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My nice hello to you


Hello. I am a lawyer and new here at Wikipedia. Happy Welcome to my user-page.

My idea is to forward knowledge to wikipedia


My idea is to voluntary forward a little bit about my knowledge to Wikipedia especially in the themes of law-science, computer science and science of journalism. You should know that I am a very neutral person and prefer the independence to be a lawyer in the law-science. This is why I do not work as an attorney-at-law, which must always follow the client's idea or the philosophy of a public law-company. Please read more about the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) I work at.

My interests


My interests are digital cameras, community trademarks, gene-trademarks of genetic engineering. My languages are English, German, Portuguese and a little bit Italian, Spanish and Russian.

I will write more about me especially after I learn how to handle this fantastic software with its communities. I think, there has never been a master appearing from nowhere and so I am a beginner here. Please feel free to discuss with me in my discussion-board. Thank you very much. :-)


I see, some links are marked with red colors. Let me see, how I may help wikipedia to fill missing articles.

A lot things to do at wikipedia, I think so.

My bookmarks of European and International Laws


Viva La Tron: The crazy case and the party to the proceedings


The 1st restraining order by the German Municipal Court of Berlin:


The 2nd restraining order by the German Municipal Court of Berlin:

  • Mr. Attorney-at-law Friedrich Kurz ("Creative Law", cp. [4]) plead the parents' case. After the cryptic death of Boris F., who was find suspended on a tree in Berlin, the parents and family - with all the pains they have been in deep mourning because of losing their child - the parents do not want the forwarding hyperlink be set from the german domainname http://www.wikipedia.de/wiki/Boris_F(amilyname) to the american server http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_F(amilyname). In the context of this technical hyperlink and by forwarding german users to german spoken content is accused by a so called "abetment-disquieter" in the European Law especially by the Federal Court of Justice - as long as the complete familyname plays a role in it.
  • Responsible for the domainname WIKIPEDIA.DE is the Wikimedia Germany e.V., cp. whois at [5], a membership corporation with its domicile in Berlin intenting to make financial profit because of this case. This is the reason why the same one German Municipal Court of Berlin was called.
  • The Municipal Court of Berlin (Germany), cp. [6], filed the restraining order on January 17, 2006. The main negotiation can then be done in quiet hours while the hearing before there will exist a final decision. The restraining order itself is only a temporarily solution. Only the best lawyers are allowed to become a District Court Judge in Germany.
  • Because of ignoring the public warning of January 12, 2006, cp. [7], the Wikimedia Germany e.V. with its members - and not the Wikimedia Foundation Incorperation - is potentially responsible for damages.

A hint of sarcasm in this case is, that - instead of deactiving this only one objectinable hyperlink - the Wikimedia Germany e.V. switched off the complete german forwarding system of all the german articles at the german Wikipedia. Food enough for the press.

The 3rd possible restraining order by a German Municipal Court


[coming soon, just editing] --IAAL 16:41, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

More detailed information:


Tron, Boris F., Boris (Family name), Case-No. 209 C 1015/05 of 12/14/2005, AG Berlin: In the case between the parents of departed Boris F. and Wikimedia Foundation, the Municipal Court of Berlin (Germany) decided on December 14, 2005, that it is forbidden to publish the complete familyname of Boris F. anywhere at WIKIPEDIA.ORG. This restraining order has to be respected by everybody. If this decision will be ignored, then the Court will be allowed to impose a fine up to 250,000 Euro or to place under restraint up to 6 months. It is unknown, if Wikimedia Foundation will file an appeal to the Municipal Court of Berlin. According to the german law, filing an appeal will provocate a hearing in Berlin. The next step would then be the mainhearing in front to the same Municipal Court of Berlin (Germany), next instance County Court of Berlin (Germany), next instance Higher Regional Court of Berlin (Germany). The last instance is the Federal Court of Justice of Karlsruhe (Germany), which is also known as the Highest Appelate Court in Germany for Civil and Criminal Cases. After it, there is also the right for both parties to let check the complete case by the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe. And then there is still the European Court of Law, because Germany is part of the European Union. I personally would suggest to lock this article about Boris F. especially his familyname, simple to avoid a disaster for wikipedia. Another nice idea would be to forward his familyname into a list of "bad words" to filter out this familyname within this software of wikipedia. This would then be a global solution and the Judge of Berlin will not be angry because of the danger to post a fine to Wikipedia. I know, it might be, that some wikipedians will not like this decision by the Court, but the current english version is also aviable in Germany and also to the german Judge in Berlin. -- IAAL 21:53, 13 January 2006 (UTC)