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E. E. Smith

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File:Astounding Grey Lensman.png
Gray Lensman in Astounding Oct. 1939

E. E. Smith, also Edward Elmer Smith, Ph.D., E.E. "Doc" Smith, Doc Smith, "Skylark" Smith, and (to family) Ted (May 2, 1890 - August 31, 1965) was a science fiction author who wrote the Lensman series and the Skylark series, among others.


Family & education

Edward Elmer Smith was born in Sheboygan, Wisconsin on May 2 1890 to Fred Jay Smith and Caroline Mills Smith, both staunch Presbyterians of British ancestry.[1] His mother was a teacher; his father was a sailor, born in England; they moved to Spokane, Washington that winter.[2] In 1902 the family moved to Seneaquoteen[3], near the Pend d'Oreille River, in northern Idaho.[4] He had four siblings, three of whom were named Daniel, Rachel, and Mary Elizabeth. He worked primarily as a manual laborer until he injured his wrist, at the age of 19, while escaping from a fire.

He attended the University of Idaho, where he was installed in the 1984 Class of the University of Idaho Alumni Hall of Fame;[5] he entered its prep school in 1907, and graduated with two degrees in Chemical Engineering in 1914. He was president of the Chemistry Club, the Chess Club, and the Mandolin and Guitar Club, and captain of the Drill and Rifle Team; he also sang the bass lead in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.[6] His undergraduate thesis was Some Clays of Idaho, co-written with classmate Chester Fowler Smith, who died in California of tuberculosis the following year, after taking a teaching fellowship at Berkeley.[7] It is not known whether the two were related.

On October 5 1915 he married Jeanne Craig MacDougall, the sister of his college roommate, Allen Scott (Scotty) MacDougall.[8] (Her sister was named Clarissa MacLean MacDougall; the heroine of the Lensman novels would later be named Clarissa MacDougall.) Jeanne MacDougall was born in Glasgow, Scotland; her parents were Donald Scott MacDougall, a violinist, and Jessica Craig MacLean. Her father had moved to Boise, Idaho when the children were young, and later sent for his family; he died while they were en route. Her mother worked at, and later owned, a boarding house on Ridenbaugh Street.

The Smiths had three children, Roderick N., born June 3 1918 (a design engineer at Lockheed Aircraft); Verna Jean (later Verna Smith Trestrail), born August 25 1920, his literary executor until her death in 1994 (her son Kim Trestrail is now the executor[9]); and Clarissa M.(later Clarissa Wilcox), born December 13 1921.[10]

Early chemical career

After graduating from college, he worked as a junior civil service chemist for the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C., working on standards for butter and oysters.[11] He apparently served as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Cavalry in World War I, but in what capacity is not known.[12] One evening in 1915, while the Smiths were visiting their neighbors in the Seaton Place Apartments, Dr. Carl and Lee Hawkins Garby, Mrs. Garby suggested that Dr. Smith write a story set in outer space. Smith said that he would do so if Mrs. Garby would handle the love interest. The two had completed about a third of The Skylark of Space by the end of 1916, when they gradually abandoned work on it. The Smiths were the basis for the Seatons in the novel, and the Cranes were drawn from the Garbys.[13]

Smith received a master's degree in Chemistry from George Washington University in 1917, studying under Charles E. Munroe.[14] He earned a doctorate in Chemical Engineering[15] in 1918,[16] with a thesis entitled The effect of bleaching with oxides of nitrogen upon the baking quality and commercial value of wheat flour, which was published in 1919.[17] Warner and Fleischer instead give the thesis title as The Effect of the Oxides of Nitrogen upon the Carotin Molecule --- C40H56, which is difficult to explain. Moskowitz instead gives the date of the degree as 1919,[18] which may result from confusion with the publication date.

Writing Skylark

In 1919 Dr. Smith took a job as chief chemist for F.W. Stock & Sons of Hillsdale, Michigan, working on doughnut mixes.[19] Late in the year, when baby-sitting (presumably for Roderick) while his wife attended a movie, he resumed work on The Skylark of Space, finishing it in the spring of 1920.[20] He submitted it to many book publishers and magazines, spending more in postage than he would eventually receive for its publication. He received an encouraging rejection letter from Bob Davis, editor of Argosy, in 1922, saying that he liked the novel personally, but that it was too far out for his readers.[21] (According to Warner, but no other source, Dr. Smith began work on the sequel, Skylark III, before the first book was accepted.) Finally, upon seeing the April 1927 issue of Amazing Stories, he submitted it to the magazine; it was accepted, initially for $75, later raised to $125. [22] It was published in the August – October 1928 issues. It was such a success that managing editor T. O'Conor Sloane requested a sequel before the second installment had been published.[23]

Mrs. Garby wasn't interested in collaborating further, so Dr. Smith began work on Skylark Three on his own.[24] It was published in the August through October 1930 issues of Amazing. This was as far as he had planned to take the Skylark series; it was praised in Amazing's letter column,[25] and he was paid 3/4¢ per word, surpassing Amazing's previous record of half a cent.[26]

Miscellaneous writing

Dr. Smith then began work on what he intended as a new series, starting with Spacehounds of IPC,[27] which he finished in the autumn of 1930.[28] In this novel he took pains to avoid the scientific impossibilities which had bothered some readers of the Skylark novels.[29] Even in 1938, after he had written Galactic Patrol, Dr. Smith considered it his finest work;[30] he later said of it, "This was really scientific fiction; not, like the Skylarks, pseudo-science";[31] and even at the end of his career he considered it his only work of true science fiction.[32] It was published in the July through September 1931 issues of Amazing, but with unauthorized changes by Sloane.[33] Fan letters in the magazine complained about the novel's containment within the solar system, and Sloane sided with the readers. So when Harry Bates, editor of Astounding Stories, offered Smith 2¢/word—payable on publication—for his next story, he agreed; this meant that it could not be a sequel to Spacehounds.[34]

This book would be Triplanetary, "in which scientific detail would not be bothered about, and in which his imagination would run riot."[35] Indeed, characters within the story point out its psychological[36] and scientific[37] implausibilities, and sometimes even seem to suggest self-parody.[38] At other times they are conspicuously silent about obvious implausibilities.[39] [40] The January 1933 issue of Astounding announced that Triplanetary would appear in the March issue, and that issue's cover illustrated a scene from the story, but Astounding's financial difficulties prevented the story from appearing.[41] Dr. Smith then submitted the manuscript to Wonder Stories, whose editor, Charles D. Hornig, rejected it, later boasting about the rejection in a fanzine.[42] He finally submitted it to Amazing, which published it beginning in January 1934, but for only half a cent a word. Shortly after it was accepted, F. Orlin Tremaine, the new editor of the revived Astounding, offered one cent a word for Triplanetary; when he learned that he was too late, he suggested a third Skylark novel instead.[43]

In the winter of 1933-4 Dr. Smith worked on The Skylark of Valeron, but he felt that the story was getting out of control; he sent his first draft to Tremaine, with a distraught note asking for suggestions. Tremaine accepted the rough draft for $850, and announced it in the June 1934 issue, with a full-page editorial and a three-quarter page advertisement. The novel was published in the August 1934 through February 1935 issues. Astounding's circulation rose by 10,000 for the first issue, and its two main competitors, Amazing and Wonder Stories fell into financial difficulties, both skipping issues within a year. [44]

Lensman series

In January 1936 Dr. Smith took a job, for salary plus profit-sharing, as a food technologist (a cereal chemist) at the Dawn Doughnut Company of Jackson, Michigan.[45] This initially entailed almost a year's worth of eighteen-hour days and seven-day workweeks. Individuals who knew Dr. Smith confirmed that he had a role in developing mixes for doughnuts and othe pastries, but the contention that he developed the first process for making powdered sugar adhere to doughnuts cannot be substantiated.[46]

Dr. Smith had been contemplating writing a "space-police novel" since early 1927;[47] once he had "the Lensmen's universe fairly well set up," he reviewed his science fiction collection for "cops-and-robbers" stories. He cites Constantinescue's "War of the Universe" as a negative example, and Starzl and Williamson as positive ones.[48] Tremaine responded extremely positively to a brief description of the idea.[49]

Once the new doughnut firm became profitable in late 1936, Dr. Smith wrote an eighty-five page outline for what became the four core Lensman novels; in early 1937 Tremaine committed to buying them.[50] Segmenting the story into four novels required considerable effort to avoid dangling loose ends; Dr. Smith cites Edgar Rice Burroughs as a negative example.[51] After the outline was complete, he wrote a more detailed outline of Galactic Patrol, plus a detailed graph of its structure, with "peaks of emotional intensity and the valleys of characterization and background material." He notes, however, that he was never able to follow any of his outlines at all closely, as his "characters get away from me and do exactly as they damn please."[52] After completing the rough draft of Galactic Patrol, he wrote the concluding chapter of the last book in the series, Children of the Lens.[53] Galactic Patrol was published in the September 1937 through February 1938 issues of Astounding; unlike the revised book edition, it was not set in the same universe as Triplanetary. [54] Gray Lensman, the second book in the series, appeared in Astounding's October 1939 through January 1940 issues. Note that the frequent British spelling “grey” is simply a recurrent mistake, starting with the cover of the first installment; Moskowitz's usage, “The Grey Lensman,” is even harder to justify.[55]

Dr. Smith was the guest of honor at Chicon I, the second World Science Fiction Convention, held in Chicago over Labor Day weekend 1940,[56] giving a speech on the importance of science fiction fandom entitled “What Does This Convention Mean?”[57] He attended the convention’s masquerade as C.L. Moore’s Northwest Smith, and met fans living near him in Michigan, who would later form the Galactic Roamers, which previewed and advised him on his future work.[58]

Dr. Smith worked for the US Army between 1941 and 1945. An extended segment in the novel version of Triplanetary, set during World War II, suggests intimate familiarity with explosives and munitions manufacturing.

Retirement and late writing

After Dr. Smith retired, he and his wife lived in Clearwater, Florida in the fall and winter, driving the smaller of their two trailers to Seaside, Oregon each April, often stopping at science fiction conventions on the way. (Dr. Smith did not like to fly.)[59] Some of his biography is captured in an essay by Robert A. Heinlein, which was reprinted in the collection Expanded Universe in 1980. There is a more detailed, although allegedly error-ridden, biography in Sam Moskowitz's Seekers of Tomorrow.

Robert A. Heinlein and Dr. Smith were friends. Heinlein reported that E.E. Smith perhaps took his "unrealistic" heroes from life, citing as an example the extreme competence of the hero of Spacehounds of IPC. He reported that E.E. Smith was a large, blond, athletic, very intelligent, very gallant man, married to a remarkably beautiful, intelligent red-haired woman named MacDougal (thus perhaps the prototypes of 'Kimball Kinnison' and 'Clarissa MacDougal'). In one of Heinlein's books, he reports that he began to suspect Smith might be a sort of "superman" when he asked Dr. Smith for help in purchasing a car. Smith tested the car by driving it on a back road at illegally high speeds with their heads pressed tightly against the roof columns to listen for chassis squeaks by bone conduction—a process apparently improvised on the spot.

Critical opinion

His novels are generally considered to be the original space operas, and offer almost non-stop action. However, they are, to a fair extent, still "true" science fiction, in that they use the extrapolation of known science and, often, the extrapolation of existing and historic social and political patterns of the early to mid-twentieth century. Smith himself expressed a preference for inventing fictional technologies that were not strictly impossible (so far as the science of the day was aware) but highly unlikely: "the more unlikely the better" was his phrase.

The Lensman novels were particularly interesting for their imaginative use of extra-terrestrial, non-human characters as major heroes, another science fiction "first."

Extending the Lensman universe

Vortex Blasters (also known as Masters of the Vortex) is set in the same universe as the Lensman novels. It is an extension to the main storyline which takes place between Second Stage Lensman and Children of the Lens, and introduces a different type of psionics from that used by the Lensmen. Spacehounds of IPC is not a part of the series, despite occasional erroneous statements to the contrary. (It is listed as a novel in the series in some paperback editions of the 1970s.)

Robert A. Heinlein reported that Doc had planned a seventh Lensman novel, set after the events described in Children of the Lens, which was unpublishable at that time (the early 1960s). Careful searches by people who knew Doc well (including Frederik Pohl, Doc's editor, and Verna Smith Trestrail, Doc's daughter) have failed to locate any material related to such a story. Doc apparently never wrote any of it down. Doc told Heinlein that the new novel proceeded inexorably from unresolved matters in Children, a statement easily supported by a careful reading of Children.

On 14 July 1965, barely a month before his death, E. E. Smith gave written permission to William B. Ellern to continue the Lensman series, which led to the publishing of New Lensman in 1976. Smith's long-time friend, Dave Kyle, wrote three authorized added novels in the Lensman series that provided background about the major non-human Lensmen.

Influenced works

Randall Garrett wrote a parody entitled Backstage Lensman which Dr. Smith reportedly enjoyed. Harry Harrison also parodied Smith's work in the novel, Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers.

Steve 'Slug' Russell wrote the original computer game Spacewar! inspired by the space battles from the Lensman series.

The GURPS role-playing game includes a worldbook based on the Lensman series.

There is a Japanese Lensman anime, but it is more an imitation of Star Wars than a translation of the Lensman novels. Efforts to print translations of the associated manga in the United States in the early 1990s without payment of royalties to the Smith family were successfully blocked in court by Verna Smith Trestrail.

In his biography, George Lucas reveals that the Lensman novels were a major influence on his youth. J. Michael Straczynski, creator of the science fiction television series Babylon 5, also has acknowledged the influence of the Lensman books.

Scientific references

As well as influencing the course of popular culture, Smith was also a huge influence on modern warfare. His books were widely read by scientists and engineers from the 1930s until the 1970s. Ideas that arguably entered the military-scientific complex from Smith's work included SDI (Triplanetary), stealth (Gray Lensman) and OODA-loops/C3 based warfare and the AWACS (Gray Lensman).

An influence that is inarguable was described in an 11 June 1947 letter[60] to Doc from John W. Campbell (the editor of Astounding magazine, where much of the Lensman series was originally published). In it, Campbell relayed Captain Cal Lanning's acknowledgment that he had used Smith's ideas for displaying the battlespace situation (called the "tank" in the stories) in the design of the United States Navy's ships' Combat Information Centers. "The entire set-up was taken specifically, directly, and consciously from the Directrix. In your story, you reached the situation the Navy was in — more communication channels than integration techniques to handle it. You proposed such an integrating technique and proved how advantageous it could be. You, sir, were 100% right. As the Japanese Navy— not the hypothetical Boskonian fleet— learned at an appalling cost."

One underlying theme of the later Lensman novels was the difficulty in maintaining military secrecy—as advanced capabilities are revealed, the opposing side can often duplicate them. This point was also discussed extensively by John Campbell in his letter to Doc.[61]

The beginning of the story the Skylark of Space describes in relative detail the protagonists research into separation of platinum group residues, subsequent experiments involving electrolysis and the discovery of a process evocative of cold fusion (over 50 years before Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann). He describes a nuclear process yielding large amounts of energy and producing only negligible radioactive waste—which then goes on to form the basis of the adventures in the Skylark books. Smith's general description of the process of discovery is highly evocative of Röntgen's descriptions of his discovery of the X-ray.

Another theme of the Skylark novels involves precursors of modern information technology. The humanoid aliens encountered in the first novel have developed a primitive technology called the "mechanical educator," which allows direct conversion of brain waves into intelligible thought for transmission to others or for electrical storage. By the third novel in the series, Skylark of Valeron, this technology has grown into an "Electronic Brain" which is capable of computation on all "bands" of energy—electromagnetism, gravity, and "tachyonic" energy and radiation bands included. This is itself derived from a discussion of reductionist atomic theory in the second novel, Skylark Three, which is evocative of modern quark and sub-quark theories of elementary particle physics.

In his later non-series novels, Galaxy Primes, Subspace Explorers, and Subspace Encounter, E. E. Smith explores themes of telepathy and other mental abilities collectively called "psionics," and of the conflict between libertarian and socialistic/communistic influences in the colonization of other planets.

Literary influences

In his essay "The Epic of Space," Dr. Smith listed (by last name only) authors he enjoyed reading: John W. Campbell, L. Sprague de Camp, Robert A. Heinlein, Murray Leinster, H.P. Lovecraft, A. Merritt (specifically The Ship of Ishtar, The Moon Pool, The Snake Mother, and Dwellers in the Mirage, as well as the character John Kenton), C.L. Moore (specifically Jirel of Joiry), Roman Frederick Starzl, John Taine, A.E. van Vogt, Stanley G. Weinbaum (specifically Trweel[62]), and Jack Williamson. In a passage on his preparation for writing the Lensman novels, he notes that Constantinescu's "War of the Universe" was not a masterpiece,[63] but says that Starzl and Williamson were masters; this suggests that Starzl's Interplanetary Flying Patrol may have been an influence on Dr. Smith's Triplanetary Patrol, later the Galactic Patrol. The feeding of the Overlords of Delgon upon the life-force of their victims at the end of chapter five of Galactic Patrol seems a clear allusion to chapter twenty-nine of The Moon Pool; Merritt's account of the Taithu and the power of love in chapters twenty-nine and thirty-four also bear some resemblance to the end of Children of the Lens. Dr. Smith also mentions Edgar Rice Burroughs, complaining about loose ends at the end of one of his novels.

Dr. Smith acknowledges the help of the Galactic Roamers writers' workshop, plus E. Everett Evans, Ed Counts, an unnamed aeronautical engineer, Dr. James Enright, and Dr. Richard W. Dodson. Dr. Smith's daughter, Verna, lists the following authors as visitors to the Smith household in her youth: Lloyd Eshbach, Robert A. Heinlein, Dave Kyle, Bob Tucker, Jack Williamson, Fred Pohl, A. Merritt, and the Galactic Roamers. Dr. Smith cites Bigelow's Theoretical Chemistry–Fundamentals as a justification for the possibility of the inertialess drive. There is also an extended reference to Rudyard Kipling's "Ballad of Boh Da Thon" in Gray Lensman.

Sam Moskowitz's biographical essay on Dr. Smith in Seekers of Tomorrow states that he regularly read Argosy magazine, and everything by H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, H. Rider Haggard, Edgar Allan Poe, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Moskowitz also notes that Dr. Smith's "reading enthusiasms included poetry, philosophy, ancient and medieval history, and all of English literature."[64] (Dr. Smith's grandson notes that he spoke, and sang, German.[65]) The influence of these is not readily apparent, except in the Roman section of Triplanetary, and in the impeccable but convoluted grammar of Dr. Smith's narration. Some influence of nineteenth century philosophy of language may be detectable in the account in Galactic Patrol of the Lens of Arisia as a universal translator, which is reminiscent of Frege's strong realism about Sinn, that is, thought or sense.

Both Moskowitz and Smith's daughter Verna Smith Trestrail report that Dr. Smith had a troubled relationship with John Campbell, the editor of Astounding. It is noteworthy that Dr. Smith's most successful works were published under Campbell, but the degree of influence is uncertain. The original outline for the Lensman series had been accepted by F. Orlin Tremaine,[66] and Dr. Smith angered Campbell by showing loyalty to Tremaine at his new magazine, Comet, when he sold him "The Vortex Blaster" in 1941.[67] Campbell's announcement of Children of the Lens, in 1947, was less than enthusiastic.[68] Campbell later said that he published it only reluctantly,[69] though he praised it privately,[70] and bought little from Smith thereafter.

Fictional appearances

Doc himself appears as a character in the 2006 novel The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont. The novel describes friendship and rivalry among pulp writers of the 1930s; it also includes Walter Gibson, creator of The Shadow, and Lester Dent, creator of Doc Savage. He also appears as "Lensman Ted Smith" in the 1980 novel "The Number Of The Beast" by Robert A. Heinlein.




  1. Triplanetary (Amazing Stories Jan–Apr 1934, Fantasy Press 1948)[72]
  2. First Lensman (Fantasy Press 1950)
  3. Galactic Patrol (Astounding Stories Sep 1937–Feb 1938, Fantasy Press 1950)
  4. Gray Lensman (Astounding Stories Oct 1939–Jan 1940, Fantasy Press 1951)
  5. Second Stage Lensman (Astounding Stories Nov 1941–Feb 1942, Fantasy Press 1953)
  6. Children of the Lens (Astounding Stories Nov 1947–Feb 1948, Fantasy Press 1954)
  7. The Vortex Blaster, also known as Masters of the Vortex (Comet July 1941, Astonishing Stories Jun & Oct 1942, Gnome Press 1960)


  1. The Skylark of Space (written 1915–1920 with Mrs. Lee Hawkins Garby, Amazing Stories Aug–Oct 1928, Buffalo Book Co. 1946. Paperback edition, heavily revised and without the co-author credit, Pyramid Books 1958)
  2. Skylark Three (Amazing Stories Aug–Oct 1930, Fantasy Press 1948)
  3. Skylark of Valeron (Astounding Stories Aug 1934–Feb 1935, Fantasy Press 1949)
  4. Skylark DuQuesne (Worlds of If Jun–Oct 1965, Pyramid Books 1966)


  1. Subspace Explorers (Canaveral Press 1965, Ace 1968; the first 30 pages of the book appeared in Astounding Jul 1960)
  2. Subspace Encounter (1983)
File:Clockwork traitor.JPG
The Clockwork Traitor (1976), 1977 Panther paperback edition. 160 pages

Family d'Alembert (with Stephen Goldin - in fact only parts of the first book are by Smith, the rest is by Goldin based on Smith's novella)

  1. Imperial Stars (1976)
  2. Stranglers' Moon (1976)
  3. The Clockwork Traitor (1976)
  4. Getaway World (1977)
  5. Appointment at Bloodstar, also known as The Bloodstar Conspiracy (1978)
  6. The Purity Plot (1978)
  7. Planet of Treachery (1981)
  8. Eclipsing Binaries (1983)
  9. The Omicron Invasion (1984)
  10. Revolt of the Galaxy (1985)

Lord Tedric (with Gordon Eklund)

  1. Lord Tedric (1978)
  2. The Space Pirates (1979)
  3. Black Knight of the Iron Sphere (1979)
  4. Alien Realms (1980)


  • Spacehounds of IPC (Amazing Stories Jul–Sep 1931, Fantasy Press 1947, Ace 1966)
  • The Galaxy Primes (Amazing Stories Mar–May 1959, Ace 1965. Dr. Smith expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the editing of this novel.)
  • Masters of Space (1976) (with E. Everett Evans)
  • Edward E. Smith (2001). Have Trenchcoat — Will Travel, and Others. Advent. ISBN 0-911682-33-3.


  • Some Clays of Idaho, (with Chester Fowler Smith) undergraduate thesis, University of Idaho, 1914. [73]
  • The effect of bleaching with oxides of nitrogen upon the baking quality and commercial value of wheat flour, Ph.D. thesis, George Washington University, 1919, approximately 100 pp.[74]
  • "A study of some of the chemical changes which occur in oysters during their preparation for market," Bureau of Chemistry, U.S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 740, 1919, 24 pp.[75]
  • "Viscosity and Baking Quality," Cereal Chemistry 2, 178-89, 1925.[76]
  • "Report of the Subcommittee on Hydrogen-Ion Concentration with Special Reference to the Effect of Flour Bleach," Cereal Chemistry 9, 424–8, 1932.[77]
  • "Catastrophe" (Astounding Science Fiction May 1938).
  • Worldcon Guest of Honor Speech, originally presented at Chicon I on September 1 1940. To be published in Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches, edited by Mike Resnick and Joe Siclari, ISFiC Press, August 23 2006.
  • "The Epic of Space" in Of Worlds Beyond: The Science of Science Fiction Writing, edited by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach (Fantasy Press 1947; includes a biographical sketch).
  • Introduction to Man of Many Minds by E. Everett Evans (Fantasy Press 1953).

Secondary sources


  1. ^ Moskowitz p. 11. For this and all following dates, see also the timelines in Lucchetti pp. 31–5 and 113–147 and, to a lesser extent, Sanders pp. 1–2.
  2. ^ Sanders p. 1 & 7. Trestrail p. 2 instead says that the family moved that year to Idaho, but Moskowitz p. 11–12 and Eshbach p. 85 both seem to agree with Sanders.
  3. ^ Sanders p. 1.
  4. ^ Moskowitz p. 11–12.
  5. ^ Letter from Flip Kleffner, Director of Alumni Relations, University of Idaho Alumni Association, to Verna Smith Trestrail, dated 27 February 1984.
  6. ^ Sanders p. 8
  7. ^ Latah County, Idaho Star-Mirror, March 25 1915.
  8. ^ Trestrail pp. 3 & 4, Sanders p. 8, Moskowitz p. 13. Trestrail spells the name "Allen."
  9. ^ Z9M9Z: "Noreascon 4".
  10. ^ Lucchetti p. 32, Warner, Moskowitz p. 22.
  11. ^ Moskowitz p. 13.
  12. ^ See the photo at Lens FAQ p. 0. According to Warner, he applied unsuccessfully to serve as an aviator. The other biographies on silent on his wartime service.
  13. ^ Sanders pp. 8-9, Moskowitz p. 14.
  14. ^ Sanders p. 1
  15. ^ Moskowitz p. 13.
  16. ^ Sanders p. 1, Lucchetti p. 32, Barrett p. 4 following Sanders.
  17. ^ See bibliography, below.
  18. ^ Moskowitz p. 13.
  19. ^ Sanders p. 1
  20. ^ Sanders p.1, Moskowitz p. 14. Warner says 1921.
  21. ^ Sanders p. 9, Moskowitz p. 15.
  22. ^ Sanders pp. 1 & 9, Moskowitz p. 15. Both Moskowitz and Sanders (p. 1 but not p. 9) say that T. O'Conor Sloane was the editor who accepted it, but according to the Wikipedia article on T. O'Conor Sloane, he was managing editor until 1929, when he became editor, replacing Hugo Gernsback.
  23. ^ Moskowitz p. 15.
  24. ^ Moskowitz p. 15. As noted above, Warner instead says that Dr. Smith had already begun work.
  25. ^ E.g., a letter from John W. Campbell on pages 567–8 of the September issue, which ends by stating that Skylark of Space had been "the best story of scientifiction ever printed," but which consists mainly of devastating criticism of the stories' science.
  26. ^ Moskowitz p. 16
  27. ^ Moskowitz p. 16, Sanders p. 65.
  28. ^ Warner.
  29. ^ Sanders p. 65. The book does however have significant scientific implausibilities, for example the breathable atmosphere on Saturn and some of its and Jupiter's satellites.
  30. ^ Warner.
  31. ^ Sheridan p. 3
  32. ^ Rogers p. 26.
  33. ^ Moskowitz p. 16, Rogers p. 14.
  34. ^ Moskowitz p. 16.
  35. ^ Warner.
  36. ^ Lyman Cleveland's comment on the easy availability of "solid asteroids of iron," Amazing March 1934, p. 16, first edition p.196, as proving the pointlessness of the Nevians' attack.
  37. ^ Cleveland's expectation, correct according to Special Relativity, that inertialess travel would not be faster than light in the home reference frame, p. 223.
  38. ^ Nerado's comment, "Destruction, always destruction… they are a useless race," February p. 81, p. 160.
  39. ^ Costigan & Bradley's lack of comment when they discover that the ship they are on has passed the speed of light, February p. 84, p. 168. This is the first mention in the story of faster-than-light travel.
  40. ^ Costigan & Bradley's failure to object, when told of the Nevians' impending second raid on Tellus, that they could easily obtain iron without further destruction, February p. 88, p. 175.
  41. ^ Moskowitz p. 17, Rogers p. 14.
  42. ^ Moskowitz p. 17, citing "Stories We Reject" in Fantasy Magazine December 1934.
  43. ^ Moskowitz p. 17
  44. ^ Moskowitz p. 17–8, Rogers pp. 24–30. Rogers agrees with Moskowitz that Astounding became the leading science fiction magazine during this period, but does not attribute this solely to Dr. Smith.
  45. ^ Moskowitz p. 19, Warner.
  46. ^ The earliest web source for this claim seems to be Computer games: 40 years of fun, ZDNet UK, November 23 2001 by Graeme Wearden; the article does not provide a source, and the claim may have been added by a colleague. (Private correspondence, July 4, 2006.) Searches at Google patent (www.google.com/patent) on various combinations of Dr. Smith's name have not uncovered any patents which relate to his professional biography and supposed accomplishments in the pastry field.
  47. ^ "The Epic of Space" p. 83.
  48. ^ "The Epic of Space" p. 84. 'Canstantinescu's "War of the Universes"' is apparently an error for "The War of the Universe" by Clinton Constantinescu, Amazing Stories Quarterly, Fall 1931.
  49. ^ "The Epic of Space" p. 85.
  50. ^ Gharlane LensFaq section 1, Moskowitz p. 19, "The Epic of Space" p. 85. Note that Dr. Smith's account in "The Epic of Space" does not mention Tremaine's commitment. Moskowitz says that the outline was eighty pages; Dr. Smith only mentions that the section on Galactic Patrol was "only a few pages long."
  51. ^ "The Epic of Space" p. 85.
  52. ^ "The Epic of Space" p. 86.
  53. ^ Moskowitz p. 19
  54. ^ The Commandant’s account of the Patrol’s early history at the beginning of the magazine version of Galactic Patrol does not describe what happened in the magazine version of Triplanetary; the reference to Virgil Samms and the Triplanetary Patrol is a later interpolation. (Astounding September 1937 pp. 12–13; cp. Fantasy Press edition pp. 8–9.) The reference to "the days of the semi-inert drive" and the Third Galactic Survey on page 34 of the same issue is not consistent with the history of partial inertialessness in either version of Triplanetary, and is omitted from page 42 of the Fantasy Press edition. (Amazing March 1934 pp. 28 & 33; cp. Fantasy Press edition pp. 223 & 231.) See also Gharlane's Lens FAQ Question 1. The Arisians’ near-omniscience about the future is also interpolated, e.g., Astounding January 1938 p. 127 vs. first edition p. 205.
  55. ^ Gharlane Lens FAQ Question 1 and footnote to rec.arts.sf.written posting; Moskowitz p. 20.
  56. ^ Sanders p. 10, Moskowitz p. 12.
  57. ^ Resnick & Siclari.
  58. ^ Sanders p. 10, afterword to Second Stage Lensman.
  59. ^ Pohl in Lucchetti p. 15, Al Trestrail in Lucchetti p. 19. Al Trestrail (p. 20) and Pohl (p. 14) also mention church attendance (Pohl in a fictional context), which none of the other sources seem to.
  60. ^ Letter from John W. Campbell to E. E. Smith, page 1-2, Dated 11 June 1947.
  61. ^ Letter from John W. Campbell to E. E. Smith, page 2-3, Dated 11 June 1947.
  62. ^ "The Epic of Space" p. 80. The conventional spelling is "Tweel", though the most accurate spelling is "Trrrweerrlll." ("A Martian Odyssey", The Best of Stanley G. Weinbaum p. 5.)
  63. ^ Both Constantinescu's name and title are misspelled in the essay: ‘Canstantinescu’s “War of the Universes”, p. 84.
  64. ^ Moskowitz p. 14.
  65. ^ Al Trestrail, in Lucchetti p. 20.
  66. ^ Moskowitz p. 19
  67. ^ Moskowitz p. 21
  68. ^ Moskowitz p. 23.
  69. ^ Sanders p. 15.
  70. ^ Letter to Clifford Simak June 18 1953, The John W. Campbell Letters Volume 1, p. 177.
  71. ^ In "The Epic of Space," Dr. Smith reveals that the core books of the Lensman series, Galactic Patrol, Gray Lensman, Second Stage Lensman, and Children of the Lens, were conceived as a unified whole. Some recommend reading the books in this order, followed by the revised Triplanetary, First Lensman, and The Vortex Blaster. The original versions of the core books are not consistent with the original version of Triplanetary; the connections between them are later interpolations.
  72. ^ The magazine version of Triplanetary was not part of the original Lensman series. For the book versions, passages were interpolated into the original Triplanetary, and earlier, pre-space-flight sections were added, forming the first third of the book. Some passages were added to or removed from the core books, to make them consistent with the new version of Triplanetary.
  73. ^ University of Idaho Libraries University of Idaho Libraries
  74. ^ Lucchetti, p. 113, worldcatlibraries.org
  75. ^ Lucchetti p. 113, Library of Congress
  76. ^ Lucchetti p. 113
  77. ^ Lucchetti p. 114
  78. ^ According to Gharlane, this is error-ridden: LensFaq section 7. Gharlane provides no details, but Moskowitz does get as basic a fact as the editorship of Amazing wrong, on page 15.