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Template:Otheruses2 Template:Rank Sergeant is a rank used in some form by most militaries, police forces, and other uniformed organisations around the world. Its origins are the Latin serviens, "one who serves", through the French term Sergent.

Military usage

In most non-naval military or paramilitary organizations, a Sergeant is a non-commissioned officer (NCO) ranking above Privates and Corporals, and below Warrant Officers and Commissioned Officers.

There are usually several ranks of Sergeant, each corresponding to greater experience and responsibility for the daily lives of the soldiers of larger units.

The responsibilities of a Sergeant differs from army to army. In the British and most other Commonwealth armies a Sergeant is second-in-command (2IC) of a platoon (30-50 soldiers) or troop (the commander of a platoon typically being a 2nd Lieutenant or Lieutenant). In the US Army a Sergeant and Staff Sergeant are both ranks corresponding to command of a squad (7-10 soldiers), with a Sergeant First Class equating to a British/Commonwealth Staff Sergeant.

In some armies, particularly the German army with its system of mission-based tactics, sergeants have much greater responsibility and use of initiative than in other armies.

Sergeants Major are senior NCO appointments of a company/squadron, battalion, or regiment. (In the US army company/troop senior NCO rank is Master Sergeant or First Sergeant; in British and most Commonwealth forces, sergeant major is an appointment e.g. (company sergeant major (CSM) or Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM), whereas the rank is Warrant Officer Class 2 or 1. The Royal Navy and Royal Air Force have a single Warrant Officer grade. Although even the most senior sergeant major (or equivalent) is lower in rank than any officers, the position of Sergeant Major is in many ways more prestigious than junior officer ranks.


Sergeant (SGT) is a rank in both the Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force. The ranks are equal to each other and the Royal Australian Navy rank of Petty Officer (PO).

However, the RAAF rank of Flight Sergeant (FSGT) outranks the Army rank of Staff Sergeant (SSGT). There is no Navy or RAAF equivalent of SSGT, however the Navy rank of Chief Petty Officer (CPO) and Army rank of Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) are equivalent to a Flight Sergeant.

In the Australian army the rank of Sergeant is above Corporal but below Warrant Officer Class 2. Although Staff Sergeant is technically between the two ranks, this rank is currently being phased out of the Australian Army. The insignia of a Sergeant in the Australian Army is three chevrons vertically adjacent to each other. Sergeants are non commissioned officers and are usually the 2IC's of infantry platoons or armoured/


Canadian Forces Sergeant's arm badge
Canadian Forces Sergeant's arm badge

Sergeant (Sgt) (French: sergent or sgt) is an Army or Air Force non-commissioned member (NCM) rank of the Canadian Forces. Its Naval equivalent is Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2) (French: maître de 2e classe or m2). It is senior to the appointment of Master Corporal (MCpl) and its equivalent naval appointment, Master Seaman (MS), and junior to Warrant Officer (WO) and its naval equivalent, Petty Officer 1st Class (PO1). Sgts and PO2s together make up the cadre of senior non-commissioned officers (Sr NCOs).

In army units, Sergeants usually serve as section commanders; they may often be called to fill positions normally held by Warrant Officers, such as Platoon or Troop Warrant, Company Quartermaster Sergeant, Chief Clerk, etc.

The rank insignia of a Sergeant is a 3-bar chevron, worn point down, surmounted by a maple leaf. Embroidered rank badges are worn in "CF gold" thread on rifle green melton, stitched to the upper sleeves of the Service Dress jacket; as miniature gold metal and rifle-green enamel badges on the collars of the Army dress shirt and Army outerwear jackets; in "old-gold" thread on postman-blue slip-ons on Air Force shirts, sweaters, and coats; and in tan (Army) or dark blue (Air Force) thread on CADPAT slip-ons on the Operational Dress uniform. Sergeants are generally initially addressed as "Sergeant Bloggins" and thereafter as "Sergeant"; the colloquialism "Sarge" is used only in informal situations.

Colour Sergeant in the Canadian Forces is not a rank of Sergeant, but a Warrant Officer in one of the two Foot Guards regiments (the Governor General's Foot Guards and the Canadian Grenadier Guards). Likewise, a Sergeant-Major (including Regimental Sergeant-Major) is not a Sergeant rank, but an appointment held by a Master Warrant Officer or Chief Warrant Officer.

Sergeants generally mess and billet with Warrant Officers, Master Warrant Officers, and Chief Warrant Officers, and their naval counterparts, Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers. Their mess on military bases or installations is generally named the Warrant Officers and Sergeants Mess.

Historically, the rank of sergeant was severely downgraded after Unification of the three services in 1968. An Army Sergeant before unification was generally employed in supervisory positions, such as the second in command of a platoon sized unit (ie an infantry Platoon Sergeant, or Troop Sergeant in an armoured unit). After unification he was downgraded in status to section commander, a job previously held by Corporals, and the former "Platoon/Troop Sergeant"s were replaced by "Platoon/Troop Warrant Officers."


See the article Ranks in the French Army

There are three sergeant ranks in France, although the most junior, contract sergeant, is rare now that conscription has been suspended. In general, the term sergent is used indifferently for both contract sergeant and career sergeant. Contract sergeant is classified as the lowest NCO[1] rank, the rank below being chief corporal.

Chief Sergeant (top : Infantry, bottom : chasseurs alpins)
Career sergeant (top : infantry, bottom : chasseurs alpins)
  • Contract sergeant : Sergent sous contrat: One chevron, gold or silver[2].
    A rank used for junior sergeants, either conscripts or reservists. Junior to commonwealth sergeant but senior to commonwealth corporal. The rank insignia is used nowadays for NCOs-in-training.
  • Career sergeant : Sergent de carrière: Two chevrons.
    Normal sergeant rank, though normally directly recruited from civilian life into this rank, so the rank implies less experience than for a commonwealth sergeant. Normally simply referred to as sergeant, dropping the "de carrière". With long service, promotion to chief sergeant is automatic. Equivalent to a US sergeant. Roughly equivalent to, but slightly junior to, a commonwealth sergeant.
  • Chief Sergeant : Sergent-chef: Three chevrons.
    With long service, a sergeant's promotion to chief sergeant is automatic. This rank corresponds exactly to a US staff sergeant. There is no commonwealth equivalent, this rank lying between commonwealth staff sergeant and commonwealth sergeant. The rank may be said to be roughly equivalent to, but perhaps slightly superior to, a commonwealth sergeant. The next rank up is adjutant.

French sergeant ranks are used by the entire Air Force, by the Engineers, the Infantry, the Foreign Legion, the Troupes de marine, the Communications, the Administration, all part of the French Army, and the Gendarmerie mobile, part of the Gendarmerie Nationale. Other corps in the Army and the Gendarmerie use three equivalent ranks of maréchal des logis ("marshal of lodgings" in English) instead.

  1. ^ The french military don't use the term NCO, preferring the term sous-officiers, meaning "sub-officers" (compare to German unteroffizier).
  2. ^ The color of the chevrons of the sergeant depends on his unit : the vast majority of infantry units uses gold, but a few of them, like the chasseurs alpins, uses silver.


German Sergeant's (Feldwebel) shoulder board
German Sergeant's (Feldwebel) shoulder board

In the German language, the rank of Sergeant is known as Feldwebel. The rank has existed since the 18th century, with usage as a title dating to the Middle Ages. One important difference between Sergeants and Feldwebeln exists: in a typical Bundeswehr company, only one Zug (platoon) is under the command of an officer, while the other Zugführer (platoon leader) positions are held by Feldwebel-ranked NCOs (typically Hauptfeldwebel and above).

In the modern Germany Army, Feldwebel and Oberfeldwebel have a NATO rank code of OR-6, with Unteroffizier (historically considered generically equivalent to Corporal) and Stabsunteroffizier having a rank code of OR-5.

India and Pakistan


In the British Indian Army, the equivalent rank to Sergeant was Daffadar in cavalry regiments and Havildar in other units. These ranks are still used in the Indian Army and Pakistan Army.


In many metropolitan police forces in India e.g. Kolkata Police, a Sergeant is senior to an Assistant Sub-Inspector but junior to an Inspector.


Irish Army Sgt's Rank Slider
Irish Army Sgt's Rank Slider

Sergeant (Sgt) (Sáirsint in Irish) is the second rank of non-commissioned officer within the Irish Army. The Naval equivalent is Petty Officer (PO).

The Army rank insignia consists of three winged chevrons (or "stripes"). The Service Dress Insignia consists of three wavy red chevrons 3½ inches wide bordered in yellow. The main infantry role of a Sergeant is as Second in Command of a platoon or commander of a Fire Support Section of a weapons platoon, such as an anti-tank or mortar platoon. Another role is that of Company Clerk and Instructor. There are higher ranks of Company Sergeant and Company Quartermaster Sergeant.

Sergeant is also the second rank of NCO in the Irish Air Corps. Before 1994, the Air Corps was considered part of the Army and wore Army uniforms with distinct Corps Badges, but the same rank insignia. With the introduction of a unique Air Corps blue uniform in 1994, the same rank markings in a white colour were worn, before the introduction of a new three-chevron with wing rank marking. There are higher ranks of Flight Sergeant and Flight Quartermaster Sergeant.


File:Idf sgt.gif

In the Israel Defense Forces, soldiers are promoted from Corporal to Sergeant (Samál) after approximately 20 months of service, if they performed their duties appropriately during this time. Soldiers who take a commander's course may become Sergeants earlier. Sergeants get a symbolic pay raise of 1.80 NIS.


In the Italian Army the rank of Sergeant, Sergente, is the first rank of the Warrant Officers Sergeant Role, Sottufficiali ruolo sergenti, followed by Sergente Maggiore (literally Major Sergeant) and Sergente Maggiore Capo (literally Chief Major Sergeant). The ranks of Sergente and Sergente Maggiore intended for paratroopers are bordered in blue.


Sierżant shoulder strap
Sierżant shoulder strap

In the Polish Army rank insignia system there are two grades of sergeant: Sierżant (OR-6 in NATO code) and Starszy Sierżant (OR-7). The rank first appeared in Henryk Dąbrowski's Polish Legions in Italy in the late 18th century. Both ranks are used in the infantry, armoured forces, air force and cavalry. In the artillery the equivalent is Bombardier or Ogniomistrz (literally Firemaster). In the Polish Navy, the equivalent is Bosman (literally Boatswain).


In the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), there are five different grades of sergeant: Third Sergeant (3SG), Second Sergeant (2SG), First Sergeant (1SG), Staff Sergeant (SSG), and Master Sergeant (MSG). Sergeants are considered Specialists in the SAF. They are equivalent to the non-commissioned officers of other militaries.

Soldiers must complete their Specialist course at School of Infantry Specialists (SISPEC) or other training institutes before being promoted to Third Sergeant. While active duty National Servicemen may be promoted to Second Sergeant, most personnel holding ranks above that are career soldiers.

Promotion from 3SG to SSG takes an average of 6 years, although there are many factors which may cause a soldier's promotion to cease. These factors include failure to pass an annual physical fitness proficiency test, poor performance in their appointments or getting charged for offences.

3SGs are usually section commanders. They may also hold certain logistics or administrative posts such as Company Quartermaster Sergeant. 2SGs usually serve as platoon sergeants. 1SGs, SSGs, and MSGs usually serve as Company Sergeant Major or administrative Specialists at company level or higher.

In the Singapore Police Force, the rank of Sergeant lies between Corporal and Staff Sergeant.

Rank Third sergeant Second sergeant First sergeant Staff sergeant Master sergeant
Abbreviation 3SG 2SG 1SG SSG MSG



Sergeant (Sgt) is a rank awarded after 15 months of conscript training as squad leader (Swedish Cavalry). The rank corresponds to Corporal in the British Army.

Rank aboveFänrik
Rank belowFurir
Rank criteria15 months of conscript training
Command KFORTeam Leader of 5-7 men

United Kingdom

British sergeants are usually addressed as "Sergeant". The shortening "Sarge" is sometimes used by subordinates, although many sergeants object to this term. In the British Army and Royal Marines, however, the abbreviated "Sarn't" is commonly heard.


British Army Sergeant's arm badge
British Army Sergeant's arm badge

A Sergeant (Sgt) in the British Army wears three point-down chevrons on their sleeve and usually serves as a platoon or troop sergeant, or in a specialist position. Staff Sergeant or Colour Sergeant, is the next most senior rank, above which come Warrant Officers. The Household Cavalry use the rank of Corporal of Horse instead, the only regiments to preserve the old cavalry tradition of having corporals but not sergeants.

A Lance-Sergeant (LSgt) was formerly a Corporal acting in the capacity of a Sergeant. The appointment now survives chiefly in the Guards, where it is awarded to all Corporals. A Lance-Sergeant in the Guards wears three chevrons, belongs to the Sergeants' Mess, and is considered senior to "normal" Corporals: however, for practical purposes he remains a Corporal rather than an acting Sergeant (e.g., he will typically command a section). In the Household Cavalry, the equivalent appointment is Lance-Corporal of Horse.

The official spelling was Serjeant (Sjt) until after the Second World War, although the modern spelling had already been in common use for many years.

The Royal Marines and the Infantry use the ranks of Sergeant and Colour Sergeant.

Air force

RAF Sergeant's arm badge
RAF Sergeant's arm badge

The Royal Air Force also has the rank of Sergeant, wearing the same three chevrons. The rank lies between Corporal and Flight Sergeant (or Chief Technician for technicians and musicians). Between 1950 and 1964 sergeants in technical trades were known as Senior Technicians and wore their chevrons point up.

RAF Sergeant Aircrew's arm badge
RAF Sergeant Aircrew's arm badge

On 1 July 1946, aircrew sergeants were redesignated as Aircrew IV, III or II, replacing the chevrons with one, two or three six-pointed stars within a wreath and surmounted by an albatross (commonly mistaken to be an eagle). This was unpopular and in 1950 they returned to the old rank, but have worn an albatross above their chevrons ever since. Sergeants of the Royal Flying Corps wore a four-bladed propeller above their chevrons.

Police Usage

Police Sergeant's epaulette
Police Sergeant's epaulette

A Sergeant in the police force is more senior than a Police Constable but less senior than an Inspector in the UK police ranks. Police Sergeant's chevrons are normally white print or silver-coloured metal pin badge insignia as shown to the right. For High Visibility Uniform, they are often yellow with printed silver insignia. As with Police Constable epaulettes, the Sergeants' collar numbers (and Division Call Sign if from the Metropolitan Police) are also displayed.

Unlike the military, addressing a Sergeant as "Sarge" is not seen as incorrect. Constables from the Metropolitan Police will refer to their Sergeants as "Skippers".


Within the New South Wales Police Force (established 1862) there are the following Sergeant Ranks:

  • Sergeant (SGT) (three chevrons);
  • Incremental Sergeant (SGT) (three chevrons and a crown)- this is an incremental progression, following appointment as a Sergeant for 7 years; and
  • Senior Sergeant (SEN/SGT) (three chevrons, crown surmounted by a laurel leaf)

Upon appointment as a Sergeant or Senior Sergeant within the New South Wales Police Force, the Sergeant is given a Warrant of Appointment under the Commissioners hand and seal. In addition the Sergeant is given a Navy Blue backing (Which replaces a light blue backing to the officers police badge), a navy blue name plate (which replaces a light blue nameplate), and a silver chin strap positioned above his peaked cap on his headdress, replacing a black chinstrap. These are symbols of the officers authority and standing.

As for slang, all three sergeants ranks are referred to as "Sergeant", "Boss", or "Sarge". However at the New South Wales Police College, recruits must address all ranks of Sergeants as "Sergeant".

Sergeants are usually Team Leaders in charge of an entire team of Constables to Senior Constables at large stations, to being in charge of sectors involving several police stations. Senior Sergeants are usually in specialist areas and are in charge of Sergeants and thus act as middle management.

United States


U.S. Army Sergeant's sleeve insignia
U.S. Army Sergeant's sleeve insignia

In the United States Army, although there are several ranks of sergeant, the lowest carries the title of Sergeant (SGT), colloquially referred to as buck sergeant when needed to distinguish it from the higher ranks. Sergeant is the fifth enlisted rank in the U.S. Army, just above Specialist and Corporal and below Staff Sergeant, and is the second-lowest grade of non-commissioned officer. Sergeants typically command squad-sized elements.

U.S. Army sergeants holding the rank of master sergeant and first sergeant are, in a barracks or battlefield setting, called "top".

Drill Sergeants are always addressed as "Drill Sergeant", regardless of rank (only when on an instruction tour indicated by the traditional World War I campaign hat, commonly referred to as the "Brown Round".) For example; if a Drill Sergeant is done with his/her instruction tour, they go back to wearing their beret and are called sergeant again. The Drill Sergeant will always wear the Drill Sergeant badge indicating they completed the school. The Army Drill Sergeant badge appears on the right lower shirt pocket.

Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant's sleeve insignia
U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant's sleeve insignia

Similarly, the United States Marine Corps has several ranks which carry the title of Sergeant, the lowest of which is Sergeant (Sgt). Marine Sergeants are the fifth enlisted rank in the U.S. Marine Corps, just above Corporal and below Staff Sergeant.

In the Marine Corps, enlisted ranks above Sergeant are referred to as Staff Non-Commissioned Officers (Staff NCOs or SNCOs). These ranks, Staff Sergeant through Sergeant Major, are always referred to by their full rank and never merely as "Sergeant". Gunnery Sergeants are commonly addressed as simply "Gunny", Master Sergeants as "Top", and Master Gunnery Sergeants as "Master Guns". A Marine Corps Sergeant is always addressed as "Sergeant" and never "Sarge" or any sort of nickname or abbreviation, and 1st Sergeants and Sergeants Major are always addressed by full rank title.

Air Force

The U.S. Air Force rank of Sergeant (E-4) was phased out in the 1990s. Previously, Senior Airmen were promoted to Sergeant and granted NCO status after 12 months time in grade; this lateral promotion is no longer conferred and Senior Airmen compete directly for promotion to Staff Sergeant. In today's Air Force, the term Sergeant refers to all Air Force NCOs up to and including Senior Master Sergeant.


Sergeant is also a commonly-used rank within United States police departments. It is often the first rank above "officer" and represents the first level of management within the organization.

Types of Sergeant

"Sergeant" is generally the lowest rank of Sergeant, with individual militaries choosing some additional words to signify higher ranking individuals. What terms are used, and what seniority they signify, is to a great extent dependent on the individual armed service. The term "sergeant" is also used in many appointment titles.



External links

See also