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List of Solanum species

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Detail of the flowers of Solanum dulcamara, one of the nearly 800 accepted taxa that make up the genus Solanum (Solanaceae), along with economically important species such as the potato (S. tuberosum), the tomato (S. lycopersicum) and the aubergine (S. melongena).

This is a list of species in the botanical genus Solanum. There are approximately 1500 species that occur in Central and North America, Australia and Africa.[1] With some 800 accepted specific and infra-specific taxa of the more than 4,000 described, the genus Solanum contains more species than any other genus in the Solanaceae family and it is one of the largest among the angiosperms. Phylogenetic analysis of molecular data has established or confirmed that the genera Lycopersicon, Cyphomandra, Normania, and Triguera, which were previously classified independently, should in reality be included within the Solanum. In fact, all the species from these four genera have been formally transferred to Solanum. On the other hand, the genus Lycianthes, which is sometimes included within the Solanum, has been shown to be a separate genus. [2][3][4][5]

The following alphabetical list of Solanum species provides the binomial name followed by the name of the species authority, abbreviated according to the appropriate conventions and uses.[6]

The tuberous species within the genus (those related to Solanum tuberosum, the potato, and therefore often called wild potatoes) have been indicated with the letter T. The nothospecies belonging to the genus appear at the end of the list, that is those taxa that have originated from a hybrid between two different species (for example, Solanum × viirsooi, which has been shown to be a interspecific hybrid resulting from the cross between S. acaule and S. infundibuliforme.)[7]

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Flower of Solanum aethiopicum.
Flower of Solanum ambosinum.
Fruit of Solanum americanum.
Spiny stem and inflorescence of ‘‘Solanum atropurpureum .
Growth habit of ‘‘Solanum atropurpureum .
Flower of Solanum aviculare .
Solanum aviculare


Growth habit of ‘‘Solanum betaceum.
Fruit of Solanum betaceum in longitudinal and axial cross section.
Inflorescence of ‘‘Solanum bonariensis.


Flowers of ‘‘Solanum canasense.
Fruit and spiny stem of Solanum carolinense .
Solanum chenopodioides growing between rocks.
Detail of the flower of Solanum citrullifolium .
Detail of the seeds of ‘‘Solanum citrullifolium .
Solanum crispum


Illustration of ‘‘Solanum dulcamara.
Flower of Solanum dulcamara .
Solanum dulcamara, inflorescence and leaves.
Detail of the fruit of Solanum dulcamara .
Detail of the flowers of ‘‘Solanum douglasii.
Solanum dulcamara



Solanum furcatum



Growth habit of ‘‘Solanum heterodoxum .
Fruit of Solanum heterodoxum . The fruit’s persistent spiny sepals can also be seen.
Flower of Solanum hispidum .
Fruit of Solanum hispidum .
Solanum hispidum .





Flower of Solanum laciniatum.
Flower and leaves of ‘‘Solanum linnaeanum .
Solanum lycioides, flowers and leaves.
Fruit of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato).
Solanum lycocarpum - wolf apple


Fruit of Solanum macrocarpon.
Fruit of Solanum mammosum.
Flowers of ‘‘Solanum mauritianum .
Habit of ‘‘Solanum morelliforme.
Fruit Solanum muricatum in cross section.
Spiny leaf of ‘‘Solanum myriacanthum .
Fruit of Solanum melongena (aubergine).
Solanum mauritianum
Solanum muricatum


Flower of Solanum nelsonii .
Leaves and flower of Solanum nigrum.



Solanum pimpinellifolium
Solanum pseudocapsicum



Solanum robustum


Solanum seaforthianum


Inflorescence of ‘‘Solanum torvum .
Fruit of Solanum triflorum .
Compound leaf of ‘‘Solanum tuberosum ("potato").
Inflorescence of ‘‘Solanum tuberosum.
Tubers of ‘‘Solanum tuberosum.
Cultivar of ‘‘ Solanum tuberosum.
Fruit of Solanum tuberosum.
Solanum tuberosum - potato



Solanum viarum



Solanum xanti



Hibrid taxa (Notho species)

Please use {{INDEX}} only within the User and User talk: namespaces, as those are the only two in which it has an effect.


  1. ^ "Genus Solanum". PlantNET - New South Wales Flora Online. Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, Sydney Australia. Retrieved 2008-10-15.
  2. ^ Olmstead, R. G., J. A. Sweere, R. E. Spangler, L. Bohs, & J. D. Palmer (1999) Phylogeny and provisional classification of the Solanaceae based on chloroplast DNA. M. Nee, D. E. Symon, R. N. Lester, & J. P. Jessop (eds.), Solanaceae IV: advances in biology and utilization. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, U.K. Pages 111-137
  3. ^ Olmstead, R. G. & J. D. Palmer (1992) A chloroplast DNA phylogeny of the Solanaceae: subfamilial relationships and character evolution. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 79:346-360
  4. ^ Olmstead, R. G., & J. A. Sweere (1994) Combining data in phylogenetic systematics: an empirical approach using three molecular data sets in the Solanaceae. Systematic Biology 43:467-481
  5. ^ Bohs, L. (2005) Major clades in Solanum based in ndhF sequences. Pp. 27-49 in R. C. Keating, V. C. Hollowell, & T. B. Croat (eds.), A festschrift for William G. D’Arcy: the legacy of a taxonomist. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, Vol. 104. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis.
  6. ^ There is only one correct name for each taxa, which is the one that has been validly published, that is, the one that abides by the "naming principles". The "naming principles" are common to all codes: that the taxon should not have not been named before, that the name should be in Latin and not have been used for another taxon, and it should be associated with a description and a representative "type". The name, description and the location of the example type must be published in a refereed scientific journal (ie, one where experts in the field review submitted publications in order to accept, correct or reject them) in order that the scientific names be "validly published". For more information regarding the naming regulations see Greuter, W. et al. 2000. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (St. Louis Code).Gantner/Koeltz. ([1]).
  7. ^ Okada, K. & A. M. Clausen. Natural triploid hybrids between Solanum acaule Bitter and S. infundibuliforme Philippi in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. Euphytica 34:227. 1985.
  8. ^ Tepe, Eric J.; Ridley, Glynis; Bohs, Lynn. "A new species of Solanum named for Jeanne Baret, an overlooked contributor to the history of botany". PhytoKeys. Retrieved March 10, 2012.
  9. ^ http://plants.usda.gov/plantguide/pdf/pg_soel.pdf
  10. ^ John G. Hawkes. "William Lobb in Ecuador and the Enigma of Solanum lobbianum". www.jstor.org. Retrieved 12 December 2008.


  • Nee, M. Index of Solanum names. Planetary Biodiversity Inventories (PBI), SolanaceaSource. [4]
  • Bohs, L. 2001. Revision of Solanum Section Cyphomandropsis (Solanaceae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 61:1–85.
  • Knapp, S. 2002. Solanum Section Geminata (Solanaceae). In: Organization for Flora Neotropica, ed., Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 84.
  • Spooner, D. M. et al. 2004. Wild Potatoes (Solanum section Petota; Solanaceae) of North and Central America. Syst. Bot. Monogr. 68:1–209.
  • United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Area Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). 2006. Solanum. [5]
  • "GRIN Species Records of Solanum". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Area.