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Finisher (wrestling)

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Finishers are moves that World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) wrestlers use to finish off their opponent. Finishers are sometimes made by the superstar or made by their trainer(s). Some finishers are submissions were they try to make their opponent tap out.

Name Finisher Signature Roster Class
AJ Styles Styles clash Spiral jump TNA Superstar
Batista Batista Bomb Spear and Spinebuster Free agent Superstar
Beth Phoenix Glam Slam Canadian backbreaker Smackdown Diva
Big Show Chokeslam and Knockout punch Spear Smackdown Superstar
Bob Orton Superplex Piledriver Hall of Fame Legend
Boogeyman (wrestler) Pump-handle slam and Boogeyslam Boogeybomb Free agent Superstar
Bret Hart Sharpshooter Backbreaker Hall of fame Legend
Carlito Backstabber Neckbreaker RAW Superstar
Chavo Guerrero Frog Splash Single leg Boston Crab Smackdown Superstar
Chris Jericho Walls of Jericho (Boston Crab) and Codebreaker Lionsault RAW Superstar
Chris Masters Master Lock (Full Nelson) Powerslam Smackdown Superstar
Christian Killswitch Corner dropkick, Diving headbutt and Straight Crossbody Smackdown Superstar
CM Punk G.T.S (Go to sleep) Shining wizard combination (Turnbuckle high knee and Double arm running bulldog) Smackdown Superstar
Cody Rhodes Cross Rhodes and Snap DDT Elamander slam Smackdown Superstar
David Hart Smith Running Powerslam and Sharpshooter Modified Suplex RAW Superstar
Dolph Ziggler Zig Zag (Reverse Neckbreaker) and Sleeper hold Neckbreaker Smackdown Superstar
Drew McIntyre Future Shock DDT (Double underhook DDT) Clothesline Smackdown Superstar
Dusty Rhodes Bionic Elbow Piledriver and Elbow Drop Hall of Fame Legend
Edge Spear Edgecution, Edge O'Matic and Big Boot RAW Superstar
Evan Bourne Airbourne (Shooting Star Press) Frankinsteiner RAW Superstar
Eve Torres Moonsault Women's slap RAW Diva
Ezekiel Jackson Chokelift Spinebuster Strong strike RAW Superstar
Finlay Celtic Cross and Celtic Knot Steam Roller (Fishermans Carry Slam or Green Bay Plunge) Smackdown Superstar
Gail Kim Eat Defeat (Pull-back big boot) Christo RAW Diva
Goldust Shattered Dreams Curtain Call RAW Superstar
The Great Khali Khali Bomb (Neck hanging chokeslam) Vice Grip RAW Superstar
The Hart Dynasty Hart Attack N/A RAW Tag team of David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd
Hornswoggle Tadpole Splash N/A Smackdown Superstar
Jack Swagger Gutwrench Powerbomb Middle ropebackwards splash, Oklahoma Roll and Oklahoma Slam Smackdown Superstar
John Cena Attitude Adjustment and STF 5 knuckle shuffle, Diving leg lariat and shoulder block RAW Superstar
John Morrison Moonlight Drive and Starship Pain Snapshot and Pele kick RAW Superstar
JTG Flying Neckbreaker Neckbreaker Smackdown Superstar
Kane Chokeslam Sidewalk Slam Smackdown Superstar
Kelly Kelly Step-up Leg Head Scissors Takedown Smackdown Diva
Kofi Kingston Trouble in Paradise Boom drop and S.O.S Smackdown Superstar
Mark Henry Worlds Strongest Slam Bearhug RAW Superstar
Maryse Snap DDT Camel clutch RAW Diva
Matt Hardy Twist of Fate Side Effect Smackdown Superstar
Melina Sunsetflip Powerbomb Leg Drop reverse DDT RAW Diva
Michelle McCool Faith Breaker Big Boot Smackdown Diva
The Miz Skull Crushing Finale Mizard of Oz Raw Superstar
M.V.P (Montel Vontainious Porter) Playmaker and Big Boot Ballin' elbow Smackdown Superstar
Natalya Sharpshooter Lou Thesz Press RAW Diva
R-Truth Lie Detector Scissors kick RAW Superstar
Randy Orton R.K.O Backbreaker, powerslam, and Orton stomp RAW Superstar
Rey Mysterio 619 DDT Smackdown Superstar
The Rock Rock bottom Peoples elbow Hall of fame Legend
Shad STO Military Press Smackdown Superstar
Shane McMahon Leap of faith Punch combination Co-Consoltive of WWE Superstar
Sheamus Irish Curse and Bicycle kick One hand Backbreaker RAW Superstar
"Stone cold" Steve Austin Stone cold stunner Elbow drop and louz thez press Hall of fame Legend
Tazz Half nelson choke (Tazzmission) Half nelson suplex TNA(Total nonstop impact) Commentator
Ted DiBiase Dream Street Tornado DDT RAW Superstar
Triple H Pedigree Knee Smash and Spinebuster RAW Superstar
Trish Stratus Chick kick Stratusfaction Hall of fame Legend
Tyson Kidd Elbow drop pin and Sharpshooter Code blue RAW Superstar
The Undertaker Tombstone Chokeslam, Last Ride and Hells Gate Smackdown Superstar
Vladimir Kozlov Choke-lift Spinebuster Spinebuster RAW Superstar
William Regal Regal Stretch Power of the Punch RAW Superstar
Zack Ryder Zack Attack Reverse DDT RAW Superstar

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