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{{Infobox Former Country
'''Derbent Khanate''' was a [[khanate]] having the center at [[Derbent]]. It included the northern clans of [[Lezgian people]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Minahan|first=James |title=Encyclopedia of the stateless nations. 3. L - R|publisher=[[Greenwood Publishing Group]]|year=2002|pages=1086|isbn=9780313321115}}</ref>
|conventional_long_name = Derbent Khanate<br />{{lang-fa|دربند خانات}}
|empire = [[Afsharids|Persia]]
|continent = [[North Caucasus]]
|common_name = Derbent (Darband)
|common_languages = [[Persian language|Persian]] (official),<ref>Homa Katouzian, "Iranian history and politics", Published by Routledge, 2003. pg 128: "''Indeed, since the formation of the Ghaznavids state in the tenth century until the fall of Qajars at the beginning of the twentieth century, most parts of the Iranian cultural regions were ruled by Turkic-speaking dynasties most of the time. At the same time, the official language was Persian, the court literature was in Persian, and most of the chancellors, ministers, and mandarins were Persian speakers of the highest learning and ability''"</ref> [[Tat language (Caucasus)|Tat]], [[Azerbaijani language|Azerbaijani]], [[Judeo-Tat]], [[Lezgin language|Lezgin]], [[Kumyk language|Kumyk]], [[Armenian language|Armenian]]
|year_start = 1747
|year_end = 1806
|p1 = Afsharid dynasty
|flag_p1 = Nader Shah Flag.svg
|s1 = Imperial Russia
|flag_s1 = Flag of Russia.svg
|image_flag =
|image_coat =
|image_map = Khanates.jpg
|image_map_caption = Derbent Khanate and the northwestern Caucasian territories of [[Qajar dynasty|Qajar Iran]] after it's loss of Georgia in 1801.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.academia.edu/9137125/Relations_between_Tehran_and_Moscow_1979-2014|title=Relations between Tehran and Moscow, 1797-2014|accessdate=15 December 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://ijbssnet.com/journals/Vol_3_No_12_Special_Issue_June_2012/18.pdf|title=The Qajar Dynasty in Iran: The Most Important Occurence Evented in the Qajars Monarchy}}</ref>
|capital = [[Derbent]]
|status = [[Khanate]]

The '''Derbent Khanate''' was a [[Khanates of the Caucasus|khanate]] that was established in [[Afsharid dynasty|Afsharid Iran]]. It corresponded to southern [[Dagestan]] and it's center was at [[Derbent]]. It included the northern clans of [[Lezgian people]].<ref>{{cite book|last=Minahan|first=James |title=Encyclopedia of the stateless nations. 3. L - R|publisher=[[Greenwood Publishing Group]]|year=2002|pages=1086|isbn=9780313321115}}</ref>

Large parts of [[Dagestan]] had been part of the Iranian [[Safavid dynasty|Safavid Empire]] since the 16h century. At the beginning of the 18th century, following the slow disintegration of the Safavid state, there were uprisings in the Northeast [[Caucasus]] against the Persian rule. The [[Imperial Russia|Russian]] and [[Ottoman Empire]], both imperial rivals of the Persians, made usage of this. In 1722, [[Peter the Great]] declared war on Persia and started the [[Russo-Persian War (1722-1723)]]. This was the first time the Russians made an expedition for the capture of Derbent and beyond down the Caucasus.
During and before the occupation of Derbent by [[Peter the Great|Peter I]], the naib of city was Imam Quli Khan and was naturally a [[Shiite]] like the rest of the Safavid Empire.<ref name="Гаджиева">{{книга
|автор = С. Ш. Гаджиева
|заглавие = Дагестанские азербайджанцы, XIX — начало XX в.: историко-этнографическое исследование
|издательство = «Восточная литература» РАН
|место =
|год = 1999
|страницы = 169
|isbn =
|автор =
|заглавие = История народов Северного Кавказа с древнейших времён до конца XVIII в.
|издательство = Наука
|место =М.
|год = 1988
|страницы = 414
|isbn =
}}</ref> He proposed the Russian emperor the keys to the city gates.

Peter I reappointed Imam Quli Khan as the head of Derbent and it's "native" troops by assigning him the rank of Major-General. In September 1723 following the [[Russo-Persian War (1722-1723)]] and the outcoming [[Treaty of Sain Petersburg (1723)|Treaty of Saint Petersburg]], the Safavid Shah [[Sultan Husayn]], who's empire was for years already in dissaray and crumbling, was forced to cede [[Derbent]] alongside the many other Iranian territories in the [[Caucasus]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://gatchina3000.ru/great-soviet-encyclopedia/bse/098/288.htm|title=Русско-иранский договор 1723|publisher=БСЭ|archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/68Uy0SM0R|archivedate=2012-06-18}}</ref> However, some years later in connection with the aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations, and the new rise of Persia now led by the brilliant military general [[Nader Shah]], Russia found itself forced to cede all territories back by March 1735 in the [[Treaty of Ganja]] in order to deter itself from a costly war against Persia, and also to construct an alliance against the common neighboring foe; [[Ottoman Turkey]].<ref>{{cite web
| url = http://gatchina3000.ru/big/017/948_bolshaya-sovetskaya.htm
| title = Гянджинский трактат 1735
| publisher = БСЭ
| archiveurl = http://www.webcitation.org/68Uy17qqW
| archivedate = 2012-06-18
}}</ref> Most of the other territories were already given back in the [[Treaty of Resht]] in 1732 as part of the same reasons.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/nader-shah|title=NADER SHAH|accessdate=29 December 2014}}</ref>

After the death of Nadir Shah in 1747 his huge empire disintegrated and the former Persian provinces in the Caucasus ([[Beylerbey]]is) formed [[Khanates of the Caucasus|two dozen semi-independent and dependant khanates]], one of which was newly formed the Derbent Khanate.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://books.google.nl/books?id=fvqYSoRvAI4C&pg=PA164&dq=Derbent+khanate+history+death+of+nadir+shah&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=XXmSVIn5Gpf5au_DgfgB&ved=0CCMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Derbent%20khanate%20history%20death%20of%20nadir%20shah&f=false|title=The Caspian Sea Encyclopedia|accessdate=29 December 2014}}</ref> Starting from 1747 with the title of Khan, the first ruler of the Derbent Khanate became the son of Imam Kuli Khan - Muhammad Hassan (also mentioned as Magomed-Hussein or Mohammed Hussein).<ref name="Гаджиева"/>

==As part of the Quba Khanate==
In 1765, the khan of [[Quba khanate|Quba]], [[Fatali Khan]], conquered [[Derbent]] and united the Derbent khanate to his possessions with the help of [[Shamkhal (title)|shamkhal]], utsmi and [[Administrative divisions of the Republic of Dagestan|Tabasaran]]’s [[qadi]].<ref>{{Cite book
| title = Очерки истории Южного Дагестана
| author = Х. Х. Рамазанов, А. Р. Шихсаидов.
| url=
| publisher=Дагестанский филиал Академии наук СССР
| location=Махачкала
| year = 1964
| page=184
| volume=
| isbn=
| accessdate= }}</ref> After submission of the Khanate, its ruler [[Mohammed Hussein Khan Derbendi]] was blinded and imprisoned first in [[Quba]], and then [[Baku]]. After some time, Mohammed Hussein Khan died in Baku.<ref>[http://www.arannews.ir/ViewDetail/Print/?lang=az&ID=1xa5on47do İnayətullah Rza. «Aran» adı niyə məhv oldu?] {{Ref-az}}{{oq | az | Fətəli xan qonşu xanlıqları, Qubaya ilhaq etmək üçün çox çalışdı. Bu çalışmaların nəticəsində Dərbənd xanlığı Qubaya birləşdi. Fətəli xan Qafqaz sıra dağlarını və Xəzərin qərbi sahilərindəki ərazini Samur çayına qədər fəth etdi və Dərbəndin fəthindən sonra, Məhəmmədhüseyn xan Dərbəndini iki gözünü kör etdi.onu birinci Qubada sonra isə Bakıda həbsə etdirdi.Bir müddət sonra Məhəmmədhüseyn xan Bakıda vəfat etdi.}}</ref>

After the death of Fatali Khan, his short lived quasi-independent rule collapsed. His successor, Ahmed Khan, ruled for only two years and died in March 1791 after whom the new khan of Quba became his brother Sheikh Ali Khan. As a result of dissatisfaction with the policies Sheikh Ali Khan, Derbent once again became an independent khanate, which in May 1799 received its own khan again, and this was the youngest son of Fatali Khan, named Hasan Aga.<ref name = "Mustafayev">{{book
| author = J. M. Mustafayev
| title = The northern khanate of Azerbaijan and Russia: the end of the beginning of the XVIII-XIX century.
| publisher = Elm
| location =
| year = 1989
| pages = 35
| isbn =
}}</ref> In 1802 and Hasan Khan died and Sheikh Ali Khan resubjugated the possession of Derbent to the Quba Khanate.<ref name = "Mustafayev" />

==Qajar Iran's forced ceding and end of the khanate==
In 1806 during the [[Russo-Persian War (1804-1813)]], the Khanate was occupied by Russian troops. According to the [[Treaty of Gulistan]], signed on October 12, 1813, in the village of [[Gülüstan, Goranboy|Gulistan]] (in [[Karabakh]]) [[Qajar dynasty|Persia]] was forced to cede the Khanate of Derbent to Russia. In addition to the Derbent khanate according the terms of the infamous treaty, it also was forced to irrevocably cede [[Baku Khanate|Baku]], [[Karabakh khanate|Karabakh]], [[Ganja Khanate|Ganja]], [[Shirvan Khanate|Shirvan]], [[Shaki Khanate|Shaki]], [[Quba Khanate|Cuban]], [[Georgia (country)|Georgia]], and wider [[Dagestan]],<ref>{{cite web|url=https://books.google.nl/books?id=KTq2BQAAQBAJ&pg=PA728&dq=russo+persian+war+1804-1813&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=QnOXVJXpCcz7UPevhPAK&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=russo%20persian%20war%201804-1813&f=false|title=Russia at War: From the Mongol Conquest to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Beyond ...|accessdate=22 December 2014}}</ref> all territories forming integral parts of Iran.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/caucasus-index|title=CAUCASUS AND IRAN|accessdate=29 December 2014}}</ref>

==Land, Geography, and People==
The territory of the Derbent khanate extended south from the possession of kaytagskogo utsmiya, to the foothills of the [[Tabasaran Principality]] to the west, and north-eastern borders of the [[Quba khanate]] to the south.<ref name="Nauka">{{книга
|автор =
|заглавие = История Дагестана
|издательство = Наука
|место =М.
|том =1
|год = 1967
|страницы = 326
|isbn =

The population of Derbent khanate consisted of [[Persian people|Persians]], [[Tat people (Caucasus)|Tats]], [[Azerbaijani people|Azerbaijanis]], [[Lezgins]], [[Mountain Jews]], and others.<ref name = "BDT" /> Russian historian Semyon Mikhailovich Bronevsky, who visited the Caucasus at the end of the 18th century, wrote about [[Derbent]]:

:''In 1796, there are 2,189 houses, one of them which is a mint, 450 shops, 15 mosques, 6 caravanserais, 30 silk factories, 113 paper mills, 50 different artisan shops, residents of both sexes are a small 10,000, all of which adhere to the Shia sect and for the most part are Persians, and, except for a number of [[Armenians|Armenian]], all here speak and write [[Persian language|Persian]].''.<ref name="Броневский">{{книга
|автор = С. М. Броневский
|заглавие = Историческия выписки о сношениях России с Персиею, Грузиею и вообще с горскими народами, в Кавказе обитающими, со времен Ивана Васильевича доныне
|издательство =Центр "Петербургское востоковедение"
|место =
|год = 1996
|страницы = 176-177
|isbn =

Furthermore , he said that:

:''Among the other residents their numbers do not exceed 2,000. They originally come from Persia such as the [[Shahsevan]] and [[Terekeme people|Tarakama]], were anciently transferred to Dagestan, settled in 17 villages, and are kept part of the Shia sect as well. They speak a "Tatar dialect".(Azerbaijani) They are diligent farmers, make some kind of bread, cotton, saffron, practice sericulture, and contribute to the city's natural resources it needs, such as wood, coal and food supplies. Their land rife with all supplies, meadows, forests and waters. Mountain peoples violate their peace with their raids, which however they are able to reflect on the nature as they are brave and are always armed due to caution. All residents of the Derbent khante altogether with the city included can not put more than around four thousand armed men, mostly cavalry, who are revered in Derbent to be the best.<ref name = "Bronevsky" />''::

==See also==
*[[Qajar dynasty]]
*[[Russo-Persian Wars]]
*[[Treaty of Gulistan]]
*[[Kurekchay Treaty]]
*[[Treaty of Turkmenchay]]

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[[Category:Khanates of the South Caucasus]]
[[Category:Khanates of the South Caucasus]]
[[Category:Iranian dynasties]]

[[Category:History of Iran]]

[[Category:Khanates of the Caucasus]]
[[Category:Qajar dynasty]]
[[Category:Russo-Persian Wars]]
[[Category:History of Azerbaijan]]
[[Category:History of Russia]]
[[Category:History of the Caucasus]]

Revision as of 07:43, 3 January 2015

Derbent Khanate
Persian: دربند خانات
Derbent Khanate and the northwestern Caucasian territories of Qajar Iran after it's loss of Georgia in 1801.[1][2]
Derbent Khanate and the northwestern Caucasian territories of Qajar Iran after it's loss of Georgia in 1801.[1][2]
Common languagesPersian (official),[3] Tat, Azerbaijani, Judeo-Tat, Lezgin, Kumyk, Armenian
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Afsharid dynasty
Imperial Russia

The Derbent Khanate was a khanate that was established in Afsharid Iran. It corresponded to southern Dagestan and it's center was at Derbent. It included the northern clans of Lezgian people.[4]


Large parts of Dagestan had been part of the Iranian Safavid Empire since the 16h century. At the beginning of the 18th century, following the slow disintegration of the Safavid state, there were uprisings in the Northeast Caucasus against the Persian rule. The Russian and Ottoman Empire, both imperial rivals of the Persians, made usage of this. In 1722, Peter the Great declared war on Persia and started the Russo-Persian War (1722-1723). This was the first time the Russians made an expedition for the capture of Derbent and beyond down the Caucasus. During and before the occupation of Derbent by Peter I, the naib of city was Imam Quli Khan and was naturally a Shiite like the rest of the Safavid Empire.[5][6] He proposed the Russian emperor the keys to the city gates.

Peter I reappointed Imam Quli Khan as the head of Derbent and it's "native" troops by assigning him the rank of Major-General. In September 1723 following the Russo-Persian War (1722-1723) and the outcoming Treaty of Saint Petersburg, the Safavid Shah Sultan Husayn, who's empire was for years already in dissaray and crumbling, was forced to cede Derbent alongside the many other Iranian territories in the Caucasus.[7] However, some years later in connection with the aggravation of Russian-Turkish relations, and the new rise of Persia now led by the brilliant military general Nader Shah, Russia found itself forced to cede all territories back by March 1735 in the Treaty of Ganja in order to deter itself from a costly war against Persia, and also to construct an alliance against the common neighboring foe; Ottoman Turkey.[8] Most of the other territories were already given back in the Treaty of Resht in 1732 as part of the same reasons.[9]

After the death of Nadir Shah in 1747 his huge empire disintegrated and the former Persian provinces in the Caucasus (Beylerbeyis) formed two dozen semi-independent and dependant khanates, one of which was newly formed the Derbent Khanate.[10] Starting from 1747 with the title of Khan, the first ruler of the Derbent Khanate became the son of Imam Kuli Khan - Muhammad Hassan (also mentioned as Magomed-Hussein or Mohammed Hussein).[5]

As part of the Quba Khanate

In 1765, the khan of Quba, Fatali Khan, conquered Derbent and united the Derbent khanate to his possessions with the help of shamkhal, utsmi and Tabasaran’s qadi.[11] After submission of the Khanate, its ruler Mohammed Hussein Khan Derbendi was blinded and imprisoned first in Quba, and then Baku. After some time, Mohammed Hussein Khan died in Baku.[12]

After the death of Fatali Khan, his short lived quasi-independent rule collapsed. His successor, Ahmed Khan, ruled for only two years and died in March 1791 after whom the new khan of Quba became his brother Sheikh Ali Khan. As a result of dissatisfaction with the policies Sheikh Ali Khan, Derbent once again became an independent khanate, which in May 1799 received its own khan again, and this was the youngest son of Fatali Khan, named Hasan Aga.[13] In 1802 and Hasan Khan died and Sheikh Ali Khan resubjugated the possession of Derbent to the Quba Khanate.[13]

Qajar Iran's forced ceding and end of the khanate

In 1806 during the Russo-Persian War (1804-1813), the Khanate was occupied by Russian troops. According to the Treaty of Gulistan, signed on October 12, 1813, in the village of Gulistan (in Karabakh) Persia was forced to cede the Khanate of Derbent to Russia. In addition to the Derbent khanate according the terms of the infamous treaty, it also was forced to irrevocably cede Baku, Karabakh, Ganja, Shirvan, Shaki, Cuban, Georgia, and wider Dagestan,[14] all territories forming integral parts of Iran.[15]

Land, Geography, and People

The territory of the Derbent khanate extended south from the possession of kaytagskogo utsmiya, to the foothills of the Tabasaran Principality to the west, and north-eastern borders of the Quba khanate to the south.[16]

The population of Derbent khanate consisted of Persians, Tats, Azerbaijanis, Lezgins, Mountain Jews, and others.[17] Russian historian Semyon Mikhailovich Bronevsky, who visited the Caucasus at the end of the 18th century, wrote about Derbent:

In 1796, there are 2,189 houses, one of them which is a mint, 450 shops, 15 mosques, 6 caravanserais, 30 silk factories, 113 paper mills, 50 different artisan shops, residents of both sexes are a small 10,000, all of which adhere to the Shia sect and for the most part are Persians, and, except for a number of Armenian, all here speak and write Persian..[18]

Furthermore , he said that:

Among the other residents their numbers do not exceed 2,000. They originally come from Persia such as the Shahsevan and Tarakama, were anciently transferred to Dagestan, settled in 17 villages, and are kept part of the Shia sect as well. They speak a "Tatar dialect".(Azerbaijani) They are diligent farmers, make some kind of bread, cotton, saffron, practice sericulture, and contribute to the city's natural resources it needs, such as wood, coal and food supplies. Their land rife with all supplies, meadows, forests and waters. Mountain peoples violate their peace with their raids, which however they are able to reflect on the nature as they are brave and are always armed due to caution. All residents of the Derbent khante altogether with the city included can not put more than around four thousand armed men, mostly cavalry, who are revered in Derbent to be the best.[19]::

See also


  1. ^ "Relations between Tehran and Moscow, 1797-2014". Retrieved 15 December 2014.
  2. ^ "The Qajar Dynasty in Iran: The Most Important Occurence Evented in the Qajars Monarchy" (PDF).
  3. ^ Homa Katouzian, "Iranian history and politics", Published by Routledge, 2003. pg 128: "Indeed, since the formation of the Ghaznavids state in the tenth century until the fall of Qajars at the beginning of the twentieth century, most parts of the Iranian cultural regions were ruled by Turkic-speaking dynasties most of the time. At the same time, the official language was Persian, the court literature was in Persian, and most of the chancellors, ministers, and mandarins were Persian speakers of the highest learning and ability"
  4. ^ Minahan, James (2002). Encyclopedia of the stateless nations. 3. L - R. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 1086. ISBN 9780313321115.
  5. ^ a b С. Ш. Гаджиева (1999). Дагестанские азербайджанцы, XIX — начало XX в.: историко-этнографическое исследование. «Восточная литература» РАН. p. 169.
  6. ^ История народов Северного Кавказа с древнейших времён до конца XVIII в. М.: Наука. 1988. p. 414.
  7. ^ "Русско-иранский договор 1723". БСЭ. Archived from the original on 2012-06-18.
  8. ^ "Гянджинский трактат 1735". БСЭ. Archived from the original on 2012-06-18.
  9. ^ "NADER SHAH". Retrieved 29 December 2014.
  10. ^ "The Caspian Sea Encyclopedia". Retrieved 29 December 2014.
  11. ^ Х. Х. Рамазанов, А. Р. Шихсаидов. (1964). Очерки истории Южного Дагестана. Махачкала: Дагестанский филиал Академии наук СССР. p. 184.
  12. ^ İnayətullah Rza. «Aran» adı niyə məhv oldu? Template:Ref-az
  13. ^ a b
    Derbent Khanate
    AuthorJ. M. Mustafayev
  14. ^ "Russia at War: From the Mongol Conquest to Afghanistan, Chechnya, and Beyond ..." Retrieved 22 December 2014.
  15. ^ "CAUCASUS AND IRAN". Retrieved 29 December 2014.
  16. ^ История Дагестана. Vol. 1. М.: Наука. 1967. p. 326.
  17. ^ Cite error: The named reference BDT was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  18. ^ С. М. Броневский (1996). Историческия выписки о сношениях России с Персиею, Грузиею и вообще с горскими народами, в Кавказе обитающими, со времен Ивана Васильевича доныне. Центр "Петербургское востоковедение". pp. 176–177.
  19. ^ Cite error: The named reference Bronevsky was invoked but never defined (see the help page).