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User:Sasmc/Montreal Association for Gays and Lesbians on the Internet

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Association des Lesbiennes et des Gais sur L’internet

The Association des Lesbiennes et des Gais sur L’internet or ALGI is a Montreal based French language non-profit organization that unites gays, lesbians and bisexuals over the internet. The purpose of ALGI is to provide a safe and supportive arena over the web where individuals with different sexual orientations can share and socialize with each other in various forums and services. ALGI also works to "To promote the expression and affirmation of lesbians and gays through the Internet;"[1] by dismissing prejudices and creating an understanding system for communication. They fight against homophobia and focus on insuring the dignity of all LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered). Working in collaboration with over 50 other associations it spreads information and support for gay and lesbian rights. ALGI is based in Quebec and offers monthly community activities that are open to all members and other interested individuals.

History of ALGI


After six months of intense work, ALGI a Montreal Quebec based initiative, was launched in August 1998 as an open space for gays and lesbians to communicate freely via the internet. Initially ALGI gained support from Carrefour communautaire de la ville de Montréal in order to provide access to a server without monthly tenancy. The goal of the Carrefour Communautaire is to “allow different community organizations working in the gay and lesbian be able to invest their financial resources in their respective missions rather than administrative costs and operations.”[2] With their help ALGI was able to launch its website. GDM (Groupe de discussion pour gais) an organization that had supported the gay community for almost 20 years prior was the first to join ALGI. This was significant because GDM was a prominent forum for gay Montreal men since 1979 which held (and still holds) meetings on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month for gay men all over Montreal, GDM continues to be a member and supporter of ALGI. The majority of the documents and forums on the ALGI site are written in French but can be translated through other servers such as Google. ALGI supports and promotes a hotline for the gay and lesbian support community if the internet provision isn’t sufficient. This organization does not have any direct religious affiliation, however they are open for religious discussion about homosexuality in various faith traditions. The organization's website includes a section in ‘ALGI news’ that highlights gay-friendly organizations. For example St Peter the Apostle Church is a gay-friendly Christian Catholic religious community located in the Gay Village, Montreal. It looks to be a "welcoming community for all” and “[is] open to all those who have been convicted and injured by their families, their families, society and even the Church."[3] Individuals can be linked to their website which “encourages active participation of members and encourages them to continue the mission of Christ to bring about a world of justice and peace”[4]

ALGI’s collaborators and Place within the LBGT community


The ALGI website also offers a look into the various ways gays and lesbians are treated worldwide and provide multiple links to organizations who promote social activism for the rights of gays and lesbians around the globe. For example see http://www.ccglm.org as a European based organization that focuses on ensuing sexuality rights for all ‘straights’ and ‘gays’. ALGI also has ties with Amnesty International and ‘Human Rights Watch’, and provides links to global news about the treatment of homosexuals through these organizations.[5] ALGI is also a supporter of local magazines and community theatres. One of ALGI’s nonprofit collaborators is Sappho, an association “which brings together women lesbians, bisexuals and their friend(s)”. [6] They also began distributing anon commercial publication magazine named “Sappho” which includes various articles that touch upon lesbian and bisexual issue and has been in production since 2005. The magazine is available in hard copy to purchase or to browse through electronic versions available on the ALGI site. ALGI is also a member group with the Community center for gays and lesbians in Montreal , (CCGLM)[7] which offers a library, legal information center and booking room services for events.

Forums and Services


The organization also hosts a range of forums and services for their volunteers and members. There a several forums available where individuals can obtain information and advice about certain issues concerning coming out to parents, same gender adoption or basic inquiries about homosexuality. Members and nonmembers can voice their opinions and experiences through these forums to provide insight. The site monitors these forums regularly to ensure that the discussions stay respectful, informative and friendly. Although ALGI emphasizes the importance of homosexual rights and acceptance through their various services, the site also functions as a casual social network.For example the site and features a “babillards” section where individuals can post personals, apartments listings or any other personal possession they wish to sell.

Activities and Special Curriculum


L’ Association des Lesbiennes et des Gais sur L’internet holds many different activities and special communal events monthly and always provides a calendar to indicate when and where these will take place on their website. Their outings include discussions on homosexual rights and other related issues. They also host breakfasts and lunches and hold seasonal events like snowshoeing and skiing in the winter. Numerous gay and lesbian groups can post their upcoming meetings or activities on the ALGI site, since activities are centered around the use of the Internet. Examples of these include, ‘The Lesbo-breakfast’ posted by Lesbian Solidarity Centre (SLC), or even notices of certain museum exhibitions like ‘glass technology'. ALGI is continuously looking for volunteers who are willing to participate in their activities and support groups.

ALGI Bureaucracy


ALGI is managed by a five member board of directors voted in at the annual meetings. The ALGI board positions include a president, a vice-chair, a secretary and a treasurer, who may hold their position for a time period of one year, they may however be reelected. Members of ALGI contribute to these elections but must have been enrolled for at least one month to have the opportunity to cast a vote electronically over the web. Members of Board are considered resigned if "Without valid reason; Decided by the Board, Does not assist to Three (3) consecutive meetings”[8]



An annual meeting is set up by the board 120 days after the end of the financial year (December), there can also be ‘Special Meetings’ that take place accordingly and will be posted on the ALGI site, it is the secretary’s responsibility to confirm the time, date and place of these meetings ten days prior. Every annual meeting must cover an agenda that touches upon the following topics and issues;[9]

  • The approval of the previous year’s general meetings reports and minutes
  • Budget approval
  • Approval of modified or new regulations set forth by the board of directors.
  • Election or re-election of board members.



The financial aspect of ALGI is run by the board; they may also collaborate with another organization to administer its financial resources. All members of ALGI pay an annual fee of twenty dollars which is then used towards the maintenance and social activities of the organization. Annual fees are also discussed by the board every year at the general meeting and are liable to change.


  1. ^ http://www.algi.qc.ca
  2. ^ http://www.carrefourarcenciel.com/
  3. ^ A Catholic Community Joined Postherpetic’ ALGI News July 14th. 2003
  4. ^ http://www.algi.qc.ca/asso/stpierreapotre
  5. ^ http://www.hrw.org/ ‘Iraq: Stop Killings for Homosexual Conduct “No Protection by Authorities from Widening Murder Campaign No Protection by Authorities from Widening Murder Campaign” August 17, 2009 August 17, 2009
  6. ^ http://www.algi.qc.ca/asso/sapho
  7. ^ http://www.ccglm.org
  8. ^ http://www.algi.qc.ca “Internal Bylaws”
  9. ^ http://www.algi.qc.ca/ ‘Internal Regulations’

ALGI (in French) [1]

Homosexualities.net [2]

Solidarity Arc En Ciel (French) [3]

Human Rights Watch [4]

Centre Communitaire Gai Lesbiennes des Montreal (French) [5]

Bristol LGB Forum [6]

Category:Organizations based in Montreal link title