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Trump-Mexico Deal


The Anti-Mexican Election, 2016


The US presidential election, 2016 was marked by strong divides that as they were expected defined the outcome. Gender, religious, ethnic, economic, political divides in play. The main role: was a competition of System and anti-System by disappointed and agree followers plus the Anti-immigrant rhetoric they dominantly flooded the election. The anti-Mexican rhetoric was first noticed in the Republican Party presidential primaries addressing the US borders security, at his Presidential Announcement Speech in 16 Jun 2015, Donald Trump stated Mexican criminals crossing to the US: “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ..They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” »[1]

America’s Shrinking Middle Class


The US Financial crisis of 2007–2008 made profound divide to the American middle class and the American people. Millions lost their jobs, business went broke, factories close or move to countries with lower production cost, on top of that, new technologies, automatization and robotics in to a deeply depressed US economy, all this together shorten opportunities in a difficult time. Its mortgage crisis, left millions of Americans with a great economic lost, millions of families evicted the US Government help bankers not the home owners. The Number of Homeless Families Climbing to more than 10 million Due to Recession »[2] »[3] »[4] All this made life much difficult for the US middle class. Even though Americans are good generous people, the hard times, bad economic conditions, brewed in to a today much divided nation, middle class, and working people are struggling for jobs and opportunities. In this bad economic conditions, where Jobs and opportunities are much needed immigrants are not welcome. The economical failure caused social divide. A strong change in the system was deeply needed. It was time for anti-establishment actions to happen. To captivate the people during election times, postures are inflamed; the United States presidential election, 2016 is a reference for that. There were many opposite political postures in play. Since the establishment fail to millions, Anti-establishment, protectionist policy was strong motivator. In his first Presidential Campaign US President Barack Obama offer an immigration bill, he did not delivered during his administration. During US President Barack Obama Second Presidential Campaign again he offer the Hispanics and immigration bill he did not delivered. In the other hand Obama administration deported a record 3 million Mexicans. Democratic Party failed to the Hispanic-Americans. Obama campaigning with the Democratic Party candidate offering to continue all his work. There was nothing to lose for the Hispanic-Americans with a change for Republican President. Candidates narrative it was with a different approach style, some “dog whistle” the message like Hillary Clinton, some say it louder, other with much higher media intensity impact like Donald Trump but most candidates rhetoric during the Republican and Democratic Parties Primaries and during the Presidential election meant the same about Mexico: In immigration; To build the border wall and to negotiate NAFTA.

Anti-Mexican Campaigns rhetoric


As an example: North America Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA was attacked only against Mexico from all sides during the Presidential campaign. Hillary Clinton included NAFTA in her pledge to strictly enforce all existing trade agreements, as well as halt any new ones. Her opponent and later US Presidential Election winner blamed NAFTA for growing unemployment. He said it helped businesses at the expense of workers in the U.S. Both candidates promised to either amend or back out of the NAFTA agreement altogether. Obama didn't do anything about these campaigns promises when he was President. It was the 2008 US Presidential Election. Anti-Mexican in Candidate’s rhetoric, pretty much the same. »[5] »[6] »[7]

After the Elections. Facts take over perception


In a stressed situation perception takes over facts, the way for society to change position is when facts take over and change a false perception in to a real one. When negative sentiments are in play, takes much effort to believe and reason facts. Is important how Mexico and undocumented Mexican workers roll in the US economy is portrayed by the United States and to the American people. Since perception has taken over facts. That mistake hurts the relationship, can hurt the economy, security and the society we are building. Mexico and the United States have not only an important trade flux, they have an important partnership, and economical alliance that by complementing their strengths keeps the American and Mexican products competitive in the global market, companies in the two countries are in blue numbers, our economies have grown because that. Because of this partnership, the US companies, its economy and the American people progress. Mexican undocumented workers, the flow has gone from positive to neutral to negative. There are more Mexicans returning than going to the United States. United States economy needs Mexican labor in their territory. Must Mexicans are hard-working and good people, they pay federal, states and municipal taxes. Only a very small percentage are criminals. Crime statistics demonstrate that immigrants are much less likely to commit a crime than nationals. As exceptions are addressed by law enforcement. After the heat of the election, reality will endure, good business is to be kept and make it grow. The Mexico US business relationship our trade means is great business for the two countries.

Its Purpose of was to make Canada, United States and Mexico, more competitive in the global marketplace. NAFTA has been wildly successful in achieving this. NAFTA is now the largest free trade agreement in the world. It links 450 million people, and its member economies generate $20.8 trillion. It boosted U.S. growth by as much as .5% a year. Trade with Mexico - US alone was 530 billion us in 2016. Three industries benefited the most from the increased exports: agriculture, automotive and services such as health care and financial services. From an economic perspective, NAFTA is a success. Without it, the United States could not compete as effectively against the European Union or China and its trade agreements. That's critical now that both of these trade areas rank above the U.S. as the world's largest economy. The increased trade was sorely needed after the 2008 financial crisis. Even more people would be unemployed without it. Foreign investment more than tripled; U.S. businesses invested $452 billion in Mexico and Canada. Companies in those two countries invested $240.2 billion in the United States. That helped manufacturing, insurance, and banking companies. NAFTA has quadrupled trade, that means jobs and opportunity for the US economy, reduced the cost of commerce. It also spurs investment and growth, especially for small businesses. NAFTA also reduced import prices. That also lessened the risk of inflation and allowed the Fed to keep interest rates low. Mexico and Canada are friendly countries. Other oil exporters, such as Venezuela and Iran, use oil as a political chess piece. For example, both started selling oil in currencies other than the petrodollar. NAFTA lowered food prices in the US in much the same way. NAFTA increased US farm exports because it eliminated high Mexican tariffs. NAFTA modernized the U.S. auto industry by consolidating manufacturing and driving down costs. Most cars made in North America now have parts sourced from all three countries. The increase in competitiveness allows the industry to fend off Japanese imports. Cars coming from Mexico are American cars. NAFTA boosted U.S. service exports in a 400% growth. Once the starting process past NAFTA exports created jobs. led to 5 million new U.S. jobs by increasing exports. Most of those jobs went to 17 states. Even imports from NAFTA partners created jobs. That's because nearly 40 percent of U.S. imports from Mexico originated with American companies. They designed the products domestically, and then outsourced some portion of the process in Mexico. NAFTA protected intellectual properties. It helped innovative businesses by discouraging pirating. »[8] »[9] Stablishing NAFTA was no easy task. The starting ongoing process first, it led to the loss of 500,000-750,000 jobs in the United States. Most were manufacturing employment in California, New York, Michigan and Texas. 65% of companies in the affected industries threatened to move to Mexico. The U.S. workers remaining in those industries could not bargain for higher wages. »[10] In Mexico NAFTA started with difficult cost to pay for the Mexican people. NAFTA allowed government-subsidized U.S. farm products into Mexico. Local farmers could not compete with the artificially low prices and put Mexican farmers out of business. Mexicans lost their farms. There were 4.9 million Mexican family farmers displaced; while seasonal labor in agro-export industries increased by about 3 million; they went to work in sub-standard conditions in the maquiladora program. U.S. companies degraded the Mexican environment to keep costs low. This meant a net loss of 1.9 million jobs and a recession in Mexico’s early years of NAFTA. Fortunately, after a difficult sacrifice period, once it went forward it benefits started to show with a very positive balance. »[11] »[12]

Conjoined Twins Partnership


The US Mexico economic partnership, has factories own by American companies, that its profits in Mexico, keep a positive cash flow back to the United States. This does not happen, with another countries trade. This keeps American companies very competitive, growing producing jobs and opportunities in the United States. Because of all this an important percentage of the United States and Mexico products are produced in a Conjoined Twins partnership like, it cannot be divided without crippling the two countries ability to compete, losing millions of jobs, its economy’s and their people suffering in a deep recession process. If this partnership gets complicated, American companies will adapt, as they did when that happened in China after President Nixon open it and it got complicated by China rising taxations. Mexico has not done that. China has maintained a commitment to a competitive exchange rate, in effect fixing this exchange rate against the dollar or since 2005 a basket of currencies. The Mexican central bank by contrast has, as the IMF notes, “a firm commitment to exchange rate flexibility.” The "Maquiladoras" is a factory owned and run by a U.S. company in Mexico to take advantage of a qualified cheap labor and lax regulation so its production when finish in the United States, is capable to compete in the global market. The "Maquiladoras" with productions already working in Mexico, contribute and create jobs to the US economy, if sold, their new owner will keep them going. As it happened in China at the time. "Maquiladoras" in Mexico they are well organized, they already have a production team work force, they are equipped with modern facilities and there is a market that needs to be supply. Most likely at least for the adaptation time, but most likely permanently the client for that productions will be the same company that now owns the facilities and was forced out. That companies will keep getting the product, but the profit cash flow from mexico to the US will stop. Other facilities and teams will be taken by actual competitors, or new one will be made with this opportunity. The outcome favored China now a strong world competitor. Factories ownership will change hands, but the production will remain and will grow. But there is long time and a big sacrifice to achieve stability again. »[13] The 2016 US Presidential Election has brought back the old anti-Mexican sentiment now brewed by a decade long economic struggle that take it into the political mainstream and shown how electorally profitable it can be. This phenomenon is not going to go away easily after the electoral times are gone and no matter how electorally lucrative it is, the US President Donald Trump administration challenge is to change the anti-Mexican sentiment, that seed anti American sentiments next door and vice versa. This hurts the economy, the security, society for generations to come. A strong job and opportunities focus will ease the tension and the facts have to prevail over perception.

With many world leaders sympathy, public life experience, strong image and high popularity, is what experts saw as an easy win for Hillary Clinton. Afraid of change the World Status Quo, the same as Mexican Status Quo saw stability in the Democratic Candidate. Manipulated to patriotism, or opportunistic to profit with US Hispanic-Americans vote. Labeled anti-Mexican a negative perception was seeded in Mexico and the Hispanic countries. On Mar 8, 2016 Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto blast Donald Trump: A treat to Mexico, compares him with Hitler. »[14] »[15] similar postures by former Mexican Presidents, its church, Congress members, opinion leaders, celebrities, many 98% of Mexico, especially among the intellectual elite. »]</ref> Mexican central-bank chief: The Donald Trump ‘horror movie’ is about to start »[16] Mexico could revert to anti-American populist policies that would hurt U.S. anti-drug, anti-terrorist cooperation hurt their trade and the investments flow. »[17]

This very negative perception causes them to start on the wrong foot. On Jun 30, 2015 Carlos Slim canceled a Television project with Donald Trump[18] By Oct 14, 2016 it got to the extreme that the Republican Presidential candidate claim the Mexican billionaire is behind The New York Times trying to boost Hillary Clinton's campaign by damaging his. »[19] On Nov 5, 2016, Carlos Slim, together with high ranking economists, many Hispanic former Presidents at Montevideo circle Foundation, they all concluded Donald Trump economic plan would 'destroy' U.S. economy. »[20]

Mexican President Peña Nieto invites Trump


With the purpose to deflate the growing anti-Mexican sentiment in the 2016 election, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto invited for dialog the US Republican Presidential Candidate they meet the August 31, 2016 in Mexico City. With 98% of Mexico dis approval on Donald Trump in Mexico it was seen as a bizarre and unpopular move, on top of that against Estrada Doctrine practiced by Mexico foreign policy. All ready with the lowest public support. »[21] This cost Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto an unpopularity wave promoted by opinion leaders, celebrities, intellectual elite critique all protesting against the visit, was greeted with hostility by the public in Mexico. »[22] »[23] The meet went fine. It did not meet the Mexican people expectations. It was after when Republican Candidate in the United States stand to his campaign statements. It went from bad to worse to a contradictory dispute exchange after the visit. Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto blasts Trump's policies as 'huge threat'. All this happen during an ongoing US Presidential election. »[24] The critique got severe, opinion leaders claim Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto did not insult his guest. Mexico public is offended, taken the opinion of the Mexican criminals as a general opinion; they do not listen when Donald Trump refers to Mexicans in general: “are just beyond reproach. Spectacular, spectacular hard-working people. I have such great respect for them and their strong values of family, faith and community”. »[25] As good the intentions were, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was misled in to an unnecessary no win situation. Inviting the Republican Candidate to Mexico is being qualified as Mexican President biggest mistake.  »[26] There are claims in the media and social networks by Mexican Congress members, opinion leaders, celebrities and the intellectual elite, public manifestations in the streets Mexican Protesters Demand Ouster of President Enrique Peña Nieto impeachment for inviting him to Mexico. »[27]

Distant neighbors


Because of the wars and loss the biggest part of Mexico territory to the United States, there is a long story of being distant neighbors. This has being overcome by taking the strategic trade and productive opportunities opened by NAFTA. This good neighbor policy to Mexico is gone, the partnership is under siege. There are strong Anti-Mexican in the United States and this has seeded a anti American sentiment in Mexico can easily become distant neighbors again. »[28] In a time the world, has become insecure, the 2 countries are to consider the wisdom in the bible teaching of the important of close neighbor. “when disaster strikes you-- better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away”. »[29]

To be sure, the big risk is a US withdraw from NAFTA. There are worries with Mexico, of course. The executive branch has broad powers in foreign affairs. Though it’s not entirely clear from a legal perspective and any decision along these lines would probably be challenged in court. President Trump have the power to “unilaterally deliver major change” in trade relations with Mexico, says Morgan Stanley analyst Arthur Carvalho. lf he does, it will mean “NAFTA la Vista,” he says. “The new president could make good on his threat to withdraw from NAFTA.” That would be terrible news because “for Mexico there is no Plan B to offset the potential blow from protectionism to the country’s export-focused North American centric economic narrative,” says Carvalho. And even if Trump doesn’t go this route, the uncertainty in the interim could take a toll on business confidence and investment in Mexico. That alone could be bad news for Mexico. If situation is well manage by the two nations, most probably there will be some protectionist policies put in place, by the US, not any dramatic change in our trade policy, because it is no smart move. The U.S. and Mexico are simply too tied to each other to effect a major change. »[30] Mexico and the United States economies complement each other for their products to compete in a global market, the partnership made by the United States and Mexico safer, creates jobs, opportunities, wealth in the two countries. That is a fact. »[31] If the US leaves NAFTA. Mr. Trump would be responsible for breaking up a deal that was maintained by three American presidents, five Mexican ones and six Canadian prime ministers over the past 22 years. And, despite some flaws, it has worked reasonably well. The damage to Mexico’s economy would undoubtedly be great. But a prolonged renegotiation of NAFTA could potentially do even more damage, with years of uncertainty discouraging investment in the country. »[32] This does not help any of our two countries.

A Nonpolitical solution is much needed


A Mexican activist business man, who gain notoriety defusing the 1995 Zapatista Crisis Max Appedole During the 2016 US Presidential election stated: A nonpolitical solution to a serious political situation was much needed, Mexico had nothing to do in another country political party internal selection process. No matter a candidate’s campaign rhetoric, Mexico is not to debate, answer, disqualify, intentionally or unintentionally influence in any way the outcome in another country presidential election. »[33] Motives are excuses now of no historical value. It is against Estrada Doctrine, practiced by Mexico since 1930. As New York Military Academy alumni, they shared Alma Mater, values and discipline learned by the US President. He affirmed: NYMA prepared Donald Trump to be the strongest Commander in chief in US history. Is difficult for the politicians to give way to a nonpolitical solution, since society demands them to give positive results. Is a smart move to get it fixed without any political ingredient in the table that will further complicate an already elaborated situation. Political interest take over results, that why they see the terrible mistakes as a visionary achievement for a secret political agenda that has nothing to do with a solution to the task in hand. This is part of the terrible political cannibalism. It is time for to give way for a solution with no interference of any kind. »[34] »[35]

A positive view on Donald Trump in Mexico


Partnerships ask for shared actions, politics are not to interfere. To see the opportunities, a new positive attitude is needed. Max Appedole stated and give a fact by fact checker to demonstrate the great opportunity that against experts’ opinions, President Donald Trump economical plan with smart public spending, strong business impulse, massive Infrastructure development, money will flow to the working people, to generate 4% US economic growth. These ideas will make opportunity flow for the 2 nation’s economy and stated Donald Trump anti-Mexican was false; over the years he always refers as hard working, terrific people. »[36] »[37] »[38] he opposes the Mexican criminals; the border wall started nonstop since 1990; Solution to shared issues, trade update. Are the same rhetoric other candidates propose. »[39] »[40]

Slim First to see opportunity in Trump Economic Plan


A month after the first positive view on Donald Trump got in the news in Mexico. Carlos Slim was the first business world player to identify and tell about the opportunity for Mexico in President Donald Trump economic plan. Carlos Slim has a long story of being the first to see change and size opportunity. He is strategic for a healthy US - Mexico relationship now. Max Appedole said when Carlos Slim took the same view. Donald Trump's Policies Can Be "Very Good For Mexico," Tycoon Carlos Slim Now Says.- »[41] Carlos Slim public new approach was with a strong confidence support to President Donald Trump economic plan, that build trust and is a step to set aside their differences.

Carlos Slim meet with Corey Lewandowski Trump’s first campaign manager. »[42] For a meeting with the President that happened at Mar-a-Lago. Donald Trump described: “A lovely dinner with a wonderful man”. »[43] Some think that in a very wise move, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto took the idea of a nonpolitical solution to solve the political situation. Carlos Slim and Donald Trump's cordial dinner signal a role for the Mexican Tycoon. The Slim Trump get-together signals the beginning of Donald Trump softening his posture toward Mexico and that Carlos Slim could play a back-channel role, for a new avenue to the Mexico US relation. Operating as a kind of ambassador, smoothing relations with Washington. »[44]

Economist now say: "Trump delivered hope"


A month after a very optimistic opinion from the wise investor Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim very positive signals are flowing since that. Economists, now say: "Trump delivered hope" The big surprise was when the news broke December 27, 2016 when the Conference Board said its Consumer Confidence Index soared to 113.7 in December, the highest level since 2001. The jump surprised economists, who say the economy has been slowing down. But it didn’t surprise Trump.“Thanks Donald!” the president-elect said Wednesday morning on Twitter. Economists say Donald Trump is right to credit himself for sending consumer confidence to a 15-year high this month as Americans reported a rosy outlook for job creation, business growth and the stock market. Trump’s election put the country in a good mood, economists say. “There’s a lot of hope that things are going to change and get better,” said Mark Vitner, a senior economist at Wells Fargo. »[45]

NORMAN PRINCE (talk) 10:18, 27 December

  1. ^ «Donald Trump Announces a Presidential Bid»
  2. ^ «Number of Homeless Families Climbing Due To Recession»
  3. ^ «America’s Shrinking Middle Class»
  4. ^ «The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans»
  5. ^ «Candidate Obama: "NAFTA Was a Mistake»
  6. ^ «Obama vs. Hillary Clinton: NAFTA - Shame on You»
  7. ^ « History of NAFTA and Its Purpose»
  8. ^ «Advantages of NAFTA»
  9. ^ «Executive Office of the US President»
  10. ^ «U.S.-Mexico trade and job displacement after NAFTA»
  11. ^ «Did NAFTA Help Mexico?»
  12. ^ «Nafta Trade-Off: Some Jobs Lost, Others Gained»
  13. ^ «Max Appedole en Zona Libre, Radio Rey»
  14. ^ «Compara Peña Nieto a Trump con Hitler y Mussolini»
  15. ^ «Mexico president explains comparing Trump to Hitler, Mussolini»
  16. ^ «The Donald Trump 'horror movie' is about to start»
  17. ^ «Fallout from Trump’s visit to Mexico: a rise of anti-Americanism?»
  18. ^ «Carlos Slim scraps project with Donald Trump after Mexico insults»
  19. ^ «Donald Trump Has This Mexican Billionaire in His Crosshairs»
  20. ^ «Slim says Trump's plans would 'destroy' U.S. economy»
  21. ^ « Donald Trump Visit, Mexican President More Unpopular Than Ever»
  22. ^ «Donald Trump's visit to Mexico is greeted with hostility»
  23. ^ «Meeting Trump was a mistake, Mexican president admits»
  24. ^ «Mexico president blasts Trump's policies as 'huge threat' after meeting»
  25. ^ «Donald Trump Enrique Peña Nieto’s Full Press Statement»
  26. ^ «The ‘Colossal Failure’ of Trump’s Mexico Visit»
  27. ^ «Mexican Protesters Demand Ouster of President Enrique Peña Nieto»
  28. ^ «Distant Neighbors»
  29. ^ «better a neighbor nearby»
  30. ^ «Mexico is a ‘screaming buy’ for investors, thanks to Trump»
  31. ^ «A Mexican Perspective on the U.S. Election»
  32. ^ «Mexico Doesn’t Have to Appease Trump. It Can Fight Back»
  33. ^ «Trump no odia a los mexicanos: compañero mexicano de escuela en NY»
  34. ^ «Oxford Reference Estrada Doctrine»
  36. ^ «I like Mexico and love the spirit of Mexican people»
  37. ^ «Mexicans have the perfect response to Donald Trump»
  38. ^ « Trump now says he likes Mexico»
  39. ^ «El Amigo de Trump en Tamaulipas»
  41. ^ «Donald Trump's Policies Can Be "Very Good For Mexico," Tycoon Carlos Slim Now Says»
  42. ^ «Lewandowski brokered Trump-Slim meeting»
  43. ^ «Trump and Mexico's richest man meet for 'lovely dinner' at Mar-a-Lago resort»
  44. ^ «Does Carlos Slim And Donald Trump's "Cordial" Dinner Signal A Role For The Mexican Tycoon?»
  45. ^ «Economists say Trump delivered hope»