Emerald City Comic Con

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Emerald City Comicon (ECCC)
File:Emerald City ComiCon.jpg
VenueWashington State Convention and Trade Center
Location(s)Seattle, Washington
Attendance53,000 in 2012
Organized byEmerald City Comicon (ECCC)

The Emerald City Comicon (ECCC) is an annual comic book convention taking place in Seattle, Washington. Originally taking place at the city's Qwest Field (first at West Field Plaza, then at the Event Center), the venue changed to its current home at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center since 2008. In 2011, the show expanded to a three-day event.


The convention features a wide array of activities and programming including industry guests, various discussion panels, celebrity signings and photo opportunities, prize drawings, and costume contests. It features a large and lively Exhibitor's hall with comics retailers from across the entire pacific northwest bringing a large stock of modern and vintage comics, as well as other products such as statues, action figures, models, etc. CCG, RPG, and tabletop gaming is supported in specific areas of the convention center.

Event history

Banner across the convention center's escalators leading to the event at the 2008 event.
Dates Location Attendance Guests
February 9th, 2003 Qwest Field - West Field Plaza
Seattle, Washington
2,500Erik Larsen, John Cassaday, Scott Morse, Pia Guerra, Darick Robertson, Sean Chen, Greg Rucka, Ford Gilmore, Jim Mahfood, Steve Skroce, Mike Huddleston, Steve Rolston, Ian Boothby, Jay Faerber, Matt Haley, Kathleen Webb, John Lustig, David Hahn, Stefano Gaudiano, Donna Barr, Roberta Gregory, Rick Hoberg, Jason Hall, Brian Snöddy
February 29th, 2004 Qwest Field - West Field Plaza
Seattle, Washington
Stan Sakai, J.G. Jones, Howard Chaykin, Dave Johnson, Todd Nauck, Jeff Johnson, Tomm Coker, Stefano Gaudiano, Brian Michael Bendis, Phil Noto, Matt Wagner, Ford Gilmore, Bob Schreck, Kurt Busiek, Jay Faerber, Greg Rucka, Darick Robertson, John Layman, David Hahn, Karl Kesel, Paul Guinan, Matt Haley, Steve Lieber, Dan Norton, Jason Pearson, Michael T. Gilbert
February 5th-6th, 2005 Qwest Field Event Center
Seattle, Washington
Adam Kubert, Jhonen Vasquez, Tony Harris, Josh Middleton, Travis Charest, Cary Nord, Steve McNiven, Mike Choi, Russ Heath, Michael Lark, David Finch, Eric Powell, Dustin Nguyen, Roy Thomas, Andy Owens, Drew Johnson, Pete Woods, Jason Pearson, Tim Sale, Brian Michael Bendis, Kurt Busiek, Robert Kirkman, Jim Cheung, Ed Brubaker, Sean Chen, Peter Bagge, Jim Woodring, Greg Rucka, Alex Maleev, Scott Kurtz, Crab Scrambly, Dexter Vines, Gail Simone, Jay Faerber, John Layman, Ford Gilmore, David Hahn, Matthew Clark, Tom Peyer, Karl Kesel, Rebecca Woods, Jeff Parker, Steve Lieber, Ron Randall, Paul Guinan, Steve Rolston, Takeshi Miyazawa, Dave Stewart, Matt Haley, Bill Schelly, Steve Sadowski
April 1st-2nd, 2006 Qwest Field Event Center
Seattle, Washington
JG Jones, Stuart Immonen, Steve Niles, Roman Dirge, Pia Guerra, Seah Phillips, Tony Harris, Alé Garza, Carlos D'Anda, Tim Vigil, Jason Pearson, Rob Liefeld, Patrick Zircher, Cully Hamner, Erik Larsen, Doug Mahnke, Adam Hughes, Jonathan & Joshua Luna, Rick Leonardi, Dan Brereton, Brian Stelfreeze, Corey Lewis, Jim Mahfood, Ryan Ottley, Francis Manapul, Scott Kurtz, Michael Lark, Bob Schreck, Ford Gilmore, Ed Brubaker, Alex Maleev, Matt Wagner, Mike Huddleston, Tim Sale, Clayton Crain, Gabe & Tycho, James O'Barr, John Layman, Sal Abbinanti, Buzz, Doug Wagner, Keven Gardner, Josh Ortega, Mike Bullock, Brom, Tony Moore, Scott Morse
March 31st-April 1st, 2007 Qwest Field Event Center
Seattle, Washington
7,000Mark Bagley, David Mack, Terry Moore, Mike Oeming, Michael Golden, Gene Ha, Phil Hester, Ron Marz, Jim Lawson, Ande Parks, Joseph Michael Linsner, Chris Sprouse, Mark Waid, Peter Gross, Frank Cho, Brian Pulido, Brian Wood, Dexter Vines, Georges Jeanty, Eric Shanower, Adam Hughes, Brian Michael Bendis, Jim Woodring, Scott Kurtz, Jim Valentino, Peter Bagge, Darick Robertson, Steve Lieber, David Hahn, Matthew Clark, Jeff Parker, Ed Brubaker, Brian Reed, Kurt Busiek, Paul Chadwick, Tim Sale, Clayton Crain, Mike Grell, Andy Kuhn, Aaron Lopresti, Alex Maleev, Gail Simone, Greg Rucka
Media Guests: Matthew "Feedback" Atherton, Gigi Edgley, Margot Kidder, Peter Mayhew, Brian Posehn, Wayne Pygram, Lani Tupu
May 10th-11th, 2008 Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, Washington
10,000Ethan Van Sciver, Arthur Suydam, Jeffrey Brown, Whilce Portacio, Mike Choi, J. Michael Straczynski, Phil Jimenez, Derek Kirk Kim, Bryan Lee O'Malley, Andy Runton, Tim Sale, Tony Bedard, Jim Cheung, Bill Willingham, Gail Simone, Kaare Andrews, Skottie Young, Dan DiDio, David Finch, Aaron Williams, Phil Noto, Mike Oeming, Eric Powell, Richard Starkings, Darick Robertson, Nat Jones, Stephane Roux, Alfonso Azpiri, Sanjulián, Esteban Maroto, Juan Gimenez, Steve Sadowski, Moose Baumann, Philip Tan, Dustin Weaver, Eric Basaldua, Jeph Jacques, Jason Howard, Craig Rousseau, Chris Moreno, Todd Dezago, Tone Rodriguez, Stephen "JB" Jones, Matt Kindt, Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley, Clayburn Moore, Tom Raney, Eric Canete, Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker, Aaron Lopresti, Dustin Nguyen, Dan Wickline, Clayton Crain, Scott Kurtz, Brad Guigar, Dave Kellett, Rick Remender, Karl Kesel, Brian Haberlin
Media Guests: Jamie Bamber, Julie Benz, Daniel Logan, Wil Wheaton, Angus Oblong, Jarrett "The Defuser" Crippen , Trisha "Ms. Limelight" Paytas, Nell "Fat Momma" Wilson
April 4th-5th, 2009 Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, Washington
13,000Humberto Ramos, Barry Kitson, Darwyn Cooke, Mark Brooks, Joe Casey, Christos N. Gage, Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Frank Cho, Stuart Immonen, Adam Hughes, Steve Niles, Joe Linsner, Adi Granov, Mark Waid, Mark Fraction, Stan Sakai, Tony Harris, Brian Michael Bendis, Becky Cloonan, Vasilis Losos, James Kochalka, David Peterson, Paul Smith, Patrick Gleason, Mark Texeira, Brian Denham, Joe Jusko, Stephen Silver, Rick Remender, Gene Ha, Mike Huddleson, Tim Sale
Media Guests: Jewel Staite, Wil Wheaton, Tahmoh Penikett, Aaron Douglas, Ray Park, Michael Hogan
March 13th-14th, 2010 Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, Washington
20,000Joe Quesada, Geoff Johns, Brian Azzarello, Jhonen Vasquez, Brian Michael Bendis, Mike Allred, Whilce Portacio, James Robinson, Doug Mahnke, Joe Kelly, Duncan Rouleau, Matt Kindt, Steve Rolston, G. Willow Wilson, Colleen Coover, Aaron Lopresti, Tim Bradstreet, Joe Casey, Steven T. Seagle, JH Williams III, Tim Sale, Alex Maleev, Kurt Busiek, Timothy Green II, Jim Rugg, David Hahn, Chris Roberson, Christina Strain, Paul Tobin, David Mack, Michael Golden, Brandon Jerwa, Jo Chen, Ed Brubaker, Darick Robertson, Rick Remender, Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber, Jeff Parker, Brandon Graham, Jason Pearson, Sterling Gates, Mike Norton, Dave Stewart, Mark Texeria, Kevin Maguire, John Layman, Dave Kellett, Ryan Ottley, CB Cebulski, Phil Hester, Mike Oeming, Dustin Nguyen, Terry Moore, Pete Tomasi, Clayton Crain, Ben McCool, Richard Starkings, Philip Tan, Jeff Lemire, Scott Kurtz, Jill Thompson, Andy Runton, Aaron Lopresti, Barry Kitson, Greg Rucka, Josh Ortega, Ben Templesmith, Scott Allie, JJ Kirby, Steve Sadowski, Kris Straub, Brian Haberlin, Brad Guigar, Eric Basaldua, Len Wein, Michael Broussard, Tim Seeley, Mark Waid
Media Guests: Leonard Nimoy, Stan Lee, Thomas Jane, Wil Wheaton, Lou Ferrigno, Erin Gray, Sandeep Paraikh, Jeff Lewis, Robin Thorsen
March 4th-6th, 2011 Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, Washington
32,000Frank Quitely, Jonathan Hickman, Max Brooks, Geof Darrow, Steve Epting, Jacen Burrows, Guy Davis, Terry & Rachel Dodson, Mike McKone, Sergio Aragones, Dan Jurgens, Marv Wolfman, Cameron Stewart, John Arcudi, Yanick Paquette, Bruce Timm, Brian Michael Bendis, Frank Cho, JG Jones, Mike Mignola, Tony Harris, Jim Cheung, Matt Fraction, Cully Hamner, Ron Marz, Erik Larsen, Mark Brooks, Todd Nauck, Adam Hughes, Skottie Young, Dustin Nguyen, Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker, Jeff Parker, CB Cebulski, Mike Oeming, Doug TenNapel, John Layman, Tim Sale, Ryan Ottley, Ben Templesmith, David Mack, Jason Pearson, Karl Kesel, Jim Mahfood, Nick Spencer, Cliff Chiang, Darick Robertson, Pete Woods, Kurt Busiek, Scott Allie, Farel Dalrymple, Todd Dezago, Joshua Hale Fialkov, Chrissie Zullo, Tony Shasteen, Chris Roberson, Mark Morales, Paul Azaceta, Ray Fawkes, Jeremy Haun, Humberto Ramos, Francisco Herrera, Pia Guerra, Brian Hurtt, Ryan Benjamin, Andy Kuhn, Joe Quinones, Raina Telgemeier, Sean Gordon Murphy, Ivan Brandon, Kris Straub, Dave Kellett, Scott Kurtz, Brad Guigar, Danielle Corsetto, Jeph Jacques, Dustin Nguyen, Ian Boothby, Jim Zubkavich, Dave Stewart, Dustin Weaver, Sean Galloway, Brandon Graham
Media Guests: William Shatner, James Marsters, Felicia Day, John Noble, Bruce Boxleitner, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus, Wil Wheaton, Jasika Nicole, Amy Okuda, Clare Kramer, Nicholas Brendon
March 30th, 31st & April 1st, 2012 Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, Washington
53,000Media Guests: George Takei, Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, James & Oliver Phelps, Christopher Judge, Jon Bernthal, Laurie Holden, Julie Caitlin Brown, Jason Momoa, Edward James Olmos, Eddie McClintok, Lea Thompson and Wil Wheaton
Voice Talent: John DiMaggio, Jess Harnell, Kevin Conroy, Billy West, Rob Paulsen, Maurice LaMarche and Tara Strong


External links