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List of predecessors of sovereign states in Africa

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This is a list of all present sovereign states in Africa[1] and their predecessors. The region of Africa is generally defined geographically to include the subregions of African continent, Madagascar island, Mauritius Island and several minor islands, and their respective sovereign states. Oceania was originally colonised by Europeans with Southern Africa primarily by the British, and the West Africa and North Africa primarily by the British, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Today, Africa consists of 54 sovereign states of various government types, the most common consisting of parliamentary systems.

Sovereign state Predecessors
Algeria Hammadid Kingdom (1014–1152)
Zayyanid Kingdom of Tlemcen (1235–1554)
Eyalet of Aljazayer (1515–1830) (Eyalet of the Ottoman Empire)
French Algeria (1830–1962)
 People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (1962–present)
Angola Portuguese Angola (1575–1975)
People's Republic of Angola (1975–1992)
 Republic of Angola (1992–present)
Benin Kingdom of Dahomey (c.1600–1904)
French Dahomey (1904–1958) (part of French West Africa)
 Republic of Dahomey (1958–1975) (autonomous on 4 December 1958, independent on 1 August 1960)
People's Republic of Benin (1975–1990)
 Republic of Benin (1990–present)
Botswana Bechuanaland Protectorate (1885–1966)
 Republic of Botswana (1966–present)
Burkina Faso French Upper Volta (1919–1958) (part of French West Africa)
Republic of Upper Volta (1958–1984) (autonomous on 11 December 1958, independent on 5 August 1960)
 Burkina Faso (1984–present)
Burundi Kingdom of Burundi (17th century–1890)
Part of German East Africa (1891–1919)
Part of Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi (1922–1962)
Kingdom of Burundi (1962–1966)
 Republic of Burundi (1966–present)
Cameroon German Kamerun (1884–1916)
Cameroun (1918–1960) (a League of Nations Mandate territory administered by France)
British Cameroons (1922–1961) (a League of Nations Mandate territory administered by United Kingdom)
Federal Republic of Cameroon (1961–1972)
United Republic of Cameroon (1972–1984)
 Republic of Cameroon (1984–present)
Cabo Verde Portuguese Cape Verde (1462–1975)
Republic of Cape Verde (1975–2013)
 Republic of Cabo Verde (2013–present)
Central African Republic Ubangi-Shari (1903–1958) (part of French Equatorial Africa)
Central African Republic (1958–1976) (autonomous on 1 December 1958, independent on 13 August 1960)
Central African Empire (1976–1979)
 Central African Republic (resumed) (1979–present)
Chad French Chad (1900–1960) (part of French Equatorial Africa)
 Republic of Chad (1958–present) (autonomous on 28 November 1958, independent on 11 August 1960)
Comoros Part of French Madagascar and Comoros (1912–1946)
Separated administered as French Comoros (1946–1975) (autonomous in 1961)
State of Comoros (1975–1978)
Federal and Islamic Republic of Comoros (1978–2001)
 Union of the Comoros (2001–present)
Congo, Republic of Kingdom of Kongo (1390–1882)
French Congo (1882–1960) (part of French Equatorial Africa since 1910)
Republic of the Congo (1958–1969) (autonomous on 15 September 1959, independent on 15 August 1960)
People's Republic of the Congo (1969–1992)
 Republic of the Congo (resumed) (1992–present)
Congo, Democratic Republic of Kingdom of Kongo (1390–1877)
Congo Free State (1877–1908)
Belgian Congo (1908–1960)
Republic of the Congo (1960–1964)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (1964–1971)
Republic of Zaire (1971–1997)
 Democratic Republic of the Congo (1997–present) (resumed)
Côte d'Ivoire French Ivory Coast (1893–1960) (part of French West Africa)
Republic of Ivory Coast (1960–1986)
 Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (1986–present)
Djibouti Sultanate of Adal (1415–1577)
French Somaliland (1896–1967) (a French Colony 1896–1946, French Overseas territory 1946–1967)
French Territory of the Afars and the Issas (1967–1977)
 Republic of Djibouti (1977–present)
Egypt Kingdom of Egypt (ca. 3100 BC - 525 BC)

File:Symbol of the Ptolemaic kingdom the Eagle of Zeus-Amun.png Ptolemaic Kingdom (305 BC–30 BC)
Tulunid Wilayah (868–905) (Vassal of the Abbassid Caliphate)
Ikhshidid Wilayah (935–969) (Vassal of the Abbassid Caliphate)
Fatimid Caliphate (969–1171)
Ayyubid Sultanate (1171-1260)
Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1570)
Ottoman Empire (1517–1914)
Khedivate of Egypt (autonomous vassal state of the Ottoman Empire - self-declared 1805-1867; formally recognized 1867–1914; under British occupation from 1882)
Sultanate of Egypt (1914–1922) (Protectorate of the United Kingdom)
Kingdom of Egypt (1922–1953)
Republic of Egypt (1953–1958)
United Arab Republic (1958–1972) (sovereign union with Syria 1958–1961; retained official name following Syria's succession 1961–1972)
 Arab Republic of Egypt (1972–present)

Equatorial Guinea Spanish Guinea (1778–1968)
 Republic of Equatorial Guinea (1968–present)
Eritrea Italian Eritrea (1890–1936)
Part of Italian East Africa (1936–1941)
British Occupation of Eritrea (1941–1950)
Part of Ethiopia (1950–1993)
 State of Eritrea (1993–present)
Eswatini (Swaziland) Kingdom of Swaziland (1740s–1906)
Protectorate of Swaziland (1906–1968)
 Kingdom of Swaziland (1968–2018)
 Kingdom of Eswatini (2018–present)
Ethiopia  Kingdom of Aksum (c. 100–c. 900)
 Zagwe dynasty (900–1270)
Ethiopian Empire (1137–1936; 1941–1974) (also known as Abyssinian Empire before World War II)
Part of Italian East Africa (1936–1941)
Socialist Ethiopia (1974–1987)
People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1987–1991)
Transitional Government of Ethiopia (1991–1995)
 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (1995–present)
Gabon French Gabon (1910–1960) (part of French Equatorial Africa)
 Gabonese Republic (1960–present)
Gambia Gambia Colony and Protectorate (1821–1965)
Republic of The Gambia (1965–2015)
Islamic Republic of The Gambia (2015–2017)
 Republic of The Gambia (2017–present) (resumed)
Ghana British Gold Coast (1821–1957)
 Republic of Ghana (1957–present)
Guinea French Guinea (1894–1958) (part of French West Africa since 1904)
Republic of Guinea (1958–1979)
People's Revolutionary Republic of Guinea (1979–1984)
 Republic of Guinea (1984–present) (resumed)
Guinea-Bissau Portuguese Guinea (1474–1974)
 Republic of Guinea-Bissau (1972–present)
Kenya East Africa Protectorate (1895–1920)
Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (1920–1963)
Kenya (1963–1964)
 Republic of Kenya (1964–present)
Lesotho Kingdom of Lesotho (1822–1884)
Basutoland (British Colony) (1884–1966)
 Kingdom of Lesotho (resumed) (1966–present)
Liberia Colony of Liberia (1821–1847)
 Republic of Liberia (1847–present)
Libya Ottoman Tripolitania (1551–1912)
Italian Libya (1911–1943)
Tripolitanian Republic (1918–1922)
British Military Administration of Libya (1942–1951)
French Military Territory of Fezzan-Ghadames (1943–1951)
Emirate of Cyrenaica (1949–1951)
Kingdom of Libya (1951–1969)
Libyan Arab Republic (1969–1977)
Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1977–2011) (before 1986 without the word "Great" in the full name of the country)
 State of Libya (Sometimes refer to as Libya) (2011–present)
Madagascar Kingdom of Merina (1540–1882)
Malagasy Protectorate (1882–1897) (protectorate of France)
Colony of Madagascar and Dependencies (1897–1958)
Malagasy Republic (1958–1975)
Democratic Republic of Madagascar (1975–1992)
 Republic of Madagascar (1992–present)
Malawi British Central Africa Protectorate (1893–1907)
Nyasaland Protectorate (1907–1953; 1963–1964)
Part of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953–1963)
 Republic of Malawi (1963–present)
Mali  Ghana Empire (c. 700–c. 1240)
 Mali Empire (c. 1240–c. 1464)
 Songhai Empire (c. 1464–1591)
 Kénédougou Kingdom (c. 1600–1880)
French Sudan (1880–1958) (part of French West Africa, 1902–1904 referred as Senegambia and Niger; 1904–1921 referred as Upper Senegal and Niger)
Sudanese Republic (1958–1960) (autonomous republic within French Community)
Mali Federation (1960) (United together with Senegal from June to August 1960)
 Republic of Mali (1960–present)
Mauritania Colony of Mauritania (1903–1960)
 Islamic Republic of Mauritania (1960–present)
Mauritius Isle de France (1715–1810) (French colony)
British Mauritius (1810–1968)
Mauritius (1968–1992)
 Republic of Mauritius (1992–present)
Morocco Almoravid dynasty (1040–1147)
Almohad Caliphate (1121–1269)
Marinid Sultanate (1244–1465)
Wattasid Kingdom (1472–1554)
Saadi Kingdom (1549–1659)
Cherifan Kingdom (1666–1912)
French protectorate in Morocco (1912–1955)
Spanish protectorate in Morocco (1912–1956)
Tangier International Zone (1924–1956)
Spanish Sahara Overseas Province (1884–1975) (1946–1958 part of Spanish West Africa)
Western Sahara occupied by Morocco (1975–present) (not recognized by some countries of the World)

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (1976–present) (incorporated in territories not occupied by Moroccan forces, not recognized by some countries of the World)
 Kingdom of Morocco (1956–present)

Mozambique Portuguese Mozambique (1498–1975) (sometimes referred to as Portuguese East Africa)
People's Republic of Mozambique (1975–1990)
 Republic of Mozambique (1990–present)
Namibia German South West Africa (1884–1915)
South West Africa (1915–1990) (a League of Nations mandate administered by South Africa, known as Namibia by the UN since 1968)
 Republic of Namibia (1990–present)
Niger Upper Senegal and Niger (1904–1921) (within French West Africa)
Colony of Niger (1922–1960) (within French West Africa)
 Republic of Niger (1960–present)
Nigeria Bornu Empire (1380–1893)
Oyo Empire (c. 1300–1896)
Benin Empire (1180–1897)
Wukari Federation (c. 1840–c. 1900)
Aro Confederacy (1690–1902)
Kano Emirate (1807–1903)
Sokoto Caliphate (1804–1903)
Kingdom of Nri (948–1911)
Niger Coast Protectorate (1884–1900) (originally established as the Oil Rivers Protectorate 1884–1893)
Lagos Colony (1862–1906)
Northern Nigeria Protectorate (1900–1914)
Southern Nigeria Protectorate (1900–1914)
Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria (1914–1960)
Federation of Nigeria (1960–1963)
 Federal Republic of Nigeria (1963–present)
Rwanda Part of German East Africa (1891–1919)
Part of Ruanda-Urundi Trust Territory (1922–1962)
Kingdom of Rwanda (1962)
 Republic of Rwanda (1962–present)
São Tomé and Príncipe Portuguese São Tomé and Príncipe (1470–1975)
 Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe (1975–present)
Senegal French Senegal (part of French West Africa) (1848–1960)

Mali Federation (1960) (United together with Mali from June to August 1960)
Senegambia Confederation (1982–1989) (A loose confederation in the late 20th century between Senegal and its neighbour The Gambia)
 Republic of Senegal (1960–present)

Seychelles Colony of Seychelles (1903–1976)
 Republic of Seychelles (1976–present)
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate (1808–1961)
Sierra Leone (1961–1971)
 Republic of Sierra Leone (1971–present)
Somalia  Sultanate of Mogadishu (c. 900- 1500s)
Ajuran Empire (c. 1200- 1600s)
 Warsangali Sultanate (1218–1886)
 Ifat Sultanate (1285–1415)
Adal Sultanate (1415–1577)
 Geledi Sultanate (1600s −1910)
Majerteen Sultanate (c.1800 – 1924)
Sultanate of Hobyo (1884–1925)

Italian Somaliland (1889–1936)
Dervish state (1889–1920)
Part of Italian East Africa (1936–1941)
British Military Administration of Somaliland (1941–1949)
United Nations Trust Territory of Somaliland (1950–1960)
British Somaliland (1884–1940; 1941–1960)
State of Somaliland (1960)
Somali Republic (1960–1969)
Somali Democratic Republic (1969–1991)
Republic of Somalia (1991–2012) (no central government existed, notable regimes included Interim Government of Somalia 1991–1997, Transitional National Government of the Republic of Somalia 2000–2004, Transitional Federal Government of the Republic of Somalia 2004–2012)
 Federal Republic of Somalia (2012–present)

South Africa Dutch Cape Colony (1652–1795)
Cape Colony (1795–1910)
Colony of Natal (1843–1910)
South African Republic (1852–1877; 1881–1902; 1914–1915)
Transvaal Colony (1877–1881; 1902–1910)
Orange Free State (1854–1902)
Orange River Colony (1902–1910)
Union of South Africa (1910–1961)
 Republic of South Africa (1961–present)
South Sudan Part of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1899–1956)
Part of Republic of the Sudan (1956–1969)
Part of Democratic Republic of the Sudan (1969–1985)
Part of Republic of the Sudan (resumed) (1985–2011)
 Republic of South Sudan (2011–present)
Sudan Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1899–1956)
Republic of the Sudan (1956–1969)
Democratic Republic of the Sudan (1969–1985)
 Republic of the Sudan (resumed) (1985–present)
Tanzania German East Africa (1891–1919)
Territory of Tanganyika (1922–1961)
Republic of Tanganyika (1961–1964)
Sultanate of Zanzibar (1856–1964)
People's Republic of Zanzibar (1964)
United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar (1964)
 United Republic of Tanzania (1964–present)
Togo German Togoland (1884–1916)
British Togoland (1916–1956) (League of Nations Mandate Territory, United Nations Trust Territory)
French Togoland (1916–1960) (League of Nations Mandate Territory, United Nations Trust Territory)
 Togolese Republic (1960–present)
Tunisia Eyalet of Tunis (1574–1705) (Eyalet of the Ottoman Empire)
Beylik of Tunis (1705–1881) (Beylik of the Ottoman Empire)
French protectorate of Tunisia (1881–1956)
Kingdom of Tunisia(1956–1957)
 Republic of Tunisia (1957–present)
Uganda Uganda Protectorate (1894–1962)
Uganda (1962–1963)
 Republic of Uganda (1963–present)
Zambia Part of British South Africa Company Territories (1890–1924)
Northern Rhodesia Protectorate (1924–1953; 1963–1964)
Part of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953–1963)
 Republic of Zambia (1963–present)
Zimbabwe Part of British South Africa Company Territories (1890–1923)
Colony of Southern Rhodesia (1923–1953; 1963–1965; 1979–1980)

Part of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953–1963)
Rhodesia (1965–1979) (Unilateral declaration of independence;from 1970 to 1979 Republic of Rhodesia)
Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1979)
 Republic of Zimbabwe (1980–present)

See also


  1. ^ "United Nations Statistics Division – Countries of Africa". Millenniumindicators.un.org. Retrieved 24 May 2017.