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[[File:Khans Dulo of Bulgaria.jpg|right|thumb|200px|A symbol associated with the Dulo clan.]]
[[File:Khans Dulo of Bulgaria.jpg|right|thumb|200px|A symbol associated with the Dulo clan.]]

The '''Dulo clan''' was the ruling dynasty of the [[Bulgars]]. The origins of the Bulgars and Dulo clan are not known precisely, there are many theories about their origin.<ref name="Fine">{{cite book |author=John Van Antwerp Fine |author-link=John Van Antwerp Fine, Jr. |title=The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century ||url=https://books.google.hr/books?id=Y0NBxG9Id58C |publisher=University of Michigan Press |year=1991 |pages=66, 300 |isbn=9780472081493}}</ref> It is generally considered that the origin of the Dulo clan and Bulgars, or at least of the elite caste,{{sfn|Pohl|1998}} is intimately related to the origin and activity of the [[Huns]] and [[Western Turkic Khaganate|Western Turks]].<ref>{{cite book |last=Golden |first=Peter B. |author-link=Peter Benjamin Golden |date=2011 |title=Studies on the Peoples and Cultures of the Eurasian Steppes |url=http://www.academia.edu/9609971/Studies_on_the_Peoples_and_Cultures_of_the_Eurasian_Steppes |publisher=Editura Academiei Române; Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei |pages=143–144 |isbn=9789732721520}}</ref>
The '''Dulo clan''' or '''the House of Dulo''' was the ruling dynasty of the [[Bulgars]] (or Huno-Bulgars<ref>"The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe", (2013), Hyun Jin Kim, page 256: " Thus in our sources the names Kutrigur, Bulgar and Hun are used interchangeably and refer in all probability not to separate groups but one group.", https://books.google.hr/books?id=jCpncXFzoFgC&q=utigurs#v=snippet&q=utigurs&f=false</ref><ref>Cafer Saatchi , Early Mediaeval identity of the Bulgarians, page 3 : " The early Byzantine texts use the names of Huns, Bulgarians, Kutrigurs and Utrigurs as interchangeable terms. There the Bulgarians are represented as identical, they are a part of Huns or at least have something common with them. The khans Avtiochol and Irnik, listed in the Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans today are identified with Attila and Ernach.", http://www.academia.edu/10894065/Early_Mediaeval_identity_of_the_Bulgarians</ref><ref> "SOME REMARKS ON THE CHINESE "BULGAR"", 2004, SANPING CHEN: " In fact contemporary European sources kept equating the Bulgars with the Huns. At the very least, the Hun-Bulgar connection was much more tangible than the Hun-Xiongnu identification. " http://www.bulgari-istoria-2010.com/booksBG/Sanping_Chen_SOME_REMARKS_ON_THE_CHINESE_BULGARIAN.pdf</ref><ref>"A history of the First Bulgarian Empire", "Book I THE CHILDREN OF THE HUNS " Steven Runciman, стр. 5, " On Attila’s death, his empire crumbled. His people, who had probably been only a conglomeration of kindred tribes that he had welded together, divided again into these tribes; and each went its own way. One of these tribes was soon to be known as the Bulgars." http://www.promacedonia.org/en/sr/sr_1_1.htm</ref><ref> Justinian and Theodora, Robert Browning, page 160 : "The Huns of Attila, and their descendants the Bulgars, the Kutrigurs and the Utigurs, were pastoral peoples of the steppe and semi-desert lands of central Asia, who had been driven westwards in search of new pastures by a combination of factors. The progressive desiccation of their ancient home, and in particular of the Tarim Basin, reduced the grazing land available. ", https://books.google.bg/books?id=gOIMSWMtow0C&pg=PA158&dq=utigurs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAzgKahUKEwiRrunKvo7HAhWrF9sKHSH-A6o#v=onepage&q=utigurs&f=false</ref><ref>"The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe", Hyun Jin Kim, page 256: " Thus in our sources the names Kutrigur, Bulgar and Hun are used interchangeably and refer in all probability not to separate groups but one group.", page 254 : " That the Utigurs and Kutrigurs formed the two main wings of the same steppe confederacy is proved by the foundation legend told by Procopius regarding the ethnogenesis of the two tribal groupings. He states that before the formation of both entities power in the steppe was concentrated in the hands of a single ruler ( presumably he is referring here to Ernak, son of Attila ), who then divided the power/empire between his two sons called Utigur and Kutrigur " page 141: "Utigurs, Kutrigurs and Onogurs were in all likelihood identical with the Bulgars"
https://books.google.hr/books?id=jCpncXFzoFgC&q=utigurs#v=snippet&q=utigurs&f=false</ref><ref>"Byzantium: The Imperial Centuries", Romilly James Heald Jenkins, page 45 : " The Bulgarians seem to have been in origin Huns, who may well have formed part, and survived as a rump, of the hordes of Attila in the fifth century. ... the so called Onogur Bulgarians are found in large numbers somewhere between the Kuban and the Volga rivers..." https://books.google.hr/books?id=O5JqH_NXQBsC&pg=PA45&dq=onogur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDAQ6AEwBDgoahUKEwistou42ZPJAhWGWiwKHUbUDxI#v=onepage&q=onogur&f=false</ref><ref>"The Empire of the Steppes", René Grousset, page 79: " Other Hun clans survived north of the Black Sea in two hordes : the Kutrigur Huns, who led a nomadic life northwest of the of Azov and the Utigur or Utrigur Huns, whose haunts were by the mouth of the Don." https://books.google.hr/books?id=CHzGvqRbV_IC&pg=PA79&dq=kutrigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CD8Q6AEwBmoVChMIvfOPuuqTyQIVxQcsCh1bWwlR#v=onepage&q=kutrigur&f=false</ref><ref>"A history of the Balkans", Plamen S. T︠S︡vetkov, page 71: " According to Omeljan Pritsak, by 550 the Bulgarian state split into two realms : the Kutrigur realm on the west of the Azov Sea and the Utigur one to the East. ... Soon after that the Kutrigur kan Zavergan (550-560) made peace with Sandilkh and undertook in 558 a large scale attack on the East-Roman Empire. " https://books.google.hr/books?id=VR5pAAAAMAAJ&q=kutrigur&dq=kutrigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDwQ6AEwBTgUahUKEwi_m8Cm9JPJAhUEwxQKHZq8Ccs</ref><ref>Justinian and Theodora, Robert Browning, page 160 : "The Huns of Attila, and their descendants the Bulgars, the Kutrigurs and the Utigurs, were pastoral peoples of the steppe and semi-desert lands of central Asia, who had been driven westwards in search of new pastures by a combination of factors. The progressive desiccation of their ancient home, and in particular of the Tarim Basin, reduced the grazing land available. ", https://books.google.bg/books?id=gOIMSWMtow0C&pg=PA158&dq=utigurs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCwQ6AEwAzgKahUKEwiRrunKvo7HAhWrF9sKHSH-A6o#v=onepage&q=utigurs&f=false</ref><ref>Maenchen-Helfen, The World of the Huns, page 378 : " In one instance we are explicitly told that the Kutrigur and Utigur, called Huns by Procopius, Agathias, and Menander, were of the same stock, dressed in the same way, and had the same language. ", http://www.kroraina.com/huns/mh/mh_1.html</ref><ref>"A history of the First Bulgarian Empire", "Book I THE CHILDREN OF THE HUNS " Steven Runciman, page . 5, " On Attila’s death, his empire crumbled. His people, who had probably been only a conglomeration of kindred tribes that he had welded together, divided again into these tribes; and each went its own way. One of these tribes was soon to be known as the Bulgars." http://www.promacedonia.org/en/sr/sr_1_1.htm</ref><ref>"Great Walls and Linear Barriers", Peter Spring, " In 460 the Huns split into the Onogurs, Utigurs and Kotrigurs.", стр. 199 https://books.google.hr/books?id=OfmxBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA199&dq=utigurs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCEQ6AEwATgoahUKEwia2MPL75zHAhVEhywKHcRYDHg#v=onepage&q=utigurs&f=false</ref><ref> Encyclopedia of the Byzantine Empire, Jennifer Lawler, " Utigurs - Hunnic tribe that lived on the east steppes of Don, related to the Bulgars", page. 296 https://books.google.hr/books?id=sEWeCQAAQBAJ&pg=PA296&dq=utigurs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAjgUahUKEwi427LD25zHAhVEECwKHc3wDFQ#v=onepage&q=utigurs&f=false</ref><ref> "History of the Later Roman Empire", J.B. Bury: " The Kotrigurs, who were a branch of the Hunnic race, occupied the steppes of South Russia, from the Don to the Dniester, and were probably closely allied to the Bulgarians or Onogundurs — the descendants of Attila's Huns — who had their homes in Bessarabia and Walachia. They were a formidable people and Justinian had long ago taken precautions to keep them in check, in case they should threaten to attack the Empire, though it was probably for the Roman cities of the Crimea, Cherson and Bosporus, that he feared, rather than for the Danubian provinces. As his policy on the Danube was to use the Lombards as a check on the Gepids, so his policy in Scythia was to use another Hunnic people, the Utigurs, as a check on the Kotrigurs. The Utigurs lived beyond the Don, on the east of the Sea of Azov, and Justinian cultivated their friendship by yearly gifts. ", http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/secondary/BURLAT/20*.html#ref39</ref><ref>"SOME REMARKS ON THE CHINESE "BULGAR"", 2004, SANPING CHEN: " In fact contemporary European sources kept equating the Bulgars with the Huns. At the very least, the Hun-Bulgar connection was much more tangible than the Hun-Xiongnu identification. " http://www.bulgari-istoria-2010.com/booksBG/Sanping_Chen_SOME_REMARKS_ON_THE_CHINESE_BULGARIAN.pdf</ref><ref>The Huns of Justinian: Byzantium, Utigur and Kutrigur, Ricci, Joseph http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/94441061/huns-justinian-byzantium-utigur-kutrigur</ref><ref>The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 4, Edward Gibbon, page 537: " And both Procopius and Agathias represent Kotrigurs and Utigurs as tribes of Huns. There can be no doubt Kutrigurs, Utigurs and Bulgars belong to the same race as the Huns of Attila and spoke tongues closely related, - were in fact Huns. They had all been under Attila's dominion", https://books.google.bg/books?id=j83oF6YQI68C&dq=utigurs&q=utigurs#v=snippet&q=utigurs&f=false</ref><ref>Cafer Saatchi , Early Mediaeval identity of the Bulgarians, page 3 : " The early Byzantine texts use the names of Huns, Bulgarians, Kutrigurs and Utrigurs as interchangeable terms. There the Bulgarians are represented as identical, they are a part of Huns or at least have something common with them. The khans Avtiochol and Irnik, listed in the Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans today are identified with Attila and Ernach.", http://www.academia.edu/10894065/Early_Mediaeval_identity_of_the_Bulgarians</ref><ref>The Wars of Justinian, Prokopios, " Utigur Huns, tribe near the Sea of Azov" https://books.google.bg/books?id=eK9aBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA638&lpg=PA638&dq=utigur&source=bl&ots=GixSXSPUuC&sig=OBCGMS6Y5og6NdMbYr04wL-byio&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEkQ6AEwCGoVChMI6_CL7IGWyQIVy44sCh0VPQ7r#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>The Age of Justinian, J. A. S. Evans, page 78 https://books.google.bg/books?id=jjSDAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA78&lpg=PA78&dq=utigur&source=bl&ots=vpLPsXJMUK&sig=Hkkj_4k0inacyEGz4OM0WI-Lfto&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB0Q6AEwADgoahUKEwjZgu6GhZbJAhWIVSwKHQqcD3o#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>Cambridge Medieval History, Shorter: Volume 1, The Later Roman Empire, C. W. Previté-Orton https://books.google.bg/books?id=RXU5AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA201&lpg=PA201&dq=utigur&source=bl&ots=V7yIeGSrvF&sig=82b_onYnZTrZQUGEQl-7P5bUi3g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAzgoahUKEwjZgu6GhZbJAhWIVSwKHQqcD3o#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref> http://carpdemo.cloudapp.net/FactFinder/demo/en?subject=Utigur%20Bulgars&context=Bulgars</ref><ref>Siege Warfare and Military Organization in the Successor States, Leif Inge Ree Petersen, page 369</ref><ref>Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland https://books.google.bg/books?id=m_6zAAAAIAAJ&q=utigur&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEcQ6AEwCGoVChMIz5XCoo-WyQIVg1kaCh3MnQym</ref><ref>Justinian, John Moorhead, https://books.google.bg/books?id=aacuAgAAQBAJ&pg=PT180&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEQQ6AEwBzgKahUKEwiQorefkZbJAhUDOxoKHSaDBbM#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian, Michael Maas, https://books.google.bg/books?id=9AvjaThtrKYC&pg=PA624&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBzgUahUKEwjDt-3RkZbJAhUBVxoKHW-tBaQ#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000, Roger Collins, page 206 https://books.google.bg/books?id=ZukcBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA206&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEYQ6AEwCDgUahUKEwjDt-3RkZbJAhUBVxoKHW-tBaQ#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>The Cambridge Medieval History, Series volumes 1-5, https://books.google.bg/books?id=9lHeh36S8ooC&pg=PT582&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBwQ6AEwADgeahUKEwid_pDUkpbJAhUBCBoKHQ0XB1M#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, John W. Barker, page 199 https://books.google.bg/books?id=LiJljEXvwAoC&pg=PA199&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEQQ6AEwBzgeahUKEwid_pDUkpbJAhUBCBoKHQ0XB1M#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare, Volume 2, https://books.google.bg/books?id=4aX-W6AVNv8C&pg=PA606&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CFAQ6AEwCTgeahUKEwid_pDUkpbJAhUBCBoKHQ0XB1M#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>Information and Frontiers: Roman Foreign Relations in Late Antiquity, A. D. Lee https://books.google.bg/books?id=qKi1O3KvjkAC&pg=PA212&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBwQ6AEwADgoahUKEwjwxcmClJbJAhUBqxoKHTAeCWo#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>The Collected Works of M.A. Czaplicka, Volume 1, Marie Antoinette Czaplicka, https://books.google.bg/books?id=uFkK2oz8L-kC&pg=PA68&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDsQ6AEwBTgoahUKEwjwxcmClJbJAhUBqxoKHTAeCWo#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>Attila the Hun, Nic Fields, https://books.google.bg/books?id=rxBaCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA64&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEwQ6AEwCDgoahUKEwjwxcmClJbJAhUBqxoKHTAeCWo#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref><ref>The emperor Maurice and his historian, Michael Whitby, https://books.google.bg/books?id=xdxQAQAAIAAJ&q=utigur&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEwQ6AEwCThGahUKEwjZlqaElZbJAhVEuBoKHR9DAMI</ref><ref>Armies of the Dark Ages, Ian Heath, https://books.google.bg/books?id=qKdkCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA53&dq=utigur&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CC8Q6AEwBDhuahUKEwj7-an4lZbJAhUBgBoKHT4fD4M#v=onepage&q=utigur&f=false</ref>) of states in various parts of Eastern Europe, including [[Old Great Bulgaria]] (632 AD), [[Volga Bulgaria]] (until the 13th century) and Danube [[Bulgaria]] (681 AD). The origins of the Bulgars and Dulo clan are not known precisely, there are many theories about their origin, but it is generally considered that it is intimately related to the origin and activity of the [[Huns]].{{sfn|Pohl|1998}} Some researchers point out that the name Dulo is the same as the name Tulo, a tribal division of the Western Turks,<ref>The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe, Hyun Jin Kim, page 59, https://books.google.hr/books?hl=hr&id=jCpncXFzoFgC&q=dulo#v=snippet&q=dulo&f=false</ref> but P. Golden considers such connection as speculative.<ref>Golden, Peter B. (2012), Oq and Oğur~Oğuz* (PDF), Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies, Rutgers University, pp. footnote 37</ref>

The royal family and rulers of the [[Old Great Bulgaria]] (632–668) and first half of the [[First Bulgarian Empire]] (681–1018), in their prince list (''[[Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans]]'') claimed through Irnik, which was probably related or the [[Attila]]'s son [[Ernak]] itself, Attilid descent.<ref name="Fine"/>{{sfn|Kim|2013|p=59, 142}}
The most what is known about the House of Dulo is written in the ''[[Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans]]''.<ref>"Word and Power in Mediaeval Bulgaria", Ivan Biliarsky, page 218 https://books.google.bg/books?id=O-j66lYzINEC&pg=PA218&dq=Dulo+clan&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Dulo%20clan&f=false</ref> The first two rulers, [[Avitohol]] and [[Irnik]], are usually identified by many historians as [[Attila]] and his third son [[Ernak]] although no documents exist to support this identification.<ref>[[Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen]], The world of the Huns, page 415: "Ernak has often been identified with Ирникъ in the Bulgarian
Princes’ List."</ref>{{sfn|Kim|2013|p=59, 142}}<ref>The Early Medieval Balkans, John Van Antwerp Fine, page 66, https://books.google.bg/books?id=Y0NBxG9Id58C&pg=PA66&dq=Dulo+attila&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Dulo%20attila&f=false</ref><ref>Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 11, page 228</ref>

[[Kubrat]] (605 AD-665 AD), the first historical member of the House of Dulo, was a [[Utigurs]] [[Bulgar]]. In 632 AD Kubrat founded [[Old Great Bulgaria]] on the territory of modern [[Ukraine]] unifying different Bulgar tribes and defeating the [[Avars]].<ref>[http://www.amazon.ca/dp/0405071930 Nicephori Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani Opuscula Historica], editor Carl G. de Boor, 24, 9-12.</ref> During the second half of the 7th century Kubrat's sons split up the Bulgar family and spread over Europe, from the Volga to the shadow of Vesuvius: [[Batbayan]] ([[Ukraine]]), [[Kotrag]] ([[Volga Bulgaria]]), [[Kuber]] (Balkan [[Macedonia]]), [[Asparuh]] (Danube [[Bulgaria]]) and also [[Alcek]] ([[Italy]]).{{sfn|Runciman (Book I)|1930|p=2–24}}

[[Asparuh]] of the House of Dulo founded Danube [[Bulgaria]] in the year 681, establishing the [[First Bulgarian Empire]] south of the [[Danube]] after defeating the Romans in the [[Battle of Ongal]].<ref>Cholpanov, B. and others. History of the Bulgarians: Military history, 2007, p.73</ref>

[[Tervel]] (700-721AD) of the House of Dulo played an important role in the history of [[Europe]] when in 717-718 AD he defeated Arabs and stopped the [[Arab]] siege of [[Constantinople]].

[[Sevar]] was the last known ruler of [[Bulgaria]] from the House of Dulo, he reigned 738–754 AD. The successor of the last Dulo was a boyar named [[Kormisosh]], of the House of [[Vokil]] (or [[Uokil]]).<ref>A History of the Eastern Roman Empire, J. B. Bury, page 334, https://books.google.bg/books?id=vL-wBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA334&dq=Dulo+clan&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Dulo%20clan&f=false</ref><ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominalia_of_the_Bulgarian_khans</ref><ref>http://www.helsinki.fi/slavicahelsingiensia/preview/sh35/pdf/4.pdf</ref>
<ref name="Panos">{{Cite book |last=Sophoulis |first=Panos |date=2011 |title=Byzantium and Bulgaria, 775-831 |url=https://books.google.hr/books?id=EbIyAQAAQBAJ |publisher=Brill |pages=92, 147–148, 71, 111 |isbn=9789004206960}}</ref><ref name="Curta">{{Cite book |last=Curta |first=Florin |author-link=Florin Curta |date=2006 |title=Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250 |url=https://books.google.hr/books?id=YIAYMNOOe0YC |publisher=Cambridge University Press |pages=79, 85 |isbn=9780521815390}}</ref>

== Research history ==
== Research history ==

Revision as of 14:38, 15 February 2016

A symbol associated with the Dulo clan.

The Dulo clan was the ruling dynasty of the Bulgars. The origins of the Bulgars and Dulo clan are not known precisely, there are many theories about their origin.[1] It is generally considered that the origin of the Dulo clan and Bulgars, or at least of the elite caste,[2] is intimately related to the origin and activity of the Huns and Western Turks.[3]

The royal family and rulers of the Old Great Bulgaria (632–668) and first half of the First Bulgarian Empire (681–1018), in their prince list (Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans) claimed through Irnik, which was probably related or the Attila's son Ernak itself, Attilid descent.[1][4]

Research history

The most what is known about the clan is written in the Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans. The Nominalia lists as the first ruler mythical Avitohol, who lived 300 years and descended from the Dulo clan.[5] Josef Marquart and many other historians identified Avitohol with Attila the Hun.[6][7] Steven Runciman considered the connection possible, but suspicious and unimportant if the link between Irnik-Ernak is confirmed.[8] Runciman considered the name Avitohol meaningless and its biblical origin more convincing.[9] He considered that the missionaries were spreading Old Testament stories around the Eurasian Steppes, as well the story of Japheth, the ancestor of Eurasian people, which easily modifies into the Latin name Avitus (ancestral; grandfather) and Turkish Awit (ancestor) it derives from.[10] Runciman considered Avitohol to be a distant mythological ancestor.[11] Ivan Biliarsky considers that both Avitohol and Irnik were only mythic figures of the historical personalities.[7] According to him the Nominalia shows that the clan memory and genealogy important to Central Asian peoples was likewise significant to the Bulgars, as well the cosmological understanding of the history, as the Avitohol and Irnik were mentioned in the category of the creator and founder, the mythological divine ancestor-creator represented in the reincarnation of the cultural hero within time cycles.[7][12] Jean W Sedlar considered the Attila connection justly doubtful, and argued the possibility of a steppe dynasty which produced Hunnic rulers like Attila may have also produced rulers for the Bulgars.[13]

The second listed ruler is Irnik, who lived 150 years and also descended from the Dulo clan.[14] It is generally considered that in the Nominalia under Irnik was considered the third son of Attila, Ernak.[15][7] Vasil Zlatarski thought the identification between Irnik and Ernak pointless, and they were two different persons and families.[16] Zlatarski pointed out, which points Runciman considered to be indisputable;[17] if Irnik was Ernak, then both Ernak and Atilla belonged to the Dulo clan, whereas, actually, no source mentions Dulo clan in connection with them;[16] according to the Nominalia Irnik ruled from 437, i.e. several years before the death of Attila in 453, which is impossible.[18] Due to be assigned a reign of 150 years, Runciman considered the inaccuracy of the date of accession as venial mistake.[8]

Kurt (Kubrat; c. 632–665), a member of the clan, revolted against the Pannonian Avars and founded the Old Great Bulgaria on the territory of modern Ukraine.[1] During the second half of the 7th century his sons split up the Bulgar royal family and spread over Europe, from the Volga river to the shadow of Matese mountains: Bezmer (Ukraine), Kotrag (Volga Bulgaria), Kuber (Balkan Macedonia), Asparukh (Danube Bulgaria) and Alcek (Sepino, Bojano, Isernia).[19] In the Nominalia the Bezmer (c. 665–668) was the last Dulo ruler on the Northern side of Danube river (of the Old Great Bulgaria), while the Asparukh (c. 681–701) was the first from the Southern side of the river (First Bulgarian Empire). He was followed by Tervel (c. 700–721), and the last ruler of Bulgaria from the Dulo clan, Sevar (c. 721–737). According to Theophanes, in 761 or 762 the Bulgars "rose up, killed their hereditary lords and set up as their king an evil-minded man called Teletzes, who was 30 years old".[20] Historians usually interpreted the testimony as evidence of a massacre of the previous dynasty (the Dulo clan), and the rise of a new leader with no connection to the previous regime.[20][21]


The exact origin is obscure.[1] Some researchers consider that the origin of the clan probably was Turkic.[22][21][23] This proposition was suggested by Mikhail Artamonov,[24] and was prompted by Lev Gumilev (1967), impling there may be made an association of the Dulo clan with the five Duolu or Tu-lu tribes of the Western Turks.[24] The First Turkic Khaganate (552–581) was during the Göktürk civil war (581–593) divided into Western and Eastern Khaganate. The Western was led by Onoq (ten arrows), the five Duolu and five Nushibi tribes.[24] Many modern historians consider that the first historical Bulgar ruler Kubrat belonged to the Dulo clan of the Western Turks - the so-called alliance Onogurs Bulgars.[25][26][27][28]

Some historians have even identified the Western qaghan Mohotu (Külüg Sibir) with Organa, the nephew of Kubrat.[21][29] Accurately or not, it still points to the rivalty between the Bulgars, led by Kubrat from the Dulo clan, and the Khazars, led by the Ashina clan.[20][29]

Omeljan Pritsak further considered the connection of the name of Dulo clan with the name of the old Xiongnu ruling house T'u-ko (in Early Middle Chinese D'uo'klo).[28][23] This association could furtherly prove the link between Xiongnu and Huns (as well Huns and Bulgars).[28] Peter B. Golden considers the Turkic association as speculative.[24]

Mercia MacDermott claimed that the Dulo clan had the dog as its sacred animal.[30] MacDermott considered that the Bulgarian expression preserved to this today "he kills the dog", in the meaning "he gives the orders", is a relic of the time when the Dulo Khan sacrificed a dog to the deity Tangra in the name of the whole community.[30]

Some modern Bulgarian scholars, the most prominent of them, namely Peter Dobrev, argued that the Turkic names of the animals in the Bulgar calendar (also found in the Nominalia) show that the Turkic peoples had borrowed these words from the Iranian language (Bulgars). However, according Raymond Detrez, this theory is rooted in the periods of anti-Turkish sentiment in Bulgaria, and is ideologically motivated.[31] As such the proto-Bulgar language (of the group which established the state of Bulgaria), was claimed to be of Iranian language although it is generally accepted it was Turkic of Oghuric branch and related to modern Chuvash.[31]

Aleksandar Burmov noted that the medieval writers under various names mentioned Huns and Bulgars, and some authors mentioned them as separate ethnical categories.[32] The cases of mixing information for Bulgars and Huns in some authors, as well as possible rapprochement of the names Avitohol - Attila and Irnik - Ernak, do not give reason to draw a line of equality between the two ethnic groups.[32] According Burmov there is no historical evidence that the Bulgars and Huns lived in the same territory.[32] Burmov, Peter B. Golden, Gyula Németh and Panos Sophoulis concluded that claiming of Attilid descent shows the intermingling of European Huns elements with newly arrived Oğuric Turkic groups, as the number of evidence of linguistic, ethnographic and socio-political nature show that Bulgars belonged to the group of Turkic peoples.[32][21][23][27]


B. Zhivkov emphasized that Dulo and Nushibi were tribal confederations, and not ruling dynasties.[29] B. Simeonov derived Dulu from Turkic dul/tul (big, powerful, giant; war horse), and saw Dulo as partly Slavicized form.[24] The *Dullu Simeonov derived from Old Hunnic dul + lu (mounted, horseman).[24] According P. B. Golden no such Hunnic word is attested.[24] According G. Clauson, Old Turkic tul denotes "widow, widower".[24] All theories P. B. Golden considers for now as speculative.[24]


Dulo Hill on Livingston Island, near Antarctica, is named after the Bulgarian ruling dynasty Dulo.[33]



  1. ^ a b c d John Van Antwerp Fine (1991). The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century. University of Michigan Press. pp. 66, 300. ISBN 9780472081493. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  2. ^ Pohl 1998.
  3. ^ Golden, Peter B. (2011). Studies on the Peoples and Cultures of the Eurasian Steppes. Editura Academiei Române; Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei. pp. 143–144. ISBN 9789732721520.
  4. ^ Kim 2013, p. 59, 142.
  5. ^ Runciman (Book I) 1930, p. 11.
  6. ^ Runciman (Book I) 1930, p. 12.
  7. ^ a b c d Biliarsky, Ivan (2013). The Tale of the Prophet Isaiah: The Destiny and Meanings of an Apocryphal Text. Brill. pp. 255–257. ISBN 9789004254381.
  8. ^ a b Runciman (Appendix III) 1930, p. 280.
  9. ^ Runciman (Book I; Appendix III) 1930, p. 11–12; 281.
  10. ^ Runciman (Book I) 1930, p. 11–12, 281.
  11. ^ Runciman (Appendix III) 1930, p. 281.
  12. ^ Biliarsky, Ivan (2011). Word and Power in Mediaeval Bulgaria. Brill. p. 218. ISBN 9789004191457.
  13. ^ Sedlar, Jean W. (2011). East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500. University of Washington Press. ISBN 9780295800646.
  14. ^ Runciman (Book I) 1930, p. 11–12.
  15. ^ Runciman (Appendix III) 1930, p. 11–12, 280–281.
  16. ^ a b Zlatarski 1918, p. 79–80.
  17. ^ Runciman (Appendix III) 1930, p. 280–281.
  18. ^ Zlatarski 1918, p. 80.
  19. ^ Runciman (Book I) 1930, p. 2–24.
  20. ^ a b c Curta, Florin (2006). Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250. Cambridge University Press. pp. 79, 85. ISBN 9780521815390.
  21. ^ a b c d Sophoulis, Panos (2011). Byzantium and Bulgaria, 775-831. Brill. pp. 92, 147–148, 71, 111. ISBN 9789004206960.
  22. ^ Denis Sinor (1990). The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia. Cambridge University Press. p. 261. ISBN 0521243041.
  23. ^ a b c Sanping Chen (2012). Multicultural China in the Early Middle Ages. University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 97. ISBN 0812206282.
  24. ^ a b c d e f g h i Golden, Peter B. (2012), Oq and Oğur~Oğuz* (PDF), Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies, Rutgers University, pp. footnote 37
  25. ^ Brook, Kevin Alan (2006). The Jews of Khazaria. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 13. ISBN 9781442203020.
  26. ^ Curta, Florin; Kovalev, Roman (2008). The Other Europe in the Middle Ages: Avars, Bulgars, Khazars and Cumans. Brill. p. 288. ISBN 9789004163898.
  27. ^ a b Golden, Peter B. (2003). Nomads and Their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe: Turks, Khazars and Qipchaqs. Ashgate/Variorum. p. 71. ISBN 9780860788850.
  28. ^ a b c Kim 2013, p. 59.
  29. ^ a b c Boris Zhivkov (2015). Khazaria in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. Brill. pp. 50, 52–53. ISBN 9789004294486.
  30. ^ a b MacDermott, Mercia (1998). Bulgarian Folk Customs. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. pp. 21–22. ISBN 9781853024856.
  31. ^ a b Raymond Detrez (2005). Developing Cultural Identity in the Balkans: Convergence Vs. Divergence. Peter Lang. p. 29.
  32. ^ a b c d Zlatarski (Burmov) 1948, p. 83.
  33. ^ Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica: Dulo Hill.
