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Edom (Hebrew: אֱדוֹם, Modern: Edom, Tiberian: ʾĔḏôm, "red") is a name given to Esau in the Hebrew Bible, as well as to the nation purportedly descended from him. The nation's name in Assyrian was Udumi; in Syriac, ܐܕܘܡ); in Greek, Ἰδουμαία (Idoumaía); in Latin, Idumæa or Idumea.

The Edomite people were a Semitic-speaking tribal group inhabiting the Negev Desert and the Aravah valley of what is now southern Israel and adjacent Jordan. The region has much reddish sandstone, which may have given rise to the name "Edom". The nation of Edom is known to have existed back to the 8th or 9th century BCE, and the Bible dates it back several centuries further. Recent archeological evidence may indicate an Edomite nation as long ago as the 11th century BCE, but the topic is controversial. The nation ceased to exist with the Jewish-Roman Wars.

The Edomites

The Edomites may have been connected with the Shasu and Shutu, nomadic raiders mentioned in Egyptian sources. Indeed, a letter from an Egyptian scribe at a border fortress in the Wadi Tumilat during the reign of Merneptah reports movement of nomadic "shasu-tribes of Edom" to watering holes in Egyptian territory.[1]

In the Bible

The Bible explains the name "Edom" with no mention of red rock. It refers to the Edomites as descendants of Esau, and the Book of Genesis mentions "red" a number of times in describing Esau and explaining his alternate name Edom. "The first one [Esau] came out reddish [admoni in Hebrew], as hairy as a fur coat. They named him Esau."[2] Years later, "Jacob was once simmering a stew, when Esau came home exhausted from the field. Esau said to Jacob, 'Give me a swallow of that red stuff [ha-adom, ha-adom, i.e., using the word ha-adom twice -- this is normal in Hebrew] I'm famished!' He was therefore given the name Edom ['Red' or 'Ruddy']" [3] (see also retroactive nomenclature).

The Edomites' original country, according to the Tanakh, stretched from the Sinai peninsula as far as Kadesh Barnea. Southward it reached as far as Eilat, which was the seaport of Edom.[4] On the north of Edom was the territory of Moab.[5] The boundary between Moab and Edom was the Wadi Zered.[6] The ancient capital of Edom was Bozrah[7] According to Genesis, Esau's descendants settled in this land after displacing the Horites. It was also called the land of Seir; Mount Seir appears to have been strongly identified with them and may have been a cultic site. In the time of Amaziah (838 BCE), Selah (Petra) was its principal stronghold;[8] Eilat and Ezion-geber its seaports.[9]

Genesis 36 chronicles Esau's family and the kings of Edom:

These are the kings who ruled in the land of Edom before a king ruled the children of Israel. And Bela ben Beor ruled in Edom, and the name of his city was Dinhabah. And Bela died, and Jobab ben Zerah from Bozrah ruled in his place. And Jobab died, and Husham of the land of Temani ruled in his place. And Husham died, and Hadad ben Bedad, who struck Midian in the field of Moab, ruled in his place, and the name of his city was Avith. And Hadad died, and Samlah of Masrekah ruled in his place. And Samlah died, and Saul of Rehoboth on the river ruled in his place. And Saul died, and Baal-hanan ben Achbor ruled in his place. And Baal-hanan ben Achbor died, and Hadar ruled in his place, and the name of his city was Pau, and his wife's name was Mehetabel bat Matred bat Mezahab. And these are the names of the clans of Esau by their families, by their places, by their names: clan Timnah, clan Alvah, clan Jetheth, clan Aholibamah, clan Elah, clan Pinon, clan Kenaz, clan Teman, clan Mibzar, clan Magdiel, clan Iram.[10]

The Hebrew word translated as "clan" is aluf, also translated as "chief", "general", or "duke", and used in this sense only in connection with Edom and Hori.[11] (Since 1948 it has been used for senior ranks in the Israeli Defense Force).

If the account may be taken at face value, the kingship of Edom was, at least in early times, not hereditary,[12] perhaps elective.[13] First Chronicles mentions both a king and chieftains.[14] When the King of Edom refused to allow the children of Israel [15] to pass through his land on their way to Canaan, they detoured around the country because of his show of force[16] or because God ordered them to do so rather than wage war[17]. The King of Edom did not attack the Israelites, though he prepared to resist aggression.

Map of the southern Levant, c.830s BCE.
  Kingdom of Judah
  Kingdom of Israel
  Philistine city-states
  Phoenician states
  Kingdom of Ammon
  Kingdom of Edom
  Kingdom of Aram-Damascus
  Aramean tribes
  Arubu tribes
  Nabatu tribes
  Assyrian Empire
  Kingdom of Moab

Nothing further is recorded of the Edomites in the Tanakh until their defeat by King Saul of Israel in the late 1000s BCE. Forty years later King David and his general Joab defeated the Edomites in the "valley of salt," (probably near the Dead Sea).[18] An Edomite prince named Hadad escaped and fled to Egypt, and after David's death returned and tried to start a rebellion, but failed and went to Syria.[19] From that time Edom remained a vassal of Israel. David placed over the Edomites Israelite governors or prefects [20] and this form of government seems to have continued under Solomon. When Israel divided into two kingdoms Edom became a dependency of the Kingdom of Judah. In the time of Jehoshaphat (c. 914 BCE) the Tanakh mentions a king of Edom,[21] who was probably an Israelite appointed by the King of Judah. It also states[22] that the inhabitants of Mount Seir invaded Judea in conjunction with Ammon and Moab, and that the invaders turned against one another and were all destroyed. Edom revolted against Jehoram and elected a king of its own.[23] Amaziah attacked and defeated the Edomites, seizing Selah, but the Israelites never subdued Edom completely.[24]

In the time of Nebuchadnezzar II the Edomites helped plunder Jerusalem and slaughter the Jews.[25] For this reason the Prophets denounced Edom violently.[26]

Although the Idumaeans controlled the lands to the east and south of the Dead Sea, their peoples were held in contempt by the Israelites. Hence the Book of Psalms says "Moab is my washpot: over Edom will I cast out my shoe".[27] According to the Torah,[28] the congregation could not receive descendants of a marriage between an Israelite and an Edomite until the fourth generation. This law was a subject of controversy between Shimon ben Yohai, who said it applied only to male descendants, and other Talmudists, who said female descendants were also excluded.[29]


The Kingdom of Edom drew much of its livelihood from the caravan trade between Egypt, the Levant, Mesopotamia, and southern Arabia, along the Incense Route. Astride the King's Highway, the Edomites were one of several states in the region for whom trade was vital due to the scarcity of arable land. It is also said that sea routes traded as far away as India, with ships leaving from the port of Ezion-Geber. Edom's location on the southern highlands left it with only a small strip of land that received sufficient rain for farming.[citation needed]

Edom probably exported salt and balsam (used for perfume and temple incense in the ancient world) from the Dead Sea region.[citation needed]

Post-Biblical Times

Map showing kingdom of Edom (in red) at its largest extent, c. 600 BCE. Areas in dark red show the approximate boundary of classical-age Idumaea.

Edom is mentioned in Assyrian cuneiform inscriptions in the form "Udumi" or "Udumu"; three of its kings are known from the same source: Ḳaus-malaka at the time of Tiglath-pileser III (c. 745 BCE), Malik-rammu at the time of Sennacherib (c. 705 BCE), and Ḳaus-gabri at the time of Esarhaddon (c. 680 BCE). According to the Egyptian inscriptions, the "Aduma" at times extended their possessions to the borders of Egypt.[30] After the conquest of Judah by the Babylonians, the Edomites were allowed to settle in the region south of Hebron. They prospered in this new country, called by the Greeks and Romans "Idumaea" or "Idumea", for more than four centuries.[31] At the same time they were driven by the Nabatæans from their ancestral lands to the south and east.

During the revolt of the Maccabees against the Seleucid kingdom, II Maccabees refers to a Seleucid general named Gorgias as "Governor of Idumaea"; whether he was a Greek or a Hellenized Edomite is unknown.[32] Some scholars maintain that the reference to Idumaea in that passage is an error altogether. Judas Maccabeus conquered their territory for a time in around 163 BCE.[33] They were again subdued by John Hyrcanus (c. 125 BCE), who forced them to observe Jewish rites and laws.[34] They were then incorporated with the Jewish nation.[13]

The Hasmonean official Antipater the Idumaean was of Edomite origin. He was the progenitor of the Herodian Dynasty that ruled Judea after the Roman conquest. Under Herod the Great Idumaea was ruled for him by a series of governors, among whom were his brother Joseph ben Antipater and his brother-in-law Costobarus.

Immediately before the siege of Jerusalem by Titus, 20,000 Idumaeans, under the leadership of John, Simeon, Phinehas, and Jacob, appeared before Jerusalem to fight in behalf of the Zealots who were besieged in the Temple.[35]

After the Jewish Wars the Idumaeans ceased to be a separate people, though the geographical name "Idumea" still existed at the time of St. Jerome.[13]

Edomite religion

The nature of Edomite religion is largely unknown. As close relatives of other Levantine Semites, they may have worshipped such gods as El, Baal, and Asherah. A national god named Kaus (possibly analogous with the Moabite god Chemosh) is known from personal names and from an altar inscription discovered near Mamre.[citation needed]

Identification with Rome

Later in Jewish history, the Roman Empire came to be identified with Esau and "Edom". In medieval rabbinic writing, "Edom" is used to refer to the Byzantine Empire and Christendom in general (cf. the use of "Ishmael" to refer to the Islamic world). See extended discussion of this subject under Esau.


For over a century, archeologists specializing in the Middle East maintained that there was no evidence of an organized state society in Edom earlier than the 800s or 700s BCE. Biblical minimalists touted this fact as one piece of evidence of the Bible's ultimate unreliability as a historical source.[36]

Recently, however, excavations such as the 2004-2004 UCSD dig at Khirbat an-Nahas, part of the Jabal Hamrat Fidan (JHF) Archaeological Project, in Jordan have shed new light on the history of Edom, unearthing artifacts and evidence of settled state society as early as the tenth century BCE,1 2), although whether and to what extent these sites reflect Edomite statehood is debated.3 Thomas E. Levy, among other scholars, concluded from a survey of the an-Nahas site that Edom was a sophisticated, urbanized society as early as the eleventh century BCE, (the date of the first Israelite monarchy, according to the Bible) which even had its own copper works.[37] Radiocarbon tests from the site have confirmed that the industrial areas of the site date to the eleventh and tenth centuries BCE.[38]

See also


  1. ^ Redford, Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times, Princeton Univ. Press, 1992. p.228, 318.
  2. ^ Genesis 25:25, ORT translation, material in brackets added.
  3. ^ Genesis 25:29-30, ORT translation, material in brackets added.
  4. ^ Deut. 1:2; 2:1-8
  5. ^ Judges 11:17-18; II Kings 3:8-9
  6. ^ Deut. 2:13-18
  7. ^ Gen. 36:33; Isa. 34:6, 63:1, et al.
  8. ^ II Kings 14:7
  9. ^ I Kings 9:26
  10. ^ Genesis 36:31-43
  11. ^ 441
  12. ^ Gordon, Bruce R. "Edom (Idumaea)". Regnal Chronologies. Retrieved 2006-08-04.
  13. ^ a b c Richard Gottheil, M. Seligsohn (1901–1906). "Edom, Idumaea". The Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. Funk and Wagnalls. pp. 40–41. LCCN:16014703. Retrieved 2005-07-25.{{cite encyclopedia}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  14. ^ I Chron. 1:43-54
  15. ^ Numbers 20:19 King James Version 1611
  16. ^ Num. 20:14-21
  17. ^ Deut. 2:4-6
  18. ^ II Sam. 8:13-14; I Kings 9:15-16
  19. ^ ib. 9:14-22; Josephus, Jewish Antiquities viii. 7, S 6
  20. ^ II Sam. 8:14,
  21. ^ II Kings 3:9-26
  22. ^ II Chron. 20:10-23
  23. ^ II Kings 8:20-22; II Chron. 21:8
  24. ^ II Kings 14:7; II Chron. 25:11-12
  25. ^ Ps. 137:7; Obad. 11-14
  26. ^ Isa. 34:5-8; Jer. 49:7-22; Obadiah passim
  27. ^ Psalms 60:8 & 108:9
  28. ^ Deut. 23:8-9
  29. ^ Yevamot 76b
  30. ^ Müller, Asien und Europa, p. 135.
  31. ^ Mark 3:8; Ptolemy, "Geography," v. 16
  32. ^ II Maccabees 12:32
  33. ^ Josephus, "Ant." xii. 8, §§ 1, 6
  34. ^ ib. xiii. 9, § 1; xiv. 4, § 4
  35. ^ Josephus, Jewish Wars iv. 4, § 5
  36. ^ Redford 305.
  37. ^ Levy, Thomas E. and Mohammed Najjar. "Edom and Copper." Biblical Archaeology Review. July/August, 2006.
  38. ^ Ibid., but see http://www.wadiarabahproject.man.ac.uk/opening/titlepage/news/Antiquity/WAP%20review.htm


  • Buhl, Die Edomiter, 1893;
  • Nöldeke, in Cheyne and Black, Encyc. Bibl. ii. 1181;
  • Trumbull, Kadesh Barnea;
  • Baethgen, Beiträge zur Semit. Religionsgesch. p. 10;
  • Hommel, Ancient Hebr. Trad., Index;
  • Rapoport, Erech Millin, p. 14.

 This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domainSinger, Isidore; et al., eds. (1901–1906). The Jewish Encyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls. {{cite encyclopedia}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)