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Wikipedia:WikiProject Elizabethan theatre/Assessment

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Article Assessment for WikiProject Elizabethan Theatre (1558–1642)

This is a comprehensive list of all articles covered by this particular wikiproject with space for an assessment of the quality of each article.

Codes and meanings

Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
Put a link to the article here assessment date in
DD Mon YY format
Use the color scheme codes below for background color, and give assessment, or leave white with "not yet assessed" Explain further why your rating is what it is, or highlight additional areas of concern Put your userid here, linkable

If you don't know how to add or assess an article at these lists, please post at the project talk page instead. Your collaboration will be added here shortly.

Article progress grading scheme
Status Cell Color Meaning of Status
Needs opinion #FFFFFF This article has not yet been classified into the categories above. Please help by classifying this article.
Not started #888888 The article hasn't been started yet. You can help by creating it.
Stub #FF5555 The article is either a very short article or a stub that will need a lot of work to bring it to A-Class level.
Start class #77BBFF The article has a decent amount of content, but it is still very weak in certain areas, and may lack a table.
B-Class #FFFF66 The article is "almost there" but it may be missing one of the following: references, balance of content, NPOV or an important section. Alternatively, the English may need a comprehensive rewrite to make it flow.
A-Class #FFDCF8 The article provides a well-written and complete description of the topic, as described in How to write a Great Article. It includes a well-written introduction to the topic, and an appropriate series of headings to break up the article. It should have sufficient external literature references, preferably from the "hard" literature rather than websites. It should be well illustrated, with no copyright problems.

General, companies, and miscellaneous topics

Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
English Renaissance theatre 17 July 07 A-Class   Ugajin
Boy player 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
City comedy 15 Jun 06 Stub Class General expansion LynnMarie
Master of the Revels 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Playing company 17 July 07 A-Class   Ugajin
Revenge play 20 October 2007 B-Class Source citations, general expansion Shksprtx
Masque 01 Aug 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Admiral's Men 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Children of the Chapel 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Children of Paul's 17 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
King's Men 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
King's Men personnel 16 Aug 08 B-Class   Ugajin
King's Revels Children 17 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
King's Revels Men 17 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Lady Elizabeth's Men 17 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Leicester's Men 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Pembroke's Men 09 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Prince Charles's Men 17 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Lord Chamberlain's Men 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Queen Anne's Men 17 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Queen Elizabeth's Men 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Queen Henrietta's Men 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Sussex's Men 09 Nov 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Worcester's Men 17 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Robert Allot 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Susan Baskervile 09 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin
George Buc 16 Jun 06 Stub Class General expansion, more on his life LynnMarie
Cuthbert Burbage   not yet assessed  
James Burbage 19 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Walter Burre 09 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Andrew Crooke and William Cooke 03 Oct 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Philip Henslowe 20 Oct 07 A-Class   Shksprtx
Henry Herbert 17 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Francis Langley 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
William Leake 17 Dec 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Augustine Matthews 27 Aug 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Richard Meighen 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Andrew Pennycuicke 09 Nov 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Edmund Tilney   not yet assessed  
Beaumont and Fletcher folios 23 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Ben Jonson folios 23 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Bed trick 04 Mar 08 Start Class   Ugajin


Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
William Alabaster 31 Mar 06 Start Class Text from 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica. Could use a rewrite plus information on critical analysis. Some images have been included. Ganymead
William Alley 31 Mar 06 Not Started --- Ganymead
Robert Armin 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Thomas Ashton 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
Barnabe Barnes   not yet assessed  
Francis Beaumont   not yet assessed  
Samuel Brandon 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
Richard Brome 15 Nov 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Lodowick Carlell 21 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
George Chapman   not yet assessed  
Henry Chettle   not yet assessed  
Robert Daborne 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Samuel Daniel 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Robert Davenport 24 Aug 08 Start Class   Ugajin
John Day 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Thomas Dekker   not yet assessed  
Michael Drayton 20 July 07 A-Class   Ugajin
Richard Edwardes 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
Nathan Field 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
John Fletcher   not yet assessed  
John Ford 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Abraham Fraunce   not yet assessed  
Ulpian Fulwell 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
Thomas Garter 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
George Gascoigne   not yet assessed  
Thomas Goffe 20 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Arthur Golding   not yet assessed  
Robert Greene   not yet assessed  
Richard Hathwaye 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
William Haughton 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
William Heminges 31 Aug 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Thomas Heywood   not yet assessed  
Thomas Hughes 20 July 07 Start Class  
Ben Jonson 17 July 07 A-Class   Ugajin
Thomas Kyd   not yet assessed  
Thomas Legge 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
Thomas Lodge   not yet assessed  
Thomas Lupton 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
John Lyly   not yet assessed  
Christopher Marlowe 20 Oct 07 A-Class   Shksprtx
Shackerley Marmion 27 Aug 08 Start Class   Ugajin
John Marston   not yet assessed  
Philip Massinger   not yet assessed  
Thomas Middleton   not yet assessed  
Anthony Munday   not yet assessed  
Thomas Nashe   not yet assessed  
Thomas Norton 22 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
George Peele   not yet assessed  
John Phillip 16 July 07 Not Started   Ugajin
John Pickering   not yet assessed  
Henry Porter   not yet assessed  
Thomas Preston 28 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
William Rankins 31 Mar 06 Not Started   Ganymead
Samuel Rowley 22 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
William Rowley   not yet assessed  
James Shirley   not yet assessed  
Philip Sidney   not yet assessed  
Wentworth Smith   not yet assessed  
Thomas Tomkis 05 Jan 08 Stub Class   Ugajin
Cyril Tourneur   not yet assessed  
John Webster   not yet assessed  
George Wilkins   not yet assessed  
Arthur Wilson 31 July 08 Start Class   Ugajin


For Shakespearean works, see below.
Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
Aglaura 26 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Albumazar 10 Jan 08 Start   Ugajin
The Alchemist   not yet assessed  
All Fools 10 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
All's Lost by Lust 03 Mar 07 Start   Ugajin
Andromana 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Antipodes 25 Nov 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Antiquary 26 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
Antonio and Mellida 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
Antonio's Revenge 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
Anything for a Quiet Life 18 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Appius and Virginia 18 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Arcadia 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Arden of Faversham   not yet assessed  
The Ball 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Bartholomew Fair   not yet assessed  
The Bashful Lover 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Battle of Alcazar 14 Feb 08 Start   Ugajin
Beggars' Bush 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Believe as You List 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Bird in a Cage 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Birth of Merlin 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Blind Beggar of Alexandria 04 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
The Bloody Banquet 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Blurt, Master Constable 13 July 08 Start   Ugajin
The Bondman 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Bonduca 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Broken Heart 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Brothers 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Bussy D'Ambois 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Caesar and Pompey 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Campaspe 27 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Captain 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Cardenio   not yet assessed  
The Cardinal 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Case is Altered 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Catiline 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Chances 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Changeling   not yet assessed  
A Chaste Maid in Cheapside 03 Aug 07 Stub   Ugajin
A Christian Turn'd Turk 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The City Madam 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The City Nightcap 24 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
The City Wit 03 Jan 08 Start   Ugajin
Claricilla 17 July 08 Start   Ugajin
The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Constant Maid 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Contention of Ajax and Ulysses 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
A Contention for Honor and Riches 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Coronation 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Country Captain 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Courageous Turk 17 Jan 08 Stub   Ugajin
The Court Beggar 26 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Court Secret 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Coxcomb 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Cupid's Revenge 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Cure for a Cuckold 18 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Custom of the Country 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Cynthia's Revels 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Damoiselle 29 Jan 08 Start   Ugajin
The Devil is an Ass 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Devil's Charter 06 Nov 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Devil's Law Case 18 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Doctor Faustus   not yet assessed  
The Double Marriage 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Doubtful Heir 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Downfall and The Death of Robert Earl of Huntington 10 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
The Duchess of Malfi 01 Mar 06 Start-class Lacks critical analysis, production history, sources and images. Ganymead
The Duke of Milan 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Duke's Mistress 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Dutch Courtesan 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
Eastward Hoe 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Edward II   not yet assessed  
Edward IV 16 Dec 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Elder Brother 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Emperor of the East 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Endymion 23 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The English Moor 19 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
Englishmen for My Money 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Epicoene, or the Silent Woman 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Every Man in His Humour   not yet assessed  
Every Man Out of His Humour   not yet assessed  
The Example 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Fair Em 26 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Fair Maid of the Inn 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Fair Maid of the West 14 Feb 08 Start   Ugajin
A Fair Quarrel 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Fairy Knight 10 Aug 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Faithful Friends 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Faithful Shepherdess 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The False One 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Family of Love 08 Aug 08 B-Class   Ugajin
The Fancies Chaste and Noble 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Fatal Contract 01 Sep 08 Start   Ugajin
The Fatal Dowry 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Fine Companion 27 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
Fortune by Land and Sea 13 May 08 Start   Ugajin
Four Plays in One 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay 01 Sep 07 Start   Ugajin
Gallathea 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Game at Chess 16 Dec 07 A-Class   Ugajin
The Gamester 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Gentleman Usher 12 Nov 07 Start   Ugain
The Gentleman of Venice 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Goblins 26 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Gorbuduc 23 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Grateful Servant 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Great Duke of Florence 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Greene's Tu Quoque 26 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Grim the Collier of Croydon 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Guardian 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Hannibal and Scipio 08 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
Hengist, King of Kent 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Histriomastix 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
Holland's Leaguer 16 Aug 08 B-Class   Ugajin
The Honest Man's Fortune 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Honest Whore 03 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Honoria and Mammon 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Humorous Courtier 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
An Humorous Day's Mirth 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Humorous Lieutenant 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Hyde Park 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody 18 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Imposture 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Insatiate Countess 22 May 08 Start   Ugajin
The Island Princess 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Isle of Dogs 23 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Jack Drum's Entertainment 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Jew of Malta   not yet assessed  
The Jews' Tragedy 31 Aug 08 Stub   Ugajin
John of Bordeaux 02 Sep 07 Start   Ugajin
A Jovial Crew 26 Nov 07 B-Class   Ugajin
A King and No King 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
King John and Matilda 09 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
King Leir 27 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
The Knight of the Burning Pestle   not yet assessed  
The Knight of Malta 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Lady Mother 13 Dec 07 Start   Ugajin
The Lady of Pleasure 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Lady's Trial 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Late Lancashire Witches 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Laws of Candy 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Little French Lawyer 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Locrine 28 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The London Prodigal 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Looking Glass for London 04 Sep 07 Start   Ugajin
Love in a Maze 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Love Tricks 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Love's Cruelty 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Love's Cure 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Love's Metamorphosis 30 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Love's Pilgrimage 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Love's Sacrifice 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Lover's Melancholy 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Lovers' Progress 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Lovesick Court 13 Dec 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Loyal Subject 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Mad Couple Well-Match'd 22 Jan 08 Start   Ugajin
The Mad Lover 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Mad World, My Masters 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Magnetic Lady 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Maid in the Mill 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Maid of Honour 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Maid's Revenge 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Maid's Tragedy 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Malcontent 28 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Massacre at Paris 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Match at Midnight 07 Mar 08 Start   Ugajin
May Day 14 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
Michaelmas Term 03 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Midas 31 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Monsieur D'Olive 14 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
Monsieur Thomas 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
More Dissemblers Besides Women 20 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
Mother Bombie 25 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The New Academy 10 Dec 07 Start   Ugajin
The New Inn 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A New Trick to Cheat the Devil 30 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
A New Way to Pay Old Debts 30 Aug 08 B-Class   Ugajin
A New Wonder, a Woman Never Vexed 09 May 08 Start   Ugajin
The Nice Valour 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Night Walker 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Noble Gentleman 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Northern Lass 29 Nov 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Novella 13 Jan 08 Start   Ugajin
No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Northward Ho 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Old Law 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Opportunity 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Parliament of Love 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Parasitaster 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
Parnassus plays   not yet assessed  
The Parson's Wedding 16 July 08 B-Class   Ugajin
Pathomachia 26 Dec 07 Start   Ugajin
Perkin Warbeck 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Philaster 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Phoenix 03 Aug 07 Start edit synopsis, add data Ugajin
The Picture 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Pilgrim 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Platonick Lovers 26 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Poetaster 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Politician 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Poor Man's Comfort 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Princess 20 July 08 Start   Ugajin
The Prisoners 23 July 08 Start   Ugajin
The Prophetess 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Puritan 24 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Queen 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Queen and Concubine 20 Dec 07 Start   Ugajin
The Queen of Corinth 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Queen's Exchange 09 Jan 08 Start   Ugajin
The Renegado 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Revenger's Tragedy 03 Aug 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Richardus Tertius 23 Jun 08 Stub   Ugajin
The Roaring Girl 03 Aug 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Rollo Duke of Normandy 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Roman Actor 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Royal Master 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Saint Patrick for Ireland 23 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Sapho and Phao 27 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Scornful Lady 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Sea Voyage 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Second Maiden's Tragedy 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Sejanus 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Shoemaker a Gentleman 04 May 08 Start   Ugajin
Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes 12 Aug 08 B-Class   Ugajin
Sir Giles Goosecap 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Sir John Oldcastle 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Sir John van Olden Barnavelt 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Sir Thomas More   not yet assessed  
The Sisters 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Sophy 31 Oct 07 Stub   Caliginous
The Spanish Curate 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Spanish Gypsy 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Spanish Tragedy 18 Oct 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Spanish Viceroy 16 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
The Sparagus Garden 10 Dec 07 Start   Ugajin
The Staple of News 17 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Summer's Last Will and Testament 08 Sep 07 Start   Ugajin
The Sun's Darling 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Swetnam the Woman-Hater 07 Oct 07 Start   Ugajin
The Swisser 02 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin
A Tale of a Tub 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Tamburlaine   not yet assessed  
Technogamia 20 Jan 08 Start   Ugajin
Thierry and Theodoret 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Thomas Lord Cromwell 23 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Thracian Wonder 22 Mar 08 Start   Ugajin
The Three Ladies of London 07 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
'Tis Pity She's a Whore 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Tragedy of Chabot, Admiral of France 17 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Tragedy of Mariam 29 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Traitor 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Travels of the Three English Brothers 17 May 08 Start   Ugajin
A Trick to Catch the Old One 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The True Tragedy of Richard III 28 Jun 08 Start   Ugajin
The Unnatural Combat 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Valentinian 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Very Woman 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Virgin Martyr 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Volpone   not yet assessed  
The Wedding 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Weeding of Covent Garden 26 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Westward Ho 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
What You Will 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
The White Devil   not yet assessed  
The Widow 03 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Widow's Tears 20 Oct 07 Start   Ugajin
A Wife for a Month 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Wild Goose Chase 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll 15 Nov 07 Start   Ugajin
Wit at Several Weapons 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Wit Without Money 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Witch 18 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Witch of Edmonton 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Wits 10 Sep 08 Start   Ugajin
The Witty Fair One 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Woman Hater 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
A Woman Killed with Kindness 18 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Woman in the Moon 29 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Woman's Prize 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Women Beware Women 20 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Women Pleased 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
The Wonder of Women 28 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
The Wounds of Civil War 06 Sep 07 Start   Ugajin
A Yorkshire Tragedy 11 Aug 08 B-Class   Ugajin
The Young Admiral 22 July 07 Start   Ugajin
Your Five Gallants 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin

Masques and Entertainments

Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
Chloridia 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Christmas, His Masque 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Coronation Triumph 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Cupid and Death 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Entertainment at Althorp 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Fortunate Isles and Their Union 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Golden Age Restored 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Gypsies Metamorphosed 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Hue and Cry after Cupid 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Hymenaei 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The King's Entertainment at Welbeck 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Lord Hay's Masque 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Love Freed from Ignorance and Folly 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Love Restored 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Lovers Made Men 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Love's Triumph Through Callipolis 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Love's Welcome at Bolsover 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Luminalia 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Masque of Augurs 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Masque of Beauty 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Masque of Blackness 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Masque of the Inner Temple 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Masque of Queens 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Memorable Masque 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Neptune's Triumph 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
News from the World in the Moon 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Oberon, the Faery Prince 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Pan's Anniversary 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Salmacida Spolia 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Speeches at Henry's Barriers 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Sun's Darling 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
Time Vindicated 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Triumph of Beauty 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Triumph of Peace 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Vision of Delight 01 Aug 07 Start   Ugajin
The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses 01 Aug 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The World Tossed at Tennis 21 Aug 08 Start   Ugajin


Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
Edward Alleyn   not yet assessed  
Robert Armin 16 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Richard Baxter 09 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Christopher Beeston   not yet assessed  
Robert Benfield 16 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Theophilus Bird 19 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Michael Bowyer 05 Aug 08 Stub Class   Ugajin
Robert Browne (Elizabethan actor) 14 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Robert Browne (Jacobean actor) 14 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin
George Bryan 19 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Richard Burbage   not yet assessed  
Andrew Cane 30 July 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Hugh Clark 04 Sep 08 Stub Class   Ugajin
Henry Condell   not yet assessed  
Alexander Cooke 19 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Richard Cowley 19 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Robert Dawes 09 Sep 08 Stub Class   Ugajin
William Ecclestone 19 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Nathan Field   not yet assessed  
Alexander Gough 15 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Stephen Hammerton 16 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
John Heminges 23 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
John Honyman 29 July 08 Start Class   Ugajin
William Kempe 23 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
John Lowin 16 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
William Ostler 19 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Richard Perkins 19 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Augustine Phillips 16 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Thomas Pollard 27 July 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Thomas Pope 19 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Timothy Read 16 Sep 08 Stub Class   Ugajin
William Robbins 02 Sep 08 Stub Class   Ugajin
Richard Robinson 19 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
John Shank 15 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Richard Sharpe 01 Aug 08 Start Class   Ugajin
William Sly 16 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
John Sumner 27 Oct 08 Stub Class   Ugajin
Eliard Swanston 15 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Richard Tarlton   not yet assessed  
Joseph Taylor 16 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
John Thompson 02 Aug 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Nicholas Tooley 16 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Anthony Turner 08 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin
John Underwood 15 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Ellis Worth 13 Sep 08 Start Class   Ugajin


Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
Blackfriars Theatre   not yet assessed  
Cockpit Theatre 16 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Cockpit-in-Court 24 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
The Curtain   not yet assessed  
The Fortune   not yet assessed  
The Globe   not yet assessed  
Hope Theatre 16 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Inn-yard theatre 11 Nov 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Newington Butts 16 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
Red Bull Theatre   not yet assessed  
Red Lion 16 July 07 Stub Class   Ugajin
The Rose   not yet assessed  
Salisbury Court 16 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Swan Theatre 11 Nov 07 Start Class   Ugajin
The Theatre 16 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Whitefriars 16 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
William Shakespeare   not yet assessed  
Mary Arden 20 July 07 Stub   Ugajin
Chandos Portrait   not yet assessed  
Chronology of Shakespeare   not yet assessed  
Complete Works of Shakespeare   not yet assessed  
Shakespearean dance   Stub   Winerock
Martin Droeshout   not yet assessed  
First Folio 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Second Folio 26 July 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Folios and Quartos (Shakespeare) 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
False Folio 20 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
Anne Hathaway   not yet assessed  
Honorificabilitudinitatibus   not yet assessed  
Edmund Tilney   not yet assessed  
Edward Allde 17 Oct 07 Start Class   Ugajin
William Aspley 29 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Edward Blount 01 Aug 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Cuthbert Burby 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Nathaniel Butter 03 Oct 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Philip Chetwinde 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Thomas Cotes 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Thomas Creede 29 July 07 B-Class   Ugajin
George Eld 03 Oct 07 Start Class   Ugajin
William Jaggard 20 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Edward Knight 26 July 08 Start Class   Ugajin
Thomas Millington 29 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Nicholas Okes 17 Oct 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Thomas Pavier 17 Oct 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Peter Short 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Valentine Simmes 20 July 07 Start Class   Ugajin
John Smethwick 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Thomas Thorpe 25 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin
Andrew Wise 29 Sep 07 Start Class   Ugajin

Shakespeare's plays

Article Assessed Status Pending tasks Assessed by
All's Well That Ends Well   not yet assessed  
Antony and Cleopatra   not yet assessed  
As You Like It   not yet assessed  
The Comedy of Errors   not yet assessed  
Coriolanus   not yet assessed  
Cymbeline   not yet assessed  
Hamlet 1 Mar 06 B-class Lacks sources and should have more images. Ganymead
Henry IV, Part 1   not yet assessed  
Henry IV, Part 2   not yet assessed  
Henry V   not yet assessed  
Henry VI, Part 1   not yet assessed  
Henry VI, Part 2   not yet assessed  
Henry VI, Part 3   not yet assessed  
Henry VIII   not yet assessed  
Julius Caesar   not yet assessed  
King John   not yet assessed  
King Lear   not yet assessed  
Love's Labours Lost   not yet assessed  
Macbeth   not yet assessed  
Measure for Measure   not yet assessed  
The Merchant of Venice   not yet assessed  
The Merry Wives of Windsor   not yet assessed  
A Midsummer Night's Dream 2 Mar 06 B-class Almost good - needs citations, a critical analysis section, and the film section needs better formatting. The Singing Badger
Much Ado About Nothing 16 June 06 B-class Could use 1-2 more images; synopsis needs more out-of-universe context IrisWings
Othello 16 June 06 Start Class has some images, but formatting of article needs some work and the plot summary is rather short LynnMarie
Pericles, Prince of Tyre   not yet assessed  
Richard II   not yet assessed  
Richard III   not yet assessed  
Romeo and Juliet   not yet assessed  
Taming of the Shrew   not yet assessed  
The Tempest   not yet assessed  
Timon of Athens   not yet assessed  
Titus Andronicus   not yet assessed  
Troilus and Cressida   not yet assessed  
Twelfth Night, or What You Will   not yet assessed  
The Two Gentlemen of Verona   not yet assessed  
The Two Noble Kinsmen   not yet assessed  
The Winter's Tale   not yet assessed