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boring facts

I'm Switcher, Quil, or Adam. Call me any of the three.

This page is best in Firefox, so if it (when it) looks a bit off in IE, don't be worried. The only way to fix it would be to hack Wikipedia, and I don't really want to do that.

Things to keep in mind when talking to me: I'm a "he" (ftm transsexual, actually), teenager, interested in fiction writing, linguistics, indoor rock climbing, theology, paganism, and queer studies. In terms of weirder/more esoteric beliefs, I'm a leopard therianthrope and a Kemetic reconstructionist. Those enough links for you?

At the moment, my signature looks like this:

Switchercat talkcont 00:00, 0 Month 0000 (UTC)

more about me

I've been using Wikipedia under this username since, I believe, March '06; I'd been doing small edits anonymously for a few months before that.

I use the name Switchercat on the Simple English Wikipedia (here) and on the Wikimedia Commons (here), as well as on this Wikipedia. Incidentally, I'm also "Switchercat" on PaganWiki ([1]) and LiveJournal (here). My personal website is absurdism.org.

I own an actual barnstar, and have had it before I even knew they existed on Wikipedia. It's hung up on my wall next to my shrine.

some biases
  • Regarding religion: I am a polytheist, though I have a fairly abstract/confusing definition of "god." I disapprove of pagans who don't research their religions seriously, and I'm skeptical—though not against—eclecticism. I'm not anti-Abrahamic religions. I came from a Reconstructionist Jewish background, learned enough about Wicca to know it wasn't for me (and enough to rewrite the Simple English Wikipedia article!) and am currently (as I wrote before) a Kemetic recon.
  • Regarding LGBT issues and gender: I believe that gender exists and is real, but that it isn't binary, and transgenderism of any kind (or agenderism) is legitimate and normal. I strongly support equal rights for LGBT people, both sexual and social. I am personally leery of whether polyamory "works" or not, but I do not believe it's morally wrong.
  • Regarding therianthropy and otherkin (this gets into the weird territory...): I identify as partly leopard, making me a therian and otherkin. I'm generally skeptical about most people in both communities, but I believe that it's quite possible to be of another species (though not physically).
  • Regarding linguistics: I am a descriptivist regarding spoken and written language, but (hypocritically) I'm biased against a lot of internet slang, especially the parts of it that are not transferable to everyday speech. I don't like certain spelling changes, like using the wrong "it's/its," because they aren't standardized among the error-makers—suggesting that they're more a problem of laziness than an evolutionary change in the language.
  • Miscellanea:
    • I support (and have three times won) NaNoWriMo. I don't think it necessarily produces bad writing, and even when it does, it's just for fun. No harm done.
    • I tend to call the ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) deities by their Egyptian names, instead of their Greco-Roman ones, and follow the Kemetic Orthodox renaming standards: Wesir instead of Osiris, Yinepu instead of Anubis, so on.
    • I am pro-choice.
    • I'm a smell-touch synesthete.
    • I think body art is cool, even when people sport lots of it, and particularly like stretched piercings.


regular wikipedia

Current important projects are bolded.

Record the following:


There are a lot, so I've moved them off this page. To see my userboxen, click here. :)


Only a couple now; might change with time.


My current wikistress is 2: a bit tense.