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The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS) is a non-profit, fully licensed institute of higher education organized under the laws of the state of Michigan USA[1] to provide graduate and post-graduate courses, advanced research opportunities, and professional development. The GCAS is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan USA. It is governed by a board of directors, which consists of two co-founders/co-directors, a president, a vice-president, and a treasurer. Additional administration is provided by an Academic Dean, a European partnership coordinator and a North American partnership coordinator.[2][3] [4][5]



The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS) was originally incorporated in the state of Colorado USA on August 22, 2013, by Creston C. Davis[6][7][8][9][10][11][12] as a critical theory-based institute of higher learning, and on the concept of academic freedom, equality in education, and social justice. Jason (M.) Adams joined GCAS on September 23, 2013 as co-founder and co-director.[13][14][15][16] to develop the media platform and interactive online course format which distinguishes the GCAS online learning environment through live collaboration between lecturers, professors, students and researchers.[17].[18] The GCAS was subsequently relocated to Grand Rapids, Michigan USA and incorporated in Michigan on November 27, 2013 as a non-proft institute of higher learning, and fully licensed to provide undergraduate and graduate-level educational courses and institutes.[19] The Colorado corporation was voluntarily dissolved on February 26, 2014. The GCAS Michigan non-profit corporation retains an affiliate status with the Colorado corporation, but is a separate nonprofit entity pending 501(c)3 approval under the IRS Code.

Partnering Institutions


The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS) has five levels of institutional partnerships available to its students/researcehrs through which they can partner for full degrees or diplomas after successful completion of certified courses from the GCAS; (1) Full Institutional Partnership (FIP); (2) Partial Institutional Partnership (PIP); (3) Departmental Level Partnership (DLP); (4) Venue Level Partnership (VLP); and (5) Professor Level Partnership (PLP).[20][21].

The GCAS holds a Institutional Partnerships (FIP) with: The European Graduate School (EGS), Saas-Fee, Switzerland[22] and The Institute of Social Sciences and the Humanties (ISSH)], Skopje, Macedonia.[23], 17, Intituto de Edtudios Criticos, Mexico City, Mexico,[24], and The Existential Psychoanalytic Institute (EPIS), Missoula, Montana USA.[25][26] [27][28]



The GCAS degree-paths include: Critical Philosophy, Policy Studies, Media Studies, Critical Theology, Global Studies, Critical Pedagogy, Sports Studies and Science Studies.[29] GCAS also provides advanced research opportunities and professional development for junior faculty. Seminars and courses are presented by both founding faculty and guest lecturers who are leading scholars in their specific fields of research.

Programs of Study


The GCAS offers an integrative program of study focused in three main areas of academic development:[30]

1. The GCAS academic program is designed to provide coursework leading to graduate degrees, as well as advanced research opportunities for graduate, post-graduate, and junior faculty in interdisciplinary areas such as critical philosophy, critical pedagogy, media studies, gender studies, literary theory, race studies, critical theology, cultural studies, ethnic studies, global studies, science studies, political economy and policy studies, among others.

2. Internships include investigative journalism, radio broadcasting, book publishing, higher education teaching, and higher education management, among other fields.

3. Study abroad: The GCAS integrates critical analysis of great works of literature, philosophy, politics, and economics with travel to various worldwide locations to provide in-residence opportunities to all students and to broaden global awareness and social consciousness.

The GCAS academic structure consists of both online and in-residence courses. The required pre-requisite critical theory courses required of all diploma or certificate-seeking GCAS students are offered online in a live, interactive format with weekly or bi-weekly lecturers, depending on the course. They are offered in parts a, b and c to form the three-module required course. These students then attend in-residence intensive Summer Institutes in their field of interest. These courses are also available as a standalone course for junior faculty members seeking professional development opportunities, as well as non-credit seeking students and the general public without any additional requirements.

In addition to the online courses, week-long institutes are also held at various locations worldwide at various times of the year. These institute are made accessible to all GCAS students/researchers via Google Hangouts and YouTube broadcasts of the live event(s).[31][32]

The GCAS provides a flexible academic program, which provides students the opportunity to create their own degree focus by choosing between several different institutes and seminar courses. Because of the broad academic and research specialization of its faculty, students also have opportunity for independent studies and internships across a broad landscape of specialties.[33]

Classes use a hybrid online/offline platform to engage lecturers, students, researchers, and faculty in an interactive and collaborative learning environment. Students have opportunity to interact directly with course lectures through live discussion with the lecturers and other students, and to participate in each class from various global locations across time zones. All courses are recorded in full and available on YouTube video for review by students.[34]

Degree Paths


The GCAS offers coursework and research opportunities leading to Masters and Doctoral degrees. A Bachelor Degree program is under development.[35][36]

The GCAS has negotiated issuance of degrees with its Full Institutional Partners (FIP): The European Graduate School (EGS) and the Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSH). GCAS-issued degrees are fully exchangeable with one of the FIPs for an internationally-accredited B.A., M.A. or Ph.D. degrees, and undergraduate and graduate-level diplomas and certificates, accomplished according to a variable, negotiated, per-credit hour equivalency exchange [37][38]

Upon full academic accreditation, the GCAS/partner institution transfer credit degree will be fully and retroactively exchangeable for a GCAS fully-accredited, autonomous BA, MA or PhD degree. GCAS, as a newly founded institution of higher learning, anticipates receiving accreditation by 2016 or 2017.[39][40]

Scholarships and Fellowships


In fulfillment of its mission to provide a high-quality, debt-free educational opportunity, GCAS offers affordable tuition to all and a variety of scholarships that range in support from a full-degree scholarship to single course scholarships. GCAS also offers graduate, post-graduate and faculty fellowships.[41]



The faculty of The Global Center for Advanced Studies is composed of world renowned critical theorists and lecturers. The founding faculty is as follows:[42]

Jason Adams,[43][44][45][46][47]Vidhu Aggarwal,[48][49][50] Alain Badiou,[51] [52], Gopal Balakrishnan,[53] Daniel Coluccielo Barber,[54] Roy Bhaskar,[55] Agata Bielik-Robson,[56] [57] Ward Blanton,[58] Kevin Boileau, Elias Bongmba.[59] Bruno Bosteels,[60] Arianna Bove,[61] Rosi Braidotti,[62] Paul Levi Bryant,[63] Drew Burk, John D. Caputo, Paolo Cascone, [64] Ania Chromik, Joan Copjec, Simon Critchley, Clayton Crockett,[65][66] Creston C. Davis,[67][68] [69] [70][71] [72] [73] [74]Arif Dirlik, Enrique Dussel, Farhang Erfani, Bracha Ettinger, Tom Eyers, [75] Cameron Freeman, Rocco Gangle, [76] Antonio Garcia, Priyamvada Gopal,[77][78] Evan Gottlieb,[79] Adam Graves, Mike Grimshaw, Andrej Grubacic, Dave Hale, Michael Hardt, Azfar Hussain,[80][81][82][83][84] Michael D. Jackson,[85] Jan Jagodzinski, Adrian Johnston, Richard Kearney, Katerina Kolozova,[86] Francois Laruelle, Alvin Cheng-Hin Lim, Catherine Liu, Paul Livingston, Catherine Malabou, Jeff Malpas, John Maus, Achille Mbembe, Tracy McNulty, Cornell University, Tracy mcNulty, Professor of Romance Studies and Comparative Literature, http://romancestudies.cornell.edu/people/faculty-directory/tracy-mcnulty/ Nandita Biswas Mellamphy, [87] John Milbank, Thomas Nail, Lisa Nakamura, Antonio Negri, Saul Newman, Dorothea Olkowski,[88] [89] [90] [91] Davide Panagia, Jussi Parrika, Marcus Pound, [92] Prasad Pannian, [93] Denise Prince, Jasbir Puar,[94][95] Patrick Provost-Smith, Jasbir Puar, Michael O’Rourke, Kenneth Reinhard, [96] Joshua Ramey, Carl Raschke, Jeffrey W. Robbins, [97][98] Laurie Rodrigues, Peter Rollins, Avital Ronell,[99] Duane Rouselle, Mary-Jane Rubenstein, [100][101] Michael J. Shapiro, Wolfgang Schirmacher, Daniel W. Smith, Gayatri Chakrovorty Spivak, Martin Strel, Kenneth Surin, [102] Victor E. Taylor,[103] Peter Thompson,[104] Tzuchien Tho, [105]
 Noelle Vahanian, Gianni Vattimo, Hent de Vries, Rachel K. Ward, Janell Watson, Margaret Young, Santiago Zabala,[106] Slavoj Zizek

Publishing Imprint


GCAS Press[107] is the official publishing imprint of The Global Center for Advanced Studies and publishes print media associated with GCAS, in partnership with existing university press, trade academic, and independent academic publishers.

GCAS’s larger publishing house, Conatus Publishing,was founded by Jason Adams, co-found/co-director of GCAS. Conatus publishes under the GCAS Press imprint and provides the digital dimension for Kindle, Nook and the web, among other digital mediums.[108]

Notes and References

  1. ^ LARA-Michigan State Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, https://www.michigan.gov/lara‎USA
  2. ^ Global Center for Advanced Studies (The) (GCAS), Administration and Staff, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/p/welcome.html
  3. ^ Huffington Post, George Erleck interviews Creston Davis, co-founder/co-director and Jason Adams, co-founder/co-director of GCAS, "Something Radical: The Global Center for Advanced Studies, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-elerick/something-radical_b_3991421.html
  4. ^ Al Jazeera, "It's the faculty, stupid!" by Santiago Zabala. in Reforming Higher Education, Zabala discusses The Global Center for Advanced Studies and the European Graduate School as examples of independent institutions of higher learning and their importance. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/09/20139612255158332.html, (Accessed 12/28/2013)
  5. ^ The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS) website, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org
  6. ^ Davis, Creston C., Ph.D., The Global Center for Advanced Studies, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/09/prof-creston-davis.html
  7. ^ Huffington Post "Something Radical: The Global Center for Advanced Studies." by George Elerick, October 4, 2013, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-elerick/something-radical_b_3991421.html,
  8. ^ Institute of Social Sciences and the Humanities-Skopje, Macedonia, The Team, Creston Davis, Senior Researcher, Full Professor, http://isshs.edu.mk/index.php?teaminfo=14
  9. ^ Columbia University Press, Creston C. Davis, co-editor with Clayton Crockett, Jeffrey Robbins, and Slavoj Zizek, Series: Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture, http://cup.columbia.edu/series/76
  10. ^ Al Jazeera, co-authors Creston C. Davis and Santiago Zabala, "Which Philosophy is Dead", http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/06/201361082357860647.html. Accessed December 19, 2013
  11. ^ Aljazeera, co-authors Creston C. Davis and Anthony Zabala, "The Logic of Democracy", http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/05/20135138427260651.html. Accessed December 29, 2013
  12. ^ Davis, Creston C., Academia.edu, https://globaladvancedstudies.academia.edu/CrestonCDavis
  13. ^ State Department of Colorado, Business & Licensing, http://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/BusinessAndLicensing/main.html
  14. ^ Adams, Jason. Co-Founder and Co-Director of The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS), http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/prof-jason-adams.html
  15. ^ Huffington Post, "Something Radical: The Global Center for Advanced Studies," by George Elerick. October 4, 2013, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-elerick/something-radical_b_3991421.html. Accessed January 13, 2014
  16. ^ Adams, Jason, "Occupy Time: Technoculture, Immediacy, and Resistance after Occupy Wall Street," Palgrave-MacMillan Publishers, 2013, http://us.macmillan.com/occupytime/JasonMAdams
  17. ^ Adams, Jason, Curricula Vitae, https://www.academia.edu/1192617/
  18. ^ Conatus Publishing, Jason Adams Founder and Managing Editor, http://www.conatuspublishing.com/p/imprints.html
  19. ^ LARA-Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations Division, http://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-35299_61343_35413---,00.html
  20. ^ The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS), "Pursuing Your Degree vis GCAS + GCAS Partners", http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/your-ba-ma-or-phd-path.html (accessed January 13, 2014)
  21. ^ The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS), FAQ-GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/p/frequently-asked-questions.html (accessed January1 3, 2014)
  22. ^ European Graduate School (The), Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Graduate and Post-Graduate Studies, http://www.egs.edu
  23. ^ Institute of Social Sciences and the Humanities (ISSH), Partnering Institutions, Home Page, http://isshs.edu.mk/index.php
  24. ^ 17, Instituto de Estudios Criticos, Mexico City, Mexico, http://www.17edu.org/en
  25. ^ Existential Psychoanalytic Institute (EPIS), Missoula, Montana USA, http://episworldwide.com.
  26. ^ "Pursuing Your Degree via GCAS + GCAS Partners," The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS), http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/your-ba-ma-or-phd-path.html.
  27. ^ The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS) website, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org.
  28. ^ http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/p/mission_25.html
  29. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/your-ba-ma-or-phd-path.html (accessed 1/13/2014)
  30. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/your-ba-ma-or-phd-path.html (accessed January 13, 2014)
  31. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/your-ba-ma-or-phd-path.html
  32. ^ FAQ-GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/p/frequently-asked-questions.html
  33. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/your-ba-ma-or-phd-path.html,
  34. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/your-ba-ma-or-phd-path.html
  35. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS
  36. ^ FAQ-GCAS
  37. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS
  38. ^ FAQ-GCAS
  39. ^ FAQ-GCAS
  40. ^ Degree Paths, GCAS
  41. ^ Scholarships-GCAS, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/gcas-scholarships.html
  42. ^ Faculty Profiles, The Global Center for Advanced Studies,http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/p/faculty.html
  43. ^ Adams, Jason M., Co-Founder and Co-Director of The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS), http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/12/prof-jason-adams.html
  44. ^ Huffington Post, "Something Radical: The Global Center for Advanced Studies," by George Elerick. October 4, 2013, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-elerick/something-radical_b_3991421.html. Accessed January 13, 2014
  45. ^ Conatus Publishing, Jason Adams Founder and Managing Editor, http://www.conatuspublishing.com/p/imprints.html
  46. ^ Adams, Jason, "Occupy Time: Technoculture, Immediacy, and Resistance after Occupy Wall Street, Palgrave-MacMillan Publishers (2013), http://us.macmillan.com/occupytime/JasonMAdams
  47. ^ Adams, Jason, Curricula Vitae, https://www.academia.edu/1192617/
  48. ^ English Department Faculty, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida http://www.rollins.edu/english/faculty-staff.html
  49. ^ Feature, http://www.thepedestalmagazine.com/gallery.php?item=15596
  50. ^ specs literary journal, Editor in Chief, Poets & Writers, http://www.pw.org/content/specs_1
  51. ^ Badiou, Alain. Rene Descartes Chair, European Graduate School (The), Saas-Fee, Switzerland, http://www.egs.edu/faculty/alain-badiou/biography/, (Accessed 1/31/2014)
  52. ^ Kuhn, Albert. Interview mit einem schnellen Brüter. Die Weltwoche. No. 45/05, 2005Franco Berardi,
  53. ^ University of California-Santa Cruz, Faculty page, Gopal Ralekrishnan, Associate Professor, History of Consciousness, http://danm.ucsc.edu/faculty/gopal-balakrishnan, (accessed 1/31/2014)
  54. ^ Berlin Institute of Cultural Inquiry (ICI), Profile and Vitae, Daniel Coluccielo Barber, Fellow, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Philosophy, http://www.ici-berlin.org/profile/barber/, Accessed January 31, 2014
  55. ^ Institute of Education, University of London, UK, Roy Bhaskar, http://www.ioe.ac.uk/staff/CPAT/91200.html. Accessed January 31, 2014)
  56. ^ Agata Bielik-Robson, https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agata_Bielik-Robson, Wikipedia (wolna encyklopedia)
  57. ^ The University of Nottingham, Agata Bielik-Robson, Ph.D., Department of Theology and Religious Studies, http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/theology/people/agata.bielik-robson (Accessed January 31, 2014)
  58. ^ University of Kent, UK, staff page, http://www.kent.ac.uk/secl/thrs/staff/blanton.html (Accessed January 31, 2014)
  59. ^ Rice University, Elias K. Bogmba, Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality,http://swg.rice.edu/bongmba/ (Accessed January 31, 2014)
  60. ^ Cornell University, Religions Studies, faculty directory, Bruno Bosteels, http://romancestudies.cornell.edu/people/faculty-directory/bruno-bosteels/ (Accessed January 31, 2014)
  61. ^ University of London, Dr. Arianna Bove,DPhil (Sussex), Lecturer in Politics and Ethics, http://www.busman.qmul.ac.uk/staff/bovea.html (Accessed 1/31/2014)
  62. ^ Universitiet Utrect, Netherlands, Rosi Braidotti, Treaty of Utrecht Chair, Center for the Humanities, http://cfhutrecht2013.com/rosi-braidotti/ (Accessed January 31, 2014)
  63. ^ Collin College, faculty page, Paul Levi Bryant, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, http://www.collin.edu (Accessed January 31, 2014)
  64. ^ Paolo Cascone, Founder of COdesignLab, http://www.co-design-lab.net
  65. ^ University of Central Arkansas, Faculty Page, http://uca.edu/philosophy/facultystaff/clayton-crockett/
  66. ^ Columbia University Press, Co-Editor, Series: Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics and Culture,http://cup.columbia.edu/series/76
  67. ^ Davis, Creston C., Co-Founder/Co-Director, The Global Center for Advanced Studies, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/09/prof-creston-davis.html
  68. ^ Huffington Post, "Something Radical: The Global Center for Advanced Studies." by George Elerick, October 4, 2013.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-elerick/something-radical_b_3991421.html,
  69. ^ Institute of Social Sciences and the Humanities, "The Team", Creston Davis, Senior Researcher, Full Professor, http://isshs.edu.mk/index.php?teaminfo=14
  70. ^ Institute of Social Sciences and the Humanities-Skopje, Profesor Profile, Creston C. Davis, Macedonia, http://isshs.edu.mk
  71. ^ Columbia University Press, Creston C. Davis, co-editor with Clayton Crockett, Jeffrey Robbins, and Slavoj Zizek, Insurrection Book Series: Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture, http://cup.columbia.edu/series/76
  72. ^ Aljajeera, co-authors Creston C. Davis Anthony Zabala, "Which Philosophy is Dead", http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/06/201361082357860647.html. Accessed December 29, 2013
  73. ^ Aljazeera, co-authors Creston C. Davis and Anthony Zabala, "The Logic of Democracy", http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/05/20135138427260651.html,. Accessed December 29, 2013
  74. ^ Davis, Creston C., Academia.edu, https://globaladvancedstudies.academia.edu/CrestonCDavis. Accessed January 31, 2014
  75. ^ Duquesne University, McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts, Tom Eyers, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Faculty Biography, http://www.duq.edu/academics/faculty/tom-eyers
  76. ^ Endicott College Massachusetts USA, Rocco Gangle, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Curriculum Vitae, http://www.endicott.edu/php/faculty/uploads/218/RoccoGangleCV2013.pdf
  77. ^ University of Cambridge, UK, Faculty of English, Priyamvada Gopal, http://www.english.cam.ac.uk/people/Gopal/Priyamvada/
  78. ^ The Guardian, UK, Global section, Priyamvada Gopal, http://www.theguardian.com/profile/priyamvadagopal. Accessed January 29, 2014
  79. ^ Oregon State University, Faculty page, Evan Gottlieb, Associate Professor of English, http://oregonstate.edu/cla/wlf/gottlieb
  80. ^ Hussain, Azfar, Interim-Vice President, The Global Center for Advanced Studies (GCAS), About page, http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/09/azfar-hussain.html 9Accessed 1/13/2014)
  81. ^ Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, faculty page, Azfar Hussain, Associate Professor, http://www.gvsu.edu/liberalstudies/azfar-hussain-61.htm
  82. ^ Hussain, Azfar. Lecture: "Understanding Shahbag." Center for Place, Culture, and Politics (CUNY), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nty1AsTmnNg
  83. ^ Hussain, Azfar, co-author, "Reading About the World Vol. I, and II, Harcourt Brace (1999), http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_3?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Azfar%20Hussain&search-alias=books&sort=relevancerank
  84. ^ Academia.edu. Azfar Hussain. Curriculum Vitae. https://gvsu.academia.edu/AzfarHussain
  85. ^ Harvard Divinity School Michael D. Jackson, Distinguished Visiting Professor of World Religions, http://www.hds.harvard.edu/people/faculty/michael-d-jackson
  86. ^ Institute of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Katerina Kolozova, Executive Director, Senior Researcher, Full Professor, Bio, http://isshs.edu.mk/index.php?teaminfo=5
  87. ^ University of Western Ontario, Department of Political Science, Nandita Biswas Mellamphy, Associate Professor, Faculty bio, http://politicalscience.uwo.ca/people/faculty/full-time_faculty/nandita_biswas_mellamphy.html
  88. ^ Olkowski, Dorothea, Ph.D., Interim-President, The Global Center for Advanced, Studies (GCAS), http://www.globaladvancedstudies.org/2013/09/prof-dorothea-olkowski.html
  89. ^ Olkowski, Dorothea, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs,http://www.uccs.edu/philosophy/facmembers.html, (Accessed 1/13/2014)
  90. ^ Olkowski, Dorothea, Ph.D., Chair of Philosophy, The University of Colorado-Colorado Springs, http://www.uccs.edu/philosophy/facmembers.html
  91. ^ http://www.uccs.edu/Documents/philosophy/Olkowski_CV.pdf. Accessed January 31, 2014)
  92. ^ University of Durham, UK, Department of Theology and Religion, Marcus Pound, Lecturer, Faculty Bio, https://www.dur.ac.uk/research/directory/staff/?mode=staff&id=5559
  93. ^ Central University of Kerala (CUK), Founder/Head of the Department of Comparative Literature, http://www.cukerala.ac.in/faculty
  94. ^ Rutgers, State University of New Jersey USA, Jasbir Puar, Associate Professor of Women's & Gender Studies, Faculty Page, http://womens-studies.rutgers.edu/faculty/core-faculty/143-jasbir-puar
  95. ^ Curricula Vitae, http://rci.rutgers.edu/~geog/people/cvs/puarjasbir.pdf
  96. ^ UCLA, Department of Comparative Literature, Kenneth Reinhard, Associate Professor, Faculty Bio, http://www.complit.ucla.edu/faculty/123-academics/54-kenneth-rinhard
  97. ^ Lebanon Valley College, faculty page, Jeffrey W. Robbins, http://www.lvc.edu/religion-philosophy/staff.aspx. Accessed January 31, 2014.
  98. ^ Columbia University Press, Co-Editor, Series: Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics and Culture,http://cup.columbia.edu/series/76. Accessed January 31,2014.
  99. ^ European Graduate School, faculty biography, Avital Ronell, http://www.egs.edu/faculty/avital-ronell/biography/
  100. ^ Rubenstein, Mary-Jane. Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe." Insurrections Series: Critical Studies in Religion , Politics and Culture), Columbia University Press: NY. 2009.
  101. ^ Rubenstein, Mary-Jane. "Worlds Without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse." Columbia University Press: NY. 2014
  102. ^ Duke University, USA, Kenneth Surin, Professor of Literature, Faculty Bio, http://literature.duke.edu/people?Gurl=&Uil=1465&subpage=profile
  103. ^ York College of Pennsylvania, Victor E. Taylor,Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and English, http://www.ycp.edu/academics/academic-departments/english-and-humanities/faculty/department-employee-records/name-10440-en.html, (accessed 1/31/2014)
  104. ^ University of Sheffield, Peter Thompson, Director of the Center for Ernst Bloch Studies, Department of Germanic Studies, http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/german/staff/peterthompson, (accessed 1/31/2014)
  105. ^ CIEPFC, Centre Internationale D'Etude de la Philosophie Francaise Contemporaine, Paris, France, Tzuchien Tho, http://www.ciepfc.fr/spip.php?article254,
  106. ^ Universitat de Barcelona, Santiago Zabala, https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats|thumbnail|ICREA, Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain]] Research Professor-Humanities, http://www.icrea.cat/Web/ScientificStaff/Santiago-Zabala-525, (accessed 1/31/2014)
  107. ^ According to the GCAS website, GCAS Press is the publishing imprint of Conatas Publishing, http://www.conatuspublishing.com/p/imprints.html
  108. ^ Conatas Publishing, http://www.conatuspublishing.com/p/dr.html

External Links