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1447 papal conclave

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Papal conclave
March 1447
Dates and location
4–6 March 1447
Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Papal States
Key officials
DeanGiovanni Berardi
Sub-deanFrancesco Condulmer
CamerlengoLudovico Trevisan
ProtopriestHenry Beaufort
ProtodeaconProspero Colonna
CandidatesProspero Colonna
Elected pope
Tommaso Parentucelli
Name taken: Nicholas V
← 1431
1455 →

The 1447 papal conclave (March 4–6), meeting in the Roman basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, elected Pope Nicholas V (Parentucelli) to succeed Pope Eugene IV (Condulmer).


Santa Maria sopra Minerva, site of the 1447 conclave. (1665 drawing; the obelisk at centre was added in the 17th century)

Eugene IV had died on February 23, 1447.[1][2] The cardinals entered conclave at the time of Vespers (sunset) on March 4, after waiting the full nine days proscribed by Ubi periculum.[3] Of the twenty-four cardinals living, only eighteen were present in Rome for the conclave.[3] The conclave, like its predecessor which had elected Eugene IV, was held in the Sacristy of the Dominican friars of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, even though many members of the College of Cardinals would have preferred to relocate to the Vatican.[1]

Several Roman barons, most prominent among them Gio Baptista Savelli, insisted for a time on being able to vote in the conclave (although perhaps they only wished to remain present); the Savelli family had been granted the right to guard the conclave by Pope Gregory X, but Gio Baptista wished for the first time to carry out this duty from inside the conclave; the barons were eventually expelled.[1]

Prospero Colonna, the nephew of Pope Martin V and Protodeacon of the Sacred College, was regarded as the leading papabile at the start of the conclave.[1] Colonna received 10 votes (two short of the requisite two-thirds majority) in the first scrutiny, on Sunday, March 5; 8 votes went to Domenico Capranica, and there were five for Parentucelli (Bononiensis).[4] The next day the adherents of Colonna continued to vote for him, while the other eight attempted to peel away votes (unsuccessfully) by switching their choice to others, including the non-cardinal archbishops of Benevento and Florence.[4] Colonna had the support of the French cardinals and those who were impressed with the influence he enjoyed in various Italian city-states, but he did not have the support of the Roman public due to Colonna's use of extrajudicial violence during his uncle's papacy. The people (that is to say, the leaders in Roman politics) preferred Niccolo d'Acciapaccio. Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, who was one of the Custodians of the Conclave and is a principal source for the event, says merely that on Monday morning, March 6, there was some talk about the Archbishops, and then the scrutiny took place. There seems to be no evidence that they actually received votes.[4]

On March 6, after the first of the two daily scrutinies, during which Colonna again received 10 votes, Cardinal Capranica addressed the conclave, reminding them of the various dangers facing the church, including the armies of the Alfonso, King of Aragon, which were sailing towards Italy, the (now unopposed) reign of Antipope Felix V, Duke of Savoy, as well as a certain "Count Francis"—imploring two more cardinals to throw their support to Colonna.[5] According to Trollope, the cardinals' term for Colonna as "mansuetto agnello" (mild as a lamb) would have been viewed as ironic, given that Colonna had carried off much of the papal treasure on the death of Martin V with the help of his noble relatives, and had for a time been excommunicated by Eugene IV prior to his disgorgement.[6]

Tommaso Parentucelli rose following this speech, and Giovanni Berardi (thinking that his colleague was about to give the election to Colonna) interrupted him and asked for a delay.[7] At this point Ludovico Trevisan, angered at Berardi's blocking of Colonna asked whom Berardi wished to see elected instead.[7] Berardi replied "Bononiensis" (Parentucelli). Parentucelli (misinterpreting, perhaps purposefully, his words) declared that he "too" was willing to give his vote to whoever the choice of Berardi was.[8] "Then, I give my vote for you!" Berardi exclaimed, a move which Trevisan felt obliged to follow.[8] One after another the cardinals threw their support to Parentucelli, with the eleventh vote coming from "Cardinal Marino", and the decisive twelfth vote coming from the "Cardinal of San Sisto".[9]



The eighteen electors were:




  1. ^ a b c d Trollope, 1876, p. 135.
  2. ^ Paolo di Benedetto di Cola dello Maestro records: "in nelli 1447 a dì 23 di febraro e fu uno iovedi a dimane, doi hore nanzi die, morio lo nostro pastore, cioè papa Eugenio quarto, e fu sotterrato in S. Pietro denanzi all' uscio della sacrestia in terra; a cui Dio l'abia misericordia." Mario Pelaez, "Il memoriale di Paolo di Benedetto di Cola dello Maestro dello Rione di Ponte, " Archivio della Società romana di storia patria 16 (1893), 94. Trollope is incorrect in his dating.
  3. ^ a b So the Diarium camerale: Exequis fe(licis) re(cordationis) Domini Eugenii pap(a)e .iiij. complectis die sabbati quarta mensis marcii anni predicti, quae fuit decima ab obitu dicti domini Eugenii, hora vesperorum, R(everendissi)mi in Christo patres et domini Domini cardinales infrascripti intraverunt conclave in ecclesia S(ancta)e Mari(a)e de Mirenda [sic] de Urbe pro futuro pontifice eligendo, videlicet: Venetiarum, Tarentinus, Capuanus, Flisco, Nicenus, Portugalensis, Morinensis, Estoutevilla, S(anc)ti Sixti, Aquilegensis, Firmanus Valentinensis, Mediolanensis, S(anc)t(a)e Sabin(a)e, Boneniensis novi pape electus, Columpa, S(anc)t(a)e Mari(a)e nov(a)e, S(anc)ti Angeli. See G. Bourgin, "Les cardinaux français et le diaire caméral de 1439-1486," Mélanges d' archeologie et d' histoire 24 (1904), 286. cf. Trollope, 1876, p. 134, who is incorrect. .
  4. ^ a b c According to Trollope, 1876, p. 136. He also says that Colonna was the final living Cardinal of Pope Martin V, but this is another gross error. Cardinal Domenico Capranica, the former secretary of Martin V, who had been named cardinal in 1423, but who had been denied participation in the Conclave of 1431 on the grounds that his installation was not completed, was in attendance. On Cardinal Domenico Capranica, see J.-B. Christophe, Histoire de la papauté pendant le XVe siècle Tome premier (Paris 1863) 93-96; 116-119. William Cornwallis Cartwright, On the Constitution of Papal Conclaves (Edinburgh 1878) 125-129. Still quite alive, but not in attendance, were Cardinals Pierre de Foix and Juan Cervantes.
  5. ^ Trollope, 1876, p. 137.
  6. ^ Trollope, 1876, p. 138.
  7. ^ a b Trollope, 1876, p. 139. Piccolomini says that Berardi asked Parentucelli to stop for a moment before he acceded to Colonna. "Nihil tarde fit quod bene fit."
  8. ^ a b Trollope, 1876, p. 140.
  9. ^ Trollope, 1876, p. 141, not naming the cardinal. Cardinal Juan de Torquemada (Sancti Sixti) joined in, saying, "Et ego te, Thoma, Pontificem facio. Nam et vigiliam hodie Beati Thomae facimus."
  10. ^ Compare Salvador Miranda (retrieved January 5, 2010), who is unique, and in contradiction to all the sources, as considering him to be present. [1]


  • John P. Adams, "Sede Vacante 1447". California State University Northridge. 2016. Retrieved: 7 March 2024.