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Talk:Gary Lauck

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Note to admins


I see that this page has previously been deleted as an attack page and I fully expect that it will once again be a target for vandalism. However as it stands it is a decent working stub (which I intend to expand in the future) and as such I would request that if it is vandalised it is restored to the original or last good version rather than being speedied. I will be keeping my eye on this page and will hope to revert any vandalism but in case I leave it for a while and it falls into disrepair I would ask admins to bear this in mind before deleting the article. Note also that I am not referring to the previously deleted version with any of these comments as I didn't see it and so don't know how bad it was. Thanks in advance. Keresaspa (talk) 00:33, 10 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

corrections requested



Dear Sir:

The entry for Gerhard Lauck claims I distributed terrorist material on CD. This is NOT true!

I have been ACCUSED of TERRORISMN many times, but never INDICTED, let alone CONVICTED of it! My sole convictions were overseas for non-violent political “thought crimes”.

Several years ago, I made corrections, but they were replaced again.

Other minor falsehoods include the claim that I have a Hitler mustache, speak with a fake German accent and shot my brother over politics. All untrue, but minor. The “Farm Belt Fuehrer” label comes from the ADL, according to a press report.

Sir, if a Neo-Nazi gave a label to a Jewish group, would you include that in the entry for that Jewish group?

Perhaps this is a minor point, but it does diminish your reputation as a reliable and unbiased source.

If you feel it must be included, then give the source AND counter-examples. For example, the U.K. edition of the READER’S DIGEST called me an “evil genius” in an interview entitled “EVIL GENIUS OF GERMANY’S NEO-NAZIS”. (Sept. 1995). Furthermore, DER SPIEGEL quoted my town’s mayor as describing me as a “model citizen”!

Also, I received a nomination to West Point.

For several years I was the Vice President of Marketing in a mail order company. I was hired after getting the highest test score in company history.

I notice entries for other White Nationalists include links to their web-sites. I have three: www.nazi-lauck-nsdap.com (politics), www.third-reich-books.com (English translations of Third Reich originals) and www.zensurfrei.com (web-hosting, primarily for European dissidents)

Books written by me include: The Education of an Evil Genius (available as e-book on Amazon) An Introduction to the NSDAP/AO: The Fight Goes On! (free download from www.nazi-lauck-nsdapao.com) Eine Einfuehrung zur NSDAP/AO: Der Kampf geht weiter! (free download same site) Die NSDAP/AO: Strategie, Propaganda und Organisation (free download same site)

If you wish, I could create a new extensive entry for myself and/or NSDAP/AO with sources, which you could check, edit, approve and use it whole or in part as you see fit. However, I believe it would be more appropriate for someone else to write it and to collaborate with me.

I am also mentioned in all the below books. I was also featured prominently in the Swedish film documentary Wahrheit macht frei!, which was broadcast in a dozen countries.

Additional Source Materials


HEUTE GEHÖRT UNS DIE STRAßE by Michael Schmidt. Based on his internationally distributed Swedish television documentary WAHRHEIT MACHT FREI. Publisher: Econ-Verlag, Düsseldorf/Vienna/New York/Moscow.

THE NEW REICH by Michael Schmidt. This is the English-language version of the above-mentioned book. Published in the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom. US-Publisher: Pantheon division of Randall.

NÉO-NAZIS. L’ENQUÊTE TERRIBLE by Michael Schmidt. This is the French-language version of the above-mentioned book. Publisher: JC Lattès, Paris.

NEONAZISTI by Michael Schmidt. This is the Italian-language version of the above-mentioned book. Publisher: Rizzoli, Milano.

OS NEO-NAZIS by Michael Schmidt. This is the Portuguese-language version of the above-mentioned book. Publisher: Edicðes Asa.

DRAHTZIEHER IM BRAUNEN NETZ. Publisher: ID-Archiv im internationalen Institut für Sozialgeschichte/Amsterdam, Cruquiusweg 31, NL-1019 Amsterdam.

DIE REIHEN FEST GESCHLOSSEN by Georg Christians. Publisher: Verlag Arbeit & Gesellschaft GmbH, Rosenstraße 12/13, D-3350 Marburg, Germany.

WAS DIE RECHTEN LESEN by Astrid Lange. Publisher: C.H. Beck, Munich.



EN MORGEN DE HELE WERELD? by Karel ten Haaf. Publisher: Fascisme Onderzoek Kollektief, Postbus 10748, 1001 ES Amsterdam.

DER VERFASSUNGSSCHUTZBERICHT. Published annually by the Federal Republic of Germany: Der Bundesminister des Innern, Graurheindorfer Straße 198, 5300 Bonn 1.

FREE TO HATE by Paul Hockenos. Publisher: Routledge, 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001. (U.K. Publisher: Rutledge, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE.)

AM RECHTEN RAND: LEXIKON DES RECHTSRADIKALISMUS by Rainer Fromm. Publisher: Schüren Presseverlag, Deutschhausstraße 31, 35037 Marburg, Germany.

DEUTSCHLAND ERWACHT by Henryk M. Broder. Publisher: Lamuv Verlag, Martinstr. 7, 5303 Bornheim-Merten. Distributed by Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag, Cologne.

IN HITLER’S SHADOW by Yaron Svoray and Nick Taylor. Publisher: Nan A. Talese – Doubleday, New York.

“WHITE POWER, WHITE PRIDE!”: THE WHITE SEPARATIST MOVEMENT IN THE UNITED STATES by Betty A. Dobratz and Stephanie L. Shanks-Meile. Published by Twayne Publishers, An Imprint of Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1633 Broadway, New York, New York 10019.

Television Programs

KOLN/KGIN/CBS (Lincoln). November 4, 1999 interview broadcast the same day.

KOLN/KGIN/CBS (Lincoln). November 2, 1999 report on the NSDAP/AO web-site.

Swedish state television. October 27, 1999 report on the ten-language NSDAP/AO web-site in Sweden.

KETV/ABC (Omaha) interview. Filmed August 14/15, 1999 in California, broadcast September 9, 1999.

CBS News interview. Filmed on March 16, 1995 (four days before Lauck’s arrest) in Denmark.

KRO Dutch television interview. Filmed in Lincoln February 14, broadcast in Holland February 19, 1995.

0 Globo television in Brazil. Filmed in Lincoln in early 1994, broadcast later that year.

Spiegel Fernsehen in Germany. Filmed in Lincoln in November 1993, broadcast the following year.

Hungarian state television. Filmed in Croatia in August 1993, broadcast the following year.

CBS News. Filmed in Lincoln in late 1992, broadcast in "Hitler and Stalin" in late 1994.

ABC Primetime. Filmed in Washington, DC in late 1991, broadcast in January 1992.

Swedish state television documentary "Wahrheit Macht frei!". Filmed in Denmark and East Berlin in July 1990, broadcast in 1991/1992 in a dozen countries.

CBS Sixty Minutes. Filmed in Lincoln and Chicago in late 1978, broadcast in January 1979 and July 1979.

Print Media Interviews

Lincoln Journal-Star. April 2, 1999. The Spotlight (Washington, DC). June 23, 1997. Vrij Nederland (Holland) June 19, 1996. Readers Digest (U.K. edition). September 1995. Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin (Munich). March 4, 1994. Omaha World-Herald. September 26, 1993. Los Angeles Times. September 7, 1993.


Sipa Press, 101 bd Murat, 75016 Paris. Tel. 47434743 or Sipa Press Inc., 30 W. 21st Street #6, New York, NY 10010. Tel. 1-212-463-0150, fax –0160. (talk) 13:27, 3 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]