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List of algorithms
Automated planning and scheduling
Preference-based planning
Forward chaining
Backward chaining
Partial-order planning
Sussman Anomaly
Boolean satisfiability problem
Markov decision process
Partially observable Markov decision process
Cycle detection
Stable marriage problem
Pseudorandom number generator
Blum Blum Shub
Lagged Fibonacci generator
Linear congruential generator
Mersenne Twister
Graph theory
A* search algorithm
Algorithmic version for Szemerédi regularity partition
Alpha–beta pruning
Aperiodic graph
Barabási–Albert model
Belief propagation
Bellman–Ford algorithm
Bianconi–Barabási model
Bidirectional search
Borůvka's algorithm
Bottleneck traveling salesman problem
Breadth-first search
Bron–Kerbosch algorithm
Chaitin's algorithm
Christofides algorithm
Clique percolation method
Closure problem
Contraction hierarchies
Courcelle's theorem
Cuthill–McKee algorithm
Degeneracy (graph theory)
Depth-first search
Dijkstra–Scholten algorithm
Dijkstra's algorithm
Dinic's algorithm
Disparity filter algorithm of weighted network
Double pushout graph rewriting
Dulmage–Mendelsohn decomposition
Dynamic connectivity
Edmonds–Karp algorithm
Edmonds' algorithm
Blossom algorithm
Euler tour technique
FKT algorithm
Flooding algorithm
Flow network
Floyd–Warshall algorithm
Ford–Fulkerson algorithm
Fringe search
Girvan–Newman algorithm
Goal node (computer science)
Gomory–Hu tree
Graph bandwidth
Graph edit distance
Graph embedding
Graph isomorphism
Graph isomorphism problem
Graph kernel
Graph reduction
Graph traversal
Havel–Hakimi algorithm
Hierarchical closeness
Hierarchical clustering of networks
Hopcroft–Karp algorithm
Iterative deepening A*
User:Varkora/sandbox/Recursive best-first search
Initial attractiveness
Iterative compression
Iterative deepening depth-first search
Johnson's algorithm
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Jump point search
Junction tree algorithm
K shortest path routing
Karger's algorithm
Kleitman–Wang algorithms
Knight's tour
Knuth's Simpath algorithm
Kosaraju's algorithm
Kruskal's algorithm
Lexicographic breadth-first search
Longest path problem
MaxCliqueDyn maximum clique algorithm
Minimum bottleneck spanning tree
Misra & Gries edge coloring algorithm
Nearest neighbour algorithm
Network simplex algorithm
Nonblocking minimal spanning switch
Path-based strong component algorithm
Prim's algorithm
Proof-number search
Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm
Reverse-delete algorithm
Rocha–Thatte cycle detection algorithm
Sethi–Ullman algorithm
Shortest Path Faster Algorithm
Spectral layout
Stoer–Wagner algorithm
Subgraph isomorphism problem
Suurballe's algorithm
Tarjan's off-line lowest common ancestors algorithm
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm
Topological sorting
Transitive closure
Transitive reduction
Travelling salesman problem
Tree traversal
Widest path problem
Yen's algorithm
Graph coloring
Hungarian algorithm
Prüfer sequence
Graph drawing
Force-directed graph drawing
Network theory
HITS algorithm
Euclidean minimum spanning tree
Minimum spanning tree
Shortest path problem
State space search
Beam search
Beam stack search
Best-first search
Bloom filter
Incremental heuristic search
General Problem Solver
Clique (graph theory)
Strongly connected component
Bitap algorithm
Phonetic algorithm
Daitch–Mokotoff Soundex
Match rating approach
New York State Identification and Intelligence System
String metric
Damerau–Levenshtein distance
Sørensen–Dice coefficient
Hamming distance
Jaro–Winkler distance
Levenshtein distance
Trigram search
Selection algorithm
Linear search
Ternary search
Sorting algorithm
Binary search algorithm
Fibonacci search technique
Jump search
Interpolation search
Uniform binary search
Merge algorithm
Fisher–Yates shuffle
Robinson–Schensted correspondence
Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm
Heap's algorithm
Dynamic time warping
Hirschberg's algorithm
Needleman–Wunsch algorithm
Smith–Waterman algorithm
Bubble sort
Stooge sort
Cocktail shaker sort
Comb sort
Gnome sort
Odd–even sort
Insertion sort
Library sort
Patience sorting
Tree sort
Cycle sort
Merge sort
Bead sort
Bucket sort
Counting sort
Pigeonhole sort
Radix sort
Selection sort
Bitonic sorter
Pancake sorting
Spaghetti sort
Maximum subarray problem
Longest common subsequence problem
Longest increasing subsequence
Shortest common supersequence problem
Longest common substring problem
String searching algorithm
Aho–Corasick algorithm
Boyer–Moore string search algorithm
Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm
Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
Rabin–Karp algorithm
Zhu–Takaoka string matching algorithm
Ukkonen's algorithm
Online algorithm
Chien search
Schreier–Sims algorithm
Todd–Coxeter algorithm
Buchberger's algorithm
Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm
Faugère's F4 and F5 algorithms
Gosper's algorithm
Knuth–Bendix completion algorithm
Gröbner basis
Pollard's kangaroo algorithm
Polynomial long division
Risch algorithm
Closest pair of points problem
Collision detection
Cone algorithm
Convex hull algorithms
Graham scan
Gift wrapping algorithm
Chan's algorithm
Kirkpatrick–Seidel algorithm
Distance transform
Geometric hashing
Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm
Jump-and-Walk algorithm
Laplacian smoothing
Line segment intersection
Bentley–Ottmann algorithm
Minimum bounding box algorithms
Nearest neighbor search
Point in polygon
Point set registration
Rotating calipers
Shoelace formula
Ruppert's algorithm
Chew's second algorithm
Bowyer–Watson algorithm
Fortune's algorithm
Index calculus algorithm
Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithms
Pohlig–Hellman algorithm
Baby-step giant-step
Binary GCD algorithm
Booth's multiplication algorithm
Chakravala method
Euclidean algorithm
Extended Euclidean algorithm
Integer factorization
Congruence of squares
Dixon's factorization method
Fermat's factorization method
General number field sieve
Lenstra elliptic curve factorization
Pollard's p − 1 algorithm
Pollard's rho algorithm
Quadratic sieve
Shor's algorithm
Special number field sieve
Trial division
Multiplication algorithm
Karatsuba algorithm
Schönhage–Strassen algorithm
Toom–Cook multiplication
Quadratic residue
Tonelli–Shanks algorithm
Cipolla's algorithm
Odlyzko–Schönhage algorithm
Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász lattice basis reduction algorithm
Primality test
AKS primality test
Baillie–PSW primality test
Fermat primality test
Lucas primality test
Miller–Rabin primality test
Sieve of Atkin
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Sieve of Sundaram
Euler method
Backward Euler method
Trapezoidal rule (differential equations)
Linear multistep method
Runge–Kutta methods
Multigrid method
Partial differential equation
Finite difference method
Crank–Nicolson method
Lax–Wendroff method
Verlet integration
Borwein's algorithm
Gauss–Legendre algorithm
Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula
Division algorithm
Long division
BKM algorithm
Addition-chain exponentiation
Exponentiation by squaring
Montgomery modular multiplication
Fürer's algorithm
Multiplicative inverse
Newton's method
Spigot algorithm
Alpha max plus beta min algorithm
Methods of computing square roots
Nth root algorithm
Shifting nth root algorithm
Binary splitting
Kahan summation algorithm
Radon transform
Level set method
Birkhoff interpolation
Neville's algorithm
De Boor's algorithm
De Casteljau's algorithm
Eigenvalue algorithm
QR algorithm
Matrix multiplication algorithm
Cannon's algorithm
Distributed algorithm
Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm
Freivalds' algorithm
Strassen algorithm
Tridiagonal matrix algorithm
Sparse matrix
Minimum degree algorithm
Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
Wang and Landau algorithm
Monte Carlo integration
Root-finding algorithm
Odds algorithm
AC-3 algorithm
Difference-map algorithm
Min-conflicts algorithm
Chaff algorithm
Davis–Putnam algorithm
DPLL algorithm
Nondeterministic algorithm
Knuth's Algorithm X
Dancing Links
Memetic algorithm
Bees algorithm
Benson's algorithm
Karmarkar's algorithm
Simplex algorithm
Gauss–Newton algorithm
Subset sum problem
Astronomical algorithm
Doomsday rule
Zeller's congruence
Kabsch algorithm
Velvet assembler
Maximum parsimony (phylogenetics)
Vincenty's formulae
Lesk algorithm
Sukhotin's algorithm
Pulmonary embolism
Texas Medication Algorithm Project
Constraint algorithm
Demon algorithm
Featherstone's algorithm
Rainflow-counting algorithm
Sweep and prune
VEGAS algorithm
Tomasulo algorithm
Newell's algorithm
Painter's algorithm
Warnock algorithm
Line drawing algorithm
Bresenham's line algorithm
Digital differential analyzer (graphics algorithm)
Xiaolin Wu's line algorithm
Midpoint circle algorithm
Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm
Yarrow algorithm
Fortuna (PRNG)
Data Encryption Standard
Tiny Encryption Algorithm
Quine–McCluskey algorithm
Petrick's method
Machine learning
Espresso heuristic logic minimizer
Association rule learning
Apriori algorithm
C4.5 algorithm
ID3 algorithm
Linde–Buzo–Gray algorithm
Rete algorithm
C3 linearization
CYK algorithm
Earley parser
GLR parser
Inside–outside algorithm
Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm
Grover's algorithm
Simon's problem
Quantum algorithm
Powerset construction
Tarski–Kuratowski algorithm
BCJR algorithm
Damm algorithm
Luhn mod N algorithm
Verhoeff algorithm
Package-merge algorithm
Sequitur algorithm
A-law algorithm
Μ-law algorithm
Discrete cosine transform
Chirp Z-transform
Bruun's FFT algorithm
Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm
Prime-factor FFT algorithm
Rader's FFT algorithm
Fast folding algorithm
Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm
Goertzel algorithm
Marr–Hildreth algorithm
GrowCut algorithm
Random walker algorithm
Cache algorithms
Unicode collation algorithm
XOR swap algorithm
Join (SQL)
Bully algorithm
Berkeley algorithm
Cristian's algorithm
Intersection algorithm
Marzullo's algorithm
Huang's algorithm
Lamport's distributed mutual exclusion algorithm
Maekawa's algorithm
Raymond's algorithm
Ricart–Agrawala algorithm
Paxos (computer science)
Snapshot algorithm
Chandy-Lamport algorithm
Vector clock
Buddy memory allocation
Cheney's algorithm
Garbage collection (computer science)
Mark-compact algorithm
Tracing garbage collection
Karn's algorithm
Luleå algorithm
Nagle's algorithm
Page replacement algorithm
Banker's algorithm
Dekker's algorithm
Lamport's bakery algorithm
Peterson's algorithm
Top-nodes algorithm
Elevator algorithm
Shortest seek first