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→‎Well-known mediums: Crandon, Doyle, Ford, Palladino
Martinphi (talk | contribs)
I'm not sure I should edit this till it is sourced. It will just get deleted
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Mental Mediumship has several different aspects, such as [[Clairvoyance]], [[Clairaudience]] and [[Clairsentience]], along with prescribed training methods for developing these abilities.<ref name="SpiritLincs">Spiritlincs, [http://www.spiritlincs.com/mediumship.htm “Mediumship”]</ref> However, some of these terms are defined differently in spiritualism than in other paranormal fields. "Clairvoyance", for instance, is often used by spiritualists to include seeing spirits and visions instilled by spirits, whereas the Parapsychological Association defines clairvoyance as information derived directly from an external physical source.<ref>http://parapsych.org/glossary_a_d.html#c Parapsychological Association website, Glossary of Key Words Frequently Used in Parapsychology, Retrieved January 29, 2007</ref>
Mental Mediumship has several different aspects, such as [[Clairvoyance]], [[Clairaudience]] and [[Clairsentience]], along with prescribed training methods for developing these abilities.<ref name="SpiritLincs">Spiritlincs, [http://www.spiritlincs.com/mediumship.htm “Mediumship”]</ref> However, some of these terms are defined differently in spiritualism than in other paranormal fields. "Clairvoyance", for instance, is often used by spiritualists to include seeing spirits and visions instilled by spirits, whereas the Parapsychological Association defines clairvoyance as information derived directly from an external physical source.<ref>http://parapsych.org/glossary_a_d.html#c Parapsychological Association website, Glossary of Key Words Frequently Used in Parapsychology, Retrieved January 29, 2007</ref>

'''[[Clairvoyance]]''' or "Clear Seeing", is the ability to see objects, animals or people in the mind’s eye, in fact anything that others cannot see. Some say that this is their normal vision state; others say that they must adjust their mind with training in meditation alongside Spirit helpers to pick it up.
'''[[Clairvoyance]]''' or "Clear Seeing", is the ability to see anything which is not physically present, such as objects, animals or people. This sight occurs "in the mind’s eye," and some mediums say that this is their normal vision state. Others say that they must train their minds with such practices as meditation in order to achieve this ability, and that assistance from spiritual helpers is often necessary.

Some Mediums [the Clairvoyant] profess to see a Spirit form in the flesh, as though the person is real, seeing the vibration of the bodily form here on the earth plane beside others perhaps beside themselves. Some Mediums maintain that they see the Spirit form in their head [minds eye], and also see things as a movie or a television programme, some just get a still form like a photograph in their mind,
Some clairvoyant mediums say they can see a spirit as though the spirit has a physical body. They see the bodily form as if it were physically present. Other mediums say that they see the spirit in their mind's eye, or that it appears as a movie or a television programmeor a still picture like a photograph in their mind.

'''[[Clairaudience]]''' or "Clear Hearing", is the ability to hear Spirit voices from the Spirit World, which are not audible to other people who are even next to the Medium who is hearing the Spirit World. Some Mediums profess to hear as though they are listening to a person talking to them on the outside of their head, it is as though the Spirit is next to or near to the Medium, and other Mediums maintain that they hear the voices within their head/mind as a thought verbalisation of a thought.
'''[[Clairaudience]]''' or "Clear Hearing", is the ability to hear Spirit voices from the Spirit World, which are not audible to other people who are even next to the Medium who is hearing the Spirit World. Some Mediums profess to hear as though they are listening to a person talking to them on the outside of their head, it is as though the Spirit is next to or near to the Medium, and other Mediums maintain that they hear the voices within their head/mind as a thought verbalisation of a thought.

Revision as of 03:58, 13 February 2007

Mediumship is a term used mostly in spiritualism to denote the ability to produce psi phenomena of a mental or physical nature.[1] Mediumship often involves communication between a human instrument, known as a medium, and one or more discarnate, spirit personalities. It may also involve communication of discarnate entities through the body of the medium or through psi phenomena produced through or by the medium's psychic abilities.[2][3] Mediumship is a phenomenon studied in parapsychology. As with all paranormal phenomena, mediumship is a subject of extreme controversy.

History of mediumship

Modern spiritism in the United States dates from the activities of the Fox sisters in 1848. Such notable figures as Andrew Jackson Davis, Daniel Dunglas Home, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and Arthur Conan Doyle later became widely known spiritualists. The Society for Psychical Research has carried on investigations with some phenomena, mainly in connection with telepathy and apparitions, in hopes of finding scientific explanations for various spiritualistic occurrences [4]

Modern mediumship

Types of mediumship

In modern spiritualism, mediumship defines two distinct types of phenomena that can occur through mediums, the first is communication, known as “mental mediumship", and the second is manipulation of energies and energy systems, known as "physical mediumship". [3]

A spirit who communicates with a medium, either verbally or visually, is known as a "spirit communicator". A spirit who uses a medium to manipulate energy or energy systems is called a "spirit operator". A spirit operator is said to communicate.

Mental mediumship is communication, via the varied aspects of thought transference, or telepathy. Mental mediumship takes place within the consciousness of the medium. The results are expressed verbally and must pass through the medium's mouth. Because of its telepathic nature, mental mediumship is sometimes referred to as telepathic mediumship.

In mental mediumship, it is the medium who hears, sees, and feels what the spirit communicators are relating. It is the medium's function to relate the information, with minimum personal influence and prejudice, to the recipient of the message, also known as the sitter. The medium receives this information under various states of control.

Physical mediumship involves the manipulation and transformation of physical systems and energies. The spirit operators, in this case, are said to be causing something to happen upon the Earth plane. What it is that actually happens varies with the style of mediumship involved, but the results can be seen and heard by others.

Communication from the spirit world manifests itself in Mental phenomena (e.g., telepathy, clairvoyance, trance speaking, and apparitions) and in physical phenomena (e.g., levitation, automatic writing, and poltergeist and ectoplasmic activities).

Mental mediumship

Mental Mediumship has several different aspects, such as Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience, along with prescribed training methods for developing these abilities.[5] However, some of these terms are defined differently in spiritualism than in other paranormal fields. "Clairvoyance", for instance, is often used by spiritualists to include seeing spirits and visions instilled by spirits, whereas the Parapsychological Association defines clairvoyance as information derived directly from an external physical source.[6]

Clairvoyance or "Clear Seeing", is the ability to see anything which is not physically present, such as objects, animals or people. This sight occurs "in the mind’s eye," and some mediums say that this is their normal vision state. Others say that they must train their minds with such practices as meditation in order to achieve this ability, and that assistance from spiritual helpers is often necessary.

Some clairvoyant mediums say they can see a spirit as though the spirit has a physical body. They see the bodily form as if it were physically present. Other mediums say that they see the spirit in their mind's eye, or that it appears as a movie or a television programmeor a still picture like a photograph in their mind.

Clairaudience or "Clear Hearing", is the ability to hear Spirit voices from the Spirit World, which are not audible to other people who are even next to the Medium who is hearing the Spirit World. Some Mediums profess to hear as though they are listening to a person talking to them on the outside of their head, it is as though the Spirit is next to or near to the Medium, and other Mediums maintain that they hear the voices within their head/mind as a thought verbalisation of a thought.

Clairsentience or "Clear Sensing", is ability of extra feeling, or having an impression of what is being communicated by a spirit, it is said to be received by the Medium from the higher vibrational plane of Spirit.

Clairsentinence or "Clear Feeling"', this is an ability where the Medium is said to take on the ailments of the person who is now in the World of Spirit, feeling the same problem of that person they had whilst they were here on the earth plane. If they had pains in their joints when they were on this side of the veil the Medium will feel it. As they will if the link in Spirit suffered with heart problems, cancer, stomach problems, loss of a limb, tumour on the brain. These feeling go when the Medium acknowledges the Spirit being there.

Clairalience or "Clear Smelling" is the alleged phenomenon where sensitive people can smell the odour of the person who is not on the earth plane. They can sometimes smell their pipe tobacco, cigarette tobacco, food smells, different spices as though they are coming from a kitchen. Some Mediums profess to smell the places where the deceased person worked like a chemical factory, the docks, the places to be reminded of for the recipient of a message off the platform in the church or meeting place or in a development Circle.

Clairgustance or "Clear Tasting", this is where the Medium can apparently taste the foods, liquid and anything that goes into the mouth of the deceased person, it is tasted by the Medium. This is given by those in Spirit to confirm it is the correct person being contacted. Taste within the mouth can at times be strong as though the medium/sensitive has taken it in their mouth this is “objective” clear tasting. “Subjectively” is when it is put as a thought in the mind.

Claircognizant or "Clear Knowing", is the ability of knowing a message is correct or something about a person or situation is correct without getting a clairvoyant, clairaudient, or clairsentient message from Spirit, it is when you just know. It is more than a clairsentient feeling.

Physical mediumship

Spiritualists say that the physical phenomena of mediumship encompass such things as levitation, automatic writing, and poltergeist or ectoplasmic activities. Ectoplasm is the substance which produces spirit materializations, telekenisis and other forces from the “other world”.[7] Closely related to the concept of ectoplasm is the aura, a subtle field of luminous multicolored radiation surrounding a person or object as a cocoon or halo,[8] which can be perceived by the medium. By noting variations in the hues of a person’s aura, a medium can describe his personality, needs, and illnesses. For example, the "shriveling" of the aura is considered a sign of impending death. In what is known as "solar plexus voice mediumship", a spirit appears to speak through a medium’s body.

Mediumistic automatism is the automatism associated with a medium receiving supernatural messages from ghosts, spirits or the like, the expression of such messages (in speech, writing or drawings) lacking conscious control or intervention by the medium.

Research and supporting arguments

In some cases, individuals have produced personal information (allegedly told to them by a spirit) to their clients well above guessing rates according to an article in The Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. [9]

VERITAS Research Program of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health in the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona was created primarily to test the hypothesis that the consciousness (or identity) of a person survives physical death.[10] Their studies are conducted within a University of Arizona laboratory and have been approved by the University of Arizona Human Subjects Protection Program and an academic advisory board.

Skeptical perspective

Skeptics dispute the existence of genuine mediums, arguing that individuals who claim to possess this ability are either self-deluded or charlatans who engage in cold or hot reading.[11]

Practitioners of mediumship are eligible for the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) Paranormal Challenge through March 2007 and may be eligible after that date under certain conditions. The challenge offers a million US dollars to anyone who can provide proof of the paranormal as defined by JREF.[12][13] A "million dollar challenge" has also been offered by Victor Zammit, but in this case the prize is "offered to any skeptic who can rebut the evidence for the existence of the afterlife" (including mediumship) by convincing a panel of paranormal experts "beyond any doubt" that all the evidence of their field is flawed.[14][citation needed]

Harry Houdini was a famous magician who became a debunker of mediums later in life and, indeed, even in death, because he left a ten-word passphrase with his wife that a medium should say in order to prove they were channelling him. Although many people did claim to channel Houdini, no-one was able to reproduce the passphrase.[15]

Critics contend that Director of the VERITAS Research Program Dr. Gary Schwartz past studies such as The Afterlife Experiments have not provided competent scientific evidence for survival of consciousness or that mediums can actually communicate with the dead. They charge that the research he presented is crucially flawed and deviated from accepted norms of scientific methodology.[16]

Fraud in mediumship

In 1908, the Society for Psychical Research appointed a committee of three to examine Eusapia Palladino in Naples. This committee consisted of Mr. Hereward Carrington, investigator for the American Society for Psychical Research and an amateur conjurer; Mr. W. W. Baggally, also an investigator and amateur conjurer of much experience; and the Hon. Everard Feilding, who had had an extensive training as investigator and "a fairly complete education at the hands of fraudulent mediums."

The subject of physical mediumship is well summed up by this investigating committee in the following words: "It is understating the case to say that the vast majority of these modern wizards and witches are the merest charlatans - sometimes, indeed, using mechanical and scientific apparatus of extreme ingenuity, but as a rule relying merely on the simplest devices, with an insolent confidence in the avid simplicity of their dupes. Yet every now and then a personality arises whose claims to something beyond such manifest imposture it has seemed impossible to dismiss thus curtly".[17]

Well-known mediums

Some people who professed to be mediums are Mina Crandon, Arthur Conan Doyle, Arthur Ford, Eusapia Palladino, Gordon Mons Higginson, Jane Roberts, Derek Acorah, Tony Stockwell, Colin Fry, Lisa Williams, Allison DuBois, Esther Hicks, Sylvia Browne, John Edward, Betty Shine, Ailene Light, Joseph Kony, James Van Praagh, and JZ Knight.

Fictional mediums

Television and movies

Computer games

  • In Phoenix Wright, Maya and Pearl Fey are spirit mediums who have the ability to allow spirits to take over their bodies temporarily and at the same time alter their appearance.
  • Yoshino Somei in Spriggan uses her necromancy skills to act as a medium, allowing the dead to speak to any living human.

See also


  1. ^ http://parapsych.org/historical_terms.html Parapsychological Association website, Glossary of Key Words Frequently Used in Parapsychology, Retrieved January 24, 2006
  2. ^ Online Encyclopedia Briticannica, “Medium””
  3. ^ a b First Spiritual Temple, “What is Mediumship”
  4. ^ The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, "Spiritism"
  5. ^ Spiritlincs, “Mediumship”
  6. ^ http://parapsych.org/glossary_a_d.html#c Parapsychological Association website, Glossary of Key Words Frequently Used in Parapsychology, Retrieved January 29, 2007
  7. ^ "Ectoplasm" def. Merriam Webster dictionary, Retrieved 1-18-2007
  8. ^ http://parapsych.org/glossary_a_d.html Parapsychological Association website, Glossary of Key Words Frequently Used in Parapsychology, Retrieved January 24, 2006
  9. ^ Journal of the Society for Psychical Research January, 2001 - Vol. 65.1, Num. 862
  10. ^ The VERITAS Research Program of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health in the Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona
  11. ^ http://www.csicop.org/articles/19990608-vanpraagh/
  12. ^ "One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge". James Randi Educational Foundation. Retrieved 2007-01-19.
  13. ^ "Skeptic Revamps $1M Psychic Prize". Wired News. 2007-01-12. Retrieved 2007-01-19.
  14. ^ http://www.victorzammit.com/skeptics/challenge.html "$1 Million Challenge Preface and Conditions"
  15. ^ http://www.apl.org/history/houdini/biography.html
  16. ^ http://www.csicop.org/si/2003-01/medium.html
  17. ^ http://www.survivalafterdeath.org/articles/tyrrell/fraud.htm G. N. M. Tyrrell, Society for Psychical Research "Physical Mediumship: Is there Anything Besides Fraud in the Physical Séance Room?"