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First review

First review

Total (edits from first to 13:57, June 4, 2008)

Report for User:RyRy5
User groups:
Edits (including deleted edits): 12542
Edits: 11886
Action Counts
Accounts created: 1
Pages moved: 23
Pages moved over redirect: 1
Pages patrolled: 210
Automated or script-assisted edits!
Edits using WP:TWINKLE: 5
Edits using Popups: 329
Total automated or assisted edits: 334
Namespace counts!
Namespace	Count	Percent
Main	 3206 26.97%
Talk	 258 2.17%
User	 1994 16.78%
User talk	5039	42.39%
Wikipedia	1250	10.52%
Wikipedia talk	40	0.34%
Image	 1 0.01%
Template	66	0.56%
Template talk	22	0.19%
Help talk	1	0.01%
Category	4	0.03%
Portal	 5 0.04%


These comments are just from me looking at your edit count, your logs, and the tools I listed under "Links."

  • You are definitely dedicated, with around a 3000 edit per month rate. Dedication is a good thing to have for the project.
  • You have over 1000 edits to the Wikipedia namespace, which shows you are involved in areas of administering the website.
  • You have created 20 articles, and have expanded some more. Of course, building an encyclopedia is the key here, so article building is good.
  • You have over 3000 edits to the main namespace, which again shows your willingness to work in the core area of the encyclopedia, whether it be article building, copyediting, or vandalism control.
  • You definitely have a willingness to communicate, which is key for any editor, especially administrators.
  • You have patrolled 210 articles, which shows your willingness not to tag every new page with a deletion tag, and your willingness to help out with NewPages.
  • You have extensive work at the Help desk, with 159 edits to that page. Keep this up!! Helping fellow Wikipedians, or just people in general is key to Wikipedia. We are here not for ourselves, but for the benefit of our readers. Also, administrators must be willing and able to answer many types of questions.
  • You have very few automated edits, which show you care enough to check each edit.
  • Your edit summary is almost 100% since you started editing.
  • You are involved in a lot of projects that help to foster togetherness of the community.
  • With 5039 edits to the user talk namespace, which is 42% of all your edits, may make you seem like your using Wikipedia too much just to talk. You are definitely getting better, which I elaborate on below. Just remember, there are other ways to communicate, such as email or IRC. I would say any comments that aren't directly related to Wikipedia should go through another channel. Just my opinion.
  • You have made a lot of edits in a short amount of time. Now this is not a bad thing per se, especially since you have very few automated edits compared to how many edits you do have. But I do want to stress that the key is quality, not quantity. Both are appreciated though, I would just focus on making a big edit every once in a while. Add a paragraph to an article, copyedit it, etc. You are doing well here, I just want to stress how important it is.
  • Try and expand your on-wiki horizon. Do you have any good photos that could be used on Wikipedia? Do you enjoy template work? Instead of communicating on user pages, try and give your opinion on other talk pages, such as Wikipedia talk pages or article talk pages. Check out some of the noticeboards and see where there are debates, and give your opinion. Find some bad articles that seem to be edited frequently and review the article and put some suggestions on the talk page.
  • You have little to no edits in the Wikipedia namespace that are geared towards article building. Maybe try and review a list at WP:FLC, or an article at WP:FA, WP:GA, or WP:PR.
  • You have a heck of a lot of edits to your own userspace. This can be good if it is your sandbox or something like that, but you seem to focus too much on making things look good in your user space. I would shy away from that. You seem to enjoy making user pages look nice, so like you said on my talk page, focus on making other's look good, which will show again a willingness to help others.
  • You have a lot of edits to 2 users talk pages. Again, shy away from communicating with just a few people on-wiki. If you want to chat, try some other channel. Also, get to know people. The more people you know who respect you, the better your Wiki-reputation will be, which means you are gaining the community's trust.
  • Try and focus on one WikiProject. Find one you really like and try and contribute to that one. Like with me, I am in a few WikiProjects, but I only really edit for WP:PACKERS, and I have done a lot to expand that WikiProject. Focusing on one thing makes it easier to expand that area. Its like putting too much on your plate, its hard to finish everything, and your better off focusing your effort on just one thing.

Last 500 edits (01:24, May 31, 2008 – 13:57, June 4, 2008)

Namespace	Count	Percent
Main	 215 43.00%
Talk 10 2.00%
User 50 10.00%
User talk 176 35.20%
Wikipedia 35 7.00%
Wikipedia talk 13 2.60%
Category 1 0.20%
Edit summary=100% 


  • You have increased your mainspace contributions from 27% to 43% of your total edits. Good job!!!
  • You have decreased your user talk edits from 42% to 35%, again good job!! I would like to see that even lower, like 25-30%, but not a big deal. I would say if you are between 25-35% you are doing good.
  • You have decreased your user namespace edits from 17% to 10%. Great job! Keep that right around 10-15% and you are doing fine.
  • Edit summary=100%, keep that up.
  • Wikipedia namespace dropped from 10% to 7%, not a biggie, but if you aspire to be an admin, you need to show that you are familiar with that namespace. Remember though, quality over quantity.
  • Try and move some of your talk convos to article talk pages and especially Wikipedia talk pages. The key with Wikipedia talk pages is that is where most of the discussion to change policy, etc. goes on. This is key for any admin, to know the changes in policy and what's happening in that area.
  • Again, try and expand your horizon, try finding a group of articles that could use a navigation template and create one!! This helps our readers a lot.

In depth review

  • Copyediting:[1][2][3][4][5]
  • Reference work:[6]
  • Welcoming:[7]
  • Adding/updating WikiProject banners:[8]
  • Warning user with proper templates: [9] Too many examples to list, good work here, users must be warned. Also remember sometimes a handwritten message works even better, especially for those editors who are not exactly malicious.
  • Help desk:[10]
  • Asking questions in RfA's is good [11]
  • There is plenty of stuff you are doing well.
  • Remember to focus on big edits, using the preview button. You made a lot of edits to Camp Rock and Manny Ramirez in a short period of time. Most of these could have been combined.
  • Try and focus on articles. Tell yourself for one week "do nothing but expand articles."
  • After that, try and find an administrative area you enjoy, and focus on that. WP:AFD, WP:RFPP, WP:AIV, never be wary of giving your opinion on others requests or administrative actions. But focus on a few areas and contribute there. Make your self an expert.
Deleted contribs
  • Everything seems fine here, you have tagged pages properly. You may be interested in WP:FRIENDLY. This is like TWINKLE, but it helps to add cleanup tags and welcome messages to pages.
  • Not that I see anything, because I don't, I just want to stress do not be overzealous on speedy tags. If in doubt Prod the article, then AFD. This is paramount.


  • Keep up the good work.
  • Keep on communicating, but focus on communicating in different areas. If you start discussing an article with someone else, don't be wary to move the discussion to the article's talk page. This allows a bigger audience to comment on the discussion.
  • Focus on some key discussions. See {{Cent}} for some major discussions going on. Always try and give your opinion where you think you can add something to the conversation.
  • Focus on one or two articles, and try and get them up to WP:GA or WP:FA standards. There is also WP:FL that you could work on. You seem to enjoy sports, and there are a lot of sports lists, so Im sure you could get some up to featured status.
  • Help admins. Give your opinion in key areas, on project pages and their talk pages.
  • WP:AN and WP:AN/I are always good places for discussions, but focus on the discussion and don't get caught up in the dramaz!! lol
  • Don't get blocked!!!! :)
  • Always be ready to admit you are wrong, when you go on-wiki leave any ego you may have. A recent example of this can be found on my talk page here. Basically I deleted an image that was a duplicate on Wikimedia Commons. The problem was that I did not realize that the two photos had different titles, thus when I deleted the photo on the English Wikipedia, the photo was not replaced from Commons. Thus the photo was removed from the article. This was brought to my attention by another editor, and instead of debating, I just apologized and focused on not making that mistake again. The key here is not to get into stupid debates, and to always be ready to admit you were wrong, even if you really weren't. Sometimes a huge Wiki-drama could have been avoided if one editor would have just dropped it.
  • Globalize your account if you haven't already. WP:SUL

Closing statements

Thats about it RyRy5, all I can say is always be ready to learn from your peers, continue to work on building the encyclopedia, never be rude or uncivil, and strive to be the best editor you can be. Always think before making an edit, will this edit help Wikipedia? The answer should always be yes. If you always feel your edits are doing good, then you are probably doing good. Even if you do make a mistake, most editors will realize your intentions were good, and if you are willing to admit your wrong, then you will gain respect here. My talk page and inbox are always open, so if you ever have any questions, feel free to prod me. « Gonzo fan2007 (talkcontribs) @ 22:02, 4 June 2008 (UTC)

Second review


Total (edits from first to 01:47, July 27, 2008)

Report for User:RyRy
User groups: accountcreator rollbacker
Edits (including deleted edits): 16468
Edits: 15630
Deleted edits: 838

Action Counts
Rollbacks: 616
Accounts created: 78
Pages moved: 34
Pages patrolled: 258

Automated or script-assisted edits!
Approximate edits using WP:TWINKLE: 7
Approximate edits using WP:AWB: 21
Approximate edits using Popups: 690
Total automated or assisted edits: 718

Namespace counts!
Namespace	Count	Percent
Main	        4732	30.28%
Talk	        400	2.56%
User	        2124	13.59%
User talk	6284	40.2%
Wikipedia	1713	10.96%
Wikipedia talk	88	0.56%
Image	        2	0.01%
Image talk	1	0.01%
Template	108	0.69%
Template talk	163	1.04%
Help talk	2	0.01%
Category	8	0.05%
Portal 	        5       0.03%

Blocked = No

Last 500 edits (04:41, July 18, 2008 – 01:47, July 27, 2008)

Namespace	Count	Percent
Main	        216     43.2%
Talk            16      3.2%
User            9       1.8%
User talk       133     26.6%
Wikipedia       54      10.8%
Wikipedia talk  5       1.0%
Template        25      5.0%
Template talk   42      8.4%

Edit summary = 100% 
Blocked = No



These are compared to the last "500 edit overview" I did

  • You have continued solid mainspace contribs (right around a consistent 43% of your edits) Of course Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, and we are here to write it.
  • You had a few more talk page edits, which is good.
  • User page edits dropped drastically!! Great job!!
  • User talk dropped down to the number I said earlier was good
  • Wikipedia edits went up. Wikipedia = administrative areas (nice work on the main page redesign!)
  • I am glad you have found WP:DYK, 77 of your edits were to template or template talk namespaces, which is great. Keep it up!
  • You got rollback and accountcreator rights! Keep up the good work with rolling back edits and creating accounts!
  • Edit summary = 100% keep that up.
  • You still don't seem to comment much on article talk pages or Wikipedia talk pages. Not super bad, of course, just a note.
  • Watch what you mark and don't mark as minor. It's not a biggie, but it does help, WP:MINOR. (To tell you the truth, I rarely ever use "minor," like barely ever. So it is not that important, unless you are marking edits as minor when they really aren't)



Basically RyRy, you are definitely on the right path. I could tell you a whole bunch of things like I did last time, but you would already know what I would tell you. My main suggestions would be: keep up with what you are doing and don't do anything stupid. Your DYK work is great, both in producing them and working at the project page. This work will show a necessity for the tools, being able to edit protected pages. I agree with Balloonman on your talk page, you don't need admin coaching. You are ready. I also saw you mentioned that you are thinking of trying out for admin over at the Simple Wikipedia. This would be a great idea, especially if you did it before you tried here. You could get some real world experience in administrative duties, and actually experience what it is really like to block/protect/delete on a Wikimedia project. This would help to show that you would be a net positive to the community as an admin. That is the key. You need to show that your positives outweigh your negatives, that you have done a lot of good, learned from what you have done bad, and that you could help out. Ry, you are a great editor, and will be a good admin. Don't rush into it, focus on making Wikipedia better. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. « Gonzo fan2007 (talkcontribs) @ 07:08, 27 July 2008 (UTC)

Q and A

  • Please answer these candidly, if you want you can email me them. Most of these questions have no right answer, I just want to hear your opinion.
  • What is being an administrator really mean to you? Compared to my first day of adminship and now, my view of adminship has completely changed. I had the benefit of learning on-the-job what it means to be an admin, but now the standards are that one must know that before becoming an admin. So I am curious as to your opinion.
  • Copy-vios. Why are they bad for the project?
  • Are you prepared to not be an admin here? If the community never grants you these tools, will it hinder what you need to get done here? What would you do if you never became an admin here?
  • Is quantity more important than quality? Are they equally important. Should one person focus solely on creating quantity, and other focus on quality? Or should an editor be well-versed in both, even if they suck at one of them?
  • As an editor (or an admin) do you feel that it is important that your (or anyone's) contributions should be recognized?
  • What does WP:IAR mean to you? Are you truly prepared to use your judgment and make a decision that goes against a firm policy? Did you know the only policy page I have actually read completely (this is the God-given truth) is WP:IAR? :)
  • Are you prepared to be cold-hearted? To enforce a decision of yours with iron-clad resolve? Even if someone pleads and pleads with you? (An example, I had a user email me for months after I blocked his account indef, pleading with me to unblock. Being able to decipher whether or not it is in the best interests of Wikipedia for you to do something is very difficult, and takes a lot of thought and maturity. These are real people and the real world we are dealing with. Oh, that user is still blocked.)
  • Trophies. Why are trophies looked down on? What is the difference between pride in one's ability and status, and just trying to climb the ladder to be more important? If an admin is highly successful at being an admin, is it ok to have trophies and show them off?
  • Why did people oppose your RFA? Do you feel there are things you need to do be better? If someone told you that the only way to become an admin here was to act differently than who you are, would you be willing to change?