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Family Zosteropidae - White-eyes [1]

White-eyes constitute a major clade of babblers that includes Yuhina (Cibois et al. 2003); retain as family Zosteropidae. Sequence based on Cai et al. (2019) augmented by Moyle et al. (2009); Cox et al. (2014); Meimberg et al. (2016); Lim et al. (2018); and O'Connell et al. (2019).

Zosteropidae   genera: 13
Zosteropidae   species: 150
Zosteropidae   subspecies: 197

Zosteropidae   Breeding Range: IO, PO, AF, PAL, OR, AU [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
White-collared yuhina Parayuhina diademata (Verreaux, J, 1869) OR Verr 1869 1
Chestnut-crested yuhina Staphida everetti Sharpe, 1887 OR Shar 1887 2
Striated yuhina Staphida castaniceps (Moore, F, 1854) OR Moor 1854 3
Indochinese yuhina Staphida torqueola (Swinhoe, 1870) OR Swin 1870 4
Black-chinned yuhina Yuhina nigrimenta Blyth, 1845 OR Blyt 1845 5
Taiwan yuhina Yuhina brunneiceps Ogilvie-Grant, 1906 OR Ogil 1906 6
Whiskered yuhina Yuhina flavicollis Hodgson, 1836 OR Hodg 1836 7
Burmese yuhina Yuhina humilis (Hume, 1877) OR Hume 1877 8
White-naped yuhina Yuhina bakeri Rothschild, 1926 OR Roth 1926 9
Stripe-throated yuhina Yuhina gularis Hodgson, 1836 OR Hodg 1836 10
Rufous-vented yuhina Yuhina occipitalis Hodgson, 1836 OR Hodg 1836 11
Flame-templed babbler Dasycrotapha speciosa Tweeddale, 1878 OR Twee 1878 12
Visayan pygmy babbler Dasycrotapha pygmaea (Ogilvie-Grant, 1896) OR Ogil 1896 13
Mindanao pygmy babbler Dasycrotapha plateni (Blasius, W, 1890) OR Blas 1890 14
Rusty-crowned babbler Sterrhoptilus capitalis (Tweeddale, 1877) OR Twee 1877 15
Golden-crowned babbler Sterrhoptilus dennistouni (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895) OR Ogil 1895 16
Calabarzon babbler Sterrhoptilus affinis (McGregor, 1907) OR McGr 1907 17
Visayan babbler Sterrhoptilus nigrocapitatus (Steere, 1890) OR Stee 1890 18
Palawan striped babbler Zosterornis hypogrammicus (Salomonsen, 1961) OR Salo 1961 19
Luzon striped babbler Zosterornis striatus Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 OR Ogil 1894 20
Chestnut-faced babbler Zosterornis whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 OR Ogil 1894 21
Panay striped babbler Zosterornis latistriatus (Gonzales & Kennedy, RS, 1990) OR Gonz 1990 22
Negros striped babbler Zosterornis nigrorum (Rand & Rabor, 1952) OR Rand 1952 23
Golden white-eye Cleptornis marchei (Oustalet, 1889) PO Oust 1889 24
Teardrop white-eye Rukia ruki (Hartert, EJO, 1897) PO Hart 1897 25
Long-billed white-eye Rukia longirostra (Taka-Tsukasa & Yamashina, 1931) PO Taka 1931 26
Giant white-eye Megazosterops palauensis (Reichenow, 1915) PO Reic 1915 27
Mees's white-eye Heleia javanica (Horsfield, 1821) OR Hors 1821 28
Grey-hooded white-eye Heleia pinaiae (Stresemann, 1912) AU Stre 1912 29
Pygmy white-eye Heleia squamifrons (Sharpe, 1892) OR Shar 1892 30
Mindanao white-eye Heleia goodfellowi (Hartert, EJO, 1903) OR Hart 1903 31
Streak-headed white-eye Heleia squamiceps (Hartert, EJO, 1896) AU Hart 1896 32
Cream-browed white-eye Heleia superciliaris (Hartert, EJO, 1897) AU Hart 1897 33
Crested white-eye Heleia dohertyi (Hartert, EJO, 1896) AU Hart 1896 34
Spot-breasted heleia Heleia muelleri Hartlaub, 1865 AU Hart 1865 35
Thick-billed heleia Heleia crassirostris (Hartert, EJO, 1897) AU Hart 1897 36
Yellow-ringed white-eye Heleia wallacei (Finsch, 1901) AU Fins 1901 37
Bonin white-eye Apalopteron familiare (Kittlitz, 1830) PAL Kitt 1830 38
Rufescent darkeye Tephrozosterops stalkeri (Ogilvie-Grant, 1910) AU Ogil 1910 39
Sri Lanka white-eye Zosterops ceylonensis Holdsworth, 1872 OR Hold 1872 40
Yellowish white-eye Zosterops nigrorum Tweeddale, 1878 OR Twee 1878 41
Black-capped white-eye Zosterops atricapilla Salvadori, 1879 OR Salv 1879 42
Abyssinian white-eye Zosterops abyssinicus Guérin-Méneville, 1843 AF Guér 1843 43
Pale white-eye Zosterops flavilateralis Reichenow, 1892 AF Reic 1892 44
Mbulu white-eye Zosterops mbuluensis Sclater, WL & Moreau, 1935 AF Scla 1935 45
Chestnut-flanked white-eye Zosterops erythropleurus Swinhoe, 1863 PAL Swin 1863 46
Swinhoe's white-eye Zosterops simplex Swinhoe, 1861 OR Swin 1861 47
Mountain blackeye Zosterops emiliae (Sharpe, 1888) OR Shar 1888 48
Warbling white-eye Zosterops japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1847 AU OR PAL Temm 1847 49
Indian white-eye Zosterops palpebrosus (Temminck, 1824) OR Temm 1824 50
Lowland white-eye Zosterops meyeni Bonaparte, 1850 OR Bona 1850 51
Marianne white-eye Zosterops semiflavus Newton, E, 1867 IO Newt 1867 52
Karthala white-eye Zosterops mouroniensis Milne-Edwards & Oustalet, 1885 AF Miln 1885 53
Reunion olive white-eye Zosterops olivaceus (Linnaeus, 1766) IO Linn 1766 54
Mauritius olive white-eye Zosterops chloronothos (Vieillot, 1817) IO Viei 1817 55
Reunion grey white-eye Zosterops borbonicus (Pennant, 1781) IO Penn 1781 56
Mauritius grey white-eye Zosterops mauritianus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) IO Gmel 1789 57
Mount Cameroon speirops Zosterops melanocephalus Gray, GR, 1862 AF Gray 1862 58
Forest white-eye Zosterops stenocricotus Reichenow, 1892 AF Reic 1892 59
Green white-eye Zosterops stuhlmanni Reichenow, 1892 AF Reic 1892 60
Broad-ringed white-eye Zosterops eurycricotus Fischer, GA & Reichenow, 1884 AF Fisc 1884 61
Fernando Po speirops Zosterops brunneus (Salvadori, 1903) AF Salv 1903 62
Heuglin's white-eye Zosterops poliogastrus Heuglin, 1861 AF Heug 1861 63
Kikuyu white-eye Zosterops kikuyuensis Sharpe, 1891 AF Shar 1891 64
Socotra white-eye Zosterops socotranus Neumann, 1908 AF Neum 1908 65
Principe white-eye Zosterops ficedulinus Hartlaub, 1866 AF Hart 1866 66
Annobon white-eye Zosterops griseovirescens Barboza du Bocage, 1893 AF Barb 1893 67
Sao Tome white-eye Zosterops feae Salvadori, 1901 AF Salv 1901 68
Black-capped speirops Zosterops lugubris (Hartlaub, 1848) AF Hart 1848 69
Principe speirops Zosterops leucophaeus (Hartlaub, 1857) AF Hart 1857 70
Taita white-eye Zosterops silvanus Peters, JL & Loveridge, 1935 AF Pete 1935 71
Northern yellow white-eye Zosterops senegalensis Bonaparte, 1850 AF Bona 1850 72
Orange River white-eye Zosterops pallidus Swainson, 1838 AF Swai 1838 73
South Pare white-eye Zosterops winifredae Moreau & Sclater, WL, 1934 AF More 1934 74
Cape white-eye Zosterops virens Sundevall, 1850 AF Sund 1850 75
Southern yellow white-eye Zosterops anderssoni Shelley, 1892 AF Shel 1892 76
Pemba white-eye Zosterops vaughani Bannerman, 1924 IO Bann 1924 77
Seychelles white-eye Zosterops modestus Newton, E, 1867 IO Newt 1867 78
Anjouan white-eye Zosterops anjuanensis Newton, E, 1877 AF Newt 1877 79
Aldabra white-eye Zosterops aldabrensis Ridgway, 1894 IO Ridg 1894 80
Kirk's white-eye Zosterops kirki Shelley, 1880 AF Shel 1880 81
Moheli white-eye Zosterops comorensis Shelley, 1900 AF Shel 1900 82
Mayotte white-eye Zosterops mayottensis Schlegel, 1867 AF Schl 1867 83
Malagasy white-eye Zosterops maderaspatanus (Linnaeus, 1766) AF Linn 1766 84
Meratus white-eye Zosterops meratusensis Irham, Haryoko, Shakya, Mitchell, S, Burner, Bocos, Eaton, Rheindt, Suparno, Sheldon & Prawiradilaga, 2021 OR Irha 2021 85
Lemon-bellied white-eye Zosterops chloris Bonaparte, 1850 AU Bona 1850 86
Wakatobi white-eye Zosterops flavissimus Hartert, EJO, 1903 AU Hart 1903 87
Black-crowned white-eye Zosterops atrifrons Wallace, 1864 AU Wall 1864 88
Sangihe white-eye Zosterops nehrkorni Blasius, W, 1888 AU Blas 1888 89
Pale-bellied white-eye Zosterops consobrinorum Meyer, AB, 1904 AU Meye 1904 90
Togian white-eye Zosterops somadikartai Indrawan, Rasmussen & Sunarto, 2008 AU Indr 2008 91
Black-ringed white-eye Zosterops anomalus Meyer, AB & Wiglesworth, 1896 AU Meye 1896 92
Green-fronted white-eye Zosterops minor Meyer, AB, 1874 AU Meye 1874 93
Black-fronted white-eye Zosterops chrysolaemus Salvadori, 1876 AU Salv 1876 94
Tagula white-eye Zosterops meeki Hartert, EJO, 1898 AU Hart 1898 95
Morotai white-eye Zosterops dehaani van Bemmel, 1939 OR Bemm 1939 96
Cream-throated white-eye Zosterops atriceps Gray, GR, 1861 AU Gray 1861 97
Buru white-eye Zosterops buruensis Salvadori, 1878 AU Salv 1878 98
Seram white-eye Zosterops stalkeri Ogilvie-Grant, 1910 AU Ogil 1910 99
Javan white-eye Zosterops flavus (Horsfield, 1821) OR Hors 1821 100
Ashy-bellied white-eye Zosterops citrinella Bonaparte, 1850 AU Bona 1850 101
Canary white-eye Zosterops luteus Gould, 1843 AU Goul 1843 102
Silvereye Zosterops lateralis (Latham, 1801) AU PO Lath 1801 103
Hume's white-eye Zosterops auriventer Hume, 1878 OR Hume 1878 104
Sangkar white-eye Zosterops melanurus Hartlaub, 1865 OR Hart 1865 105
Everett's white-eye Zosterops everetti Tweeddale, 1878 OR Twee 1878 106
Vella Lavella white-eye Zosterops vellalavella Hartert, EJO, 1908 AU Hart 1908 107
Santa Cruz white-eye Zosterops sanctaecrucis Tristram, 1894 AU Tris 1894 108
Capped white-eye Zosterops fuscicapilla Salvadori, 1876 AU Salv 1876 109
Oya Tabu white-eye Zosterops crookshanki Mayr & Rand, 1935 AU Mayr 1935 110
Vanuatu white-eye Zosterops flavifrons (Gmelin, JF, 1789) AU Gmel 1789 111
Bare-eyed white-eye Zosterops superciliosus (North, 1906) AU Nort 1906 112
Sanford's white-eye Zosterops lacertosus (Murphy & Mathews, 1929) AU Murp 1929 113
Vanikoro white-eye Zosterops gibbsi Dutson, 2008 AU Duts 2008 114
Fiji white-eye Zosterops explorator Layard, EL, 1875 PO Laya 1875 115
Bismarck white-eye Zosterops hypoxanthus Salvadori, 1881 AU Salv 1881 116
Biak white-eye Zosterops mysorensis Meyer, AB, 1874 AU Meye 1874 117
Bougainville white-eye Zosterops hamlini Murphy, 1929 AU Murp 1929 118
Guadalcanal white-eye Zosterops oblitus Hartert, EJO, 1929 AU Hart 1929 119
Grey-throated white-eye Zosterops rendovae Tristram, 1882 AU Tris 1882 120
Olive-colored white-eye Zosterops oleagineus Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872 PO Hart 1872 121
Dusky white-eye Zosterops finschii (Hartlaub, 1868) PO Hart 1868 122
Grey-brown white-eye Zosterops ponapensis Finsch, 1876 PO Fins 1876 123
Kosrae white-eye Zosterops cinereus (Kittlitz, 1832) PO Kitt 1832 124
Rota white-eye Zosterops rotensis Taka-Tsukasa & Yamashina, 1931 PO Taka 1931 125
Yellow-throated white-eye Zosterops metcalfii Tristram, 1894 AU Tris 1894 126
Malaita white-eye Zosterops stresemanni Mayr, 1931 AU Mayr 1931 127
Papuan white-eye Zosterops novaeguineae Salvadori, 1878 AU Salv 1878 128
Ambon white-eye Zosterops kuehni Hartert, EJO, 1906 AU Hart 1906 129
Pearl-bellied white-eye Zosterops grayi Wallace, 1864 AU Wall 1864 130
Gizo white-eye Zosterops luteirostris Hartert, EJO, 1904 AU Hart 1904 131
Golden-bellied white-eye Zosterops uropygialis Salvadori, 1874 AU Salv 1874 132
Ranongga white-eye Zosterops splendidus Hartert, EJO, 1929 AU Hart 1929 133
Solomons white-eye Zosterops kulambangrae Rothschild & Hartert, EJO, 1901 AU Roth 1901 134
Dark-eyed white-eye Zosterops tetiparius Murphy, 1929 AU Murp 1929 135
Christmas white-eye Zosterops natalis Lister, 1889 IO List 1889 136
Bridled white-eye Zosterops conspicillatus (Kittlitz, 1833) PO Kitt 1833 137
Citrine white-eye Zosterops semperi Hartlaub, 1868 PO Hart 1868 138
Plain white-eye Zosterops hypolais Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872 PO Hart 1872 139
Wangi-wangi white-eye Zosterops paruhbesar Irham, Prawiradilaga, Menner, O'Connell, Kelly, Analuddin, Karya, Meads, Marples & Rheindt, 2022 AU Irha 2022 140
Louisiade white-eye Zosterops griseotinctus Gray, GR, 1858 AU Gray 1858 141
Kolombangara white-eye Zosterops murphyi Hartert, EJO, 1929 AU Hart 1929 142
Large Lifou white-eye Zosterops inornatus Layard, EL, 1878 AU Laya 1878 143
White-chested white-eye Zosterops albogularis Gould, 1837 AU Goul 1837 144
Samoan white-eye Zosterops samoensis Murphy & Mathews, 1929 PO Murp 1929 145
Robust white-eye Zosterops strenuus Gould, 1855 AU Goul 1855 146
Slender-billed white-eye Zosterops tenuirostris Gould, 1837 AU Goul 1837 147
Small Lifou white-eye Zosterops minutus Layard, EL, 1878 AU Laya 1878 148
Green-backed white-eye Zosterops xanthochroa Gray, GR, 1859 AU Gray 1859 149
Rennell white-eye Zosterops rennellianus Murphy, 1929 AU Murp 1929 150

Zosteropidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Parayuhina Cai T, Cibois, Alström, Moyle, Kennedy, JD, Shao S, Zhang R, Irestedt, Ericson, Gelang, Qu Y, Lei W & Fjeldså, 2019 1 OR Cai 2019 1 Genus nov.: Cai et al., 2019. Monotypic and basal to all other species in the "yuhina" clade.
Staphida Swinhoe, 1871 3 OR Swin 1871 2 Resurrect genus Staphida to include three species formerly in Yuhina but which are in a discrete clade basal to Yuhina s.s. (Cai et al. 2019).
Yuhina Hodgson, 1836 7 OR Hodg 1836 3 Move Yuhina species to Zosteropidae from Timaliidae (Cibois et al. 2003; Moyle et al. 2009). Resequence following Cai et al. (2019).
Dasycrotapha Tweeddale, 1878 3 OR Twee 1878 4
Sterrhoptilus Oberholser, 1918 4 OR Ober 1918 5
Zosterornis Ogilvie-Grant, 1894 5 OR Ogil 1894 6
Cleptornis Oustalet, 1889 1 PO Oust 1889 7
Rukia Momiyama, 1922 2 PO Momi 1922 8 Phylogenetic relationships of Rukia are uncertain; not sampled in Cai et al. (2019).
Megazosterops Stresemann, 1930 1 PO Stre 1930 9
Heleia Hartlaub, 1865 10 OR AU Hart 1865 10 Heleia Hartlaub, 1865 includes species that were formerly attributed to Lophozosterops Hartert, 1896 and Oculocincta Mees, 1953 (Moyle et al. 2009). For those species formerly attributed to Lophozosterops and Oculocincta, replace controversial Tagalog name “Ibon” (=bird) with established, phylogenetically appropriate “White-eye”.
Apalopteron Bonaparte, 1854 1 PAL Bona 1854 11 Apalopteron may be embedded within Heleia, but STET pending a more comprehensive analysis (Cai et al. 2019).
Tephrozosterops Stresemann, 1931 1 AU Stre 1931 12
Zosterops Vigors & Horsfield, 1827 111 OR AU AF IO PO PAL Vigo 1827 13 Revisions of Zosterops rely heavily on genetic relationships following Warren et al. (2006); Moyle et al. (2009); Melo et al. (2011); Cox et al. (2014); Pearson & Turner (2017); Lim et al. (2018); Cai et al. (2019); Martins et al. (2020).


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges