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List of U.S. government and military acronyms

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List of initialisms, acronyms ("words made from parts of other words, pronounceable"), and other abbreviations used by the government and the military of the United States :


  • 0K - Zero Killed (pronounced OK, as the expression that everything is all right)
  • 1LT – First Lieutenant (U.S. Army) (USAF uses "1st Lt")
  • 2LT – Second Lieutenant (U.S. Army) (USAF uses "2d Lt")
  • 2IC – Second In Command


  • A – analog
  • A1C – Airman 1st Class (USAF E-3)
  • A2C2 – Army airspace command and control
  • A-3 – (Operations Directorate (COMAFFOR))
  • A-5 – (Plans Directorate (COMAFFOR))
  • AA – Anti-aircraft
  • AA – Armed Forces America
  • AA – assembly area
  • AA – assessment agent
  • AA – avenue of approach
  • AAA – antiaircraft artillery
  • AAA – arrival and assembly area
  • AAA – assign alternate area
  • AAAS – amphibious aviation assault ship
  • AABB – American Association of Blood Banks
  • AABWS – amphibious assault bulk water system
  • AAC – activity address code
  • AAC – Army Air Corps (British)
  • AAC – Australian Army Cadets (Australia)
  • AACG – arrival airfield control group
  • AADC – area air defense commander
  • AADP – area air defense plan
  • AA&E – arms, ammunition, and explosives
  • AAEC – aeromedical evacuation control team
  • AAFC – Australian Air Force Cadets (Australia)
  • AAFES – Army and Air Force Exchange Service
  • AAFIF – automated air facility information file
  • AAFS – amphibious assault fuel system
  • AAFSF – amphibious assault fuel supply facility
  • AAGS – Army air-ground system
  • AAI – air-to-air interface
  • AAM – air-to-air missile
  • AAMDC – US Army Air and Missile Defense Command
  • AAOE – arrival and assembly operations element
  • AAOG – arrival and assembly operations group
  • AAP – Allied administrative publication
  • AAP – assign alternate parent
  • AAR – after action report
  • AAR – after action review
  • AAS – Army Apprentice School (Australia)
  • AAST – aeromedical evacuation administrative support team
  • AAT – automatic analog test
  • AAT – aviation advisory team
  • AAU – analog applique unit
  • AAV – amphibious assault vehicle
  • AAW – antiair warfare
  • AB – airbase
  • AB – Airman Basic (USAF E-1)
  • ABCA – American, British, Canadian, Australian Armies Program
  • ABCS – army battle command system
  • ABD – airbase defense
  • ABV - Assault Breacher Vehicle (U.S. Army)
  • ABFC – advanced base functional component
  • ACF – army cadet force (UK Military)
  • ADF – Australian Defence Force (Australia)
  • ADFA – Australian Defence Force Academy (Australia)
  • ADFC – Australian Defence Force Cadets (Australia)
  • ADOS – active duty, operational support
  • ADSW – active duty, special work
  • AE – Armed Forces Europe
  • AEW&C - Airborne early warning and control
  • AFI – awaiting further instruction/Air Force Instruction (requirement guide)
  • AFMC – armed forces medical college
  • AFOQT – air force officer qualifying test
  • AFOSI – Air Force Office of Special Investigations
  • AFSC - Air Force Specialty Code
  • AHA – ammunition holding area
  • AIM – airborne intercept missile (U.S. military)
  • AIPD – Army Institute For Professional Development
  • AIRTC – Air Training Corps (former name for the Australian Air Force Cadets)
  • AIT – advanced individual training (U.S. Army)
  • Amn – airman (USAF E-2)
  • ALCON – All concerned (U.S. military)
  • AMU – aircraft maintenance unit
  • AMXG – aircraft maintenance group
  • AMXS – aircraft maintenance squadron
  • An – Antonov (Russian)
  • ANZAC – Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
  • AOL – absent over leave (U.S. Navy)
  • AO – area of operations
  • A&P – administrative and personnel
  • AP – Armed Forces Pacifice
  • AP – armor-piercing
  • APC – armored personnel carrier
  • APFSDS – armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot
  • APO – Army Post Office; See also FPO
  • APPN – appropriation number (U.S. Military)
  • APRT – Army Physical Readiness Test (U.S. Army)
  • ARA – Australian Regular Army (Australia)
  • ARes – Army Reserve (Australia)
  • ARM – anti-radar missile
  • ARM – anti-radiation missile
  • ARMS – automated recruit management system (U.S. military)
  • ARMS – aviation resource management system (USAF)
  • ART – alarm response team (USAF)
  • ARVN – Army of the Republic of (South) Viet Nam (U.S. Military)
  • ASAP – army substance abuse program (U.S. military)
  • ASAP – as soon as possible
  • ASEAN – Association of South East Asian Nations
  • ASM – air-to-surface missile
  • ASCM – anti-ship C missile
  • ASV – anti-surface vessel (airborne radar)
  • ASVAB – armed services vocational aptitude battery
  • ASW – Anti-submarine warfare
  • ATC – air training corps
  • ATC – air traffic control
  • ATO – air tasking order
  • ATO – antiterrorism officer
  • ATRRS – army training requirements and resources system
  • AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System
  • AWOL – absent without leave


  • BAMCIS – Begin planning Arrange Recon Make the plan Complete the plan Issue the order Supervise (US Marine Corps)
  • BAH – Basic Allowance for Housing
  • BAR – Browning Automatic Rifle
  • BAU – Behavioural Analysis Unit
  • BCD - Bad Conduct Discharge (aka Big Chicken Dinner)
  • BCG – Birth Control Glasses (U.S. Military Slang)
  • BCT – Basic Combat Training (U.S. Army)
  • BDF – Barbados Defence Force (Barbados)
  • BDU – Battle Dress Uniform (U.S. Military)
  • Be – Beriev (Russian)
  • BEA – Budget Execution Authority (U.S. Navy)
  • BFT – Blue Force Tracker (U.S. Military)
  • BG – Bodyguard
  • BGHR – By God He's Right (U.S Military)
  • BLUF – Bottom Line Up Front (US Military)
  • BMNT – Begin Morning Nautical Twilightight (U.S Army)
  • BN - Battalion (U.S. Army)
  • BDE - Brigade (U.S. Army)
  • BOHICA – Bend Over Here It Comes Again (US Military Slang)
  • BRAC – Base Realignment And Closure
  • BRAT (American)– Born Raised And Transferred (American usage, refers to dependent children of military personnel) Usually Pronounced "Military Brat" (Or "Air Force BRAT", or Army "Brat", Navy "Brat" etc.).[1]
  • BRAT (British)– British RegimentAttachedTraveler (British military usage, may have been the original usage, which was later adapted to the American military: Means "child that travels with a soldier") Usually pronounced "Military Brat" or "Base Brat".[2][3]
  • BUB – Battle Update Brief
  • BVR – Beyond Visual Range (USAF)
  • BX – Base Exchange (USAF)


  • C1 – Command
  • C2 – Command And Control
  • C3 – Command Control And Communication
  • C4IR – Command Control Communication Computers Intelligence And Recognition
  • CAC – Common Access Card (U.S. DoD, pron. "cac")
  • CAG – Commander, Air Group (U.S. Navy, pron. "cag")
  • CAGE – Commercial and Government Entity
  • CAPTCaptain (US Navy, USCG O-6)
  • CaptCaptain (USMC, USAF O-3)
  • CAS – Close Air Support
  • CASEX – Coordinated Antil-Submarine EXercise
  • CAT – Combat Application Tourniquets
  • CBRN – Chemical Biological Nuclear Radiological
  • CBU – Cluster Bomb Unit
  • CCIR – Commanders Critical Information Requirements
  • CDAT – Computerized Dumb Ass Tanker (M1 Abrams Crewmen)
  • CDIAC – Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
  • CDRUSPACOM Commander United States Pacific Command
  • CENTCOM – Central Command (U.S. Military)
  • CF – Cluster Fuck (always pronounced phonetically "Charlie Foxtrot")
  • CH – Cunt Hair (a unit of measurement)
  • CIA – Central Intelligence Agency
  • CIC – Command Intelligence Center (U.S. Navy)
  • CINCLANT – Commander-in-chief, Atlantic Forces (U.S. Navy before 2002)
  • CINCLANTFLT – Commander-in-chief, Atlantic Fleet (U.S. Navy before 2002)
  • CINCPAC – Commander-in-chief, Pacific Forces (U.S. Navy before 2002)
  • CIWS – Close-In Weapon System
  • CMSgt – Chief Master Sergeant (USAF E-9; highest AF enlisted rank)
  • CMSAF – Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (USAF E-9 – Senior Enlisted Member)
  • CO – Commanding Officer
  • COA – Course of Action
  • COB - Chief Of the Boat (Chief Petty Officer in charge of the Boat usually a Master Chief (USN Submariner Terminology))
  • COCOM – Combatant Commander
  • CODELS – Congressional Delegations
  • "' Col. Colonel
  • COMINT – Communications Intelligence
  • COMPACFLT – Commander, Pacific Fleet (U.S. Navy)
  • COMSEC' – Communication Security
  • CONUS – Continental United States (U.S. military, pron. "cone-us")
  • CONUSA – Continental United States Army (numbered Armies of U.S. military)
  • CORDS – (U.S. military, Vietnam era)
  • COP – Combat Out Post
  • CoS – Chief of Staff
  • COT – Commissioned Officer Training
  • CPL – Corporal (U.S. Army and Marine Corps E-4)
  • CPO – Chief Petty Officer (USCG/USN E-7)
  • CPT – Captain (US Army O-3)
  • CPX – Command Post Exercise
  • CQB – Close Quarters Battle
  • CRC – CONUS Replacement Center (a military processing center at Fort Benning, Georgia, US)
  • CSM – Command Sergeant Major (U.S. Army E9 highest Army enlisted rank))
  • CTCounter-terrorism Team
  • CTR – Close Target Reconnaissance
  • CUB – Commander Update Brief
  • CVN – Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier (NOTE: the V comes from the expression "heavier than air flying machine")
  • CZN – Nuclear-powered Airship Carrier (NOTE: the Z comes from the use of the word Zeppelin although non-Zeppelin airships would also be transported on a CZN)


  • DA – Defence Attaché
  • DAC – Department of the Army Civilian
  • DAGR – Defense Advanced GPS Receiver
  • DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (U.S. Military)
  • DCAA – Defense Contract Audit Agency
  • DCMA – Defense Contract Management Agency
  • DME - Depot Maintenance Enterprise (U.S. Military)
  • DFAC – Dining Facility (U.S. Military)
  • DFAS – Defense Finance and Accounting Service (U.S. Military) * D.I.A – Defensive Intelligence Agency
  • DINFAC – Dining Facility (U.S. Military)
  • DISA – Defense Information Systems Agency
  • DLB – Dead Letter Box
  • DMEA - Defense Microelectronics Activity
  • DMS – Defense Message System (U.S. Military)
  • DMZ – Demilitarized Zone
  • DoDAAC – Department of Defense Activity Address Code (U.S. Military)
  • DoDAF – Department of Defense Architectural Framework (U.S. Military)
  • DoDIC – Department of Defense Identification Code (U.S. Military)
  • DOP – Drop-Off Point
  • DPMs – Disruptive Pattern Material
  • DRT – Dead Right There; wounded in such a way as to indicate immediate and/or unavoidable death; often used as a sarcastic form of the civilian acronym DOA (Dead On Arrival)
  • DTO – Daily Tasking Order
  • DTRA - Defense Threat Reduction agency
  • DZ – Drop Zone


  • E&E – Escape and Evade
  • EA - Electronic Attack
  • ECP – Entry Control Point
  • EI – Engineering and Installation
  • EIS – Engineering and Installation Squadron, Environmental Impact Statement
  • EI SIT – Engineering and Installation Site Implementaion Team
  • ELINT – Electronic Intelligence
  • EMI - Extra Military Instruction
  • ENS – Ensign (US Navy junior officer rank, O-1)
  • EOD – Explosive Ordnance Disposal
  • EOS - End of Service
  • EP - Electronic Protection
  • EPW – Enemy Prisoner of War
  • ERV – Emergency Rendezvous
  • ETA – Estimated time of arrival
  • ETS – Estimated Termination of Service
  • EUCOM – European Command (U.S. Military)
  • EW - Electronic Warfare (comprises EA, EP)
  • Exfil – Exfiltration (Opposite of infiltration; exiting undetected)


  • FA – Field Artillery
  • FABS – Fetus Aborted By Squad
  • FAK – First Aid Kit
  • FAR – Federal Acquisition Regulation
  • FBCB2 – Force XXI Battlefield Command Brigade and Below
  • FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • FEBA – Forward Edge of the Battle Area
  • FIDO – FIre Direction Officer
  • FIST – FIre Support Team
  • FISTer – Member of a FIre Support Team
  • FIST-V – FIre Support Team Vehicle
  • FISINT – Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence
  • FISHDO – Fuck It, Shit Happens, Drive On
  • FitRep – Fitness Report
  • FLOT – Forward Line of Troops
  • FLOTUS – First Lady of the United States (U.S. – see POTUS)
  • FM – Field Marshal
  • FMC – Fully Mission Capable
  • FO – Forward Observer
  • FO – Foxtrot Oscar (i.e. F**k Off) (US/UK Forces)
  • FOB – Forward Operating Base
  • FOD – Foreign Object Damage (U.S.)
  • FOD – Foreign Object Debris (U.S.)
  • FPO – Fleet Post Office; See also APO
  • FSA – Force Structure Allowance
  • FSTE – Foreign Service Tour Extension
  • FTUS – Full Time Unit Specialist
  • FUBAR – Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition


  • G1 – General Staff Level office for Personnel and Manpower (Division and Above)
  • G2 – General Staff Level office for Military Intelligence (Division and Above)
  • G3 – General Staff Level office for Operations and Plans (Division and Above)
  • G4 – General Staff Level office for Logistics (Division and Above)
  • G5 – General Staff Level office for Military/Civil Affairs (Division and Above)
  • G6 – General Staff Level office for Signal and Communication (Division and Above)
  • G7 – General Staff Level office for Training and Exercises (Division and Above)
  • G8 – General Staff Level office for Force Development and Analysis (Division and Above)
  • G9 – General Staff Level office for Civil Operations (Division and Above)
  • GBU – Guided Bomb Unit
  • GEN – General
  • GI – Government Issue
  • GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out
  • GM – Gone Mersault
  • GO – General Officer
  • GOCO – Government owned, contractor operated
  • GPMG – General Purpose Machine Gun
  • GPS – Global Positioning System
  • GROM – Polish Special Operations Team (Polish Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego)
  • Gulag – The Chief Administration of Collective Labor Camps (Russian Главное Управление Лагерей, "Glavnoye Upravleniye Lagerey")


  • HALO – High Altitude Low Opening (Airborne)
  • HBL - Holiday Block Leave (U.S. Army)
  • HE – High Explosive
  • HEAT – High Explosive Anti-Tank warhead
  • HMAS – Her Majesty's Australian Ship (Australia)
  • HMCS – Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (Canada)
  • HMFIC – Head Motherf*cker In Charge – colloquialism for the highest-ranking person present; more commonly used by NCO's than by officers (U.S. Military)
  • HMMWV – High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (U.S. Military)
  • HMNZS – Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship (New Zealand)
  • HMS – Hans Majestäts Skepp (His Majesty's ship, Sweden)
  • HMS – Her Majesty's Ship (Royal Navies such as Royal British Navy) (His Majesty's Ship if King)
  • Hr.Ms - His/Her Dutch Majesty's Ship (Dutch Royal Navy ship)
  • HOMSEC – Homeland Security
  • HRAP - Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program
  • HQ – Headquarters
  • HHB - Headquarters and Headquarters Battery
  • HHC - Headquarters and Headquarters Company
  • HHT - Headquarters and Headquarters Troop
  • HUMINT – Human Intelligence
  • HYT – High Year Tenure


  • IAF – Indian Air Force
  • IAF – Israeli Air Force
  • ICBM – Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
  • ICE – Individual Carrying Equipment
  • ID – IDentification
  • IED – Improvised Explosive Device
  • IFAK – Individual First Aid Kit
  • IFF – Identification Friend or Foe
  • IFF – Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals (USAF)
  • IG – Inspector General (US Military)
  • IFV – Infantry Fighting Vehicle
  • INSCOM – United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
  • Il – Ilyushin
  • Interpol – International Criminal Police Organization
  • ISO – Inter School Course
  • ISR – Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
  • IYAAYAS – If You Aint AMMO, You Ain't Shit


  • JA – Judge Advocate [General]
  • JAG – Judge Advocate General
  • J.S.F – Joint Strike Fighter
  • JATO – Jet-fuel Assisted Take Off
  • JETDS – Joint Electronics Type Designation System
  • JSAM – Joint Service Achievement Medal
  • JSTAR – Joint Surveillance Target Acquisition Radar
  • JSOC – Joint Special Operations Command
  • JDAM – Joint Direct Attack Munition
  • JEEP - Just Enough Essential Parts


  • KATUSA – Korean Augmentation Troops to the United States Army
  • KIA – Killed In Action
  • KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid – USAF
  • KP – Kitchen Police or Kitchen Patrol
  • KBO – Keep Buggering On


  • LAAD – Low Altitude Air Defense
  • LCDR – Lieutenant Commander (US Navy)
  • LCPL – Lance Corporal (US Marines)
  • LES – Leave and Earnings Statement
  • LP – Listening Post
  • LP/OP – Listening Post Observation Post
  • LGOP – Little Group Of Paratroopers
  • LT – Lieutenant
  • LTC or Lt Col – Lieutenant Colonel
  • LTG or Lt Gen – Lieutenant General
  • LTJG – Lieutenant, Junior Grade (US Navy)
  • LUP – Lying-Up Point
  • LZ – Landing Zone


Maj.- major

  • MARCORSYSCOM – MARine CORps SYStems COMmand (U.S. Military)
  • MARFORRES – MARine FORces REServe (U.S. Marine Corps)
  • MAW – Maximum Allowable Weight
  • MBT – Main Battle Tank
  • MCCS – Marine Corps Community Services (also known by the humorous backronym Marine Corps Crime Syndicate)
  • MCEN – Marine Corps Enterprise Network (U.S. Military)
  • MCEITS – Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Service (U.S. Military)
  • MCPO – Master Chief Petty Officer (USCG/USN E-9)
  • MFA – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • MG – Machine Gun
  • MG – Major General
  • MI – Military Intelligence
  • Mi – Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant (Russian)
  • MIA – Missing In Action
  • MedEvac – Medical Evacuation
  • MICV – Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle
  • MiG – Mikoyan-Gurevich (Russian)
  • MK – Mark
  • MK – Machinery Technician (U.S. Coast Guard)
  • MLRS – Multiple Launch Rocket System
  • MMFD – Miles and Miles of F...ing Desert (unofficial report in Gulf War)
  • MOA – Military Operating Area (USAF Airspace)
  • MOAB – Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, also known as "Mother Of All Bombs". (U.S. military)
  • MOAC - Mother of All Coffee (Green Bean Coffee)
  • MOB – Main Operating Base
  • MOBCOM – MOBile COMmand
  • MOPP – Mission Oriented Protective Posture
  • MPDS – Military Planning Data Allowance
  • MRAPMine Resistant Ambush Protected
  • MRE – Meal Ready to Eat (U.S. Military)
  • MRX – Mission Rehearsal Exercise
  • MSgt – Master Sergeant (USAF E-7)
  • MTOE – Modified Table Of Organizational Equipment
  • MTS+ – Movement Tracking System Plus
  • MSDC+ – Marine Science Diving Club (Diving Club Of Hasanudin University)


  • NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement
  • NAS – Naval Air Station
  • NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
  • NCIS – Naval Criminal Investigative Service (U.S. Navy)
  • NAVAIR – Naval Air Systems Command
  • NCI - National Cancer Institute
  • NCO – Non-Commissioned Officer
  • NCOES - Non-Commissioned Officer Education System
  • ND – Negligent Discharge
  • NIBC National Interagency Biodefense Campus
  • NICBR - National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research
  • NMC – Not Mission Capable
  • NMCI – Naval Marine Corps Intranet (U.S. Navy)
  • NNMSA – Non-Nuclear Munitions Storage Area
  • NS – Network Services
  • NSA – National Security Agency


  • OBE – Overcome by Events (DoD)
  • OCONUS – Outside Continental United States
  • OCS – Officer Candidate School
  • OM – On the Move (Normally just spelled out Oscar Mike)
  • O&M, MC – Operations & Maintenance, Marine Corps (U.S. Navy)
  • O&M, N – Operations & Maintenance, Navy (U.S. Navy)
  • OODA – Observe, Orient, Decide, And Act
  • OP – Observation Post
  • ORM – Operational Risk Management
  • OSM – Oh Shit Moment (U.S. Marine Corps)
  • OSP – On Site Procurement
  • OPORD – Operations Order
  • OPSEC – Operations Security
  • OTF – Out There Flapping (Airborne)
  • OTS – Officer Training School
  • OTV – Outer Tactical Vest


  • PACOM – Pacific Command
  • PCS – Permanent Change of Station
  • PDS – Permanent Duty Station (U.S. Military)
  • PDT – Pre-Deployment Training
  • PE – Plastic Explosive
  • PFC – Private First Class (U.S. Military)
  • PFM – Pure Fuckin Magic (U.S. Military)
  • PFT – Physical Fitness Test
  • PII - Personally Identifiable Information or Personal Identity Information
  • PL – Platoon Leader (U.S. Army)
  • PLT – Platoon (U.S. Army)
  • PMC – Partially Mission Capable
  • PME – Professional Military Education
  • PMS – Planned Maintenance Schedule (U.S. Navy)
  • PNG – Passive Night Goggles
  • PO – Post Office
  • PO1 – Petty Officer 1st Class (USCG/USN E-6)
  • PO2 – Petty Officer 2nd Class (USCG/USN E-5)
  • PO3 – Petty Officer 3rd Class (USCG/USN E-4)
  • POBCAK – Problem Occurs Between Chair And Keyboard
  • POL – Petroleum Oil & Lubricants (U.S. Air Force)
  • POC – Point Of Contact
  • POTUS – President of the United States
  • POG – Person Other than Grunt (All non-combat arms job fields i.e. any MOS or CMF other than infantry, cavalry, armor, and artillery; among infantrymen, refers to anyone other than infantry or Special Forces)
  • POW – Prisoner Of War
  • POV – Privately Owned Vehicle
  • PPG – PT Parade Games
  • PRP – Personnel ReliabilityProgram
  • PRP – Pretty Retarted Program
  • PRT – Provincial Reconstruction Team
  • PRT – Physical Readiness Training (U.S. Army)
  • PT – Physical Training
  • PTB - Powers That Be
  • PV2 – Private 2nd class (U.S. Army E-2)
  • PVT – Private (U.S. Army and Marine Corps E-1)
  • PX – Post Exchange (U.S. Army)


  • RAAF – Royal Australian Air Force (Australia)
  • RAF – Royal Air Force (UK)
  • RAN – Royal Australian Navy (Australia)
  • RATO – Rocket Assisted Take Off
  • RCSC – Royal Canadian Sea Cadets (Canada)
  • REMF – Rear Echelon Mother Fucker
  • RFL – Response Force Leader
  • RMCRoyal Military College of Canada (Canada) in Kingston, Ontario
  • RN – Royal Navy (UK)
  • ROE – Rules Of Engagement
  • ROMA Data, Right Out of My Ass Data. Unverifiable created data (different from SWAG)
  • ROWPU – Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
  • RNZAF – Royal New Zealand Air Force (New Zealand)
  • RPG – Rocket-Propelled Grenade
  • RPM – Rounds per minute
  • RS – RatShit (Australia – related to US – Unserviceable)
  • RSS – Regional Security System (Caribbean)
  • RTB – Return To Base
  • RV – Rendez-Vous
  • RTO - Radio Telephone Operator


  • SA – Seaman Apprentice (USCG/USN E-2)
  • SAS – Special Air Service (British special forces)
  • SBS – Special Boat Service (British special forces)
  • SAAS – Standard Army Ammunition System (U.S. Army)
  • SAM – Surface-to-air Missile
  • SARSS – Standard Army Retail Supply System (U.S. Army)
  • SCOTUS – Supreme Court of the United States
  • SCPO – Senior Chief Petty Officer (USCG/USN E-8)
  • SEAC - Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • SEAL – Sea, Air and Land (US Navy SEALs)
  • SERE – Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape
  • SFC – Sergeant First Class (U.S. Army E7)
  • SGM – Sergeant Major (U.S. Army E9 – Sometimes referred to as Staff Sergeant Major)
  • SGT – Sergeant (U.S. Army E5)(U.S. Marines uses Sgt)
  • SITREP – Situation Report
  • SJA – Staff Judge Advocate
  • SLAM – Standoff Land Attack Missile
  • SMA – Sergeant Major of the Army (U.S. Army E9 – Senior Enlisted Member)
  • SMEAC - Situation Mission Execution Admin/logistics Command/signal (US Marine Corps basic knowledge)
  • SMSgt – Senior Master Sergeant (USAF E-8)
  • SN – Seaman (USCG/USN E-3)
  • SNAFU – Situation Normal: All Fucked Up
  • SOCOM – United States Special Operations Command
  • SOFA – Status of Forces Agreement
  • SOP – Standard Operating Procedures
  • SOS – Shit On a Shingle, or creamed chipped beef on toast.
  • SPC – Specialist (U.S. Army E-4)
  • SR – Seaman Recruit (USCG/USN E-1)
  • SrA – Senior Airman (USAF E-4)
  • SRR – Special Reconnaissance Regiment (British special Forces)
  • SSDD – Same Shit Different Day
  • SSDDBS – Same Shit Different Day Bigger Shovel
  • SSG – Staff Sergeant (US Army E-6)
  • SSgt – Staff Sergeant (US Air Force E-5)(U.S. Marines E-6)
  • SOL – Shit Out of Luck (US Army)
  • SOLJWF – Shit Out of Luck and Jolly Well Fucked (U.S. Marines)
  • STOVL – Short Takeoff, Vertical Landing
  • SUSFU – Situation Unchanged, Still Fucked Up
  • SWAG – Scientific Wild Ass Guess


  • TACP – Tactical Air Control Party (USAF)
  • TAD – Temporary Additional Duty (U.S. Military)
  • TBD – To Be Determined
  • TDY – Temporary Duty (U.S. Military)
  • TF – Task Force
  • TFOA – Things Falling Off Aircraft
  • TG6 – Task Group 6 (group designation for NZ SAS – NZ Army)
  • TIC – Troops In Contact
  • TSgt – Technical Sergeant (USAF E-6)
  • TU – Tits Up (Dead, Inoperable), a.k.a. "tango uniform"
  • TARFU – Things Are Really Fucked Up, or Totally And Royally Fucked Up


  • UA – Unauthorized Absence
  • UAS – Unmanned Aerial System
  • UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • UCAV – Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
  • ULLS – Unit Level Logisitics System (U.S. Army)
  • UMA – Unit Mobilization Assistor
  • UN – United Nations
  • US – Unserviceable
  • USSS – United States Secret Service
  • USAF – United States Air Force
  • USAFE – United States Air Forces in Europe
  • USAMRICD - United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
  • USAMRIID - United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease
  • USAMRMC - United States Army Medical Research and Materiél Command
  • USAMRAA - United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity
  • USA PATRIOT Act – Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act
  • USAREC – US Army REcruiting Command
  • USAREUR – US Army European Command
  • USMC – United States Marine Corps
  • USN – United States Navy
  • USO – United Service Organizations (U.S. Military)
  • USR – Unit Status Report
  • UUV – Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
  • UXB – Unexploded Bomb (bomb disposal; British)
  • UXO – Unexploded Ordnance


  • VBIED – Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device
  • VDM – Visual Distinguishing Mark
  • VFD – Volunteer Fire Department
  • VFR – Volunteer Fire and Rescue


  • WIA – Wounded In Action
  • WO1 – Warrant Officer 1
  • WSA – Weapons Storage Area
  • WMD – Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • WILCO – Will Comply


  • XO – Executive Officer

See also


  1. ^ Wertsch, Mary E. (January 2006). Military Brats: Legacies of Childhood Inside the Fortress. ISBN 0-9776033-0-X.
  2. ^ Clifton, Grace, "Making the Case for the BRAT (British Regiment Attached Traveler)", British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3 2004
  3. ^ Adams, Leah; Kirova, Anna (2006), Global Migration and education, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., p. 263–4, ISBN 0-8058-5838-5