively in exile. their army vanquished, and their lands ravaged, the Dai Viet King submitted to the Mongols. This also secured Dai Viet support for support for Uriyangkhadai's future invasion route into the Song Dynasty. [10] [11]

The following year (1259), Uriyangkhadai returned to Đại Việt with an army of three thousand Mongols and ten thousand local troops from the conquered Kingdom of Dali, now the Yuan province of Yunnan. He led this army through Dai Viet territory into Song China, and fought his way past thirteen Song armies to the Yangtze River, joining with an army led by Kublai which had invaded from the north and was besieging Ezhou (modern Wuhan).[12]

The Vietnamese had submitted unwillingly, and were reluctant vassals after the Mongolian Empire fractured following Mongke Khan's death in 1260. The Vietnamese emperor repeatedly ignored demands to attend the Yuan court and offer his personal submission to the Great Khan. Nevertheless, according to the history of the Yuan dynasty, the Trần court sent tribute every three years and received a darughachi. By 1266, however, a standoff developed, as the Emperor Thánh Tông sought a loose tributary relationship, while Kublai demanded full submission. Trần Thánh Tông sent an official letter requiring Kublai to take his darughachi back. Because of civil war in the Mongol Empire, and the Yuan conquest of Song China, armed conflict was delayed. Instead, Kublai reminded him of the peace treaty signed by the Mongols and Đại Việt.

As a result of the Mongol conquest of the Song Empire, by 1278–79, Mongol troops reached Đại Việt's northern borders. Some former Song officials fled to Đại Việt and Champa, former vassals of Song China, during the final stage of Mongolian conquest of China.[13] The Trầns' new ruler Nhân Tông resisted renewed Mongol demands for personal attendance at Kublai's court, but dispatched his uncle Tran Di Ai as envoy. Kublai tried to enthrone Di Ai as prince in 1281 but Di Ai and his small army were ambushed by Đại Việt forces.


Sogetu of the Jalairs, the governor of Guangzhou, was dispatched to demand the submission of Champa. Although the king of Champa accepted the status of a Mongol protectorate,[14] his submission was unwilling. In 1282, Sogetu led a maritime invasion of Champa with 5,000 men, but could only muster 100 ships because most of the Yuan ships had been lost in the invasions of Japan.[15]

However, Sogetu was successful in capturing Vijaya, the Champa capital later that year. The aged Champa king Indravarman V retreated out of the capital, avoiding Mongol attempts to capture him in the hills. His son would wage guerrilla warfare against the Mongols for the next few years, eventually wearing down the invaders.[16] Stymied by the withdrawal of the Champa king, Sogetu asked reinforcements from Kublai but sailed home in 1284 just as another Mongol fleet with more than 15,000 troops under Ataqai and Arigh Khaiya reembarked on a fruitless mission to reinforce him. Sogetu presented his plan to have more troops invade Champa through Đại Việt. Kublai accepted his plan and put his son Toghan in command, with Sogetu as second in command.

Map depicting Mongol campaign in Đại Việt in the north and Champa in the south

Second Mongol invasion in 1285

This was the first invasion of Đại Việt by Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty. In 1284 Kublai appointed his son Toghan (Vietnamese: Thoát Hoan) to conquer Champa. Toghan demanded from the Trần a route to Champa, which would trap the Champan army from both north and south. While Nhân Tông accept the demand reluctantly, General Hưng Đạo rallied 15,000 troops and help the Champan.

Planning to weaken the enemies first, the Đại Việt royal family abandoned the capital, letting the Mongols capture it and retreated south while enacting a scorched earth campaign by burning villages and crops.[16] At the same time, Sogetu moved his army up north in an attempt to envelop the royal family in a pincer movement,[16] which the Vietnamese managed to escape.

Sogetu's army was weakened by the summer heat and the lack of food, so they stopped chasing the royal family and move north to join with Toghan. Seeing the Mongol's movement, Trần Hưng Đạo concluded that the Mongol was weakened and decided to take the opportunity to strike, selecting battlefields where the Mongol cavalry could not be fully employed.[17]

The Cham were in pursuit of Sogetu as he was heading north,[18] and killed him and defeated his army.[17] However, according to Vietnamese history, Sogetu was defeated in Hàm Tử, Hưng Yên and was killed by the Vietnamese in his retreat. As the Yuan forces advanced down the Red River, dispersing their power, General Quang Khải counterattacked them at Chương Dương, forcing Toghan to withdraw. Toghan returned without a huge loss of the army under him thanks to the Kipchak officer Sidor and his navy.[19]

The next year, Kublai installed Nhân Tông's younger brother Trần Ích Tắc, a defector to the Yuan, as prince of Đại Việt, but hardship in the Yuan's Hunan supply base aborted his plan.

Third/Final Mongol invasion, 1287-88

This was the second invasion of Đại Việt by Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty. In 1287 the Yuan commander Toghan invaded with 70,000 regular troops, 21,000 tribal auxiliaries from Yunnan and Hainan, a 1000-man vanguard under Abachi, and 500 ships under the Muslim Omar (Vietnamese: Ô Mã Nhi) (who was the son of Nasr al-Din (Yunnan)) and Chinese Fanji (according to some sources, the Mongol force was composed of 300,000–500,000 men). Kublai sent veterans such as Arigh Khaiya, Nasir al-Din and his grandson Esen-Temür. The strategy of this invasion was different: a huge base was to be established just inland from Hải Phòng, and a large-scale naval assault mounted as well as a land attack. Despite the Mongol large-scaled invasion, Trần Quốc Tuấn confidently told the king that the invaders can be defeated easily this time. Trần Hưng Đạo withdrew from inhabited areas, leaving the Mongols with nothing to conquer. The whole fleet bringing food provisions to Toghan's army by maritime route was ambushed and destroyed by Trần Khánh Dư. Facing the lack of food again, Toghan retreated to China through the Bạch Đằng River.

Borrowing a tactic used by general Ngô Quyền in 938 to defeat an invading Chinese fleet, the Đại Việt forces drove iron-tipped stakes into the bed of the Bạch Đằng River, and then, with a small flotilla, lured the Mongol fleet into the river just as the tide was starting to ebb, while their route to the sea had been blockaded by large warships. Unable to return or escape to the sea, the entire Mongol fleet of 400 craft was caught in a bloody boarding and missile battle, sunk, captured, or burned by fire arrows. This would later become known as the Battle of Bạch Đằng (1288). The Yuan admiral Omar was captured and executed. Toqan remaining army got routed hard during the retreat . However they were able to withdraw back to China.[20]


In Đại Việt

Kublai angrily banished Toghan to Yangzhou for life. The Mongols and the Tran Vietnamese agreed to exchange their war prisoners. While Nhan Tong was willing to pay tribute to the Yuan, relations again foundered on the question of attendance at the Yuan court and hostile relations continued.

The Trần Dynasty decided to accept the supremacy of the Yuan dynasty in order to avoid further conflicts. Because he refused to come in person, Kublai detained his envoy, Dao-tu Ki, in 1293. Kublai's successor Temür Khan (r.1294-1307), finally released all detained envoys, settling for a tributary relationship, which continued to the end of the Yuan.

In Champa

The Champa Kingdom decided to accept the supremacy of the Yuan dynasty as well. A tributary relationship continued for some time, but Champa disappears from Yuan records before 1300. The king of Champa made the act of vassalage to the Mongols.


  1. ^ James A. Anderson; John K. Whitmore (7 November 2014). China's Encounters on the South and Southwest: Reforging the Fiery Frontier Over Two Millennia. BRILL. pp. 129–. ISBN 978-90-04-28248-3.
  2. ^ Christopher Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongol Empire and Mongolia, p. 579
  3. ^ Christopher Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongol Empire and Mongolia, p. 579-80
  4. ^ Tansen Sen - The Yuan Khanate and India: Cross-Cultural Diplomacy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, pp. 305
  5. ^ P.D. Buell, “Mongols in Vietnam: end of one era, beginning of another ”, paper given at the First Congress of the Asian Association of World Historians, 29– 31 May 2009,Osaka University Nakanoshima-Center
  6. ^ Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư, Bản Kỷ, Kỷ Nhà Trần, mục Thái Tông Hoàng đế chép trận đánh diễn ra ngày 24 tháng 12 năm Đinh Tỵ.
  7. ^ Bulliet, Richard; Crossley, Pamela; Headrick, Daniel; Hirsch, Steven; Johnson, Lyman (2014-01-01). The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History. Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781285965703.
  8. ^ a b Atwood, C. (2004) p. 579
  9. ^ Descending Dragon, Rising Tiger: A History of Vietnam by Vu Hong Lien, Peter Sharrock, Chapter 6.
  10. ^ The deaths of two Khaghans, Stephen G. Haw, 365. "Moreover, the campaigns against Dali, and later against Annam, allowed the Mongols to invade the Song empire, successfully, from the south. This has sometimes been overlooked. It has even been claimed that they were somehow forced to withdraw from Annam at this time (1258). This is based on an incorrect understanding of Chinese source material, which says that the Mongol forces, led by Uriyangkhadai, withdrew from the Annamese capital after only nine days, because of the unhealthy climate. Other records, however, state that the Annamese king submitted, and that the army then returned to Yachi (modern Kunming)."
  11. ^ Descending Dragon, Rising Tiger: A History of Vietnam by Vu Hong Lien, Peter Sharrock, Ch. 6.
  12. ^ Haw, S. G. (2013), p. 366.
  13. ^ Hok-Lam Chan - Chinese Refugees in Annam and Champa at the End of the Sung Dynasty, Journal of Southeast Asian History, Vol. 7, No. 2 (Sep., 1966), pp. 1-10
  14. ^ Grousset, R. (1970) p. 290
  15. ^ Delgado, J. (2008) p. 158
  16. ^ a b c Delgado, J. (2008) p. 159
  17. ^ a b Delgado, J. (2008) p. 160
  18. ^ Zofia Stone (1 March 2017). Genghis Khan: A Biography. Vij Books India Pvt Ltd. pp. 76–. ISBN 978-93-86367-11-2.
  19. ^ Paul Buell, Mongols in Vietnam, p. 9.
  20. ^ Buell, p.9.


  • Atwood, Christopher Pratt. (2004). Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire. New York: Facts of File. ISBN 978-0-8160-4671-3.
  • Connolly, Peter. (1998). The Hutchinson Dictionary of Ancient & Medieval Warfare. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-57958-116-9.
  • Delgado, James P. (2008). Khubilai Khan's Lost Fleet: In Search of a Legendary Armada. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. ISBN 978-0-520-25976-8.
  • Grousset, René. (1970). The Empire of the Steppes. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978-0-8135-1304-1.
  • Haw, S. G. (2013) "The Deaths of Two Khaghans", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies.

See also