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== Research fields ==
== Research fields ==
Hölldobler is an international scheintist of excellence His experimental and theoretical contributions cover [[Sociobiology]], [[behavioral ecology]], [[chemical ecology]]. His comprehenseive work on social insects, mainly on [[ants]] delivered many new insights on maiting strategies, [[territoriality]], the regulation of reproduction, the population structures of superorganisms, the evolutionary theory of [[social parasitism (biology)|social parasitism]], chemical communication, [[polymorphism]], ant nests as ecological islands and the evolution of anmimal communities multilevel selection theory ([[group selection]]).
Hölldobler is an international scheintist of excellence His experimental and theoretical contributions cover [[Sociobiology]], [[behavioral ecology]], [[chemical ecology]]. His comprehenseive work on social insects, mainly on [[ants]] delivered many new insights in
* maiting strategies,
<ref name=”9”>B. Hölldobler, U. Maschwitz, 1965. Der Hochzeitsschwarm der Rossameise Camponotus herculeanus L. (Hym. Formicidae). Z. Vergl. Physiol. 50:551-568</ref>
<ref name=”25”>B. Hölldobler, 1971. Sex pheromone in the ant Xenomyrmex floridanus J. Insect. Physiol. 17:1497-1499</ref>
<ref name=”29”>B. Hölldobler, M. Wüst, 1973. Ein Sexualpheromon bei der Pharaoameise Monomorium pharaonis (L.) Z. Tierpsychol. 32:1-9</ref>
<ref name=”48”>B. Hölldobler, 1976. The behavioral ecology of mating in harvester ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Pogonomyrmex) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 1:405-423</ref>
<ref name=”49”>B. Hölldobler, C.P. Haskins, 1977. Sexual calling behavior in primitive ants Science 195:793-794</ref>
<ref name=”53”>H. Markl, B. Hölldobler, T. Hölldobler, 1977. Mating behavior and sound production in harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex, Formicidae) Insectes Sociaux 24:191-212</ref>
Ref name=”81”>B. Hölldobler, H. Engel-Siegel, 1982. Tergal and Sternal Glands in Male Ants Psyche 89:113-132</ref>
<ref name=”95”>B. Hölldobler, S. Bartz, 1985. Sociobiology of Reproduction in ants. Experimental Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology B. Hölldobler and M. Lindauer (eds.), Fortschritte der Zool. 31:237-257</ref>
<ref name=” 112”>N.R. Franks, B. Hölldobler, 1987. Sexual competition during colony reproduction in army ants Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 30:229-243</ref>
<Ref name=“151“> J. Heinze, S. Kühnholz, K. Schilder, B. Hölldobler, 1993. Behavior of ergatoid males in the ant, Cardiocondyla nuda Ins. Soc. 40:273-282</ref>
<ref name“154“> J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1993. Fighting for a harem of queens: Physiology of reproduction in Cardiocondyla male ants Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 90:8412-8414</ref>
<ref name=”215”> J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, K. Yamauchi, 1998. Male competition in Cardiocondyla ants Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 42:239-246</ref>
Weibchen anderer Arten sind dagegen strikt.
<Ref name=“3“> B. Hölldobler, 1962. Zur Frage der Oligogynie bei Camponotus ligniperda LATR.und Camponotus herculeanus L. (Hym. Formicidae). Z. ang. Entomologie 49:337.352</ref>
<Ref name=“39“> B. Hölldobler, 1974.
Home range orientation and territoriality in harvesting ants
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 71:3274-3277</ref>
<Ref name=“44“> B. Hölldobler, 1976.
Recruitment behavior, home range orientation and
territoriality in harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 1:3-44</ref>
<Ref name=“47“> B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977.
The number of queens: an important trait in ant evolution
Naturwissenschaften 64:8-15</ref>
<Ref name=“67“> B. Hölldobler, C.D. Michener, 1980.
Mechanisms of Identification and Discrimination in
Social Hymenoptera
Evolution of Social Behavior: Hypotheses and Empirical Tests,
ed. H. Markl, Dahlem Konferenzen, 35-38</ref>
<Ref name=“68“> B. Hölldobler, C. Lumsden, 1980.
Territorial Strategies in Ants
Science 210:732-739</ref>
<Ref name=“102“> B. Hölldobler, N. Carlin, 1985.
Colony founding, queen dominance and oligogyny in the
Austrian meat ant Iridomyrmex purpureus
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 18:45-58</ref>
<Ref name=“138“> K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, 1992.
Pleometrosis in Lasius niger
In: J. Billen (Ed.) Biology and Evolution of Social Insects.
Leuven University Press, 47-50</ref>
<Ref name=“140“> J. Heinze, N. Lipski, B. Hölldobler, 1992.
Reproductive competition in colonies of the ant
Leptothorax gredleri
Ethology 90:265-278</ref>
<Ref name=“144“>K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, 1992.
Coexistence and dominance among queens and mated
workers in the ant Pachycondyla tridentata
Naturwissenschaften 19:470-472</ref>
<Ref name=“158“> J. Heinze, J. Gadau, B. Hölldobler, 1994.
Genetic Variability in the Ant Camponotus floridanus
Detected by Multilocus DNA Fingerprinting
Naturwissenschaften 81:34-36</ref>
<Ref name=“178“> K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, 1995.
Colony founding by queen association and determinants of reduction
in queen number in the ant Lasius niger
Animal Behaviour 50:287-294</ref>
<Ref name=“186“> J. Heinze, N. Lipski, K. Schlehmeyer, B. Hölldobler, 1995.
Colony structure and reproduction in the ant,
Leptothorax acervorum
Behav. Ecology 6:359-367</ref>
<Ref name=“188“> J. Heinze, S. Foitzik, A. Hippert, B. Hölldobler, 1996.
Apparent Dear-enemy Phenomenon and Environment-
based Recognition Cues in the Ant Leptothorax nylanderi
Ethology 102:510-522</ref>
<Ref name=“198“> J. Gadau, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, M. Schmid, 1996.
Population and colony structure of the carpenter ant
Camponotus floridanus
Molecular Ecology 5:785-792</ref>
<Ref name=“205“> J. Heinze, C. Elsishans, B. Hölldobler, 1997.
No Evidence for Kin Assortment during Colony Propagation in a
Polygynous Ant.
Naturwissenschaften 84:249-250</ref>
<Ref name=“209“> J. Heinze, W. Puchinger, B. Hölldobler, 1997.
Worker reproduction and social hierarchies in Leptothorax ants
Anim. Behav. 54:849-864</ref>
<Ref name=“227“> J. Gadau, P.J. Gertsch, J. Heinze, P. Pamilo, B. Hölldobler, 1998.
Oligogyny by unrelated queens in the carpenter ant, Camponotus
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 44:23-33</ref>
<Ref name=“231“> K. Schilder, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler
Colony structure and reproduction in the thelytokous parthenogenetic ant
Platythyrea punctata (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Insectes Sociaux 46:150-158</ref>
<Ref name=“233“> J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, G. Alpert, 1999
Reproductive Conflict and Division of Labor in Eutetramorium
mocquerysi, a Myrmicine Ant Without Morphologically Distinct
Female Reproductives
Ethology 105:701-717</ref>
<Ref name=“235“> K. Tsuji, K. Egashira, B. Hölldobler, 1999.
Regulation of worker reproduction by direct physical contact in the
ant Diacamma sp. from Japan
Animal Behaviour 58:337-343</ref>
<Ref name=“236“> J. Liebig, C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler
Worker policing limits the number of reproductives in a ponerine ant
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 266:1865-1870</ref>
<Ref name=“254“> J. Heinze, B. Trunzer, B. Hölldobler, J.H.C. Delabie, 2001.
Reproductive skew and queen relatedness in an ant with primary polygyny
Insectes Sociaux 48:149-153</ref>
<Ref name=“260“> O. Rüppell, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 2002.
Sex ratio variation in a facultatively polygynous ant with size-
dimorphic queens
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 14:53-67</ref>
<Ref name=“269“> K. Kolmer, B. Hölldobler, J. Heinze, 2002.
Colony and population structure in Pachycondyla cf. inversa, a
ponerine ant with primary polygyny.
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 14:157-164</ref>
<Ref name=“270“> J. Gadau, C.P. Strehl, J. Oettler, B. Hölldobler, 2003.
Determinants of intracolonial relatedness in Pogonomyrmex
rugosus (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) – mating frequency and
brood raids, Molecular Ecology 12: 1931-1938</ref>
<Ref name=“284“> Frank E. Rheindt, Jürgen Gadau, Christoph-Peter Strehl, Bert Hölldobler, 2004.
Extremely high mating frequency in the Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius)
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 56: 472-481</ref>

* the regulation of reproduction,

A) in primitive, hierarchical insect organisations

<Ref name=“132“> P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1990.
Dominance orders in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla
apicalis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Behav Ecol Sociobiol 27:385-393</ref>
<Ref name=“137“> P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1991.
Agonistic interactions and reproductive dominance in
Pachycondyla obscuricornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Psyche 98:215-225</ref>
< Ref name=“142“> F.N.S. Medeiros, L.E. Lopes, R.S. Moutinho,
P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1992.
Functional polygyny, agonistic interactions and
reproductive dominance in the neotropical ant
Odontomachus chelifer (Hymenoptera: Formicidae,
<Ref name=“144“> K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, 1992.
Coexistence and dominance among queens and mated
workers in the ant Pachycondyla tridentata
Naturwissenschaften 19:470-472</ref>
<Ref name=“150“>C. Peeters, J. Billen, B. Hölldobler, 1992.
Alternative Dominance Mechanisms Regulating
Monogyny in the Queenless Ant Genus Diacamma
Naturwissenschaften 79:572-573</ref>
<Ref name=“152“> C. Peeters, J. Billen, B. Hölldobler
Alternative Dominance Mechanisms Regulating
Monogyny in the Queenless Ant Genus Diacamma
Naturwissenschaften 79:572-573</ref>
<Ref name=“169“> J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1995.
Thelytokous Parthenogenesis and Dominance Hierarchies
in the Ponerine Ant, Platythyrea punctata
Naturwissenschaften 82:40-41</ref>
<Ref name=“170“> K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, K. Jessen, 1994.
The Unusual Social Organization of the Ant
Pachycondyla tridentata (Formicidae, Ponerinae)
J. Ethol. 12:175-185</ref>
<Ref name=“187“> C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler, 1995.
Reproductive cooperation between queens and their
mated workers: The complex life history of an ant
with a valuable nest
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92:10977-10979</ref>
<Ref name=“193“> O. Düssmann, C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler, 1996.
Morphology and reproductive behavior of intercastes in
the ponerine ant Pachycondyla obscuricornis
Ins. Soc. 43:421-425</ref>
<Ref name=“214“> P.S.Oliveira, M. Obermayer, B. Hölldobler, 1998.
Division of Labor in the Neotropical ant Pachycondyla stigma
(Ponerinae), with Special Reference to Mutual Antennal Rubbing
between Nestmates (Hymenoptera)
Sociobiology 31:9-24</ref>
<Ref name=“219“> B. Trunzer, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1998.
Cooperative colony founding and experimental primary polygyny in the
ponerine ant Pachycondyla villosa
Insectes Sociaux, 45:267-276</ref>
<Ref name=“220“> K. Tsuji, C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler, 1998.
Experimental Investigation of the Mechanism of Reproductive
Differentiation in the Queenless Ant, Diacamma sp., from Japan
Ethology, 104:633-643</ref>
<Ref name=“235“> K. Tsuji, K. Egashira, B. Hölldobler, 1999.
Regulation of worker reproduction by direct physical contact in the
ant Diacamma sp. from Japan
Animal Behaviour 58:337-343</ref>
<Ref name=“236“> J. Liebig, C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler
Worker policing limits the number of reproductives in a ponerine ant
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 266:1865-1870</ref>
<Ref name=“239“> B. Trunzer, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1999.
Social Status and Reproductive Success in Queenless Ant Colonies
Behaviour 136:1093-1105</ref>
<Ref name=“241“> J. Liebig, C. Peeters, N.J. Oldham, C. Markstädter, B. Hölldobler, 2000.
Are variations in cuticular hydrocarbons of queens and workers a reliable
signal of fertility in the ant Harpegnathos saltator?
PNAS 97:4124-4131</ref>
<Ref name=“258“> J. Tenschert, K. Kolmer, B. Hölldobler, H.-J. Bestmann,
J.H.C. Delabie, J. Heinze, 2001.
Chemical profiles, division of labor and social status in
Pachycondyla queens (Hymenoptera:Formicidae).
Naturwissenschaften 88:175-178</ref>
<Ref name=“267“> V. Dietemann, B. Hölldobler, C. Peeters, 2002.
Caste specialization and differentiation in reproductive potential in the
phylogenetically primitive ant Myrmecia gulosa
Insectes Sociaux 49:289-298</ref>
<Ref name=“269“> K. Kolmer, B. Hölldobler, J. Heinze, 2002.
Colony and population structure in Pachycondyla cf. inversa, a
ponerine ant with primary polygyny.
Ethology Ecology & Evolution 14:157-164</ref>
<Ref name=“274“> V. Dietemann, C. Peeters, J. Liebig, V. Thivet, B. Hölldobler, 2003.
Cuticular hydrocarbons mediate discrimination of reproductives and nonreproductives in the ant Myrmecia gulosa
PNAS 100: 10341-10346</ref>

B) in superorganisms
<Ref name=“84“> B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1983.
Queen Control in Colonies of Weaver Ants
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Ann. of the Ent. Soc. of America 76:235-238</ref>
<Ref name=“87“> N.F. Carlin, B. Hölldobler, 1984.
Nestmate and Kin Recognition in Interspecific Mixed
Colonies of Ants
Science 222:1027-1029</ref>
<Ref name=“107“> N.F. Carlin, B. Hölldobler, 1986.
The kin recognition sysem of carpenter ants
(Camponotus spp.) I. Hierarchical cues in small colonies
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 19:123-134</ref>
<Ref name=“113“> N.F. Carlin, B. Hölldobler, 1987.
The recognition system of carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.)
II. Larger colonies
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 20:209-217</ref>
<Ref name=“115“> B. Hölldobler, N.F. Carlin, 1987.
Anonymity and specificity in the chemical communication
signals of social insects
J. Comp. Physiol. A 161:567-581</ref>
<Ref name=“116“> N.F. Carlin, R. Halpern, B. Hölldobler, P. Schwartz, 1987.
Early learning and the recognition of conspecific cocoons
by carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.)
Ethology 75:306-316</ref>
<Ref name=“120“> N.F. Carlin, B. Hölldobler, 1988.
Influence of Virgin Queens on Kin Recognition in the
Carpenter Ant Camponotus Floridanus (Hymenopera:

* Superorganisms

A) general
Ref name=“44“> B. Hölldobler, 1976.
Recruitment behavior, home range orientation and
territoriality in harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 1:3-44</ref>
<Ref name=“45“> B. Hölldobler, 1976.
Tournaments and slavery in a desert ant
Science 192:912-914</ref>
<Ref name=“50“> B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977.
Weaver ants: social establishment and maintenance
of territory
Science 195:900-902</ref>
<Ref name=“52“> B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977.
Colony-specific territorial pheromone in the African
weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (LATREILLE)
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 74:2072-2075</ref>
<Ref name=“60“> B. Hölldobler, 1979.
Territoriality in ants
Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 123:211-218</ref>
<Ref name=“62“> B. Hölldobler, 1979.
Territories of the African weaver ant (Oecophylla longinoda
Z. Tierpsychol. 51:201-213</ref>
<Ref name=“67“> B. Hölldobler, C.D. Michener, 1980.
Mechanisms of Identification and Discrimination in
Social Hymenoptera
Evolution of Social Behavior: Hypotheses and Empirical Tests,
ed. H. Markl, Dahlem Konferenzen, 35-38</ref>
<Ref name=“68“> B. Hölldobler, C. Lumsden
Territorial Strategies in Ants
Science 210:732-739</ref>
<Ref name=“70“> B. Hölldobler, M. Möglich, 1980.
The Foraging System of Pheidole militicida
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Insectes Sociaux 27:237-264</ref>
<Ref name=“71“> B. Hölldobler, 1981.
Foraging and Spatiotemporal Territories in the Honey Ant
Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 9:301-314</ref>
<Ref name=“72“> B. Hölldobler, 1982.
Interference Strategy of Iridomyrmex pruinosum
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) During Foraging
Oecologia (Berl.) 52:208-213</ref>
<Ref name=“89“> B. Hölldobler, 1983.
Territorial behavior in the green tree ant Oecophylla
Biotropica 15:241-250</ref>
<Ref name=“109“> B. Hölldobler, 1986.
Konkurrenzverhalten und Territorialität in Ameisen-
In Information Processing in Animals 3:25-70</ref>
<Ref name=“118“> B. Hölldobler, 1988.
Communication and Competition in Ant Communities
Evolution and Coadaptation in Biotic Communities
University of Tokyo Press, 95-124</ref>

B) [[Territoriality]]

Science headline article 1980<ref name=“68“> B. Hölldobler, C. Lumsden, 1980. Territorial Strategies in Ants Science 210:732-739</ref>

* the population structures of superorganisms,

* the evolutionary theory of [[social parasitism (biology)|social parasitism]],

<Ref name=“45“> B. Hölldobler, 1976.
Tournaments and slavery in a desert ant
Science 192:912-914</ref>
<Ref name=“68“> B. Hölldobler, C. Lumsden, 1980.
Territorial Strategies in Ants
Science 210:732-739</ref>
<Ref name=“75“> S.H. Bartz, B. Hölldobler, 1982.
Colony Founding in Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the evolution of foundress
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 10:137-147</ref>
<Ref name=“82“> C. Lumsden, B. Hölldobler, 1983.
Ritualized Combat and Intercolony Communication in Ants
J. Theoret. Biol. 100:81-98</ref>
<Ref name=“270“> J. Gadau, C.P. Strehl, J. Oettler, B. Hölldobler, 2003.
Determinants of intracolonial relatedness in Pogonomyrmex
rugosus (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) – mating frequency and
brood raids, Molecular Ecology 12: 1931-1938</ref>
<Ref name=“271“> D.J.C. Kronauer, J. Gadau, B. Hölldobler, 2003.
Genetic evidence for intra- and interspecific slavery in honey
ants (genus Myrmecocystus).
Proceedings of the Royal Society 270:805-810</ref>
<Ref name=“283“> D.J.C. Kronauer, B. Hölldobler, and J. Gadau, 2004.
Phylogenetics of the new world honey ants (genus Myrmecocystus) estimated from mitochondrial DNA sequences
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32: 416-421</ref>

* chemical communication, [[polymorphism]],

<Ref name=“23“> B. Hölldobler, 1971.
Homing in the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex badius
Science 171:1149-1151</ref>
<Ref name=“26“> B. Hölldobler, 1971.
Recruitment behavior in Camponotus socius
(Hym. Formicidae)
Z. vergl. Physiol. 75:123-142</ref>
<Ref name=“30“> F.E. Regnier, M. Nieh, B. Hölldobler, 1973.
The volatile Dufour's gland components of the harvester ants
Pogonomyrmex rugosus and P. barbatus
J. Insect Physiol. 19:981-992</ref>
<Ref name=“31“> B. Hölldobler, 1973
Chemische Strategie beim Nahrungserwerb der Diebsameise
(Solenopsis fugax LATR.) und der Pharaoameisen
(Monomorium pharaonis L.)
Oecologia (Berl.) 11:371-380</ref>
<Ref name=“36“> B. Hölldobler, M. Möglich, U. Maschwitz, 1974.
Communication by tandem running in the ant
Camponotus sericeus
J. Comp. Physiol. 90:105-127</ref>
<Ref name=“39“> B. Hölldobler, 1974.
Home range orientation and territoriality in harvesting ants
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 71:3274-3277</ref>
<Ref name=“41“> M. Möglich, U. Maschwitz, B. Hölldobler, 1974.
Tandem calling: a new kind of signal in ant communication
Science 186:1046-1047</ref>
<Ref name=“42“> U. Maschwitz, B. Hölldobler, M. Möglich, 1974.
Tandemlaufen als Rekrutierungsverhalten bei Bothroponera
tesserinoda FOREL (Formicidae: Ponerinae)
Z. Tierpsychol. 35:113-123</ref>
<Ref name=“43“>M. Möglich, B. Hölldobler, 1975.
Communication and orientation during foraging and emigration in the
ant Formica fusca
J. Comp. Physiol. 101:275-288</ref>
<Ref name=“44“> B. Hölldobler, 1976.
Recruitment behavior, home range orientation and
territoriality in harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 1:3-44</ref>
<Ref name=“50“> B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977.
Weaver ants: social establishment and maintenance
of territory
Science 195:900-902</ref>
<Ref name=“52“> B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977.
Colony-specific territorial pheromone in the African
weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (LATREILLE)
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 74:2072-2075</ref>
<Ref name=56“> B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1978.
The multiple recruitment systems of the African weaver ant
Oecophylla longinoda (LATREILLE) (Hymenoptera:
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 3:19-60</ref>
<Ref name=“57“> B. Hölldobler, 1978.
Ethological aspects of chemical communication in ants
Advances in the study of behavior 8:75-115</ref>
<Ref name=“58“> B. Hölldobler, R.C. Stanton, H. Markl, 1978.
Recruitment and food-retrieving behavior in Novomessor
Formicidae, Hymenoptera). I. Chemical Signals
Behav. Ecol. and Sociobiol. 4:163-181</ref>
<Ref name=“59“> H. Markl, B. Hölldobler, 1978.
Recruitment and food-retrieving behavior in Novomessor
(Formicidae, Hymenoptera). II. Vibration Signals
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 4:183-216</ref>
<Ref name=“63“> M.S. Blum, T.H. Jones, B. Hölldobler, H.M. Fales, T. Jaouni, 1980.
Alkaloidal venom mace: offensive use by a thief ant
Naturwissenschaften 67:144</ref>
<Ref name=“65“> B. Hölldobler, J. Traniello, 1980.
The Pygidial Gland and Chemical Recruitment Communication
in Pachycondyla (=Termitopone) leavigata
Journal of Chemical Ecology 6:883-893</ref>
<Ref name=“66“>B. Hölldobler, 1980.
Canopy Orientation: A New Kind of Orientation in Ants
Science 210:86-88,</ref>
<Ref name=“80“> B. Hölldobler, 1982.
Communication, Raiding Behavior and Prey Storage in
Cerapachys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Psyche 89:3-23</ref>
<Ref name=“90“> J.F.A. Traniello, B. Hölldobler, 1984.
Chemical Communication during tandem running in
Pachycondyla obscuriocornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
J. of. Chem. Ecol. 10:783-794</ref>
<Ref name=“91“> B. Hölldobler, 1984.
Communication during foraging and nest-relocation in
the African stink ant, Paltothyreus tarsatus Fabr.
(Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae)
Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 65:40-52</ref>
<Ref name=“93“> B. Hölldobler, 1984.
Evolution of insect communication
Insect Communication, the Royal Entomological Society
of London, 349-377</ref>
<Ref name=“101“> T. Bellas, B. Hölldobler, 1985.
Constituents of mandibular and Dufour's glands of an
Australian Polyrhachis weaver ant
J. Chemical Ecology 11:525-538</ref>
<Ref name=“115“> B. Hölldobler, N.F. Carlin, 1987.
Anonymity and specificity in the chemical communication
signals of social insects
J. Comp. Physiol. A 161:567-581</ref>
<Ref name=“122“> B. Hölldobler, 1988.
Chemical communication in Meranoplus (Hymenopera:
Psyche 95:139-151</ref>
<Ref name=“123“> P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1989.
Orientation and communication in the Neotropical ant
Odontomachus bauri Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicida,
Ethology 83:154-166</ref>
<Ref name=“149“> E.D. Morgan, B. Hölldobler, T. Vaisar, B.D. Jackson, 1992.
Contents of poison apparatus and their relation to
trail-following in the ant Daceton armigerum
J. of Chemical Ecology 18:2161-2168</ref>
<Ref name=“155“> F. Roces, J. Tautz, B. Hölldobler, 1993.
Stridulation in Leaf-Cutting Ants
Naturwissenschaften 80:521-524</ref>
<Ref name=“160“> F. Roces, B. Hölldobler,
Leaf density and a trade-off between load-size selection
and recruitment behavior in the ant Atta cephalotes
Oecologia 97:1-8</ref>
<Ref name=“168“> J. Tautz, F. Roces, B. Hölldobler, 1995.
Use of a Sound-Based Vibratome by Leaf-Cutting Ants
Science 267:84-87</ref>
<Ref name=“174“> H.J. Bestmann, U. Haak, F. Kern, B. Hölldobler, 1995.
2,4-Dimethyl-5-hexanolide, a trail pheromone
component of the carpenter ant Camponotus herculeanus
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Naturwissenschaften 82:142-144</ref>
<Ref name=“176“> H.J. Bestmann, E. Hanssen, F. Kern, B. Liepold,
B. Hölldobler, 1995.
All-trans Geranylgeranyl Acetate and Geranylgeraniol,
Recruitment pheromone Components in the Dufour gland
of the Ponerine Ant Ectatomma ruidum
Naturwissenschaften 82:334-336</ref>
<Ref name=“179“> B. Hölldobler, N.J. Oldham, E.D. Morgan, W.A. König, 1995.
Recruitment Pheromones in the Ants Aphaenogaster
albisetosus and A. cockerelli (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
J. Insect Physiol 41:739-744</ref>
<Ref name=“182“> B. Hölldobler, E. Janssen, H.J. Bestmann, I.R. Leal,
P.S. Oliveira, F. Kern, W.A. König, 1996.
Communication in the migratory termite-hunting ant
Pachycondyla (=Termitopone) marginata
(Formicidae, Ponerinae)
J. Comp. Physiol. A 178:47-53</ref>
<Ref name=“194“> F. Roces, B. Hölldobler, 1996.
Use of stridulation in foraging leaf-cutting ants:
mechanical support during cutting or short-range
recruitment signal?
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 39:93-299</ref>
<Ref name=“200“>H.J. Bestmann, E. Übler, B. Hölldobler, 1997.
First Biosynthetic Studies on Trail Pheromones in Ants
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 36:395-397</ref>
<Ref name=“207“> R. Wirth, W. Beyschlag, R.J. Ryel, B. Hölldobler, 1997.
Annual foraging of the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica in a
semideciduous rain forest in Panama
Journal of Tropical Ecology 13:741-757</ref>
<Ref name=“208“> E. Janssen, B. Hölldobler, F. Kern, H.J. Bestmann, K. Tsuji, 1997.
Trail Pheromone of Myrmicine Ant Pristomyrmex pungens
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 4:1025-1034 </ref>
<Ref name=“211“> C. Liefke, U. Maschwitz, B. Hölldobler, 1997.
Rekrutierungsstrategien als wichtige Nischendimension:
Polyrhachis illaudata und Polyrhachis proxima (Formicidae),
syntope Zwillingsarten aus Westmalaysia
Mitteilg .der Deutsch. Gesellsch. f. allgem. u. angew.
Entomologie, 11:759-762</ref>
<Ref name=“222“> B. Hölldobler, M. Obermayer, G.D. Alpert, 1998.
Chemical trail communication in the amblyoponine species Mystrium rogeri
Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae)
Chemoecology, 8:119-123</ref>
<Ref name=“228“> E. Janssen, B. Hölldobler, H.J. Bestmann, 1999.
A trail pheromone component of the African stink ant, Pachycondyla
(Paltothyreus) tarsata Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae)
Chemoecology 9:9-11</ref>
<Ref name=“243“> E. Kohl, B. Hölldobler, H.-J. Bestmann, 2000.
A trail pheromone component of the ant Mayriella overbecki Viehmeyer
(Formicidae: Myrmicinae)
Naturwissenschaften 87:320-322</ref>
<Ref name=“250“> E. Kohl, B. Hölldobler, H.J. Bestmann, 2001.
Trail and recruitment pheromones in Camponotus socius
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Chemoecology 11:67-73</ref>
<Ref name=“251“> B. Hölldobler, E.D. Morgan, N.J. Oldham, J. Liebig, 2001.
Recruitment pheromone in the harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex
Journal of Insect Physiol. 47:369-374</ref>
<Ref name=“262“> B. Hölldobler, N.J. Oldham, G.D. Alpert, J. Liebig, 2002.
Predatory behavior and chemical communication on two Metapone
species (Hymenoptera:Formicidae)
Chemoecology 12:147-151</ref>
<Ref name=“268“> R. Wirth, H. Herz, R.J. Ryel, W. Beyschlag, B. Hölldobler, 2003.
Herbivory of Leaf-Cutting Ants: A case Study on Atta colombica
in the tropical rainforest of Panama.
Ecological Studies, Vol. 164. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg
New York, pp. 230</ref>
<Ref name=“273“> E. Kohl, B. Hölldobler, H.-J. Bestmann, 2003.
Trail pheromones and Dufour gland contents in three Camponotus species (C.castaneus, C. balzani, C. sericeiventris: Formicidae, Hymenoptera)
Chemoecology 13: 113-122</ref>

* new detected [[exocrine gland]] organs in ants

<Ref name=“61“> B. Hölldobler, H. Engel, 1978.
Tergal and sternal glands in ants
Psyche 85:285-330</ref>
<Ref name=“73“> B. Hölldobler, H. Engel, R.W. Taylor, 1982.
A New Sternal Gland in Ants and its Function in Chemical
Naturwissenschaften 69:90</ref>
<Ref name=“74“> B. Hölldobler, 1982.
The Cloacal Gland, a New Pheromone Gland in Ants
Naturwissenschaften 69:186</ref>
<Ref name=“81“> B. Hölldobler, H. Engel-Siegel, 192.
Tergal and Sternal Glands in Male Ants
Psyche 89:113-132</ref>
<Ref name=“98> B. Hölldobler, H. Engel-Siegel, 19184.
On the Metapleural Gland of Ants
Psyche 91:201-224</ref>
<Ref name=“99“> B. Hölldobler, 1984.
A New Exocrine Gland in the Slave Raiding Ant
Genus Polyergus
Psyche 91:225-235</ref>
<Ref name=“121“> B. Hölldobler, J.M. Palmer, K. Masuko,
W.L. Brown, Jr., 1989.
New exocrine glands in the legionary ants of the genus
Leptanilla (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Leptanillinae)
Zoomorphology 108:255-261</ref>
<Ref name=“124“> B. Hölldobler, J.M. Palmer, 1989.
A new tarsal gland in ants and the possible role in
chemical communication
Naturwissenschaften 76:385-386</ref>
<Ref name=“126“> B. Hölldobler, J.M. Palmer, 1989.
Footprint glands in Amblyopone australis
(Formicidae, Ponerinae)
Psyche 96:111-121</ref>
<Ref name=“143“> B. Hölldobler, M. Obermayer, E.O. Wilson, 1992.
Communication in the primitive cryptobiotic ant
Prionopelta amabilis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
J. Comp. Physiol. 170:9-16</ref>
<Ref name=“159“> B. Hölldobler, C. Peeters, M. Obermayer, 1994.
Exocrine glands and the attractiveness of the ergatoid
queen in the ponerine ant Megaponera foetens
Ins.Soc. 41:63-72</ref>
<Ref name=“197“> B. Hölldobler, M. Obermayer, C. Peeters, 1996.
Comparative study of the metatibial gland in ants
(Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Zoomorphology 116:157-167</ref>
<Ref name=“222“> B. Hölldobler, M. Obermayer, G.D. Alpert, 1998.
Chemical trail communication in the amblyoponine species Mystrium rogeri
Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae)
Chemoecology, 8:119-123</ref>

* ant nests as ecological islands

<Ref name=“14“> . Hölldobler, 1997.
Verhaltensphysiologische Untersuchungen zur
Myrmecophilie einiger Staphylinidenlarven
Zool. Anz. Verhandlg. Zool. Ges. Heidelberg, 428-434</ref>
<Ref name=“15“> B. Hölldobler, 1968.
Der Glanzkäfer als "Wegelagerer" an Ameisenstraßen
Naturwissenschaften 55:397</ref>
<Ref name=“18“> B. Hölldobler, 1969.
Host finding by odor in the Myrmecophilic beetle
Atemels pubicollis Bris. (Staphylinidae).
Science 166:757-758</ref>
<Ref name=“19“> U. Maschwitz, B. Hölldobler, 1970.
Der Kartonnestbau bei Lasius fuliginosus Latr.
(Hym. Formididae)
Z. vergl. Physiol. 66:176-189</ref>
<Ref name=“20“> B. Hölldobler, 1970.
Zur Physiologie der Gast-Wirt-Beziehungen (Myrmecophilie)
bei Ameisen. II. Das Gastverhältnis des imaginalen Atemeles
pubicollis Bris. (Col. Staphylinidae) zu Myrmica und Formica
(Hym. Formicidae).
Z. vergl. Physiol. 66:215-250</ref>
<Ref name=“24“> B. Hölldobler, 1971.
Communication between ants and their guests
Scientific American, 86-93</ref>
<Ref name=“146“> K. Fiedler, B. Hölldobler, 1992.
Ants and Polyommatus icaris immatures
(Lycaenidae)-sex-related developmental benefits and
costs of ant-attendance
Oecologia 91:468-473</ref>
<Ref name=“185“> F. Fiedler, B. Hölldobler, P. Seufert, 1996.
Butterflies and ants: the communicative domain; Experientia,
<Ref name=“191“> D. Schröder, H. Deppisch, M. Obermayer, G. Krohne,
E. Stackebrandt, B. Hölldobler, W. Goebel, R. Gross, 1996.
Intracelular endosymbiotic bacteria of Camponotus
species (carpenter ants): systematics, evolution and
ultrastructural characterization
Molecular Microbiology 21:479-489</ref>
<Ref name=“206“> W. Federle, U. Maschwitz, B. Fiala, M. Riederer, B. Hölldobler, 1997.
Slippery ant-plants and skilful climbers: selection and protection of
specific ant partners by epicuticular wax blooms in
Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae)
Oecologia 112:217-224</ref>
<Ref name=“240“> W. Federle, K. Rohrseitz, B. Hölldobler, 2000.
Attachment forces of ants measured with a centrifuge: Better 'wax-runners' have
a poorer attachment to a smooth surface
The Journal of Experimental Biology 203:505-512</ref>
<Ref name=“242“> C. Markstädter, W. Federle, R. Jetter, M. Riederer, B. Hölldobler, 2000.
Chemical composition of the slippery epicuticular wax blooms on
Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) ant-plants
Chemoecology 10:033-040</ref>
<Ref name=“245“> C. Sauer, B. Hölldobler, R. Gross, 2000.
Bakterielle Endosymbiosen in Insekten
Biospektrum 6:359-363</ref>
<Ref name=“253“> W. Federle, E.L. Brainerd, T.A. McMahon, B. Hölldobler, 2001.
Biomechanics of the movable pretarsal adhesive organ in ants and bees.
PNAS 98:6215-6220</ref>
<Ref name=“266“> C. Sauer, D. Dudaczek, B. Hölldobler, R. Gross, 2002.
Tissue Localization of the Endosymbiotic Bacterium "Candidatus
Blochmannia floridanus" in Adults and Larvae of the Carpenter
Ant Camponotus floridanus
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68:4187-4193</ref>
<Ref name=“272“> R. Gil, F. J. Silva, E. Zientz, F. Delmotte, F. González-Candelas,
A. Latorre, C. Rausell, J. Kamerbeek, J. Gadau, B. Hölldobler,
R. C. H. J. van Ham, R. Gross and A. Moya, 2003.
The genome sequence of Blochmannia floridanus: Comparative
analysis of reduced genomes.
PNAS 100: 9388-9393</ref>
<Ref name=“280“> Florian Wolschin, Bert Hölldobler, Roy Gross, Evelyn Zientz, 2004.
Replication of the Endosymbiotic Bacterium Blochmannia floridanus Is Correlated with the Developmental and Repoductive Stages of Its Ant Host
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70, No. 7: 4096-4102</ref>

* the evolution of anmimal communities multilevel selection theory ([[group selection]]).

==Videos and interviews==
==Videos and interviews==

Revision as of 10:06, 29 August 2013

Bert Hölldoblbler
File:Bert Hölldobler-2013.jpg
Bert Hölldobler
Born (1936-06-25) June 25, 1936 (age 88)
Known forAnts
AwardsPulitzer Prize Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Preis
Scientific career
InstitutionsArizona State University

Bert Hölldobler (born 25 June 1936) is a German behavioral biologist and Sociobiologist whose primary study subjects are social insects and in particular ants. He is a co-winner of the Pulitzer Prize for his work on The Ants (1991) with Edward O. Wilson. In 1990, he received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, which is the highest honour awarded in German research. He also collaborated with Wilson to write Journey to the Ants (1994). In 2008 he and Wilson co-authored their third book about superorganisms. He holds positions at the University of Würzburg and at Arizona State University, at the latter of which he is a Foundation Professor in the School of Life Sciences.

Research fields

Hölldobler is an international scheintist of excellence His experimental and theoretical contributions cover Sociobiology, behavioral ecology, chemical ecology. His comprehenseive work on social insects, mainly on ants delivered many new insights in

  • maiting strategies,

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Ref name=”81”>B. Hölldobler, H. Engel-Siegel, 1982. Tergal and Sternal Glands in Male Ants Psyche 89:113-132</ref> [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Weibchen anderer Arten sind dagegen strikt. [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]

  • the regulation of reproduction,

A) in primitive, hierarchical insect organisations

[39] [40] < Ref name=“142“> F.N.S. Medeiros, L.E. Lopes, R.S. Moutinho, P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1992. Functional polygyny, agonistic interactions and reproductive dominance in the neotropical ant Odontomachus chelifer (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Ponerinae)</ref> [21] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [32] [33] [50] [51] [52] [53] [36] [54]

B) in superorganisms

[55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [16] [17] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72]

B) Territoriality

Science headline article 1980[17]

  • the population structures of superorganisms,

[62] [17] [73] [74] [37] [75] [76]

[77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [13] [82] [83] [84] [14] [63] [64] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [59] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119]

[120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [112]

  • ant nests as ecological islands

untersucht. [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141] [142] [143] [144] [145] [146] [147] [148]

  • the evolution of anmimal communities multilevel selection theory (group selection).

Videos and interviews

In addition to his published scientific papers and books, Hölldobler's work was the subject of the documentary film "Ants - Nature's Secret Power" the winner of the 2005 Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festivals Special Jury Prize. His 2007 interview on the Ask A Biologist podcast program details his early life growing up in Germany as well as his interest in ants and writing.


  • Bert Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson: "The Ants, Harvard University Press, 1990, ISBN 0-674-04075-9
  • Bert Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson: "Journey to the Ants: A Story of Scientific Exploration, 1994, ISBN 0-674-48525-4
  • Bert Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson: "The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies", W.W. Norton, 2008. ISBN 978-0-393-06704-0
  • Bert Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson: "The Leafcutter Ants: Civilization by Instinct", W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2011, ISBN 978-0-393-33868-3


  1. ^ B. Hölldobler, U. Maschwitz, 1965. Der Hochzeitsschwarm der Rossameise Camponotus herculeanus L. (Hym. Formicidae). Z. Vergl. Physiol. 50:551-568
  2. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1971. Sex pheromone in the ant Xenomyrmex floridanus J. Insect. Physiol. 17:1497-1499
  3. ^ B. Hölldobler, M. Wüst, 1973. Ein Sexualpheromon bei der Pharaoameise Monomorium pharaonis (L.) Z. Tierpsychol. 32:1-9
  4. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1976. The behavioral ecology of mating in harvester ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Pogonomyrmex) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 1:405-423
  5. ^ B. Hölldobler, C.P. Haskins, 1977. Sexual calling behavior in primitive ants Science 195:793-794
  6. ^ H. Markl, B. Hölldobler, T. Hölldobler, 1977. Mating behavior and sound production in harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex, Formicidae) Insectes Sociaux 24:191-212
  7. ^ B. Hölldobler, S. Bartz, 1985. Sociobiology of Reproduction in ants. Experimental Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology B. Hölldobler and M. Lindauer (eds.), Fortschritte der Zool. 31:237-257
  8. ^ N.R. Franks, B. Hölldobler, 1987. Sexual competition during colony reproduction in army ants Biol. J. Linnean Soc. 30:229-243
  9. ^ J. Heinze, S. Kühnholz, K. Schilder, B. Hölldobler, 1993. Behavior of ergatoid males in the ant, Cardiocondyla nuda Ins. Soc. 40:273-282
  10. ^ J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1993. Fighting for a harem of queens: Physiology of reproduction in Cardiocondyla male ants Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 90:8412-8414
  11. ^ J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, K. Yamauchi, 1998. Male competition in Cardiocondyla ants Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 42:239-246
  12. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1962. Zur Frage der Oligogynie bei Camponotus ligniperda LATR.und Camponotus herculeanus L. (Hym. Formicidae). Z. ang. Entomologie 49:337.352
  13. ^ a b B. Hölldobler, 1974. Home range orientation and territoriality in harvesting ants Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 71:3274-3277
  14. ^ a b B. Hölldobler, 1976. Recruitment behavior, home range orientation and territoriality in harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 1:3-44
  15. ^ B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977. The number of queens: an important trait in ant evolution Naturwissenschaften 64:8-15
  16. ^ a b B. Hölldobler, C.D. Michener, 1980. Mechanisms of Identification and Discrimination in Social Hymenoptera Evolution of Social Behavior: Hypotheses and Empirical Tests, ed. H. Markl, Dahlem Konferenzen, 35-38
  17. ^ a b c d B. Hölldobler, C. Lumsden, 1980. Territorial Strategies in Ants Science 210:732-739 Cite error: The named reference "“68“" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  18. ^ B. Hölldobler, N. Carlin, 1985. Colony founding, queen dominance and oligogyny in the Austrian meat ant Iridomyrmex purpureus Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 18:45-58
  19. ^ K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, 1992. Pleometrosis in Lasius niger In: J. Billen (Ed.) Biology and Evolution of Social Insects. Leuven University Press, 47-50
  20. ^ J. Heinze, N. Lipski, B. Hölldobler, 1992. Reproductive competition in colonies of the ant Leptothorax gredleri Ethology 90:265-278
  21. ^ a b K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, 1992. Coexistence and dominance among queens and mated workers in the ant Pachycondyla tridentata Naturwissenschaften 19:470-472 Cite error: The named reference "“144“" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  22. ^ J. Heinze, J. Gadau, B. Hölldobler, 1994. Genetic Variability in the Ant Camponotus floridanus Detected by Multilocus DNA Fingerprinting Naturwissenschaften 81:34-36
  23. ^ K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, 1995. Colony founding by queen association and determinants of reduction in queen number in the ant Lasius niger Animal Behaviour 50:287-294
  24. ^ J. Heinze, N. Lipski, K. Schlehmeyer, B. Hölldobler, 1995. Colony structure and reproduction in the ant, Leptothorax acervorum Behav. Ecology 6:359-367
  25. ^ J. Heinze, S. Foitzik, A. Hippert, B. Hölldobler, 1996. Apparent Dear-enemy Phenomenon and Environment- based Recognition Cues in the Ant Leptothorax nylanderi Ethology 102:510-522
  26. ^ J. Gadau, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, M. Schmid, 1996. Population and colony structure of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus Molecular Ecology 5:785-792
  27. ^ J. Heinze, C. Elsishans, B. Hölldobler, 1997. No Evidence for Kin Assortment during Colony Propagation in a Polygynous Ant. Naturwissenschaften 84:249-250
  28. ^ J. Heinze, W. Puchinger, B. Hölldobler, 1997. Worker reproduction and social hierarchies in Leptothorax ants Anim. Behav. 54:849-864
  29. ^ J. Gadau, P.J. Gertsch, J. Heinze, P. Pamilo, B. Hölldobler, 1998. Oligogyny by unrelated queens in the carpenter ant, Camponotus ligniperdus Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 44:23-33
  30. ^ K. Schilder, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler Colony structure and reproduction in the thelytokous parthenogenetic ant Platythyrea punctata (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Insectes Sociaux 46:150-158
  31. ^ J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, G. Alpert, 1999 Reproductive Conflict and Division of Labor in Eutetramorium mocquerysi, a Myrmicine Ant Without Morphologically Distinct Female Reproductives Ethology 105:701-717
  32. ^ a b K. Tsuji, K. Egashira, B. Hölldobler, 1999. Regulation of worker reproduction by direct physical contact in the ant Diacamma sp. from Japan Animal Behaviour 58:337-343
  33. ^ a b J. Liebig, C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler Worker policing limits the number of reproductives in a ponerine ant Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 266:1865-1870
  34. ^ J. Heinze, B. Trunzer, B. Hölldobler, J.H.C. Delabie, 2001. Reproductive skew and queen relatedness in an ant with primary polygyny Insectes Sociaux 48:149-153
  35. ^ O. Rüppell, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 2002. Sex ratio variation in a facultatively polygynous ant with size- dimorphic queens Ethology Ecology & Evolution 14:53-67
  36. ^ a b K. Kolmer, B. Hölldobler, J. Heinze, 2002. Colony and population structure in Pachycondyla cf. inversa, a ponerine ant with primary polygyny. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 14:157-164
  37. ^ a b J. Gadau, C.P. Strehl, J. Oettler, B. Hölldobler, 2003. Determinants of intracolonial relatedness in Pogonomyrmex rugosus (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) – mating frequency and brood raids, Molecular Ecology 12: 1931-1938
  38. ^ Frank E. Rheindt, Jürgen Gadau, Christoph-Peter Strehl, Bert Hölldobler, 2004. Extremely high mating frequency in the Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 56: 472-481
  39. ^ P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1990. Dominance orders in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla apicalis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Behav Ecol Sociobiol 27:385-393
  40. ^ P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1991. Agonistic interactions and reproductive dominance in Pachycondyla obscuricornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Psyche 98:215-225
  41. ^ C. Peeters, J. Billen, B. Hölldobler, 1992. Alternative Dominance Mechanisms Regulating Monogyny in the Queenless Ant Genus Diacamma Naturwissenschaften 79:572-573
  42. ^ C. Peeters, J. Billen, B. Hölldobler Alternative Dominance Mechanisms Regulating Monogyny in the Queenless Ant Genus Diacamma Naturwissenschaften 79:572-573
  43. ^ J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1995. Thelytokous Parthenogenesis and Dominance Hierarchies in the Ponerine Ant, Platythyrea punctata Naturwissenschaften 82:40-41
  44. ^ K. Sommer, B. Hölldobler, K. Jessen, 1994. The Unusual Social Organization of the Ant Pachycondyla tridentata (Formicidae, Ponerinae) J. Ethol. 12:175-185
  45. ^ C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler, 1995. Reproductive cooperation between queens and their mated workers: The complex life history of an ant with a valuable nest Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92:10977-10979
  46. ^ O. Düssmann, C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler, 1996. Morphology and reproductive behavior of intercastes in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla obscuricornis Ins. Soc. 43:421-425
  47. ^ P.S.Oliveira, M. Obermayer, B. Hölldobler, 1998. Division of Labor in the Neotropical ant Pachycondyla stigma (Ponerinae), with Special Reference to Mutual Antennal Rubbing between Nestmates (Hymenoptera) Sociobiology 31:9-24
  48. ^ B. Trunzer, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1998. Cooperative colony founding and experimental primary polygyny in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla villosa Insectes Sociaux, 45:267-276
  49. ^ K. Tsuji, C. Peeters, B. Hölldobler, 1998. Experimental Investigation of the Mechanism of Reproductive Differentiation in the Queenless Ant, Diacamma sp., from Japan Ethology, 104:633-643
  50. ^ B. Trunzer, J. Heinze, B. Hölldobler, 1999. Social Status and Reproductive Success in Queenless Ant Colonies Behaviour 136:1093-1105
  51. ^ J. Liebig, C. Peeters, N.J. Oldham, C. Markstädter, B. Hölldobler, 2000. Are variations in cuticular hydrocarbons of queens and workers a reliable signal of fertility in the ant Harpegnathos saltator? PNAS 97:4124-4131
  52. ^ J. Tenschert, K. Kolmer, B. Hölldobler, H.-J. Bestmann, J.H.C. Delabie, J. Heinze, 2001. Chemical profiles, division of labor and social status in Pachycondyla queens (Hymenoptera:Formicidae). Naturwissenschaften 88:175-178
  53. ^ V. Dietemann, B. Hölldobler, C. Peeters, 2002. Caste specialization and differentiation in reproductive potential in the phylogenetically primitive ant Myrmecia gulosa Insectes Sociaux 49:289-298
  54. ^ V. Dietemann, C. Peeters, J. Liebig, V. Thivet, B. Hölldobler, 2003. Cuticular hydrocarbons mediate discrimination of reproductives and nonreproductives in the ant Myrmecia gulosa PNAS 100: 10341-10346
  55. ^ B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1983. Queen Control in Colonies of Weaver Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Ann. of the Ent. Soc. of America 76:235-238
  56. ^ N.F. Carlin, B. Hölldobler, 1984. Nestmate and Kin Recognition in Interspecific Mixed Colonies of Ants Science 222:1027-1029
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  61. ^ N.F. Carlin, B. Hölldobler, 1988. Influence of Virgin Queens on Kin Recognition in the Carpenter Ant Camponotus Floridanus (Hymenopera: Formicidae)
    • Superorganisms
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  62. ^ a b B. Hölldobler, 1976. Tournaments and slavery in a desert ant Science 192:912-914
  63. ^ a b B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977. Weaver ants: social establishment and maintenance of territory Science 195:900-902
  64. ^ a b B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1977. Colony-specific territorial pheromone in the African weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (LATREILLE) Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 74:2072-2075 Cite error: The named reference "“52“" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  65. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1979. Territoriality in ants Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 123:211-218
  66. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1979. Territories of the African weaver ant (Oecophylla longinoda LATREILLE) Z. Tierpsychol. 51:201-213
  67. ^ B. Hölldobler, M. Möglich, 1980. The Foraging System of Pheidole militicida (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Insectes Sociaux 27:237-264
  68. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1981. Foraging and Spatiotemporal Territories in the Honey Ant Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 9:301-314
  69. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1982. Interference Strategy of Iridomyrmex pruinosum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) During Foraging Oecologia (Berl.) 52:208-213
  70. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1983. Territorial behavior in the green tree ant Oecophylla smaragdina Biotropica 15:241-250
  71. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1986. Konkurrenzverhalten und Territorialität in Ameisen- pupulationen In Information Processing in Animals 3:25-70
  72. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1988. Communication and Competition in Ant Communities Evolution and Coadaptation in Biotic Communities University of Tokyo Press, 95-124
  73. ^ S.H. Bartz, B. Hölldobler, 1982. Colony Founding in Myrmecocystus mimicus Wheeler (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and the evolution of foundress associations Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 10:137-147
  74. ^ C. Lumsden, B. Hölldobler, 1983. Ritualized Combat and Intercolony Communication in Ants J. Theoret. Biol. 100:81-98
  75. ^ D.J.C. Kronauer, J. Gadau, B. Hölldobler, 2003. Genetic evidence for intra- and interspecific slavery in honey ants (genus Myrmecocystus). Proceedings of the Royal Society 270:805-810
  76. ^ D.J.C. Kronauer, B. Hölldobler, and J. Gadau, 2004. Phylogenetics of the new world honey ants (genus Myrmecocystus) estimated from mitochondrial DNA sequences Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 32: 416-421
  77. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1971. Homing in the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex badius Science 171:1149-1151
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  79. ^ F.E. Regnier, M. Nieh, B. Hölldobler, 1973. The volatile Dufour's gland components of the harvester ants Pogonomyrmex rugosus and P. barbatus J. Insect Physiol. 19:981-992
  80. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1973 Chemische Strategie beim Nahrungserwerb der Diebsameise (Solenopsis fugax LATR.) und der Pharaoameisen (Monomorium pharaonis L.) Oecologia (Berl.) 11:371-380
  81. ^ B. Hölldobler, M. Möglich, U. Maschwitz, 1974. Communication by tandem running in the ant Camponotus sericeus J. Comp. Physiol. 90:105-127
  82. ^ M. Möglich, U. Maschwitz, B. Hölldobler, 1974. Tandem calling: a new kind of signal in ant communication Science 186:1046-1047
  83. ^ U. Maschwitz, B. Hölldobler, M. Möglich, 1974. Tandemlaufen als Rekrutierungsverhalten bei Bothroponera tesserinoda FOREL (Formicidae: Ponerinae) Z. Tierpsychol. 35:113-123
  84. ^ M. Möglich, B. Hölldobler, 1975. Communication and orientation during foraging and emigration in the ant Formica fusca J. Comp. Physiol. 101:275-288
  85. ^ B. Hölldobler, E.O. Wilson, 1978. The multiple recruitment systems of the African weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda (LATREILLE) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 3:19-60
  86. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1978. Ethological aspects of chemical communication in ants Advances in the study of behavior 8:75-115
  87. ^ B. Hölldobler, R.C. Stanton, H. Markl, 1978. Recruitment and food-retrieving behavior in Novomessor Formicidae, Hymenoptera). I. Chemical Signals Behav. Ecol. and Sociobiol. 4:163-181
  88. ^ H. Markl, B. Hölldobler, 1978. Recruitment and food-retrieving behavior in Novomessor (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). II. Vibration Signals Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 4:183-216
  89. ^ M.S. Blum, T.H. Jones, B. Hölldobler, H.M. Fales, T. Jaouni, 1980. Alkaloidal venom mace: offensive use by a thief ant Naturwissenschaften 67:144
  90. ^ B. Hölldobler, J. Traniello, 1980. The Pygidial Gland and Chemical Recruitment Communication in Pachycondyla (=Termitopone) leavigata Journal of Chemical Ecology 6:883-893
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  92. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1982. Communication, Raiding Behavior and Prey Storage in Cerapachys (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Psyche 89:3-23
  93. ^ J.F.A. Traniello, B. Hölldobler, 1984. Chemical Communication during tandem running in Pachycondyla obscuriocornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) J. of. Chem. Ecol. 10:783-794
  94. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1984. Communication during foraging and nest-relocation in the African stink ant, Paltothyreus tarsatus Fabr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae) Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 65:40-52
  95. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1984. Evolution of insect communication Insect Communication, the Royal Entomological Society of London, 349-377
  96. ^ T. Bellas, B. Hölldobler, 1985. Constituents of mandibular and Dufour's glands of an Australian Polyrhachis weaver ant J. Chemical Ecology 11:525-538
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  98. ^ P.S. Oliveira, B. Hölldobler, 1989. Orientation and communication in the Neotropical ant Odontomachus bauri Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicida, Ponerinae) Ethology 83:154-166
  99. ^ E.D. Morgan, B. Hölldobler, T. Vaisar, B.D. Jackson, 1992. Contents of poison apparatus and their relation to trail-following in the ant Daceton armigerum J. of Chemical Ecology 18:2161-2168
  100. ^ F. Roces, J. Tautz, B. Hölldobler, 1993. Stridulation in Leaf-Cutting Ants Naturwissenschaften 80:521-524
  101. ^ F. Roces, B. Hölldobler, Leaf density and a trade-off between load-size selection and recruitment behavior in the ant Atta cephalotes Oecologia 97:1-8
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  103. ^ H.J. Bestmann, U. Haak, F. Kern, B. Hölldobler, 1995. 2,4-Dimethyl-5-hexanolide, a trail pheromone component of the carpenter ant Camponotus herculeanus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Naturwissenschaften 82:142-144
  104. ^ H.J. Bestmann, E. Hanssen, F. Kern, B. Liepold, B. Hölldobler, 1995. All-trans Geranylgeranyl Acetate and Geranylgeraniol, Recruitment pheromone Components in the Dufour gland of the Ponerine Ant Ectatomma ruidum Naturwissenschaften 82:334-336
  105. ^ B. Hölldobler, N.J. Oldham, E.D. Morgan, W.A. König, 1995. Recruitment Pheromones in the Ants Aphaenogaster albisetosus and A. cockerelli (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) J. Insect Physiol 41:739-744
  106. ^ B. Hölldobler, E. Janssen, H.J. Bestmann, I.R. Leal, P.S. Oliveira, F. Kern, W.A. König, 1996. Communication in the migratory termite-hunting ant Pachycondyla (=Termitopone) marginata (Formicidae, Ponerinae) J. Comp. Physiol. A 178:47-53
  107. ^ F. Roces, B. Hölldobler, 1996. Use of stridulation in foraging leaf-cutting ants: mechanical support during cutting or short-range recruitment signal? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 39:93-299
  108. ^ H.J. Bestmann, E. Übler, B. Hölldobler, 1997. First Biosynthetic Studies on Trail Pheromones in Ants Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 36:395-397
  109. ^ R. Wirth, W. Beyschlag, R.J. Ryel, B. Hölldobler, 1997. Annual foraging of the leaf-cutting ant Atta colombica in a semideciduous rain forest in Panama Journal of Tropical Ecology 13:741-757
  110. ^ E. Janssen, B. Hölldobler, F. Kern, H.J. Bestmann, K. Tsuji, 1997. Trail Pheromone of Myrmicine Ant Pristomyrmex pungens Journal of Chemical Ecology, 4:1025-1034
  111. ^ C. Liefke, U. Maschwitz, B. Hölldobler, 1997. Rekrutierungsstrategien als wichtige Nischendimension: Polyrhachis illaudata und Polyrhachis proxima (Formicidae), syntope Zwillingsarten aus Westmalaysia Mitteilg .der Deutsch. Gesellsch. f. allgem. u. angew. Entomologie, 11:759-762
  112. ^ a b B. Hölldobler, M. Obermayer, G.D. Alpert, 1998. Chemical trail communication in the amblyoponine species Mystrium rogeri Forel (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Ponerinae) Chemoecology, 8:119-123
  113. ^ E. Janssen, B. Hölldobler, H.J. Bestmann, 1999. A trail pheromone component of the African stink ant, Pachycondyla (Paltothyreus) tarsata Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) Chemoecology 9:9-11
  114. ^ E. Kohl, B. Hölldobler, H.-J. Bestmann, 2000. A trail pheromone component of the ant Mayriella overbecki Viehmeyer (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) Naturwissenschaften 87:320-322
  115. ^ E. Kohl, B. Hölldobler, H.J. Bestmann, 2001. Trail and recruitment pheromones in Camponotus socius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Chemoecology 11:67-73
  116. ^ B. Hölldobler, E.D. Morgan, N.J. Oldham, J. Liebig, 2001. Recruitment pheromone in the harvester ant genus Pogonomyrmex Journal of Insect Physiol. 47:369-374
  117. ^ B. Hölldobler, N.J. Oldham, G.D. Alpert, J. Liebig, 2002. Predatory behavior and chemical communication on two Metapone species (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) Chemoecology 12:147-151
  118. ^ R. Wirth, H. Herz, R.J. Ryel, W. Beyschlag, B. Hölldobler, 2003. Herbivory of Leaf-Cutting Ants: A case Study on Atta colombica in the tropical rainforest of Panama. Ecological Studies, Vol. 164. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 230
  119. ^ E. Kohl, B. Hölldobler, H.-J. Bestmann, 2003. Trail pheromones and Dufour gland contents in three Camponotus species (C.castaneus, C. balzani, C. sericeiventris: Formicidae, Hymenoptera) Chemoecology 13: 113-122
  120. ^ B. Hölldobler, H. Engel, 1978. Tergal and sternal glands in ants Psyche 85:285-330
  121. ^ B. Hölldobler, H. Engel, R.W. Taylor, 1982. A New Sternal Gland in Ants and its Function in Chemical Communication Naturwissenschaften 69:90
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  125. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1984. A New Exocrine Gland in the Slave Raiding Ant Genus Polyergus Psyche 91:225-235
  126. ^ B. Hölldobler, J.M. Palmer, K. Masuko, W.L. Brown, Jr., 1989. New exocrine glands in the legionary ants of the genus Leptanilla (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Leptanillinae) Zoomorphology 108:255-261
  127. ^ B. Hölldobler, J.M. Palmer, 1989. A new tarsal gland in ants and the possible role in chemical communication Naturwissenschaften 76:385-386
  128. ^ B. Hölldobler, J.M. Palmer, 1989. Footprint glands in Amblyopone australis (Formicidae, Ponerinae) Psyche 96:111-121
  129. ^ B. Hölldobler, M. Obermayer, E.O. Wilson, 1992. Communication in the primitive cryptobiotic ant Prionopelta amabilis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) J. Comp. Physiol. 170:9-16
  130. ^ B. Hölldobler, C. Peeters, M. Obermayer, 1994. Exocrine glands and the attractiveness of the ergatoid queen in the ponerine ant Megaponera foetens Ins.Soc. 41:63-72
  131. ^ B. Hölldobler, M. Obermayer, C. Peeters, 1996. Comparative study of the metatibial gland in ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) Zoomorphology 116:157-167
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  137. ^ B. Hölldobler, 1971. Communication between ants and their guests Scientific American, 86-93
  138. ^ K. Fiedler, B. Hölldobler, 1992. Ants and Polyommatus icaris immatures (Lycaenidae)-sex-related developmental benefits and costs of ant-attendance Oecologia 91:468-473
  139. ^ F. Fiedler, B. Hölldobler, P. Seufert, 1996. Butterflies and ants: the communicative domain; Experientia, 52:14-24
  140. ^ D. Schröder, H. Deppisch, M. Obermayer, G. Krohne, E. Stackebrandt, B. Hölldobler, W. Goebel, R. Gross, 1996. Intracelular endosymbiotic bacteria of Camponotus species (carpenter ants): systematics, evolution and ultrastructural characterization Molecular Microbiology 21:479-489
  141. ^ W. Federle, U. Maschwitz, B. Fiala, M. Riederer, B. Hölldobler, 1997. Slippery ant-plants and skilful climbers: selection and protection of specific ant partners by epicuticular wax blooms in Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) Oecologia 112:217-224
  142. ^ W. Federle, K. Rohrseitz, B. Hölldobler, 2000. Attachment forces of ants measured with a centrifuge: Better 'wax-runners' have a poorer attachment to a smooth surface The Journal of Experimental Biology 203:505-512
  143. ^ C. Markstädter, W. Federle, R. Jetter, M. Riederer, B. Hölldobler, 2000. Chemical composition of the slippery epicuticular wax blooms on Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) ant-plants Chemoecology 10:033-040
  144. ^ C. Sauer, B. Hölldobler, R. Gross, 2000. Bakterielle Endosymbiosen in Insekten Biospektrum 6:359-363
  145. ^ W. Federle, E.L. Brainerd, T.A. McMahon, B. Hölldobler, 2001. Biomechanics of the movable pretarsal adhesive organ in ants and bees. PNAS 98:6215-6220
  146. ^ C. Sauer, D. Dudaczek, B. Hölldobler, R. Gross, 2002. Tissue Localization of the Endosymbiotic Bacterium "Candidatus Blochmannia floridanus" in Adults and Larvae of the Carpenter Ant Camponotus floridanus Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68:4187-4193
  147. ^ R. Gil, F. J. Silva, E. Zientz, F. Delmotte, F. González-Candelas, A. Latorre, C. Rausell, J. Kamerbeek, J. Gadau, B. Hölldobler, R. C. H. J. van Ham, R. Gross and A. Moya, 2003. The genome sequence of Blochmannia floridanus: Comparative analysis of reduced genomes. PNAS 100: 9388-9393
  148. ^ Florian Wolschin, Bert Hölldobler, Roy Gross, Evelyn Zientz, 2004. Replication of the Endosymbiotic Bacterium Blochmannia floridanus Is Correlated with the Developmental and Repoductive Stages of Its Ant Host Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70, No. 7: 4096-4102