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In their wild state, Guinea pigs are found on grassy plains and occupy an [[ecological niche]] similar to that of the [[cattle|cow]]. They move together in small groups ([[herds]]) eating grass or whatever other plants they come across. They are [[crepuscular]], tending to be most active during dawn and dusk, when it is harder for predators to spot them. If startled they can run for cover with surprising speed. Domesticated guinea pigs have developed a different rhythm, and have longer periods of activity followed by short periods of sleep in between. Activity is scattered randomly over the 24 hours of the day.
In their wild state, Guinea pigs are found on grassy plains and occupy an [[ecological niche]] similar to that of the [[cattle|cow]]. They move together in small groups ([[herds]]) eating grass or whatever other plants they come across. They are [[crepuscular]], tending to be most active during dawn and dusk, when it is harder for predators to spot them. If startled they can run for cover with surprising speed. Domesticated guinea pigs have developed a different rhythm, and have longer periods of activity followed by short periods of sleep in between. Activity is scattered randomly over the 24 hours of the day.

Unlike many rodents such as [[mouse|mice]], [[rat|rats]], or [[squirrel|squirrels]], guinea pigs are not very athletic. Jumping gaps, climbing, and fearlessness in the face of heights were not skills guinea pigs needed in the [[natural environment|environment]] in which they [[evolution|evolved]], although they can hop over small obstacles with agility. When excited, guinea pigs tend to do little jumps in the air (known as "popcorning") but they seldom jump higher than a few centimeters.
Unlike many rodents such as [[mouse|mice]], [[rat|rats]], or [[squirrel|squirrels]], guinea pigs are not very athletic. Jumping gaps, climbing, and fearlessness in the face of heights were not skills guinea pigs needed in the [[natural environment|environment]] for which they created, although they can hop over small obstacles with agility. When excited, guinea pigs tend to do little jumps in the air (known as "popcorning") but they seldom jump higher than a few centimeters.

Guinea pigs are vocal animals, with a fairly large vocabulary. Some sounds are:
Guinea pigs are vocal animals, with a fairly large vocabulary. Some sounds are:

Revision as of 01:39, 11 September 2005

Template:Taxobox begin Template:Taxobox image Template:Taxobox begin placement Template:Taxobox regnum entry Template:Taxobox phylum entry Template:Taxobox classis entry Template:Taxobox ordo entry Template:Taxobox familia entry Template:Taxobox subfamilia entry Template:Taxobox genus entry
Pallas, 1766 Template:Taxobox end placement Template:Taxobox section subdivision Cavia porcellus
Cavia aperea
Cavia tschudii
Cavia guianae
Cavia anolaimae
Cavia nana
Cavia fulgida
Cavia magna Template:Taxobox end Guinea pigs (also called cavies) are rodents belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. Guinea pigs are classified in order Rodentia, although there is a minority belief in the scientific community that evidence from mitochondrial DNA indicates that the Hystricognathi may belong to a different evolutionary offshoot, and therefore a different order.

Despite their common name, the animals are not pigs, nor do they come from Guinea. Although there are more than 20 different species, the one most familiar to people is C. porcellus, the common guinea pig. The majority of information in this article is about the common guinea pig.


The common guinea pig was first domesticated c. 2000 BC for food by the Inca, in the Andean region of South America, in what is now Peru and Bolivia. They continue to be a food source in the region, subsisting off a family's vegetable scraps as a half pet/half future meal. Guinea pigs are called cuy (pl. cuyes) in Perú and considered a culinary delicacy, prepared usually by roasting; the general opinion considers them similar to rabbit in taste. They also play the role of evil-spirit collector in traditional healing rituals.

Dutch and English traders brought guinea pigs to Europe, where they quickly became popular as exotic pets. How they came to be thought of as "pigs" is not clear. One thought is that some of the sounds they make reminded people of pigs. They are also built something like a pig: a large head relative to the body, a stout neck, and a rounded rump with no tail of any consequence.


Whatever the reason, this perception of pigginess occurred in many languages other than English; the German word for them is Meerschweinchen, literally "Little Sea Pigs" (sailing ships stopping to reprovision in the New World would pick up stores of guinea pigs, which provided an easily transportable source of fresh meat), the Russian and Polish word for them is similar: "morskaja svinka" (Морская свинка) and "świnka morska" respectively, meaning also "Little Sea Pig". The French word is Cochon d'Inde, (Indian pig), the common Spanish word is 'conejillo de Indias' (Indian bunny rabbit), the Dutch used to call it guinees biggetje (Guinean piglet), in Sweden they are called marsvin (a combination of the Latin word mare for ocean, and Swedish svin which means pig) and in Greek they are called 'indika xoiridia' (Small Indian Pigs ; ινδικά χοιρίδια).

The scientific name of a common species is Cavia porcellus, with porcellus being Latin for "little pig."

The origin of "guinea" in "guinea pig" is even harder to explain. One theory is that the animals were brought to Europe by way of Guinea, leading people to think they had originated there. Another theory suggests that "Guinea" in the case of the guinea pig is a corruption of "Guiana," an area in South America. A common misconception is that they were so named because they were sold as the closest thing to a pig one could get for a guinea (an old British coin with a value of 21 shillings, or 1.05 GBP in modern decimal currency). However, evidence does not support this conjecture: for example, the Dutch name refers to the country of Guinea rather than the British coin, and the first guinea pig was described in 1554 by the Swiss naturalist Konrad Gesner more than a hundred years before the first guinea was struck.

Traits and Environment

Guinea pigs are large for rodents, weighing between 1 and 3 pounds (0.5 and 1.5 kg) and measuring 10 to 15 inches (250 to 400 mm) long. They live an average of five years with a maximum age of about eight years. They are social, living in the wild in small groups which consist of sows (females), a boar (male), and the young (which in a break with the preceding porcine nomenclature are called pups).

In their wild state, Guinea pigs are found on grassy plains and occupy an ecological niche similar to that of the cow. They move together in small groups (herds) eating grass or whatever other plants they come across. They are crepuscular, tending to be most active during dawn and dusk, when it is harder for predators to spot them. If startled they can run for cover with surprising speed. Domesticated guinea pigs have developed a different rhythm, and have longer periods of activity followed by short periods of sleep in between. Activity is scattered randomly over the 24 hours of the day.

Unlike many rodents such as mice, rats, or squirrels, guinea pigs are not very athletic. Jumping gaps, climbing, and fearlessness in the face of heights were not skills guinea pigs needed in the environment for which they created, although they can hop over small obstacles with agility. When excited, guinea pigs tend to do little jumps in the air (known as "popcorning") but they seldom jump higher than a few centimeters.

Guinea pigs are vocal animals, with a fairly large vocabulary. Some sounds are:

  • The "Wheek". A loud noise that sounds about the same as its written form. Means "feed me" or "pay attention", or possibly "I'm hurt".
  • "Rumbling". This sound is related to guinea pig dominance or in response to an unfamiliar sound. It sounds like purring and is often vocalised whilst the animal struts around slowly (showing desire to mate or dominate). Also known as "Rumble Strutting" or "Motor Boating". Although a similar sounding to a cat's purr, the meaning is very different.
  • "Chattering". This sound is made by rapidly gnashing the teeth together—it's a warning to others to keep away. Guinea pigs tend to raise their heads when making this sound so they look more dangerous.
  • "Tribbling". This rather pleasant sound is made when the guinea pig is enjoying itself, usually when being petted or brushed. They may also make this sound when grooming each other.
Guinea pig pup at 8 hours old
Guinea pig pups can walk soon after birth and run within a few hours


The gestation lasts from 68 to 72 days, which is quite long for such a small animal. As a consequence pups are already well developed (including fur, teeth, claws and full eyesight) when they are born. The young are mobile from birth, and depending on the environment, will usually venture outdoors within a week. Pups begin eating solid food after a couple of days, though continue to suckle also. Males may demonstrate courtship behavior (following young females and making a "warbling" sound) in the second or third week after birth. Females can breed when only three weeks old. Litters vary from 2 or 3 young to as many as 8 or more. In smaller litters, difficulties may occur during labour, due to oversized pups. Up to half the young may be lost in larger litters, as the mother cannot attend to the newborns fast enough. If a large number survive, it is likely that the weakest (or runts of the litter), will be insufficiently nursed, resulting occasionally in the death of one or two pups.

Domestic Guinea Pigs

A long-haired black and white Guinea pig

Domesticated guinea pigs come in many varieties which have been developed since their arrival in Europe and North America. These varieties vary widely in hair and color composition. The most common varieties found in pet stores are the English Short Hair (also called American) which has a smooth, glossy, short coat, and the Abyssinian which has a rough coat made of cowlicks, crests, and swirls called rosettes. Each of these varieties come in a number of colors and color patterns. The rarer Peruvian has very long hair, hanging all the way to the ground. A rare new breed known as the Texel has long hair like the Peruvian, but this hair is curly and doesn't come over their face.

All over the world there are Cavy Clubs and Associations dedicated to the showing and breeding of guinea pigs. ACBA (American Cavy Breeders Association) is the governing body in the U.S. In Canada, the OCC (Ontario Cavy Club) is the most prominent club, and many others exist. Each club publishes it's own Standard of Perfection and determines what breeds are eligible for showing.

ACBA has many accepted breeds. These include:

  • Abyssinian: The Abyssinian cavy has 10 rosettes- one on each shoulder, four across the "saddle", one on each hip, and two on the rump. An ideal Abyssinian has a harsh textured coat that stands on end in straight ridges, forming the rosette pattern. Rosettes should have pinpoint centers.
  • American (AKA Smooth Coat): The American cavy has short smooth hair all over the body.
  • Crested: A Crested is like an American, but has a single rosette on the top of the head. According to ACBA standards, the Crest must be white coloured with no white present on the body of the animal. Other clubs allow the crest to be any colour.
  • Teddy: A Teddy guinea pig has short, rough hair that stands on end all over the body, resembling a plush teddy bear.
  • Silkie: A Silkie has long hair, sometimes up to 24 inches, that flows back over its body. When viewed from above it should be a teardrop shape.
  • Peruvian: A Peruvian cavy has long hair like a Silkie, but the hair flows over the whole body from the center and spreads out, covering the face. When viewed from above it should look like an oval and the head cannot be distinguished from the rear.
  • Coronet: A Coronet cavy has long hair like a Silkie, and a crest like a Crested.
  • Texel: A Texel is like a Silkie, but with curls. The curls should ideally be tightly wound corkscrew curls.
  • Merino and Boucle: Merino is the curly equivalent of a Coronet and a Boucle is the curly equivalent of a Peruvian. These breeds are not yet accepted according to ACBA regulations.

All breeds also come in a Satin variety. A satin cavy has a different type of hair shaft that reflects light, giving it a beautiful, shiny appearance.

Cavies come in many colours, including Black, White, Red, Buff/Cream (blonde), Chocolate and Beige.
Agouti coloured cavies have a hair tip and root that are different colours, much like someone whose roots are showing from dyeing their hair. Golden Agouti has a red tip and black root, Silver Agouti has a white tip and black root and Dilute Agouti can have a variety of different combinations.
Parti coloured cavies have two or more colours on the body, often white and another colour. To be eligible for showing, each colour must be present in at least a one inch by one inch patch. An ideal cavy has several patches of each color on its body, evenly distributed so that the animal has an equal amount of each color no matter what angle the animal is viewed from.
Tortoiseshell coloured cavies are black and red.
Roan cavies have white and one or more coloured hair intermixed throughout the body.
Brindle cavies have two different colour hair intermixed throughout the body like a Roan.
Dalmation cavies have white hair and black spots. Dalmations also have a unique eye colour- blue with a red rim.

Two abyssinian guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are widely considered to be good pets. They are generally easy to care for, and while they do require frequent cage cleaning and companionship, with a little diligence all their needs can easily be met. They are considered by many to be very cute and are very verbal (they squeak) in contact with humans. Guinea pigs who become familiar with their human seem to consider them part of their herd, and become distraught when separated for long periods.


Guinea pigs can be kept in cages with low sides as they will rarely climb out. The cage should ideally be as large as possible – 7.5 square feet (0.7 square metres) for one guinea pig is about the minimum to allow space for moving about, exercise, and exploration, as they are naturally curious animals. If the guinea pig is kept in a smaller cage such as those sold in pet stores, it is essential to allow them daily time to move outside the cage (and this is always a good idea no matter how big the cage is.) Wire floors should not be used unless the gaps between the wire are very small. Guinea pigs do not have hair on the soles of their feet the way most rodents do. If they live on wire floors, they can develop terrible foot sores. For this reason, it is essential that they be given a carpet or block of wood to sit on. If the wire grid is too large, their feet can slip through the wire, causing them to break toes, feet, and legs.

Guinea pigs do best in groups of two or more guinea pigs, as they have a herd mentality. However it is not advisable to keep guinea pigs and rabbits together as it is not uncommon for a guinea pig to be badly, if not fatally, injured by a rabbit suddenly kicking out with its paws or an overly romantic rabbit repeatedly trying to mount a guinea pig. Nor should guinea pigs be kept in the same cage or enclosure with domesticated rats (or any other species of rodents for that matter). Guinea pigs have a natural fear of rats and although their friendly appearance does not show it, a threatened cavie can seriously injure a domesticated rat.

Domestic Guinea pigs' cages are often lined with wood shaving or a similar material; paper and aspen are generally considered safe bedding. Cedar and pine beddings which were common in the past, have harmful phenols (oils and scents) that can cause upper respiratory infections (which are fatal for many cavies). Many stores still sell cedar and pine beddings as safe for Guinea pigs, but there is growing pressure to stop the practice. A much safer bedding type is made from recycled newspapers.

A common cage type is the C&C, or coroplast and cubes cage, made from corrugated plastic and wire squares. These wire squares are generally a kind of unassembled shelving. These C&C cages are a much cheaper and spacious alternative to store-bought cages, and can be assembled in many creative ways.


They must be fed fresh vegetables and a commercial food made for guinea pigs. Rabbit food, for example, is not fortified with the vitamin C that guinea pigs must have in their diet. Like humans but unlike most other mammals, guinea pigs cannot synthesize their own vitamin C, but must obtain this vital nutrient from the food they eat in order to stay healthy. Also like humans, if guinea pigs cannot get enough vitamin C they will suffer from scurvy and ultimately die. Commercial vitamin C pills are also an excellent source. There are several approaches for feeding the pills, but in practice most guinea pigs quickly learn to like them. After a brief period of 'friendly-force-feeding', the animals start eating the pills from their owners' hands, making it an ideal source of essential vitamin C. Oranges can be fed, but some guinea pigs will develop irritations on their lips from the acid.

Guinea pigs are probably the smallest grass-eating mammals. Grass digestion requires a special digestive system: whereas most grass-eating mammals are quite large and have a long digestive tract, guinea pigs use a more unusual method: they practice coprophagy, the eating of one's own feces. However, they do not consume their feces indiscriminately. They produce special soft pellets, called "cecotropes," which contain the B vitamins and bacteria required for proper digestion. These pellets are not the same as regular feces. They share this behaviour with rabbits.

Cavies also need unlimited timothy hay. However, alfalfa hay, which is richer, may be more appropriate for young guinea pigs. This provides roughage and fiber needed in their diet. A list of fresh food and more information about feeding fresh foods can be found at http://www.guinealynx.info/nutrition.html. Cavies should be fed approximately one cup of fresh vegetables daily. Favorites include apples, bananas, parsley and green peppers. They should not be fed "watery" vegetables such as celery stalks or iceberg lettuce, as this can give them diarrhea.

Pelleted food is available under many different brand names, however most experts feel many brands are unacceptable to meet a cavy's needs. Alfalfa-based pellets (the most common pellet based food available) should be fed only to cavies one year of age or younger. Timothy-based should be fed to cavies older than one year. A number of timothy hay brands make commercially prepared pellets based on dehydrated timothy hay, which is ideal for guinea pigs over six months that are not pregnant or lactating.

Alfalfa, like other foods rich in calcium (such as spinach) should only be fed to adults in moderation. Being fed too much calcium-rich food can result in an animal developing problems with bladder stones and similar disorders.


Guinea pigs need to be seen by a vet just like any other pet. Be sure your vet is "cavy savvy" and knows about the special needs of Guinea pigs. A lot of antibiotic medications, like those that are penicillin based, are toxic to Guinea pigs.
Common ailments in domestic guinea pigs include wet-tail, abscesses (large amounts of a thick pus that create a bulge, often in their neck, due to infected internal scratches from hay that is too hard or infected external scratches received in a variety of ways), and mites (which look like small pieces of moving dandruff, which can be removed with small animal mite sprays).


Pregnant sow 1 week before delivering 3 pups

Breeding is easy and males are not known to attack their own pups (however, females will breed on the day they give birth so it may not be wise to keep males with them at that time). Females are fertile as early as 3 weeks and can carry litters before they themselves are fully grown. This can seriously affect the growth of the young mother as her pups compete with her for nutrition. Male and female pups must be separated by 3 weeks of age. Because of the long gestation period and the large size of the pups, pregnant females become extremely large. Pregnancy toxemia is common and kills many pregnant females, so breeding is not recommended for the casual owner. Breeding males produce a strong musk that smells much like bee's wax.

There are many homeless guinea pigs in shelters and rescues all over the world, so please consider adoption and not breeding if you want more guinea pigs.

In scientific research

"Guinea pig" is often used as a metaphor for a subject of scientific experimentation. This notion persists even though guinea pigs are no longer commonly used as modern experimental animals. In the past they had been used to isolate different bacterial strains, but in modern labs they have been replaced by mice and rats, which reproduce more quickly.

Their main value to medical research is that they are one of the few animals which, like humans, cannot synthesize Vitamin C but must obtain it from diet.

On 24 August 2005 Darley Oaks Farm in the UK announced that it was ceasing breeding guinea pigs for scientific research and animal testing, after a campaign by the Free the Newchurch Guinea Pigs animal rights group, which carried out both legal and nonviolent protests, and illegal and terror attacks, including death threats, arson and the theft of a relative's body from a cemetary.

Guinea pigs as food

Guinea pigs, or cuy, cuye, curí, were originally domesticated for their meat, but today are primarily raised as pets outside of Peru and Ecuador - this has led to some feeling that using cavies as a source of food is ethically wrong. See also taboo food and drink.

As food, the guinea pig is described as a combination of rabbit and the dark meat on chicken. It is high in protein (21%) and low in fat (8%). Due to the fact it requires much less room than traditional livestock and reproduce extremely quickly when compared to traditional stock animals, it can be raised as a source of food in an urban environment—something which most western livestock cannot do.

To this day, cavies continue to be a major part of the diet in Peru, particularly in the Andes Mountains highlands, where they are an important source of protein and a mainstay of Andean folk medicine. Peruvians consume an estimated 65 million Guinea pigs each year, and the animal is so entrenched in the culture that one famous painting of the Last Supper in the main cathedral in Cusco, Peru shows Christ and the twelve disciples dining on guinea pig. In Ecuador, guinea pigs are consumed mainly in the Sierra (Highland) region.

Guinea pigs have received much less attention from writers, artists, or the popular media than other similar animals. Recently there have been more appearances of guinea pigs in books, film, television and other media.


  • Fluffy The Classroom Guinea Pig stars in a series of early reader books written by Kate McMullan and illustrated by Mavis Smith.
  • The picture book "John Willy and Freddy McGee" by Holly Meade tells of the adventures of two bored guinea pigs who escape from their cage and explore their house.

Film and Television

(In both instances the animals were computer generated.)

  • In the movie Sky High the sidekick in training Magenta can transform into a black guinea pig with purple stripes. This ability helps her and her friends save the school.
  • In 2000 a male guinea pig named Sooty made news around the world because of his daring romantic adventures. [1]

Other Media

  • Guinea pigs have recently had their own calendars similar to the kitten, puppy, and other cute animal calendars.


In English, the term guinea pig is often used to refer to an object of experimentation (see #In Scientific Research). This usage extends beyond scientific bounds and can be used if an item, object, or person is used to test out an idea, plan, or device.

See also