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Index of radio propagation articles

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This is an index to articles about terms used in discussion of radio propagation.


A-index - active region - Alfvén wave - amateur radio bands - anomalous propagation - antenna height above average terrain - Area to Area Lee Model - American Radio Relay League (ARRL) - atmospheric duct - aurora -


backscatter - bow shock - brightness temperature - Broadcast range- burst transmission


Cassegrain antenna - celestial equator - cellular telephony - Chapman function - clutter (radar) - co-channel interference - coherence bandwidth - coherence time - communication with submarines - Computation of radiowave attenuation in the atmosphere- Conder plot- conjugate points - corona - coronagraph - coronal hole - coronal loops - coronal mass ejection - cosmic noise - cosmic ray - COST Hata model - COST 231 model- Coverage map- Cp index - Creeping wave- critical frequency- Critical hours-


D region - decibel - delay spread - Dellinger effect- differential rotation - dipole antenna - directional antenna - diurnal phase shift - Diversity combining- diversity scheme - Doppler effect - Doppler shift - dose rate - Dst index - DXing


E region - E-layer - E-skip - Early ITU Model - Earth bulge- Earth–ionosphere waveguide- Earth Observing System (EOS) - Earth-Moon-Earth - eclipse - ecliptic - Effective Earth radius- Egli Model - electric beacon - electrojet - electromagnetic electron wave - electrostatic discharge - emission line - ephemeris - equatorial electrojet - equinox - Evershed effect - exosphere - expert system - extraordinary mode - extreme ultraviolet - extremely high frequency - Extremely low frequency (ELF) -


F region - F-layer - f-spot - facula - fade margin - fading - fading distribution - filament (solar physics) - flare (solar physics) - flutter (electronics and communication) - FM DX - Forbush decrease - forward scatter - free space - free-space path loss - frequency of optimum transmission - frequency-hopping spread spectrum - Fresnel zone - Friis transmission equation -


gamma rays - geomagnetic field - geomagnetic storm - geomagnetism - geosynchronous - Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) - GMT - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) - Ghosting (television)- GPS - Ground conductivity- Ground plane- ground wave - group velocity -


Hata Model for Open Areas - Hata Model for Suburban Areas - Hata Model for Urban Areas - heliosphere - helmet streamer - high frequency - high latitude - HRS type antennas -


Interference (wave propagation)- International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAG) - International Cometary Explorer (ICE) - International Geophysical Year (IGY) - International Magnetospheric Study (IMS) - intermediate-field region - interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) - interplanetary scintillation-- inversion (meteorology) - ion-acoustic wave - ionogram - ionosphere - ionospheric absorption - ionospheric reflection - ionospheric sounding - ionospheric storm - ITU Model for Indoor Attenuation - ITU Terrain Model -


K index - Kelvin-Helmholtz instability - Kennelly–Heaviside layer - knife-edge effect - Kp index - Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) -


long-delayed echo (LDE) - Line-of-sight propagation - linear energy transfer (LET) - Link budget- Log-distance path loss model - Longley–Rice model - low frequency - low probability of intercept - low-gain antenna - low-power communication device - lowest usable frequency (LUF) - lowest usable high frequency -


magnetic cloud - magneto-ionic double refraction - magnetogram - magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) - magnetopause - magnetosheath - magnetosphere - magnetotail - material scattering - Maunder minimum - maximum usable frequency (MUF) - Maxwell's equations- medium frequency - mesosphere - meteor burst communications - meteor scatter - microwaves - middle latitude - Mie scattering- Mie theory - Miniprop - Moreton wave - Multipath interference - Multipath propagation - mush zone - MW DX -


National Bureau of Standards (NBS) - National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Near Vertical Incidence Skywave - National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) - non-line-of-sight propagation - National Solar Observatory (NSO) -


Okumura Model - One Woodland Terminal Model - ordinary mode -


path loss - path profile - path quality analysis - penumbra - perigee - perihelion - photosphere - plasma - plasma frequency - plasmapause - plasmasphere - Point to Point Lee Model - Polar mesospheric summer echoes- power delay profile - prominence - Propagation path obstruction - pulse (signal processing) -


radiation belt - radiation scattering - radio blackout - Radio direction finder- radio frequency - radio horizon - radio propagation- radio propagation beacon - radio propagation model - Radio Society of Great Britain- ray tracing (physics) - Rayleigh fading - Rayleigh–Taylor instability - Rain fade- relative transmission level - RF Planning- Rician fading - ring current - riometer - Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN) -


Schumann resonance - selective fading - Shadow loss - shortwave relay station - side lobe - Signal-to-Interference Ratio - single event upset (SEU) - Single Vegetative Obstruction Model - SINPO code- skip (radio) - skip zone - sky wave - skywave - Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) - Synchronous Meteorological Satellite (SMS) - Software-defined radio - solar activity - solar constant - solar cycle - solar flare - solar flux - solar flux unit - solar maximum - solar minimum - solar radiation storm level - solar rotation rate - solar transition region - solar wind - solstice - Solar Observing Optical Network (SOON) - South Atlantic anomaly - Southern Hemisphere Auroral Radar Experiment - Space weather - spicule (solar physics) - SPLAT!- Sporadic E propagation - spray (solar physics) - Spread spectrum - stratosphere - substorm - sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID) - sunspot - sunspot cycle - sunspot number - super high frequency (SHF) - supergranulation - Surface wave - Solar X-ray Imager (SXI) - synodic - synoptic chart -


thermal fade - thermosphere - Time signal - total electron content - troposphere - Tropospheric propagation- tropospheric scatter - tropospheric wave - TV and FM DX -


UHF - UHF CB - ultrahigh frequency - ultraviolet - umbra - Union Radio Scientifique Internationale (URSI) -


Van Allen radiation belts - very high frequency - very low frequency - VOACAP-


wave propagation - Weibull fading - Weissberger's model - White Alice Communications System - Wolf number - WWV (radio station)


X band - X-band - X-ray - X-ray background - X-ray burst


Young Model -


Zeeman effect -

See also